Matches 2,251 to 2,300 of 83,474
# | Notes | Linked to |
2251 | !CENSUS:1790 Stokes Co., NC pg 543 Jesse George age 16+ (bef 1774) "2-4-6-0-0"; !CENSUS:1800 Stokes Co., NC pg 501 Jesse George age 45+ (bef 1755) "20001-10211"; !NOTES:1820 Belmont Co., OH has several George families near each other who match this family: Simpson George (1775/94) Jesse George (bef 1775) Jas George (1775/94) Travis George (1775/94) Samuel George (1775/94) * in a different district; | George, Jesse (I87726)
2252 | !CENSUS:1790 Stokes Co., NC pg 548 Travis George age 16+ (bef 1774) "1-0-1-0-1" !NOTE:That might be Reuben's brother Travis instead; !NOTES:1820 Belmont Co., OH has several George families near each other who match this family: Simpson George (1775/94) Jesse George (bef 1775) Jas George (1775/94) Travis George (1775/94) Samuel George (1775/94) * in a different district; !NOTES:1830 Belmont Co., OH Travis George (1770/80) Wm George (1779/80) | George, Travis (I85429)
2253 | !CENSUS:1790 Stokes Co., NC pg 548 Travis George age 16+ (bef 1774) "1-0-1-0-1" !NOTE:That might be Reuben's son Travis instead; | George, Travis (I91347)
2254 | !CENSUS:1790 Stokes Co., NC pg 549 Rubin George age 16+ (bef 1774) "3-5-4-0-0"; !CENSUS:1800; !CENSUS:1810 Stokes Co., NC Peters Creek Dist pg 622 Ruben George age 45+ (bef 1765) "00001-00001"; | George, Reuben (I94497)
2255 | !CENSUS:1790 Stokes Co., NC pg 551 William Wright age 16+ (bef 1774) 1-4-5-0-0; !CENSUS:1800 Stokes Co., NC pg 576/484 William Wright age 45+ (bef 1755) 21101-01101-0-0; !CENSUS:1810 Stokes Co., NC pg 578 William Right age 45+ (bef 1765) 10201-10111-0-0; !CENSUS:1820 Stokes Co., NC pg 375 Wm Wright age 45+ (bef 1775) 000001-00101-0-0; !CENSUS:1830 x | Wright, William (I81526)
2256 | !CENSUS:1790 Stokes Co., NC pg 554 John Rights age 16+ (bef 1774) 1-4-3-0-0; !CENSUS:1800 Stokes Co., NC pg 599-507 John Rights age 45+ (bef 1755) 11101-11101 <--- Him AND !CENSUS:1800 Stokes Co., NC Salem pg 625-448 John Wrights age 45+ (bef 1755) 11101-11010 <--- Probably not him; !CENSUS:1810 Stokes Co., NC pg 604 John Rights age 45+ (bef 1765) 00201-01101; !CENSUS:1820 x | Rights, John (I82453)
2257 | !CENSUS:1790 Suffolk Co., MA, Town of Boston p. 53 Adam Hensley age 16+ (bef 1774) 1-2-2-0-0; !CENSUS:1800 x | Hensley, Adam (I112939)
2258 | !CENSUS:1790 Surry Co, NC p. 511 Hiram Riggs age 16+ (bef 1774) 1-3-3-0-0; !CENSUS:1800 Surry Co., NC p. 687-589 Hiram Riggs age 26-44 (1755/74) 21110-41010-0-0; | Riggs, Hiram (I19910)
2259 | !CENSUS:1790 Surry Co, NC p. 511 Samuel Riggs age 16+ (bef 1774) 3-0-1-0-0; | Riggs, Samuel (I15539)
2260 | !CENSUS:1790 Surry Co, NC pg 183 w/Alexander BRISON no ages (bef 1790); !DEED:23 Feb 1795 Surry Co, NC F-266 Alexander BRYSON & wife Mary to Edwin HICKMAN, 100L 98 1/2a middle fork Tarrarat River. S: Alexander Bryson, Mary (X) Bryson. Wit: Thomas A. WORD, John CREED, John BRYSON Jr; !CENSUS:1800; | Mary (I90491)
2261 | !CENSUS:1790 Surry Co, NC pg 183 w/Hambleton STEWART no ages (bef 1790); CENSUS:1800; CENSUS:1810; CENSUS:1820; CENSUS:1830; | Elizabeth (I25963)
2262 | !CENSUS:1790 Surry Co, NC pg 183 w/John CARTER age -16 (1774/90); CENSUS:1800; CENSUS:1810; !DEED: 2 Mar 1815 Randolph Co., NC Deed Book 13 p. 62 Joseph Brown to John Carter Jr, both of Randolph $1200, waters or Richland Creek ... Henry Ramsours line ... Fuquas line ... Carters line ... 370a another tract adjoining the above ... fork of Mountain Run ... Richland Creek ... road from Joseph Brown's house to the court house ..., acreage not known. S: Joseph Brown W: Joshua Craven, Samuel Trogdon, John Carter; CENSUS:1820; CENSUS:1830; QUAKER:17 Oct 1835 Cane Creek MM (Orange, Chatham, Randolph) Received from Holly Spring MM pg 675; QUAKER:15 Jul 1848 Cane Creek MM (Orange, Chatham, Randolph) Granted Certificate to White Lick MM, Indiana pg 675; | Carter, John (I13092)
2263 | !CENSUS:1790 Surry Co, NC pg 183 w/John CARTER age -16 (1774/90); CENSUS:1800; CENSUS:1810; CENSUS:1820; CENSUS:1830; | Carter, William (I9073)
2264 | !CENSUS:1790 Surry Co, NC pg 183 w/John CARTER age -16 (1774/90); CENSUS:1800; CENSUS:1810; CENSUS:1820; CENSUS:1830; | Carter, Jehu (I9072)
2265 | !CENSUS:1790 Surry Co, NC pg 184 Samuel CARTER age 16+ (bef 1774) "2-2-5-0-2"; CENSUS:1800 Surry Co, NC pg 640 Samuel CARTER age 45+ (bef 1755) "01101-01001"; WILL: 8 Jun 1809 Surry Co, NC 3-115 Samuel CARTER, proven Aug 1815. It names wife Susanna CARTER.. Daughters Susanna CARTER, Sarah POE, Mary PHILIPS, Nancy POE, Ruth WOODE. Youngest sons: Benjamin CARTER, Abraham CARTER; CENSUS:1810 Surry Co, NC pg 192 Samuel CARTER age 45+ (bef 1765) "00001-00101-0-3"; | Carter, Samuel (I84881)
2266 | !CENSUS:1790 Surry Co, NC pg 184 w/James GINNINGS no ages (bef 1790); CENSUS:1800; !NAMED: 3 Sep 1801 Surry Co, NC Will Book 3-47 John BURCH, proven Nov 1801. Wife Charity BURCH. Son William BURCH, daughter Maryana COCKERHAM, son Thomas Chidle BURCH, granddaughter Charity COCKERHAM, grandsons: John GENNINGS, Thomas GENNINGS. Executor: William BURCH, Thomas Chidle BURCH and wife. Witness: Caleb WINFREY, William BURCH; CENSUS:1810; CENSUS:1820; CENSUS:1830; CENSUS:1840; !CENSUS:1850 Macon Co., NC Deep Creek # 380/388 William Cockerham 73 Farmer $2000 Halifax VA Charity 67 Surry NC Jane Starnes 17 GA; !CENSUS:1860 Jackson Co., NC Webster PO # 360/360 Wm Cockerham 81 Farmer $4000/2000 VA C. 75 f NC; !NAMED-WILL: 9 Aug 1860 Jackson Co., NC Will Book A p. 299 William COCKRAM, pr Apr 1866. Names: Wife Charity dau Elizabeth wife of William Connally son John son Alfred Newton son James. Son John appt Exec. Witnesses: H. A. Boone, John S. Gipson; | Jennings, Charity (I15076)
2267 | !CENSUS:1790 Surry Co, NC pg 184 w/Samuel CARTER age -16 (1774/90); !CENSUS:1800 Surry Co, NC pg 640 w/Samuel CARTER age 10-15 (1784/90); !NAMED: 8 Jun 1809 Surry Co, NC Will 3-115 Samuel CARTER, as "son Abraham CARTER"; !CENSUS:1810 Surry Co, NC pg 193 Abram CARTER age 16-25 (1784/94) "00100-00100"; !CENSUS:1820 Surry Co, NC pg 662 Abram CARTER age 26-44 (1775/94) "210010-21010"; !CENSUS:1830 x Surry Co, NC; | Carter, Abraham (I86268)
2268 | !CENSUS:1790 Surry Co, NC pg 184 w/Samuel CARTER age -16 (1774/90); CENSUS:1800 Surry Co, NC pg 640 w/Samuel CARTER age 16-25 (1774/84); NAMED: 8 Jun 1809 Surry Co, NC Will 3-115 Samuel CARTER, as "son Benjamin CARTER"; CENSUS:1810 Surry Co, NC pg 193 Benjamin CARTER age 26-44 (1765/84) "20010-10100"; CENSUS:1820 x Surry Co, NC; | Carter, Benjamin (I86269)
2269 | !CENSUS:1790 Surry Co, NC pg 184 w/Samuel CARTER no ages (bef 1790); CENSUS:1800 Surry Co, NC pg 640 w/Samuel CARTER age 45+ (bef 1755); NAMED: 8 Jun 1809 Surry Co, NC Will 3-115 Samuel CARTER, as "Wife Susanna"; CENSUS:1810 Surry Co, NC pg 192 w/Samuel CARTER age 45+ (bef 1765); | Susanna (I85957)
2270 | !CENSUS:1790 Surry Co, NC pg 184 w/Samuel CARTER no ages (bef 1790); CENSUS:1800 Surry Co, NC pg 683 w/Wade PHILLIPS age 16-25 (1774/84); NAMED: 8 Jun 1809 Surry Co, NC Will 3-115 Samuel CARTER, as "daughter Mary PHILLIPS"; CENSUS:1810; | Carter, Mary (I84699)
2271 | !CENSUS:1790 Surry Co, NC pg 184 w/Samuel CARTER no ages (bef 1790); CENSUS:1800; NAMED: 8 Jun 1809 Surry Co, NC Will 3-115 Samuel CARTER, as "daughter Nancy POE"; CENSUS:1810; | Carter, Nancy (I84873)
2272 | !CENSUS:1790 Surry Co, NC pg 184 w/Samuel CARTER no ages (bef 1790); CENSUS:1800; NAMED: 8 Jun 1809 Surry Co, NC Will 3-115 Samuel CARTER, as "daughter Ruth WOODE"; CENSUS:1810; | Carter, Ruth (I84862)
2273 | !CENSUS:1790 Surry Co, NC pg 184 w/Samuel CARTER no ages (bef 1790); CENSUS:1800; NAMED: 8 Jun 1809 Surry Co, NC Will 3-115 Samuel CARTER, as "daughter Sarah POE"; CENSUS:1810; | Carter, Sarah (I84704)
2274 | !CENSUS:1790 Surry Co, NC pg 185 w/Thomas BURCH no ages (bef 1790); !CENSUS:1800 Surry Co, NC pg 711 w/Thomas BURCH age 10-15 (1784/90); !CENSUS:1810 Wilkes Co, NC pg 284 w/Thomas BURCH age 16-25 (1784/94); !MARRIAGE:22 Dec 1818 Wilkes Co, NC William BARLOW and Jane BURCH, George FERGUSON, bm; !CENSUS:1820; !CENSUS:1830; !CENSUS:1840; !CENSUS:1850; | Burch, Jane (I11816)
2275 | !CENSUS:1790 Surry Co, NC pg 185 w/Thomas BURCH no ages (bef 1790); !CENSUS:1800 Surry Co, NC pg 711 w/Thomas BURCH age 16-25 (1774/84); !CENSUS:1810 Wilkes Co, NC pg 284 w/Thomas BURCH age 16-25 (1784/94); !MARRIAGE:18 Sep 1810 Wilkes Co, NC John CARLTON Jr and Elizabeth BURCH, Thomas CARLTON, bm; !CENSUS:1820; !CENSUS:1830; !CENSUS:1840; !CENSUS:1850; | Burch, Elizabeth (I11819)
2276 | !CENSUS:1790 Surry Co, NC pg 185 w/Thomas BURCH no ages (bef 1790); !CENSUS:1800; !CENSUS:1810 Wilkes Co, NC pg 284 w/Thomas BURCH age 16-25 (1784/94); !CENSUS:1820 Wilkes Co, NC pg 538 w/Thomas BURCH age 26-44 (1775/94); | Burch, Eunice (I8209)
2277 | !CENSUS:1790 Surry Co, NC pg 185 w/William BURCH no ages (bef 1790); !CENSUS:1800 Surry Co, NC pg 635 w/William BURCH, Cat age 10-15 (1784/90); !MARRIAGE:27 Oct 1809 Surry Co, NC Abner WOODRUFF & Nansey BURCH, Sinclair McMIKLE, bm; !CENSUS:1810; !CENSUS:1820 Surry Co, NC pg 786 w/Abner WOODRUFF age 26-44 (1775/94); !CENSUS:1830 Surry Co, NC pg 101 Nancy WOODRUFF age 40-49 (1780/90) "001-0001001"; !CENSUS:1840 * Not found in Surry Co, NC; !DEATH:25 Nov 1845 Nancy WOODRUFF, widow of Abner WOODRUFF, from ROBERTS Bible; | Burch, Nancy (I7503)
2278 | !CENSUS:1790 Surry Co, NC pg 186 w/James BRISON age -16 (1774/90); CENSUS:1800 Surry Co, NC pg 638 w/James BRYSON age 10-15 (1784/90); CENSUS:1810 Surry Co, NC pg 160 w/James BRYSON age 16-25 (1784/94); !CENSUS:1820; !CENSUS:1830; !CENSUS:1840; !CENSUS:1850; | Bryson, Nathaniel (I91353)
2279 | !CENSUS:1790 Surry Co, NC pg 186 w/James BRISON no ages (bef 1790); CENSUS:1800 Surry Co, NC pg 638 w/James BRYSON age 0-9 (1790/1800); CENSUS:1810 Surry Co, NC pg 160 w/James BRYSON age 16-25 (1784/94); !CENSUS:1820; | Bryson, Sarah (I91354)
2280 | !CENSUS:1790 Surry Co, NC pg 186 w/William BURCH no ages (bef 1790); !CENSUS:1800 Surry Co, NC pg 636 w/William BURCH age 26-44 (1755/74); !CENSUS:1810 Surry Co, NC pg 184 w/William BURCH Jn age 45+ (bef 1765); | Harris (I93711)
2281 | !CENSUS:1790 Surry Co, NC pg 186 William BURCH age 16+ (bef 1774) "1-1-2-0-0" !CENSUS:1800 Surry Co, NC pg 636 William BURCH age 26-44 (1755/74) "42110-00010"; !CENSUS:1810 Surry Co, NC pg 184 William BURCH Jn age 45+ (bef 1765) "21301-00101"; !MARRIAGE BOND:31 Mar 1812 Surry Co, NC William BURCH and Elizabeth WRITTER, George BURCH, bm; !CENSUS:1820 Surry Co, NC pg 750 William BURCH age 26-44 (1775/94) 220010-20010"; !MOVED:1823 from Surry Co, NC to Monroe Co, IN; !CENSUS:1830 * Monroe Co, IN pg 166 William BURCH *; !CENSUS:1840 * Monroe Co, IN pg 105 William BURCH *; !PENSION FILE:From Stokes Genweb pages: BURCH, William R 788 (b. May 10, 1764, on Haw River, NC —— d. Sept. 17, 1848, Monroe Co., IN) wife Elizabeth Ritter sister Delila (Burch) Edwards Declaration of Wm. Birch, 3 Nov. 1843, Monroe Co., IN Capt. Jesse Franklin''s Co. of Cavalry —— at time he enlisted he lived about 20 miles from Rockford, county seat of Surry Co., NC (prob. Feb.) —— He with Capt. Franklin''s C. joined General Green''s army near Guilford Court House, NC. They marched through the country from Stokes Co. to Guilford County. Then near Hillsborough scouting on the border of Gen. Green''s army . Was in service before and after the battle of Guilford. This company ""was generally making excursions through the country and Spieing the enemy."" Served also under Capt. Underwood and Ensign Richard Toliver (killed in a skirmish) Interview of Wm. Birch by Judge Aquilla Rogers, Monroe Co., IN, Probate Court, 3 Nov. 1843: Berch born ""On Haw River North Carolina the County not recollected"" —— has a copy of record of age ""in my house written by one Thomas Barnes an Irishman"" Resided when called into service ""on Fish River Surry County"" NC. Since war lived in Stokes Co, moved from Surry and from Stokes Co. NC to Monroe Co., IN Remembers names of officers: Col. Micajah Lewis who was killed (Militia); Col. John Armstrong (regular army) Names of persons to whom known in neighborhood who can testify to reputation and belief in Rev. War service: Wm. Edwards, Samuel Stone and all the neighbors Berch signed by mark [o] Affadavits: Sexson Long & David Carpenter 3 Nov. 1843, Monroe Co., IN (Wm. Berch believed to be 79 and reputed in neighborhood to have been Rev. War soldier) Absalom Baker (age 41) & James Gentry (41) 3 Nov. 1843 Monroe Co., IN. (known Wm. Berch for 14 years —— Berch maintained good character and standing in neighborhood and as member of the Baptist Church) (Absalom Baker known Birch for 20 years) Judge Aquilla Rogers, Probate Ct., Monroe Co., IN, 3 Nov. 1843: visited William Berch at his residence in Monroe Co., IN —— in Judge''s opinion Berch was a Revolutionary Soldier and served as he states. From Berch''s appearance, now in his 80th year and ""from bodily infirmity he is unable to appear in open court"" George W. Hardin ""friend and agent"" of Wm. Berch submitted application 6 Nov. 1843 Declaration of Elizabeth Berch —— Green Co, IN 5 Feb. 1853 —— Elizabeth a resident of Green Co., IN, aged 66. She is widow of William Berch, deceased, late of Monroe Co., IN, a soldier in the Rev. Elizabeth married William Berch on 2 Apr. 1826 in Surry Co., NC, by Rev. William Fletcher. Her name before marriage was Elizabeth Ritter. William Berch died in Monroe Co., IN, 17 Sept. 1848. Family started from Surry Co NC in fall 1823 and arrived in Monroe Co IN ""in December only a few days before Christmas"" 1823. Her residence is about 15 miles from courthouse of Green Co. IN. Elizabeth and William raised seven children, all of whom are now living; William Berch and his first wife raised seven children to the age of maturity all of whom were males. Signed by mark [x] [before William M. Haley ] Affadavits: Owen Adkins , aged 69, Monroe Co., IN, 31 May 1853 —— Personally acquainted with Wm. Berch deceased for 5 years preceding his death and with his wife Elizabeth. Elizabeth now lives with her son Henry Berch of Green Co., IN. Conversed with William Berch about the Rev War in which Adkins'' father served. Adkins visited at home of William Berch and knew him to be a man of veracity and integrity. Adkins a preacher of the Gospel for 32 years .Berch a member of the Baptist Church during time Adkins knew him. Berch died about four years ago. [before James Robertson, JP] Ammon Godwin and William Sandafer [?], residents of Green Co., IN 5 Feb. 1853 —— acquainted with both William Berch and wife Elizabeth for ten years. Samuel R. Cavins, Green Co., IN 11 Feb. 1853 —— Became acquainted with and well knew William Burch and Elizabeth since early part of 1824 in Monroe Co., IN. Believes William Burch served in Rev. War [before Thomas Patterson, JP] Letter, Feb. 20, 1860, from Edgar E. S. Brown, Winchester, Randolph Co., IN —— married Rebecca Burch, dau. of Elizabeth [affadavit actually says married Elizabeth dau of Rebecca] —— writing to obtain pension money for the widow as there has been no draught since Wm. Burch''s death. Affidavit of Delila Edwards (age 75) Monroe Co., IN. 26 Feb. 1844 -- sister of Wm. Burch -- wife of William Edwards of Green Co., IN. ""The declarant recollects the general Calamities occasioned by said War and only remembers a few particular circumstances relative to it. One of which is indelibly left on her memory��.her said brother William went to the army as a soldier at a time when several persons direct in the neighborhood also went to serve in the army."" She believes he joined in the fall and returned home in the spring or vice versa as it was at the beginning or end of cold weather. He served at least six months she believes. She heard him speak of seeing ships and vessels while he was in the service. Her father lived in Wilkes County NC when her brother left home and joined the army. She is of the opinion ""that her said Brother during his life has cared less for property or money than most persons that he would lose his deserved rights rather than distress persons ��"" Brother William had been a member of the Baptist church for 50 or 60 years, ""part of the time an exhorter or public speaker."" He has been for several years quite feeble by reason of old age. William N. Roseberry, JP, stated that Delila Edwards resides about 12 or 15 miles from Bloomfield, county seat of Green Co., IN and one-half mile from Samuel Sloan, who resides in Monroe Co, IN, and about 10 miles from Bloomington. The county line comes between the residences of Wm Edwards and Samuel Sloan. Delila Edwards appears to be not less than 75 years old and is unable to attend court. Affidavit of Henry Berch (age 26) Green Co., IN 5 Feb. 1853 —— Family records taken from family Bible of William Berch, my father, which Bible has been in my possession since the death of father in Monroe Co., IN, 17 Sept 1848. Bible records he believes were written by a cousin and namesake, Henry Berch, who resides in Monroe Co., IN. The oldest writing of said family record contains the name of declarant''s father and his brothers and sisters. The part written by cousin Henry Berch contains the names of the children of declarant''s father and mother, she being his second wife. Signed, Henry Burch. [bef William M. Haley JP] Bible pages: [microfilm copy too dark to read copy] daughter Apr. 1761 daughter to William and --- February 1768 daughter 1770 ------ 1773 ------- Left page: Sally Burch born 2 June 1821 Levi Burch born September 18, 1824 Henry Burch born October 18, 1826 Right page: William Burch in the year of our Lord 1764 May the 10th blank left page Right page: The ages of William and Elizabeth Burch''s Child�� Mary Burch born Feb. 4, 1813 George Burch born Feb. 7, 18–– Nancy Burch born May 27, 18–– Lazarus Burch born --- 6, | Burch, William (I97207)
2282 | !CENSUS:1790 Wayne Co, NC pg 149 w/Henry NIXON age 16+ (bef 1774); !CENSUS:1800 Wayne Co, NC pg 847 Benjamin NIXON age 26-44 (1755/74) "10010-00110-0-0"; !NAMED:1806 Wayne Co, NC Loose estate papers of John NIXON. William DAWSON, Executor. Debtors to the estate ... Stephen GRANT ... Henry ROBERTS ... Bookajah SMITH ... Benjamin NIXON ...; !CENSUS:1810 x !CENSUS:1820 x one in Burke Co., GA age 45+ (bef 1775) so that fits; !CENSUS:1830 * Autauga Co., AL B. Nickson age 50-59 (1770/80) "00003001-00001"; | Nixon, Benjamin (I16878)
2283 | !CENSUS:1790 Wayne Co, NC pg 149 w/Henry NIXON age 16+ (bef 1774); !WITNESS:10 Dec 1795 Wayne Co, NC Deed 5E-257 Bryan WHITFIELD of Lenoir Co, NC to Thomas NICKSON. Witness: Henry NIXON; !DEED:27 Feb 1797 Wayne Co, NC Deed 5E-539 Thomas NIXON and Henry NIXON, executors of Henry NIXSON, Sr, deceased. Witness: Br. NIXON; !DEED:30 Jan 1799 Wayne Co, NC Deed 7-41 Thomas NIXON and Henry NIXON, executors of Henry NIXSON, Sr, deceased; !CENSUS:1800 Wayne Co, NC pg 869 Henry NIXON age 26-44 (1755/74) "00010-30010-0-0"; !DEED: 1 Mar 1805 Wayne Co, NC Deed 8-494 Thomas NIXON and Henry NIXON, executors of Henry NIXON, Sr, deceased, land patented to Henry NIXON, Sr; !CENSUS:1810 x !DEED:10 Dec 1810 Wayne Co, NC 9-329 Henry NIXON & wife Rebecca, William BELL, William BRITT & wife Patience to John BELL of Chatham Co, NC, their interest in the estate of William BELL, deceased, late of Wayne Co, NC, grandfather of said Rebecca, William and Patience; !CENSUS:1820 x !CENSUS:1830 x !CENSUS:1840 Autauga Co., AL Henry Nixon age 70-79 (1760/70) "0001000001000-0000000100000"; !CENSUS:1850 Autauga Co, AL Coosada Beat # 413/427 Henry Nixon, 80, Farmer, $550 VA Rebecca, 65, NC Wm, 24, Farmer, NC; | Nixon, Henry (I16868)
2284 | !CENSUS:1790 Wayne Co, NC pg 149 w/Henry NIXON age 16+ (bef 1774); NAMED:-- --- 1792 Wayne Co, NC Loose Estates Henry NICKSON, Account by Thomas NICKSON. Named: ... Boockajah SMITH ... Sarah NIXON ... Benjamin SMITH ... John NICKSON ... Thomas NICKSON ...; DEED:10 Dec 1795 Wayne Co, NC Deed 5E-257 Bryan WHITFIELD of Lenoir Co, NC to Thomas NICKSON. Witness: Henry NIXON; DEED:27 Feb 1797 Wayne Co, NC Deed 5E-539 Thomas NIXON and Henry NIXON, executors of Henry NIXSON, Sr, deceased. Witness: Br. NIXON; DEED:30 Jan 1799 Wayne Co, NC Deed 7-41 Thomas NIXON and Henry NIXON, executors of Henry NIXSON, Sr, deceased; !CENSUS:1800 Wayne Co, NC pg 869 Thomas NIXON age 26-44 (1755/74) "10010-00100-0-0"; DEED: 1 Mar 1805 Wayne Co, NC Deed 8-494 Thomas NIXON and Henry NIXON, executors of Henry NIXON, Sr, deceased, land patented to Henry NIXON, Sr; DEED:28 Nov 1807 Wayne Co, NC 9-160 Thomas NIXON of Anson Co, NC to ---, land in Wayne Co, NC; !CENSUS:1810 Anson Co, NC pg 15 Thomas NIXON age 45+ (bef 1765) "20001-30111-0-0"; !CENSUS:1820 x !CENSUS:1830 x one in Dallas Co., AL age 60-69 (1760/70) that works; !CENSUS:1840 x | Nixon, Thomas (I16867)
2285 | !CENSUS:1790 Wayne Co, NC pg 149 w/John NIXON no ages (bef 1790); !CENSUS:1800 Wayne Co, NC pg 871 w/John NIXON age 26-44 (1755/74); | ? (I16943)
2286 | !CENSUS:1790 Wayne Co, NC pg 149 w/John NIXON no ages (bef 1790); CENSUS:1800 Wayne Co, NC pg 871 w/John NIXON age 10-15 (1784/90); NAMED:27 Aug 1803 Wayne Co, NC Will of John NIXON, as "daughter Ann"; GUARDIAN:20 May 1805 Wayne Co, NC Loose Estate Papers of Bryan NIXON. William DAWSON, Thomas BOYET, Daniel CROOM bond for William DAWSON to be guardian of Ann NIXON, a minor orphan; CENSUS:1810; DIVISION:20 Aug 1811 Wayne Co, NC Loose Estate Papers of Bryan NIXON. Equally divided property between heirs: Martha, Nancy, Leah and Polly, heirs of Bryan NIXON, deceased; | Nixon, Nancy Ann (I16875)
2287 | !CENSUS:1790 Wayne Co, NC pg 149 w/John NIXON no ages (bef 1790); CENSUS:1800 Wayne Co, NC pg 871 w/John NIXON age 10-15 (1784/90); NAMED:27 Aug 1803 Wayne Co, NC Will of John NIXON, as "daughter Martha"; CENSUS:1810; DIVISION:20 Aug 1811 Wayne Co, NC Loose Estate Papers of Bryan NIXON. Equally divided property between heirs: Martha, Nancy, Leah and Polly, heirs of Bryan NIXON, deceased; | Nixon, Martha (I16874)
2288 | !CENSUS:1790 Wayne Co, NC pg 149 w/Needham WHITFIELD no ages (bef 1790); CENSUS:1850 Wayne Co, NC South of Neuse # 418 Rachel BRYAN, 65 (1784/85) born Wayne Co, NC; | Whitfield, Rachel (I13379)
2289 | !CENSUS:1790 Wayne Co, NC pg 149 w/Sampson EDWARDS -16 (1774/90); !CENSUS:1800 Wayne Co, NC pg 857 w/Sampson EDWARDS age 10-15 (1784/90); !CENSUS:1810 Wayne Co, NC pg 808 w/Sampson EDWARDS age 16-25 (1784/94); !NAMED: Nov 1818 Wayne Co, NC 4-212 Heir of Sampson EDWARDS, deceased "Sampson EDWARDS Jr"; !DEED:16 Nov 1818 Wayne Co, NC 11-105 Sampson EDWARDS to William EDWARDS, Witness: John EDWARDS, Lazarus HOWELL; !DEED:18 Nov 1818 Wayne Co, NC 11-103 Sampson EDWARDS to William EDWARDS, land from Division of his father Sampson EDWARDS Sr's Estate. Witness: M. McKINNE, Asher BUZEALL; !WITNESS: 1 Feb 1819 Wayne Co, NC 11-145 Page JERNIGAN and wife Sally JERNIGAN of Wayne Co, NC to William EDWARDS, land drawn from her father Sampson EDWARDS, decd, Estate. Witness: Sampson EDWARDS, Joshua CRADDOCK; !CENSUS:1820 Wayne Co, NC pg 465 Sampson EDWARDS age 26-44 (1775/94); !NAMED:-- Jun 1821 Wayne Co, NC Loose Estates. Sampson EDWARDS 1818. Petition of Samson EDWARDS, Lazarus HOWELL and Polly, his wife, Jonas REAVES and Cozy, his wife, John KILLET and Elizabeth, his wife, John EDWARDS and Lydia, Mariah and Washington EDWARDS, all of Wayne Co, NC. That Sampson EDWARDS died in the year 1818 intestate, widow Jemima, leaving also William EDWARDS, Sally, wife Page JERNIGAN; !DEED:16 Feb 1824 Wayne Co, NC 12-497 Sampson EDWARDS and wife Mary EDWARDS, formerly Mary BRITT, to ---?, land from division of her father Kinchen BRITT's estate; !CENSUS:1830 Hardeman Co, TN pg 385 Sampson EDWARDS age 40-49 (1780/90) "2100001-11001"; !DEED:26 May 1838 Wayne Co, NC 27-252 Sampson EDWARDS and wife Mary EDWARDS, of Hardeman Co, TN, all her interest in land of brother Harry Branson BRITT, decd; !DEED:27 Nov 1838 Wayne Co, NC 27-253 Sampson EDWARDS and wife Mary EDWARDS, of Hardeman Co, TN, to Lewis COGDILL, all her interest in land of brother Harry Branson BRITT, decd; !CENSUS:1840 Hardeman Co, TN pg 311 Sampson EDWARDS age 50-59 (1780/90) "10210001-011101"; !CENSUS:1850; | Edwards, Sampson (I6381)
2290 | !CENSUS:1790 Wayne Co, NC pg 149 w/Sampson EDWARDS -16 (1774/90); !CENSUS:1800 Wayne Co, NC pg 857 w/Sampson EDWARDS age 10-15 (1784/90); !CENSUS:1810 Wayne Co, NC pg 808 w/Sampson EDWARDS age 16-25 (1784/94); !WITNESS: 3 Sep 1810 Wayne Co, NC 10-172 David PETTIT to Sampson EDWARDS. Witness: William EDWARDS, Joseph GINNETT; !WITNESS: 3 Sep 1810 Wayne Co, NC 11-181 David EDWARDS, Executor of John EDWARDS, decd, to Sampson EDWARDS Sr. Witness: William EDWARDS, Jesse BLANCHARD; !WITNESS:21 Sep 1811 Wayne Co, NC 12-300 David EDWARDS, Executor of John EDWARDS, to Sampson EDWARDS Sr. Witness: William EDWARDS; !WITNESS:23 Sep 1811 Wayne Co, NC 10-87 Sampson EDWARDS Sr to John COX, Witness: William EDWARDS, John JENNITT; !WITNESS:20 Nov 1812 Wayne Co, NC 10-102 Sampson EDWARDS to John COX, Witness: William EDWARDS, J. William McKINNE; !WITNESS:13 Mar 1815 Wayne Co, NC 10-246 Sampson EDWARDS of Wayne Co, NC to Jonas REAVES of Johnston Co, NC "My son-in-law". Witness: John REAVES, William EDWARDS; !WITNESS:23 Apr 1816 Wayne Co, NC 10-351 Jonathan TAYLOR Sr to Sampson EDWARDS Sr, Witness: William EDWARDS, B. Robin HOOD; !DEED:25 Apr 1816 Wayne Co, NC 10-359 Sampson EDWARDS to William EDWARDS. Witness: Jesse LANGSTON; !NAMED: Nov 1818 Wayne Co, NC 4-212 Heir of Sampson EDWARDS, deceased "William EDWARDS"; !DEED:16 Nov 1818 Wayne Co, NC 11-105 Sampson EDWARDS to William EDWARDS, Witness: John EDWARDS, Lazarus HOWELL; !DEED:17 Nov 1818 Wayne Co, NC 11-104 Lazarus HOWELL and wife Polly HOWELL of Wayne Co, NC to William EDWARDS, land alloted her from division of father Sampson EDWARDS Sr's Estate. Witness: M. McKINNE, Asher BUZEALL; !DEED:18 Nov 1818 Wayne Co, NC 11-103 Sampson EDWARDS to William EDWARDS, land from Division of his father Sampson EDWARDS Sr's Estate. Witness: M. McKINNE, Asher BUZEALL; !DEED: 1 Feb 1819 Wayne Co, NC 11-145 Page JERNIGAN and wife Sally JERNIGAN of Wayne Co, NC to William EDWARDS, land drawn from her father Sampson EDWARDS, decd, Estate. Witness: Sampson EDWARDS, Joshua CRADDOCK; !CENSUS:1820; !NAMED:-- Jun 1821 Wayne Co, NC Loose Estates. Sampson EDWARDS 1818. Petition of Samson EDWARDS, Lazarus HOWELL and Polly, his wife, Jonas REAVES and Cozy, his wife, John KILLET and Elizabeth, his wife, John EDWARDS and Lydia, Mariah and Washington EDWARDS, all of Wayne Co, NC. That Sampson EDWARDS died in the year 1818 intestate, widow Jemima, leaving also William EDWARDS, Sally, wife Page JERNIGAN; !DEED: 6 Aug 1821 Wayne Co, NC 12-185 "Whereas by writ of Fieri Faecas against William EDWARDS of Wayne Co, NC, convicted of debt ... certain portions of his lands hereby sold to Barnabas COX, by Sheriff of Wayne Co, NC William RAIFORD; !ESTATE:-- --- 1823 Wayne Co, NC Loose Estates. William EDWARDS. 1823. Not much in file, * May not be this same William EDWARDS; !CENSUS:1830; !CENSUS:1840; !CENSUS:1850; | Edwards, William (I6378)
2291 | !CENSUS:1790 Wayne Co, NC pg 149 w/Sampson EDWARDS, no ages (bef 1790); !CENSUS:1800 Wayne Co, NC pg 857 w/Sampson EDWARDS age 26-44 (1755/74); !CENSUS:1810 Wayne Co, NC pg 808 w/Sampson EDWARDS age 45+ (bef 1765); !NAMED: Aug 1818 Wayne Co, NC 4-210 Jemima EDWARDS, dower; !NAMED: Nov 1818 Wayne Co, NC 4-212 Division of lands of Sampson EDWARDS, deceased to Jemima EDWARDS; !CENSUS:1820 * Wayne Co, NC pg 465 w/Sampson EDWARDS (Jr) age 45+ (bef 1775); !NAMED:-- Jun 1821 Wayne Co, NC Loose Estates. Sampson EDWARDS 1818. Petition of Samson EDWARDS, Lazarus HOWELL and Polly, his wife, Jonas REAVES and Cozy, his wife, John KILLET and Elizabeth, his wife, John EDWARDS and Lydia, Mariah and Washington EDWARDS, all of Wayne Co, NC. That Sampson EDWARDS died in the year 1818 intestate, widow Jemima, leaving also William EDWARDS, Sally, wife Page JERNIGAN; !NAMED: Feb 1822 Wayne Co, NC 4-473 Jemima EDWARDS to Hillary HOOKS, guardian of Lydia EDWARDS, minor heir of Sampson EDWARDS, Deceased; !DEED:12 Jun 1823 Wayne Co, NC 12-440 Jemima EDWARDS to daughters Kesiah REAVES and Lydia HOWELL, "plantation where she now lives"; !CENSUS:1830; | Jemima (I6377)
2292 | !CENSUS:1790 Wayne Co, NC pg 149 Willis HINES age 16+ (bef 1774); CENSUS:1800 Duplin Co, NC pg 438 Willis HINES age 26-44 (1755/74); CENSUS:1810 * Duplin Co, NC pg 24 Willis HINES * Wayne Co, NC pg 241 Willis HINES; CENSUS:1820; CENSUS:1830 Duplin Co, NC pg 149 Willis HINES age 60-69 (1760/70); !NAMED-DEED:15 Apr 1836 Wayne Co., NC Deed Book 17, p. 280 Division of Estate of Willis Hines Heirs named: Sarah Hines Bryan Hines James M. Hines Anne Roberts Lovett Hines Mary Hines Susan Gully John Hines Willis Hines Charles A. Hines Frederick Hines S: James Griswold, Wm Kornegay Jr., Mc Willaims, Em. Whitfield, Hatch Whitfield. Wit: William Thompson, Sheriff Full text online at: | Hines, Willis (I8545)
2293 | !CENSUS:1790 Wayne Co, NC pg 151 Elisha GRANT age 16+ (bef 1774) "1-2-2-0-0"; !CENSUS:1800 Wayne Co, NC pg 851 Elisha GRANT age 26-44 (1755/74) "21010-10100"; !CENSUS:1810 * Wayne Co, NC pg 249 Charity GRANT age 45+ (bef 1765) "10001-10010"; !CENSUS:1820 Wayne Co, NC pg 464 Elisha GRANT age 45+ (bef 1775) "200001-21010"; !PENSION File proves that in 21 Feb 1822 he had 43 year old wife (not named), daughter Smithy age 15; son Stephen age 13; daughter Harriet age 12; !CENSUS:1830; !PENSIONER:1835 Wayne Co, NC, Elisha GRANT, Pvt, 76 (1758/59) NC Cont. Line, died 23 Jan 1830; | Grant, Elisha (I24836)
2294 | !CENSUS:1790 Wayne Co, NC pg 151 Shadrack BOYT age 16+ (bef 1774) "1-1-5-0-0"; !CENSUS:1800 Wayne Co, NC pg 871 Shdrach BOYET, age 45+ (bef 1755) "11001-31202"; | Boyette, Shadrach (I16967)
2295 | !CENSUS:1790 Wayne Co, NC pg 151 w/Benjamin SMITH Sr age -16 (1774/90); CENSUS:1800 Wayne Co, NC pg 844 w/Benjamin SMITH Sr age 10-15 (1784/90); NAMED:20 Apr 1807 Wayne Co, NC Will of Benjamin SMITH as "Son Allen SMITH"; CENSUS:1810 Wayne Co, NC pg 248 Allen SMITH age 16-25 (1784/94); CENSUS:1820; CENSUS:1830; CENSUS:1840; CENSUS:1850 * One in Dyer co, TN age 52 NC, wife and children all born NC, next to Rasberry family. Coincidence? | Smith, Allen (I12541)
2296 | !CENSUS:1790 Wayne Co, NC pg 151 w/Benjamin SMITH Sr age -16 (1774/90); CENSUS:1800 Wayne Co, NC pg 844 w/Benjamin SMITH Sr age 16-25 (1774/84); NAMED:20 Apr 1807 Wayne Co, NC Will of Benjamin Smith, as "my son Alexander SMITH"; CENSUS:1810 Wayne Co, NC pg 248 w/Tabitha SMITH age 26-44 (1765/84); CENSUS:1820; CENSUS:1830; CENSUS:1840; CENSUS:1850; | Smith, Alexander (I12540)
2297 | !CENSUS:1790 Wayne Co, NC pg 151 w/Benjamin SMITH Sr no ages (bef 1790); CENSUS:1800; NAMED:20 Apr 1807 Wayne Co, NC Will of Benjamin Smith, as my daughter Martha PARKER; CENSUS:1810; CENSUS:1820; CENSUS:1830; CENSUS:1840; CENSUS:1850; | Smith, Martha (I12539)
2298 | !CENSUS:1790 Wayne Co, NC pg 151 w/Benjamin SMITH Sr no ages (bef 1790); CENSUS:1800; NAMED:20 Apr 1807 Wayne Co, NC Will of Benjamin Smith, as my daughter Polly RASBERRY; CENSUS:1810; CENSUS:1820; CENSUS:1830; CENSUS:1840; CENSUS:1850; | Smith, Mary (I12538)
2299 | !CENSUS:1790 Wayne Co, NC pg 151 w/Elisha GRANT no ages (bef 1790); CENSUS:1800 Wayne Co, NC pg 851 w/Elisha GRANT age 16-25 (1774/84); CENSUS:1810; | ? (I24890)
2300 | !CENSUS:1790 Wayne Co, NC pg 151 w/William GRANT age -16 (1774/94); !CENSUS:1800 Wayne Co, NC pg 844 John GRANT age 16-25 (1774/84) "20100-10100"; !CENSUS:1810; | Grant, John (I42370)