Marty and Karla Grant (TNG)



Matches 2,651 to 2,700 of 83,474

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 #   Notes   Linked to 
2651 !CENSUS:1790;



!CENSUS:1820 Bulloch Co, GA pg XX w/William DUGGER age 45+ (bef 1775);

!CENSUS:1830 Thomas Co, GA pg 26 w/William DUGGER Sr age 60-69 (1760/70);

? (I88427)
2652 !CENSUS:1790;



!CENSUS:1820 Buncombe Co, NC pg 125 w/David PEEKE age 26-44 (1775/94);



!CENSUS:1850 Macon Co., NC Tennessee Valley # 311/318
Mary Peake 65 $300 SC
James 35
Leander 21 Macon
Louisa 23 Buncombe; 
Henderson, Mary (I14217)
2653 !CENSUS:1790;



!CENSUS:1820 Buncombe Co, NC pg 68 Archibald HENDERSON age 26-44 (1775/94) "200010-40010";

CENSUS:1830 Macon Co, NC pg 28 Archibald HENDERSON age 40-49 (1780/90);
CENSUS:1840 Macon Co, NC pg 164 Archibald HENDERSON age 50-59 (1780/90);

DEED:13 Dec 1847 Macon Co, NC E-405 Sheriff's Sale, Ezekiel DOWDLE, Esq, High
Shieriff of Macon to John B. ALLISON of Haywood Co, NC, property sold to
satisfy judgment against Archibald HENDERSON of Macon for $18.24 and
$2.54. 100a Cullowhee Creek originally granted to William HENDERSON but
since transferred to Archibald HENDERSON. Wit: J.R. SILER;

CENSUS:1850 Macon Co, NC Cullowhee # 802 Archibald HENDERSON, 63 (1786/87)
born SC;
Henderson, Archibald (I21241)
2654 !CENSUS:1790;



!CENSUS:1820 Buncombe Co, NC pg 92 w/Charles HENDERSON age 45+ (bef 1775);

!CENSUS:1830 Buncombe Co, NC pg 299 w/Charles HENDERSON Sr age 60-69 (1760/70);

Montgomery, Elizabeth (I14212)
2655 !CENSUS:1790;



!CENSUS:1820 Buncombe Co, NC pg 92 William HENDERSON age 26-44 (1775/94) "200010-30100";


Henderson, William (I14213)
2656 !CENSUS:1790;



!CENSUS:1820 Buncombe Co., NC pg 106 Solomon Stanton age 26-44 (1775/94)

!CENSUS:1830 Buncombe Co., NC pg 305 Solomon Stanton age 40-49 (1780/90)

!CENSUS:1840 Yancey Co., NC page 28 Solomon Stanton age 50-59 (1780/90)

!CENSUS:1850 Yancey Co., NC # 1094/1151
Solomon Stanton, 66 VA Deaf
Sarah, 50 TN; 
Stanton, Solomon (I97112)
2657 !CENSUS:1790;



!CENSUS:1820 Buncombe Co., NC pg 122 Marey Wright age 26-44 (1775/94)

!CENSUS:1830 Buncombe Co., NC pg 258 Mary Wright age 50-59 (1770/80)

!CENSUS:1840 Buncombe Co., NC pg 153 Polly Wright age 60-69 (1770/80)
Mary (I79884)
2658 !CENSUS:1790;



!CENSUS:1820 Buncombe Co., NC pg 78 William Staunton age 45+ (bef 1775)

!CENSUS:1830 Buncombe Co., NC pg 252 William Stanton age 60-69 (1760/70)
Stanton, William (I97111)
2659 !CENSUS:1790;



!CENSUS:1820 Burke Co, NC pg 63 w/Michael TROUT age 45+ (bef 1775) or 26-44 (1775/94);

!CENSUS:1830 Burke Co, NC pg 188 w/Michael TROUT age 40-49 (1780/90);

!CENSUS:1840 Union Co, GA pg 10 w/Michael TROUT age 60-69 (1770/80); 
McKey, Jane (I88483)
2660 !CENSUS:1790;



!CENSUS:1820 Cabell Co., VA (WV) pg 84 Joseph Hensley "00000-00000" no slaves or free colored persons. This is probably Joseph of Greenup Co., KY who had property in Cabell but didn't live there.;

Hensley, Joseph (I97844)
2661 !CENSUS:1790;



!CENSUS:1820 Conecuh Co, AL x Eli STROUD *;

!CENSUS:1830 * Muscogee Co, GA pg 289 Eli STROUD *;

!CENSUS:1840 * Russell Co, AL pg 12 Eli STROUD *;

!CENSUS:1850 Russell Co, AL Beat 3 # 373 Eli STROUD, 61 (1788/89) born NC; 
Stroud, Eli (I12983)
2662 !CENSUS:1790;



!CENSUS:1820 Effingham Co, GA pg x w/John DUGGER age 16-25 (1794/1804);

!LAND LOTTERY:1820 Effingham Co, GA John DUGGER Jr Early Section;

!NAMED:11 Jun 1820 Effingham Co, GA Court Records. Estate of David CANNADY, Decd. Purchasers ... John DUGGER Jr ...;

!NAMED: 6 Nov 1820 Effingham Co, GA Court Records . John DUGGER Jr appeared and produced accounts of Estate of David CANNADY, decd;

!CENSUS:1830 Effingham Co, GA pg 110 John DUGGER Jr age 30-39 (1790/1800) "000001-0";

!NAMED:16 Dec 1836 Effingham Co, GA Will of John DUGGER, wife Esther. Daughter Tabilu MARLOW, son John DUGGEr, daughter Mary. Exec: Paul MARLOW, John DUGGER. Wit: John M. HINES, John MULLIS, David DUGGER;

!WILL:-- --- ---- (ca 1837) Effingham Co, GA Will of John DUGGER. Negro woman Antoinette and her 2 children and Negro man Jack to be set free. Rest of slaves and estate to be sold and divided among my father and mother and brothers and sisters. Exec: Beal EDWARDS, Paul MARLOW. wit: Raymond HARRIS, William LORN;

!NAMED: 6 Mar 1837 Effingham Co, GA Court Records . Paul MARLOW and B. EDWARDS qualified as Exec of John DUGGER Jr, decd;


!NAMED:22 Jul 1846 Effingham Co, GA Will of Esther DUGGER. Daughter Tabitha MARLOW, wife of Paul MARLOW. My Late son John DUGGER Jr. Exec: Grandson Robert A. MARLOW. Wit: Levi DLYON; 
Dugger, John (I88434)
2663 !CENSUS:1790;



!CENSUS:1820 Effingham Co, GA pg x w/John DUGGER age 45+ (bef 1775);

!CENSUS:1830 Effingham Co, GA pg 110 w/John DUGGER Sr age 50-59 (1770/80);

!NAMED:16 Dec 1836 Effingham Co, GA Will of John DUGGER, wife Esther. Daughter Tabilu MARLOW, son John DUGGEr, daughter Mary. Exec: Paul MARLOW, John DUGGER. Wit: John M. HINES, John MULLIS, David DUGGER;

!CENSUS:1840 Effingham Co, GA pg 141 Esther DUGGER age 50-59 (1780/90) "0-00000101";

!WILL:22 Jul 1846 Effingham Co, GA Will of Esther DUGGER. Daughter Tabitha MARLOW, wife of Paul MARLOW. My Late son John DUGGER Jr. Exec: Grandson Robert A. MARLOW. Wit: Levi DLYON;

!NAMED: 6 Nov 1848 Effingham Co, GA Court Records . Last Will of Esther DUGGER, decd admitted to record; 
Esther (I88440)
2664 !CENSUS:1790;



!CENSUS:1820 Haywood Co, NC pg 225 Henry MILLER age 45+ (bef 1775) "311001-20010";

!CENSUS:1830 Buncombe Co, NC pg 247 Henry MILLER age 50-59 (1770/80) "00000001-00001001";

!POLL:1835 Buncombe Co, NC Turkey Creek Precinct. Henry MILLER; 
Miller, Henry (I36366)
2665 !CENSUS:1790;



!CENSUS:1820 Haywood Co, NC pg 225 w/Henry MILLER age 26-44 (1775/94);

!CENSUS:1830 Buncombe Co, NC pg 247 w/Henry MILLER age 50-59 (1770/80); 
? (I36341)
2666 !CENSUS:1790;



!CENSUS:1820 Haywood Co, NC pg 225A James PATTON age 26-44 (1775/94) "200010-20100";

!CENSUS:1830 Haywood Co, NC pg 369 James PATTON age 50-59 (1770/80) "12100001-3021101";

!CENSUS:1840 Haywood Co, NC pg 117 James PATTON age 60-69 (1770/80) "001110001-0013101";

!CENSUS:1850 Haywood Co, NC # 25 James PATTON, 69 (1780/81) born NC; 
Patton, James (I92658)
2667 !CENSUS:1790;



!CENSUS:1820 Haywood Co., NC pg 211 (225 marked out)
Thomas Able age 45+ (bef 1775) 000201-11201-0-0;

!NAMED-MARRIAGE BOND:16 Mar 1827 Haywood Co., NC James Write & Martha Abells, dau of Thomas. Jacob Smith, bm.

!CENSUS:1830 x not in NC, one in Monroe Co., TN, too young though; 
Able, Thomas (I81772)
2668 !CENSUS:1790;



!CENSUS:1820 Horry Dist, SC pg 136 Daniel JOHNSTON age 26-44 (1775/94) "000010-10100";

!DEED: (Shared by Jim Strickland)
1828- Deed Book L, Page 191, Horry County, SC
{South Carolina}
{Horry District}
M. Strickland, J Lewis & F. Lewis, D. Johnson & E. Johnson, S. Strickland and Beedee Strickland . TO: Zillah Strickland

Know all men by these present we the Matthew Strickland, Jonathan Lewis and Feraby Lewis his wife, Zillah Strickland and Daniel Johnson and Edith Johnson his wife, Solomon Strickland , Beedee Strickland being the lawful heirs of Wm. Strickland deceased have became lawfully claiming a certain tract or parcel of land lying on the north side of Lake Swamp containing 547. Containing being more or less part of several tracts the first granted the said William Strickland July 6th 1789 for 300 acres and part of the tract of 2114 acres granted to the said William Strickland the 1st of April 1793. Part of a tract 132 acres granted said W. Strickland 4th July , 1791, part of a tract of 254 (?) acres granted to the said W. Strickland the 4th of March 1802 and hath such shape, form and marks as are referenced by several Platts hereunto annexed and moving from the back line through the said plantation of the said William Strickland to the Lake Swamp on an agreed line. We and each of us having received full satisfaction the same as hereby jointly and severally relinquish all our rights, members ____________ or ___________ unto Zellah Strickland, her heirs and assigns against ourselves, our heirs, Executors and Administrators or assigns forever. In witness hereof, we have _______ unto set our hands this 6th October 1828.
Arthur H. Crawford
Patrick Lewis
Joseph Graham
Matthew Strickland
Jonathan Lewis
Freaby (X) Lewis
Daniel Johnson
Edith (X) Johnson
Solomon (X) Strickland
Bee Dee(x) Strickland

{South Carolina}
{Horry District}
Personally appeared Patrick Lewis, who being duly sworn saith that he was present and saw the within deed duly executed by the parties whose names are thereto signed and that he together with Joseph Graham signed their name as witnesses thereto.
Signed Patrick Lewis
Sworn to before
me June 2, 1845
James Beaty
A.C.P Recorded June 2, 1845

!CENSUS:1830 Horry Dist., SC p. 259
Daniel Johnston age 40-49 (1780/1790)

!CENSUS:1840 Horry Dist, SC pg 349 Daniel JOHNSTON age 50-59 (1780/90)

!TAXLIST:1845 Horry Dist, SC Daniel JOHNSON, 1227 acres;

!CENSUS:1850 Horry Dist, SC # 971 David JOHNSTON, 61 (1788/89) born SC;

!DEED:14 Nov 1851 (shared by Jim Strickland):
Horry County Deed Book P, Page 518.
Nov. 14th, 1851. Daniel Johnston to Fairby Alford, Land Deed.
Know all by these presents that I Daniel Johnston Senior of Horry District for an inconsideration of Ten Dollars paid to me by Fariby Alford have granted, bargained sold and released and by these presents do grant, bargain, sell and release unto the said Fairby Alford my part of a certain tract of land granted to William Strickland, Senior containing 1000 acres situate on Lossing and Joiner? Swamp, my part being one hundred and sixty five acres of said survey or the sixth part of said survey. Bounded on the west side by William Jordan's land and B. Holts, on the North side and by a line across from B. Holt's line, south? Big Lossing Bay thence down on the North side of the south prong of Losssen Swamp to Jordan's line. Together with all and singular the premises before mentioned unto the said Fairby Alford and her heirs, assigns, executors and Administrators to warrant and forever defend the same against myself, my heirs, assigns, executors and administrators for ever the promise unto the said Fairby Alford
from and against myself and ever other person or persons claiming the same or ant part thereof in witness I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 14th day of November 1851. Signed, Sealed, and Delivered in the presence of us.
A.S.H. Martin Daniel Johnson (His Seal)
Julan (X) Johnson

!CENSUS:1860 Horry Dist, SC # 632 Daniel JOHNSON, 70 (1789/90) born SC; 
Johnson, Daniel (I53560)
2669 !CENSUS:1790;



!CENSUS:1820 Lawrence Co, TN pg 11 Michael HENSLEY age 26-44 (1775/94) "200010-00100";

!CENSUS:1830 Lawrence Co, TN pg 302 Michael HENSLY age 30-39 (1790/1800) "011001-221001";

!CENSUS:1840 Lawrence Co, TN pg 140 Michael HENDSLEY age 50-59 (1780/90)

!CENSUS:1850 Lawrence Co, TN pg 684 # 745 Michael HENSLEY, 65 (1784/85) born GA;

!CENSUS:1860 * Apparently deceased; 
Hensley, Michael (I89055)
2670 !CENSUS:1790;



!CENSUS:1820 Lincoln Co, GA pg 157 Micajah HENSLY age 26-44 (1775/94)



!CENSUS:1850 * Lincoln GA p. 369 *; 
Hensley, Micajah (I94216)
2671 !CENSUS:1790;



!CENSUS:1820 Lincoln Co, NC pg 314 Joseph GRAHAM age 16-25 (1794/1804) "200100-00100";

Graham, Joseph (I83262)
2672 !CENSUS:1790;



!CENSUS:1820 Lincoln Co., NC pg 320 Robt Wright age 45+ (bef 1775)

!CENSUS:1830 x
- One in Lincoln in 1830 but too young, born ca 1790/1800. This could work if the Robert in 1820 was not the oldest man in the house but one of the two men aged 16-25 (c1794/1804). 
Wright, Robert (I81181)
2673 !CENSUS:1790;



!CENSUS:1820 Marion Dist, SC pg 7 w/Archabald COX age 26-44 (1775/94);

!CENSUS:1830 Marion Dist, SC pg 9 w/Archibald COX age 50-59 (1770/80);

!EQUITY: 9 Jul 1831 Marion County Equity rolls (Marion County South Carolina Extracts from Equity Rolls by Lucille Utley) in Roll # 45 a case is found naming numerous heirs (this is from Ms. Utley's extract, the notes given are hers):
John Smith and others vs. Archibald Cox, adm of Amos Turner. Filed 9 Jul 1831. John Smith and Franceis Smith his wife, Penny Turner, Thomas Turner, John Turner, Elizabeth Jane Turner, Benjamin W. Turner, Thomas Evant and Mary Evant his wife. Note: Mary had married first Benjamin Exum. Bill for account. Amos Turner died 1813 leaving considerable estate and heirs at law; Francis Turner, Penny Turner, Thomas Turner, John Turner, Elizabeth Jane Turner, Benjamin W. Turner, Mary Turner and Charlotte Turner, children of Amos Turner. Francis Turner has married John Smith; Mary Turner has married Thomas Evant (note: probably Avant). Separate answer of Archibald Cox shows that James Turner one of the children of intestate died intestate since since the death of Amos Turner and two of the complainants John Turner and Thomas Turner left the country about 10 years ago. 11 Oct 1823. Philip Bartel under oath 10 Feby 1832 states that he was present at sale of estate of Amos Turner and saw Benjamin Axum "who had married Mary Turner now Mary Avant one of the complainants soon after he had purchased a gun for $20.00... ."

!CENSUS:1840 Marion Dist, SC pg 143 w/Archibald COX age 50-59 (1780/90);

!CENSUS:1850 Marion Dist, SC # 332 Charlott COX, 60 (1789/90) born Marion; 
Turner, Charlotte (I64247)
2674 !CENSUS:1790;



!CENSUS:1820 Marion Dist., SC pg 58 Francis Floid age 26-44 (1775/94)

!NAMED-PROBATE ROLL # 268 Marion Co., SC Preserved Ford 1829
Will dated 20 Mar 1829 proved 6 Apr 1829
Wife Celia Ford
son Charles Ford
dau Mary Floyd
son Jesse Ford
sons and daughters: George Ford, James Ford, THomas Cooper, Preserved Ford, Jesse Ford, Jesse Rawls, John Ford, William Ford and Francis Floyd.
Executors my sons Jesse Ford and William Ford.;

!CENSUS:1830 Marion Dist., SC pg 19 Francis Floyd age 30-39 (1790/1800)

!DEED: 5 Mar 1832 Marion Dist., SC O-145 Francis Floyd for love and good will that I have towards my father's wife Mary (also listed as Polly), ... S: Francis Floyd. Wit: Samuel Floyd, Harmon Floyd.

!CENSUS:1840 x

!CENSUS:1850 * Smith Co., MS
Francis Lloyd (sic) 60 SC, Mary 50, Sally 23, Cornelius 21, Mary 19, Ave 16, Charles 12 (Idiot), Adeline 12, William 10 MS, John 6. 
Floyd, Francis (I61579)
2675 !CENSUS:1790;



!CENSUS:1820 Marion Dist., SC pg 66
William Troublefield age 40-49 (1780/90)
Analysis (who each person might be)
1m 26-44 (1775/1794) William Turbeville (1780/90)
1m 0-9 (1810/1820).. Son?
1f 16-25 (1794/1804) Wife? Daughter?
1f 10-15 (1804/1810) Daughter?
1f 0-9 (1810/1820).. Daughter?

!TAXLIST:1824 Marion Dist, SC
John Turbeville 0.38
Solomon Turbeville 0.07
William Turbeville 0.11
William Turbeville 0.06;

!CENSUS:1830 Marion Dist., SC pg 48
William Turbeville age 40-49 (1780/90)
Analysis (who each person might be)
1m 40-49 (1780/1790) William Turbeville (1780/90)
1f 30-39 (1790/1800) Wife?
1f 10-14 (1815/1820) Daughter?;

!WITNESS-DEED: 2 Jan 1837 Marion Co., SC Deed Book Q., p. 203
Osburn Lane planter of Marion Dist to Wickham Watson planter, for $53.75, 43 acres on SW side of Buck Swamp on the North side of Meadow Branch. Barnabas Watsons corner ... Kinion Watson line ... Abslam Troubeville corner ... Wickham Watsons land ... part of a tract granted to John Sanders for 4,336 acres, with a small part granted John Peak and coveyed from Sanders to Osburn Lane.
S: Osburn (his mark) Lane
Wit: Kinion (his mark) Watson, William Troubiville.
* From "Abstracts of Marion County [SC] Deed Books Q and R 1836-1842", Lucille Utley, Angela Turner, John M. Gregg. Three Rivers Historical Society, 2003.
** Might be different William Turbeville, as there were two of this name who were of age at this time.;

!CENSUS:1840 Marion Dist., SC pg 172
Wm Turbeville age 50-59 (1780/90)
Analysis (who each person might be)
1m 50-59 (1780/1790) William Turbeville (1780/90)
1f 50-59 (1780/1790) Wife?
2f 15-19 (1820/1825) Daughter?
.................... Daughter?;

!CENSUS:1850 x

!CENSUS:1860 x 
Turbeville, William (I76972)
2676 !CENSUS:1790;



!CENSUS:1820 Maury Co, TN pg x Thomas GRANT age 26-44 (1775/94) "320010-21110";

!CENSUS:1830 Maury Co, TN pg 353 Thomas GRANT age 50-59 (1770/80)


Grant, Thomas (I95538)
2677 !CENSUS:1790;



!CENSUS:1820 Mecklenburg Co., NC pg 171 Margaret Wright age 45+ (bef 1775)

Margaret (I80010)
2678 !CENSUS:1790;



!CENSUS:1820 Robeson Co., NC pg 295
w/Alexd Watson age 26-44 (1775/94)

!CENSUS:1830 Robeson Co., NC pg 231
w/Alexr Watson age 30-39 (1790/1800)

!NAMED-WILL:11 Dec 1820 Robeson Co., NC
Marion Watson (female) 11 Dec 1820. Proven -
Sister Margaret Watson
Brothers Alexander Watson and James Watson
Brother John Watson
Sister Elizabeth Wilkison
Executor: Brother Alexander Watson
Witnesses: G. Sellers, Duncan Smith
From: Abstracts of Robeson County Wills Book I. Compiled by Dr. Morris Britt (no date)
(New Hanover County Public Library);

!NAMED-WILL:26 Mar 1832 Robeson Co., NC
Margaret Watson. 26 Mar 1832. Proven May 1832.
Brother John Watson
Sister Elizabeth Wilkison
Brothers Alexander and James Watson (also named Executors)
Witness: Samuel Watson, James Watson, James McEachern
From: Abstracts of Robeson County Wills Book I. Compiled by Dr. Morris Britt (no date)
(New Hanover County Public Library);

!DEED:17 Dec 1838 Robeson Co., NC Deed Book X page 184
Agreement among Heirs of Alexander Watson, decd.
"Thereas by the Will of Sarah Watson decd and a corroborating Will of Margaret Watson decd, a certain lot of Negroes equally divided between Alexander Watson & James Watson and whereas the said Alexander Watson died Intestate therefore by mutual agreement of the heirs of said A. Watson ..... to the said James Watson
Wit: Saml Watson, John McNair, A. C. Leach
James Watson
Daniel Wilkison
Elizabeth (X) Wilkison
John Watson
Alexander Watson
James Watson Jr
Christian (X) Watson
Jennet (X) Watson
Katherine (X) Watson

!CENSUS:1840 Robeson Co., NC pg 211
James Watson age 40-49 (1790/1800)

!CENSUS:1850 Robeson Co., NC The Upper Division # 535/535
James Watson 60 Farmer $1066 NC
Crissy 45
Archd 15
John 13
Daniel 11
Alexd 9
James 7
Nathaniel 5
Margaret 3;

!CENSUS:1860 Robeson Co., NC North Division, Lumberton PO # 928/928
James Watson 69 Farmer $3200/600 NC
A. 25 m Laborer
N. S. 17 m
Gessilo? 12 f
Christian 75 f;

!CENSUS:1870 x 
Watson, James (I78681)
2679 !CENSUS:1790;



!CENSUS:1820 Rutherford Co., NC pg 364 Jesse Wright age 26-44 (1775/94)

!CENSUS:1830 x
- One in Rutherford in 1830, 1840 & 1850 but much younger than this one from 1820
- One in Burke age 40-49 (1780/90) which fits, not positive same person though:
Burke Co., NC pg 184 Jessey Wright age 40-49 (1780/90) 1010001-0000001; 
Wright, Jesse (I80549)
2680 !CENSUS:1790;



!CENSUS:1820 Stokes Co., NC pg 345 William George age 26-44 (1775/94) "200010-20010";

!NOTES:1830 Belmont Co., OH
Travis George (1770/80)
Wm George (1779/80) 
George, William (I85428)
2681 !CENSUS:1790;



!CENSUS:1820 Stokes Co., NC pg 364 John Right age 26-44 (1775/94)

!CENSUS:1830 Stokes Co., NC pg 296 John Wright D. age 30-39 (1790/1800)
Wright, John D (I81018)
2682 !CENSUS:1790;



!CENSUS:1820 x

!CENSUS:1830 * Robeson Co., NC pg 243
James Watson age 30-39 (1790/1800)

!NAMED-WILL:21 Aug 1839 Robeson Co., NC
Samuel Watson. 21 Aug 1839. Proven Nov 1839
Father Matthew Watson
Sister Catherine Smith
Brother James Watson and his son Samuel.
Brother John P. Watson
Sister Jennet Fairley
Brother Alexander Watson
Sister Mary Baker
Sister Margaret Campbell
Executors: Brother Alexander Watson and Malcolm Baker.
Witnesses: Alexander Watson, Alexander Lanch?
From: Abstracts of Robeson County Wills Book I. Compiled by Dr. Morris Britt (no date)
(New Hanover County Public Library);

!NAMED-WILL:19 Oct 1839 Robeson Co., NC
Matthew Watson. 19 Oct 1839. Proven Feb 1841
Daughter Katherine Smith
Son James Watson
Son John P. Watson
Daughter Jennet Fairley
Son Alexander Watson ... including my interest in estate of Jane Watson.
Daughter Margaret Campbell.
Executor: My son Alexander Watson
Witnesses: William H. Brown, Daniel H. McLean, Alexander Watson.
From: Abstracts of Robeson County Wills Book I. Compiled by Dr. Morris Britt (no date)
(New Hanover County Public Library);

!CENSUS:1840 Robeson Co., NC pg 197
James Watson Senr age 50-59 (1780/90)

!CENSUS:1850 Robeson Co., NC Upper Division # 536/536
James Watson 70 Farmer $600 NC
Jennett 50;

!CENSUS:1860 x 
Watson, James (I78659)
2683 !CENSUS:1790;



!CENSUS:1820 x

!CENSUS:1830 Mecklenburg Co., NC pg 330 John Wright age 60-69 (1760/70)

!CENSUS:1840 x 
Wright, John (I80917)
2684 !CENSUS:1790;



!CENSUS:1820 x

!CENSUS:1830 x
* One in Beaufort Dist., SC pg 318 John Perritt age 30-39 (1790/1800) 000001-10001.
^ Not him, see notes in 1840 below.;

* One in Kershaw Dist., SC pg 31 John Perret age 30-39 (1790/1800) 000101-0000001.
^ Merrit Perret (1790/1800) and William Perret (1790/1800) also listed.

!CENSUS:1840 x
* One in Beaufort Dist., SC John Perriot age 50-59 (1780/90) 11000001-1101001
^ Not same, still in Beaufort in 1850 age 53.

* One in Kershaw Dist., SC John Perret age 30-39 (1800/10) 011001-000001
^ fits very well, could be same man in 1850 Marion.
^ next door to Merret Perret (c1791) in 1840. Merrit still in Kershaw in 1850.;

!CENSUS:1850 Marion Dist., SC # 943/946
John Perrit 60 Farmer $600 Marion
Milly 65
Solomon 20 "
Bennet 18 "; 
Perritt, John (I77897)
2685 !CENSUS:1790;



!CENSUS:1820 x

!DEED:16 Dec 1820 Wayne Co., NC DB 12 page 211
Division of lands of John Lane deceased to heirs:
James Lane
William Lane
Bryant Lane
Benjamin Lane
Wilie Lane
Sanders (Saunders) Lane
Smitha Lane
From ;

Lane, James (I99561)
2686 !CENSUS:1790;



!CENSUS:1820 x

!NAMED-PROBATE ROLL # 268 Marion Co., SC Preserved Ford 1829
Will dated 20 Mar 1829 proved 6 Apr 1829
Wife Celia Ford
son Charles Ford
dau Mary Floyd
son Jesse Ford
sons and daughters: George Ford, James Ford, THomas Cooper, Preserved Ford, Jesse Ford, Jesse Rawls, John Ford, William Ford and Francis Floyd.
Executors my sons Jesse Ford and William Ford.;

!CENSUS:1830 Perry Co., MS pg 152
Preserved Ford age 40-49 (1780/90)

!CENSUS:1840 Hinds Co., MS pg 207
Preserved Ford age 50-59 (1780/90)

!CENSUS:1850 Hinds Co., MS # 1604/1604
Preser?? Ford* 67 Farmer $1000 SC
Susan 64 SC
Thomas 24 Farmer MS
James 20 "
Martha 13
* Does not say Preserved, but appears to be same man from 1840; 
Ford, Preserved (I77388)
2687 !CENSUS:1790;



!CENSUS:1820 x
* several in NC;

!CENSUS:1830 Rowan Co., NC pg 403 Thomas Wright age 40-49 (1780/90)
3100001-100001, slaves=411000-222000;

!CENSUS:1840 x 
Wright, Thomas (I81459)
2688 !CENSUS:1790;




!MARRIAGE BOND:22 Jul 1822 Burke Co., NC
John Morris to Fanny Stroud
William (X) Stroud, bm;

!CENSUS:1830 Burke Co, NC pg 143 John MORRIS age 30-39 (1790/1800) "310001-001001" or Burke Co, NC pg 182 John MORRIS age 20-29 (1800/10) "03001-00001";

!NAMED: 5 Sep 1837 McDowell Co, NC Wills 1-23 William MORRIS Sr, pr Winter 1849. Wife. Gr-Son Thomas MORRIS' son supposedly named Elisha. Gr-dau Polly MARTIN. Legatees: Henry; William's Children; Polly BRADLEY's children; Son John, Son Elijah, Son Isaac. Kiziah PARAM, wife of Mitchel PARAM. Daughter Nancy SPURLING, wife of Hugh SPURLING. Executor: Son John MORRIS. Witness: J. McD. CARSON, Thomas GREEN;

!CENSUS:1840 Burke Co, NC pg 341 John MORRIS age 50-59 (1780/90) "01110001-1111101";

!CENSUS:1850 McDowell Co, NC pg 256 # 23 John MORRIS, 64 (1785/86) born NC;

!MARRIAGE:11 Nov 1852 McDowell Co., NC
John Morris & Elender Burgin;

!CENSUS:1860 McDowell Co., NC ---, Sugar Hill PO # 612/612
John Morris Sr 74 Farmer $3300/8000 NC
Ellen 49
William 27 Farmer;

!WILL:14 Apr 1866 McDowell Co, NC Wills x-xx John MORRIS, pr Fall 1866. Wife Eleanor. Sons William A. MORRIS, John H. MORRIS. 4 daughters Mary P. WHITESIDES, Charity H. BYNUM, Eliza GOFORTH, Emily CORPENING. Executor: Son John H. MORRIS, William A. MORRIS. Witness: J.T. RICE, Elijah MORGAN; 
Morris, John (I33277)
2689 !CENSUS:1790;




!CENSUS:1830 * Bedford Co., TN pg 109 John Cathey age 50-59 (1770/80)

!CENSUS:1840 Marshall Co., TN pg 195 John Cathey age 60-69 (1770/80)

!CENSUS:1850 Marshall Co, TN P-H-F 26-39-39 District No 10
Cathey Joh 74 M W Farmer NC
Cathey Joseph 30 M W S D TN
Cathey J J 27 M W B S 1800 TN
More George 20 M W S D TN
Cathey Mahala 20 F W TN 
Cathey, John (I66291)
2690 !CENSUS:1790;




!CENSUS:1830 * Boone Co, KY *; 
Moore, Hugh (I86329)
2691 !CENSUS:1790;




!CENSUS:1830 * Emanuel Co, GA pg 166 Thomas STROUD *; 
Stroud, Thomas (I92343)
2692 !CENSUS:1790;




!CENSUS:1830 * Onslow Co, NC pg 215 John GRANT age 40-49 (1780/90) "0100001-0110001";

!CENSUS:1840 * Butler Co, AL pg 138 John H. GRANT *;

!CENSUS:1850 * Barbour Co, AL # 284 John H. GRANT, 68 (1781/82) born NC;
!CENSUS:1850 * Barbour Co, AL # 1435 John A. GRANT, 66 (1783/84) born NC; 
Grant, John H (I95664)
2693 !CENSUS:1790;




!CENSUS:1830 * Rutherford Co., TN pg 263 James Cathy age 40-49 (1780/90)

!CENSUS:1840 Cannon Co., TN pg 136 James Cathey age 40-49 (1790/1800)

!CENSUS:1850 Cannon Co, TN P-H-F 423-444-444 Jones 3rd District
Owen William 32 M W House Carpenter TN
Owen Elisabeth N 28 F W TN
Owen Jerymiah B 9 M W TN
Owen Sarah J 8 F W TN
Owen Alexander C 6 M W TN
Owen James H 5 M W TN
Owen Alberinsa D 2 F W TN
Owen Legrand M 4/12 M W TN
Cathey James 63 M W House Carpenter NC
Cathey Aylcy G 24 F W TN
Cathey Selena S 18 F W TN 
Cathey, James (I66164)
2694 !CENSUS:1790;




!CENSUS:1830 Brunswick Co, NC pg 34 Thomas DAVIS Free Colored age
36-44 (1775/94) "211100-230100";

!CENSUS:1840 Brunswick Co, NC pg 7 Thomas DAVIS Free Colored age
55-99 (1740/85) "020010-021010";

!CENSUS:1850 Brunswick Co, NC
PHF 152-7-7 Town Creek District
Thomas Davis 74 M M Carpenter 278 So Ca
Elenor 71 F M do
Martha 38 F M do
Alexander 22 M M Carpenter No Ca
Thomas 20 M M Carpenter do
Emma 18 F M do
Malvina McQuillin 11 F M do
Thomas 9 M M do
Harriet 7 F M do
William 6 M M do
Henry Shaw 12 M M do

Davis, Thomas (I82187)
2695 !CENSUS:1790;




!CENSUS:1830 Buncombe Co, NC pg 301 Thomas HENDERSON age 40-49 (1780/90) "0202001-0010001";


!CENSUS:1850 Buncombe Co, NC # 522 Thomas HENDERSON, 65 (1784/85) born SC; 
Henderson, Thomas (I14215)
2696 !CENSUS:1790;




!CENSUS:1830 Buncombe CO., NC pg 289 George Stanton age 50-59 (1770/80)

!CENSUS:1840 Yancey Co., NC page 28 George Stanton age 60-69 (1770/80)

!CENSUS:1850 Yancey Co., NC # 1057/1110
George Stanton, 76 Farmer, $1100 VA deaf
# 1057/1111
William Gentry, 25 NC
George W. 6
Jane, 25
Mary, 5
Delitha 3 
Stanton, George (I33538)
2697 !CENSUS:1790;




!CENSUS:1830 Campbell Co, TN pg 231 John GRANT age 70-79 (1750/60) "0000100001-0000011";

Grant, John (I85439)
2698 !CENSUS:1790;




!CENSUS:1830 Carroll Co, TN pg 187 John GRANT age 50-59 (1770/80) "01111001-1212101";

!CENSUS:1840 Carroll Co, TN pg 48 John GRANT age 60-69 (1770/80) "000100001-00101101";

!CENSUS:1850 Gibson Co, TN # 919 John GRANT, 74 (1775/76) born PA; 
Grant, John (I90366)
2699 !CENSUS:1790;




!CENSUS:1830 Hawkins Co, TN w/Robert HENSLEY age 60-69 (1760/70);

!CENSUS:1840 Hawkins Co, TN pg x w/John HICKS age 70-79 (1760/70) "20100100001-0200010001", Revolutionary War Pensioner, Robert HENSLEY;

? (I37431)
2700 !CENSUS:1790;




!CENSUS:1830 Haywood Co., NC pg 373 Thomas BARNES age 40-49 (1780/90)

!NAMED-MARRIAGE BOND:21 Jan 1836 Haywood Co, NC
James Fouts & Rebecka Barns d/o Thomas
Elihu Barnes, bm;


!CENSUS:1850 Macon Co., NC - Tennessee Valley Page 322B, H/F # 107/109
James Foutes 40 Wagon Maker $500 Wilkes NC
Rebecca 32 Burke
Thomas Barnes 70 Unknown
Elizabeth 70 "
William Foutes 12 Macon
Susan 10
Catherine 8
Amanda 6
Nancy 4
Martha 2
James Reynolds 23 Farmer SC;

!CENSUS:1860 Macon Co., NC Nantahala # 714/729
David Presnell 30 Farmer $200/130 Burke
Nancy 27 Person
Richard 6 Macon
Jonathan 4
Frances M. 2 f
Thomas Barnes 78 Randolph
* David Presnell married Nancy Lee 1851 in Macon. No known relation to Barnes family;

!CENSUS:1870 x 
Barnes, Thomas (I4361)

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