Marty and Karla Grant (TNG)



Matches 2,801 to 2,850 of 83,474

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 #   Notes   Linked to 
2801 !CENSUS:1790;


!MARRIAGE BOND:15 Nov 1802 Stokes Co., NC Anthony Wright & Isabella Wilburn, Joseph Hains, bm


!BONDSMAN-MARRIAGE BOND:14 Dec 1818 Stokes Co., NC Christopher Swaim & Nancy Wright, Anthony Wright, bm

!CENSUS:1820 Stokes Co, NC pg 364 Anthony Right age 26-44 (1775/94)

!CENSUS:1830 Surry Co, NC pg 84 Anthony Wright age 50-59 (1770/80)

!TAXLIST:1835 Surry Co, NC pg 18 Anthony WRIGHT 0 white polls, 0 black polls, 267 acres bordering S. DENNY on Hunting Creek;

!CENSUS:1840 Surry Co, NC pg 127 Anthony Wright age 70-79 (1760/70)

!CENSUS:1850 Gordon Co., GA The 12th Division # 845/852
Anthony Wright 65 B Smith, NC
Isabela, 55;

!CENSUS:1860 x 
Wright, Anthony (I71207)
2802 !CENSUS:1790;


!MARRIAGE BOND:28 Dec 1808 Johnston Co., NC From "Marriages of Johnston County, North Carolina 1762-1868," Brent H. Holcomb, 1985 (Craven County Library):
William Roberts & Polly Massingill, Samuel Strickland, Jr, bondsman;

!BONDSMAN:24 Jul 1809 Johnston Co., NC From "Marriages of Johnston County, North Carolina 1762-1868," Brent H. Holcomb, 1985 (Craven County Library):
Zacheriah Gower & Theny Masingill, William Roberts, bondsman;

!CENSUS:1810 Johnston Co, NC pg 216 William Roberts age 26-44 (1765/84)

!BONDSMAN:9 Aug 1811 Johnston Co., NC From "Marriages of Johnston County, North Carolina 1762-1868," Brent H. Holcomb, 1985 (Craven County Library):
Martin Overby & Sarah Fluellen, William Roberts, bondsman

!CENSUS:1820 x not in Johnston;

!CENSUS:1830 x not in Johnston (younger William (1790/1800) listed); 
Roberts, William (I84835)
2803 !CENSUS:1790;


!MARRIAGE: 1 Jan 1801 Craven Co, NC Stephen GRANT & Jemima GRIFFIN;






!REFERENCE:Heritage of Onslow Co, NC # 235 Alexander GRANT by Roger KAMMERER; 
Grant, Stephen (I17410)
2804 !CENSUS:1790;


!MARRIAGE: 1 Jan 1801 Knox Co, TN Richard R. GRANT & Delphy WITT;



Grant, Richard R (I95613)
2805 !CENSUS:1790;


!MARRIAGE: 6 Nov 1804 Rutherford Co, NC Thomas EDWARDS & Jency FLACK, George FLACK, bm;





!CENSUS:1850 Rutherford Co, NC Mountain Creek # 1346 Thomas EDWARDS, 69 (1780/81) born NC;

!CENSUS:1860 Rutherford Co, NC Mountain Creek # 883 Thomas EDWARDS, 79 (1780/81) born NC; 
Edwards, Thomas (I25071)
2806 !CENSUS:1790;


!MARRIAGE: 7 Apr 1808 Granville Co, NC Phillip PETTYPOOLE and Anna WINFREY, Collins WINFREY, bm, Thomas FALCONER, Witness;





Winfrey, Anna (I7830)
2807 !CENSUS:1790;


!MARRIAGE: 7 Dec 1802 Rutherford Co, NC Charles WILKINS & Lucy
MORRISS, Richard WILKINS, Joseph HASKEW, bm;





Morris, Lucy (I82553)
2808 !CENSUS:1790;


!MARRIAGE: 7 Mar 1807 Rutherford Co, NC Jonathan MOORE, & Sarah

!CENSUS:1810 * Rutherford Co, NC pg 117 Jonathan MOORE *;

!MOVED:1818 to Overton Co, TN;



!MOVED:1834 to IL;


Moore, Jonathan (I86703)
2809 !CENSUS:1790;


!MARRIAGE: 8 Jun 1803 Rutherford Co, NC Richard MOORE, & Mattey

!CENSUS:1810 * Rutherford Co, NC pg 121 Richard MOORE *;




Moore, Richard (I86720)
2810 !CENSUS:1790;


!MARRIAGE: 9 Jan 1804 Stokes Co, NC Abel BOLES and Milly RIDDICK;

!CENSUS:1810 Stokes Co, NC pg 156 Abel BOLES age 26-44 (1765/84) "10010-20100";

!CENSUS:1820 Stokes Co, NC pg 333 Abel BOLES age 26-44 (1775/94) "111210-42110";

!CENSUS:1830 Stokes Co, NC pg 259 Abel BOLES age 40-49 (1780/90) "0102001-11202";


!CENSUS:1850 Stokes Co, NC Richmond Dist # 697 Abel BOWLES, 71 (1778/79) born NC; 
Boles, Abel (I82811)
2811 !CENSUS:1790;


!MARRIAGE:11 Jan 1810 Carteret Co, NC Jordan DAVIS & Patey BELL;

!CENSUS:1810 Carteret Co., NC page 175 Jordan Davis age 16-25 (1784/94)

!CENSUS:1820 Carteret Co., NC page 129 Jordan Davis age 26-44 (1775/94)

!CENSUS:1830 Carteret Co., NC page 114 Jurdan Davis age 40-49 (1780/90)

!CENSUS:1840 Carteret Co., NC page 77 Jourdan Davis age 50-59 (1780/90)

!CENSUS:1850 x

!CENSUS:1860 Brunswick Co, NC
PHF 187&187B-21-21 Lockwoods Folly Dist Lockwoods Folly PO
Jas B. Davis 43 M Farmer 55 343 NC
Sarah A. 34 F “ ”
Oscar 12 M “ ”
Martha 11 F “ ”
Sarah J. 9 F “ ”
Rebecca 8 F “ ”
Melvina 5 F “ ”
Melissa – F “ ”
Thena 1 F NC
Jordan D. 74 M “ ” 
Davis, Jordan D (I82248)
2812 !CENSUS:1790;


!MARRIAGE:11 Nov 1802 Surry Co, NC Joseph MURPHEY Sr & Catherine


Murphy, Joseph (I91691)
2813 !CENSUS:1790;


!MARRIAGE:13 Aug 1801 Rutherford Co, NC Robert TAYLOR & Martha PATTERSON, Stephen WILLIS, BM;




!NAMED:24 Aug 1832 Rutherford Co, NC, Will of Robert TAYLOR, proven Jan 1835 as wife (no name);


!WILL: 3 Jan 1848 Rutherford Co, NC Proven Sep 1864;


Patterson, Martha (I23052)
2814 !CENSUS:1790;


!MARRIAGE:22 Dec 1800 Halifax Co., VA Archibald Grant and Judith Navarre. John Irvine, sur.


!CENSUS:1820 * Person Co, NC pg 482 Archibald GRANT age 45+ (bef 1775) "010001-02101";

!CENSUS:1830 Giles Co, TN pg 143 Archibald GRANT age 50-59 (1770/80)

!CENSUS:1840 * Not in Giles Co, TN;

!CENSUS:1850 Giles Co, TN # 30 Archibald GRANT, 71 (1778/79) born VA; 
Grant, Archibald (I85391)
2815 !CENSUS:1790;


!MARRIAGE:24 Feb 1809 Brunswick Co, NC Seth H. GILBERT & Catherine DAVIS, Bartholomew Davis, bm;

!CENSUS:1810 * Charleston Dist, SC pg 177 Seth GILBERT age 16-25 (1784/94);

!NAMED-WILL:15 Oct 1817 Brunswick Co., NC Will Book A page 298
15 Oct 1817. Isaac Davis of Smithville, Brunswick Co., NC
... having arrived at an advanced age ...
Wife Ann Davis ... six negroes Doll, Cate, Peter, Phoebe, Friday and John ...
Son John Davis of Charleston, SC.
Gr-dau Mary Eliza Davis, dau of my son Bartholomew Davis my negro girl Nancy (a child about one year old)
Son Bartholomew Davis ...
Eight children, namely:
Wilson Davis
John Davis
Dunbar Davis
Thomas Davis
Theresa Jacobs wife of Benjamin Jacobs
Mary Bernard wife of Stephen Bernard
Charlotte Harris widow of Peter Harris
Caroline Gilbert wife of Seth Gilbert
Executors: My son John Davis and friend Samuel Russell
S: Isaac Davis
Wit: Joshua Potts, Robt. Potter
Recorded 1 Feb 1908 copied from original Will on file.;

!CENSUS:1820 * Charleston Dist, SC pg 28 Seth GILBERT age 26-44 (1775/94) "200010-00100";

CENSUS:1830 * Charleston Dist, SC pg 18 Catherine GILBERT age 30-39 (1790/1800)

CENSUS:1840 * Not found in SC;

CENSUS:1850 * Not found in SC; 
Davis, Catherine (I82152)
2816 !CENSUS:1790;


!MARRIAGE:24 Jun 1802 Greene Co, TN Daniel DUGGAR & Sarah WEEMS, William WEEMS, bm;


!BONDSMAN:27 Apr 1810 Greene Co, TN Marriage of Alexander DUGGER and Caty BAILEY, V. SEVIER, D. Clk, Daniel DUGGAR, bm;

!TAXLIST:1812 Greene Co, TN Daniel DUGER, 1 White, 148 acres;


!CENSUS:1830 Roane Co, TN pg 61 Daniel DUGGER age 50-59 (1770/80) "00111001-1011001";

!WILL: 4 Nov 1839 (proven) Roane Co, TN Daniel DUGGER; 
Dugger, Daniel (I32889)
2817 !CENSUS:1790;


!MARRIAGE:26 Apr 1800 Sumner Co, TN Luke DUGGER & Isbel GIBS;


!TAXLIST:1816 Sumner Co, TN Luke DUGGER, 100a between Station Camp & Drakes Creek;

!TAXLIST:1817 Sumner Co, TN Luke DUGGER;

!TAXLIST:1819 Sumner Co, TN Luke DUGGER;


!TAXLIST:1820 Sumner Co, TN Luke DUGGER;

!TAXLIST:1821 Sumner Co, TN Luke DUGGER;

!CENSUS:1830 Sumner Co, TN pg 203 Luke DUGGER age 50-59 (1770/80) "00000001-00000001";

!CENSUS:1840 Sumner Co, TN pg 391 Luke DUGGAR age 60-69 (1770/80) "000000001-000000001";

!CENSUS:1850 * Sumner Co, TN pg x Luke DUGGER, 70 (1779/80) born VA; 
Dugger, Luke (I35171)
2818 !CENSUS:1790;


!MARRIAGE:27 Feb 1806 Marion Dist, SC Minute Book of the Probate records. Captain John McRae to Mary Johnston by Rev. John Wood;





Johnston, Mary (I64206)
2819 !CENSUS:1790;


!MARRIAGE:27 Jan 1801 Greene Co, TN Claiborne DUGGAR & Jean GASS, Dan KENNEDY, bm;

!MARRIAGE:27 Jan 1801 Greene Co, TN Claiborne DUGGAR & Jean GASS, George COUCH, John WEEMS, bm;

!TAXLIST:1805 Greene Co, TN Claiborne DUGGER;


!TAXLIST:1812 Greene Co, TN Claburn DUGER, 1 White;


!BONDSMAN:28 Nov 1827 Greene Co, TN Marriage of Joseph DUGGER and Polly BRYAN, Claborn DUGGER, Decands DUGGER, bm;


!CENSUS:1840 Greene Co, TN pg 43 w/John DUGGER age 50-59 (1780/90); 
Dugger, Claiborne (I31587)
2820 !CENSUS:1790;


!MARRIAGE:28 Jul 1804 Sumner Co, TN James DUGGER & Kesiah SMITH;


!TAXLIST:1818 Sumner Co, TN James DUGGER;

!TAXLIST:1819 Sumner Co, TN James DUGGER;

!CENSUS:1820 Sumner Co, TN pg 150 James DUGGER age 26-44 (1775/94) "300020-12010";

!TAXLIST:1820 Sumner Co, TN James DUGGER;

!TAXLIST:1821 Sumner Co, TN James DUGGER;

!CENSUS:1830 * Madison Co, IL pg 173 James DUGGER *;

!CENSUS:1840 * Madison Co, IL pg 72 James DUGGER *;

!CENSUS:1850 Madison Co, IL pg 474 # 112 James DUGGER, 63 (1786/87) born NC; 
Dugger, James (I27900)
2821 !CENSUS:1790;


!MARRIAGE:29 Apr 1806 Brunswick Co, NC Dunbar DAVIS & Susannah SESSIONS, Robert Potter, bm;

!CENSUS:1810 Brunswick Co, NC pg 17 D.B. DAVIS age 26-44 (1765/84)

!TAXLIST:1815 Brunswick Co., NC
Smithville District
D. William Davis <---?
Isaac Davis
Wilson Davis
from "The 1815 Tax List of Brunswick County North Carolina." Transcribed by Lucille Dresser Blake, 1970. Found at New Hanover County Public Library.;

!NAMED-WILL:15 Oct 1817 Brunswick Co., NC Will Book A page 298
15 Oct 1817. Isaac Davis of Smithville, Brunswick Co., NC
... having arrived at an advanced age ...
Wife Ann Davis ... six negroes Doll, Cate, Peter, Phoebe, Friday and John ...
Son John Davis of Charleston, SC.
Gr-dau Mary Eliza Davis, dau of my son Bartholomew Davis my negro girl Nancy (a child about one year old)
Son Bartholomew Davis ...
Eight children, namely:
Wilson Davis
John Davis
Dunbar Davis
Thomas Davis
Theresa Jacobs wife of Benjamin Jacobs
Mary Bernard wife of Stephen Bernard
Charlotte Harris widow of Peter Harris
Caroline Gilbert wife of Seth Gilbert
Executors: My son John Davis and friend Samuel Russell
S: Isaac Davis
Wit: Joshua Potts, Robt. Potter
Recorded 1 Feb 1908 copied from original Will on file.;

!CENSUS:1820 x 
Davis, Dunbar (I82096)
2822 !CENSUS:1790;


!MARRIAGE:29 Dec 1803 Carteret Co, NC Bartholomew DAVIS & Polly MARSHALL, William Thomas, bm;

!CENSUS:1810 Brunswick Co, NC pg 18 B. DAVIS age 26-44 (1765/84)

!NAMED-WILL:15 Oct 1817 Brunswick Co., NC Will Book A page 298
15 Oct 1817. Isaac Davis of Smithville, Brunswick Co., NC
... having arrived at an advanced age ...
Wife Ann Davis ... six negroes Doll, Cate, Peter, Phoebe, Friday and John ...
Son John Davis of Charleston, SC.
Gr-dau Mary Eliza Davis, dau of my son Bartholomew Davis my negro girl Nancy (a child about one year old)
Son Bartholomew Davis ...
Eight children, namely:
Wilson Davis
John Davis
Dunbar Davis
Thomas Davis
Theresa Jacobs wife of Benjamin Jacobs
Mary Bernard wife of Stephen Bernard
Charlotte Harris widow of Peter Harris
Caroline Gilbert wife of Seth Gilbert
Executors: My son John Davis and friend Samuel Russell
S: Isaac Davis
Wit: Joshua Potts, Robt. Potter
Recorded 1 Feb 1908 copied from original Will on file.;

!CENSUS:1820 Brunswick Co, NC pg 4 Bartholomew DAVIS age 45+ (bef 1775)

!CENSUS:1830 Brunswick Co, NC pg 325 Bartholomew DAVIS age 40-49 (1780/90)


Davis, Bartholomew (I82154)
2823 !CENSUS:1790;


!MARRIAGE:30 Dec 1803 Stokes Co, NC Joseph BOLES & Betsey COOK;

!CENSUS:1810 Stokes Co, NC pg 156 Joseph BOLES age 26-44 (1765/84) "30010-00200";

!CENSUS:1820 Surry Co, NC pg 778 Joseph BOWLS age 26-44 (1775/94) "230010-31010"; 
Bowles, Joseph (I97374)
2824 !CENSUS:1790;


!MARRIAGE:30 Jul 1804 Stokes Co, NC Alexander BOLES & Bethenia WALKER;

!CENSUS:1810 Stokes Co, NC pg 156 Alex BOLES age 16-25 (1784/94) "00100-30100";

!CENSUS:1820 Stokes Co, NC pg 333 Alexander BOLES Sr (sic) age 26-44 (1775/94) "400010-03010";

!CENSUS:1830 Stokes Co, NC pg 237 Alexander BOLES age 50-59 (1770/80) "00320001-2020101";

!CENSUS:1840 Stokse Co, NC pg 190 Alexander BOLES age 60-69 (1770/80) "00000001-0021001"; 
Boles, Alexander (I82810)
2825 !CENSUS:1790;


!NAMED-PROBATE ROLL # 767 Marion Co., SC Enos Tart Senr. 1801
Will Dated 18 Jan 1801
Wife Sarah Tart
son John Tart
son Nathan Tart
daus Mary Crawford and Martha Maloye
son Jonathan Tart
son Enos Tart Jr
gr-dau Nancy Tart
W: Archibald Kerby, James Grantham, Andrew Berry Sr.
Execs: Oldest sons John, Jonathan and Enos.
Proved 1 May 1801

!DEED:22 Jan 1808 Marion Co., SC Book D page 136
Charles Meloy of Marion Dist., SC to John Deer of same for $500, 510a ...
S: Charles Meloy
W: James Crawford, John Tart
Martha Meloy, wife of Charles Meloy rdr 8 Feb 1808;


!WITNESS-DEED:30 Oct 1814 Marion Co., SC Deed Book F, p. 231
Ruebin Turner to Robert Turner his son, both of Marion District. Rueben Turner in his proper health doth freely give his son Robert Turner a mare called Ribl, a horse Liberty, one deer cow ... (and various other livestock, furniture, etc.)
S: Reubin (his mark) Turner, Dorothy (her mark) Turner.
Wit: John (his mark) Martin, Martha Meloy, John Blackman.
Proven by *Joshua* Blackman & John Martin before Jas Boyle, QU 19 Oct 1814.
* From "Marion County South Carolina Abstracts of Deeds Volume Two Books F - I & K 1811-1823", Lucille Utley, Alita White Sutcliffe, 1997.;

!REFERENCE: A History of Marion County, South Carolina From Its Earliest Times to the Present, 1901, by W. W. Sellers, Esq., of the Marion Bar. 1902. pp. 193-197

Tart ...
James Tart had some sisters, two of whom married Birds, Joseph Bird and Hugh Bird, and one married a Malloy— all of whom are dead. ;

!NOTES:Above Mr. Sellers refers to a sister of James Tart, but it appears he was actually referring to one of his aunts, unless James also had a sister who married a Malloy; 
Tart, Martha (I36518)
2826 !CENSUS:1790;


!NAMED-PROBATE ROLL # 767 Marion Co., SC Enos Tart Senr. 1801
Will Dated 18 Jan 1801
Wife Sarah Tart
son John Tart
son Nathan Tart
daus Mary Crawford and Martha Maloye
son Jonathan Tart
son Enos Tart Jr
gr-dau Nancy Tart
W: Archibald Kerby, James Grantham, Andrew Berry Sr.
Execs: Oldest sons John, Jonathan and Enos.
Proved 1 May 1801


!CENSUS:1820 Marion Dist., SC pg 67
Nathaniel Tart age 26-44 (1775/94)

!PROBATE ROLL # 755 Marion Co., SC Nathan Tart 1825
1 Aug 1825 Fama Tart, Henry Berry Sr, adms.
no heirs named;

!REFERENCE: A History of Marion County, South Carolina From Its Earliest Times to the Present, 1901, by W. W. Sellers, Esq., of the Marion Bar. 1902. pp. 148-157
Fama Berry, who married Nathan Tart, born in 1791, and died in 1884, was a most remarkable woman, physically and mentally. The writer went to see her a year or so before she died ; she was very large and corpulent, suppose she weighed 250 or more ; she said she had never in her life been sick but little, and had never taken any medicine, except what she prescribed for and could procure for herself; her mental powers were unimpaired and her memory of persons, families and events excelled anything of the kind I ever met with. I wrote her obituary and published it in the "Marion Star" newspaper, soon after her death. She was not sick when she died, as it was told the writer by her son-in-law, Wilson Hays -who called in a physician to see her, who said the fat had overgrown the heart so as to prevent its action, and no relief was possible. Fama Tart raised several sons, Enos, James H., H. Tart, Thomas E. and Gadie, and several daughters. The sons are, perhaps, all dead; also the daughters, except Jane, who married Willis Waters, who lives in Florence County; and Wilson Hays' wife. H. H. Tart, who was an excellent and energetic man of high character in his sphere of life, died last year, about seventy-eight years of age. Fama Tart's children and great-grand-children, and even another generation of them, are numerous. ;

!REFERENCE: A History of Marion County, South Carolina From Its Earliest Times to the Present, 1901, by W. W. Sellers, Esq., of the Marion Bar. 1902. pp. 193-197

TART.-The Tart family was formerly a very noted family at least, in the person of old Enos Tart. There were three brothers of them as known to the writer, Enos, John and Nathan. Of these, Enos was the most prominent ; he lived on, and owned the plantation and mill latterly known as E. J. Moody's. Who the father of these three brothers were, is not known to the writer. When that mill was built, and by whom, is not known. In Gregg's History it is spoken of as "Tart's Mill, about six miles above Marion Court House." It is reasonable to presume it was among the first mills in the county, except, perhaps, "Hulins," on Catfish, afterwards Bass' Mill. (Gregg, p359) The mill was, before the Revolution, the property of John Smith, whose daughter, tradition informs us, was the mother of Enos Tart and brothers. This John Smith was the progenitor of most of the Smiths (numerous) now and since that time in the county.
Nathan Tart, the youngest brother of old Enos, married Fama Berry, a daughter of old Henry Berry, as already herein noted by their marriage a considerable family resulted of sons and daughters. Nathan Tart died in middle life and left his widow, Fama, and children. Fama Tart, as heretofore noted, was one of the most remarkable women that the writer ever saw. Of this family of Tarts, I think I have already written. Nathan and Fama Tart also had a son, named Enos, who was called by way of contradistinction, "Russell Enos." The name is continued down for two or three generations further. ; 
Tart, Nathan (I17885)
2827 !CENSUS:1790;


!NAMED: 5 Oct 1803 Rutherford Co, NC Wills B-162 David MILLER, pr Jan 1804. To Son John MILLER, 48 tracts of land, 7,106a in Rutherford and Buncombe. To my second son Andrew MILLER 41 tracts, 7,177a in Rutherford and Buncombe. To my son-in-law Allen TWITTY husband of my daughter Martha, 58 tracts, 6,495a in Rutherford and Buncombe. To my Grandson David BRIGGS a tract of land 150a Floyd Cr. To Andrew MILLER's daughter Polly MILLER. To my son-in-law Jesse BRIGGS, husband of my daughter Esther tracts of land. Executors: Jonathan HAMPTON, George WATSON, John MILLER, Andrew MILLER, Allen TWITTY. WIt: William TWITTY, Alex. M. LADIN, Charles EDWARDS. S: David Miller; 
Briggs, David (I20466)
2828 !CENSUS:1790;


!NAMED: 6 Apr 1802 Brunswick Co, VA Will 6-467 John DUGGER Sr rec'd 27 Dec 1803. Grandson Richmond DUGGER. Daughter Charlotte. Great Grandson Lovewell DUGGER. Son Daniel DUGGER, daughter Urana PRICE. Daughter Louisa STAINBACK. Dau-in-law Fanny DUGGER, grandsons James DUGGER and Thomas DUGGER. Daughter Mary DUKE. Son Howell DUGGER. Heirs of Lucretia ANDREWS (nrs), heirs of James DUGGER (nrs), heirs of Sally DUKE (nrs). Frances DUGGER (nrs). Martha WHITAKER (nrs). Heirs of my son John DUGGER. Exec: Son Daniel DUGGER and

Dugger, Charlotte (I24772)
2829 !CENSUS:1790;


!NAMED: 6 Apr 1802 Brunswick Co, VA Will 6-467 John DUGGER Sr rec'd 27 Dec 1803. Grandson Richmond DUGGER. Daughter Charlotte. Great Grandson Lovewell DUGGER. Son Daniel DUGGER, daughter Urana PRICE. Daughter Louisa STAINBACK. Dau-in-law Fanny DUGGER, grandsons James DUGGER and Thomas DUGGER. Daughter Mary DUKE. Son Howell DUGGER. Heirs of Lucretia ANDREWS (nrs), heirs of James DUGGER (nrs), heirs of Sally DUKE (nrs). Frances DUGGER (nrs). Martha WHITAKER (nrs). Heirs of my son John DUGGER. Exec: Son Daniel DUGGER and

Dugger, Louisa (I24771)
2830 !CENSUS:1790;


!NAMED: 6 Apr 1802 Brunswick Co, VA Will 6-467 John DUGGER Sr rec'd 27 Dec 1803. Grandson Richmond DUGGER. Daughter Charlotte. Great Grandson Lovewell DUGGER. Son Daniel DUGGER, daughter Urana PRICE. Daughter Louisa STAINBACK. Dau-in-law Fanny DUGGER, grandsons James DUGGER and Thomas DUGGER. Daughter Mary DUKE. Son Howell DUGGER. Heirs of Lucretia ANDREWS (nrs), heirs of James DUGGER (nrs), heirs of Sally DUKE (nrs). Frances DUGGER (nrs). Martha WHITAKER (nrs). Heirs of my son John DUGGER. Exec: Son Daniel DUGGER and Joseph PERCIVAL. Wit: Joseph PERCIVAL, W. DUGGER, James DUGGER;

Dugger, Mary (I24769)
2831 !CENSUS:1790;


!NAMED: 6 Mar 1807 Marion Dist, SC Deeds E-157 John DEER of Marion Dist, planter, to Barnabas WATSON of Marion Dist, 600a SW side Buck Swamp and one tract granted to John DEER 14 Feb 1772 and fell to the present John DEER by heirship & now sd John DEER conveys that part which lies SW side Buck Swamp. Also 400a granted to Barnabas WATSON 28 Feb 1787 & conv to sd DEER now back to sd WATSON SW side Swamp adj afsd tract. Plat. Also 400a all remaining part of a grant to Joseph JONES 1 Nov 1796 & conv to Henry GASQUE to John DEER all sd tract except 100a to be taken out for Samuel SMITH adj his land. Also 200a to be taken out for Samuel DEER agreeable to lines marked by sd John DEER & Samuel DEER. Also 100a sold Samuel JOHNSON & William TURBEVILLE agreeable to lines made by sd DEER & Samuel JOHNSON & William TURBEVILLE. Also 200a sold to Osburn LANE by lines agreed upon by sd DEER & LANE. Now I sell Barnabus WATSON all 600a observing to take off the afsd land of 500a agreable to their marks afsd to Samuel DEER, Osburn LANE, Samuel JOHNSON & William TURBEVILLE & all the other part of afsd tracts containing 600a. S: John Deer. Wit: Enos TART, James DEER;

!VOTER LIST:1809 Marion Dist. SC
John Turbevill
Solomon Turbevill
William Turbevill;

!CENSUS:1810 Marion Dist., SC pg 30
Wm Turbeville Junr age 26-44 (1765/84)
Analysis (who each person might be)
1m 26-44 (1765/1784) William Turbeville (1765/75)
2m 0-9 (1800/1810).. William B. Turbeville (c1805) son
.................... Absalom Turbeville (c1805) son
1f 26-44 (1765/1784) Mary Johnson Turbeville (1775/80) wife
2f 0-9 (1800/1810).. Mary Turbeville (c1805) daughter
.................... Daughter?
.................... Daughter?;

!TAXLIST:1811 Marion Dist., SC
John Turbeville 0.20
Solomon Turbeville 0.30
William Turbeville 0.60

!DEED:17 Jul 1813 Marion Dist, SC F-271 Mary JOHNSON, Sherid JOHNSON, Benjamin JOHNSON, John TURBEVILLE, William TURBEVILLE, Unity WOODS, Robert MOODY, Jessey BRYAN and Enos TART to Samuel JOHNSON for $305, 172a part of 200a grant to Samuel JOHNSON Sr, decd on 14 Sep 1789 and other grant to John OWENS 1 Sep 1770 for 100a. Wit: Thomas MOODY, Roger MOODY. Signed: Mary (x) Johnson, Sherid (x) Johnson, Benjamin (B) Johnson, John (x) Turbeville, William (x) Turbeville, Unity (x) Woods, Jesse Bryan, Enos Tart;

!CENSUS:1820 Marion Dist., SC pg 67
William Tirbevill age 45+ (bef 1775)
Analysis (who each person might be)
1m 45+ (bef 1775)... William Turbeville (1765/75)
1m 16-25 (1794/1804) Son?
1m 16-17 (1802/1804) "
2m 10-15 (1804/1810) William B. Turbeville (c1805) son
.................... Absalom Turbeville (c1805) son
2m 0-9 (1810/1820).. John Turbeville (c1810) son
.................... Dewitt Turbville (c1820) son
1f 45+ (bef 1775)... Mary Johnson Turbeville (1775/80) wife
1f 16-25 (1794/1804) Mary Turbeville (c1805) daughter
1m 10-15 (1804/1810) Daughter?
1f 0-9 (1810/1820).. Daughter?;

!TAXLIST:1824 Marion Dist, SC
John Turbeville 0.38
Solomon Turbeville 0.07
William Turbeville 0.11
William Turbeville 0.06;

!CENSUS:1830 x

!PROBATE ROLL # 752 Marion Co., SC William Turbeville 26 Jul 1833
... widow 1/3 and 8 children ...
heirs William Turbeville, Willis Finklea, Mary Turbeville (widow), Jesse Turbeville, Dewit Turbeville, Richard Turbeville, Edmund Price, John Turbeville and Absalom Turbeville ...
Turbeville, William (I12847)
2832 !CENSUS:1790;


!NAMED: 7 Feb 1803 Northampton Co, NC Wills 2-268 John GRANT Proven Sep 1804. Wife Mary GRANT, son Shadrick GRANT, daughter Margaret BITTLE, Granddaughter Patsy GRANT (under age). Daughter Betsey JONES, daughter Miriam HALE. Executor: my friend William GRANT. Witness: Absalom GRANT, Thomas (T) ROBERSON;

Grant, Margaret (I88148)
2833 !CENSUS:1790;


!NAMED: 7 Feb 1803 Northampton Co, NC Wills 2-268 John GRANT Proven Sep 1804. Wife Mary GRANT, son Shadrick GRANT, daughter Margaret BITTLE, Granddaughter Patsy GRANT (under age). Daughter Betsey JONES, daughter Miriam HALE. Executor: my friend William GRANT. Witness: Absalom GRANT, Thomas (T) ROBERSON;

Grant, Elizabeth "Betsy" (I88101)
2834 !CENSUS:1790;


!NAMED: 7 Feb 1803 Northampton Co, NC Wills 2-268 John GRANT Proven Sep 1804. Wife Mary GRANT, son Shadrick GRANT, daughter Margaret BITTLE, Granddaughter Patsy GRANT (under age). Daughter Betsey JONES, daughter Miriam HALE. Executor: my friend William GRANT. Witness: Absalom GRANT, Thomas (T) ROBERSON;

Grant, Miriam (I88098)
2835 !CENSUS:1790;


!NAMED: 7 Mar 1804 Onslow Co, NC Will A-65 Daniel JENKINS, as "brother Elisha JENKINS";


!DEED:23 Dec 1816 Onslow Co, NC 7-243 Elisha JENKINS to Thomas MILLS for $150. Test: Joseph MILLS;

Jenkins, Elisha (I77951)
2836 !CENSUS:1790;


!NAMED: 9 Mar 1802 Carteret Co, NC Wills William DENNIS, proven Aug 1802. Brother-in-law Moses WATSON, my sister Mary WATSON, nee DENNIS. William WATSON, son of Moses WATSON, Dennis WATSON, son of Moses WATSON, Clarissa WATSON, daughter of Moses WATSON, Elizabeth WATSON, daughter of Moses WATSON. Charles DENNIS, son of my brother John DENNIS. William DENNIS, son of my brother Joshua DENNIS, decd. Charity BREES (NRS), William ADAMS, son of Nathan ADAMS (NRS). Executor: Fr HARGETT of Jones, and Nathaniel LOOMIS of Onslow. Witness: John HARGET, Abner HARGET, Usband FRAZIER;





Watson, Elizabeth (I17449)
2837 !CENSUS:1790;


!NAMED:14 Jun 1805 Marion Dist, SC Administrations Book A pg 75 Stephen COLLINS, Mary COLLINS, Adx; 
Mary (I64554)
2838 !CENSUS:1790;


!NAMED:24 Oct 1806 Marion Dist, SC Administrations A-119 Levi CRAWFORD, decd, of Hickory Grove. Mackarinah CRAWFORD, adm;

!DEED:31 Aug 1809 Marion Dist, SC Deed Book E page 334. Charleston Dist. James ALLWOOD and Macherina his wife, to Macherina CRAWFORD, widow, for $100, Negro girl Dinah now in hands of John OWENS of Pee Dee and was left to children of Elizabeth DELAND by last will and test of Edward OWENS, deceased. S: James Allwood, Mackerina (X) Allwood. Wit: Phillip CLARK, Thomas PLAYER;

!DEED: 7 Jun 1811 Marion Dist, SC Deed Book F page 25, James and Mary WRIGHT of Charleston Dist, to Macharina CRAWFORD of same, for $100, a Negro girl Dinah. S: James (X) Wright, Mary (X) Wright. Wit: Abijah Porter, Bud Pace; 
Owens, Macharina (I64397)
2839 !CENSUS:1790;


!NAMED:27 Apr 1807 Rutherford Co, NC Wills B-196 John MILLER, pr Jul 1807. Wife Susannah MILLER plantation she lives on. my two sons David & William. To my son David MILLER 140a and 350a in Buncombe. To son William MILLER 200a on "Patterson Place" on French Broad River, another tract on Little River in Buncombe County. Daughter Sucky. Daughter Betsy. Wish children to stay with mother till they come of age. Robert McAFEE is not to have any share of the notes or bonds. Executors: Friends John LEWIS, Jonathan HAMPTON, David DICKY, Robert McAFEE and my wife Susannah. Wit: A. FERGUSON, Andrew ERWIN, Daniel MATHEWS. S: John Miller;



!NAMED:26 Mar 1825 Rutherford Co, NC Wills D-37 Susanna MILLER, pr Apr 1825. Widow of John MILLER, decd. son-in-law Robert McAFEE be content with what he has received. To John Twitty MILLER 90a secured by me. To my son David MILLER. Remained to be equally divided: David MILLER, John Twitty MILLER, Susanna LOURY, & Betsy CRATON. To Polly McAFEE and her daughter Susannah Miria. Executor: My son-in-law Isaac CRATON and Theodorick BIRCHETT. I allow Miller McAFEE $20. Wit: T. BRICHETT, D. DICKEY. S: Susanna Miller; 
McAfee, Robert (I33091)
2840 !CENSUS:1790;


!REFERENCE:Heritage of Onslow Co, NC # 235 Alexander GRANT by Roger KAMMERER; 
Grant, Urbane (I17411)
2841 !CENSUS:1790;


!TAXLIST:1801 Tazewell Co, VA Stephen HANSLEY;

!TAXLIST:1803 Tazewell Co, VA Stephen HANSLEY;

!TAXLIST:1809 Cabell Co., VA
Mar 20, Stephen Hensley 1-0-0-3
Apr 21, Daniel Hensley 1-0-0-1
Apr 21, Robert Hensley 1-0-0-1
Apr 22, Joseph Hensley 1-0-0-1;

!TAXLIST:1810 Cabell Co., VA *
* I didn't find any Hensleys listed;


!TAXLIST:1811 Cabell Co., VA *
* I didn't find Stephen listed;

!TAXLIST:1812 Cabell Co., VA
May 28, Stephen Hensley 1-0-0-7
Apr 12, Solomon Hensley 1-0-0-3;

!TAXLIST:1814 Cabell Co., VA
Mar 1, Solomon Hensley 1-0-0-2
Mar 3, Joseph Hensley 1-0-0-3
Mar 3, Savitha Hensley 0-0-0-1
Mar 3, Samuel Hensley 1-0-0-0
Mar 9, Stephen Hensley 1-0-0-7
Mar 9, Elijah Hensley 1-0-0-1
Mar 9, John Hensley 1-0-0-1;

!TAXLIST:1815 Cabell Co., VA
May 11, Solomon Hensley 1-0-0-2
Apr 5, Stephen Hensley 1-0-0-8
Mar 22, Samuel Hensley 1-1-0-2
Apr 19, Daniel Hensley 1-0-0-1;

!TAXLIST:1816 Cabell Co., VA
Mar 27, Daniel Hensley 1-1-1
Mar 27, Robert Hensley 1-0-1
Mar 27, Stephen Hensley 1-0-5
Apr 23, Solomon Hensley 1-0-2
Apr 26, Samuel Hensley 1-0-2;

!TAXLIST:1817 Cabell Co., VA
Apr 4, Solomon Hensley 1-0-3
Apr 6, Samuel Hensley 1-1-1
Apr 21, Stephen Hensley 1-0-3
Apr 21, Daniel Hensley 1-1-1
Apr 21, Robert Hensley 1-0-2;

!TAXLIST:1818 Cabell Co., VA
Mar 7, William Hensley 1-0-0-4
Mar 7, Robert Hensley 1-0-0-1
Mar 7, Stephen Hensley 1-0-1-5
Mar 8, Elijah Hensley 1-0-0-1
Mar 8, Daniel Hensley 1-0-1-1
Mar 8, Solomon Hensley 1-0-0-4
Mar 25, Samuel Hensley 1-1-0-2
May 12, Solomom Hensley 1-0-0-4 * Marked out, as it was a duplicate;

Hensley, Stephen (I79068)
2842 !CENSUS:1790;


!TAXLIST:1803 Tazewell Co, VA John HANSLEY;


!TAXLIST:1814 Cabell Co., VA
Mar 1, Solomon Hensley 1-0-0-2
Mar 3, Joseph Hensley 1-0-0-3
Mar 3, Savitha Hensley 0-0-0-1
Mar 3, Samuel Hensley 1-0-0-0
Mar 9, Stephen Hensley 1-0-0-7
Mar 9, Elijah Hensley 1-0-0-1
Mar 9, John Hensley 1-0-0-1;

!CENSUS;1820 Floyd Co, KY pg 39 John HENSLEY age 26-44 (1775/94) "200010-10010";




Hensley, John (I79056)
2843 !CENSUS:1790;


!TAXLIST:1809 * Marion Dist, SC James JOHNSTON;

!CENSUS:1810 * Marion Dist, SC pg 80 James JOHNSON *;

!TAXLIST:1811 * Marion Dist, SC James JOHNSTON;

!CENSUS:1820 * Marion Dist, SC pg 61 James JOHNSON age 26-44 (1775/94);

!NAMED:20 Nov 1821 Marion Dist, SC Inventory Book 1827-1836 pg 14 John HENRY Estate. Merchant. Notes & Accounts: ... Benjamin JOHNSON Sr ... Roger ROBERTS ... Richard JOHNSON son of Sam, ... Francis JOHNSON, James CAMPBELL ... Duncan CAMPBELL ... James JAMES ... Theophilus CAMPBELL ... Alexander LANE ... Carey JOHNSON, son of Lewis, ... Levy BLACKMAN ... Norton ROBERTS ... Elizabeth CRIB ... Lewis JOHNSON ... John BLACKMAN ... John TURNER, Samuel JOHNSON, Mrs. Kezia ROBERTS ... Cresse BARNES ... Scarce Book WATSON Jr ... James CRAWFORD ... Readon ROBERTS ... Jeremiah CAMPBELL ... Anthony CRIB ... James CRAWFORD ... David BLACKMAN ... Gadi CRAWFORD & James G. CRAWFORD ... Willis HUGGINS ... David
EDWARDS ... Dempsy CRIBB ... Col. James JOHNSON ... Willis & James G. CRAWFORD ...;

!NAMED:31 Oct 1823 Marion Dist, SC Administrations A-163 William AVANT, decd. James JOHNSON, adm;

!NAMED:31 Oct 1823 Marion Dist, SC Minutes of the Ordinary 1810-1825 Letters of administration and orders of sale to Coln. James JOHNSON on estate of William AVANT;

!TAXLIST:1824 Marion Dist, SC James JOHNSON $0.23;

!NAMED: 5 Jan 1824 Marion Dist, SC Minutes of the Ordinary 1810-1825 Appraise. & account of sales of Coln James JOHNSON, admr of estate of William AVANT;

!NAMED:24 Sep 1825 Marion Dist, SC Sales Book A-223 Mary TURBEVILLE Estate. Purchasers: "2 cows & calves at Col. JOHNSON's" sold to James JOHNSON ...;

!CENSUS:1830 Marion Dist, SC pg 28 James JOHNSON age 50-59 (1770/80)

!NAMED:24 Jul 1838 Marion Dist, SC Inventory Book 2-155 R.R. BASS Estate. Appr: ... Isham WATSON. Notes: James JOHNSON, Crawford LANE, Enos TART ...;

!CENSUS:1840 Marion Dist, SC pg 137 James JOHNSON age 60-69 (1770/80);

!CENSUS:1850 Marion Dist, SC # 1181 James JOHNSON, 93 (1756/57) born Marion; 
Johnson, James Colonel (I63976)
2844 !CENSUS:1790;


!VOTER LIST:1809 Marion Dist. SC
Eli Rogers
Jesse Rogers
John Rogers Jun
John Rogers Sen
Joseph R. Rogers
Lot Rogers
Noah Rogers <--- * Might be someone else;
Robert Rogers
Robert Rogers Jun
Robert Rogers Sen
Silas Rogers;



!NAMED-PROBATE ROLL # 684 Lot Rogers Marion Co., SC
Will 28 Mar 1829 pr 7 Apr 1829
Wife Ann
Sons: Elisha, David, Timothy, Robert, Noah, William and Phillip Rogers
dau Sally Legett
gr-ch now living: Martha and David Rogers
gr-ch William, Nathan and Elizabeth Ann Evans

!CENSUS:1830 Marion Dist., SC pg 43
Noah Rogers age 30-39 (1790/1800)

!DEED: 1 Jul 1830 Marion Co., SC Book N page 262
Noah Rodgers of Marion Dist., SC to Timothy Rodgers for $120 my interest in land left my father ... 112a ... my mother Ann Rodgers has rights during her natural life ...;

!CENSUS:1840 x
x not in Marion;

!CENSUS:1850 x
- Not in Marion; 
Rogers, Noah (I76899)
2845 !CENSUS:1790;


!WITNESS-DEED: 5 Nov 1808 Marion Co., SC Deed Book F page 188
Edmon Herrin of Marion Dist, SC to Joseph Thomas of same ... Back Swamp ...
Wit: Stephen (X) Turbevil, Milly (X) Turbevil, Henry C. Legett;

!CENSUS:1810 Marion Dist., SC pg 36
Stephen Troublefield age 26-44 (1765/1784)
Analysis (who each person might be)
1m 26-44 (1765/1784) Stephen Turbeville (1775/80)
1m 0-9 (1800/1810).. Willis Turbeville (c1804) son?
1f 26-44 (1765/1784) Milly (---) Turbeville (c1775) wife
1f 0-9 (1800/1810).. Daughter?;

!CENSUS:1820 Marion Dist., SC pg 66
Stephen Troublefield age 26-44 (1775/94)
Analysis (who each person might be)
1m 26-44 (1775/1794) Stephen Turbeville (1775/80)
1m 10-15 (1804/1810) Willis Turbeville (c1804) son?
3m 0-9 (1810/1820).. Robert Turbeville (c1815) son
.................... William Turbeville (c1818)son
.................... Bethel Turbeville (c1820) son
1f 26-44 (1775/1794) Milly (---) Turbeville (c1775) wife
1f 0-9 (1810/1820).. Daughter?;

!CENSUS:1830 Marion Dist., SC pg 49
Stephen Turbeville age 50-59 (1770/80)
Analysis (who each person might be)
1m 50-59 (1770/1780) Stephen Turbeville (1775/80)
1m 15-19 (1810/1815) Robert Turbeville (c1815) son
2m 10-14 (1815/1820) William Turbeville (c1818) son
.................... Bethel Turbeville (c1820) son
1f 40-49 (1780/1790) Milly (---) Turbeville (c1775) wife;

!CENSUS:1840 Marion Dist., SC pg 173
Stephen Turbeville age 60-69 (1770/80)
Analysis (who each person might be)
1m 60-69 (1770/1780) Stephen Turbeville (1775/80)
1m 20-29 (1810/1820) William Turbeville (c1818) son
1m 0-4 (1835/1840).. Robert Turbeville (c1839) William's son
1f 50-59 (1780/1790) Milly (---) Turbeville (c1775) wife
1f 20-29 (1810/1820) Mary (---) Turbeville (c1803) William's wife; 
Turbeville, Stephen (I19046)
2846 !CENSUS:1790;


!NAMED-DEED: 3 Sep 1808 Marion Co., SC Deed Book F, p. 320
Archd Shaw of Robeson Co., NC, merchant, to William Huggins Junr of SC, planter, for $95, 150a p/o 1146a grant to Benjamin Harrelson Junr. WNW by Joseph Perritt, S on Lewis Harrelson, E on John & Levi Huggins, NE on John & Levi Huggins, N on Joseph Perritt.
S: Archd Shaw
Wit: David (his mark) Blackman, Robt (his mark) Roger, Junr.
* From "Marion County South Carolina Abstracts of Deeds Volume Two Books F - I & K 1811-1823", Lucille Utley, Alita White Sutcliffe, 1997.;


!TAXLIST:1811 Marion Dist, SC Levi Huggins 0.40;

!TAXLIST:1814 Marion Dist, SC Levi Huggins 0.16;


!WITNESS-DEED:16 Feb 1820 Marion Co., SC Deed Book I, p. 213
David Blackman, planter, of Marion, in consideration of affection towards my daughter Mahalah Blackman, give at my death, 100a near Little Pee Dee River bounded by Lewis Mares, James Blackman, Hugh Harrell & Lazarus Lee, Junr, all my horses, cattle, hogs, sheep, furniture, tools & all other property.
S: David (his mark) Blackman.
Wit: Taply Moody, Levi (his mark) Huggins, Enos Tart.
* From "Marion County South Carolina Abstracts of Deeds Volume Two Books F - I & K 1811-1823", Lucille Utley, Alita White Sutcliffe, 1997.;

!TAXLIST:1824 * Marion Dist, SC * Not listed *;

!CENSUS:1850 Marion Dist, SC pg 62 # 917/922
Levi HUGGINS, 72 Farmer, 60 Marion
Sarah, 62
Roda 25
Ichabod 20
Milly BLANFORD, 80 Pauper;

!CENSUS:1860 Marion Dist, SC # 1128
Rhoda HUGGINS, 35
Levi, 74 Pauper
Sarah, 65 Pauper
M. BLUFFORD, 70 Pauper
Levi, 5
Rhoda, 3; 
Huggins, Levi (I49097)
2847 !CENSUS:1790;

Carson, Matthew (I28170)
2848 !CENSUS:1790;

!COURT:-- 1799 Caroline Co, VA Reuben GEORGE, decd, "all my children, namely Reuben, Molly, William, Byrd, Lucy, Oliver, John, Ann and Molly ROGERS";

!CENSUS:1800 * Lost for VA;

!CENSUS:1810 Albemarle Co, VA pg 206 w/Achelles Rogers age 45+ (bef 1765);

!CENSUS:1820 * Might be her: Albemarle Co, VA pg 15 Mary Rogers age 45+ (bef 1775)
George, Mary "Molly" (I5059)
2849 !CENSUS:1790;

!COURT:-- 1799 Caroline Co, VA Reuben GEORGE, decd, "all my children, namely Reuben, Molly, William, Byrd, Lucy, Oliver, John, Ann and Molly ROGERS";


!CENSUS:1810 Caroline Co, VA pg 34 w/James Gatewood age 26-44 (1765/84);

!CENSUS:1820 Caroline Co, VA pg 167 w/James Gatewood age 45+ (bef 1775);

!CENSUS:1830 Caroline Co, VA pg 191 w/James Gatewood Sr age 50-59 (1770/80);
!CENSUS:1840 Caroline Co, VA pg 89 Anna Gatewood age 60-69 (1770/80) "0-000020001";
1850 Census Caroline County, Virginia Page / House / Family Number 239 / 251 / 252
Moncure William A 46 M W Farmer 1500. VA
Moncure Lucy A 42 F W VA
Moncure John J 21 M W Farmer 200. VA
Moncure William C 19 M W Student VA
Moncure Anna G 18 F W VA
Moncure H Leger L 16 M W VA
Moncure Eustace C 14 M W VA
Moncure Mary A 10 F W VA
Moncure Reubenetta 8 F W VA
Moncure Cassandra 5 F W VA
Moncure Richard T 2 F W VA
Gatewood Ann 77 F W 2000. VA 
George, Ann (I5064)
2850 !CENSUS:1790;

!DEED: 3 Oct 1795 Greene Co, GA F-318 Francis GEORGE [sic] on 3 October 1795 for love and affection of my son, Jordan GEORGE, do give to him a certain negro boy named Dick. Wit.: C. Park. Recorded 3 October 1795. (Thanks to Monte George for this record);


!CENSUS:1820 Columbia Co, GA pg 27 Jourdain George age 26-44 (1775/94)
George, Jordan (I43826)

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