Matches 2,151 to 2,200 of 83,474
# | Notes | Linked to |
2151 | !CENSUS:1790 Pendleton Dist, SC pg 85 w/Samuel BRYSON age 16+ (1774/90); CENSUS:1800 Buncombe Co, NC pg 163 w/Samuel BRYSON age 10-15 (1784/90); CENSUS:1810; CENSUS:1820; CENSUS:1830; CENSUS:1840; CENSUS:1850; | Bryson, Elisha Levi (I7750)
2152 | !CENSUS:1790 Pendleton Dist, SC pg 85 w/Samuel BRYSON age 16+ (1774/90); CENSUS:1800 Buncombe Co, NC pg 163 w/Samuel BRYSON age 16-25 (1774/84) CENSUS:1804 Walton Co, GA Eastern Dist, Will BRISEN, 2 persons; CENSUS:1810 * Buncombe Co, NC pg 73 William BRYSON age 26-44 (1765/84) "50010-00010"; CENSUS:1820; CENSUS:1830 * Wilson Co, TN pg 139 William BRISEN *; CENSUS:1840 * Cannon Co, TN pg 112 William BRYSON Sr *; CENSUS:1850; | Bryson, William (I7752)
2153 | !CENSUS:1790 Pendleton Dist, SC pg 85 w/William BRISON age -16 (1774/90); !CENSUS:1800 Buncombe Co, NC pg 162 w/William BRYSON age 16-25 (1774/84); !CENSUS:1810 Buncombe Co, NC pg 83 William BRYSON Jr age 26-44 (1765/1784) "20010-10100"; !NAMED:20 Jul 1817 Buncombe Co, NC (Rec Henderson Co, NC) William BRYSON to son and daughter William YOUNG and wife Mary, to my daughter Isabella and her son Hugh BRYSON, to my daughters Elizabeth BRYSON, Susanna BRYSON, Margaret BRYSON, Martha BRYSON, Jenny BRYSON, to my sons Joseph Bogle BRYSON, John BRYSON, William BRYSON. My six unmarried daughters. Exec: James FRAZAR, Joseph HENRY. Wit: H. DONALDSON, James FRAZAR; !DEED:21 Jul 1818 Buncombe Co, NC 12-432 Henry GRADY to William BRYSON, 140a Mill River.; !CENSUS:1820 Buncombe Co, NC pg 84 William BRYSON age 26-44 (1775/94) "320010-21010"; !DEED: 9 Apr 1829 Buncombe Co, NC 15-344 William BRYSON, et al to James JONES 263a French Broad River.; !CENSUS:1830 Buncombe Co, NC pg 215 William BRYSON age 40-49 (1780/90) "0130201-210201"; !DEED:18 Dec 1830 Buncombe Co, NC 17-11 State of North Carolina Grant # 2892 to William BRYSON, 25a Mill River.; !DEED:11 Apr 1831 Buncombe Co, NC 16-310 William BRYSON, et al to George JONES 250a Mouth of Cane Creek.; !POLL:1835 Buncombe Co, NC Free Bridge Precinct William BRYSON; !DEED: 5 Dec 1835 Buncombe Co, NC 20-214 State of North Carolina Grant # 338 to William BRYSON, 50a Mill River.; !DEED: 4 Jan 1837 Buncombe Co, NC 21-223 State of North Carolina Grant # 3531 to William BRYSON, 50a Mill River.; !DEED: 4 Jan 1837 Buncombe Co, NC 21-224 State of North Carolina Grant # 3532 to William BRYSON, 50a Mill River.; !DEED:11 Mar 1837 Buncombe Co, NC 21-234 William BRYSON to Phillip BRITTAIN 100a Mills River.; !DEED:11 Apr 1838 Buncombe Co, NC 21-234 John MILLER to William BRYSON, 40a Mill River.; !CENSUS:1840 Henderson Co, NC pg 151 William BRYSON Sr age 60-69 (1770/80) "000110001-00300001"; !CENSUS:1850 Henderson Co, NC # 660 William BRYSON, 71 (1778/79) *; | Bryson, William Jr (I4238)
2154 | !CENSUS:1790 Pendleton Dist, SC pg 85 w/William BRISON no ages (bef 1790); !CENSUS:1800 Buncombe Co, NC pg 162 w/William BRYSON age 0-9 (1790/1800); !CENSUS:1810 Buncombe Co, NC pg 96 w/William BRYSON Sr age 16-25 (1784/94); !NAMED:20 Jul 1817 Buncombe Co, NC (Rec Henderson Co, NC) William BRYSON to son and daughter William YOUNG and wife Mary, to my daughter Isabella and her son Hugh BRYSON, to my daughters Elizabeth BRYSON, Susanna BRYSON, Margaret BRYSON, Martha BRYSON, Jenny BRYSON, to my sons Joseph Bogle BRYSON, John BRYSON, William BRYSON. My six unmarried daughters. Exec: James FRAZAR, Joseph HENRY. Wit: H. DONALDSON, James FRAZAR; !CENSUS:1820 Buncombe Co, NC pg 116 w/Ezbel BRISON age 26-44 (1775/94); !CENSUS:1830 Buncombe Co, NC pg 216 Susannah BRISON age 30-39 (1790/1800) "001-200012"; !CENSUS:1840 Henderson Co, NC pg 134 Susannah BRYSON age 50-59 (1780/90) "00001-00200021"; !CENSUS:1850 Henderson Co, NC # 537 Susana BRYSON, 60 (1789/90) born NC, listed as Head of family, with several siblings residing with her; !CENSUS:1860 Henderson Co, NC pg 370B # 260/261 Jane BRYSON, 65 NC Susan, 70; | Bryson, Susannah (I9020)
2155 | !CENSUS:1790 Pendleton Dist, SC pg 85 w/William BRISON no ages (bef 1790); !CENSUS:1800 Buncombe Co, NC pg 162 w/William BRYSON age 16-25 (1774/84); !CENSUS:1810 Buncombe Co, NC pg 96 w/William BRYSON Sr age 16-25 (1784/94); !NAMED:20 Jul 1817 Buncombe Co, NC (Rec Henderson Co, NC) William BRYSON to son and daughter William YOUNG and wife Mary, to my daughter Isabella and her son Hugh BRYSON, to my daughters Elizabeth BRYSON, Susanna BRYSON, Margaret BRYSON, Martha BRYSON, Jenny BRYSON, to my sons Joseph Bogle BRYSON, John BRYSON, William BRYSON. My six unmarried daughters. Exec: James FRAZAR, Joseph HENRY. Wit: H. DONALDSON, James FRAZAR; !CENSUS:1820 Buncombe Co, NC pg 116 Elizabeth BRISON age 45+ (bef 1775) "100000-11001"; !CENSUS:1830 Buncombe Co, NC pg 216 Elizabeth BRISON age 40-49 (1780/90) "011-0001101"; !CENSUS:1840 Henderson Co, NC pg 132 Elizabeth BRYSON age 50-59 (1780/90) "0-11001002"; !CENSUS:1850; !CENSUS:1860 Henderson Co, NC # 53/53 Martin SIMPSON, 45 SC Nancy, 48 NC Elizabeth, 27 Susan, 20 Mary, 13 John M. 11 Elizabeth BRYSON, 79 NC; | Bryson, Elizabeth (I7789)
2156 | !CENSUS:1790 Pendleton Dist, SC pg 85 w/William BRISON no ages (bef 1790); !CENSUS:1800 Buncombe Co, NC pg 194 w/William YOUNG age 16-25 (1774/84); !CENSUS:1810 Buncombe Co, NC pg 98 w/William YOUNG age 26-44 (1764/84); !NAMED:20 Jul 1817 Buncombe Co, NC (Rec Henderson Co, NC) William BRYSON to son and daughter William YOUNG and wife Mary, to my daughter Isabella and her son Hugh BRYSON, to my daughters Elizabeth BRYSON, Susanna BRYSON, Margaret BRYSON, Martha BRYSON, Jenny BRYSON, to my sons Joseph Bogle BRYSON, John BRYSON, William BRYSON. My six unmarried daughters. Exec: James FRAZAR, Joseph HENRY. Wit: H. DONALDSON, James FRAZAR; !CENSUS:1820 Buncombe Co, NC pg 118 w/William YOUNG age 45+ (bef 1775); !CENSUS:1830; | Bryson, Mary (I4239)
2157 | !CENSUS:1790 Pendleton Dist., SC p. 11 Burt Moore age 16+ (bef 1774) 1-3-3-0-0-0 My analysis (who each person *might* be) 1m 16+ (bef 1774).. Burt Moore (c1756) 3m -16 (1774/1790). 1. John Moore (1784/90) son <--- ................... 2. Joseph Moore (c1787) son ................... 3. James Moore (c1789) son 3f (before 1790)... 1. Mrs. Moore, wife ................... 2. Daughter? ................... 3. Elizabeth Moore (c1778) dau !CENSUS:1800 Pendleton Dist., SC p. 113 Burt Moore age 16-25 (sic) (1774/1784) 13100-22111-0-3* My analysis (who each person *might* be) 1m 16-25 (1774/1784) Burt Moore (c1756)* 3m 10-15 (1784/1790) 1. John Moore (1784/90) son <--- .................... 2. Joseph Moore (c1787) son .................... 3. James Moore (c1789) son 1m 0-9 (1790/1800).. Daniel Moore (c1790) son 1f 45+ (before 1755) Mother? Mother-in-law? 1f 26-44 (1755/1774) Mary Glenn Moore (1780) wife 1f 16-25 (1774/1784) Elizabeth Moore (c1778) dau 2f 10-15 (1784/1790) 1. Daughter? .................... 2. Daughter? 2f 0-9 (1790/1800).. 1. Daughter? .................... 2. Sarah Moore (1798) dau * No one in the household old enough to be Burt himself. !CENSUS:1830 x Pickens Dist., SC p. 252 John Moore age 20-29 (1800/10) 00001-100010001. Pickens Dist., SC p. 304 John Moore age 20-29 (1800/10) 12001-000001; !NAMED-ESTATE:Burt Moore Pickens Co., SC Box 6, No 78 1836 Many papers - 2 May 1836 Will of Burt Moore proven by oath of Wiley Reaves Bailey Barlow Esqr, Exec of same. - 3 Apr 1835 Will of Burt Moore, Pickens Dist, SC advanced in years ... to my wife Mary ... my youngest son Hugh ... (also listed as "Hughy") ... land where Daniel Moore now lives ... Friend Bailey Barton to be Executor ... Witnesses: Phillip Young, Isaac (his mark) Anderson, Wiley (his mark) Reaves Signed: Burt (his mark) More - 6 May 1836 Inventory of Estate (6 pages) one section of Inventory lists what appears to be the other heirs but does not explicitly name them as such, but it does seem to be the heirs excluding Mary and Hugh were given specific items in the Will. This is important as no other list of heirs has been found to date. One A/C charged against - John Moore 70 <--- *** James Bruce 50 William Moore 25 James Moore 65 Moses Anderson 300 Presly T. Moore 230 Joseph Moore 75 Daniel Moore 100 - 23 and 24 May 1836 Sale of Inventory of Estate of Burt Moore many names, I didn't abstract what they purchased. Many were listed multiple times, I only transcribed them once. Being listed does not imply they are related, only that the probably lived nearby and attended the sale. Some are obviously related though. David Alcar? William Morgan Danl Moore John Winters William Duckworth John McKinny William Newmons Wiley Reavis Mary Moore Tillmon Cox Daniel Moody Richard Holdin A. Stewart Bailey Barto Isaac Anderson Davis Cox? Joseph Moore Abraham Stuart Bright Gilstrap Joseph Buckannon James Stephens Joseph Dodgins John Reid Jermiah Field Thornton Moore Samuel Moore West Patterson Saul Elberson Abraham Moore James McKinney William Alcar Bynum Barton Henry Whitmire Jas Cantrell Micajah Alcar John Ellingbury William Galloway; !CENSUS:1840 x * Not in Pickens. There is a John and a John A. listed, both born ca 1800/1810; | Moore, John (I106498)
2158 | !CENSUS:1790 Prince Frederick Parish, Georgetown Dist, SC pg 50 w/John CRIBB, no ages (bef 1790); !CENSUS:1800 Georgetown Dist, SC pg 757 w/John CRIBB Sr age 26-44 (1755/74); !CENSUS:1810 Georgetown Dist, SC pg 216 w/John CRIBB age 26-44 (1765/84); CENSUS:1820; | Sarah (I18678)
2159 | !CENSUS:1790 Prince George Parish, Georgetown Dist, SC pg 53 Alexander CAMPBELL age 16+ (bef 1774); !CENSUS:1800; !CENSUS:1810; | Campbell, Alexander (I65454)
2160 | !CENSUS:1790 Prince George Parish, Georgetown Dist, SC pg 53 w/Alex. CAMPBELL, no ages (bef 1790); !CENSUS:1800; | Priscilla (I65455)
2161 | !CENSUS:1790 Randolph Co., NC p. 295 John Stroud age 16+ (bef 1774) 1-1-2-0-0; !CENSUS:1800 Randolph Co., NC p. 344 John Stroud age 26-44 (1755/1774) 11010-30011-0-0; !CENSUS:1810 x | Stroud, John (I92308)
2162 | !CENSUS:1790 Randolph NC pg 99 Daniel CRAVEN 16+ (bef 1774); CENSUS:1800; CENSUS:1810; CENSUS:1820; CENSUS:1830; CENSUS:1840; | Craven, Daniel (I84247)
2163 | !CENSUS:1790 Randolph NC pg 99 w/Thomas CRAVEN -16 (1774/1790); CENSUS:1800; CENSUS:1810; CENSUS:1820; CENSUS:1830; CENSUS:1840; CENSUS:1850; | Craven, Thomas (I84236)
2164 | !CENSUS:1790 Robeson Co, NC pg 49 w/Joseph PAGE no ages (bef 1790); !CENSUS:1800 Robeson Co, NC pg 691 wJoseph PAGE age 45+ (bef 1755); !CENSUS:1810 Marion DIst, SC pg 32 w/Joseph PAGE age 45+ (bef 1765); !NOTE:May be dead by 1818 for not named in Joseph's will; !REFERENCE: A History of Marion County, South Carolina From Its Earliest Times to the Present, 1901, by W. W. Sellers, Esq., of the Marion Bar. 1902. pp. 162-166 ... Joseph died about the first of the ninetenth century, leaving three sons and several daughters; his wife was a Miss Horn; his sons were Joseph and Abram and John W. ; | Horn (I61475)
2165 | !CENSUS:1790 Robeson Co., NC p. 141 Arthur Dees age 16+ (bef 1774) 4-1-4-0-2 * Next to Aaron Turner; !DEED:-- --- 1796 Robeson Co., NC Deed Book E. p 349 State of NC Grant to Arthur Dees, 100a W Back Swamp; !DEED:-- --- 1797 Robeson Co., NC Deed Book F, p. 229 State of NC Grant to Arthur Dees, 100a Back Swamp; !CENSUS:1800 Marion Dist., SC p. 449/793 Auther Dees age 45+ (bef 1755) 00001-00001-0-2 * Son Malachi Dees two houses away * Thomas Garrat next door. Husband of daughter Sarah perhaps? She married a Garrett; !CENSUS:1810; !WILL:21 Mar 1817 Marion Co., SC Will Book 1, p. 162 Arthur Dees, recorded 3 Jun 1829 Wife Susanna Dees sons Malachi Dees Abraham Dees Levi Dees and my three daughters Selety Turner Mary Lowry Sarah Garrett Grandson Archibald Dees my three young children: Susanna Charity Curtis S: Arthur (V) Dees Wit: John Gregg, Janett Gregg, William Gregg; !DEED:16 Jan 1818 Marion Dist., SC Deed Book H, p. 31 Mark Turner of Marlborough Dist, SC to Arthur Deas of Marion Dist for $100, 88 a granted to James Freeman 2 Feb 1789 sold to Mark Turner 15 Jan 1810. S: Mark Turner Wit: James Garrett, Thomas (X) Garrett; | Dees, Arthur (I107637)
2166 | !CENSUS:1790 Robeson Co., NC pg 146 Moses Grantham age 16+ (bef 1774) 1-1-4-0-0; !CENSUS:1800 Robeson Co., NC pg 380 Moses Grantham age 26-44 (1755/74) 41010-12010-0-0; !NAMED-WILL:31 Oct 1813 Robeson Co., NC Richard Grantham. 31 Oct 1813. Proven Nov 1817 Wife Sarah. Son Moses Son Richard Son Joseph Son Joshua Daughter Fabitha Ammons Daughter Tabitha Watson Heirs of Sarah Ammons Daughter Mary Bennet Daughter Jane Adams Daughter Hannah Smith. From: Abstracts of Robeson County Wills Book I. Compiled by Dr. Morris Britt (no date) (New Hanover County Public Library) | Grantham, Moses (I81775)
2167 | !CENSUS:1790 Robeson Co., NC pg 146 Richard Grantham Jr. age 16+ (bef 1774) 1-0-3-0-0; !CENSUS:1800 Robeson Co., NC pg 380 Richard Grantham age 26-44 (1755/74) 30010-22010-0-0; !NAMED-WILL:31 Oct 1813 Robeson Co., NC Richard Grantham. 31 Oct 1813. Proven Nov 1817 Wife Sarah. Son Moses Son Richard Son Joseph Son Joshua Daughter Fabitha Ammons Daughter Tabitha Watson Heirs of Sarah Ammons Daughter Mary Bennet Daughter Jane Adams Daughter Hannah Smith. From: Abstracts of Robeson County Wills Book I. Compiled by Dr. Morris Britt (no date) (New Hanover County Public Library) | Grantham, Richard (I81776)
2168 | !CENSUS:1790 Robeson Co., NC pg 146 Richard Grantham Sr. age 16+ (bef 1774) 2-1-4-0-0; !CENSUS:1800 Robeson Co., NC pg 379 Richard Grantham age 45+ (bef 1755) 00201-00001-0-1; !CENSUS:1810 x !WILL:31 Oct 1813 Robeson Co., NC Richard Grantham. 31 Oct 1813. Proven Nov 1817 Wife Sarah. Son Moses Son Richard Son Joseph Son Joshua Daughter Fabitha Ammons Daughter Tabitha Watson Heirs of Sarah Ammons Daughter Mary Bennet Daughter Jane Adams Daughter Hannah Smith. From: Abstracts of Robeson County Wills Book I. Compiled by Dr. Morris Britt (no date) (New Hanover County Public Library) | Grantham, Richard (I81773)
2169 | !CENSUS:1790 Robeson Co., NC pg 146 Tabitha Watson no ages (bef 1790) 0-4-2-0-0 Next to father Richard Grantham Sr.; !CENSUS:1800 x !CENSUS:1810 x !NAMED-WILL:31 Oct 1813 Robeson Co., NC Richard Grantham. 31 Oct 1813. Proven Nov 1817 Wife Sarah. Son Moses Son Richard Son Joseph Son Joshua Daughter Fabitha Ammons Daughter Tabitha Watson Heirs of Sarah Ammons Daughter Mary Bennet Daughter Jane Adams Daughter Hannah Smith. From: Abstracts of Robeson County Wills Book I. Compiled by Dr. Morris Britt (no date) (New Hanover County Public Library) !DEED: 7 Dec 1815 Robeson Co., NC Deed Book T page 20 Tabitha Watson, Solomon Watson, Richard Watson, and Hardy Watson, all of Robeson, to Jonathan Watson of same ...; !CENSUS:1820 x | Grantham, Tabitha (I81779)
2170 | !CENSUS:1790 Robeson Co., NC pg 146 w/Tabitha Watson age under 16 (1774/1790) 0-4-2-0-0 !CENSUS:1800; !CENSUS:1810 Robeson Co., NC pg 239-160 Jonathan Watson age 26-44 (1765/84) or 45+ (bef 1765) 10011-00100-0-0; !DEED: 7 Dec 1815 Robeson Co., NC Deed Book T page 20 Tabitha Watson, Solomon Watson, Richard Watson, and Hardy Watson, all of Robeson, to Jonathan Watson of same ...; !CENSUS:1820 x | Watson, Jonathan (I81793)
2171 | !CENSUS:1790 Robeson Co., NC pg 146 w/Tabitha Watson age under 16 (1774/1790) 0-4-2-0-0 !CENSUS:1800; !CENSUS:1810 Robeson Co., NC pg 239-160 Solomon Watson age 26-44 (1765/84) 10010-10100-0-0; !DEED: 7 Dec 1815 Robeson Co., NC Deed Book T page 20 Tabitha Watson, Solomon Watson, Richard Watson, and Hardy Watson, all of Robeson, to Jonathan Watson of same ...; !CENSUS:1820 x Not in Robeson. | Watson, Solomon (I81790)
2172 | !CENSUS:1790 Robeson Co., NC pg 146 w/Tabitha Watson age under 16 (1774/1790) 0-4-2-0-0 !CENSUS:1800; !CENSUS:1810 x not in Robeson; !DEED: 7 Dec 1815 Robeson Co., NC Deed Book T page 20 Tabitha Watson, Solomon Watson, Richard Watson, and Hardy Watson, all of Robeson, to Jonathan Watson of same ...; !CENSUS:1820 x !CENSUS:1830 Cumberland Co., NC pg 97 Hardy Watson age 40-49 (1780/90) 0130001-0010011; !CENSUS:1840 Cumberland Co., NC 283 Hardy Watson age 40-49 (1790/1800) 0011101-01111; !CENSUS:1850 Robeson Co., NC The Upper Division # 434/434 Hardy Watson 63 Farmer $50 NC Mary 44 Andrew 9 Harbard 1/12 Margaret 16; | Watson, Hardy (I81792)
2173 | !CENSUS:1790 Robeson Co., NC pg 146 w/Tabitha Watson age under 16 (1774/1790) 0-4-2-0-0 !CENSUS:1800; !CENSUS:1810 x not in Robeson; !DEED: 7 Dec 1815 Robeson Co., NC Deed Book T page 20 Tabitha Watson, Solomon Watson, Richard Watson, and Hardy Watson, all of Robeson, to Jonathan Watson of same ...; !CENSUS:1820 x not in Robeson; | Watson, Richard (I81791)
2174 | !CENSUS:1790 Robeson Co., NC pg 150 Daniel Wilkerson age 16+ (bef 1774) 1-0-0-0-0 *3 houses from James Watson; !CENSUS:1800 Robeson Co., NC pg 425 Daniel Wilkerson age 26-44 (1755/74) 20010-10010-0-0* *Appears to be a 2 in the males over 45 column, partially erased, or perhaps a stray mark instead.; !CENSUS:1810 Robeson Co., NC pg 126 Danl Wilkerson age 26-44 (1765/84) 41010-21010-0-0 AND !CENSUS:1810 Robeson Co., NC pg 133 Daniel Wilkerson age 16-25 (1784/94) 00100-00000-0-0; !CENSUS:1820 Robeson Co., NC pg 294 Danl Wilkeson age 45+ (bef 1775) 221201-01202-0-0 !CENSUS:1830 Robeson Co., NC pg 231 Daniel Wilkeson age 60-69 (1760/70) 001231001-00002102 Slaves=000000-000000; !DEED:17 Dec 1838 Robeson Co., NC Deed Book X page 184 Agreement among Heirs of Alexander Watson, decd. "Thereas by the Will of Sarah Watson decd and a corroborating Will of Margaret Watson decd, a certain lot of Negroes equally divided between Alexander Watson & James Watson and whereas the said Alexander Watson died Intestate therefore by mutual agreement of the heirs of said A. Watson ..... to the said James Watson ... Wit: Saml Watson, John McNair, A. C. Leach S: James Watson Daniel Wilkison Elizabeth (X) Wilkison John Watson Alexander Watson James Watson Jr Christian (X) Watson Jennet (X) Watson Katherine (X) Watson !CENSUS:1840 Robeson Co., NC pg 217 Daniel Wilkeson age 60-69 (1770/80) 000120101-000000202 Slaves=000000-010000; !DEED:20 Feb 1841 Robeson Co., NC Deed Book Z page 214 Daniel & Elizabeth Wilkison to Alexander Wilkison ...; !CENSUS:1850 Robeson Co., NC The Upper Division # 74/74 Daniel Wilkison 80 Farmer $500 Scotland Sarah 52 NC James 51 Farmer Jane 49 Daniel 35 Taylor Edward 30 Farmer Margaret McMillan 78; !WILL: 7 Dec 1852 Robeson Co., NC Daniel Wilkison, 7 Dec 1852, proven May 1854 Sons Angus and Peter sons Daniel and Edward son Archibald son Alexander dau Sally dau Jane sons Alexander and Edward Executors Wit: M. C. MacNair, J. B. MCallum Note: Will online at: | Wilkison, Daniel (I78684)
2175 | !CENSUS:1790 Robeson Co., NC pg 49 Joseph Page age 16+ (bef 1774) 1-2-3-0-1; !CENSUS:1800 Robeson Co, NC pg 691 Joseph PAGE age 45+ (bef 1755) "21001-11102-0-4"; !CENSUS:1810 Marion DIst, SC pg 32 Joseph PAGE age 45+ (bef 1765) "00101-00101"; !PROBATE ROLL # 630 Marion Co., SC Joseph Page 2 Mar 1818 Joseph Page, adm Will (no date) Dau Elizabeth Floyd, Delilah Floyd and Ann Herrin sons Ebraham (oldest son), John and Elias Page dau Susannah Page the youngest daughter wit: Edmund Price, Delilah Price proven 2 Mar 1818. Joseph Page (Jr), adm states Joseph is his father. He is not listed in Will.; !REFERENCE: A History of Marion County, South Carolina From Its Earliest Times to the Present, 1901, by W. W. Sellers, Esq., of the Marion Bar. 1902. pp. 162-166 Page. —Another pretty extensive family in the county are the Pages ; they are mostly on Bear Swamp and Ashpole, near the State line, and Buck Swamp and Little Pee Dee. Of the old Pages known to the writer, there were Joseph, Solomon and Thomas, and perhaps David. Joseph died about the first of the ninetenth century, leaving three sons and several daughters; his wife was a Miss Horn; his sons were Joseph and Abram and John W. The son, Joseph, settled on the paternal homestead, just across the State line, in North Carolina, owning lands, however, in both States; he married a Miss Connerly, a North Carolina lady; died many years ago, quite a thrifty man, leaving two sons, Joseph, and Timothy, and four daughters; his large landed property descended to his two sons, Joseph and Timothy. Joseph is dead, leaving sons and daughters, unknown to the writer. Timothy raised a considerable family, sons and daughters, and is still living. Timothy's sisters, all older than he and his brother, Joseph, married well ; one an Elvington, one a Lewis, one a Connerly, and another, the youngest. Civil, married William H. Oliver, of North Carolina, and became the mother of two of our most respected and worthy citizens, to wit : the late Joseph R. Oliver and the late Dr. Wm. A. Oliver, both quite prominent, whose descendants, sons and daughters, married and single, are among us now, treading in the footsteps of their honored and beloved sires. Abram Page, the second son of the first old Joseph, married Miss Alice Nichols, of Columbus County, N. C, and sister to our late respected fellow-citizen, Averett Nichols, of Nichols, S. C. He settled on Ashpole, below the mouth of Bear Swamp, on the place now owned by the Widow T. B. Braddy, and where she resides. Abram Page raised five sons and one daughter; the sons were David N., Averett, Abram B., Joseph N. and Dock, as he was called, and one daughter, Ava. David N. died in early manhood; I do not think he married ; Averett moved into North Carolina ; I do not know whom he married, nor of his family; Abram B. Page, well known by his contemporaries, settled and merchandised for many years at Nichols, S. C, and apparently did well for years, but finally failed, lost his mind, was carried to the Asylum at Columbia, S. C, and after staying there for a while, returned home and soon thereafter died; he never married; his fine property in and about Nichols was all sold and has gone into other hands. Joseph N. Page, of Page's Mill, settled there many years ago; he married a daughter of the late Elias B. Ford, by whom he had and raised only one child, a daughter, who in recent years married a Mr. L. W. Temple, of Raleigh, N. C, who has a family of several children. Joseph N. Page was a very safe man, accumulated a considerable property, which was all clear at his death, a few years ago. Dock Page, the youngest brother, and who inherited the old homestead, married Miss Addie Ayres, daughter of Thos. W. Ayres, and lived on the old homestead until a year or two ago, when he sold it to Mrs. Braddy, as herein stated, who now occupies it. Dock Page has a considerable family, unknown to the writer. Ava Page, the only daughter of Abram Page, married James D. Oliver, many years ago ; they removed to Texas ; nothing further is known of them. John W. Page died in middle life, and left two children, a son, Augustus Page, and a daughter. who married the late Aaron Oliver. Augustus Page married a Miss Page ; he died childless. ; | Page, Joseph (I61490)
2176 | !CENSUS:1790 Robeson Co., NC pg 49 Solomon Page age 16+ (bef 1774) 1-0-1-0-0; !CENSUS:1800 Marion Dist., SC pg 438 Solomon Page age 26-44 (1755/74) 20110-30010-0-1; !CENSUS:1810 Marion Dist., SC pg 11 Solomon Page age 45+ (bef 1765) 21101-22010-0-2; !CENSUS:1820 Marion Dist., SC pg 64 Solomon Page age 45+ (bef 1775) 300101-00101; !CENSUS:1830 Marion Dist., SC pg 41 Solomon Page age 60-69 (1760/70) 000020001-00100001; !CENSUS:1840; !PROBATE ROLL # 662A Marion Co., SC Solomon Page 3 Mar 1846 ... died intestate ... Avorett Nichols, adm ... no heirs named; !REFERENCE: A History of Marion County, South Carolina From Its Earliest Times to the Present, 1901, by W. W. Sellers, Esq., of the Marion Bar. 1902. pp. 162-166 Page. —Another pretty extensive family in the county are the Pages ; they are mostly on Bear Swamp and Ashpole, near the State line, and Buck Swamp and Little Pee Dee. Of the old Pages known to the writer, there were Joseph, Solomon and Thomas, and perhaps David. ... Solomon Page lived and died on Bear Swamp, on the road from Lumberton, N. C, to Nichols, S. C. ; his wife was a Miss Ford ; he raised a considerable family, sons and daughters ; the sons were Eli, Joseph, James E., David and John F., all of whom were our citizens thirty or forty years ago, but all now dead, each leaving a family of sons and daughters. They and their descendants and connections are numerous, and especially in that part of the county. Three of the sons, EH, John F. and David, married three sisters. Misses Bennett—somewhat remarkable. ; | Page, Solomon (I77160)
2177 | !CENSUS:1790 Rowan Co, NC pg 170 Henry MILLER age 16+ (bef 1774) "1-2-2-0-1" OR Rowan Co, NC pg 175 Henry MILLER age 16+ (bef 1774) "1-3-4-0-0"; CENSUS:1800 Rowan Co, NC pg 417 Henry MILLER age 45+ (bef 1755) "21101-11101-0-3" OR Rowan Co, NC pg 448 Henry MILLER age 45+ (bef 1755) "32101-22001-0-0"; CENSUS:1810 * apparently deceased; !NOTE:Children of Henry and Susanna (Source?) 1. Henry 2. Jacob 3. Sarah 4. Susanna; | Muller, Henry (aka Heinrich) (I1374)
2178 | !CENSUS:1790 Rowan Co, NC pg 170 w/William HOLDMAN no ages (bef 1790); CENSUS:1800 Rowan Co, NC pg 452 w/William HOLEMAN age 26-44 (1755/74); CENSUS:1810; | ? (I87636)
2179 | !CENSUS:1790 Rowan Co, NC pg 175 w/Michael MILLER no ages (bef 1790); CENSUS:1800 Rowan Co, NC pg 417 w/Michael MILLER age 45+ (bef 1755); !CENSUS:1810 Rowan Co, NC pg 274 w/Michael MILLER age 26-44 (1765/84); CENSUS:1820 Rowan Co, NC pg 317 Nancy MILLER age 45+ (bef 1775) "000100-00221"; CENSUS:1830; | Tansey, Nancy Ann (I1611)
2180 | !CENSUS:1790 Rowan Co, NC pg 176 Casper MILLER age 16+ (bef 1774) "3-1-5-0-0"; !CENSUS:1800; | Miller, Casper (I34324)
2181 | !CENSUS:1790 Rowan Co., NC p. 298 William Holdman age 16+ (bef 1774) 1-4-5-0-0; !CENSUS:1800 Rowan Co., NC p. 450/452 William Holeman age 26-44 (1755/1774) 42010-11210-0-0; !NAMED-WILL:15 Aug 1807 Rowan Co., NC Isaac Holeman Son Daniel Holeman dau Elizabeth Johnson son William Holeman son Isaac Holeman son Reuben Holeman son James Holeman dau Patience Dean son Thomas Holeman son John Holeman son Absolum Holeman dau Mary Neely son Jacob Holeman son David Holeman dau Patience Holeman grandson Isaac Holeman son of William Holeman Sons Jacob and David executors S: Isaac (X) Holeman Witnesses: R. Parvell, Benjamin Boone, John Cook. Pr May 1808; | Holeman, William (I117296)
2182 | !CENSUS:1790 Rowan Co., NC pg 345 Phillimon Wright age 16+ (bef 1774) 2-1-5-0-0; !CENSUS:1800 x | Wright, Philemon (I81433)
2183 | !CENSUS:1790 Rowan Co., NC pg 345 William Wright age 16+ (bef 1774) 1-1-2-0-0; !CENSUS:1800 x !CENSUS:1810; !CENSUS:1820; !CENSUS:1830 * Washington Co., IN pg 323 Wm Wright age 60-69 (1760/70) 000000001-000000001 - next to Philbert Wright (1760/70), Westly Wright (1800/10), Arvin Wright (1790/1800). I don't know that this is the same William from 1790 Rowan, but it works since that is where Philburt was back then; | Wright, William (I80049)
2184 | !CENSUS:1790 Rutherford Co, NC pg 116 Charles LEWIS age 16+ (bef 1774) "1-2-1-0-3"; CENSUS:1800 Rutherford Co, NC pg 123 Charles LEWIS age 26-44 (1755/74) "12010-30010"; CENSUS:1810 * Rutherford Co, NC pg 115 Charles LEWIS *; CENSUS:1820; CENSUS:1830; WILL:-- -- 1833 Rutherford Co, NC E-4 Charles LEWIS, pr Jan 1834. Wife Elizabeth, children: George, Pitman, John, Charles, Preston, Taliaferro, William, Mary, Sarah, Mildred, Elizabeth and Nancy. Daughter Nancy WHITESIDE. Sons-in-law Moses ZIMMIONS & Edward PATTERSON my executors. Wit: Daniel McCORMICK, George BLACK, John GREER. S: Charles Lewis; | Lewis, Charles Crawford (I27423)
2185 | !CENSUS:1790 Rutherford Co, NC pg 116 James MILLER Jr age 16+ (bef 1774) "2-2-7-0-3"; !CENSUS:1800 Rutherford Co, NC pg 126 James MILLER age 45+ (bef 1755) "11111-11201"; | Miller, James Jr (I94811)
2186 | !CENSUS:1790 Rutherford Co, NC pg 116 John EVANS age 16+ (bef 1774); CENSUS:1800 Rutherford Co, NC pg 108 John EVINS age 26-44 (1755/74); !DEED: 4 Jan 1802 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds 7-158 James LOVE to John EVANS, 150a Wolfpitt Branch; DEED: 5 Dec 1806 Buncombe Co, NC State Grant # 1566, 150a Bald Mountain; DEED: 5 Dec 1806 Buncombe Co, NC State Grant # 1566, 150a Little Mud Creek * (Probably in modern Henderson Co, MAG); CENSUS:1810; DEED: 17 Aug 1818 Buncombe Co, NC 12-341 100a Bald Mountain to Thomas ROGERS; CENSUS:1820; CENSUS:1830; CENSUS:1840; CENSUS:1850; | Evans, John (I86255)
2187 | !CENSUS:1790 Rutherford Co, NC pg 116 John LEWIS age 16+ (bef 1774) "1-2-1-0-4"; CENSUS:1800 Rutherford Co, NC pg 123 John LEWIS age 26-44 (1755/74) "21010-30010"; CENSUS:1810 * Rutherford Co, NC pg 114 John LEWIS *; CENSUS:1820; CENSUS:1830; CENSUS:1840; CENSUS:1850; | Lewis, Maj John (I27422)
2188 | !CENSUS:1790 Rutherford Co, NC pg 116 Micajah HARMON age 16+ (bef 1774) "1-4-5-0-0"; !CENSUS:1800 Rutherford Co, NC pg 115 Micajah HARMAN age 26-44 (1755/74) "01110-40011"; !CENSUS:1810 * Not found in Western NC; !CENSUS:1820 * Not found in Western NC; !CENSUS:1830; !CENSUS:1840; !CENSUS:1850; | Harmon, Michael (I14467)
2189 | !CENSUS:1790 Rutherford Co, NC pg 116 Richard LEWIS age 16+ (bef 1774) "1-1-2-0-9"; CENSUS:1800 Rutherford Co, NC pg 123 Richard LEWIS age 26-44 (1755/74) "10010-21110"; CENSUS:1810 * Rutherford Co, NC pg 113 Richard LEWIS *; CENSUS:1820; CENSUS:1830; CENSUS:1840; CENSUS:1850; !REFERENCE:History of Old Tryon and Rutherford County, NC " Col. Richard LEWIS was a son of John and Sarah TALIAFERRO LEWIS and was born in Albermale County, VA, about 1765 He was upwards of six feet high, with light hair blue eyes and fair complexion. he emigarted to Rutherford County, N.C., with his father before the Revolutionary War and was a saddler by trade. After the close of the war three of Rutherford County's public office were held at one time by the Lewis brothers. Col. Richard LEWIS was elected clerk of the court of pleas and quarter session on October 9, 1787, to succeed Felix WALKER, resigned. He was also a member of convetion held in 1789 to consider the constitution of the Untied States. he married Sarah MILLER, daughter of Gen. James MILLER, and his wife, Agnes MILLER, in 1789. Gen Miller and his wife were consins. They emigrated from Ireland, and he was an office in the Revolutionary War and commanded at the siege of Augusta, GA., and after the war represented Rutherford County as a senator in the General Assembly. General Miller reared two daughters: Sarah married Col. Richard LEWIS and the other married James ERWIN, of Rutherfordton. Richard LEWIS and his wife were members of the Episcopal church. they finally moved from Rutherford County, N.C. and settled near Pendleton, SC on the Seneca River, where he died in 1831 and she a few days later. their remains were interred at the stone church (Hopewell) near Pendleton SC. Col Richard LEWIS and his wife, Sarah MILLER, had nine children. The eldest, Mary Mansfield LEWIS was born in Rutherford County in 1790. She was the first graduate of Salem Academy, Forsyth County NC. Her father sent to London, England, for a piano and sent it to Salem for her especial benefit; it being the first piano in this part of the state. She was afterwards educated in Raleigh and became quitge an accomplished lady, was modest and unassuming, was a true patriot, and when the war of 1861 came on she worked early and late making clothes for the soldiers. She died of heart disease in 1872. She married Hon. John McDOWELL, of Pleasant Garden, McDowell County, NC, afterwas of Rutherford County. He was born in 1787, a son of Gen. Joseph McDOWELL, one of the heros of Kings Mountain, and a grandson of John McDOWELL. Hon. John McDOWELL represented Rutherford County in the house of commons, and ws for several years a Councillor of State. He resided on the north side of Broad River, above Island Ford, where he died in 1855. They had eleven children. (Essential facts of the above sketch gathered from Genealogy of the Lewis Family in America, pp. 305-306)"; | Lewis, Col Richard (I27421)
2190 | !CENSUS:1790 Rutherford Co, NC pg 116 Thomas ROWLAND age 16+ (bef 1774) "2-1-7-0-2"; | Rowland, Thomas (I27435)
2191 | !CENSUS:1790 Rutherford Co, NC pg 116 w/Alexander GRANT age -16 (1774/1790); !CENSUS:1800 Rutherford Co, NC pg 114 w/Alexander GRANT age 10-15 (1784/1790); !COURT:Jan 1809 Rutherford Co, NC Court of P&Q Susanna GRANT appointed guardian of William, Polly, John, Morris, James & Patsy GRANT, orphans and infants of Alexander GRANT, deceased; !CENSUS:1810 Rutherford Co, NC pg 377 w/Susanna GRANT age 16-25 (1784/1794); !DEED: 9 Dec 1812 Rutherford Co, NC 27/28-7 Ledbetter BRADLEY of Rutherford to William GRANT for $100, 100a on Branch of Cove Creek. Witness: James Morgan, John Hunter. S: Ledbetter Bradley; !MARRIAGE: 1 Feb 1813 Rutherford Co, NC William GRANT to Sally ELMS; !WITNESS:12 Apr 1813 Rutherford Co, NC 29/31-187 James MORGAN of Rutherford to Susannah GRANT of Rutherford, widow of Alexander GRANT, deceased for $90, 30a on Montford Cove, James Morgan being heir of Alexander Grant, deceased. Witness: John Grant, William Grant; !BONDSMAN:13 Oct 1818 Rutherford Co, NC m/o James GRANT to Nancy TOMERLIN; !COURT:Apr 1819 Rutherford Co, NC 1818-1819 pg 232 Jury duty William GRANT; !COURT:Jul 1819 Rutherford Co, NC 1818-1819 pg 246 Jury duty William GRANT; !COURT:Jul 1819 Rutherford Co, NC 1818-1819 pg 247 Jury duty William GRANT; !COURT:Jul 1819 Rutherford Co, NC 1818-1819 pg 254 Jury duty William GRANT; !COURT:Jul 1819 Rutherford Co, NC 1818-1819 pg 260 Jury duty William GRANT; !COURT:Jul 1819 Rutherford Co, NC 1818-1819 pg 263 Jury duty William GRANT; !CENSUS:1820 Rutherford Co, NC pg 344 William GRANT age 26-44 (1775/1794) "200010-10100"; !COURT:Jan 1823 Rutherford Co, NC 1821-25 pg 148 ... William GRANT ... Oath as Justice.; !COURT:Jan 1823 Rutherford Co, NC 1821-25 pg 149 ... William GRANT ... Justice; !DEED:24 Aug 1823 Rutherford Co, NC 34-186 Division of lands of Alexander GRANT, deceased to heirs. Tract # 1 to William GRANT, Tract # 4 to Polley MORGAN but transferred to William Grant, Tract # 2 to James GRANT, Tract # 3 to Patsey GRANT, Tract # 5 to John GRANT, Tract # 6 to Peggy MORGAN but transferred to John GRANT. S: D. Dickey, James Morris, James Humprhys, James Moore; !DEED:24 Aug 1823 Rutherford Co, NC 34-186 Division of lands of Alexander GRANT, deceased to heirs. Tract # 1 to William GRANT, 50 1/2a. Tract # 4 20 1/2a.; !DEED: 4 Mar 1824 Rutherford Co, NC 35-83 William GRANT and his wife Sarah GRANT for her right, 210a of the Estate of John ELMS, deceased. S: H. Harris, James Moore, Frederick Alexander; !COURT:Jun 1824 Rutherford Co, NC 1821-25 pg 262 ... William GRANT ... Justice; !WITNESS: 9 Feb 1825 Rutherford Co, NC Deed 34-350 Susanna GRANT to James GRANT; !COURT:14 Mar 1825 Rutherford Co, NC 1821-25 pg 331 Administration of Susannah GRANT, deceased to William GRANT and Thomas MORRIS. John GOODBREAD & James MORRIS, Securities; !COURT:Apr 1825 Rutherford Co, NC 1821-25 pg 346 William GRANT reappointed Justice in Captain BRADLEY's Company.; !COURT:May 1825 Rutherford Co, NC 1821-25 pg 352 Thomas MORRIS, William GRANT administrators of Susannah GRANT, deceased ordered to give account of sales.; !DEED:25 Aug 1825 Rutherford Co, NC 39/40-63 John GOODBREAD of Rutherford to William GRANT of Rutherford for $30, 87 1/2a. Witness: H. Harris, John Ledbetter. S: John Goodbread; !COURT:Jan 1826 Rutherford Co, NC 1825-1830 pg 46 Jury duty William GRANT; !DEED:31 Jan 1826 Rutherford Co, NC 36-20 We, William GRANT for himself, and as agent of James MORGAN, in right of his wife Peggy MORGAN, who was Peggy GRANT, James GRANT for himself, Jesse MORGAN, in right of his wife Polly MORGAN, who was Polly GRANT, John GRANT, Holland BRADLEY in right of his wife Patsy BRADLEY who was Patsy GRANT, all are bound unto each other for $1000, all heirs at law of Susannah GRANT, relict of Alexander GRANT, late of Rutherford, deceased. 119a on Cove Creek. Appoint James HUMPHREYS, Harbert HARRIS to be commissioners. S: James Morgan, W. Grant, James (x) Grant for himself and for Jesse Morgan. John Grant, Holland Bradley; !COURT:Apr 1826 Rutherford Co, NC 1825-1830 pg 66 William GRANT Appointed Justice in Captain BRADLEY's company; !COURT:Apr 1826 Rutherford Co, NC Justice; !COURT:Nov 1826 Rutherford Co, NC 1825-1830 pg 113 Court appoints William GRANT, guardians of Delincy ELMS & Jincey ELMS, orphans of John ELMS, deceased, Jones BRADLEY, Security; !COURT:Feb 1827 Rutherford Co, NC 1825-1830 pg 139 William GRANT appointed Administrator of Susanna GRANT, deceased; !COURT:Feb 1827 Rutherford Co, NC 1825-1830 pg 140 Ordered that David DICKEY, John BRADLEY and William D. RICHARDSON, Commissioners, settle with William GRANT, Thomas MORRIS, Adminsitrators of Susanna GRANT, deceased; !COURT:Jul 1827 Rutherford Co, NC 1825-1830 pg 179 William GRANT appointed Inspector of Polls, Cove precinct; !DEED: 5 Aug 1827 Rutherford Co, NC 41/42-11 James GRANT of Rutherford County to William GRANT of Rutherford for $300, 30 1/2a, Tract # 2 of Alexander GRANT, deceased. Witness: John Morgan, Jurat. S: James Grant; !DEED:15 Aug 1827 Rutherford Co, NC 39/40-406 William GRANT of Rutherford to James GRANT for $150, 25a drawn by William as heir of Alexander GRANT, deceased. Witness: John Logan, Jurat. S: W. Grant; !COURT:Apr 1828 Rutherford Co, NC 1825-30 pg 238 ... William GRANT ... Justice; !COURT:Jul 1828 Rutherford Co, NC 1825-30 pg 274 ... William GRANT, Justice, Inspector of Polls, Cove Precinct; !COURT:Jul 1828 Rutherford Co, NC 1825-30 pg 274 ... John GRANT, William GRANT, Jury; !COURT:Oct 1828 Rutherford Co, NC 1825-30 pg 285 ... William GRANT, Inspector of Polls, Cove Precinct; !COURT:Apr 1828 Rutherford Co, NC 1825-30 pg 323 ... William GRANT, Justice, Captain Morgans Company, to get list of taxables.; !COURT:Jul 1829 Rutherford Co, NC 1825-30 pg 339 ... William GRANT, Esquire, appointed to take list of taxable property for 1829 in Griffin's Company.; !COURT:Jul 1829 Rutherford Co, NC 1825-30 pg 343 ... William GRANT, Cove Precinct, Inspector of Polls.; !COURT:Oct 1829 Rutherford Co, NC 1825-30 pg 356 John GOODBREAD, et al vs. William GRANT, et al, Petition to partition. Found for Petitioner, appointed George BLACK, George KOONCE?, Jamese HUMPHREYS, William RICHARDSON & T.F. _____ commisioners to partition lands described in petition. (* NOTE: The person who's lands were being partitioned was not named).; !CENSUS:1830 Rutherford Co, NC pg 451 William GRANT 40-49 (1780/1790) "1111001-121101"; !COURT:Jul 1830 Rutherford Co, NC 1825-30 pg 421 ... William GRANT, Cove Precinct, Inspector of Polls; !COURT:April 1831 Rutherford Co, NC 1830-37 pg 25 ... William GRANT, Captain Morgan's company to get list of taxable property; !COURT:Jul 1831 Rutherford Co, NC 1830-37 pg 48 ... William GRANT appointed Cove Precinct Inspector of the Polls; !COURT:Jan 1832 Rutherford Co, NC 1830-37 pg 69 ... William GRANT ... Jury; !COURT:Jul 1832 Rutherford Co, NC 1830-37 pg 104 ... William GRANT appointed Cove Precinct Inspector of the Polls; !DEED:27 Feb 1833 Rutherford Co, NC 41/42-637 William GRANT and wife Sarah GRANT of Rutherford to Rebeckah WILKERSON of Rutherford for $600, 210a. Witness: H. Harris. S: W. G. Grant, Sally (x) Grant; !DEED:11 Mar 1833 Rutherford Co, NC 39/40-60 Holland BRADLEY and wife Patsy BRADLEY of Rutherford, to William GRANT of Rutherford for $600, part of land belonging formerly to Alexander GRANT, deceased, 25 1/2a. Witness: H. HARRIS. S: James H. Bradley, Patsy Bradley; !NAMED:Apr 1833 Rutherford Co, NC Estates pg 93. Court appt John GILKEY, William GRANT, and William RICHARDSON, Esqs comms. to settle the accounts of James MARLOW, Adm of Roberson FREEMAN, decd; !COURT:Jul 1833 Rutherford Co, NC 1830-37 pg 196 ... William GRANT appointed Cove Precinct Inspector of the Polls; !VOTER:1835 Rutherford Co, NC 12th District Congressional Elections, Cove Precinct William GRANT; !DEED: 5 May 1837 Rutherford Co, NC 41/42-575 State Grant # 3867 to William GRANT, 100a. S: Richard D. SPEIGHT, Governor; !CENSUS:1840 Rutherford Co, NC pg 339 William GRANT 50-59 (1780/1790) "01011001-2221101"; !CENSUS:1850 McDowell Co., NC # 50/50 William Grant 61 Farmer $2560 NC Sarah 52 Sarah M. 17 Milley 16 Martha 14 Lafayette 20 Farmer Amanda 10 William E. 10; !WILL:14 Oct 1853 McDowell Co, NC Wills 1-36 William GRANT. Proven Spring 1854. Wife Sally. Sons John A., E.H., Morris. Daughters: Mary BRIGHT, Nancy ALLIN, Carline ELLIOTT, Miry GRANT, Milly GRANT. Son of Milly - John Simeon Er GRANT. Daughter Marthy, Mandy. Exec: Sons John A. GRANT, E.H. GRANT, and wife Sary GRANT. WItness: James LEDBETTER, Drury BRADLEY; | Grant, William (I3123)
2192 | !CENSUS:1790 Rutherford Co, NC pg 116 w/Anne TYRRILL -16 (1774/90); !DEED:21 Mar 1796 Rutherford Co, NC 3-209 David and William MACKEY and Thomas WHAREY of Rutherford to Joel TERREL by virtue of the will of Alexander MACKEY who bequethed 50 acres to Anna WILLIS and Anna having agreed for executor to make deed to her son Joel TERREL on Main Broad River, granted to Alexander MACKEY 28 Oct 1782. Witness: Robert DICKEY, David DICKY.; !CENSUS:1800 * Rutherford Co, NC pg 151 w/Stephen WILLIS age 26-44 (1755/74); | Terrell, Joel Jr (I15872)
2193 | !CENSUS:1790 Rutherford Co, NC pg 116 w/Charles LEWIS no ages (bef 1790); CENSUS:1800 Rutherford Co, NC pg 123 w/Charles LEWIS age 26-44 (1755/74); CENSUS:1810; CENSUS:1820; CENSUS:1830; NAMED:-- -- 1833 Rutherford Co, NC Will E-4 of Charles LEWIS, pr Jan 1834. Wife Elizabeth, children: George, Pitman, John, Charles, Preston, Taliaferro, William, Mary, Sarah, Mildred, Elizabeth and Nancy. Daughter Nancy WHITESIDE. Sons-in-law Moses ZIMMIONS & Edward PATTERSON my executors. Wit: Daniel McCORMICK, George BLACK, John GREER. S: Charles Lewis; CENSUS:1840; CENSUS:1850; | Russell, Elizabeth (I27436)
2194 | !CENSUS:1790 Rutherford Co, NC pg 116 w/Col. James MILLER no ages (bef 1790); !CENSUS:1800; !CENSUS:1810; !NAMED:13 Jul 1815 Rutherford Co, NC Wills D-100 Agness MILLER, widow and relict of James MILLER. pr Jan 1829. Daughter Mary, wife of James ERWIN. Grandson Arthur ERWIN, 2nd son of James ERWIN. Granddaughter Sarah, d/o of said James ERWIN. Granddaughter Mary Matilda ERWIN d/o James ERWIN. Grandson James Miller ERWIN. Grandson Richard Lewis ERWIN s/o James ERWIN. Daughter Mary ERWIN. Executors: Jonathan HAMPTON, Esq and John MOORE, Esq. Wit: Robert WILLIAMSON, A.T. ERWIN; S: Agness (X) Miller; | Miller, Mary (I9201)
2195 | !CENSUS:1790 Rutherford Co, NC pg 116 w/David MILLER age 16+ (bef 1774); !DEED: 4 Jan 1792 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds 1-5 State of NC # 599 to Andrew MILLER & David MILLER 200a Crab Tree Cr; !DEED: 4 Jan 1792 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds 1-6 State of NC # 597 to Andrew MILLER & David MILLER 100a Little River; !DEED: 4 Jan 1792 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds 1-7 State of NC # 592 to Andrew MILLER & David MILLER 100a Crabtree Cr; !DEED: 4 Jan 1792 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds 1-8 State of NC # 590 to Andrew MILLER & David MILLER 100a Crabtree Cr; !DEED: 4 Jan 1792 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds 1-9 State of NC # 594 to Andrew MILLER & David MILLER 200a Cane Cr; !DEED: 6 Jan 1792 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds 1-10 State of NC # 602 to Andrew MILLER 300a Richland Cr; !DEED: 4 Jan 1792 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds 1-11 State of NC # 615 to David MILLER et al 640a Richland Cr; !DEED: 6 Jan 1792 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds 1-12 State of NC # 601 to Andrew MILLER & David MILLER 400a Big Pigeon River; !DEED: 4 Jan 1792 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds 1-13 State of NC # 593 to David MILLER et al 200a Cane Cr; !DEED: 4 Jan 1792 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds 1-14 State of NC # 603 to Andrew MILLER 200a Richland Cr; !DEED:31 Jan 1792 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds S12-116 State of NC # 168 to Andrew MILLER & David MILLER 300a Little River; !DEED:17 Jul 1792 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds 1-80 James MILLER to Andrew MILLER 291a Mills River; !DEED: 9 Jul 1794 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds S12-117 State of NC # 925 to Andrew MILLER & David MILLER 200a Mills River; !DEED:31 Jan 1795 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds S12-121 State of NC # 173 to Andrew MILLER & David MILLER 100a French Broad River; !DEED: 1 Jan 1794 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds S12-123 State of NC # 778 to Andrew MILLER & David MILLER 200a Brush Cr; !DEED: 9 Jul 1794 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds S12-125 State of NC # 789 to Andrew MILLER & David MILLER 400a Rutherford County; !DEED: 9 Jul 1794 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds 3-59 State of NC # 943 to Andrew MILLER & David MILLER 100a Shaws Cr; !DEED:31 Jan 1795 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds S12-126 State of NC # 971 to Andrew MILLER & David MILLER 200a Gap Cr; !DEED: 9 Jul 1794 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds S12-128 State of NC # 951 to Andrew MILLER & David MILLER 200a Clear Cr; !DEED: 9 Jul 1794 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds S12-131 State of NC # 936 to Andrew MILLER & David MILLER 300a Clear Cr; !DEED:31 Jan 1795 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds S12-158 State of NC # 167 to Andrew MILLER & David MILLER 200a Cane Cr; !DEED: 9 Jul 1794 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds S12-187 State of NC # 934 to Andrew MILLER & David MILLER 200a Shaws Cr; !DEED: 9 Jul 1794 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds S12-190 State of NC # 922 to Andrew MILLER & David MILLER 100a Lambs Cr; !DEED: 9 Jul 1794 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds S12-196 State of NC # 802 to Andrew MILLER 225a Gap Cr; !DEED: 9 Jul 1794 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds S12-197 State of NC # 933 to Andrew MILLER & David MILLER 150a French Broad River; !DEED: 9 Jul 1794 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds S12-202 State of NC # 875 to Andrew MILLER & David MILLER 300a Shaws Cr; !DEED: 9 Jul 1794 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds S12-204 State of NC # 874 to Andrew MILLER et al 150a Pigeon River; !DEED: 9 Jul 1794 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds S12-204 State of NC # 923 to Andrew MILLER & David MILLER 100a Lambs Cr; !DEED:31 Jan 1795 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds S12-206 State of NC # 969 to Andrew MILLER & David MILLER 250a Crab Tree Cr; !DEED: 9 Jul 1794 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds S12-207 State of NC # 944 to Andrew MILLER et al 150a Jonathan Cr; !DEED: 9 Jul 1794 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds S12-209 State of NC # 942 to Andrew MILLER & David MILLER 100a Brush Cr; !DEED: 9 Jul 1794 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds S12-210 State of NC # 940 to Andrew MILLER & David MILLER 200a Catheys Cr; !DEED:31 Jan 1795 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds S12-211 State of NC # 966 to Andrew MILLER & David MILLER 100a McDowell Cr; !DEED:-- --- 1794 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds S12-214 State of NC # 777 to Andrew MILLER & David MILLER 100a McDowell Cr; !DEED:31 Jan 1795 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds S12-215 State of NC # 967 to Andrew MILLER & David MILLER 200a Brush Cr; !DEED: 9 Jul 1794 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds S12-216 State of NC # 938 to Andrew MILLER et al 200a Pigeon River; !DEED:31 Jan 1792 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds S22-116 State of NC # 168 to Andrew MILLER & David MILLER 300a Little River; !DEED: 1 Jan 1794 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds 5-84 State of NC # 779 to Andrew MILLER & David MILLER 100a Cane Cr; !DEED: 9 Jul 1794 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds S22-117 State of NC # 925 to Andrew MILLER & David MILLER 200a Mills River; !DEED:31 Jan 1795 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds S22-121 State of NC # 173 to Andrew MILLER & David MILLER 100a French Broad River; !DEED: 1 Jan 1794 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds S22-123 State of NC # 778 to Andrew MILLER & David MILLER 200a Brush Cr; !DEED: 9 Jul 1794 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds S22-125 State of NC # 789 to Andrew MILLER & David MILLER 400a Rutherford County; !DEED:31 Jan 1795 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds S22-126 State of NC # 971 to Andrew MILLER & David MILLER 200a Gap Cr; !DEED: 9 Jul 1794 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds S22-128 State of NC # 951 to Andrew MILLER & David MILLER 200a Clear Cr; !DEED: 9 Jul 1794 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds S22-131 State of NC # 936 to Andrew MILLER & David MILLER 300a Clear Cr; !DEED:31 Jan 1795 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds S22-158 State of NC # 167 to Andrew MILLER & David MILLER 200a Cane Cr; !DEED: 9 Jul 1794 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds S22-187 State of NC # 934 to Andrew MILLER & David MILLER 200a Shaws Cr; !DEED: 9 Jul 1794 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds S22-190 State of NC # 922 to Andrew MILLER & David MILLER 100a Lambs Cr; !DEED: 9 Jul 1794 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds S22-196 State of NC # 802 to Andrew MILLER 225a Gap Cr; !DEED: 9 Jul 1794 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds S22-197 State of NC # 933 to Andrew MILLER & David MILLER 150a French Broad River; !DEED: 9 Jul 1794 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds S22-201 State of NC # 874 to Andrew MILLER et al 150a Pigeon River; !DEED: 9 Jul 1794 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds S22-202 State of NC # 875 to Andrew MILLER & David MILLER 300a Shaws Cr; !DEED: 9 Jul 1794 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds S22-202 State of NC # 875 to Andrew MILLER & David MILLER 300a Shaws Cr; !DEED: 9 Jul 1794 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds S22-204 State of NC # 874 to Andrew MILLER & David MILLER 150a Pigeon River; !DEED: 9 Jul 1794 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds S22-204 State of NC # 923 to Andrew MILLER & David MILLER 100a Lambs Cr; !DEED:31 Jan 1795 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds S22-206 State of NC # 969 to Andrew MILLER & David MILLER 250a Crab Tree Cr; !DEED: 9 Jul 1794 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds S22-207 State of NC # 944 to Andrew MILLER et al 150a Jonathan Cr; !DEED: 9 Jul 1794 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds S22-209 State of NC # 942 to Andrew MILLER & David MILLER 100a Brush Cr; !DEED: 9 Jul 1794 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds S22-210 State of NC # 940 to Andrew MILLER & David MILLER 200a Catheys Cr; !DEED:31 Jan 1795 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds S22-211 State of NC # 966 to Andrew MILLER & David MILLER 100a McDowell Cr; !DEED: 1 Jan 1795 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds S22-214 State of NC # 777 to Andrew MILLER & David MILLER 100a McDowell Cr; !DEED:31 Jan 1795 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds S22-215 State of NC # 967 to Andrew MILLER & David MILLER 200a Brush Cr; !DEED: 9 Jul 1794 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds S22-216 State of NC # 938 to Andrew MILLER et al 200a Pigeon River; !DEED: 1 Jan 1794 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds S22-308 State of NC # 780 to Andrew MILLER 308a Mills River; !DEED:20 Dec 1796 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds 4-106 State of NC # 1117 to Andrew MILLER et al 1000a Green River; !DEED:20 Dec 1796 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds 4-216 State of NC # 1120 to Andrew MILLER et al 300a Mud Cr; !DEED:21 Dec 1796 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds 4-323 State of NC # 1163 to Andrew MILLER & David MILLER 200a Clear Cr !DEED:20 Dec 1796 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds 4-324 State of NC # 1120 to Andrew MILLER & David MILLER 200a Clear Cr; !DEED:21 Dec 1796 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds 4-325 State of NC # 1135 to Andrew MILLER & David MILLER 200a Clear Cr; !DEED:21 Dec 1796 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds 4-326 State of NC # 1161 to Andrew MILLER & David MILLER 200a Mud Cr; !DEED:21 Dec 1796 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds 4-328 State of NC # 1155 to Andrew MILLER & David MILLER 200a Mud Cr; !DEED:21 Dec 1796 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds 4-329 State of NC # 255 to Andrew MILLER & David MILLER 200a Shoal Cr; !DEED:25 Dec 1797 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds 4-111 State of NC # 384 to Andrew MILLER & John MILLER 200a Hoopers Cr; !DEED:25 Dec 1797 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds 4-112 State of NC # 383 to Andrew MILLER & John MILLER 400a Hoopers Cr; !DEED: 6 Dec 1799 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds 5-82 State of NC # 713 to Andrew MILLER 50a Boilston Cr; !CENSUS:1800 Rutherford Co, NC pg 127 Andrew MILLER age 26-44 (1755/74) "00010-10100-0-3"; !DEED:16 Oct 1800 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds 3-329 Andrew MILLER to William Henry CROSS, 200a Clear Creek; !NAMED: 5 Oct 1803 Rutherford Co, NC Wills B-162 David MILLER, pr Jan 1804. To Son John MILLER, 48 tracts of land, 7,106a in Rutherford and Buncombe. To my second son Andrew MILLER 41 tracts, 7,177a in Rutherford and Buncombe. To my son-in-law Allen TWITTY husband of my daughter Martha, 58 tracts, 6,495a in Rutherford and Buncombe. To my Grandson David BRIGGS a tract of land 150a Floyd Cr. To Andrew MILLER's daughter Polly MILLER. To my son-in-law Jesse BRIGGS, husband of my daughter Esther tracts of land. Executors: Jonathan HAMPTON, George WATSON, John MILLER, Andrew MILLER, Allen TWITTY. WIt: William TWITTY, Alex. M. LADIN, Charles EDWARDS. S: David Miller; !DEED: 2 Mar 1807 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds B-258 Andrew MILLER to John MILLER, 146 south side Mills River; !DEED: 9 Mar 1807 Buncombe Co NC Deeds A-527 Andrew MILLER to John MILLER, 150a Mills River; !DEED:30 Nov 1809 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds D-141 State of NC # 1805 to Andrew MILLER et al 200a Bilston Cr; !CENSUS:1810 Rutherford Co, NC pg 409 Andrew MILLER age 26-44 (1765/84) "50010-01010"; !TAXLIST:1819 Rutherford Co, NC Cpt Fagins Co. Andrew MILLER; !CENSUS:1820 Rutherford Co, NC pg 398 Andrew MILLER Sr age 45+ (bef 1775) "120301-30110"; !DEED:22 Nov 1821 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds 16-356 State of NC # 2507 to Andrew MILLER 200a Clear Cr; !DEED:22 Nov 1821 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds 16-357 State of NC # 2506 to Andrew MILLER 200a Henderson Cr; !DEED:22 Nov 1821 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds 16-358 State of NC # 2509 to Andrew MILLER 200a Henderson Cr; !NAMED: 2 Dec 1828 Yadkin & Catawba Journal (from Bulletin of the Genealogical Society of Old Tryon County Feb 1996 pg 4) - Rutherford Co Superior Court of Law, October 1828: John BRADLEY vs Reuben SEARSEY tenant, Isaac CRATON and wife Elizabeth, Samuel LOWRIE and wife Susanah, David MILLER, John T. MILLER, the heirs of John MILLER, decd; Andrew MILLER, Ester BRIGSS, Allen TWITTY and wife Martha, David BOYSE, Kerr BOYSE, John BOYSE, Robert BOYSE and Polly BOYSE, the heirs at law of David MILLER, decd; that Allen TWITTY and wife Martha, David, John and Kerr BOYSE reside without the limits of this state; !TAXLIST:1829 Rutherford Co, NC Andrew MILLER, 0a 1 poll; !CENSUS:1830 Rutherford Co, NC pg 540 Andrew MILLER Sr age 50-59 (1770/80) "01101001-00120001"; !DEED:-- Sep 1830 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds 16-203 Andrew MILLER Sr to Mitchell KING 187a Mud Cr; !DEED:18 Dec 1830 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds 16-356 State of NC # 2891 to Andrew MILLER 100a Boilstons Cr; !DEED:20 Dec 1830 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds 16-333 Andrew MILLER Sr to David Brown MILLER 250a Boylstons Cr; !DEED:16 Feb 1831 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds 20-58 Andrew MILLER Sr to Andrew T. MILLER ---a Boilstons Creek; !DEED:-- --- ---- Buncombe Co, NC Deeds 19-68 State of NC # 2891 to Andrew MILLER 100a Boilstons Cr; !DEED:12 Dec 1832 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds 19-76 State of NC # 3079 to Andrew MILLER 200a Mills River; !POLL:1835 Rutherford Co, NC Millers precinct Andrew MILLER; !DEED: 9 Apr 1835 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds 21-130 Andrew MILLER Sr to James BRITTAIN 100a Forsters Cr; !WILL:-- --- 1835 Rutherford Co, NC Wills E-19 Andrew MILLER, Sr. Pr Oct 1835. Wife Anna. Son Andrew. Son John. Son William. Son Harry. Son Carr. Daughter Elizabeth. Daughter Nancy. Daughter Martha. Son James 4 lots in Rutherfordton. Daughter Polly tract on Hoopers Creek in Buncombe. Sons John & William land adj Town of Rutherfordton. Lands not devised in Rutherford and Buncombe to be sold within two years. Appoint my wife Anna as guardian of my minor children: Elizabeth, Nancy, Martha, Harry and Carr. To David, 250a in Buncombe on Henrys Creek. Exec: Wife Anna and Sons James & John MILLER. Wit: Thomas DEWS Jr. S: Andrew Miller; | Miller, Andrew (I33078)
2196 | !CENSUS:1790 Rutherford Co, NC pg 116 w/David MILLER no ages (bef 1790); !DEED: 7 Jul 1794 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds S12-135 State of NC # 1712 to Mary MILLER 600a Pigeon River; !DEED: 7 Jul 1794 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds S22-135 State of NC # 1712 to Mary MILLER 600a Pigeon River; | Kerr, Mary (I33076)
2197 | !CENSUS:1790 Rutherford Co, NC pg 116 w/G. Walter BRADLY no ages (bef 1790); !CENSUS:1800 Rutherford Co, NC pg 98 w/Walton BRADLEY, age 26-44 (1755/74); | Goodbread, Sarah (I42115)
2198 | !CENSUS:1790 Rutherford Co, NC pg 116 w/James MILLER Jr no ages (bef 1790); !CENSUS:1800 Rutherford Co, NC pg 126 w/James MILLER age 45+ (bef 1755); | ? (I94813)
2199 | !CENSUS:1790 Rutherford Co, NC pg 116 w/James MILLER Jr no ages (bef 1790); !MARRIAGE:20 Mar 1797 Rutherford Co, NC George McKINNY & Martha MILLER, James MILLER Jr, bm; !CENSUS:1800; | Miller, Martha (I92499)
2200 | !CENSUS:1790 Rutherford Co, NC pg 116 w/John EVANS no age (bef 1790); CENSUS:1800 Rutherford Co, NC pg 108 w/John EVINS age 26-44 (1755/74); CENSUS:1810; | ? (I86254)