Marty and Karla Grant (TNG)



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 #   Notes   Linked to 
3751 !CENSUS:1800 lost;
!CENSUS:1810 x


!CENSUS:1830 * Louisa Co., VA Richard Hollins age 30-39 (1790/1800) (female 70-79 (1750/60) living with him);

!CENSUS:1850 * Campbell Co., VA; 
Hollins, Richard (I94484)
3752 !CENSUS:1800 Marion Dist, pg 796 w/John TART age 0-9 (1790/1800);

!CENSUS:1810 Marion Dist, SC pg 83 w/John TART age 10-15 (1794/1800);

!CENSUS:1820 Marion Dist, SC pg 67 w/John TART age 16-25 (1794/1804);

!TAXLIST:1824 Marion Dist, SC James TART $0.26;

!CENSUS:1830 Marion Dist., SC pg 50
James Tart age 30-39 (1790/1800)

!NAMED-PROBATE ROLL # 760 Marion Co., SC John Tart 1833
Will dated 1 Jul 1827
Wife Nancy Tart
sons James Tart, John G. Tart, Enos Tart, THoms A. Tart, Roderick Tart, Jerome Tart
daus Mary Odom, Catharine Jones, Martha Deer, Sarah Bird
youngest daus Elizabeth Tart, Nancy Tart
Exec: My son James Tart
W: Edward B. Wheeler, Enos Tart, Peter Bird.
Proved (no date), next document 8 Mar 1833

!DEED:19 Dec 1836 Marion Co., SC Book Q page 212
Sarah Tart of Marion Dist, for good will and affection towards by grandson James R. Tart, two beds, furniture ...
S: Sarah (X) Tart
W: Archd Kerby, Fanny (X) Tart;

!CENSUS:1840 Marion Dist, SC pg 176 James TART age 40-49 (1790/1800) "1100101-112101";

!CENSUS:1850 Marion Dist., SC pg 77, # 1147/1152
James Tart 53 Farmer $3000 Marion
Julan, 50
John, 19 "
Amelia, 17
Julan, 15
James, 13
Leonard, 11
Enos, 4
Charles, 3;

!CENSUS:1860 Marion Dist, SC Marion Twp, pg 88, # 1384
James TART, 62 (1797/98) born SC
Julia, 25
James H. 22
L. C. (m), 20
E. M. (m) 14
C. G. (m), 12
M. C. (m), 8
W. (m), 5
B. (f) 2;

!PROBATE:Marion Co, SC Probates, Vol III, Roll # 1955, Page 193;

!REFERENCE: A History of Marion County, South Carolina From Its Earliest Times to the Present, 1901, by W. W. Sellers, Esq., of the Marion Bar. 1902. pp. 193-197

Tart ...
Of the brothers of old Enos, John and Nathan, John Tart, I think, married a Miss Crawford; he raised two sons and some daughters; the sons were James and Enos Tart — the name Enos runs down to the present generation in every family. James Tart's brother, Enos, was called "Dog Enos," for distinction. Why they gave him so unsavory a name is not now known. The writer has seen him, or saw him, about sixty years ago ; he was regarded as a bully on the muster fields of that day ; I do not know what became of him. James, the older brother, was a very respectable man and good citizen ; he married Miss Julia Ann Smith, and raised a large family of sons and daughters, all of whom are now dead, except the youngest son, Enos Murchison Tart, who married in Columbus County, N. C, where he settled and now resides. John W. Tart, the oldest son of James, married a daughter of Rev. Samuel J. Bethea, raised a large family of sons and daughters, who are now among us as citizens of the county ; he died on April 14th, 1875, of a cancer on the tongue. A daughter of James Tart, Amelia, married the late John C. Campbell, near Ebenezer Church, where he and she both died a few years ago; they raised a large family of sons, and two daughters, perhaps eight or ten sons. Some of the sons, two or three, are dead, leaving no family, and one of the daughters is also dead, unmarried; the others are among us, and are respectable citizens. James Tart died during the war, on the place near Moody's Mill, now owned by the estate of the late Governor Ellerbe. ;

!REFERENCE:"A History of Marion County, South Carolina" by W.W. Sellers, Esq. 1902. Pg 320 - 327; 
Tart, James R (I1469)
3753 !CENSUS:1800 Marion Dist, SC pg 436 w/Jesse LEGETT age 0-9 (1790/1800);


!CENSUS:1820 Marion Dist, SC pg x w/Jessy LEGETT age 16-25 (1794/1804);

!CENSUS:1830 Marion Dist, SC pg x w/Martha LEGETTE age 20-29 (1800/10);
!CENSUS:1840 Marion Dist, SC pg x Ebenezer LEGETTE age 30-39 (1800/10)

!CENSUS:1850 Marion Dist, SC pg 3 # 35/36
Ebenezer LEGETT, 50 Marion
Catherine, 40, NC
Eliza, 11 Marion
Mary, 9
Jesse, 7
Levi, 5
Julia, 4
Jane, 2
Martha 4/12;

!PROBATE:Marion Co, SC Probates Vol 1 # 1073, page 271;

!EQUITY:Marion Co, SC Equity Roll # 370, page 121; 
Legette, Rev Ebenezer (I45025)
3754 !CENSUS:1800 Marion Dist, SC pg 444/788 w/Jesse WOOD age 26-44 (1755/74);

!CENSUS:1810 Marion Dist, SC pg 88B w/Jesse WOOD age 26-44 (1765/84);

!DEED: 7 Apr 1814 Marion Dist, SC F-238 Jesse WOOD and wife Nancy WOOD to Thomas JAMES for $1, 100 acres part of grant to Jesse WODO 4 Mar 1805, NE corner of grant. S: Jesse Wood, Nancy (X) Wood. Wit: Willis CONNER, Igdaliah WOOD;

!CENSUS:1820 * Marion Dist, SC pg x w/Jesse WOOD age 26-44 (1775/94); 
Nancy (I24415)
3755 !CENSUS:1800 Marion Dist, SC pg 448 w/John DEER age 26-44 (1755/74);

!DEED:12 Feb 1805 Marion Dist., SC Deed Book F., p. 125
John Deer of Marion Dist. to Osbon Lain of Marion Dist, for $50 200a being part of three surveys, one granted to Barnaby Watson, another granted to Joseph Jones, the other granted to John Deer in three surveys. Beginning on the swamp above the mouth of Meadow Branch to small branch running sd Laines line to corner track surveyed for Barnaby Watson then running sd Watson line NW, NE to the Swamp, down the Swamp.
S: John Deer
Wit: William Price, James Deer.
Alice Deer wife of John Deer rdr 7 Jan 1806 before Robert Moody, QU.
* From "Marion County South Carolina Abstracts of Deeds Volume Two Books F - I & K 1811-1823", Lucille Utley, Alita White Sutcliffe, 1997.;

!CENSUS:1810 Marion Dist, SC pg 25 w/John DEAR age 26-44 (1765/84); 
Alice (I39862)
3756 !CENSUS:1800 Marion Dist, SC pg 462/806 w/Phillip PHILLIPS age 0-9 (1790/1800);

!CENSUS:1810 * Marion Dist, SC pg 80 Zachariah PHILLIPS *;

!CENSUS:1820 Marion Dist, SC pg 21 L. Zacheriah PHILLIPS age 26-44 (1775/94) "010020-10101";

!CENSUS:1830 * Marion Dist, SC pg x Zachariah PHILLIPS age 30-39 (1790/1800) "000001-10001;

!CENSUS:1840 * Marion Dist, SC pg x Z.L. PHILLIPS age 40-49 (1790/1800) "2200001-001001";

!CENSUS:1850 Marion Dist, SC pg 10B # 147/148 *;

!CENSUS:1860 * deceased *;

!REFERENCE:"A History of Marion County, South Carolina" by W.W.
Sellers, Esq.
1902. Pg 465 - 466;

!PROBATE:Marion Co, SC Probate Roll # 1113 (Vol II, page 26); 
Phillips, Zachariah L (I43786)
3757 !CENSUS:1800 Marion Dist, SC pg 462/806 w/Phillip PHILLIPS age 0-9 (1790/1800);

!CENSUS:1820 * Marion Dist, SC pg 21 w/L. Zacheriah PHILLIPS age 16-25 (1794/1804);

Phillips, Isaac G (I29837)
3758 !CENSUS:1800 Marion Dist, SC pg 462/806 w/Phillip PHILLIPS age 16-25 (1774/84);


!CENSUS:1820 Marion Dist, SC pg 21 w/L. Zacheriah PHILLIPS age 45+ (bef 1775);

!CENSUS:1830 * Marion Dist, SC pg x Elizabeth PHILLIPS age 50-59 (1770/80) "0-00011001";

!REFERENCE:"A History of Marion County, South Carolina" by W.W.
Sellers, Esq.
1902. Pg 465 - 466; 
Lewis, Elizabeth (I29859)
3759 !CENSUS:1800 Marion Dist, SC pg 782 w/Scase B. WATSON age 0-9 (1790/1800);

!NAMED-PROBATE ROLL # 2138 Marion Co., SC Scacebook Watson 1872
12 Nov 1872 heirs are Virginia Ann Haynes, Calvin Haynes, Dawson Waters, Elizabeth Waters, Sarah F. Watson and Beedy Amanda Watson
... divide among:
widow Sarah F. Watson
Martha E. Grantham wife of J. F. Grantham
V. A. Watson
W. F. Watson
C. H. Watson
J. C. Watson
J. N. Page purchaser from Calvin Haynes and wife Virginia Ann Haynes
the children of Elizabeth Waters
B. A. Watson
S. F. Watson
Calvin Watson son of John R. Watson shows that Scacebook Watson died leaving his widow Sarah who married Moore Lennon and the following children:
John R.
Mary wife of Jesse Ford Sr
Sarah married a Rawls
Elizabeth Watson married Dawson Waters, moved to MS 40 years ago
Calvin Haynes and wife to TX.
John R. Watson died in 1852 leaving:
widow Sarah
Martha E. wife of Jno F. Grantham
Wm F.
Calvin H.
Virginia Ann
Sarah Frances
Beedy A.
James Watson died in War unmarried; 
Watson, Elizabeth (I36738)
3760 !CENSUS:1800 Marion Dist, SC pg 782 w/Scase B. WATSON age 10-15 (1784/90);





!CENSUS:1850 Marion Dist., SC # 813/817
Jesse Ford 61 Farmer $- Marion
Mary 56
Elizabeth 35
Caroline 19
David 18
Charles 16
Sarah 13
Amy 12;

!NAMED-PROBATE ROLL # 2138 Marion Co., SC Scacebook Watson 1872
12 Nov 1872 heirs are Virginia Ann Haynes, Calvin Haynes, Dawson Waters, Elizabeth Waters, Sarah F. Watson and Beedy Amanda Watson
... divide among:
widow Sarah F. Watson
Martha E. Grantham wife of J. F. Grantham
V. A. Watson
W. F. Watson
C. H. Watson
J. C. Watson
J. N. Page purchaser from Calvin Haynes and wife Virginia Ann Haynes
the children of Elizabeth Waters
B. A. Watson
S. F. Watson
Calvin Watson son of John R. Watson shows that Scacebook Watson died leaving his widow Sarah who married Moore Lennon and the following children:
John R.
Mary wife of Jesse Ford Sr
Sarah married a Rawls
Elizabeth Watson married Dawson Waters, moved to MS 40 years ago
Calvin Haynes and wife to TX.
John R. Watson died in 1852 leaving:
widow Sarah
Martha E. wife of Jno F. Grantham
Wm F.
Calvin H.
Virginia Ann
Sarah Frances
Beedy A.
James Watson died in War unmarried;

!REFERENCE: A History of Marion County, South Carolina From Its Earliest Times to the Present, 1901, by W. W. Sellers, Esq., of the Marion Bar. 1902. pp. 167-170
Major Jessee Ford, the eldest son, represented the district in the Legislature in the twenties—I do not know the precise date.* [* Jessee Ford was elected a Representative in 1820. See list of Representatives in latter part hereof.] He was Major in the militia ; his first wife was a Miss Townsend, of Robeson County, N. C. ; by her he had two sons, the late Elias B. Ford and Allen Ford ; his second wife was a Miss Watson, a daughter of Scarcebook Watson, above Nichols, on the road from Nichols to Lumberton, N. C. by the second wife he had several sons and daughters ; the sons, as their names are remembered, were Watson, Jessee, Thomas, David and Charles Ford. 
Watson, Mary (I77328)
3761 !CENSUS:1800 Marion Dist, SC pg 783 w/Mark WATSON age 0-9 (1790/1800);
!CENSUS:1810 Marion Dist, SC pg 82 w/Mark WATSON age 10-15 (1794/1800);
!CENSUS:1820 Marion Dist, SC pg 62 w/Isham McDANIEL age 16-25 (1794/1804);

!CENSUS:1830 Marion Dist, SC pg 16 w/Isham DANIEL age 30-39 (1790/1800);
!CENSUS:1840 Marion Dist, SC pg 145 w/Isham DANIEL age 40-49 (1790/1800);
!NAMED-PROBATE ROLL # 1152 1/2 Marion Co., SC Mark Watson 1856
Will 29 Jul 1845 Mark Watson
Wife Mary Watson
daus Letia Jackson wife of Ervin Jackson
Mary McDonald wife of Isham McDonald
grandson John Jackson son of Letia Jackson
Executors: My sons-in-law Isham McDonald and Ervin Jackson
S: Mark Watson
W: Neil McCormick, James Campbell, Archibald D. McCormick
Proved 2 Jun 1856 by James Campbell;

!CENSUS:1850 Marion DIst, SC pg 108B # 1639/1645
Isham McDANIEL, 54, Farmer, $400 Marion
Mary, 50
Randel, 21
Isam, 18
Mark, 15
Neal, 12
Catherine, 10;

!CENSUS:1860 Marion DIst, SC # 664
Mary McDANIEL, 60 SC
Isham, 28
Neal, 23
Catharine, 14;
!CENSUS:1870 Marion Co, SC Carmichael # 55
Mark McDANIEL, 35 SC
Eliza, 30
Frank, 9
Duncan, 6
Watson, 2
Mary, 74
Neil, 31; 
Watson, Mary (I26490)
3762 !CENSUS:1800 Marion Dist, SC pg 784 w/Peter CAMPBELL age 0-9 (1790/1800);

!CENSUS:1810 Marion Dist, SC pg 83 w/Peter CAMPBELL age 10-15 (1794/1800);

!CENSUS:1820 Marion Dist, SC pg 56 w/Peter CAMPBELL age 18-25 (1794/1802);

NAMED:21 Aug 1826 Marion Dist, SC Sales Book A-25 Murdoch McINNIS. Purchasers:
... James CAMPBELL ... Daniel CAMPBELL, Esquire.;


NAMED: 1 Dec 1832 Marion Dist, SC Sales Book A-172 Hugh CAMPBELL Estate.
Purchasers: James CAMPBELL ... John C. BETHEA, James CAMPBELL, Apsaly

NAMED: 2 Feb 1833 Marion Dist, SC Ordinary's Real Estate Book 1826-1843 pg 21
Estate of Hugh CAMPBELL and James CAMPBELL. To the ordinary of Marion
District, In accordance with your order we have been on the land of James
CAMPBELL and on those of the Estate of Hugh CAMPBELL with John HARLEE
Suerveyor which after due examination we have divided as follows Viz. The
lands on the West side of Little Pee Dee on which the parties live
containing 361 acres. We gave to James CAMPBELL 180 by a branch running
between the residence of James and the late residence of Hugh to the road
then cornering and running to a line of division SW 54 degrees to the
back line deliniated on the Platt No 1 including the dwelling of James.
We gave to the heirs of Hugh CAMPBELL the other moiety of land 361 acres
with building occupied by said heirs excepting the gin house which he has
purchased for four years. The lands described by the plat no 2 on which
is the bridge over little Pee Dee the said bridge to be equally for the
privilege of all parties and the assigns forever. Of the lands on the
east side of little Pee Dee containing 666 acres We gave James CAMPBELL
333 acres the line of division beginning at the foot of the bridge and
running NE 64 degrees 63 chains to a corner from thence NE 52 to the back
line as described in platt No 3. To the heirs of Hugh CAMPBELL decd, we
gave all the remaining moiety of said tract desribed by platt no 4.
Believing that the lands given to the heirs of Hugh CAMPBELL could not be
advantageously divided among them, we appraised as follows the land on
the West of Pee Dee of 180 acres at $1.25 per acre. The lands on the
East side 333 acres .50 cents per acre. Sworn to before me this 2nd Feby
1833, Archd CARMICHAEL, JP. Dougal CARMICHAEL, John MANNING, Malcolm
STAFFORD, Commsisioners.;

NAMED:-- Apr 1837 Marion Dist, SC Inventory Book 1827-1836 pg 165 Thomas
GODBOLD Estate. Accounts & Notes: ... Gadi CRAWFORD, David CAMPBELL, J.
JAMES ... Barfield MOODY ...R. JOHNSON ...;

NAMED: 4 Apr 1837 Marion Dist, SC Inventory Book 1827-1836 pg 96 James C.
BELLUNE. Notes: Joel BARNES & E.B. WHEELER ... William CAMPBELL (Bare
Swamp) ... Levi CAMPBELL ... John D. COLEMAN ...Anthony CRIBBS, Peter
DOVE .... Book Accounts: Jamima BLACKMAN, Duncan CAMPBELL, James CAMPBELL
Jr ... Gadi CRAWFORD, ... James G. CRAWFORD, David CAMPBELL ... William
...Enos T. HUGGINS ... Evan HUGGINS ... Adwin W. JAMES ... William
JOHNSON (Catfish) ... Archabald JOHNSON, Malichi JAMES ... Alexander LANE
... James LANE Jr, Osburn LANE ... Reddin ROBERTS ... John ROBERTS ...
John L. SMITH ... Mrs. Susannah TART ... Isam WATSON ...;

CENSUS:1840 Marion Dist, SC pg 153 James CAMPBELL Jr age 40-49 (1790/1800);

CENSUS:1850 Robeson Co, NC Southern Division pg 411B # 900/900
James CAMPBELL, 53 Carpenter, SC
Elizabeth, 40 Robeson
Dianna, 16, SC
Elizabeth, 13
Mary, 11
Julia Ann, 9
Caroline, 7 Robeson;

!CENSUS:1860 Robeson Co, NC pg 503B # 613/603
Elizabeth, 50 NC
Dianna, 22
Mary, 19
Julia A. 17
Caroline, 14;

!CENSUS:1870 Robeson Co, NC Thompsons pg 196 # 280/280
Elizabeth, 62
Dianah, 25
Julia, 20
Caroline, 18
Sam McMAN, 20 B, Farm Laborer;

!CENSUS:1880 Robeson Co, NC THompsons pg 460C # 87/87
James CAMPBELL, 82 wd, SC/SC/SC
Diana, 40 dau, SC/SC/SC
Julia, 34, dau, NC/SC/SC
Caroline, 32, dau NC/SC/SC;

!Death:11 Jul 1881 James Campbell age 84 years 3 days - Diary of John S. Murphy "Pee Dee Queue" Vol XXXI. No 1, Jan-Feb 2007;

REFERENCE:"A History of Marion County, South Carolina" by W.W. Sellers, Esq.
1902. Pg 320 - 327; 
Campbell, James Esq (I18225)
3763 !CENSUS:1800 Marion Dist, SC pg 784 w/Peter CAMPBELL age 0-9 (1790/1800);

!CENSUS:1810 Marion Dist, SC pg 83 w/Peter CAMPBELL age 10-15 (1794/1800);

!DEED: 6 Oct 1819 Marion Dist, SC Deeds I-112 Hugh CAMPBELL of Marion Dist, to Thomas COLLINS for $35, Ss Little Peedee where sd CAMPBELL lives bounded by Daniel CAMEL, 100a. S: High (X) Campbell. Wit: Benjamin LEWIS, John COLLINS;

!CENSUS:1820 Marion Dist, SC pg 56 w/Peter CAMPBELL age 18-25 (1794/1802);

!TAXLIST:1824 Marion Dist, SC Hugh CAMPBELL $1.50;

CENSUS:1830 Marion Dist, SC pg 11 Hugh CAMPBELL age 30-39 (1790/1800);

NAMED:14 Nov 1832 Marion Dist, SC Inventory Book 2-108 Hugh CAMPBELL Estate
Appraisers: Dugal CARMICHAEL Sr, John MANNING, Malcom STAFFORD;

NAMED:15 Nov 1832 Marion Dist, SC Ordinary's Real Estate Book 1826-1843 pg 21
Order for sale - Whereas David CAMPBELL and Apsley CAMPBELL,
administrators of Estate of Hugh CAMPBELL, decd, having made known to me
the necessity of selling the perishible property of said Estate and duly
considered the same I decree as follows. You are hereby authorized after
giving 15 days notice to sell ath the late residence of the decd, all the
personal propery except the negroes on these condiitions viz. All sums of
& Under five dollars cash, all above that amt on a credit to the 1st of
October next with Int fromd ate. Notes with approved security required.
Nov 15, 1832. Edward B. WHEELER, Ordy of Marion Dist.;

NAMED: 1 Dec 1832 Marion Dist, SC Sales Book A-172 Hugh CAMPBELL Estate.
Purchasers: James CAMPBELL ... John C. BETHEA, James CAMPBELL, Apsaly

NAMED: 2 Feb 1833 Marion Dist, SC Ordinary's Real Estate Book 1826-1843 pg 21
Estate of Hugh CAMPBELL and James CAMPBELL. To the ordinary of Marion
District, In accordance with your order we have been on the land of James
CAMPBELL and on those of the Estate of Hugh CAMPBELL with John HARLEE
Suerveyor which after due examination we have divided as follows Viz. The
lands on the West side of Little Pee Dee on which the parties live
containing 361 acres. We gave to James CAMPBELL 180 by a branch running
between the residence of James and the late residence of Hugh to the road
then cornering and running to a line of division SW 54 degrees to the
back line deliniated on the Platt No 1 including the dwelling of James.
We gave to the heirs of Hugh CAMPBELL the other moiety of land 361 acres
with building occupied by said heirs excepting the gin house which he has
purchased for four years. The lands described by the plat no 2 on which
is the bridge over little Pee Dee the said bridge to be equally for the
privilege of all parties and the assigns forever. Of the lands on the
east side of little Pee Dee containing 666 acres We gave James CAMPBELL
333 acres the line of division beginning at the foot of the bridge and
running NE 64 degrees 63 chains to a corner from thence NE 52 to the back
line as described in platt No 3. To the heirs of Hugh CAMPBELL decd, we
gave all the remaining moiety of said tract desribed by platt no 4.
Believing that the lands given to the heirs of Hugh CAMPBELL could not be
advantageously divided among them, we appraised as follows the land on
the West of Pee Dee of 180 acres at $1.25 per acre. The lands on the
East side 333 acres .50 cents per acre. Sworn to before me this 2nd Feby
1833, Archd CARMICHAEL, JP. Dougal CARMICHAEL, John MANNING, Malcolm
STAFFORD, Commsisioners.;

!NOTE:See Marion Probate Records Vol I, # 151 Hugh CAMPBELL;

REFERENCE:"A History of Marion County, South Carolina" by W.W. Sellers, Esq.
1902. Pg 320 - 327;
REFERENCE:"A History of Marion County, South Carolina" by W.W. Sellers, Esq.
1902. Pg 395 - 421;
REFERENCE:Pedigree Chart of John C. EDENS, 12200 Idlewood Drive, Lakewood
Hills, Laurinburg, NC 28352 (919) 276-5172 published in Pee Dee Queue
Vol XVII No. 4, Jul/Aug 1993; 
Campbell, Hugh (I18226)
3764 !CENSUS:1800 Marion Dist, SC pg 784 w/Peter CAMPBELL age 0-9 (1790/1800);

CENSUS:1810 Marion Dist, SC pg 83 w/Peter CAMPBELL age 16-25 (1784/94);


NAMED:24 Sep 1829 Marion Dist, SC Inventory Book 2-47 Murdock McINNIS Estate.
Mary McINNIS, Alexander CAMPBELL, adms.;

CENSUS:1830 Marion Dist, SC pg 12 Alexander CAMPBELL age 30-39 (1790/1800);

NAMED: 6 Mar 1830 Marion Dist, SC Sales Book A-29 John B. McLEOD. Purhcasers:
... Alexander CAMPBELL ...;

CENSUS:1840 Marion Dist, SC pg 153 Alexander CAMPBELL age 40-49 (1790/1800);

CENSUS:1850 Marion Dist, SC # 1699 Alexander CAMPBELL, 57 (1792/93) born

CENSUS:1860 Marion Dist, SC Marion Twp # 1669 Alex CAMPBELL, 67 (1792/93)
born SC;


!DEATH:From the Marion Star - "Genealogical Abstracts from Marion, South Carolina Newspapers 1858-1886" Abstracted by Gloria Calhoun, Pee Dee Chapter SCGS, Marion, SC 1999;

REFERENCE:"A History of Marion County, South Carolina" by W.W. Sellers, Esq.
1902. Pg 320 - 327; 
Campbell, Alexander (I18222)
3765 !CENSUS:1800 Marion Dist, SC pg 787 w/James CAMPBELL age 0-9 (1790/1800);

!CENSUS:1810 Marion Dist, SC pg 82 w/James CAMPBELL age 0-9 (1800/10);

!CENSUS:1820 Marion Dist, SC pg 57 w/Elizabeth CAMPBELL age 18-25 (1794/1804);

!CENSUS:1830 Marion Dist, SC pg 9 Samuel CAMPBELL age 20-29 (1800/10) "00001-0";

!NAMED:13 Aug 1834 Marion Dist, SC Sales Book A-247 James WOODROUGH Estate. Purchasers: ... Hugh TURNER ... Samuel CAMPBELL ...;

!CENSUS:1840 Marion Dist, SC pg 167 Samuel A. CAMPBELL age 30-39 (1800/10) "110001-11001";

!WITNESS-DEED:22 Jan 1844 Marion Co., SC Deed Book V, p. 148
Charles E. Vause of Marion Dist, to Richard White for $1350 ... 150a ... 330a ...
S: C. E. Vause
Wit: S. A. Campbell & B. Wallace
Probated by S. A. Campbell before James Lane, Magst 1 Mar 1844.
Dower renounced by Sarah (her mark) Vause, wife of Charles E. Vause 1 Mar 1844 before James Lane, Magst.
* From "Abstracts of Marion County [SC] Deed Books U and V 1846-1853", Lucille Utley, Kathy Loyd, John M. Gregg. Three Rivers Historical Society, 2003.;

!CENSUS:1850 Marion Dist, SC pg 19 # 282/285
Samuel A. CAMPBELL, 50 Marion
Martha, 22
John, 17
William, 13
Palmira, 8
James, 5
Robert E. CADE, 29 Carpenter, Williamsburg;

!CENSUS:1860 Marion Dist, SC pg 66B # 1045/1034
M. E. 30 f
J. C. 26 m
D. S. 10 m
M. J. 16 f
J. W. 14 m
S. A. 5 m;

!PROBATE:Marion Co, SC Probates Vol II Roll # 1325, page 178; 
Campbell, Samuel A (I65630)
3766 !CENSUS:1800 Marion Dist, SC pg 791 w/Demsey CAMPBELL age 16-25 (1774/84);


!DEED:24 Oct 1812 Marion Dist, SC Deeds F-95 Dempsey CAMPBELL to Dugal CARMICHAEL both of Marion Dist, planters, for $100, 100a p/o 200a grant to Dempsey Campbell 25 Nov 1803 SW side Buck Swamp near Maiden Down Creek. S: Dempsey (X) Campbell. Wit: John CARMICHAEL, Mary MOODY. Mary (X) CAMPBELL wife of Dempsey CAMPBELL relinquishes dower;

!CENSUS:1820 Marion Dist, SC pg 56 w/Demsey CAMPBELL age 26-44 (1775/94);

!CENSUS:1830 Marion Dist, SC pg 12 w/Dempsey CAMPBELL age 40-49 (1780/90);

!CENSUS:1840 Marion Dist, SC pg 133 w/Dempsey CAMPBELL age 50-59 (1780/90); 
Mary (I50704)
3767 !CENSUS:1800 Marion Dist, SC pg 792 w/Thomas CRIBB, age 0-9 (1790/1800);

!CENSUS:1810 Marion Dist, SC pg 88 w/Elizabeth CRIBB age 10-15 (1794/1800);

!CENSUS:1820 Marion Dist, SC pg 56 w/Elizabeth CRIBB age 18-25 (1794/1802);

!DEED: 4 Sep 1824 Marion Co., SC Book P page 84
Richard Edwards of Marion Dist to John Cribb for $20, sold and forever quit claim unto said Cribb my part of the land of the estate of Thomas Cribb, decd ...
S: Richard Edwards, Nancy (X) Cribb
W: David S. Edwards, Dempsy Cribb.
Know all men by these presents taht I Richard Edwards and Nancy the same to dcertify this day ... from John Cribb of my part of the land of the estate of Thomas Cribb and also do certify that I have received of Elizabeth Cribb a full satisfaction of the rest of the property. I do whereby acknowledge that I have no more claim upon any part of my fathers and her estate this 1st day of Sep 1824.
S: Richard Edwards, Nancy (X) Cribb
W: David S. Edwards, Dempsy Cribb;

!TAXLIST:1824 Marion Dist, SC John CRIB $0.10;

!DEED:-- --- 1825 Marion Dist, SC P-197 John CRIBB to William CRIBB, my 1/2 of 207a of land on Buck Swamp which was part of an original grant to Richard EDWARDS in 1816. Witness: David EDWARDS, Dempsy CRIBB;

!DEED: 13 Oct 1826 Marion Co., SC Book P page 82
Eli Cribb to John Cribb for $73, 38a between the two big branches ...
it being the tract that I now live on and also the part that was laid off to me for my part of the estate of Thomas Cribb land, excepting the third that was given up to the widow.
S: Eli Cribb
W: David S. Edwards, Ichabod Robbins;

!CENSUS:1830 Marion Dist, SC pg 10 John CRIBB age 30-39 (1790/1800) "000001-00001";

!CENSUS:1840 Marion Dist, SC pg 135 John CRIBB Sr age 40-49 (1790/1800) "0000001-000001";

!CENSUS:1850 Marion Dist, SC pg 69 # 1020 John CRIBB, 56 (1793/94) born Marion Dist, SC;

!DEATH:23 Apr 1851 from Diary of Rev. Simeon Campbell: "The Cribb Family" Mother Elizabeth CRIBB, died July 1st, 1853, her husband was John CRIBB. Their children: John CRIBB died April 23th, 1851. Anthony died April 20, 1870, Semantha died Jun 8th, 1869, Demcy died June 24th, 1877, Anna his wife, died Oct 16th, 1856. Soldier Demcy CRIBB Jr Killed Aug 29, 1862;

!PROBATE:Marion Co, SC Probates Vol I, Roll # 188, page 134; 
Cribb, John C (I18163)
3768 !CENSUS:1800 Marion Dist, SC pg 792 w/Thomas CRIBB, age 0-9 (1790/1800);

!CENSUS:1810 Marion Dist, SC pg 88 w/Elizabeth CRIBB age 10-15 (1794/1800);

!CENSUS:1820 Marion Dist, SC pg 56 w/Elizabeth CRIBB age 18-25 (1794/1802);

!NAMED:20 Nov 1821 Marion Dist, SC Inventory Book 1827-1836 pg 14 John HENRY Estate. Merchant. Notes & Accounts: ... Benjamin JOHNSON Sr ... Roger ROBERTS ... Richard JOHNSON son of Sam, ... Francis JOHNSON, James CAMPBELL ... Duncan CAMPBELL ... James JAMES ... Theophilus CAMPBELL ... Alexander LANE ... Carey JOHNSON, son of Lewis, ... Levy BLACKMAN ... Norton ROBERTS ... Elizabeth CRIB ... Lewis JOHNSON ... John BLACKMAN ... John TURNER, Samuel JOHNSON, Mrs. Kezia ROBERTS ... Cresse BARNES ... Scarce Book WATSON Jr ... James CRAWFORD ... Readon ROBERTS ... Jeremiah CAMPBELL ... Anthony CRIB ... James CRAWFORD ... David BLACKMAN ... Gadi CRAWFORD & James G. CRAWFORD ... Willis HUGGINS ... David EDWARDS ... Dempsy CRIBB ... Col. James JOHNSON ... Willis & James G. CRAWFORD ...;

!WITNESS-DEED: 2 Apr 1823 Marion Co., SC Book K page 148
David S. L. Edwards of Marion Dist to Richard Edwards Jr of same, for $180, 200a SWs Buck Swamp ...
S: David S. L. Edwards, Mar (X) Edwards
W: Dempsey Cribb, James Bayard;

!WITNESS-DEED: 4 Sep 1824 Marion Co., SC Book P page 84
Richard Edwards of Marion Dist to John Cribb for $20, sold and forever quit claim unto said Cribb my part of the land of the estate of Thomas Cribb, decd ...
S: Richard Edwards, Nancy (X) Cribb
W: David S. Edwards, Dempsy Cribb.
Know all men by these presents taht I Richard Edwards and Nancy the same to dcertify this day ... from John Cribb of my part of the land of the estate of Thomas Cribb and also do certify that I have received of Elizabeth Cribb a full satisfaction of the rest of the property. I do whereby acknowledge that I have no more claim upon any part of my fathers and her estate this 1st day of Sep 1824.
S: Richard Edwards, Nancy (X) Cribb
W: David S. Edwards, Dempsy Cribb;

!TAXLIST:1824 Marion Dist, SC Dempsey CRIBB $0.07;

!CENSUS:1830 Marion Dist, SC pg 11 Dempsey CRIBB age 20-29 (1800/10) "00001-01001";

!DEED:17 Nov 1832 Marion Dist, SC W-188 Demcey CRIBB to Willis HUGGINS my part of the original grant to Demcey CAMPBELL. Witness: Theophilus CAMPBELL, Elizabeth HUGGINS. Recorded 7 Oct 1854, proven by Elizabeth HILL;

!DEED: 1 Jan 1833 Marion Dist, SC P-197 Dempsey CRIBB to William CRIBB, my 1/2 interest in 207a of land part of an original grant to Richard EDWARDS in 1816 on Maiden Down. Witness: David EDWARDS, Anthony CRIBB, John COLLINS;

!DEED:13 Feb 1833 Marion Dist, SC P-198 Dempsey CRIBB to Matthew MARTIN, the other half of 207a of land on Maiden Down which were part of an original grant to Richard EDWARDS in 1816. Witness: Samuel EDWARDS, David EDWARDS, John COLLINS, JP;

!CENSUS:1840 Marion Dist, SC pg 147 Demsey CRIBB age 40-49 (1790/1800) "0000001-0";

!CENSUS:1850 Marion Dist, SC pg 63 # 932 Demsey CRIBB, 53 (1796/97) born Marion Dist, SC;

!DEED: 2 Jan 1856 Marion Dist, SC -- Anthony CRIBB Esq to Dempsey CRIBB, 200a land in the Fork of Buck Swamp and Maiden Down. Witness: N.C. McDUFFIE, Evans LEWIS;

!CENSUS:1860 Marion Dist, SC Marion Twp pg 79, # 1241 Demsy CRIBB, 68 (1791/92) born SC;

!CENSUS:1870 Marion Co, SC Reeves Twp pg 258 # 101 Dempsy CRIBB, 80 (1789/90) born SC;

!DEATH:24 Jun 1877 from Diary of Rev. Simeon Campbell: "The Cribb Family" Mother Elizabeth CRIBB, died July 1st, 1853, her husband was John CRIBB. Their children: John CRIBB died April 23th, 1851. Anthony died April 20, 1870, Semantha died Jun 8th, 1869, Demcy died June 24th, 1877, Anna his wife, died Oct 16th, 1856. Soldier Demcy CRIBB Jr Killed Aug 29, 1862;

!PROBATE:Marion Co, SC Probates Vol II # 1333 page 232; 
Cribb, Dempsey (I18152)
3769 !CENSUS:1800 Marion Dist, SC pg 801 w/Amos TURNER age 0-9 (1790/1800);

!CENSUS:1810 Marion Dist, SC pg 80b w/Benjamin AXUM age 16-25 (1784/94);

!CENSUS:1820 Marion Dist, SC pg x w/Benjamin EXUM age 16-25 (1794/1804);


!EQUITY: 9 Jul 1831 Marion County Equity rolls (Marion County South Carolina Extracts from Equity Rolls by Lucille Utley) in Roll # 45 a case is found naming numerous heirs (this is from Ms. Utley's extract, the notes given are hers):
John Smith and others vs. Archibald Cox, adm of Amos Turner. Filed 9 Jul 1831. John Smith and Franceis Smith his wife, Penny Turner, Thomas Turner, John Turner, Elizabeth Jane Turner, Benjamin W. Turner, Thomas Evant and Mary Evant his wife. Note: Mary had married first Benjamin Exum. Bill for account. Amos Turner died 1813 leaving considerable estate and heirs at law; Francis Turner, Penny Turner, Thomas Turner, John Turner, Elizabeth Jane Turner, Benjamin W. Turner, Mary Turner and Charlotte Turner, children of Amos Turner. Francis Turner has married John Smith; Mary Turner has married Thomas Evant (note: probably Avant). Separate answer of Archibald Cox shows that James Turner one of the children of intestate died intestate since since the death of Amos Turner and two of the complainants John Turner and Thomas Turner left the country about 10 years ago. 11 Oct 1823. Philip Bartel under oath 10 Feby 1832 states that he was present at sale of estate of Amos Turner and saw Benjamin Axum "who had married Mary Turner now Mary Avant one of the complainants soon after he had purchased a gun for $20.00... ."

!CENSUS:1840 Marion Dist, SC pg 168 w/Thomas P. AVANT age 40-49 (1790/1800);

!CENSUS:1850 Marion Dist, SC # 317 Mary AVANT, 50 (1799/1800) born Marion; 
Turner, Mary Cecilia (I64240)
3770 !CENSUS:1800 Marion Dist, SC pg 806 w/Reuben TURNER age ?, Family listed as 6 Free Colored;

!CENSUS:1810 Marion Dist, SC pg 79 w/Reubin TURNER age 10-15 (1794/1800);

!WAR OF 1812: 5 Reg't (Keith's) South Carolina Mil.
Martin Turner, Pvt, see also John Manning
Reuben Turner, Pvt, see also Britton Hicks
Robert Turner, Pvt, see also Thomas Johnson
(The "see also" probably means that one was substitute for the other. The index cards don't say which one served, which didn.t.);

!DEED:30 Oct 1814 Marion Co., SC Deed Book F, p. 231
Ruebin Turner to Robert Turner his son, both of Marion District. Rueben Turner in his proper health doth freely give his son Robert Turner a mare called Ribl, a horse Liberty, one deer cow ... (and various other livestock, furniture, etc.)
S: Reubin (his mark) Turner, Dorothy (her mark) Turner.
Wit: John (his mark) Martin, Martha Meloy, John Blackman.
Proven by *Joshua* Blackman & John Martin before Jas Boyle, QU 19 Oct 1814.
* From "Marion County South Carolina Abstracts of Deeds Volume Two Books F - I & K 1811-1823", Lucille Utley, Alita White Sutcliffe, 1997.;

!CENSUS:1820 Marion Dist, SC pg 67 w/Rubin TURNER age 16-25 (1794/1804);

!CENSUS:1830 Marion Dist, SC pg 48 Robert TURNER age 30-39 (1790/1800)

!NAMED:23 Jan 1837 Marion Dist, SC Inventory Book 1827-1836 pg 230 John McCALL Merchant, Estate. Notes: ... Peter CAMPBELL ... John D. COLEMAN ... Joseph D. JOHNSON ... B. MOODY ... James ROBERTS ... Robert TURNER ...;

!CENSUS:1840 Marion Dist, SC pg 141 Robert TURNER age 50-59 (1780/90)

!CENSUS:1850 Marion Dist., SC # 1245/1250
Robert Turner 56 Farmer $- Marion
Rebecca 56
Jesse 16 Farmer
Drucilla 15;

!CENSUS:1860 Marion Dist., SC Oak Grove PO, # 1350/1337
Robt Turner 71 mulatto, Farmer $0 / 200 born SC
Mary 48 white. 
Turner, Robert (I8239)
3771 !CENSUS:1800 Marion Dist., Liberty Co., SC pg 436
w/John Godbold age 16-25 (1774/84)

!CENSUS:1810 Marion Dist., SC pg 28
w/John Godbold age 26-44 (1755/74)

!PROBATE ROLL # 293 John Godbold, Marion Dist., SC 16 Nov 1811 Wm Welch, adm.
... widow (name not given)
... Pricilla Godbold, Jesse Godbold, Dicey Godbold, minor heirs
? (I50279)
3772 !CENSUS:1800 Marion Dist., SC p. 447-791
Elizh. Pain age 45+ (bef 1755)


!DEED:30 Aug 1814 Marion Co., SC Deed Book O, p. 361
Agreement between the heirs of Jeremiah Pain
... agree not to disinherit Mrs. Paine of plantation or negroes during her natural life ...
S: Stephen Ford, Bennet Flowers, George Ford, Archibald (his mk) Gasque, Theophelus Moody.
Wit: Benjamin Lewis, Isaac Lewis, James Flowers; 
Elizabeth (I106793)
3773 !CENSUS:1800 Marion Dist., SC p. 449/793
Malachi Dees age 25-44 (1755/1774)

!CENSUS:1810 Marion Dist., SC p. 21/81
Mallachi Dees age 26-44 (1765/1784)

!NAMED-WILL:21 Mar 1817 Marion Co., SC Will Book 1, p. 162 Arthur Dees, recorded 3 Jun 1829
Wife Susanna Dees
sons Malachi Dees
Abraham Dees
Levi Dees
and my three daughters
Selety Turner
Mary Lowry
Sarah Garrett
Grandson Archibald Dees
my three young children:
S: Arthur (V) Dees
Wit: John Gregg, Janett Gregg, William Gregg;

!CENSUS:1820 Marion Dist., SC p. 8
Malakiah Dees age 45+ (bef 1775)

!CENSUS:1830 Marion Dist., SC p. 14
Malchiah Dees age 70-79 (1750/60)

!WILL:31 Jan 1832 Marion Co., SC Will Book 1, p. 232 Malakiah Dees, recorded Feb 25 1833.
My son Malakiah Dees (only heir named)
Executors: friends John Gregg, Samuel E. Wilson and Christopher Bailey.
S: Malakiah (X) Dees
Witnesses: Wm T. Wilson, Tobias Baly, Elias Thompson.; 
Dees, Malachi (I107639)
3774 !CENSUS:1800 Marion Dist., SC pg 436/780
Thomas Evans age 26-44 (1755/74)

!DEED: 2 Apr 1808 Marion Co., SC Deed Book D page 161
Thomas Evans of Marion Dist to Nathan Evans for $900 "track of land I now live on" 130a east side of Catfish ...
Witness: Thomas Godbold, Richard Powell, Samuel Cooper.
Media (X) Evans relinq dower rights 2 Apr 1808;

!NAMED-PROBATE ROLL # 245 Nathan Evans Marion Co., SC
Will dated -- --- 1810
son Thomas Evans
daus Edey and Zilphey
wife Elizabeth Evans
brother Thomas Evans
sons John Gamewell Evans, William Evans and Nathan Evans
dau Elizabeth Ann Evans
... Inventory 21 Jul 1810
Evans, Thomas (I76870)
3775 !CENSUS:1800 Moore Co., NC pg 77 w/Benjn Gilbert age 0-9 (1790/1800);


!CENSUS:1820 Moore Co., NC pg 301 Joseph Gilbert age 26-44 (1775/94)

!CENSUS:1830 Moore Co., NC pg 475 Joseph Gilbert age 20-29 (1800/10)

!CENSUS:1840 Moore Co., NC pg 190 Joseph Gilbert age 40-49 (1790/1800)

!CENSUS:1850 Moore Co., NC pg 219B # 797/797
Joseph Gilbert, 52 M, Farmer, NC
Mary, 49
Benjamin, 26
James, 19
Celia A. 10
Joseph 7; 
Gilbert, Joseph (I96399)
3776 !CENSUS:1800 Onslow Co, NC pg 140 w/Alexander GRANT age 0-9 (1790/1800);
NAMED:26 Jan 1809 Onslow Co, NC Will of Alexander Grant;
WAR OF 1812:"Muster Rolls of the Soldiers of the War of 1812..." pg 17
William GRANT, 11th Company, Onslow Regiment;
CENSUS:1820 * Onslow Co, NC pg 328 William GRANT age 45+ (bef 1775);
Grant, William (I17400)
3777 !CENSUS:1800 Onslow Co, NC pg 151 w/Benjamin WARD age 0-9 (1790/1800);

!DEED:Oct Term 1809 Onslow Co, NC 21-244 Benjamin WARD's land on west side of New River on Stones Bay was divided to the heirs of said WARD, decd, that is to Elizabeth WATSON and Joseph WARD. To Elizabeth WATSON, 450a on Alligator Gut. To Joseph WARD, 250a on Stones Bay at SHEPARD's line. Signed: John SHEPARD, John POLLOCK, Jonathan KETCHAM. 1 Feb 1810.;

!CENSUS:1810 Onslow Co, NC pg 108 w/Asa WATSON age 16-25 (1784/94);

!CENSUS:1820 Onslow Co, NC pg 328 w/Asa WATSON age 26-44 (1775/94);

!DEED: 7 May 1824 Onslow Co, NC 16-85 Joseph D. WARD to Edward WARD for $ 2,250. Part of Tract 700a which became Asa WATSON's as right of his wife Elizabeth WATSON and Joseph D. WARD as heirs of Benjamin WARD, deceased, which was divided to them 1 Feb 1810. His part being 250a. Test: John GORNTO, Benjamin T. POLLARD;

!CENSUS:1830 Onslow Co, NC pg 231 w/Asa WATSON age 20-29 (1800/10); 
Ward, Elizabeth (I17649)
3778 !CENSUS:1800 Onslow Co, NC pg 166 w/Daniel JENKINS age 0-9 (1790/1800);

!NAMED: 7 Mar 1804 Onslow Co, NC Will A-65 Daniel JENKINS, as "son John"; 
Jenkins, John (I77946)
3779 !CENSUS:1800 Onslow Co, NC pg 166 w/Daniel JENKINS age 16-25 (1774/84);

!NAMED: 7 Mar 1804 Onslow Co, NC Will A-65 Daniel JENKINS, as "step daughter Ann HADNOT"; 
Hadnot, Ann (I77948)
3780 !CENSUS:1800 Onslow Co, NC pg 166 w/Daniel JENKINS age 26-44 (1755/74);

!NAMED: 7 Mar 1804 Onslow Co, NC Will A-65 Daniel JENKINS, as "wife Sarah";

!WITNESS:30 May 1808 Onslow Co, NC 2-65 John SPARKMAN to Chainey SPARKMAN. Test: Nancy WARD, Sarah JENKINS;

!DEED:13 Nov 1808 Onslow Co, NC 2-93 Nathaniel AVERITT and wife Polly to Sarah JENKINS for $30, a tract at Fulford's line, Larkins Line, 390a. Test: George SHEPARD, John JOHNSTON;

!DEED:-- Apr 1809 Onslow Co, NC 2-80 Amos WALTOM to Sarah JENKINS for $5, at Fulfords Corner, 399a which is equal between my sister and myself and I am fully paid for my part. Test: Nathaniel AVERITT.;


!WILL:11 May 1817 Onslow Co, NC A-64 Sarah JENKINS, Grand-dau Sarah WARD, grand-son James MILLS, grand-son George WARD, son-in-law Thomas MILLS. Executor: Son-in-law Thomas MILLS. Test: Lamb HARDISON, Lewis MILLS;

!ESTATE:1817 Onslow Co, NC Loose Estates. Sarah JENKINS;

!NAMED:20 Jun 1817 Onslow Co, NC Estate of Sarah JENKINS Inventory, Thomas MILLS, executor; 
Waltom, Sarah (I77945)
3781 !CENSUS:1800 Onslow Co, NC pg 167 Thomas CAPPS age 16-25 (1774/84) "00200-00100"; Capps, Thomas (I77942)
3782 !CENSUS:1800 Onslow Co., NC p. 162
James Jenkins age 16-25 (1774/1784)
My analysis (who each person *might* be)
1m 16-25 (1774/1784) James Jenkins (c1780)
1f 45+ (before 1755) --- Ryal Jenkins (bef 1755) mother <--- probably her; 
Ryal (I77991)
3783 !CENSUS:1800 Orange Co, NC pg 535 w/Thomas STROUD age 16-25 (1774/84);





!MORTALITY:1850 Warren Co, TN Hannah STROUD, 55 (1794/95) born VA, died Sep (1849) unknown cause; 
Robertson, Hannah (I30671)
3784 !CENSUS:1800 Orange Co, NC pg 535 w/William STROUD age 16-25 (1774/84);


!CENSUS:1820 Warren Co, TN pg 9 w/William STROUD age 26-44 (1775/94); 
Snotterly, Rachel (I36338)
3785 !CENSUS:1800 Pendleton Dist, SC # 744 w/John Patterson age 0-9 (1790/1800)

!CENSUS:1810 * Pendleton Dist, SC pg 143 w/Nancy Patterson age 10-15 (1794/1800)
"33000-11010-0-1" * If he is the female aged 10-15 who is otherwise unidentified;

!CENSUS:1820 x

!MARRIAGE: 6 Oct 1828 Hall Co, GA John PATTERSON & Jane CHAPMAN, by Edw. COWEN, JP;

!CENSUS:1830 Hall Co, GA pg 114 John PATTERSON age 30-39 (1790/1800)

!DEED:28 Feb 1831 Hall Co, GA Nancy PATTERSON, Joseph PATTERSON, George PATTERSON, John PATTERSON, Jeremiah PATTERSON, William PATTERSON, James CANTRELL, Samuel PATTERSON, Enoch PATTERSON, and Hiram PATTERSON to Joseph CHAPMAN of Pickens District, South Carolina, 250a 12th district, Lot number 2 for $2000.;

!CENSUS:1834 Lumpkin Co, GA John PATTERSON, 4 Whites;

!CENSUS:1840 Gilmer Co, GA pg 8 John PATTERSON age 40-49 (1790/1800)

!CENSUS:1850 Gilmer Co, GA # 369/369
John Patterson 56 Farmer $1000 SC
Jinny 36 SC
Jeremiah 17 Farmer GA
Malinda 14
Louisa 9
Henson 7
John 4
Gallatin 4/12;

Patterson, John (I24636)
3786 !CENSUS:1800 Pendleton Dist, SC # 744 w/John Patterson age 0-9 (1790/1800)

!CENSUS:1810 Pendleton Dist, SC pg 143 w/Nancy Patterson age 10-15 (1794/1800)

!CENSUS:1820 Pendleton Dist, SC pg 200 Jeremiah Patterson age 16-25 (1794/1804)

!CENSUS:1830 Hall Co, GA pg 122 Jeremiah PATTERSON age 20-29 (1800/10)

!DEED:28 Feb 1831 Hall Co, GA Nancy PATTERSON, Joseph PATTERSON, George PATTERSON, John PATTERSON, Jeremiah PATTERSON, William PATTERSON, James CANTRELL, Samuel PATTERSON, Enoch PATTERSON, and Hiram PATTERSON to Joseph CHAPMAN of Pickens District, South Carolina, 250a 12th district, Lot number 2 for $2000.;

!CENSUS:1840 Lumpkin Co, GA pg 269 Jeremiah PATTERSON age 40-49 (1790/1800)

Patterson, Jeremiah (I24637)
3787 !CENSUS:1800 Pendleton Dist, SC # 744 w/John Patterson age 0-9 (1790/1800)

!CENSUS:1810 Pendleton Dist, SC pg 143 w/Nancy Patterson age 10-15 (1794/1800)

!CENSUS:1820 x

!CENSUS:1830 Hall Co, GA pg 125 William PATTERSON age 30-39 (1790/1800)

!DEED:28 Feb 1831 Hall Co, GA Nancy PATTERSON, Joseph PATTERSON, George PATTERSON, John PATTERSON, Jeremiah PATTERSON, William PATTERSON, James CANTRELL, Samuel PATTERSON, Enoch PATTERSON, and Hiram PATTERSON to Joseph CHAPMAN of Pickens District, South Carolina, 250a 12th district, Lot number 2 for $2000.;

!CENSUS:1834 Lumpkin Co, GA William PATTERSON, 7 Whites;

!CENSUS:1838 Lumpkin Co, GA pg 7 William PATTERSON, 5 Whites;

!CENSUS:1840 Lumpkin Co, GA pg 269 William PATTERSON age 40-49 (1790/1800)

!CENSUS:1850 Forsyth Co., GA Thirty First District # 812/812
William Patterson 51 Farmer $100 SC
Martha 50 SC
Mary A. 18 GA
Hiram 15 Farmer
Enoch 10
Sarah A. 8
Frances (female) 4;

!CENSUS:1860 Forsyth Co., GA # 840/840
William Patterson 64 Farmer $300/135 SC
Martha 63 SC
Enoch 21 GA
Sarah A. 17
Frances 13;

!CENSUS:1870 Forsyth Co., GA Chestatee District, Cumming PO, # 725/646 (and 91/79)
William Patterson 72 At Home $60 / 0 SC. Blind
Martha 72 Keeping House SC
Mary Morgan 40 Farm Hand GA
Gustin Morgan 12 (male) Farm Hand
Calvin Morgan 10 Farm Hand
Jasper Morgan 8 At Home
Martha Morgan 6 At Home;

!CENSUS:1880 Forsyth Co., GA Chestatee District NO 841, # 278/279
Joshua Patterson 52 Married, Farmer, GA-SC-SC
Darcus E. 49 wife, keeping house GA-SC-GA
Emily A. 17 daughter At home GA-GA-GA
Sarah E. 16 dau At home
Gordon B. 14 son works on farm
George H. 12 son works on farm
William 83 father at home, blind, born SC-Ireland-SC
Martha, 80 mother, at home, SC-SC-SC
Anderson Smith, 13 nephew, works on farm GA-GA-GA
John H. Woodliff, 26 Laborer, married GA-VA-VA. 
Patterson, William (I24638)
3788 !CENSUS:1800 Pendleton Dist, SC pg 22 w/William GRANT age 0-9 (1790/1800);

!CENSUS:1810 Pendleton Dist, SC pg 163 w/William GRANT age 10-15 (1794/1800);



!CENSUS:1840 Pickens Dist, SC pg 338 Asa GRANT age 30-39 (1800/10) "310001-01001";

!CENSUS:1850 * Pickens Dist, SC pg 435 Asa GRANT *; 
Grant, Asa (I85541)
3789 !CENSUS:1800 Pendleton Dist, SC pg 44 w/Daniel BRYSON age 0-9 (1790/1800);

!CENSUS:1810 Pendleton Dist, SC pg 154 w/Daniel BRYSON age 10-15 (1794/1800);

Bryson, Isabelle (I9038)
3790 !CENSUS:1800 Pendleton Dist, SC pg 44 w/Daniel BRYSON age 0-9 (1790/1800);

!WITNESS:22 Nov 1804 Pendleton Dist, SC G-178 George CLARK to John BRYSON for $20, 100a Wilsons Creek, Savannah River, bordered by John BRYSON, William KEE, Thomas JONES, Phebe HARDIN, Wit: Daniel BRYSON, William BRYSON, Daniel BRYSON Jr;

!PETITION:1806 for formation of Haywood County from western Buncombe ... Daniel BRYSON ...;

!CENSUS:1810 Pendleton Dist, SC pg 154 w/Daniel BRYSON age 16-25 (1784/94);



!CENSUS:1840 Habersham Co, GA pg 146 Daniel BRYSON age 40-49 (1790/1800) "2010001-1111001";

!!CENSUS:1850 * Habersham Co, GA pg 270 # 75 Daniel H. BRYSON, 58 (1791/92) born SC *; 
Bryson, Daniel H (I9037)
3791 !CENSUS:1800 Pendleton SC p 2 w/Francis HENSLEY 26-44 (1755/1774);
CENSUS:1830 Cole MO p 198 w/Francis HENSLEY 40-49 (1780/90);
DEED: 6 Aug 1836 St Louis Co, MO B2-158 Heirs of Davis Hensley,
Francis HENSLEY, Nancy his wife, John HENSLEY and wife Fanny,
HENSLEY and wife Susan, William and his wife Nancy, Henry Johns
and wife
Mary, George THOMPSON and wife Sarah, David CALDWELL and wife
Rebecca SULLINS and Richard her husband, Sarah SHOOKMAN and
William SHOOKMAN, Jane LANE and husband Martin LANE, Elisabeth
Preston CALDWELL, Nelson CALDWELL, Nancy Ann CALDWELL, Ellen
William DOWING of St Louis Co, MO.
CENSUS:1840 Cole MO p 93 w/Francis HENSLEY 60-69 (1779/80);
CENSUS:1850 Cole MO p 19 Nancy HENSLEY, 78 (1771/72) b SC;
Nancy (I88994)
3792 !CENSUS:1800 Robeson Co., NC pg 379
Joseph Grantham age 16-25 (1774/84)

!NAMED-WILL:31 Oct 1813 Robeson Co., NC
Richard Grantham. 31 Oct 1813. Proven Nov 1817
Wife Sarah.
Son Moses
Son Richard
Son Joseph
Son Joshua
Daughter Fabitha Ammons
Daughter Tabitha Watson
Heirs of Sarah Ammons
Daughter Mary Bennet
Daughter Jane Adams
Daughter Hannah Smith.
From: Abstracts of Robeson County Wills Book I. Compiled by Dr. Morris Britt (no date)
(New Hanover County Public Library) 
Grantham, Joseph (I81816)
3793 !CENSUS:1800 Robeson Co., NC pg 379
Joshua Grantham age 16-25 (1774/84)

!NAMED-WILL:31 Oct 1813 Robeson Co., NC
Richard Grantham. 31 Oct 1813. Proven Nov 1817
Wife Sarah.
Son Moses
Son Richard
Son Joseph
Son Joshua
Daughter Fabitha Ammons
Daughter Tabitha Watson
Heirs of Sarah Ammons
Daughter Mary Bennet
Daughter Jane Adams
Daughter Hannah Smith.
From: Abstracts of Robeson County Wills Book I. Compiled by Dr. Morris Britt (no date)
(New Hanover County Public Library) 
Grantham, Joshua (I81777)
3794 !CENSUS:1800 Rowan Co., NC p. 433
Ezeriah Pack age 26-44 (1755/1774)

!NAMED-WILL: 3 Feb 1800 Rowan Co., NC William Pack
Wife Joanna Pack
son Azariah Pack
son Reason Pack
son Joseph Pack
my two daughters (no names)
youngest son William Pack
S: William Pack
W: Jesse Holmes?
Elijah Keatch;

!CENSUS:1810 Rowan Co., NC p. 332
Azariah Pack age 26-44 (1765/84)

!CENSUS:1820 Rowan Co., NC p. 396
Azariah Pack age 45+(bef 1775)
201101-00001-3-0 FCP=0000-2010

!CENSUS:1830 Rowan Co., NC p. 414
Azariah Pack age 60-69 (1760/70)

!CENSUS:1840 Davie Co., NC p. 29
Azariah Pack age 70-79 (1760/1770)

!CENSUS:1850 x 
Pack, Azariah (I115845)
3795 !CENSUS:1800 Rowan Co., NC p. 433
Reason Pack age 26-44 (1755/1774)

!NAMED-WILL: 3 Feb 1800 Rowan Co., NC William Pack
Wife Joanna Pack
son Azariah Pack
son Reason Pack
son Joseph Pack
my two daughters (no names)
youngest son William Pack
S: William Pack
W: Jesse Holmes?
Elijah Keatch;

!CENSUS:1810 Rowan Co., NC p. 332
Reason Pack age 45+ (bef 1765)

!CENSUS:1820 Rowan Co., NC p. 396
Reason Pack age 45+(bef 1775)
100001-10010-1-0 FCP=1000-0000

!CENSUS:1830 Rowan Co., NC p. 413
Reason Pack age 60-69 (1760/70)

!CENSUS:1840 Davie Co., NC p. 29
Reason Pack age 60-69 (1770/1780)

!ESTATE SETTLEMENT:24 Feb 1845 Davie Co., NC Resin Pack, deceased
John J. Pack, adm.
no heirs named; 
Pack, Reason (I115846)
3796 !CENSUS:1800 Rowan Co., NC p. 451
David Holeman age 16-25 (1774/1784)

!NAMED-WILL:15 Aug 1807 Rowan Co., NC Isaac Holeman
Son Daniel Holeman
dau Elizabeth Johnson
son William Holeman
son Isaac Holeman
son Reuben Holeman
son James Holeman
dau Patience Dean
son Thomas Holeman
son John Holeman
son Absolum Holeman
dau Mary Neely
son Jacob Holeman
son David Holeman
dau Patience Holeman
grandson Isaac Holeman son of William Holeman
Sons Jacob and David executors
S: Isaac (X) Holeman
Witnesses: R. Parvell, Benjamin Boone, John Cook.
Pr May 1808; 
Holeman, David (I117306)
3797 !CENSUS:1800 Rowan Co., NC p. 451
James Holeman age 26-44 (1755/1774)

!NAMED-WILL:15 Aug 1807 Rowan Co., NC Isaac Holeman
Son Daniel Holeman
dau Elizabeth Johnson
son William Holeman
son Isaac Holeman
son Reuben Holeman
son James Holeman
dau Patience Dean
son Thomas Holeman
son John Holeman
son Absolum Holeman
dau Mary Neely
son Jacob Holeman
son David Holeman
dau Patience Holeman
grandson Isaac Holeman son of William Holeman
Sons Jacob and David executors
S: Isaac (X) Holeman
Witnesses: R. Parvell, Benjamin Boone, John Cook.
Pr May 1808; 
Holeman, James (I117299)
3798 !CENSUS:1800 Rutherford Co, NC pg 104 w/Joseph CROSS age 0-9 (1790/1800);

!CENSUS:1810 Buncombe Co, NC pg 82 w/Joseph CROSS Sr age 10-15 (1794/1800);


!CENSUS:1830 Buncombe Co, NC pg 265 William CROSS age 30-39 (1790/1800) "101001-1110001";

!CENSUS:1840 Buncombe Co, NC pg 161 William CROSS age 40-49 (1790/1800) "0111001-00100001";

!CENSUS:1850 Buncombe Co, NC # 1470 William CROSS, 53 (1796/97) born NC; 
Cross, William (I22943)
3799 !CENSUS:1800 Rutherford Co, NC pg 104 w/Joseph CROSS age 26-44 (1755/74);

!CENSUS:1810 Buncombe Co, NC pg 82 w/Joseph CROSS Sr age 26-44 (1765/84);


!CENSUS:1830 Buncombe Co, NC pg 265 w/Joseph CROSS age 80-89 (1740/50);

!CENSUS:1840 Buncombe Co, NC pg 163 w/Joseph CROSS age 70-79 (1770/80);

!Named:29 Dec 1841 Buncombe Co., NC Will Book A page 83 29 Dec 1841 Joseph Cross to wife Sary Cross. At her death to James D. Cobb. Witness Peter Miller, Alpea Miller. Proven Feb 1842 by Peter Miller 
Cogdell, Sarah Ann (I41179)
3800 !CENSUS:1800 Rutherford Co, NC pg 106 w/Thomas DOLTON age 0-9 (1790/1800);

Dalton, Mary "Polly" (I18946)

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