Marty and Karla Grant (TNG)



Matches 2,301 to 2,350 of 83,474

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 #   Notes   Linked to 
2301 !CENSUS:1790 Wayne Co, NC pg 151 William SMITH age 16+ (bef 1774);
CENSUS:1800 Wayne Co, NC pg 851 William SMITH age 26-44 (1755/74);
WITNESS:17 Aug 1801 Wayne Co, NC 7-209 Jesse HALL to John ROBERTS, 200a North
side of Neuse River on Dawson's Branch. Witness: William SMITH, Joseph
NAMED:20 Apr 1807 Wayne Co, NC Will of Benjamin SMITH as "son William SMITH";
DEED:19 Apr 1809 Wayne Co, NC 9-191 Henry ROBERTS to William SMITH, 214a North
side of Neuse River, on head of Dawson's Branch, part of patent to
Benjamin SMITH, 6 Feb 1768. Witness: Giles SMITH, Theophilus SMITH;
CENSUS:1810 Wayne Co, NC pg 835 William SMITH age 26-44 (1765/84);
WITNESS: 9 Jan 1811 Wayne Co, NC 9-314 Stephen GRANT of Wayne Co, NC to Owen
ROBERTS of Wayne Co, NC, 76a South side of Walnut Pocoson. Witness:
William SMITH, Lewis LANE;
CENSUS:1820 Wayne Co, NC pg 480 William SMITH age 45+ (bef 1775);
CENSUS:1830 Wayne Co, NC pg 521 William SMITH age 60-69 (1760/70);

!WILL: 8 Jan 1832 Wayne Co, NC William SMITH, proven Feb 1832. Wife Rachel, sons Giles, Sanders, Robert, William. Daughters: Zilphy HAM, Caren HAM, Grand-daughter Catherine HANDLEY, daughter-in-law Howery SMITH. Executor: Elijah SMITH, and Willis PEELE Jr. Witness: James VINSON, Taylor SMITH, Willis PEELE Sr; 
Smith, William (I10755)
2302 !CENSUS:1790 Wayne Co., NC pg 151 Charles Hopton age 16+ (bef 1774)
"2-0-2-0-10" (only Hobson/Hopson/Hopton in Wayne this year);

!COURT: 1 Dec 1791 Johnston Co., NC from:
Johnston County North Carolina Court Minutes 1787 thru 1792 Book IV, by Weynette Parks Haun, 1975.
pg 186, 1 Dec 1791 John Allen vs. Charles Hobson. Found in favor of plaintiff. £60 and costs;

!CENSUS:1800 Wayne Co., NC pg 871 Charles Hopton age 26-44 (1755/74)
"00010-00010-0-11" (only Hobson/Hopson/Hopton in Wayne this year);

!CENSUS:1810 x
(My Henry Hobson appears in Wayne in 1810, but no others of similar surname, no sign of Charles.); 
Hopton, Charles (I89388)
2303 !CENSUS:1790 Wayne Co., NC Pg 467 Saml Lane age 16+ (bef 1774)

!DEED:14 Apr 1795 Wayne Co., NC Deed Book 5E page 188
Samuel Lain deed of gift to son William Lane.
From ;

!CENSUS:1800 x

!DEED:29 Aug 1802 Wayne Co., NC Deed Book 7 page 380
Samuel Lane of Onslow ...
Witness: James Lane.
From ;

!CENSUS:1810 x 
Lane, Samuel (I99559)
2304 !CENSUS:1790 Wayne Co., NC Pg 467 Wm Lane age 16+ (bef 1774)
Lane, William (I99557)
2305 !CENSUS:1790 Wayne Co., NC Pg 467 Wm Lane Sr age 16+ (bef 1774)

!DEED: 6 Dec 1793 Wayne Co., NC Deed Book 5E page 270
William Lane ...
Witness: Margaret Lane.
Lane, William (I99558)
2306 !CENSUS:1790 Wayne Co., NC Pg 469 Isam Lane Sen age 16+ (bef 1774)
Lane, Isham (I99556)
2307 !CENSUS:1790 Wayne Co., NC Pg 469 John Lane age 16+ (bef 1774)

!NAMED-DEED: 3 Oct 1797 Wayne Co., NC Deed Book 5E page 504
John Lane to ---. Witness: Benjamin Lane
From ;

!CENSUS:1800 Wayne Co., NC pg 860 John Lain age 26-44 (1755/74)

!CENSUS:1810 Wayne Co., NC pg 818 John Lane age 26-44 (1765/84)

!CENSUS:1820 x

!DEED:16 Dec 1820 Wayne Co., NC DB 12 page 211
Division of lands of John Lane deceased to heirs:
James Lane
William Lane
Bryant Lane
Benjamin Lane
Wilie Lane
Sanders (Saunders) Lane
Smitha Lane
Lane, John (I99564)
2308 !CENSUS:1790 Wayne Co., NC Pg 472 John Thompson Lane age 16+ (bef 1774)
Lane, John Thompson (I99562)
2309 !CENSUS:1790 Wilkes Co, NC pg 122 w/William MILLER;
CENSUS:1800 Ashe Co, NC pg 84 w/William MILLER age 45+ (bef 1755);
CENSUS:1810 Wilkes Co, NC pg 886 w/William MILLER age 45+ (bef 1765);
Eldridge, Mary (I10126)
2310 !CENSUS:1790 Wilkes Co, NC pg 122 William MILLER age 16+ (bef 1774);
CENSUS:1800 Ashe Co, NC pg 84 William MILLER age 45+ (bef 1755);
CENSUS:1810 Wilkes Co, NC pg 886 William MILLER age 45+ (bef 1765);
Miller, William (I10125)
2311 !CENSUS:1790 Wilkes Co, NC pg 123 Theophilus EVANS age 16+ (bef 1774)

!NOTE: From:
Members of the NC General Assembly from Wilkes County, NC:
1794 Senate:William Lenoir. House: Benjamin Jones, Theophilus Evans;

Evans, Theophilus (I91244)
2312 !CENSUS:1790 Wilkes Co, NC pg 123 w/Thomas Baker no ages (bef 1790);
!CENSUS:1800 * Doesn't seem to be enumerated with Thomas;

!CENSUS:1810 Wilkes Co, NC pg 267 w/Thomas Baker age 26-44 (1765/84);

!CENSUS:1820 Ashe Co, NC pg 4 w/Thomas Baker age 45+ (bef 1775);

!CENSUS:1830 Ashe Co, NC pg 11 w/Thomas Baker age 60-69 (1760/70);

I was unable to find widow Mary Cantrell Baker on the 1840 census. She was not a head of household, nor did any of the Baker households (which see) have a female her age residing with them. She was probably with a married daughter that year.

For the 1850 census, widow Mary was living in Ashe County with the James and Jane Ready (or Reedy) family. One would assume that Jane was Mary's daughter or granddaughter. The only Baker nearby was Adam Jackson Baker (c1815) who was ten households away. Others list him as her son, but I've seen no proof yet, other than proximity.

!CENSUS:1850 Ashe Co., NC pg 238B # 14/14
James Ready, 28 Farmer NC
Jane 25
William 3
Elizabeth 1
Mary Baker 82

In the 1850's (through 1856) widow "Molly" Baker made several affidavits to get a Pension based on her late husband's Revolutionary War service. These are recorded in Pension File R-430. Mrs. Nancy Gambill, aged 94, widow of Martin Gambill also made a statement on her behalf in 1854.

I didn't find Mary "Molly" Cantrell Baker on the 1860 census. She probably died before then. 
Cantrell, Mary (I56077)
2313 !CENSUS:1790 Wilkes Co, NC pg 124 Christian SHIRROR Sr age 16+ (bef
CENSUS:1800 * Apparently deceased, as apparent widow Sarah SHEARER
is head of
household in Ashe Co, NC; 
Shearer, Christian (I83461)
2314 !CENSUS:1790 Wilkes Co, NC pg 124 w/Christian SHIRROR Sr no ages;
CENSUS:1800 Ashe Co, NC pg 88 Sarah SHEARER age 45+ (bef 1755);
Sarah (I83462)
2315 !CENSUS:1790 Wilkes Co, NC pg 124 w/Jesse RAY -16 (1774/90);

CENSUS:1800 Ashe Co, NC pg 86 w/Jesse RAY age 10-15 (1784/90);

CENSUS:1810 Ashe Co, NC pg 72 w/J. RAY age 16-25 (1784/94);



CENSUS:1840 * NOT in NC Index;

Ray, John (I99265)
2316 !CENSUS:1790 Wilkes Co, NC pg 124 w/Jesse RAY no ages;

CENSUS:1800 Ashe Co, NC pg 86 w/Jesse RAY age 10-15 (1784/90);

CENSUS:1810 Ashe Co, NC pg 72 w/J. RAY age 16-25 (1784/94);




Ray, Nancy (I99264)
2317 !CENSUS:1790 Wilkes Co, NC pg 132 w/John GRANT age -16 (1774/90);

!CENSUS:1800 Wilkes Co, NC pg 40 w/John GRANT age 10-15 (1784/90);

!CENSUS:1810 Wilkes Co, NC pg 870 w/John GRANT age 16-25 (1784/94);

!MOVED:1814 From Wilkes Co, NC to Kentucky;

!MOVED:1819 from Kentucky to Burke/Iredell Co, NC;

!CENSUS:1820 Burke Co, NC pg 71 Robert GRANT age 26-44 (1775/94) "300010-20100";

!CENSUS:1830 Iredell Co., NC p. 31
Robert Grant age 40-49 (1780/1790)

!NAMED:11 Jul 1835 Iredell Co, NC Will of John GRANT "son Robert GRANT";

!CENSUS:1840 * Iredell Co, NC pg 185 w/John GRANT Sr age 50-59 (1780/90);

Grant, Robert (I90346)
2318 !CENSUS:1790 Wilkes Co., NC p. 151 2nd Company
Jno Estridge age 16+ (bef 1774)

!CENSUS:1800 x 
Eastridge, John (I121142)
2319 !CENSUS:1790 Wilkes Co., NC pg 158 8th Company Shad. Estepp age 16+ (bef 1774) "2-2-5-0-0";

!TAXLIST:1797 Washington Co., VA Personal Property Matthew Willoughby's District (Lower District of Washington) - Shadrick Eastep, 1 white tithable, 0 blacks, 1 horse. * Not listed here any other time 1782-1802 as far as I could find;

!CENSUS:1800 Ashe Co., NC pg 78 Shadrach Estep age 45+ (bef 1755) "00001-01101";

!WILL:31 May 1801 Ashe Co., NC Shadrach Estep
Proven Aug 1801
Wife Ruth
Son John, wife Ruth and Ezekiel Baird, Esq, executors
Wit: Wynant (X) vandirpool, Elijah (X) Curtis, Jurat
S: Shadrach (X) Estep
North Carolina Probate Records, 1735-1970, Ashe, Wills, 1801-1857, Vol A. p. 66
Estep, Shadrach (I84829)
2320 !CENSUS:1790 Wilkes Co., NC pg 164 13th Company Solomon Wright age 16+ (bef 1774)

!CENSUS:1800 x
- One in Burke Co., NC; 
Wright, Solomon (I81390)
2321 !CENSUS:1790 x

!CENSUS:1800 Anson Co., NC p. 222
Stephen Stroud age 26-44 (1755/1774)

!CENSUS:1810 x

!CENSUS:1820 x

!CENSUS:1830 x 
Stroud, Stephen (I85030)
2322 !CENSUS:1790 x

!CENSUS:1800 Ashe Co., NC p. 79
Benjamin Grimes 00000-00000-1-0
1 free colored person;

Grimes, Benjamin (I121157)
2323 !CENSUS:1790 x

!CENSUS:1800 Brunswick Co., NC p. 13
James Jones age 26-44 (1755/1774)

!LAND WARRANT: 1 Feb 1800 Brunswick Co., NC, 100a on Dans Creek, Warrant # 143
Including his own plantation. Surveyed 13 Oct 1800
Chain Bearers Ezekiel Bryan and Jesse Brantley;

!LAND WARRANT:13 Oct 1800 Brunswick Co., NC, 100a on a prong of Livingstons Creek, Warrant # 218
Including his own plantation. Surveyed 13 Oct 1800
East side of Livingstons Creek, prong called Bulllhead joining Thos Newell and Wm Boyds lines.
Chain Bearers James Keith, Richd Davis;

!DEED: 1 Nov 1800 Brunswick Co., NC Deed Book D, p. 268
William Boyd to James Jones, both of Brunswick, L21, 50a
James Williamsons's land, patent to Samuel Watters.
S: William Boyd.
W: Wiliam Keith, E. Bryan.;

!DEED: 1 Nov 1800 Brunswick Co., NC Deed Book D, p. 278
John Williamson to James Jones, both of Brunswick for L25,
100a branch of Livingston Creek, south side of said creek p/o tract granted to Samuel Watters 620a 9 Apr 1770.
S: John Williams (sic)
W: William Boyd, William Keith;

!DEED:21 Mar 1801 Brunswick Co., NC Deed Book D, p. 268 (same page as above deed)
James Jones of Brunswick to Caleb Davis of Town of Smithville, one Negro girl named dido $225.
S: James Jones.
W: John Conyers;

!DEED: 5 Oct 1800 Brunswick Co., NC Deed Book E, p. 424
James Jones to Ezekiel Bryan, both of Brunswick for L40,
96a Judge Moore's line, Dans Creek Swamp,entered and patented by said James Jones.
S: James Jones
W: Benjm. Due, Solomon (X) Taylor;

!DEED: 1 Oct 1803 Brunswick Co., NC Deed Book E, p. 146
James Jones of Brunswick to Edward Harris of same, for L40,
150a on a branch of Livingston Creek, south side of said creek ...
S: James Jones
W: Ez. Bryan, Joshua Newell;

!LAND WARRANT:17 Dec 1803 Brunswick Co., NC, 96a on S Side Dans Creek. warrant # --, Grant # 580
Granted 18 Aug 1803 # 580.
Joining Judge Moores and James Lewis's land.
Surveyed 5 Apr 1803
Chain Carriers: Ezekiel Bryan, Gabriel Smith;

!CENSUS:1810 Brunswick Co., NC p. 228
J. Jones age 45+ (bef 1765)

!CENSUS:1820 x 
Jones, James (I111440)
2324 !CENSUS:1790 x

!CENSUS:1800 Buncombe Co., NC p. 187
Spencer Rice age 26-44 (1755/1774)

!CENSUS:1810 x
Evelyn Rice Tharp has him dying 1807 in Alabama; 
Rice, Spencer (I41940)
2325 !CENSUS:1790 x

!CENSUS:1800 Clarendon Co., SC Sumter Dist., p. 601
Joseph Pack age 26-44 (1755/1774)

!CENSUS:1810 Sumner Dist., SC, Clarendon p. 479
Joseph Pack age 45+ (bef 1765)

!CENSUS:1820 Sumter Dist., SC p. 121
Jos Pack Sr age 45+ (bef 1775)
Pack, Joseph (I115537)
2326 !CENSUS:1790 x

!CENSUS:1800 Iredell Co., NC p. 669/667
Thomas Stroud age 26-44 (1755/1774)

!CENSUS:1810 Iredell Co., NC p. 156
Thomas Stroud age 45+ (bef 1765)

!CENSUS:1820 Iredell Co., NC p. 246
Thomas Stroud age 45+ (bef 1775)

!CENSUS:1830 Iredell Co., NC p. 7
Thomas Stroud age 70-79 (1750/1760)

!CENSUS:1840 x 
Stroud, Thomas (I108052)
2327 !CENSUS:1790 x

!CENSUS:1800 Lancaster Dist., SC p. 2
John Tutt age 26-44 (1755/1774)
My analysis (who each person *might* be)
1m 26-44 (1755/1774) John Tutt
1m 10-14 (1784/1790) Son
1f 45+ (bef 1755) .. Mother? Mother-in-law?
1f 26-44 (1755/1774) Mrs. Tutt
2 slaves

!CENSUS:1810 Lancaster Dist, SC p. 384
John Tutt age 45+ (bef 1765)
My analysis (who each person *might* be)
1m 45+ (before 1765) John Tutt
1f 26-44 (1765/1784) Mrs. Tutt
10 free colored persons
13 slaves;

!CENSUS:1820 Lancaster Dist., SC p. 33
John Tutt age 45+ (bef 1775)
Free Colored=0;

!CENSUS:1830 Lancaster Dist., SC p. 98
John Tutt age 60-69 (1760/70)

!CENSUS:1840 Lancaster Dist., SC p. 396
John Tutt age 80-89 (1750/1760)

!CENSUS:1850 x 
Tutt, John (I96656)
2328 !CENSUS:1790 x

!CENSUS:1800 Marion Dist., SC p. 449
Adam Kusack age 16-25 (1774/84)

!CENSUS:1810 Marion Dist., SC p. 79/3
Adam Cusack age 26-44 (1765/84)

!CENSUS:1820 Marion Dist., SC p. 6
Addam Cusack age 45+ (bef 1775)

!CENSUS:1830 Marion Dist., SC p. 10
Adam Cusack age 50-59 (1770/80)

!WILL:22 Feb 1836 Darlington Co., SC Will Book Vol 8-10 p. 89 Proven 30 Sep 1845
Adam Cusack of Marion District
wife Savey (Savoy? Savry?)
dau Dorcas (single)
son Joseph Wainright
Mentions land left to his wife by Will of Theophilus Ward
to Frances Turner
to Elizabeth Turner
Dorcas Cusaack
Martha Ann Turner
Friend Joseph McCown Executor
Wit: James Humphrey, John (X) Hatchel, John Leach

!CENSUS:1840 Marion Dist., SC p. 181
Adam Cusack age 60-69 (1770/80)
Cusack, Adam (I47910)
2329 !CENSUS:1790 x

!CENSUS:1800 Randolph Co., NC p. 344
Thomas Stroud age 26-44 (1755/1774)

!CENSUS:1810 * Harrison Co, IN x Thomas STROUD age 26-44 (1765/84) "21010-20000";

!CENSUS:1820 Crawford Co., IN p. 14
Thomas Stroud age 45+ (bef 1775)

!CENSUS:1830 Crawford Co., IN p. 245
Thomas Stroud age 50-59 (1770/1780)

!CENSUS:1840 Crawford Co., IN p. 472
Thomas Stroud age 70-79 (1760/1770)

!CENSUS:1850 Crawford Co., IN Liberty Township # 467/467
Thomas Stroud 80 Farmer $400 NC
Jane 71 NC
John 26 Crawford Co
Joel 22
Henry 14
Lucinda 24; 
Stroud, Thomas (I88451)
2330 !CENSUS:1790 x

!CENSUS:1800 Robeson Co., NC p. 727
Levi Dees age 16-25 (1774/84)


!NAMED-WILL:21 Mar 1817 Marion Co., SC Will Book 1, p. 162 Arthur Dees, recorded 3 Jun 1829
Wife Susanna Dees
sons Malachi Dees
Abraham Dees
Levi Dees
and my three daughters
Selety Turner
Mary Lowry
Sarah Garrett
Grandson Archibald Dees
my three young children:
S: Arthur (V) Dees
Wit: John Gregg, Janett Gregg, William Gregg;

!NAMED-PROBATE:Samuel E. Wilson, adm. of Malachi Dees vs Levi Dees et al, Marion Co., SC Probate Roll # 62.
Malachi Dees died Oct 1832 in Marion Dist. leaving a small personal estate. He died intestate leaving no wife or child, brother or sister, ancestor or lineal descendant. Heirs are uncles and aunts:
Maternal: James Hutson, Elizabeth Bailey wife of Christopher Bailey.

Paternal-Whole Blood: Aunt Mary Lowry wife of Thomas Lowry, Aunt Sarah Garrett wife of Thomas Garrett, Aunt Lethe Turner wife of Aaron Turner who has not been heard from for 20 years and is supposed to be dead. Levi Dees supposed to be dead.

Paternal-Half Blood: uncle Curtis W. Dees, Aunt Charity Haywood wife of Warren Haywood.; 
Dees, Levi (I107641)
2331 !CENSUS:1790 x

!CENSUS:1800 Rowan Co., NC p. 433
Richard Pack age 45+ (bef 1755)

!WILL:24 Jan 1804 Rowan Co., NC Richard Pack
my son James Pack
my son John Pack
my son Thomas Pack
wife Mary Pack
my son William Pack
my six daughters Susan, Elizabeth, Rebecca, Jean, Mary & Anne
S: Richard Pack
Wit: Nathl Peebles? Elizabeth Peebles, Azariah Pack; 
Pack, Richard (I115850)
2332 !CENSUS:1790 x

!CENSUS:1800 Rowan Co., NC p. 433
William Pack age 45+ (bef 1755)

!WILL: 3 Feb 1800 Rowan Co., NC William Pack
Wife Joanna Pack
son Azariah Pack
son Reason Pack
son Joseph Pack
my two daughters (no names)
youngest son William Pack
S: William Pack
W: Jesse Holmes?
Elijah Keatch; 
Pack, William (I115843)
2333 !CENSUS:1790 x

!CENSUS:1800 x

!CENSUS:1810 Burke Co., NC p. 114/323
William Wilson age 26-44 (1765/1784)

!CENSUS:1820 Burke Co., NC *
p. 21 William Wilson age 16-25 (1794/1804) 000100-00100-0-0 in right neighborhood
p. 25 William Wilson age 26-44 (1775/1794) 112310-01001-0-0 two houses from Samuel McKey
p. 55 William Wilson Esq age 26-44 (1775/94) 110010-11100-0-0 in right neighborhood **
** This is probably the right William;

!CENSUS:1830 Burke Co., NC *
p. 132 William Wilson age 40-49 (1780/90) 0001001-000000001
p. 205 William Wilson Sr 60-69 (1770/80) 000100001-0001 **

!CENSUS:1840 Yancey Co., NC *
p. 256 Wm Wilson Sen age 50-59 (1780/90) 00000001-01112001 **
p. 264 William Wilson age 40-49 (1790/1800) 2211101-000011; 
Wilson, William (I2087)
2334 !CENSUS:1790 x

!CENSUS:1800 x

!CENSUS:1810 Marion Dist., SC p. 35
Charles Moody Junr 21110-20110-0-0
Analysis (who each person *might* be)
1 male 26-44 (1765/1784) Charles Moody
1 male 16-25 (1784/1794) Son? Brother? Nephew?
1 male 10-15 (1794/1800) Son? Brother? Nephew?
2 males 0-9 (1800/1810) 1-Son?
1 female 26-44 (1765/1784) Wife?
1 female 16-25 (1784/1794) Daughter? Sister? Niece?
2 females 0-9 (1800/1810) 1-Daughter?

!CENSUS:1820 x
* Unless the one remaining Charles in Marion is him. It fits the other Charles (1760/65) better though, but it could be this one instead; 
Moody, Charles (I106805)
2335 !CENSUS:1790 x

!CENSUS:1800 x

!CENSUS:1810 x

!TAXLIST:1812 Bedford Co., TN (
Capt. William Bell’s Company
# Name
56. John Neill
58. James Neill
59. Alexr. Neill
60. John Cathy
64. Andrew Neill

!CENSUS:1820 Bedford Co., TN p. 108 *
Alexander Neill age 26-44 (1775/1794)
* Not the same Alexander Neill. Too young?
My analysis (who each person *might* be)
1m 26-44 (1775/1794)
1m 10-15 (1804/1810)
2m 0-9 (1810/1820)
1f 26-44 (1775/1794)
2f 0-9 (1810/1820);

!COURT: 1 May 1823 Wilson Co, TN Robert Neill, Complt vs. George Cathey et al (long list of heirs).
William Neil, complainants father sometime in the month of Oct 1783 gave to George Cathey L65 10s, 6p to securing land in Western Country, now state of TN. Obtained 640a with William Campbell on 26 Jun 1795 grant was issued on south side of Cumberland River on Spencers Creek.

William Neil gave to his son John Niel the above tract who sold it to brother Robert Neill.

William Cathey and George Cathey, sons of George, and his executors, conveyed said land to John Neil. Violet Cathey on of the daughters of George Cathey, decd, and John Reed who married Esther another of the daughters, executed a deed of relinq.

Alexander Neil and James Neil, brothers to the complainant dated 24 Aug 1819 relinq all their rights to the land. Another deed of relinq dated 1 aug 1821 John Neil, James Neil, Sarah Neil, John Plumley, William Plumley, Archibald Plumley, Jacob Howes, Hannah Howes, Benjamin Howes, and William Howes.

"That George Cathey, Violet Cathey, Jane Adkins, Samuel Lusk and his wife Betsy, Benjamin Burgen and his wife Mary are the children & heirs of said George Cathey decd. that George Patton, John Logan and his wife Rebecca are grand children of said George Cathey Senr decd. by his daughter Margaret who intermarried with Elija Paton and who are both deceased. Also Robert Cain & Daniel Cain are grand children of said George decd by his daughter Elizabeth who intermarrired first with Robert Cain, also James Reed grand child of said George decd by his daughter Elizabeth by her second husband Robert Reed, the same Robert Cain, Robert Reed and Elizabeth being now all dead. Also Robert Patton and his wife Rebecca who is a daughter of said George decd. John Reed and his wife Esther, who is also a daughter of said George decd. Also Andrew Neil and his wife Mary the said Andrew being a son of William Neil decd. and his wife Mary a daughter of said George decd. Also Robert Gillespie and his wife Anne grand daughter of said George decd. by his son William Cathey and George Cathey, James Cathey, and Andrew Cathey and William Mahafy and his wife Betsey grand sons and daughter of said George deceased by his son William Cathey now decd. 
Neill, Alexander (I32788)
2336 !CENSUS:1790 x

!CENSUS:1800 x

!NAMED-PROBATE:10 Jan 1801 Marion Co., SC Probate Roll # 505 Daniel Moody, Jr.
Robert Moody Jr and Peter Munro Adms.
Mary Moody made suit for letters of adm for Daniel Moody, Jr, late of Little Pee Dee 10 Jan 1801.
BM: Mary Moody, Robert Moody, Levi Gibson;
30 Jan 1801 Warrant of Appraisment.
Samuel Johnston, Charles Moody, Sr and Roger Roberts.
Return 1806 paid Leonard White, boarding and clothing of Josiah Moody.
Paid Taply Moody for boarding and schooling Josiah Moody 3 months.
27 Apr 1803 Inventory of Daniel Moody, Jr, late of Buck Swamp.
16 Feb 1803 The humble petition of the relatives of the heir of Daniel Moody deceased showeth that wehere as your petition applied in conjunction with Peter Munroe for administration of the estate of Daniel Moody deceased ... the child of the deceased ...
S: Robert Moody, Sr.
S: Robert Moody, Jr.
S: Tapley Moody.
Return 1816 paid Mrs. Mary Godfrey clothing for Josiah Moody.
... more ...

!TAX LIST:1809 Marion Dist., SC
Charles Moody Jun
Charles Moody Sen
Daniel Moody
James Moody
Jesse Moody
Robert Moody Jun
Robert Moody Sen
Tapley Moody
Thomas Moody;

!CENSUS:1810 Marion Dist., SC p. 29
Taplin Moody

!NOTES:26 Oct 1812 Partition among heirs of Robert Moody, deceased.
* This record from Pee Dee Queue, Vol XXX, No. 5, Sept-Oct 2006, pp. 7-8 transcribed by Jo Church Dickerson from an original document found by Helen Moody.
* Below is an abstract of the heirs from the document, not a full transcript (MG)
Writ of Partition, Marion 1813, Rol 2361, Filed 17 Sep 1813, Recorded in Book B pp 245 & 246

Thomas Moody and others vs. Charles Moody, admr of Robert Moody

Robert Moody late of Marion Dist, SC died 22 Aug 1810 intestate leaving:
Easter Moody, his widow and relict
Charles Moody
Tapply Moody
James Moody
Daniel Moody who died leaving
Josiah Moody his son and only heir
Mary Moody wife of Absalom Foxworth. Mary died leaving:
Mary, Samuel and Delilah Foxworth, infants
Robert Moody
Thomas Moody
John Moody who has died leaving
Nancy his wife
James, Solomon and Mary Moody, infants.
Jesse Moody, infant
Pene Moody, infant
Willey Moody, infant
Harriet Moody, infant
Smithey Moody, infant

(1000a to be partitioned.)
We command you Enos Tart, Thomas Harlee, Robert Moody, Jesse Bethea & Elisha Bethea, Esquires to value the land ...

Witness the Honorable J. F. Grimke, Esqr, Senior Associate Judge of the said State at Marion Court House the fourth Monday in October in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight hundred & twelve & of the American Independence the thirty seventh.
(26 Oct 1812);

!WITNESS-DEED:16 Feb 1820 Marion Co., SC Deed Book I, p. 213
David Blackman, planter, of Marion, in consideration of affection towards my daughter Mahalah Blackman, give at my death, 100a near Little Pee Dee River bounded by Lewis Mares, James Blackman, Hugh Harrell & Lazarus Lee, Junr, all my horses, cattle, hogs, sheep, furniture, tools & all other property.
S: David (his mark) Blackman.
Wit: Taply Moody, Levi (his mark) Huggins, Enos Tart.
* From "Marion County South Carolina Abstracts of Deeds Volume Two Books F - I & K 1811-1823", Lucille Utley, Alita White Sutcliffe, 1997.;

!CENSUS:1820 Marion Dist., SC p. 19
Taply Moody age 45+ (bef 1775)

!CENSUS:1830 Marion Dist., SC p. 35
Tapley Moody age 50-59 (1770/80)

!CENSUS:1840 Marion Dist., SC p. 136
Tapley Moody age 60-69 (1770/80)

!CENSUS:1850 x 
Moody, Rev Tapley (I56550)
2337 !CENSUS:1790 x

!CENSUS:1800 x

!TAXLIST:1801 Albemarle Co., VA
James Lewis's district
White Tithes 16+, Blacks 16+, Blacks 12-16, Horses
Samuel Hensley 1-2-1-4
Wm Hensley & Son Benjamin 2-0-2-3
Thos Garth's district
Robert Hensley 1-0-0-0
Note that he is in the same district where Clifton Hensley had been in 1800, but who was gone by 1801. Could it be the same man? Or a brother?

!TAXLISTS:1802-1810 x
* Not listed in Albemarle Co., VA; 
Hensley, Robert (I112360)
2338 !CENSUS:1790 x

!CENSUS:1800 x

!TAXLIST:1802 Albemarle Co., VA
James Lewis's district
White Tithes 16+, Blacks 16+, Blacks 12-16, Horses
Saml Hensley & son Joseph 2-4-0-5
Wm Hensley & son James 2-1-0-2
Susanna Hensley & son John 1-0-0-2
Thos Garth's district
- No Hensleys;

!TAXLIST:1803 x
* Not listed in Albemarle;

!TAXLIST:1804 x
* Not listed in Albemarle;

!TAXLIST:1805 x
* Not listed in Albemarle;

!TAXLIST:1806 x
* Not listed in Albemarle;

!TAXLIST:1807 Buckingham Co., VA Personal Property
White Tithes, Slaves, Horses
Henry Hensley 1-0-1
William Hensley 1-3-3
Benjamin Hensley 1-0-1
James Hensley 1-0-2
William Hensley Junr 1-0-1;

!TAXLIST:1808 x
No taxes this year;

!TAXLIST:1809 Buckingham Co., VA Personal Property
White Tithes, Slaves, Horses
Henry Hensley 1-0-0
William Hensley 1-3-1
Benjamin Hensley 1-1-1
James Hensley 1-1-1;

!TAXLIST:1810 Buckingham Co., VA Personal Property
White Tithes, Slaves, Horses
Henry Hensley 1-0-0
Benjamin Hensley 1-1-1
James Hensley 1-0-2
William Hensley, 1-3-2;


!TAXLIST:1811 Kanawha Co., VA (WV)
Whites 16+, Blacks 12-16, Blacks 16+, Horses
James Hensley 1-0-0-1
James Hensley 1-0-0-1
William Hensley Jun 1-0-0-0
William Hensley 2-1-2-2;

!TAXLIST:1812 Kanawha Co., VA (WV)
Whites 16+, Blacks 12-16, Blacks 16+, Horses
William Hensley 2-1-1-2
William Hensley 1-0-0-1
James Hensley 1-0-0-1;

!TAXLIST:1813 Kanawha Co., VA (WV)
Matthew McCown's District
Whites 16+, Blacks 12-16, Blacks 16+, Horses
James Hensley 1-0-0-0
William Hensley Senr 1-0-2-2
William Hensley Junr 1-0-0-0
Thomas Hensley 1-0-0-4
William C. Wilson's. Upper District
No Hensleys;

!TAXLIST:1814 Kanawha Co., VA (WV)
William C. Wilson's
No Hensleys
Matthew McCown's District
Whites 16+, Blacks 12-16, Blacks 16+, Horses
William Hensley Junr 1-0-0-1
William Hensley Senr 1-1-1-2
Thomas Hensley 1-0-0-1
James Hensley 1-0-0-3;

!TAXLIST:1815 Kanawha Co., VA (WV)
Matthew McCown's District
Whites 16+, Slaves 9-12, Slaves 12+, Horses
May 6, William Hensley 2-0-3-1
Mar 21, James Hensley 1-0-0-2
Apr 1, William Hensley 1-0-0-1
William C. Wilson's
No Hensleys;

!TAXLIST:1816 Kanawha Co., VA (WV)
Matthew McCown's District
Whites 16+, Slaves 12+, Horses
Apr 22, James Hensley 1-0-2
Apr 22, William Hensley 2-3-2
Apr 22, William Hensley Junr 1-0-1
William C. Wilson's
No Hensleys;

!TAXLIST:1817 Kanawha Co., VA (WV)
Matthew McCown's District
No Hensleys
William C. Wilson's
Whites 16+, Slaves 12+, Horses
Apr 8, William Hensley Senr 1-3-1
Apr 8, William Hensley 1-0-1
Apr 8, Thomas Hensley 1-0-1
Apr 8, James Hensley 1-0-2
Apr 8, Fleming Hensley 1-0-1;

!TAXLIST:1818 Kanawha Co., VA (WV)
Matthew McCown's District
No Hensleys
William C. Wilson's
Whites 16+, Slaves 12+, Horses
Apr 8, Wm Hensley Senr 1-3-2
Apr 8, Wm Hensley 1-0-1
Apr 8, Thomas Hensley 1-0-1
Apr 8, James Hensley 1-0-2
Apr 8, Fleming Hensley 1-0-0;

!TAXLIST:1819 Kanawha Co., VA (WV)
Matthew McCown's District
No Hensleys
William C. Wilson's
Whites 16+, Slaves 12+, Horses
May 16, William Hensley Senr 1-3-1
May 16, William Hensley 1-0-1
May 16, Thomas Hensley 1-1-1
Apr 7, James Hensley 1-0-4
Apr 7, Fleming Hensley 1-0-0;

!TAXLIST:1820 Kanawha Co., VA (WV)
William C. Wilson's
Whites 16+, Slaves 12+, Blacks 16+, Horses
Apr 8, James Hensley 1-0-0-3
May 4, William Hensley Senr 1-0-3-1
May 4, William Hensley 1-0-0-1
May 4, Thomas Hensley 1-0-1-1
May 4, Fleming Hensley 1-0-0-1
May 4, Benjm Hensley 1-0-1-2
Lyle Millan's District
May 13, Samuel Hensley 1-0-0-0;

!CENSUS:1820 Kanwaha Co., VA p. 5
James Hensley age 26-44 (1775/1794)

!CENSUS:1830 St Louis Co, MO pg 322 James HENSLEY age 40-49 (1780/90) "0020001-321101";

!CENSUS:1840 Jefferson Co, MO pg 107 James HANSLEY age 60-69 (1770/80) "000100001-01110001";

!CENSUS:1850 Jefferson Co, MO pg 446 James HENSLEY, 61 (1788/89) born VA;

!CENSUS:1860 Jefferson Co, MO pg 518 James HENSLEY, 75 (1784/85) born VA; 
Hensley, James (I97502)
2339 !CENSUS:1790 x

!CENSUS:1800 x

!TAXLIST:1802 Albemarle Co., VA
James Lewis's district
White Tithes 16+, Blacks 16+, Blacks 12-16, Horses
Saml Hensley & son Joseph 2-4-0-5
Wm Hensley & son James 2-1-0-2
Susanna Hensley & son John 1-0-0-2
Thos Garth's district
- No Hensleys;

!TAXLIST:1803 x
* Not listed in Albemarle;

!TAXLIST:1804 x
* Not listed in Albemarle;

!TAXLIST:1805 x
* Not listed in Albemarle;

!TAXLIST:1806 x
* Not listed in Albemarle;

!TAXLIST:1807 x
* Not listed in Albemarle;

!TAXLIST:1809 x
* Not listed in Albemarle;

!CENSUS:1810 x

!TAXLIST:1810 x
* Not listed in Albemarle; 
Susannah (I97501)
2340 !CENSUS:1790 x

!DEED:20 Nov 1799 Marion Co., SC Deed Book B, p. 50
John Ammons of Liberty Co., SC to Thomas Ammons Senr of same place, for L100, 200a part of two tracts, one granted to Thomas Ammons 6 May 1793 other granted to Goodman Bethea.
S: John Ammons, Sarah (X) Ammons
W: Neil McEacharn, Duncan McEacharn;

!CENSUS:1800 Marion Dist., SC p. 451/795
Thomas Ammons age 45+ (bef 1755)

!CENSUS:1810 Marion Dist., SC p. 24
Thos Ammons Senr age 45+ (bef 1765)
* Next to Thomas Junr.;

!DEED:18 Mar 1811 Marion Co., SC Deed Book H, p. 129
Thomas Ammons Senr of Marion Dist to William Ammons of same
for good will, sold to William Ammons 600a where said William Ammons lives.
S: None
W: Bennet Andrews, Thomas Ammons Junr.; 
Ammons, Thomas (I108587)
2341 !CENSUS:1790 x

!MARRIAGE BOND:20 Mar 1794 Onslow Co., NC
Lewis Jenkins and John Jenkins for L50,
Lewis Jenkins to Miss Sarah Beazley.
S: John (X) Jenkins;

!CENSUS:1800 Onslow Co., NC p. 160
Lewis Jinkins age 26-44 (1755/1774)
My analysis (who each person *might* be)
1m 26-44 (1755/1774) Lewis Jenkins (1770/74)
2m 0-9 (1790/1800).. 1. Son
.................... 2. Son
1f 16-25 (1774/1784) Sarah Beasley Jenkins wife
1f 0-9 (1790/1800).. Daughter;

!DEED:12 Mar 1808 Onslow Co, NC 1-156 Lewis JENKINS to James KING for L12, 10s, 100a on Harrys Creek. Test: George GIBBONS, John JONES;

!CENSUS:1810 Onslow Co., NC p. 107/781
Lewis Jinkins age 26-44 (1765/1784)
My analysis (who each person *might* be)
1m 26-44 (1765/1784) Lewis Jenkins (1770/74)
2m 10-15 (1794/1800). 1. Son
..................... 2. Son
1f 26-44 (1765/1784). Sarah Beasley Jenkins wife
1f 10-15 (1794/1800). Daughter;

!CENSUS:1820 Onslow Co., NC p. 321 Stump Sound District
Lewis Jinkins age 45+ (bef 1775)
My analysis (who each person *might* be)
1m 45+ (before 1775) Lewis Jenkins (1770/74)
1m 16-25 (1794/1804) Son
1f 45+ (before 1775) Sarah Beasley Jenkins wife;

!DEED: 3 Jun 1825 Onslow Co, NC 16-28 Lewis Jenkins to Joseph M. Ennett for $4, part of land fell to him at death of his mother, patented by Charles RYALS. Test: Joseph ENNETT Jr, Thomas ENNETT
* This deed proves that Lewis is a brother of James Jenkins who also deed a portion of this inherited land;

!WITNESS: 9 Dec 1829 Onslow Co, NC 18-167 Lavina JENKINS paid $130 for a negro and a horse and bridle bought of Dedra AMAN. Test: John KING, Lewis JENKINS.;

!CENSUS:1830 Onslow Co., NC p. 228
Lewis Jenkins Sr age 50-59 (1770/1780)
My analysis (who each person *might* be)
1m 50-59 (1770/1780) Lewis Jenkins (1770/74)
1m 15-19 (1810/1815) Grandson? Son?
1f 50-59 (1770/1780) Sarah Beasley Jenkins wife
1f 10-14 (1815/1820) Granddaughter?;

!WITNESS:23 Feb 1833 Onslow Co, NC 20-171 Lavina WEBB to Gardner SHEPARD. Test: Lewis JENKINS, David GORNTO.;

!WITNESS:-- --- 1835 Onslow Co, NC 21-311 Elizabeth WEBB to Gardner SHEPARD. Test: Solomon LITTLETON, Lewis JENKINS;

!WITNESS:20 May 1836 Onslow Co, NC 21-364 Piercey DIXON to her son and daughter Susanna SHEPARD and Thomas HENLEY. Test: David GORNTO, David WARD, Lewis JENKINS;

Jenkins, Lewis (I78065)
2342 !CENSUS:1790 x

!NAMED-WILL: 6th day of first month 1794 Moore Co., NC Cornelius Tyson
Wife Jane Tyson
son Aaron Tyson
dau Sarah Stinson
dau Rebeckah Mirick
son Richard Tyson
dau Sabra Gilbert
son Benjamin Tyson
dau Jane Womble
son Thomas Tyson
grandson Thomas Tyson
granddaughter Elizabeth Tyson
All my children, namely,
Richard, Sabra, Benjamin, Thomas, Rebeckah, Sarah Jane and Aaron.
Executors: My sons Benjamin and Aaron Tyson.
S: Cornelius Tyson
Wit: Seth Barnes, Jno Porterfield, Jas Collen,
proven May Term 1795;

!CENSUS:1800 Moore Co., NC p. 244
Thomas Tison age 45+ (bef 1755)

!CENSUS:1810 Moore Co., NC p. 618
Thomas Tison age 45+ (bef 1765)
Tyson, Thomas (I96261)
2343 !CENSUS:1790 x

!NOTES:From Debra Wint-Smith (2017):
Here is where I found the Richard and Grace Davis information:
In the search criteria, select North Carolina, and the year 1791, keyword Grace Davis.

Grace Davis and her eldest son Richard represent that John Davis in 1784 "by certain Instruments of writing did manumit them." They further relate that Grace has "continued to enjoy all the rights of a free Woman" and that Richard "has ever enjoyed the Priviledge of a Freeman," even serving "as an artilleryman in the cause of liberty." Grace, having "borne a number of children all of whom have & do continue to enjoy their freedom," is advised that her manumission "is not perfect more especially as to her Children without an act of Assembly." The petitioners therefore "humbly pray your honorable body to take such measures as in your great wisdom shall think necessary."

!LAND GRANT to Richard Davis.
Brunswick Co., NC, Boggy Branch of Livingstons Creek
Entered 1 Feb 1794 Book 107 p. 349, Entry # 740
Surveyed 1 Aug 1797. CC: Adam Plat, Thos Newell
Granted 22 Apr 1800, Grant # 427, Card # 744
100a Boggy Branch waters of Livingston Creek ... his own line ...;

!CENSUS:1800 Brunswick Co., NC pg 13 Richard Davis 00000-00000-8-0;

!NAMED-LAND WARRANT:13 Oct 1800 Brunswick Co., NC, 100a on a prong of Livingstons Creek, Warrant # 218
Including his own plantation. Surveyed 13 Oct 1800
East side of Livingstons Creek, prong called Bulllhead joining Thos Newell and Wm Boyds lines.
Chain Bearers James Keith, Richd Davis;

!DEED:20 Mar 1806 Brunswick Co., NC Deed Book E, p. 299
Wm Boyd of Brunswick to Ricahrd Davis of same for $160, south side of Livingston Creek 160a.
Beginning at a Cypress on the creek, thence S 27 W 54 poles to corner John Davis one hundred acre survey, then with his lower line S 59 E 127 poles to another of his corners thence with his line S 27 W 127 poles to another of his corners thence with James Smith beginning line S 59 E 65 poles to his corner, thence with James Jacobs line N 44 E 280 poles to a small ash his corner on the creek then along the meanders of the same to the beginning.
S: Wm Boyd
W: Jas Keith (proved Aug 1807 term);

!LAND GRANT 100a to Richard Davis.
Brunswick Co., NC joining Taylor land.
Entered 12 Sep 1807 Book 125 p. 67, Entry # 540
Surveyed 15 Mar 1808. CC: John Brownan?, James Brownam.
Granted 23 Dec 1809, Grant # 689, Card # 1021

!LAND GRANT 50a to Richard Davis.
Brunswick Co., NC no landmarks given.
Entered 18 Nov 1807 Book 125 p. 68, Entry # 598
Surveyed 10 Mar 1808. CC: John Gilbert, John Bowman? Browman?
Granted 23 Dec 1809, Grant # 691, Card # 1023;

!CENSUS:1810 Brunswick Co., NC pg 236 R. Davis 00000-00000-5-0;

!TAXLIST:1815 Brunswick Co., NC
Northwest Township
John Davis
Richard Davis
from "The 1815 Tax List of Brunswick County North Carolina." Transcribed by Lucille Dresser Blake, 1970. Found at New Hanover County Public Library.;

!LAND ENTRY by Richard Davis.
Brunswick Co., NC, below Vines and Keetor, no other landmarks
Entered 29 Oct 1816, Entry # 1182, 50a.
Surveyed 10 Nov 1817, turned out 33a.
CC: William Smith and John Davis;

!CENSUS:1820 x

!CENSUS:1830 Brunswick Co., NC pg 333 Richd Davis age 55-99 (1730/1774)
My analysis (who each person *might* be)
1m 55-99 (1730/1774) Richard Davis (bef 1774)
2m 10-23 (1805/1820) 1. Son -> Cornelius Davis (c1805) perhaps?
.................... 2. Son
1f 10-23 (1805/1820) Daughter;

!CENSUS:1840 x 
Davis, Richard (I82342)
2344 !CENSUS:1790 X

!CENSUS:1800 ADAMS ABNER 10010-10020-0-0 Page 438/782/ 4

!CENSUS:1810 Marion pg 22 Abner Adams 10110-21010 (1765/84)

!CENSUS:1820 Marion pg 54 (1775/94);

!DEED:M-218 1 Nov 1828 Abner Adams to son James Adams;
!DEED:M-219 22 Dec 1828 Jane Adams, affd, former wife of Abner Adams. He in his lifetime give to his daughter Sally Floyd ... daughter Elizabeth Hayes ... Demaris Floyd ...;

!Probate Roll # 7 Vol 1 pg 3, Lemuel Floyd, adm; 
Adams, Abner (I53050)
2345 !CENSUS:1790 x

!CENSUS:1800 census analysis (based on available evidence): (Explanation of this census)
1800 Bladen Co., NC pg 32 Anne Watson 21000-00010-0-9
1 Male(s) 10-15 (1784-1790) Son?
2 Males 0-9 (1790-1800) 1-Son?
1 Female 26-44 (1755-1774) Anne (---) Watson (1755/1774)
9 Slaves 
Anne (I85730)
2346 !CENSUS:1790 x

!CENSUS:1800 Johnston Co., NC pg 746 Jesse Edwards age 26-44 (1755/74)


!NAMED:19 Sep 1814 Johnston Co, NC Will 1-256 Micajah EDWARDS, proven Nov 1816:
19 Sep 1814 Micajah EDWARDS proven Nov Court 1816. Sons Jesse EDWARDS, Simon EDWARDS, daughters Patty PEDEN, Lucy EDWARDS. Executors: William HOLT, Jesse EDWARDS. Witness: James HARMON and William PEDEN.


!CENSUS:1830 Johnston Co., NC pg 93 Jesse Edwards age 60-69 (1760/70)
Edwards, Jesse (I93639)
2347 !CENSUS:1790 x

!CENSUS:1800 Lenoir Co., NC pg 32
Darius Heirs age 26-44 (1755/74)

!CENSUS:1810 Lenoir Co., NC pg 318
Derias Airs age 45+ (bef 1765)

!CENSUS:1820 Marion Dist., SC pg 54
Derius Ayres age 45+ (bef 1775)

!NAMED-PROBATE ROLL # 873 Marion Co., SC David (sic?) Ayers, minor.
... guardian bond for Thomas Ayers, guardian 12 Apr 1827,
bondsmen: Thomas Ayers, Derius Ayers, William Ayers;

!CENSUS:1830 Marion pg 3
Derius Ayres age 70-79 (1750/60)

!PROBATE ROLL # 20 Marion Co., SC Darius Ayers 4 May 1840
Will 4 May 1840, recorded 24 May 1840
Wife Agness Ayers
eldest son Thomas Ayers
son William Ayers
son John Ayers
Sons Thomas and William Executors
Witnesses: Michael Watson, Darius Ayres, Nancy Ayres;

!REFERENCE: A History of Marion County, South Carolina From Its Earliest Times to the Present, 1901, by W. W. Sellers, Esq., of the Marion Bar. 1902. pp. 166-167

Ayres. —Another family in the northeastern section of the county is the Ayres family. Of this family the first known to the writer was the Rev. William Ayres, and two brothers, Darius and John, usually called Jack Ayres. Rev. William Ayres was a Baptist preacher; stood well among his clerical brethren, and was dearly beloved by the laity of his church; he married a Miss Shaw ; the fruits of the marriage were our esteemed fellow-citizens, Thomas W. Ayres and Enoch S. Ayres, and several daughters—three or four. Thomas W. Ayres is well known to the county ; was County Commissioner perhaps two terms, some years ago, and a prominent member of the Baptist Church ; he did valiant service in the war—he and two of his sons were in the war together; his two sons were killed, as the writer has been informed, on the same day and in the same battle. Thomas W. Ayres married a Miss Williamson, in the Gapway neighborhood, a sister of Joseph Williamson. Besides the two sons killed in the war, he has three other sons, John and Pendleton G. Ayres, two excellent citizens, and a younger son, named Robert; he has several daughters, one married Dock Page, as hereinbefore stated, and one named Sallie, who died while off at school at Limestone Springs ; not known as to the other daughters. Pendleton G. Ayres married a Miss McMillan, in the Mullins community. John Ayres married Miss Susan Page, a daughter of Timothy Page, and has a house full of children, so said. Robert Ayres has gone to Georgia and, I think, has married out there. Enoch Ayres, one of our best citizens, youngest son of Rev. William Ayres, married a Miss Tyler, in Horry County; the fruits of the marriage are three sons and four or five daughters; the sons are William, Elias and Lennon; his daughters all married but one, Erma ; two in Kentucky, or are there now; one of them married a Baptist preacher named Rockwell; she was reputed to be a very intellectual lady. Another daughter married a Mr. Renfroe, of North Carolina. Of the daughters of Rev. William Ayres, one, Catharine, married Major H. B. Cook; they moved to Horry, raised a considerable family, sons and daughters ; both are now dead. Another daughter married Buck Watson; they moved to Horry just after the war; both are dead. Another daughter married Levi Grainger, of Horry. I think another daughter died unmarried, during the war, with smallpox—I am not sure of it. Rev. William Ayres and wife both died of smallpox during the war. His brother. Jack Ayres, came home from the army, and after getting home the disease broke out on him and he died of it, whence it spread in the neighborhood, and several others, perhaps a dozen or more, died of it. Jack Ayres never married. Darius Ayres, brother of Rev. William, died in early life, leaving two sons, Darius and another, whose name the writer has forgotten (they both went to school to him). The elder boy, Darius, grew up, and the last heard of him by the writer he was a Baptist preacher in North Carolina. I do not know whence the Ayres sprang; I think, from the name, and their complexion and their general make-up, that their progenitors were from Wales, in South England, and may have been part of the Welsh settlement on Great Pee Dee, who came from Pennsylvania and Delaware to South Carolina, in 1735 or '6, and afterwards. ; 
Ayres, Darius (I77239)
2348 !CENSUS:1790 x

!CENSUS:1800 Lincoln Co., NC pg 84 Jms Wright age 26-44 (1755/74)

!CENSUS:1810 Lincoln Co., NC pg 330-408 James Wright age 26-44 (1765/84)

!BONDSMAN-MARRIAGE BOND:11 Aug 1819 Lincoln Co., NC Thomas Craige & Leanna Right, James Wright, bm.

!CENSUS:1820 Lincoln Co., NC pg 308 Jas Wright age 45+ (bef 1775)
010001-01101, slaves=3000-2010;

!CENSUS:1830 Lincoln Co., NC pg 220 James Wright age 50-59 (1770/80)
- next to James Wright (1800/10);

!CENSUS:1840 x
- not in Lincoln, nor was the younger James of 1830; 
Wright, James (I80564)
2349 !CENSUS:1790 X

!CENSUS:1800 Marion Co., SC pg 450 w/Stephen Welch age 10-15 (1784/90);

!CENSUS:1810 Marion Co., SC pg 85/12 w/Stephen Welch age 16-25 (1784/94);

!WITNESS:15 Dec 1818 Marion Co., SC DB H-138 Francis Evans of Marion to James James of same for $280, 100a Reedy Creek NW side Little Peedee. . Wit: Ste. Welch, Wm Welch;

!CENSUS:1820 Marion Dist., SC pg 68 William Walsh age 26-44 (1775/94)

!CENSUS:1830 Marion Dist., SC pg 51 William Welch age 40-49 (1780/90)

!CENSUS:1840 Marion Dist., SC pg 155 William Welch age 50-59 (1780/90)

!CENSUS:1850 Marion Dist., SC pg 2 # 20/21
William Welch, 68 Miller $0, Marion
Sarah, 70
Molcy Beverly, 50
Mantha, 30
Firdinand, 12
Mary 10
John 3; 
Welch, William (I61234)
2350 !CENSUS:1790 x

!CENSUS:1800 Marion Dist., SC pg 439-783
Zadock Yelverton age 26-44 (1755/74)

!NAMED-PROBATE ROLL # 845 Marion Co., SC Jacob Yelverton of Bear Swamp 1800
Will 8 Jul 1800
my son Shaderick Yelventon
sons Gedian and Zadoc
daus Unity Green and Eady Green
Grandson Gidian Yelventon
dau Reese Wilkeson
grson Jesse Yelventon
proven 3 Sep 1800;

!DEED:19 Sep 1801 Marion Co., SC Deed Book A page 184
Zadock Yelventon of Marion Dist., to my children after my death
son Gedion Yelventon
son Zadock Yelventon
son Asia Yelventon
dau Martha Yelventon
dau Sarah Yelventon
son Nathan Yelventon
appoint son Jesse Yelventon guardian if children are minors.
s: Zadock (X) Yelventon
Wit: Jesse (X) Yelventon, Thomas (X) Davis;

!CENSUS:1810 Marion Dist., SC pg 32
Zadick Elvington age 45+ (bef 1765)
Elvington, Zadock (I18147)

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