Matches 2,851 to 2,900 of 83,474
# | Notes | Linked to |
2851 | !CENSUS:1790; !DEED: 4 Jul 1799 Marion Co., SC Deed Book C page 49 John McRee yeoman of Georgetown Dist, Liberty Co., to Thomas Troublefield of same, planter for $100, 100a in Warhee Neck ...; !CENSUS:1800; !PROBATE ROLL # 757 Marion Co., SC Thomas Turbeville of Warhee 26 Oct 1804 Nancy Turbeville and Drury White, adm (later listed as Winney Turbeville and Drury White) ... no heirs named specifically ... Account Current ... Peter Turbeville to John Foxworth ... ... Elizabeth Turbeville to John Foxworth ... (above two seem to be for schooling) ...; | Turbeville, Thomas (I76939)
2852 | !CENSUS:1790; !DEED: 5 Feb 1793 Wilkes Co, GA Deeds MM-198 Sherod STROUD & Hannah, his wife to Elisha SMALLWOOD all of Wilkes Co, GA for L50, 100a on Rocky Creek granted to Sharod STROUD 5 Feb 1787. S: S. Stroud, Hannah (X) Stroud; !CENSUS:1800 Oglethorpe Co, GA pg 9 w/Sherod STROUD age 26-44 (1755/74); | Rhodes, Hannah (I8858)
2853 | !CENSUS:1790; !DEED: 6 May 1796 Marion Co., SC Book C page 46 Samuel Pouncey & Anthony Pouncey to Elizabeth Pouncey widow of Roger Pouncey, for consideration of her part of the estate of her late husband ... ... her former husband Thomas Burton ... S: Samuel Pouncey, Anthony Pouncey W: Jesse Stevens, William Neavel; !CENSUS:1800; !CENSUS:1810 Marion Dist., SC pg 78 Elizabeth Pouncey age 45+ (bef 1765) 00000-00001-0-5; !DEED:20 Feb 1811 Marion Co., SC Book E page 274 Elizabeth Pouncey to dau Rachel Booth & husband Shelly Booth ... to dau Anise Tart ... gr-ch, ch of Rachel Booth, Tobias, Francis, Clarkey and John ... my gr-ch ch of Anis Tart, Elizabeth, Thomas, Sarah & Jonathan ... S: Elizabeth (X) Pouncey W: Thomas Perkins, William Taylor, John Gibson; | Elizabeth (I78098)
2854 | !CENSUS:1790; !DEED: 8 Aug 1795 Rutherford Co, NC 7-31 Thomas ROUNDTREE of Rutherford Co, NC to David PATTERSON of Union Co, SC, 70a South side of Main Broad River; !TAXLIST:1797 Rutherford Co, NC Unlisted Taxes David PATERSON, 70a, 1 poll; !DEED: 7 Mar 1800 Rutherford Co, NC 16-311 Jesse WEBB of Rutherford Co, NC to David PATERSON Jr of same, $100 for 100a on Aleson Branch of Braod River granted to James HIX 10 Aug 1787 adj Richard HENRY and Jesse WEBB and the road leading from the High Shoals on the Second Broad River to Standford on Main Broad River. Wit: J. BLACKWELL, Jesse RICHARTSON, Burges LILES; !CENSUS:1800 Rutherford Co, NC pg 135 David PATTERSON, age 26-44 (1755/74) "10010-30100"; !CENSUS:1810 Rutherford Co, NC pg 126 David PATTERSON age 26-44 (1765/84) "31010-22110"; | Patterson, David (I90840)
2855 | !CENSUS:1790; !DEED:13 Sep 1799 Marion Co., SC Book A page 193 John Rogers Sr, planter to John Rogers Jr for $184, 184a NW of Little Pee Dee River adj Giles Bay. S: John Rogers W: W(illiam) Rogers, Richard G. Williams, William Williams, F. G. Deliesseline. Patience (X) Rogers, wife of John Rogers Sr rdr 16 Dec 1799 plat 184a bounded by James Johnston, John Rogers, Joseph Rogers, Noah Rogers, Jonah Rogers, ...; !CENSUS:1800; !VOTER LIST:1809 Marion Dist. SC Eli Rogers Jesse Rogers John Rogers Jun John Rogers Sen Joseph R. Rogers Lot Rogers Noah Rogers Robert Rogers Robert Rogers Jun Robert Rogers Sen Silas Rogers; !CENSUS:1810 Marion Dist., SC * one of below, all match- 6 John Rodgers age 26-44 20010-01010-0-0 13 John Rodgers age 26-44 20010-01010-0-0 30 John Rogers age 26-44 20010-10010-0-0 !NAMED-PROBATE ROLL # 676 Marion Co., SC Patience Rogers 1820 Will dated 5 Jan 1820 sister Sarah Waters John Thos. Tyler son of Francis Tyler to Jesse R. Rogers my sons Joseph R., John, William S., and Silas Rogers witnesses: John C. Davis, John G. Tyler proven 4 Feb 1820 ...; !CENSUS:1820 Marion Dist., SC pg 65 John Rogers age 45+ (bef 1775) 120001-30010; !CENSUS:1830 Marion Dist., SC pg 42 John Rogers age 50-59 (1770/80) 00011001-01100011; !CENSUS:1840 Marion Dist., SC pg 181 John Rogers age 60-69 (1770/80) 000020001-0001001; !CENSUS:1850 Marion Dist., SC # 76/77 John Rogers 76 Farmer $400 Marion Sarah 57; !NAMED-PROBATE ROLL # 1850 Marion Co., SC Griffin C. Rogers 1855 25 Oct 1855 Richard W. Rogers shows that Griffin C. Rogers died intestate on 6 May last ... heirs are his father John Rogers, your petitioner his brother, two sisters Martha A. Rogers and Rebecca M. wife of Jesse R. Marlow, children of deceased brother Jonah C. Rogers: Martha D. wife of Daniel Stevenson, Thomas J. Rogers and John B. Rogers. children of deceased sister Anne W. Cook: Elizaebth R. Cook, Demaris wife of Lewis Williams, Josiah E. Cook. ... Demaris Williams dead by 1860 Rebecca M. Marlow married to Leonard D. Avant by 1860. Father John Rogers dead by 1861. ...; !CENSUS:1860 Marion Dist., SC Brittons Neck # 46/44 John Rogers 86 Farmer $200/7000 SC Sarah 66 Richd. W. 52 Farmer $3000/1000 Martha A. 37 Domestic $0/500; | Rogers, John (I56364)
2856 | !CENSUS:1790; !DEED:13 Sep 1799 Marion Co., SC Book A page 193 John Rogers Sr, planter to John Rogers Jr for $184, 184a NW of Little Pee Dee River adj Giles Bay. S: John Rogers W: W(illiam) Rogers, Richard G. Williams, William Williams, F. G. Deliesseline. Patience (X) Rogers, wife of John Rogers Sr rdr 16 Dec 1799 plat 184a bounded by James Johnston, John Rogers, Joseph Rogers, Noah Rogers, Jonah Rogers, ...; !CENSUS:1800 Marion Dist, SC pg 459/803 w/John Rogers age 45+ (bef 1755); !CENSUS:1810 x !CENSUS:1820 x !PROBATE ROLL # 676 Marion Co., SC Patience Rogers 1820 Will dated 5 Jan 1820 sister Sarah Waters John Thos. Tyler son of Francis Tyler to Jesse R. Rogers my sons Joseph R., John, William S., and Silas Rogers witnesses: John C. Davis, John G. Tyler proven 4 Feb 1820 ...; | Patience (I56362)
2857 | !CENSUS:1790; !DEED:1796 Carteret Co, NC Deeds N-129 Charles, Jemima, James, William ROBERTS to John ROBERTS; !DEED:(1796) Carteret Co, NC Deeds N-133 Joseph BELL to Charles, John, James, William ROBERTS; !CENSUS:1800 Carteret Co, NC pg 196 Charles ROBERTS age 16-25 (1774/84) "10100-10100" !CENSUS:1810 Carteret Co, NC pg 173 Charles ROBERTS age 26-44 (1765/84) "11010-11020" OR Carteret CO, NC pg 181 Charles ROBERTS age 26-44 (1765/84) "00010-10100"; !CENSUS:1820 Carteret Co, NC pg 137 Charles ROBERTS age 45+ (bef 1775) "010001-10110"; !CENSUS:1830; | Roberts, Charles (I39341)
2858 | !CENSUS:1790; !DEED:1796 Carteret Co, NC Deeds N-129 Charles, Jemima, James, William ROBERTS to John ROBERTS; !DEED:(1796) Carteret Co, NC Deeds N-133 Joseph BELL to Charles, John, James, William ROBERTS; !CENSUS:1800; | Roberts, William (I39342)
2859 | !CENSUS:1790; !DEED:20 Jan 1796 Buncombe Co, NC 3-115 Nehemiah GUDGER to Solomon CROSS, 100a Roses Creek; !DEED:11 Jul 1798 Buncombe Co, NC 4-180 Solomon CROSS to William CROSS, 99a Roses Creek; !DEED:19 Oct 1798 Buncombe Co, NC 4-264 Sheriff to Solomon CROSS, 250a Reems Creek; !CENSUS:1800 Buncombe Co, NC pg 165 Solomon CROSS age 45+ (bef 1755) "01001-10001"; !DEED:26 Nov 1801 Buncombe Co, NC 3-368 Solomon CROSS to William CROSS, 200a Reems Creek; !WILL:-- Apr 1807 Buncombe Co., NC Will of Solomon Cross proven in Buncombe CO., NC Court Apr 1807(Book 2 page 337). William H. Cross appointed Administrator until probate; | Cross, Solomon (I20804)
2860 | !CENSUS:1790; !DEED:27 Feb 1795 Marion Dist, SC Deeds D-190 John SANDERS of Georgetown Dist, planter to Enos TART for 5, 200a in watery branch bay N side Peedee River, being part of 1766a grant to John SANDERS in 1792. Adj Hardy CRAWFORD. S: John Sanders. Wit: John TART, Thomas (X) WATERS. Elizabeth (X) SANDERS, wife of John, relinq unto within named Enos TART or to Mary CRAWFORD and heirs to said Enos TART estate; !CENSUS:1800 Marion Dist, SC pg 788 w/James CRAWFORD age 16-25 (1774/84); !NAMED-PROBATE ROLL # 767 Marion Co., SC Enos Tart Senr. 1801 Will Dated 18 Jan 1801 Wife Sarah Tart son John Tart son Nathan Tart daus Mary Crawford and Martha Maloye son Jonathan Tart son Enos Tart Jr gr-dau Nancy Tart W: Archibald Kerby, James Grantham, Andrew Berry Sr. Execs: Oldest sons John, Jonathan and Enos. Proved 1 May 1801 ...; !WITNESS: 1 Jan 1802 Marion Dist, SC Deeds B-121 Jacob BUCKHOLTS Jr of Darlington Dist, SC to Thomas T. WICKHAM of Marion Dist, for $1200 six tracts containing 150a each Catfish Swamp. S: Jacob Buckholts Junr. Wit: Enos TART, James (X) CRAWFORD, Mary (X) CRAWFORD; !DEED: 7 Jan 1804 Marion Dist, SC Deeds D-192 Jonathan TART of Marion Dist, planter to Mary CRAWFORD widow of Marion for $300, 400a toward Catfish Swamp, part of 4726a grant to John SANDERS conv to Christopher DEW to Jonathan TART. S: Jonathan Tart. Wit: Enos TART, John MACE, Charles STEWART; !NAMED:27 Feb 1804 Marion Dist, SC Minutes of the Ordinary Feb 27 Citation to Mary Crawford & Enos Tart to admr. on the Estate and Effects of James Crawford Junr late of said district decd; !NAMED:16 Mar 1804 Marion Dist, SC Minutes of the Ordinary March 16 Qualified Mary Crawford and Enos Tart admors. on the Estate and Effects of James Crawford deceased late of said District; !NAMED:11 Dec 1804 Marion Dist, SC Minutes of the Ordinary - 11 December Citation against the admx. & admor. of James Crawford deceased to find other securities or give up the letters of admn. In the Court of Ordinary Friday the seventh of December 1804 The Citation granted against the admx, and admor, of the Estate of James Crawford deceased being returned Mary Crawford otherwise Mary Bass admx. not appearing I have thought fit to revoke theadmn. & grant admn. to Enos Tart; !CENSUS:1810 Marion Dist, SC pg 84 w/Right BASS age 26-44 (1765/84); | Tart, Mary (I18972)
2861 | !CENSUS:1790; !DEED:28 Oct 1796 Lincoln Co, NC 18-207 John CROSS of Lincoln to sons Moses CROSS, Samuel CROSS, Solomon CROSS 42a, mentions John MILLER.; !CENSUS:1800 Buncombe Co, NC pg 164 Moses CROSS age 26-44 (1755/74) "20010-10010"; !DEED:31 Aug 1801 Buncombe Co, NC 7-381 John DIXON et al to Moses CROSS, 100a Swan River; !DEED:17 Jan 1804 Buncombe Co, NC 9-55 Moses CROSS to Henry WEST, 100a Swan River; CENSUS:1810; CENSUS:1820; CENSUS:1830; | Cross, Moses (I20450)
2862 | !CENSUS:1790; !DEED:29 Feb 1796 Rutherford Co, NC Deeds Q-52 Commissioners of the town of Rutherford in Rutherford Co, NC to Alexander McCandless GILBERT of same, 25s, 1/2a lot # 8 in the town. Witness: Edward SMITH, Robert DICKEY, S: Jonatham HEMPTON, Thomas ROWLAND, William KANNON, Charles LEWIS, David DICKEY; !DEED: 8 Feb 1796 Rutherford Co, NC Deeds Q-53 Commissioners of the town of Rutherford in Rutherford Co, NC to Alexander McCandless GILBERT of same, 25s, 1/2a lot # 27 in the town. Witness: Edward SMITH, Robert DICKEY, S: Jonatham HEMPTON, Thomas ROWLAND, William KANNON, Charles LEWIS, David DICKEY; !DEED:29 Aug 1796 Rutherford Co, NC Deeds 8-335 James BOYLE, Esq high shariff of Rutherford Co, NC to Alexander McCandless GILBERT of same per an execution from Morgan District Superior Court against Joseph BATS, recovered by the State for his nonattendance as a witness in behalf of the State against Allen TWITTY - exposed to sale 100 acres granted to Joseph BATES 1794 joinign John JONES, on White Oak Creek on both sides of the road leading from the Court House to John EARLES. Wit: John PRICE; !CENSUS:1800; !CENSUS:1810 Rutherford Co, NC pg 102 Alexander GILBERT age 26-44 (1765/84) "00010-00001"; !CENSUS:1820; !CENSUS:1830; !CENSUS:1840; !CENSUS:1850; | Gilbert, Alexander McCandlass (I89789)
2863 | !CENSUS:1790; !MARRIAGE BOND: 1 Nov 1796 Wilkes Co., NC Joshua Reaves & Providence Baker, Zebediah Baker, bondsman; CENSUS:1800; CENSUS:1810; CENSUS:1820; CENSUS:1830; CENSUS:1840; CENSUS:1850; | Baker, Providence (I99379)
2864 | !CENSUS:1790; !MARRIAGE BOND: 9 Oct 1797 Rutherford Co., NC Joseph Wright & Sally Cox. No bm. !CENSUS:1800 x !CENSUS:1810 Lincoln Co., NC pg 364-474 Jo. Wright age 26-44 (1765/84) 31110-00110-0-1 -Assuming this one in 1810 is same one who married here in 1797; !CENSUS:1820 x !CENSUS:1830 x | Wright, Joseph (I80562)
2865 | !CENSUS:1790; !MARRIAGE BOND:11 Mar 1794 Rutherford Co., NC Thomas Wright & Elisabeth McGill, John Oats, bm, Robert Ferguson, bm. !CENSUS:1800 x - One in neighboring Burke Co., NC; | Wright, Thomas (I81179)
2866 | !CENSUS:1790; !MARRIAGE BOND:12 Oct 1793 Johnston Co., NC From "Marriages of Johnston County, North Carolina 1762-1868," Brent H. Holcomb, 1985 (Craven County Library): William Roberts Jr. & Betsey Reaves, Thomas Roberts, bondsman !CENSUS:1800 x !COURT:27 Nov 1804 (From "Johnston County North Carolina Court Minutes Nov 1801 thru Nov 1804 Book VI," by Weynette Parks Haun, 1976.) 250 27 Nov 1804 Widow and relict (not named) of William Roberts, deceased, came into court and relinquished right of administration. Administration granted to John Stevens Junr. | Reaves, Elizabeth (I82509)
2867 | !CENSUS:1790; !MARRIAGE BOND:16 Sep 1795 Rutherford Co, NC Isaac Hutson & Nelly Baker, Baxter Baker, bondsman; !CENSUS:1800; | Baker, Nelly (I99339)
2868 | !CENSUS:1790; !MARRIAGE BOND:20 Jun 1791 Surry Co, NC Nicholas Baker & Lucy Laurence, Richard Laurence, bondsman; CENSUS:1790; CENSUS:1800; CENSUS:1810; CENSUS:1820; CENSUS:1830; CENSUS:1840; CENSUS:1850; | Baker, Nicholas (I99344)
2869 | !CENSUS:1790; !MARRIAGE BOND:20 Sep 1792 Lincoln Co, NC William Wilson, Isabella Graham. John Oats, bm, Samuel Lindsey, bm; !CENSUS:1800; | Graham, Isabella (I88271)
2870 | !CENSUS:1790; !MARRIAGE BOND:30 Aug 1791 Johnston Co., NC From "Marriages of Johnston County, North Carolina 1762-1868," Brent H. Holcomb, 1985 (Craven County Library): James Braddy & Martha Roberts, Barnaby Bulls, bondsman !CENSUS:1800; !CENSUS:1810; !CENSUS:1820 Johnston Co., NC pg 263 w/James Brady age 45+ (bef 1775) 200001-01001-0-0; !CENSUS:1830 Johnston Co., NC alphabetical pg 87 w/James Braddy age 60-69 (1760/70) 010010001-000000001; !NOTE:Dead by 24 Jul 1838 when James Braddy remarried; | Roberts, Martha (I91147)
2871 | !CENSUS:1790; !MARRIAGE: 2 Apr 1792 Onslow Co, NC Richard OLDFIELD & Ferebee GRANT; !CENSUS:1800 Jones Co, NC pg 801 Richard OLDFIELD age 45+ (bef 1755) "12101-01101-0-2"; !WITNESS:17 Feb 1805 Jones Co, NC Will A-275 of Urban FRAZAR. Witness: John HOWARD, Richard OLDFIELD, Brice GEORGE; !WITNESS:14 Jun 1809 Jones Co, NC Will A-318 of Mary FRAZAR. Witness: A. GIBSON, Richard OLDFIELD; !CENSUS:1810; !CENSUS:1820; !CENSUS:1830; !CENSUS:1840; !CENSUS:1850; !REFERENCE:Heritage of Onslow Co, NC # 238 Stephen GRANT by Roger KAMMERER; | Oldfield, Richard (I17658)
2872 | !CENSUS:1790; !MARRIAGE: 2 Sep 1800 Surry Co, NC Richard MURPHY & Jean YORK; !CENSUS:1800 Surry Co, NC pg 677 Richard MURPHY age 16-25 (1774/84); !CENSUS:1810 Lincoln Co, KY pg 124 Richard MURPHY age 26-44 (1765/84); !CENSUS:1820; !CENSUS:1830; !CENSUS:1840; !CENSUS:1850; | Murphy, Richard (I15550)
2873 | !CENSUS:1790; !MARRIAGE: 4 Dec 1794 Orange Co, NC William DAVIS & Lydia DUGGER, Richard DAVIS, bm; CENSUS:1800; CENSUS:1810; CENSUS:1820; CENSUS:1830; CENSUS:1840; CENSUS:1850; | Dugger, Lydia (I11316)
2874 | !CENSUS:1790; !MARRIAGE: 4 Dec 1794 Orange Co, NC William DAVIS & Lydia DUGGER, Richard DAVIS, bm; CENSUS:1800; CENSUS:1810; CENSUS:1820; CENSUS:1830; CENSUS:1840; CENSUS:1850; | Davis, William (I11319)
2875 | !CENSUS:1790; !MARRIAGE: 5 Jan 1796 Rutherford Co, NC Thomas WHITE & Elizabeth MORRIS, Benjamin WILKESON, bm; !CENSUS:1800 Rutherford Co, NC pg 155 w/Thomas WHITE age 16-25 (1774/84); !CENSUS:1810; !CENSUS:1820; !CENSUS:1830; !CENSUS:1840; !CENSUS:1850; | Morris, Elizabeth (I85515)
2876 | !CENSUS:1790; !MARRIAGE: 6 Nov 1799 Surry Co, NC William BEAVOUR & Nancy MOODY, no bm listed (other sources says Thomas HAMPTON, bm); CENSUS:1800; CENSUS:1810 Surry Co, NC pg 168 w/William BEEVER age 26-44 (1765/84); CENSUS:1820; CENSUS:1830; CENSUS:1840; CENSUS:1850; | Moody, Nancy (I84473)
2877 | !CENSUS:1790; !MARRIAGE: 7 Oct 1794 Rowan Co, NC John LAM and Nancy MOORE; !CENSUS:1800; !CENSUS:1810; !CENSUS:1820; !CENSUS:1830 Macon Co, NC pg 25 w/John LAMB age 50-59 (1770/80); !CENSUS:1840; !CENSUS:1850 Macon Co, NC Tennessee Valley # 893 Nancy LAMB, 79 (1770/71) born VA; !WILL:13 Jul 1858 Macon Co, NC Nancy LAMB; !CENSUS:1860 Mortality - Macon Co., NC Tennessee Valley Nancy Lamb 87 wd, b. Virginia, d. May of Old Age; | Moore, Nancy (I14398)
2878 | !CENSUS:1790; !MARRIAGE: 7 Oct 1794 Rowan Co, NC John LAM and Nancy MOORE; !CENSUS:1800; !TAXLIST: * 1805 Anderson Co, TN John LAMB *; !CENSUS:1810 * Cabarrus Co, NC pg 154 J. LAMB, Esq *; !CENSUS:1820; !CENSUS:1830 Macon Co, NC pg 25 John LAMB age 50-59 (1770/80) 00010001-00000001 !CENSUS:1840 Macon Co, NC pg 151 John LAMB *; CENSUS:1850 Macon Co, NC Tennessee Valley # 893 John LAMB, 78 (1771/72) born Rowan Co, NC; | Lamb, John (I14400)
2879 | !CENSUS:1790; !MARRIAGE: 7 Oct 1797 Surry Co, NC Samuel HOBSON & Jude MURPHY; !CENSUS:1800; !CENSUS:1810; !CENSUS:1820; | Murphy, Jude (I89663)
2880 | !CENSUS:1790; !MARRIAGE: 7 Oct 1797 Surry Co, NC Samuel HOBSON & Jude MURPHY; !CENSUS:1800; !CENSUS:1810; !CENSUS:1820; | Hobson, Samuel (I89662)
2881 | !CENSUS:1790; !MARRIAGE: 8 Oct 1793 Rutherford Co, NC James THOMAS & Mary MORRIS, John BUYERS, bm; !CENSUS:1800; !CENSUS:1810; !CENSUS:1820; !CENSUS:1830; !CENSUS:1840; !CENSUS:1850; | Morris, Mary (I85511)
2882 | !CENSUS:1790; !MARRIAGE:11 Nov 1793 Lincoln Co, NC Robert PATTERSON & Isabellah BARBER; !NAMED: 1 Jan 1799 Rutherford Co, NC Will of John BARBER as son in law Robert PATTERSON; !CENSUS:1800 Lincoln Co, NC pg 839 Robert PATTERSON age 26-44 (1755/74); !CENSUS:1810; | Patterson, Robert (I93022)
2883 | !CENSUS:1790; !MARRIAGE:14 Dec 1791 Brunswick Co, VA Marriage Bonds James DUGGER & Nancy EDWARDS, Jesse EDWARDS, Edward BIRCHETT, Sec; !CENSUS:1800; !DEED:-- Jun 1803 Brunswick Co, VA 18-395 James DUGGER and wife Nancy and Fanny DUGGER Sr to Joel TALLY for L54, 73a. Wit: None; !CENSUS:1810 Brunswick Co, VA pg 709 w/James DUGGER (SJ) age 26-44 (1765/84); !DEED:27 Sep 1819 Brunswick Co, VA 24-370 James DUGGER Sr and wife Nancy to William DAVIS for $336 land in Brunswick, total 134a. Wit: None. Nancy, wife of James DUGGER, relinq dower; !CENSUS:1820 Giles Co, TN pg 15 w/James DUGGER age 45+ (bef 1775); | Edwards, Nancy (I32162)
2884 | !CENSUS:1790; !MARRIAGE:14 Dec 1796 Surry Co, NC Stephen MURPHEY & Hannah CLIFFE; !CENSUS:1800; !CENSUS:1810; !CENSUS:1820; | Murphy, Stephen (I91689)
2885 | !CENSUS:1790; !MARRIAGE:14 Nov 1796 Rutherford Co, NC John PATTERSON & Mary FAUCH, Samuel BAILEY, BM; !CENSUS:1800 Rutherford Co, NC pg 136 John PATTERSON age 16-25 (1774/84) "20100-00100"; !CENSUS:1810 Rutherford Co, NC pg 128 John PATTERSON age 26-44 (1765/84) "32010-10010"; !CENSUS:1820 Rutherford Co, NC pg 392 John PATTERSON age 45+ (bef 1775) "111101-21001"; !CENSUS:1830; | Patterson, John (I90073)
2886 | !CENSUS:1790; !MARRIAGE:15 Sep 1792 Washington Co, TN (From "Records of Washington Co, TN"); !CENSUS:1800; !CENSUS:1810 Buncombe Co, NC pg 92 w/Stephen REDMAN age 45+ (bef 1765); !CENSUS:1820 Buncombe Co, NC pg 96 w/Stephen REDMON age 45+ (bef 1775); !CENSUS:1830; !CENSUS:1840 Buncombe Co, NC pg 182 w/Stephen REDMAN age 70-79 (1760/70); !CENSUS:1850; | Stewart, Susannah (I16277)
2887 | !CENSUS:1790; !MARRIAGE:16 Apr 1799 Brunswick Co, VA Marriage Bonds. Jesse RAINEY & Frances DUGGER, d/o Daniel DUGGER. Jordan RICHARDSON, James STAINBACK, sec; !CENSUS:1800; !CENSUS:1810; !COURT:Nov 1811 Brunswick Co, VA OB 24-357 Elizabeth STAINBACK. William M. DUGGER. Benjamin L. MORRIS and wife Nancy late Nancy DUGGER. Daniel DUGGER. Andrew, Amos, Ashley, Polly, Absolem and Sally RAINEY, infants of Jesse RAINEY by Frances his wife late Frances DUGGER, by Jesse RAINEY their next friend. Sally DUGGER, John DUGGER and Henry DUGGER, infants of Daniel DUGGER by William DUGGER their next friend vs Mary DUGGER, Widow of Daniel DUGGER and James DUGGER, adm of Daniel DUGGER, decd; !COURT:Jan 1812 Brunswick Co, VA OB 24-386 Elizabeth STAINBACK. William M. DUGGER. Benjamin L. MORRIS and wife Nancy late Nancy DUGGER. Daniel DUGGER. Andrew, Amos, Ashley, Polly, Absolem and Sally RAINEY, infants of Jesse RAINEY by Frances his wife late Frances DUGGER, by Jesse RAINEY their next friend. Sally DUGGER, John DUGGER and Henry DUGGER, infants of Daniel DUGGER by William DUGGER their next friend vs Mary DUGGER, Widow of Daniel DUGGER and James DUGGER, adm of Daniel DUGGER, decd. Sale of Estate; !COURT:Jan 1812 Brunswick Co, VA OB 24-514 Elizabeth STAINBACK. William M. DUGGER. Benjamin L. MORRIS and wife Nancy late Nancy DUGGER. Daniel DUGGER. Andrew, Amos, Ashley, Polly, Absolem and Sally RAINEY, infants of Jesse RAINEY by Frances his wife late Frances DUGGER, by Jesse RAINEY their next friend. Sally DUGGER, John DUGGER and Henry DUGGER, infants of Daniel DUGGER by William DUGGER their next friend vs Mary DUGGER, Widow of Daniel DUGGER and James DUGGER, adm of Daniel DUGGER, decd. Division of land and negroes. Widow, her dower - 118a balance of land divided into 7 parts - Benjamin MORRIS, 60a. John DUGGER, 42a, Elizabeth STAINBACK, 25a, James DUGGER, 21a, Jesse RAINEY's children, 29a, Henry DUGGER, 28a, SallY DUGGER, 28a; | Dugger, Frances (I30108)
2888 | !CENSUS:1790; !MARRIAGE:16 Oct 1793 Orange Co, NC Shadrach DUGGER & Salley HOGAN, Benja. YEARGIN, bm; !CENSUS:1800; !BONDSMAN:10 Apr 1804 Greene Co, TN Marriage of James DUGGAR and Anne STANLEY, Shadrack DUGGAR, bm; !BONDSMAN:11 Jul 1804 Greene Co, TN Marriage of David DUGGER and Cath. BAILEY. Shadrack DUGGER, bm; !CENSUS:1810; !CENSUS:1820 Maury Co, TN pg x Shadrick DUGGER age 45+ (bef 1775) "620101-11610"; !CENSUS:1830 * Maury Co, TN pg 318 Shadrack DUGGER *; !CENSUS:1840 Maury Co, TN pg 304 Shadrack DUGGER age 60-69 (1770/80) "000010001-000101"; !CENSUS:1850 * Giles Co, TN 35-678 Shadevock DERGER, 77 (1772/73) *; | Dugger, Shadrack (I7017)
2889 | !CENSUS:1790; !MARRIAGE:18 Dec 1799 Wilkes Co, NC Daniel JOHNSON & Nancy HOLEMAN; !NAMED-WILL:7 Feb 1832 Wilkes Co., NC Will Book 4 page 161. 7 Feb 1832 Thomas Holman proven Apr 1833. Wife Elsa. Son Joseph, Nancy Sincler, Molley Hall, William Holman, Daniel Holman, Rachal Stasberry, Margret Wadkins, Dianah Triplett, Rebecca Kindall, Thomas Holman, James Holman, Didemama Wright, Betty Prophet, my wife and Josephet must pay Milly $25 and to Lurana Davice 50c and to Vienna $25. My children. Executor William Tugman and wife Else. Witness James G. Thompson, William B. Brown. | Holeman, Nancy (I71617)
2890 | !CENSUS:1790; !MARRIAGE:19 Jan 1798 Surry Co, NC Joseph MURPHY & Agnes DAVENPORT; !CENSUS:1800; !CENSUS:1810; !CENSUS:1820; | Murphy, Joseph (I91685)
2891 | !CENSUS:1790; !MARRIAGE:19 Jan 1798 Surry Co, NC Joseph MURPHY & Agnes DAVENPORT; !CENSUS:1800; !CENSUS:1810; !CENSUS:1820; | Davenport, Agnes (I91684)
2892 | !CENSUS:1790; !MARRIAGE:23 Jan 1797 Rutherford Co, NC Robert McGaughy to Ruth Burnett, Lewis Burnett, bm; CENSUS:1800; CENSUS:1810; | Burnett, Ruth (I39514)
2893 | !CENSUS:1790; !MARRIAGE:23 Jan 1797 Rutherford Co, NC Robert McGaughy to Ruth Burnett, Lewis Burnett, bm; CENSUS:1800; CENSUS:1810; | McGaughey, Robert (I39513)
2894 | !CENSUS:1790; !MARRIAGE:23 May 1797 Surry Co, NC John RUTLEDGE & Valentine MURPHEY; !CENSUS:1800; !CENSUS:1810; !CENSUS:1820; | Rutledge, John (I91679)
2895 | !CENSUS:1790; !MARRIAGE:23 May 1797 Surry Co, NC John RUTLEDGE & Valentine MURPHEY; !CENSUS:1800; !CENSUS:1810; !CENSUS:1820; | Murphy, Valentine (I91678)
2896 | !CENSUS:1790; !MARRIAGE:23 Sep 1793 Caswell Co, NC Neely GRANT & Lucy PERKINS, Alex MURPHY,bm; !CENSUS:1800; !MARRIAGE:26 Mar 1801 Caswell Co, NC Richard CATES & Lucy GRANT, William CANNON, bm; !CENSUS:1810 Caswell Co, NC pg 50 w/Richard Cates age 26-44 (1765/84); !CENSUS:1820 Caswell Co, NC pg 52 w/Richard Cates age 26-44 (1775/94); | Perkins, Lucy (I24185)
2897 | !CENSUS:1790; !MARRIAGE:26 Dec 1797 Rutherford Co, NC John BRYANT & Polly MORRIS, Thomas GRANT, bm; !CENSUS:1800; !CENSUS:1810; !CENSUS:1820; !CENSUS:1830; !CENSUS:1840; !CENSUS:1850; | Morris, Mary "Polly" (I82549)
2898 | !CENSUS:1790; !NAMED: 9 Sep 1793 Lincoln Co, NC Wills James HENDERSON, probated Apr 1795. Names wife Violet HENDERSON, and son-in-law John PETERSON, grandson James Henderson PETERSON, and children: John HENDERSON, Lawson HENDERSON, Martha HENDERSON, Catrin HENDERSON, James HENDERSON, William HENDERSON and Logan HENDERSON. All residing in Lincoln County; CENSUS:1800; CENSUS:1810; | Peterson, James Henderson (I20117)
2899 | !CENSUS:1790; !NAMED:12 Apr 1796 Onslow Co, NC Estate of Jonathan JENKINS. Guardian Bond, Daniel JENKINS, Nathaniel LOOMIS, John GIBSON, guardian of Elen JENKINS, minor orphan. (Listed in other places as Helen JENKINS); CENSUS:1800; | Jenkins, Helen (I77958)
2900 | !CENSUS:1790; !NAMED:1792 Halifax Co, VA Will of Evan RAGLAND as "daughter Ann HOPSON". Will's executor was a Henry HOPSON; CENSUS:1800; CENSUS:1810; CENSUS:1820; CENSUS:1830; CENSUS:1840; CENSUS:1850; | Hobson, Henry (I89391)