Matches 2,551 to 2,600 of 83,474
# | Notes | Linked to |
2551 | !CENSUS:1790; !CENSUS:1800 Rutherford Co, NC pg 138 w/Robert PATTERSON age 10-15 (1784/90); !MARRIAGE: 8 Jun 1803 Rutherford Co, NC Richard MOORE, & Mattey PATTERSON, S. HARRILL, John MOORE, BM; !CENSUS:1810; !CENSUS:1820; !CENSUS:1830; !CENSUS:1840; !CENSUS:1850; | Patterson, Martha "Mattey" (I86719)
2552 | !CENSUS:1790; !CENSUS:1800 Rutherford Co, NC pg 138 w/Robert PATTERSON age 10-15 (1784/90); !MARRIAGE:__ ___ 1809 Rutherford Co, NC Robert PATTERSON & Peggy NOWLIN, David NOWLIN, BM; !CENSUS:1810 Rutherford Co, NC pg 128 Robert PATTERSON age 16-25 (1784/94); !CENSUS:1820; !CENSUS:1830 McMinn Co, TN pg 188 Robert PATTERSON age 40-49 (1780/90) "1122001-211001"; !CENSUS:1840; !CENSUS:1850; | Patterson, Robert (I86696)
2553 | !CENSUS:1790; !CENSUS:1800 Rutherford Co., NC pg 140 John Right age 16-25 (1774/84) 00100-10100-0-0; !MARRIAGE BOND:23 Aug 1802 Rutherford Co., NC John Write & Elisebeth Parot, Richard Bostic, bm. - This could a different John marrying in 1802 for this John was already apparently married by 1800. Of course 1st wife could have died and he remarried. However, I'm considering them different Johns for the time being; !CENSUS:1810 x | Wright, John (I80539)
2554 | !CENSUS:1790; !CENSUS:1800 Sampson Co, NC pg 512 Joseph WATSON age 16-25 (1774/84) "10100-10100"; !CENSUS:1810 Duplin Co, NC pg 16 Joseph WATSON age 26-44 (1765/84) "21010-10010"; !CENSUS:1820 * Duplin Co, NC pg 204 Joseph WATSON *; !CENSUS:1830 * Lenoir Co, NC pg 288 Joseph WATSON age 60-69 (1760/70) "000100001-0020001"; !CENSUS:1840; !CENSUS:1850; | Watson, Joseph (I85726)
2555 | !CENSUS:1790; !CENSUS:1800 Spartanburg Dist, SC pg 175 w/Dan GILBERT age 10-15 (1784/90); !CENSUS:1810; !CENSUS:1820 Spartanburg Dist, SC pg 244 Benjamin GILBIRD age 26-44 (1775/94) "200010-10010"; !CENSUS:1830 * Spartanburg Dist, SC pg 251 Benjamin GILBERT *; !CENSUS:1840 * Spartanburg Dist, SC pg 161 Benjamin GILBERT *; | Gilbert, Benjamin (I62596)
2556 | !CENSUS:1790; !CENSUS:1800 Spartanburg Dist, SC pg 175 w/Dan GILBERT age 10-15 (1784/90); !CENSUS:1810; !CENSUS:1820 Spartanburg Dist, SC pg 258 James GILBIRD age 26-44 (1775/94) "000010-00100"; !CENSUS:1830 * Spartanburg Dist, SC pg 275 James GILBERT *; !CENSUS:1840 * Spartanburg Dist, SC pg 72 James GILBERT *; | Gilbert, James (I62595)
2557 | !CENSUS:1790; !CENSUS:1800 Spartanburg Dist, SC pg 175 w/Dan GILBERT age 10-15 (1784/90); !CENSUS:1810; | Gilbert, Nancy (I62597)
2558 | !CENSUS:1790; !CENSUS:1800 Stokes Co, NC pg 546 w/James BOLES age 10-15 (1784/90); !MARRIAGE:17 May 1808 Stokes Co, NC William BOLES & Peggy BOLES; !CENSUS:1810; CENSUS:1820; CENSUS:1830; CENSUS:1840; CENSUS:1850; | Boles, William (I82802)
2559 | !CENSUS:1790; !CENSUS:1800 Stokes Co., NC pg 462 Presley George age 26-44 (1755/74) "00100-10100"; !CENSUS:1820 Stokes Co., NC pg 345 Presley George age 26-44 (1775/94) "210010-22110"; | George, Pressley (I94465)
2560 | !CENSUS:1790; !CENSUS:1800 Stokes Co., NC pg 462 Richard George age 45+ (bef 1755) "02001-01001"; | George, Richard (I87725)
2561 | !CENSUS:1790; !CENSUS:1800 Stokes Co., NC pg 497 Samuel George age 26-44 (1755/74) "10010-00100"; !NOTES:1820 Belmont Co., OH has several George families near each other who match this family: Simpson George (1775/94) Jesse George (bef 1775) Jas George (1775/94) Travis George (1775/94) Samuel George (1775/94) * in a different district; | George, Samuel (I85430)
2562 | !CENSUS:1790; !CENSUS:1800 Stokes Co., NC pg 502 James George age 26-44 (1755/74) "10010-10200"; !CENSUS:1810 Stokes Co., NC Quaker Gap Dist pg 621 James George age 16-25 (1784/94) "10100-00100"; !NOTES:1820 Belmont Co., OH has several George families near each other who match this family: Simpson George (1775/94) Jesse George (bef 1775) Jas George (1775/94) Travis George (1775/94) Samuel George (1775/94) * in a different district; | George, James (I87744)
2563 | !CENSUS:1790; !CENSUS:1800 Stokes Co., NC pg 579-487 John Wright age 45+ (bef 1755) 22201-32010-0-0; !CENSUS:1810 Stokes Co., NC pg 139-591 John Right age 45+ (bef 1765) 02201-01111-0-1; !CENSUS:1820 Stokes Co., NC pg 364 John Right S (or I), age 45+ (bef 1775) 001211-00111, slaves=0000-1001; !CENSUS:1830 Stokes Co., NC pg 240 John Wright S. age 60-69 (1760/70) 001100001-0001001, slaves=000000-000010; !CENSUS:1840 x | Wright, John S (I81014)
2564 | !CENSUS:1790; !CENSUS:1800 Surry Co., NC pg 587-685 William Right age 16-25 (1774/84) 00100-10100-1-0 !CENSUS:1810 x | Wright, William (I81575)
2565 | !CENSUS:1790; !CENSUS:1800 w/Onslow Co, NC pg 165 John JENKINS age 26-44 (1755/74); !CENSUS:1810 Onslow Co, NC pg 107 w/John JENKINS age 45+ (bef 1765); !CENSUS:1820 x; | ? (I78090)
2566 | !CENSUS:1790; !CENSUS:1800 Wayne Co., NC pg 874 Joseph Lane age 26-44 (1755/74) 20010-30010-3-0; !NAMED-DEED:15 Apr 1809 Wayne Co., NC Deed Book 9 page 191 Elizabeth Rountree deed of gift to John Lane son of Joseph Lane. From | Lane, Joseph (I99563)
2567 | !CENSUS:1790; !CENSUS:1800 Wilkes Co, NC pg 27 Zebidee BAKER age 26-44 (1755/74) "20010-20010"; !CENSUS:1810 Wilkes Co, NC pg 265 Zebadiah BAKER age 45+ (bef 1765) "31002-21111"; !CENSUS:1820 Wilkes Co, NC pg 547 Zebadiah BAKER age 45+ (bef 1775) "210301-111101"; CENSUS:1830; CENSUS:1840; CENSUS:1850; | Baker, Zebediah (I99378)
2568 | !CENSUS:1790; !CENSUS:1800 x !CENSUS:1810 x !CENSUS:1820 x !NAMED-PROBATE ROLL # 801 Marion Co., SC S. B. Watson 1826 Jesse Ford, adm 13 Nov 1826 for Scacebook Watson, late of Marion Dist. ... of Little Pee Dee ... 15 Dec 1826 We the heirs of S. B. Watson ...: Jesse Ford Thomas Watson Michael Watson Sally Watson ... 12 Jan 182(7)? ... Dawson Waters one of the heirs is out of state Mrs. Sally Watson widow 1/3 2/3 between Bryant Ralls, James Ralls, Dawson Waters, Jesse Ford, Michael Watson, Thomas Watson, John Watson and Virginia Ann Watson (last two under 14) ...; !CENSUS:1830 * Marion Co., MS pg 114 James Rawls age 40-49 (1780/90) 0000011-0110001; !CENSUS:1840 * Marion Co., MS pg 123 James Rawls age 50-59 (1780/90) 00000101-00000001 * Bryant Rawls also here; !CENSUS:1850 * Marion Co., MS # 361/366 Jas Rawls Sr 63 Farmer $3000 SC S. C. 63 f VA P. Loe 18 m Farmer MS * Next to Ebenezer Ford 49 SC; | Rawls, James (I36765)
2569 | !CENSUS:1790; !CENSUS:1800 x !CENSUS:1810 x !CENSUS:1820 x !NAMED-PROBATE ROLL # 801 Marion Co., SC S. B. Watson 1826 Jesse Ford, adm 13 Nov 1826 for Scacebook Watson, late of Marion Dist. ... of Little Pee Dee ... 15 Dec 1826 We the heirs of S. B. Watson ...: Jesse Ford Thomas Watson Michael Watson Sally Watson ... 12 Jan 182(7)? ... Dawson Waters one of the heirs is out of state Mrs. Sally Watson widow 1/3 2/3 between Bryant Ralls, James Ralls, Dawson Waters, Jesse Ford, Michael Watson, Thomas Watson, John Watson and Virginia Ann Watson (last two under 14) ...; !CENSUS:1830 * Hinds Co., MS pg 205 Briant Rawls age 40-49 (1780/90) 2220101-1300000* * 1 female 40-49 marked out; !CENSUS:1840 * Marion Co., MS pg 115 Briant Rawls age 50-59 (1780/90) 00100001-001001 * James Rawls (1780/90) also there; !CENSUS:1850 * Perry Co., MS # 164/164 Bryant Rawls 69 Farmer $500 SC Harriet 56 (or 50) SC; | Rawls, Bryant (I36763)
2570 | !CENSUS:1790; !CENSUS:1800 x !COURT:27 May 1806 (From "Johnston County North Carolina Court Minutes 1805 thru 1807 Book VII," by Weynette Parks Haun, 1976.) 112 27 May 1806 Ordered that John Stevens Jr, Esquire be appointed guardian to Betsy Roberts, William Roberts, Willie Roberts and Linsey Roberts, orphans of William Roberts deceased. Robert Gulley Jr, Esq, and Adin Powell, securities. !COURT:28 May 1806 (From "Johnston County North Carolina Court Minutes 1805 thru 1807 Book VII," by Weynette Parks Haun, 1976.) 122 28 May 1806 Ordered Elizabeth Roberts, orphan of William Roberts, deceased, be bound as apprentice to John Stevens Jr,, Esq until 18, being 5 now, to learn the art of Spinning, etc. !COURT:28 May 1806 (From "Johnston County North Carolina Court Minutes 1805 thru 1807 Book VII," by Weynette Parks Haun, 1976.) 126 28 May 1806 Uriah Strickland presented account for William Roberts, Betsy Roberts, Willie Roberts, orphans of William Roberts, deceased for clothing. | Roberts, Elizabeth (I82714)
2571 | !CENSUS:1790; !CENSUS:1800 x !DEED:22 Aug 1803 Marion Co., SC Book C page 171 John Rogers Senr of Marion Dist, planter to my sons Joseph, William, Jesse, Jonah & Silas Rogers, twelve slaves ... all my horses, cattle ... Witness: Stephen Britton, Obidiah M. Feay; !DEED:28 Jul 1809 Marion Co., SC Book E page 109 Jonah Rogers of Marion Dist., planter, to wife Caroline Alston Rogers all my right to 1 cow & calf, 1 shotgun ... S: Jonah Rogers W: Wm Rogers, James S. Rogers.; !CENSUS:1810 Marion Dist., SC pg 30 Jonah Rogers age 26-44 (1765/84) 10010-10100-0-2; !CENSUS:1820 x x not in Marion; | Rogers, Jonah (I77817)
2572 | !CENSUS:1790; !CENSUS:1800 x - Two in Wake Co., NC - One in Nash Co., NC - One in Chester Dist., SC - Three in York Dist., SC; !CENSUS:1810 Rutherford Co., NC pg 455 Samuel Wright age 26-44 (1765/84) 10010-40010-0-0; !CENSUS:1820 x - several found in other states, didn't follow up on any to compare ages *; !CENSUS:1830 x - one in neighboring Lincoln Co., NC, could be same one from 1810 Rutherford? | Wright, Samuel (I81168)
2573 | !CENSUS:1790; !CENSUS:1800 x - Two in Wake Co., NC - One in Nash Co., NC - One in Chester Dist., SC - Three in York Dist., SC; !CENSUS:1810 x could be one in Rutherford Co., NC pg 455 Samuel Wright age 26-44 (1765/84) 10010-40010-0-0; !CENSUS:1820 x !CENSUS:1830 Lincoln Co., NC pg 212 Samuel Wright age 60-69 (1760/70) 000200001-1301101; !CENSUS:1840 x | Wright, Samuel (I81182)
2574 | !CENSUS:1790; !CENSUS:1800 x x not in Marion; !CENSUS:1810 x x not in Marion; !CENSUS:1820 x x not in Marion; !NAMED-PROBATE ROLL # 684 Lot Rogers Marion Co., SC Will 28 Mar 1829 pr 7 Apr 1829 Wife Ann Sons: Elisha, David, Timothy, Robert, Noah, William and Phillip Rogers dau Sally Legett gr-ch now living: Martha and David Rogers gr-ch William, Nathan and Elizabeth Ann Evans ...; !CENSUS:1830 x x not in Marion; !CENSUS:1840 x x not in Marion; !CENSUS:1850 x - Not in Marion; | Rogers, David (I76896)
2575 | !CENSUS:1790; !CENSUS:1800: !CENSUS:1810; !CENSUS:1820 x !CENSUS:1830 Wayne Co., NC Pg 540 Bryan Lane age 40-49 (1780/90) 2100101-220201; !CENSUS:1840 Wayne Co., NC Davis Dist pg 374 Bryan Lane age 50-59 (1780/90) 11120001-1121101; !CENSUS:1850 Wayne Co., NC The North side of Neuse # 981/981 Bryant Lane 60 Farmer $600 NC Eliza 52 John 30 Farm Hand Hepsey 28 Mary 26 Susan 24 Stephen 22 Farm Hand Martha 20 Bryant 13? (marked over) Sarah 13 George 10 John Jones 14 black Henry 7 black Eliza Lane 18; !CENSUS:1860 Wayne Co., NC Davis District, Nahunta PO # 160/155 Bryant Lane 74 Farmer $1000/400 NC Elizabeth 62 VA Mary A. 27 NC Susan 26 Martha 24 George 18 Bryant 24 School Teacher John Locust 7 mul Henry Jones 15 black; !WILL: 1 Jun 1863 Wayne Co., NC proven Nov 1863 Bryant Lane. Wife (name not given) Sons: George H. Lane Gabriel Lane John A. Lane Stephen B. Lane Bryant H. Lane Daughters: Hepsey Edmundson Mary Susan Eliza Martha Sarah A. Witnesses: B. H. Yelverton Warren Edmundson From | Lane, Bryant (I99326)
2576 | !CENSUS:1790; !CENSUS:1800; !CENSUS:1810 Brunswick Co., NC pg 234 J. Grant Whites: 00000-00000 FCP: 4 Slaves: 0 * In same neighborhood where Cornelius Davis, William B. Smith, etc. lived.; !CENSUS:1820; !CENSUS:1830 Brunswick Co, NC pg 327 John GRANT age 36-54 (1775/1794) "0000000000000-0000000000000-110100-410100" !CENSUS:1840 * Richmond Co, NC pg 248 John GRANT Sr age 55-99 (1740/1785) (Free Colored) "White = 0-0, FC = 010010-110100"; !CENSUS:1850 Richmond Co, NC # 413 John GRANT, 70 (1779/1780) born SC, Race = "M"; | Grant, John (I90557)
2577 | !CENSUS:1790; !CENSUS:1800; !CENSUS:1810 Buncombe Co., NC p. 249/75 Richard Evans age 45+ (bef 1765) 12001-11110-0-0; !DEED:24 Jun 1811 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds D-43 Samuel SMITH to Richard EVANS, 100a; !DEED:25 Jun 1811 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds D-17 Samuel SMITH to Richard EVANS, 170a; !CENSUS:1820; | Evans, Richard (I86112)
2578 | !CENSUS:1790; !CENSUS:1800; !CENSUS:1810 Marion Dist., SC pg 20 Timothy Rogers age 26-44 (1765/84) 00010-20100-0-3; !NAMED-MARION CO,. SC PROBATE ROLL # 467 Phillip Bethea 1814. Will (in shreds, signed 17 Sep 1814), proven 5 Dec 1814. Heirs named: Wife Anna Money to be divided between Brother Jesse Bethea, Henry Trawick, William Trawick, Goodman Trawick, Tristram Bethea, William Bethea, John Bethea, Cade Bethea, Jermiah Walters, John Braddy, Benner Andrews and Herod Stackhouse. Nephew Philip Bethea Nephew William Trawick Nephew Henry Trawick The three sons of Jesse Bethea my wife's brother (that is dead) by the name of John Bethea, Tristram Bethea and Thomas Bethea And to Simon Bethea gone over the mountains And to Jane Calcut (and Elisha Bethea and William Bethea of NC), and to Timothey Rodgers and Jesse Bethea son of Goodman Bethea. My nephew Hugh Bethea. !CENSUS:1820 Marion Dist., SC pg 65 Timothy Rogers age 26-44 (1775/94) 400010-51010; !NAMED-PROBATE ROLL # 684 Lot Rogers Marion Co., SC Will 28 Mar 1829 pr 7 Apr 1829 Wife Ann Sons: Elisha, David, Timothy, Robert, Noah, William and Phillip Rogers dau Sally Legett gr-ch now living: Martha and David Rogers gr-ch William, Nathan and Elizabeth Ann Evans ...; !DEED: 1 Jul 1830 Marion Co., SC Book N page 262 Noah Rodgers of Marion Dist., SC to Timothy Rodgers for $120 my interest in land left my father ... 112a ... my mother Ann Rodgers has rights during her natural life ...; !CENSUS:1830 Marion Dist., SC pg 44 Timothy Rogers age 50-59 (1770/80) 11120001-0131101, slaves=230000-121100; !CENSUS:1840 Marion Dist., SC pg 170 Timothy Rogers age 60-69 (1770/80) 000200001-00110001; !CENSUS:1850 Marion Dist., SC # 1331/1336 Timothy Rogers 71 Farmer $1800 Marion Sarah 64 # 1331/1337 Lot Rogers 38 " Jennet 24 James 1/12; !PROBATE ROLL # 1115 Marion Co., SC Timothy Rogers 1855 Will dated 15 Nov 1855 Wife Sarah Sons John B., Tristram, Cade Sons Jesse, Lot B. children of my deceased dau Mary Bethea daus Ann McInnis, Harriet McLellan and Elizabeth Platt to Jennet Bethea youngest child of my dau Mary Bethea my daus Maranza Bethea, Susan Gasque and Margaret Brown proved 14 Jul 1856 ...; !REFERENCE: A History of Marion County, South Carolina From Its Earliest Times to the Present, 1901, by W. W. Sellers, Esq., of the Marion Bar. 1902. pp. 178-183 ... Of the Dothan family, one Lot Rogers, from Virginia, came to South Carolina about the close of the Revolutionary War; he married a sister of old Buck Swamp John Bethea, named Nannie, whether before his arrival in South Carolina or after, is not now known; he settled and lived and died just above Dothan Church, on the road leading from Dothan to Little Rock, formerly called Harlleesville ; he raised a large family-think, mostly sons ; of these, only Timothy and William were known to the writer ; others of them went West ; one daughter only known to the writer; she became the wife of Nathan Evans, and the mother of the late General William and Nathan Evans, as hereinbefore mentioned. ; !REFERENCE: A History of Marion County, South Carolina From Its Earliest Times to the Present, 1901, by W. W. Sellers, Esq., of the Marion Bar. 1902. pp. 178-183 ... Timothy Rogers, a most excellent man and worthy citizen, married Sarah Bethea, a daughter of Sweat Swamp John Bethea, and settled where Dr. J. F. Bethea now lives; they raised a large family of sons and daughters; of the sons, John B. Rogers emigrated to the West many years ago—not, however, until after he married a Miss McRee, and had some family. Trestram B. Rogers married a Miss Parnell ; had some family when he removed West, and Lot B. Rogers married a Miss Thwing, had some family and removed to Texas, I think. These three all dead ; I know nothing of their posterity. Two other sons, Jesse and Cade B. Rogers. Jesse married, first. Miss Harriet Bethea, daughter of the late Parker Bethea, by whom he had three children, two sons and one daughter. Two sons, David S. Rogers, of "Free State," who married a Miss Pipkin, of Marlborough, and who has had twenty children born to him by the same wife, seven of them are, however, dead; D. S. Rogers is quite a good citizen and prosperous man. Albert S. Rogers, the other son, married a daughter of Captain Stephen F. Berry, has a considerable family, sons and daughters, how many is unknown. Albert Rogers is also doing well. Their sister, Alice Rogers, married Holden Bethea; they live in the "Free State," and are said to be doing well ; have a family of children. Jesse Rogers married, a second time, the Widow Anna Rogers, below Marion; his wife was the widow of his cousin, Evan Rogers, who will be mentioned herein afterwards he (Jesse) died, leaving no issue by his second marriage. Cade B. Rogers, the youngest son of old man Timothy Rogers, still survives, and, as far as is known, the only survivor of that large family; he married, first, a Miss George (Nancy) ; by her he had two daughters and one son; one of the daughters married a Mr. Butler, on north side of Little Pee Dee ; can say nothing of their family, if they had any; the other daughter married Herod Gaddy, and lives in Marlborough. The son, Henry G. Rogers, married a Miss Pipkin, settled in Marlborough, and is dead ; I can say nothing of his family. Cade B. Rogers' first wife died, and he married a second time, a Widow Morris, of Florence County ; no children by this latter marriage. Of the many daughters of old man Timothy Rogers, the oldest married Daniel Mclnnis; both dead and childless; the second, Mary, married the late Rev. Samuel J. Bethea, and is dead; the next, Miranza, married Thomas C. Bethea; the next, Harriet, married Arch'd K. McLellan; the next, Elizabeth, married Daniel A. Piatt ; the next (name forgotten) married Levi Gasque; and the next (name forgotten) married William E. Brown, of Marlborough; all dead, and left families except Mrs. Mclnnis. Mrs. T. C. Bethea, Mrs. Levi Gasque and Mrs. William E. Brown went West many years ago; those remaining here raised large families, and they and their descendants now form a good portion of our population. ; | Rogers, Timothy (I76897)
2579 | !CENSUS:1790; !CENSUS:1800; !COURT:1801 Duplin Co., NC Matthew Edwards, 76 January past, requests freedom for mulatto servant Peter, age 47, to be named Peter Edwards. Court approved it.; !CENSUS:1810 Duplin Co., NC p. 699/32 Peter Edwards age 26-44 (1765/1784) 23010-21010-0-0; !DEED: 8 Jun 1816 Duplin Co, NC T-303 from John THIGPEN; !DEED:25 Jul 1816 Duplin Co, NC T-303 from John THIGPEN; !DEED:13 Nov 1816 Duplin Co, NC U-434; !WITNESS: 6 Oct 1817 Duplin Co, NC Deed U-457 of John EDWARDS; !TAXLIST:1818 Duplin Co, NC Peter EDWARDS, 592a, O white polls; !DEED:21 Feb 1820 Duplin Co, NC 7A-121 from John WHALEY, witnessed by James EDWARDS; !CENSUS:1820 Duplin Co., NC p. 166 Peter Edwards age 45+ (bef 1775) 000401-42210-0-0; !DEED:24 Dec 1821 Duplin Co, NC 7A-451; !CENSUS:1830 Duplin Co., NC p. 174 Peter Edwards Whites=0-0 FPC=021010-070100; !TAXLIST:1834 Duplin Co, NC Peter EDWARDS, 273a, 0 White Polls; !CENSUS:1840 Duplin Co., NC p. 143 Peter Edwards Whites=0-000000001 FPC=210010-033000; !CENSUS:1850 * Apparently deceased; | Edwards, Peter (I92669)
2580 | !CENSUS:1790; !CENSUS:1800; !DEED: 3 Sep 1808 Marion Co., SC Deed Book F, p. 320 Archd Shaw of Robeson Co., NC, merchant, to William Huggins Junr of SC, planter, for $95, 150a p/o 1146a grant to Benjamin Harrelson Junr. WNW by Joseph Perritt, S on Lewis Harrelson, E on John & Levi Huggins, NE on John & Levi Huggins, N on Joseph Perritt. S: Archd Shaw Wit: David (his mark) Blackman, Robt (his mark) Roger, Junr. * From "Marion County South Carolina Abstracts of Deeds Volume Two Books F - I & K 1811-1823", Lucille Utley, Alita White Sutcliffe, 1997.; !CENSUS:1810 Marion Dist, SC pg 15 William Huggans age 26-44 (1765/84) "00010-00100"; !TAXLIST:1811 Marion Dist, SC William Huggins 0.30; !TAXLIST:1814 Marion Dist, SC William Huggins 0.11; !CENSUS:1820; !TAXLIST:1824 Marion Dist, SC William Huggins 0.15; !CENSUS:1830; !CENSUS:1840; !CENSUS:1850 Marion Dist, SC pg 52 # 782/786 William HUGGINS, 73 Farmer $- Marion Ann, 60 John, 9 Mary SMALL, 20; !CENSUS:1860 Marion Dist, SC # 1151 William Huggins, 80 Fisherman SC Pauper C. 40 f A. Gough 9 m mul G. B. Huggins 7 m; | Huggins, William (I49078)
2581 | !CENSUS:1790; !CENSUS:1800; !DEED:17 Dec 1808 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds B-227 Grant # 758 to Samuel EVANS, 150a Pole Creek; !DEED:23 Sep 1809 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds B-218, Samuel EVANS to Thomas CHADWICK, 150a Pole Creek; !CENSUS:1810; !CENSUS:1820; !MARRIAGE BOND:25 Dec 1821 Haywood Co., NC Samuel Evens & Mary McMillan dau of Mary McMillan Henry (X) Hillard, bm; !CENSUS:1830 Haywood Co., NC p. 573 Samuel Evins age 30-39 (1790/1800) 22001-000010001 My analysis (who each person *might* be) 1m 30-39 (1790/1800) Samuel Evans (c1781) 2m 5-9 (1820/1825).. 1. Joseph Evans (c1822) son (unproven) .................... 2. Son? 2m 0-4 (1825/1830).. 1. Conrad Evans (c1828) son (unproven) .................... 2. Son? 1f 60-69 (1760/1770) Mother? Mother-in-law? 1f 20-29 (1800/1810) Mary McMillan (1810/20) wife, m 1821; !CENSUS:1840 Haywood Co., NC p. 110 Samuel Evans age 40-49 (1790/1800) 0131001-3410000001 * Two houses from Jacob Evans (1780/90) and Jacob Evans (Jr) (1810/20). My analysis (who each person *might* be) 1m 40-49 (1790/1800) Samuel Evans (c1781) 1m 15-19 (1820/1825) Joseph Evans (c1822) son (unproven) 3m 10-14 (1825/1830) 1. Conrad Evans (c1828) son (unproven) .................... 2. Son? .................... 3. Son? 1m 5-9 (1830/1835).. J. Evans (c1831) son 1f 70-79 (1760/1770) Mother? Mother-in-law? 1f 10-14 (1825/1830) Daughter? 4f 5-9 (1830/1835).. 1. L. Evans (c1832) daughter .................... 2. P. Evans (c1833) daughter .................... 3. Daughter? .................... 4. Daughter? 3f 0-4 (1835/1840).. 1. E. Evans (c1836) daughter .................... 2. Rebecca Evans (c1838) daughter .................... 3. Abbie Lavada Evans (c1840) daughter; !CENSUS:1850 Haywood Co., NC # 269/276 Samuel Evans 62 Farmer $- SC R. 43 f NC J. 19 m Laborer P. 17 f E. 14 f R. 12 f L. 18 f James 7 m; | Evans, Samuel (I83812)
2582 | !CENSUS:1790; !CENSUS:1800; !DEED:28 Sep 1804 Surry Co, NC M-41 Henry Bray to John MOODY, both of Surry Co, NC; Wit: Thomas Moody Sr, Thomas Moody Jr; !CENSUS:1810 Iredell Co., NC p. 207 John Moody age 26-44 (1765/84) 00010-20010-0-0; | Moody, John Wyatt (I112057)
2583 | !CENSUS:1790; !CENSUS:1800; !TAXLIST:1807 Buckingham Co., VA Personal Property White Tithes, Slaves, Horses Henry Hensley 1-0-1 William Hensley 1-3-3 Benjamin Hensley 1-0-1 James Hensley 1-0-2 William Hensley Junr 1-0-1; !CENSUS:1810; !TAXLIST:1811 Kanawha Co., VA (WV) Whites 16+, Blacks 12-16, Blacks 16+, Horses James Hensley 1-0-0-1 James Hensley 1-0-0-1 William Hensley Jun 1-0-0-0 William Hensley 2-1-2-2; !TAXLIST:1812 Kanawha Co., VA (WV) Whites 16+, Blacks 12-16, Blacks 16+, Horses William Hensley 2-1-1-2 William Hensley 1-0-0-1 James Hensley 1-0-0-1; !TAXLIST:1813 Kanawha Co., VA (WV) Matthew McCown's District Whites 16+, Blacks 12-16, Blacks 16+, Horses James Hensley 1-0-0-0 William Hensley Senr 1-0-2-2 William Hensley Junr 1-0-0-0 Thomas Hensley 1-0-0-4 William C. Wilson's. Upper District No Hensleys; !TAXLIST:1814 Kanawha Co., VA (WV) William C. Wilson's No Hensleys Matthew McCown's District Whites 16+, Blacks 12-16, Blacks 16+, Horses William Hensley Junr 1-0-0-1 William Hensley Senr 1-1-1-2 Thomas Hensley 1-0-0-1 James Hensley 1-0-0-3; !TAXLIST:1815 Kanawha Co., VA (WV) Matthew McCown's District Whites 16+, Slaves 9-12, Slaves 12+, Horses May 6, William Hensley 2-0-3-1 Mar 21, James Hensley 1-0-0-2 Apr 1, William Hensley 1-0-0-1 William C. Wilson's No Hensleys; !TAXLIST:1816 Kanawha Co., VA (WV) Matthew McCown's District Whites 16+, Slaves 12+, Horses Apr 22, James Hensley 1-0-2 Apr 22, William Hensley 2-3-2 Apr 22, William Hensley Junr 1-0-1 William C. Wilson's No Hensleys; !TAXLIST:1817 Kanawha Co., VA (WV) Matthew McCown's District No Hensleys William C. Wilson's Whites 16+, Slaves 12+, Horses Apr 8, William Hensley Senr 1-3-1 Apr 8, William Hensley 1-0-1 Apr 8, Thomas Hensley 1-0-1 Apr 8, James Hensley 1-0-2 Apr 8, Fleming Hensley 1-0-1; !TAXLIST:1818 Kanawha Co., VA (WV) Matthew McCown's District No Hensleys William C. Wilson's Whites 16+, Slaves 12+, Horses Apr 8, Wm Hensley Senr 1-3-2 Apr 8, Wm Hensley 1-0-1 Apr 8, Thomas Hensley 1-0-1 Apr 8, James Hensley 1-0-2 Apr 8, Fleming Hensley 1-0-0; !TAXLIST:1819 Kanawha Co., VA (WV) Matthew McCown's District No Hensleys William C. Wilson's Whites 16+, Slaves 12+, Horses May 16, William Hensley Senr 1-3-1 May 16, William Hensley 1-0-1 May 16, Thomas Hensley 1-1-1 Apr 7, James Hensley 1-0-4 Apr 7, Fleming Hensley 1-0-0; !TAXLIST:1820 Kanawha Co., VA (WV) William C. Wilson's Whites 16+, Slaves 12+, Blacks 16+, Horses Apr 8, James Hensley 1-0-0-3 May 4, William Hensley Senr 1-0-3-1 May 4, William Hensley 1-0-0-1 May 4, Thomas Hensley 1-0-1-1 May 4, Fleming Hensley 1-0-0-1 May 4, Benjm Hensley 1-0-1-2 Lyle Millan's District May 13, Samuel Hensley 1-0-0-0; !CENSUS:1820 Kanwaha Co., VA p. 5 William Hensley age 26-44 (1775/1794) 400010-10100-0-0; !CENSUS:1830 St Louis Co, MO pg 323 William HENSLEY age 30-39 (1790/1800) "312201-111001"; !CENSUS:1840 Jefferson Co, MO pg 107 William HANSLEY age 50-59 (1780/90) "03211001-1002001"; !CENSUS:1850 Jefferson Co, MO pg 448 William HENSLEY, 62 (1787/88) born VA; !CENSUS:1860 Jefferson Co, MO pg 720 William HENSLEY, 68 (1791/92) born VA; !CENSUS:1870 Jefferson Co, MO pg 262 William HENSLEY, 68 (1801/02) born VA; | Hensley, William (I97503)
2584 | !CENSUS:1790; !CENSUS:1800; !TAXLIST:1809 Hawkins Co, TN McWilliams Co. .. Temple Hensley 1 poll .. Trent Hensley 1 poll .. Edmond Hensley 1 poll McCoys Co. .. Robert Hensley 1 poll; !CENSUS:1810 XX Lost for Tennessee XX; !CENSUS:1820 XX Lost for Eastern Tennessee XX; !CENSUS:1830 Roane Co, TN pg 40 Edmund HENSLEY age 50-59 (1770/80) "00000001-00000001001"; !CENSUS:1840 Roane Co, TN pg 77 Edwin HENSLEY age 50-59 (1780/90) "00000001-0"; !CENSUS:1850; | Hensley, Edmund (I84164)
2585 | !CENSUS:1790; !CENSUS:1800; !TAXLISTS:1805 Botetourt Co., VA George Rowland District (Whites-Blacks over 16-Blacks over 12-Horses-Tax) John Mangess 2-0-0-2-24 George Mangess 1-0-0-2-24; !TAXLISTS:1806 Botetourt Co., VA George Rowland District (Whites-Blacks over 16-Blacks over 12-Horses-Tax) George Mangess 1-0-0-3-36 John Mangess 2-0-0-2-24; !TAXLISTS:1807 Botetourt Co., VA x * Didn't find him listed; !CENSUS:1810 Botetourt Co, VA pg 641 w/John MANGAS Sr age 16-25 (1784/94); !CENSUS:1820 Botetourt Co., VA pg 66/512 George Mangess age 26-44 (1775/1794) 100010-10100 CENSUS:1830; CENSUS:1840; !CENSUS:1850 Botetourt Co, VA # 1675/1675 George MANGESS, 62, M, Farmer, $2124 VA Mary, 50 Catherine, 18 Rebecca J. 13; | Mangus, George (I4937)
2586 | !CENSUS:1790; !CENSUS:1800; !CENSUS:1810 * Ashe Co, NC pg 15 E. BALDWIN *; !CENSUS:1820; !CENSUS:1830 Ashe Co, NC pg 11 Enoch W. BALDWIN age 30-39 (1790/1800) "112001-00001"; !CENSUS:1840 Ashe Co, NC pg 29 Enoch W. BALDWIN age 40-49 (1790/1800) "0010001-000001"; !CENSUS:1850; | Baldwin, Enoch W (I99173)
2587 | !CENSUS:1790; !CENSUS:1800; !CENSUS:1810 * Clark Co, KY pg 138 Lewis PEMBERTON age 26-44 (1765/84) "10010-20100"; !CENSUS:1820 * Barren Co, KY pg 23 Lewis PEMBERTON *; !CENSUS:1830 * Boone Co, MO pg 95 Lewis PEMBERTON *; !CENSUS:1840 * Green Co, KY pg x Lewis PEMBERTON age 50-59 (1780/90) "00111001-0011001"; !CENSUS:1850; | Pemberton, Lewis H (I34877)
2588 | !CENSUS:1790; !CENSUS:1800; !CENSUS:1810 * Darlington Dist, SC pg 7 Rachel LANE *; !CENSUS:1820 Darlington Dist, SC pg 74 Rachel LANE age 45+ (bef 1775) "010110-00111"; !CENSUS:1830; !WILL: 1832 Darlington Dist, SC 1-21 Rachel LANE, proven 8 Mar 1832; !NAMED-EQUITY ROLL # 199 Marion Co., SC. 1844. Jesse H. Lide and wife vs Robert Napier and wife, Samuel A. Lane, James H. Lane and others. Bill for Partition. Filed 25 Oct 1844. Jesse H.Lide and Martha A. Lide his wife show that Rachel Lane late of Darlington Dist, died March 1832 with Will executed and admitted to probate 8 Mar 1832 (copy of Will missing from roll). Rachel Lane devised as follows: To Edmond Gee and John B. Bruce certain named negroes ... to hold for my son James Lane, to hold for James Lane children to be dived among them at his death. James Lane died 21 Aug 1844 leaving the following children: the oratrix Martha A. Lide Elizabeth B. Napier who as married Robert Napier James H. Lane Samuel A. Lane Thomas M. Lane Olivia A. Lane Amelia J. Lane Edmond B. Lane James Lane had at the death of Rachel Lane twh other children: Rachel Louisa Lane Mary Eleanor Lane, both of whom have died underage without leaving issue. Edmond Gee died before Rachel Lane. John B. Bruce sued for letters testamentary. In 1835 Bruce abandoned trust and removed from state leaving negroes in possession of James Lane who continued to possess them until his death. * From "Marion County South Carolina Extracts from Equity Rolls", Lucille Utley. Three Rivers Historical Society.; !NAMED-DEED:27 Sep 1845 Marion Co., SC Deed Book T, p. 185 Jesse H. Lide and Martha A. Lide his wife, and David R. Lide vs. Robt Napier and others Whereas the Honourable Court of Equity for Marion District at February Term 1845 on a certain case ... Jesse H. Lide and Martha A. Lide his wife where the complainants and Robt Napier and others the defts ... Negroes placed in the possession of David R. Lide in trust ... Jesse H. Lide and wife Martha have bargained and sold to said David R. Lide for $5.00 the following Negroes, to wit: Jine, Semion & Becky & her child Samuel being the share of said Martha A. Lide in the Negroes mentioned devised to her under the last Will and Testement of Rachel Lane. S: Jesse H. Lide, Martha A. Lide, D. R. Lide Wit: H. McLauchlin, A. Kiddell, Jr. Wit to the signatures of J. H. Lide & M. A. Lide: S. A. Lane and Jas H. Lane. Personally appeared Samuel A. Lane and made oath ... 6 Oct 1845 S: Samuel A. Lane before James H. Pearce, Magst. * From "Abstracts of Marion County [SC] Deed Books S and T 1842-1846", Lucille Utley, Angela Turner, Kathy Loyd, John M. Gregg. Three Rivers Historical Society, 2003.; | Rachel (I11003)
2589 | !CENSUS:1790; !CENSUS:1800; !CENSUS:1810 * Fayette Co, KY pg 25 Stephen PEMBERTON age 26-44 (1765/84) "21010-41010"; !CENSUS:1820 * Fayette Co, KY pg 98 Stephen PEMBERTON *; !CENSUS:1830 * Howard Co, MO pg 156 Stephen PEMBERTON *; !CENSUS:1840 * Howard Co, MO pg 19 S. PEMBERTON *; | Pemberton, Stephen (I34873)
2590 | !CENSUS:1790; !CENSUS:1800; !CENSUS:1810 * Lenoir Co, NC *; | Mozingo, Pierce (I16450)
2591 | !CENSUS:1790; !CENSUS:1800; !CENSUS:1810 * Not found in NC; !WAR OF 1812:"Muster Rolls of the Soldiers of the War of 1812..." pg 90 Ephraim GRANT, Wayne County; !CENSUS:1820 Wayne Co, NC pg 464 Ephraim GRANT age 26-44 (1775/94) "200010-20100"; !CENSUS:1830 Wayne Co, NC pg 510 Ephraim GRANT age 60-69 (1760/70) "20001001-211010001"; !CENSUS:1840 Wayne Co, NC pg 207 Ephraim GRANT age 60-69 (1770/80) "000300001-00220001"; !CENSUS:1850 Wayne Co, NC North of Neuse R. # 80 Ephraim GRANT, 77 (1772/73) born West Indies; !CENSUS:1860 Wayne Co, NC New Hope # 461 Ephraim GRANT, 85 (1774/75) born West Indies; !WILL:30 Dec 1860 Wayne Co, NC Ephraim GRANT, names wife Nancy GRANT, sons Jeremiah GRANT, Jesse GRANT, Kinchen GRANT, daughters Smithy GRANT, Polly ANDERSON, Ann ANDERSON, Charity JOHNSON, Elizabeth HINSON. Executor: Richard D. HINSON, Witness: G.C. MOSES, A.J. WHITLEY; | Grant, Ephraim (I24851)
2592 | !CENSUS:1790; !CENSUS:1800; !CENSUS:1810 * Not in NC Index; !CENSUS:1820; !CENSUS:1830 Rabun Co, GA pg 232 Ambrose SUTTON age 40-49 (1780/90) "0012001-1020001"; !CENSUS:1840 Rabun Co, GA pg 213 Ambrose SITTON age 50-59 (1780/90) "00002001-0002101"; !CENSUS:1850; | Sitton, Ambrose (I4315)
2593 | !CENSUS:1790; !CENSUS:1800; !CENSUS:1810 * Rutherford Co, NC pg 97 Drury DOBBINS *; !CENSUS:1820 * Rutherford Co, NC pg 384 Drury DOBBINS *; !CENSUS:1830 * Rutherford Co, NC pg 494 Drury DOBBINS *; !CENSUS:1840 * Rutherford Co, NC pg 307 Drewry DOBBINS *; | Dobbins, Rev Drury (I35840)
2594 | !CENSUS:1790; !CENSUS:1800; !CENSUS:1810 * Rutherford Co, TN pg 9 w/William Adkins age 26-44 (1765/84); !NAMED-WILL: 2 Sep 1817 Maury Co., TN William Adkins wife Jane Adkins slaves Mary Tom and Sam "all my children" (not listed by name) My wife and George Patton executors S: Wm Atkins Wit: Saml McLean, James Porter, John Duckworth No probate date; !CENSUS:1820 Maury Co., TN p. 62 Jane Adkins age 45+ (bef 1775) 001100-00201 Slaves=0200-1100; !COURT: 1 May 1823 Wilson Co, TN Robert Neill, Complt vs. George Cathey et al (long list of heirs). William Neil, complainants father sometime in the month of Oct 1783 gave to George Cathey L65 10s, 6p to securing land in Western Country, now state of TN. Obtained 640a with William Campbell on 26 Jun 1795 grant was issued on south side of Cumberland River on Spencers Creek. William Neil gave to his son John Niel the above tract who sold it to brother Robert Neill. William Cathey and George Cathey, sons of George, and his executors, conveyed said land to John Neil. Violet Cathey on of the daughters of George Cathey, decd, and John Reed who married Esther another of the daughters, executed a deed of relinq. Alexander Neil and James Neil, brothers to the complainant dated 24 Aug 1819 relinq all their rights to the land. Another deed of relinq dated 1 aug 1821 John Neil, James Neil, Sarah Neil, John Plumley, William Plumley, Archibald Plumley, Jacob Howes, Hannah Howes, Benjamin Howes, and William Howes. "That George Cathey, Violet Cathey, Jane Adkins, Samuel Lusk and his wife Betsy, Benjamin Burgen and his wife Mary are the children & heirs of said George Cathey decd. that George Patton, John Logan and his wife Rebecca are grand children of said George Cathey Senr decd. by his daughter Margaret who intermarried with Elija Paton and who are both deceased. Also Robert Cain & Daniel Cain are grand children of said George decd by his daughter Elizabeth who intermarrired first with Robert Cain, also James Reed grand child of said George decd by his daughter Elizabeth by her second husband Robert Reed, the same Robert Cain, Robert Reed and Elizabeth being now all dead. Also Robert Patton and his wife Rebecca who is a daughter of said George decd. John Reed and his wife Esther, who is also a daughter of said George decd. Also Andrew Neil and his wife Mary the said Andrew being a son of William Neil decd. and his wife Mary a daughter of said George decd. Also Robert Gillespie and his wife Anne grnad daughter of said George decd. by his son William Cathey and George Cathey, James Cathey, and Andrew Cathey and William Mahafy and his wife Betsey grand sons and daughter of said George deceased by his son William Cathey now decd. !NAMED-WILL:27 Feb 1829 Maury Co., TN Elijah P. Adkins my mother Jane Adkins my brother James Adkins and my sister Rebecca Campbell Wesley Weatherford and Ezekiel M. Campbell my executors S: Elijah P. Adkins. Wit: Jackson Fitzgerald, David Strain. !CENSUS:1830 Maury Co., TN p. 402 Jane Adkins age 50-59 (1770/80) 0-00000001 Slaves=010000-010000; !CENSUS:1840; !WILL: 5 Mar 1840 Maury Co., TN Jane Adkins, proven Feb 1858 son James P. Adkins son-in-law Ezekiel M. Campbell Slaves Tom and Mary son-in-law John Pitillo shall have no part of my property Wesley Witherspoon my executor S: Jane (X) Adkins Witnesses: Wm C. Allen, Elijah Hanks, Greenville Hanks Proven Feb term 1858; !CENSUS:1850 Maury Co., TN District 19 # 1055/1055 James P. Adkins, 48, Farmer, $2800 NC Sarah, 50 NC Sarah D. 14 TN John M. 17 TN [insane] Elijah P. 8 TN Jane, 80 NC; | Patton, Jane (I33806)
2595 | !CENSUS:1790; !CENSUS:1800; !CENSUS:1810 Archibald CAMPBELL age 26-44 (1765/84) "0010-01000-0-0"; !CENSUS:1820; !TAXLIST:1824 Marion Dist, SC Archibald CAMPBELL; !CENSUS:1830 Marion Dist, SC pg 8 Archibald CAMPBELL age 40-49 (1780/90) "0001001-001101"; !CENSUS:1840 Marion Dist, SC pg 168 Archibald CAMPBELL age 50-59 (1780/90) "00000001-1000201"; | Campbell, Archibald (I44444)
2596 | !CENSUS:1790; !CENSUS:1800; !CENSUS:1810 Ashe Co., NC pg 10-78 M. Right age 26-44 (1765/84) 30010-10010-0-0; !CENSUS:1820 x | Wright, M (I80849)
2597 | !CENSUS:1790; !CENSUS:1800; !CENSUS:1810 Bladen Co., NC pg 192 R. L. Watson 00100-00000-0-14 Analysis: 1 Male 16-25 (1784-1794) R. L. Watson (1784/94) 14 slaves | Watson, Richard L (I84689)
2598 | !CENSUS:1790; !CENSUS:1800; !CENSUS:1810 Brunswick Co, VA pg 709 w/Armon DUGGER age 16-25 (1784/94); !MARRIAGE:14 Dec 1814 Brunswick Co, VA Marriage Bonds. Joseph DUGGER & Martha PEEBLES, d/o Jesse PEEBLES; !BONDSMAN:25 Dec 1815 Brunswick Co, VA Marriage Bonds. Thomas KIRKLAND & Armond DUGGER. Joseph DUGGER, Sec; !COURT:Aug 1816 Brunswick Co, VA OB 27-142 William KIRKLAND vs Armon DUGGER, widow of Henry DUGGER. Joseph DUGGER, Henry DUGGER, Thomas KIRKLAND and Armon his wife. James, Sterling, and John DUGGER, infants, by the said Thomas KIRKLAND their guardian specially apptd. Ordered that Richardson BROWN be appt trustee to make sale of land Henry DUGGER conveyed to Thomas RICE decd, to pay money to James RICE. Brown to sell, subject to dower of Armon, widow and relict of Henry DUGGER. BROWN to pay defts. Joseph, Henry, James, Sterling and John DUGGER, and Thomas KIRKLAND in right of his wife Armon, formerly Armon DUGGER and to the complainant in right of his wife Anne B, formerly Anne B. DUGGER; !COURT:May 1817 Brunswick Co, VA OB 27-304 William KIRKLAND vs Armon DUGGER, widow of Henry DUGGER. Joseph DUGGER, Henry DUGGER, Thomas KIRKLAND and Armon his wife. James, Sterling, and John DUGGER, infants, by the said Thomas KIRKLAND their guardian. Commsr appt to sell the land conveyed by Deed of Trust from Henry DUGGER to Thomas RICE for benefit of James RICE who had assgnd interest in said deed of trust to William KIRKLAND. Land sold to Thomas KIRKLAND, the highest bidder for $210; !CENSUS:1820 * Williamson Co, TN pg x Joseph DUGGER age 26-44 (1775/94) "200210-20200"; !CENSUS:1830 * Williamson Co, TN pg 192 Joseph DUGGER *; CENSUS:1840; CENSUS:1850; | Dugger, Joseph (I30296)
2599 | !CENSUS:1790; !CENSUS:1800; !CENSUS:1810 Brunswick Co., NC pg 228 Wm Davis age 26-44 (1765/84) "12010-10010-0-2" !CENSUS:1820 Brunswick Co., NC pg 9 William B. Davis age 26-44 (1775/94) "310010-01010-0-1" !CENSUS:1830; | Davis, William B (I82347)
2600 | !CENSUS:1790; !CENSUS:1800; !CENSUS:1810 Buncombe Co, NC pg 82 John BRYSON age 16-25 (1784/94) "10100-00100"; !NAMED:20 Jul 1817 Buncombe Co, NC (Rec Henderson Co, NC) William BRYSON to son and daughter William YOUNG and wife Mary, to my daughter Isabella and her son Hugh BRYSON, to my daughters Elizabeth BRYSON, Susanna BRYSON, Margaret BRYSON, Martha BRYSON, Jenny BRYSON, to my sons Joseph Bogle BRYSON, John BRYSON, William BRYSON. My six unmarried daughters. Exec: James FRAZAR, Joseph HENRY. Wit: H. DONALDSON, James FRAZAR; !DEED:24 Nov 1819 Buncombe Co, NC 12-447 State of North Carolina Grant # 2425 to John BRYSON, 100a Mills River.; !DEED:24 Nov 1819 Buncombe Co, NC 12-448 State of North Carolina Grant # 2422 to John BRYSON, 50a Mills River.; !CENSUS:1820 Buncombe Co, NC pg 116 John BRYSON age 26-44 (1775/94) "110010-30010"; !DEED: 2 Mar 1822 Buncombe Co, NC 14-337 John BRYSON to Frances O'KELLY 150a Mills River.; !CENSUS:1830 Buncombe Co, NC pg 215 John BRYSON age 40-49 (1780/90) "0011101-0110001"; !VOTER:1835 Buncombe Co, NC Asheville Precinct John BRYSON; !CENSUS:1840; !NOTE:See Jane Bryson of GIlmer Co, GA, she could be his widow; | Bryson, John (I27237)