Marty and Karla Grant (TNG)



Matches 4,001 to 4,050 of 83,474

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 #   Notes   Linked to 
4001 !CENSUS:1800;



- One in Buncombe, but two there in 1840, which is this one? Matches other John (c1800) better, though not perfectly;

!CENSUS:1840 Buncombe Co., NC pg 142 John Wright age 40-49 (1790/1800)

!CENSUS:1850 x
* Might be same one in Union Co., GA. Family fits pretty well, has Mary 90 (or 70) living with him; 
Wright, John (I80733)
4002 !CENSUS:1800;



!CENSUS:1830 * Bledsoe Co, TN pg 279 w/Samuel Cathy age 15-19 (1810/15);

!CENSUS:1840 * Marion Co., TN pg 257 w/Samuel Cathy age 20-29 (1810/20);

!CENSUS:1850 Cannon Co, TN P-H-F 392b-15-15 Crafts 5th District
Cathey Samuel 73 M W Farmer SC
Cathey Margaret 74 F W NC
Cathey Jane 50 F W NC

!CENSUS:1860 x 
Cathey, Jane (I66154)
4003 !CENSUS:1800;



!CENSUS:1830 * Bledsoe Co, TN pg 279 w/Samuel Cathy age 50-59 (1770/80);

!CENSUS:1840 * Marion Co., TN pg 257 w/Samuel Cathy age 60-69 (1770/80);

!CENSUS:1850 Cannon Co, TN P-H-F 392b-15-15 Crafts 5th District
Cathey Samuel 73 M W Farmer SC
Cathey Margaret 74 F W NC
Cathey Jane 50 F W NC

!CENSUS:1860 x 
Margaret (I66153)
4004 !CENSUS:1800;



!CENSUS:1830 * Buncombe Co, NC pg 293 John GEORGE age 40-49 (1780/90) "0000001-000001";

!CENSUS:1840 * Yancey Co, NC pg 258 John GEORGE age 50-59 (1780/90) "01000001-0101001";

!CENSUS:1850 Yancey Co, NC # ---/941 John GEORGE, 52 (1797/98) born NC;

George, John (I90728)
4005 !CENSUS:1800;



!CENSUS:1830 * Darlington Dist, SC pg 217 Samuel C. W. JAMES *;


James, Samuel C W (I47990)
4006 !CENSUS:1800;



!CENSUS:1830 * Robertson Co, TN pg 431 Joshua STROUD *;


!CENSUS:1850 Robertson Co, TN # 1550 Joshua STROUD, 50 (1799/1800) born TN, residing with Dorothy FORT, 45 born NC; 
Stroud, Joshua (I87268)
4007 !CENSUS:1800;



!CENSUS:1830 * Rutherford Co., NC pg 533 George Right age 20-29 (1800/10)
- Not entirely sure George of 1830 Rutherford is same as George of 1850 Buncombe, though that George of Buncombe's children were born in Cleveland and Rutherford Co., NC;

!CENSUS:1840 Lincoln Co., NC pg 70 George Right age 30-39 (1800/10)

!CENSUS:1850 Buncombe Co., NC PHF 266/266B-960-960
Geo. Wright 59 M Laborer SC
Elizabeth 49 F “
Mary A. 24 F “
Clarisa 19 F “
Ben. M. 13 M “
Margaret C. 11 F “
Thos S. 7 M SC
Nancy M. 2 F NC
Robert H. 26 M Laborer SC

!CENSUS:1860 x not found anywhere; 
Wright, George (I8517)
4008 !CENSUS:1800;



!CENSUS:1830 * Warren Co, TN pg 344 Wade STROUD *;


Stroud, Wade Sheriff (I38922)
4009 !CENSUS:1800;



!CENSUS:1830 * Washington Co, TN pg 253 Robert HENSLEY age 20-29 (1800/10)
!CENSUS:1830 * Jefferson Co, TN pg 325 Robert HOWSLEY age 20-29 (1800/10)

!NOTE:Is this the same person? Robert C. Hensley & Mary Roberts married 8 Dec 1835 Washington Co., VA;

!CENSUS:1840 Grainger Co, TN pg 123 Robert HENSLEY age 40-49 (1790/1800) "1100001-10001";

!CENSUS:1850 Jefferson Co, TN # 1295 Robert HENSLEY, 50 (1799/1800) born TN;

!CENSUS:1860 Putnam Co, TN 16-8 Robert HENSLEY, 58 (1801/02) *; 
Hensley, Robert (I88552)
4010 !CENSUS:1800;



!CENSUS:1830 *** Sangamon Co., IL pg 136 Alexander Grant age 30-39 (1790/1800)
"000002-00001" *** Could be him for his 1st cousin James Grant came to this county just after this. Alexander is near Thomas Elliott in 1830 who may be from Rutherford originally;

!CENSUS:1840 x 
Grant, Alexander (I62011)
4011 !CENSUS:1800;



!CENSUS:1830 Buncombe Co, NC pg 285 Pleasant HENSELY age 20-29 (1800/10) "10001-10001";

!CENSUS:1840 Washington Co, TN pg 247 Pleasant HINSLEY age 30-39 (1800/10) "011001-1100001";

!CENSUS:1850 Clay Co, KY pg 122 # 315 Pleasant HENSLEY, 51 (1798/99) born NC;

!CENSUS:1860 * Clay Co, KY # 487 Pleasant HENSLY, *; 
Hensley, Pleasant (I93264)
4012 !CENSUS:1800;



!CENSUS:1830 Buncombe Co, NC pg 286 Samuel HENSELY age 30-39 (1790/1800) "210001-021001";

!CENSUS:1840 Clay Co, KY pg 301 Samuel HENSLEY age 40-49 (1790/1800) "3101001-1010201";

!CENSUS:1850 Clay Co, KY pg 129 # 432 Samuel HENSLEY, 50 (1799/1800) born NC;

!CENSUS:1860 Breathitt Co, KY pg 123 Samuel HENSLEY, 63 (1796/97) born NC; 
Hensley, Samuel (I93302)
4013 !CENSUS:1800;



!CENSUS:1830 Buncombe Co., NC pg 258 William Wright age 30-39 (1790/1800)

!CENSUS:1840 Buncombe Co., NC pg 138 Wm Wright age 40-49 (1790/1800)

!CENSUS:1850 Buncombe Co., NC PHF 282/282B-1157-1157
Wm Wright 51 M Laborer 100 NC
D. 49 F Farmer “
Mary 23 F “
Martha 14 F “
Wm 12 M “
Jeff. 4 M “
Sophronia 3 F “
Hannah West 19 F
Cate 7 F NC
- Is Hannah West their daughter? Fits;

!CENSUS:1860 x 
Wright, William (I81321)
4014 !CENSUS:1800;



!CENSUS:1830 Burke Co, NC pg 149 William A. GRAHAM age 20-29 (1800/10) "00001-0";

!POLL:1835 Burke Co, NC Austin's Precinct. William A. GRAHAM;

!CENSUS:1840 Burke Co, NC pg 330 William A. GRAHAM age 30-39 (1800/10) "000001-0";

!CENSUS:1850 McDowell Co, NC # 672 William A. GRAHAM, 50 (1799/1800) born VA, Occupation= Physician, residing with Daniel POWELL, 66 and Judith POWELL, 58; 
Graham, Dr William A (I92725)
4015 !CENSUS:1800;



!CENSUS:1830 Burke Co, NC pg 201 George MILLER age 20-29 (1800/10) "21001-21001";

!CENSUS:1840 Yancey Co, NC pg 267 George MILLER age 40-49 (1790/1800) "1012001-123001";

!CENSUS:1850 Yancey Co, NC # ---/831 George MILLER, 50 (1799/1800) born TN; 
Miller, George (I88404)
4016 !CENSUS:1800;



!CENSUS:1830 Campbell Co, TN pg 231 David GRANT age 20-29 (1800/10) "20001-20001";

!CENSUS:1840 Campbell Co, TN pg 320 David GRANT age 30-39 (1800/10) "211001-212001";

!CENSUS:1850 * Deceased enroute to KY; 
Grant, David (I85296)
4017 !CENSUS:1800;



!CENSUS:1830 Columbus Co., NC pg 4 John Davis age 30-39 (1790/1800)

Davis, John (I82309)
4018 !CENSUS:1800;



!CENSUS:1830 Darlington Dist, SC pg 208 Moses COLLINS age 20-29 (1800/10)

!CENSUS:1840 Marion Dist, SC pg 150 Moses COLLINS age 40-49 (1790/1800) "0130001-0010001";

!CENSUS:1850 Marion Dist, SC # 263 Moses COLLINS, 50 (1799/1800) born Marion;
Drew Co, AR pg 228 Spring Hill Moses COLLINS
Dubuque Co, IA pg 79 Cascade Moses COLLINS
Huntington Co, IN pg 373 Lancaster Moses COLLINS
Iron Co, MO pg 745 Union
Rusk Co, TX pg 238 Mount Enterprise; 
Collins, Moses (I64545)
4019 !CENSUS:1800;



!CENSUS:1830 Haywood Co, NC pg 373 Peter PATTERSON, age 30-39 (1790/1800);

CENSUS:1840 Cherokee Co, NC pg 241 Peter PATTERSON, age 20-29 (1810/20) * No family listed;

CENSUS:1850 Cherokee Co, NC # 859 Peter PATTERSON, 56 (1793/94) b SC;

Patterson, Peter (I73516)
4020 !CENSUS:1800;



!CENSUS:1830 Horry Dist., SC p. 258
Phillip Johnston age 30-39 (1790/1800)

!CENSUS:1840 Horry Dist, SC pg 329 Philip JOHNSTON age 40-49 (1790/1800) "0121101-4111101";

!TAXLIST:1845 Horry Dist, SC Phillip JOHNSON, 680 acres, 1 slave;

!CENSUS:1850 Horry Dist, SC # 972 Philip JOHNSTON, 55 (1794/95) born SC;

!CENSUS:1860 Horry Dist, SC # 629 P. JOHNSON, 61 (1798/99) born SC; 
Johnson, Phillip (I52839)
4021 !CENSUS:1800;



!CENSUS:1830 Jefferson Co, TN pg 328 w/Isaac GRANT age 30-39 (1790/1800);

!MARRIAGE LICENSE:17 Feb 1833 Jefferson Co., TN
Isaac Grant & Jane A. Smith
Married 17 Feb 1833 by J. W. Benley? JP;

!CENSUS:1840 Jefferson Co, TN pg 293 w/Isaac GRANT Sr age 30-39 (1800/10);

!CENSUS:1850 Jefferson Co., TN The 13th District # 326/330
Isaac Grant 50 Laborer $- TN;

!CENSUS:1860 Jefferson Co., TN --, -- PO # 1094/1132
I. Grant 60 m Farmer $100/1200 TN;

!CENSUS:1870 Jefferson Co., TN Civil District No 10, Talbott's Station PO # 179/176
Sarah J. Hickey 39 Keeps House $60/- TN
Martha E. 18 no occupation
Alexander 15 Farm Laborer
Jonathan A. 6
Amanda L. 2
Isaac Grant 70 School Teacher $100/- TN; 
Grant, Isaac (I83340)
4022 !CENSUS:1800;



!CENSUS:1830 Lincoln Co., NC pg 191 Cyrus Cathey age 20-29 (1800/10)

!CENSUS:1840 Lincoln Co., TN pg 80 Cyrus Cathy age 30-39 (1800/10)
Cathey, Cyrus (I66267)
4023 !CENSUS:1800;



!CENSUS:1830 Marion Dist, SC pg 51 Kinion WATSON age 30-39 (1790/1800)

!DEED:13 Dec 1830 Marion Co., SC Deed Book N., p. 314
Osburn Lane to Kinion Watson for $50. 50a being part of a tract of 4,336 acres granted to John Sanders 6 Feb 1792 beginning on a Pine corner and ... (metes and bounds given) ... situarte on Lanes Mill Creek.
S: Osburn (his mark) Lane.
Wit: Arinton? Cain, Neal Carmichael, JP.
* From "Abstracts of Marion County [SC] Deed Books L - M - N 1824-1831", Lucille Utley, Angela Turner, Billie Eaddy Cribb. Three Rivers Historical Society, 2003.;

!WITNESS-DEED: 2 Jan 1837 Marion Co., SC Deed Book Q., p. 203
Osburn Lane planter of Marion Dist to Wickham Watson planter, for $53.75, 43 acres on SW side of Buck Swamp on the North side of Meadow Branch. Barnabas Watsons corner ... Kinion Watson line ... Abslam Troubeville corner ... Wickham Watsons land ... part of a tract granted to John Sanders for 4,336 acres, with a small part granted John Peak and coveyed from Sanders to Osburn Lane.
S: Osburn (his mark) Lane
Wit: Kinion (his mark) Watson, William Troubiville.
* From "Abstracts of Marion County [SC] Deed Books Q and R 1836-1842", Lucille Utley, Angela Turner, John M. Gregg. Three Rivers Historical Society, 2003.;

!CENSUS:1840 Marion Dist, SC pg 141 Kinion WATSON age 20-29 (1810/20)

!CENSUS:1850 Marion Dist., SC # 1055/1061
Kinion Watson 52 Farmer $50 Marion
Ann 25
John 14
Quinny 12 f
Jensey 9
Linsey 6 m
Frances 3 f;

!CENSUS:1860 Marion Dist., SC Marion, Reedy Creek PO # 1344/1331
Kinion Watson 59 Miller $0/100 SC
Nancy 35
Frances 15 f
M. 10 f
L. 7 f
Elizabeth 5
L. 13 m; 
Watson, Kinion (I51195)
4024 !CENSUS:1800;



!CENSUS:1830 Marion Dist., SC p. 35
Jesse Moody age 30-39 (1790/1800)
Slaves -

!CENSUS:1840 x

!CENSUS:1850 x 
Moody, Jesse (I106838)
4025 !CENSUS:1800;



!CENSUS:1830 Mecklenburg Co., NC pg 374 Peggy Cathey
Whites=0-0, FPC=100000-232100


!CENSUS:1850 Mecklenburg Co, NC P-H-F 23b-375-377 Paw Creek
Cathey Jane 34 F B NC
Cathey Nancy 14 F B NC
Cathey James 12 M B NC
Cathey Mary 10 F B NC
Cathey Sally 8 F B NC
Cathey Dolly 7 F B NC
Cathey William 4 M B NC
Cathey Peggy 55 F B NC 
Cathey, Peggy (I66094)
4026 !CENSUS:1800;



!CENSUS:1830 Rowan Co., NC pg 378 William Right age 30-39 (1790/1800)

!CENSUS:1840 x 
Wright, William (I81458)
4027 !CENSUS:1800;



!CENSUS:1830 Rutherford Co, NC pg 519 John MORRIS age 30-39
(1790/1800) "020001-11001101";

!CENSUS:1840 Rutherford Co, NC pg 323 John MORRIS age 30-39
(1800/10) "11000001-021001";

!CENSUS:1850 Rutherford Co, NC Polk Dist # 189 John MORRIS, 54
(1795/96) born NC; 
Morris, John (I82501)
4028 !CENSUS:1800;



!CENSUS:1830 Simpson Co., MS pg 182 Samuel Floyd age 30-39 (1790/1800)

!CENSUS:1840 Simpson Co., MS pg 10 Samuel Floyd age 40-49 (1790/1800)
Floyd, Samuel (I43734)
4029 !CENSUS:1800;



!CENSUS:1830 Spartanburg Dist., SC p. 61
Balaam Gilbert age 30-39 (1790/1800)
* Next door to Samuel Gilbert (1770/80);

!CENSUS:1840 Spartanburg Dist., SC p. 12
Balam Gilbert age 40-49 (1790/1800)

!CENSUS:1850 Spartanburg Dist, SC # 1534/1534
Balam Gilbert 52 Farmer $800 SC
Nilly 45
J. M. 17 m
S. A. 15 f
Littlebury 13
Elezeda? 10 f
Gorham 9 m
Kinchen 7 m; 
Gilbert, Balaam (I56704)
4030 !CENSUS:1800;



!CENSUS:1830 Sullivan Co, TN pg 296 w/Isam HENSLEY age 70-79 (1750/60);

!CENSUS:1840 Greene Co, TN pg 58 w/Isam HENSLEY age 80-89 (1750/60);

? (I41253)
4031 !CENSUS:1800;



!CENSUS:1830 Sumner Co, TN pg 203 w/Luke DUGGER age 50-59 (1770/80);

!CENSUS:1840 Sumner Co, TN pg 391 w/Luke DUGGAR age 60-69 (1770/80);

Gibbs, Isabel (I35172)
4032 !CENSUS:1800;



!CENSUS:1830 Washington Co, TN pg 220 William HENSLEY age 30-39 (1790/1800) "101001-20001";

!CENSUS:1840 Washington Co, TN pg 249 William HENSLEY age 40-49 (1790/1800) "1101101-020101";

!CENSUS:1850 Sullivan Co, TN pg 20 # 131 William HENSLEY, 53 (1796/97) born VA;

!CENSUS:1860 Washington Co, TN 4th District pg 160 # 426/426
William HENSLEY, 67 TN
Thomas, 21 TN;


!CENSUS:1880 Sullivan Co, TN District 12 pg 449B
Eliza J. HENSLEY Wife F M W 50 TN/TN/TN
Elizabeth HENSLEY Dau F S W 13 TN/TN/TN
Florence HENSLEY Dau F S W 11 TN/TN/TN
William HENSLEY Father M W W 84 TN/NC/NC; 
Hensley, William (I89101)
4033 !CENSUS:1800;



!CENSUS:1830 Wayne Co, NC pg 529 John EDWARDS age 30-39 (1790/1800);

!NAMED:15 Apr 1837 Wayne Co, NC Will of Etheldred TYNER as Executor "John EDWARDS of Johnston Co, NC";

!CENSUS:1840 Wayne Co, NC pg 217 John EDWARDS age 40-49 (1790/1800);

!CENSUS:1850 Wayne Co, NC North of Neuse River # 213 John EDWARDS, 55 (1794/95) born NC, Farmer;

Edwards, John (I84478)
4034 !CENSUS:1800;



!CENSUS:1830 x

!CENSUS:1840 Buncombe Co., NC pg 137 w/Clark Wright age 30-39 (1800/10)

!CENSUS:1850 * Murray Co., GA # 1518/1518 *;

!CENSUS:1860 Polk Co., TN 5 District, Benton PO # 664/664 *; 
Elizabeth (I80364)
4035 !CENSUS:1800;




!MARRIAGE:11 Oct 1835 Franklin Co., GA
Robert Patterson & Ann Strange
From "Georgia Marriages, 1699-1944";

!CENSUS:1840 St Francis Co., AR page 196 Robert Patterson age 30-39 (1800/10)
212001-12101, 3 slaves;

!CENSUS:1850 x

!CENSUS:1860 Rusk Co., TX Beat No 5, Concord PO, # 1510/1528
Robt Patterson 64 Farmer $2800/7500 AL
Ann 54
Jane 24 GA
Mid 22 F. Laborer
Robert 20 F. Laborer
Berry 18 F. Laborer
William 15 F. Laborer; 
Patterson, Robert (I13338)
4036 !CENSUS:1800;




!BONDSMAN: 5 Apr 1831 Stokes Co, NC James BRINKLEY and Nancy COFER, Charles WINFREE, bm;

!BONDSMAN:13 May 1837 Stokes Co, NC Adam MOSER and Susan BOLES, Charles WINFREE, bm; 
Winfrey, Charles (I28123)
4037 !CENSUS:1800;




!CENSUS:1840 * Darlington Dist, SC pg 23 John JAMES *;

!CENSUS:1850 * Darlington Dist, SC pg 320 John JAMES *; 
James, Joseph John (I47991)
4038 !CENSUS:1800;




!CENSUS:1840 * Rutherford Co., NC pg 284 William Right age 50-59 (1780/90)
02100001-00200001, Slaves=211010-310100
- Above not a perfect match with 1850, so might not be same person;

!CENSUS:1850 Rutherford Co., NC PHF 259B-408-408 Floyds Creek
William Wright 57 M Farmer 113 N.C.
Mary 56 F “
Elias 25 M “
Elizabeth 19 F “
William 18 M “
Sarah 16 F “ 
Wright, William (I81171)
4039 !CENSUS:1800;




!CENSUS:1840 * Surry Co, NC pg 70 Robert WILBOURN *; 
Welborn, Robert (I22852)
4040 !CENSUS:1800;




!CENSUS:1840 Buncombe Co., NC pg 141 Thos. Wright age 30-39 (1800/10) OR 40-49 (1790/1800). Don't know which adult male is him

!CENSUS:1850 x
- One found in Madison Co., MS that seems to match, not enough info to be sure it is same Thomas. Children's ages and birth places line up; 
Wright, Thomas (I81328)
4041 !CENSUS:1800;




!CENSUS:1840 Cherokee Co, NC pg 241 Gideon F. MORRIS age 40-49
(1790/1800) "1022101-1100001";

!CENSUS:1850 Cherokee Co, NC # 774 Gideon F. MORRIS, 58 (1791/92)
born SC; 
Morris, Gideon F (I82513)
4042 !CENSUS:1800;




!CENSUS:1840 Covington Co, AL pg 320 James TURBEVILLE age 40-49 (1790/1800) "0000001-000000001";

!CENSUS:1850 x 
Turbeville, James (I38317)
4043 !CENSUS:1800;




!CENSUS:1840 Habersham Co., GA pg 123 w/Wm Henderson age 60-69 (1770/80);

!CENSUS:1850 Habersham Co., GA
Township 6 Dist 37 Division
Page / House / Family Number 260B / 15 / 15
Name Age Sex Race Occupation Real $ Birth Place
Wm Henderson 52 M 300 N.C.
M. A. 74 F Virginia 
M A (I95282)
4044 !CENSUS:1800;




!CENSUS:1840 Habersham Co., GA pg 123 Wm Henderson age 30-39 (1790/1800)

!CENSUS:1850 Habersham Co., GA
Township 6 Dist 37 Division
Page / House / Family Number 260B / 15 / 15
Name Age Sex Race Occupation Real $ Birth Place
Wm Henderson 52 M 300 N.C.
M. A. 74 F Virginia


!CENSUS:1870 White County, Georgia
Township / Post Office 135 Subdivision / Cleveland PO
Page / House / Family Number 26B / 328 / 328
Name Age Sex Race Occupation Real $ Pers $ Birth Place
William Henderson 71 M W Farmer 600 265 NC
Fanny 49 F W Keeping House SC
Francis 11 F W At Home Ga 
Henderson, William (I95545)
4045 !CENSUS:1800;




!CENSUS:1840 Horry Dist, SC pg 327 Medac STROUD age 30-39 (1800/10)

!CENSUS:1850 Horry Dist, SC # 96/96
Medy Stroud, 50, Farmer, $500, No Ca
C. 51,
George, 18 Farmer, So Ca
John 16
M. J. 15 F
Isaac 14
Lewis Jones 17 NC; 
Stroud, Medy (I62211)
4046 !CENSUS:1800;




!CENSUS:1840 Johnston Co, NC pg 243 Sampson EDWARDS age 40-49
(1790/1800) "1000001-10001";

!CENSUS:1850 Johnston Co, NC # 785 Sampson EDWARDS, 55 (1794/95) born NC;

!CENSUS:1860 Wayne Co, NC Pikeville Dist # 57 Sampson EDWARDS, 65
(1794/95) born NC;

Edwards, Sampson (I83321)
4047 !CENSUS:1800;




!CENSUS:1840 Kemper Co., MS pg 1 William Cathy age 40-49 (1790/1800)

!CENSUS:1850 Lauderdale Co, MS P-H-F 329-56-57 Southern District
Cathey William 50 M W Merchant NC
Cathey Emily 40 F W TN 
Cathey, Wiliam (I65928)
4048 !CENSUS:1800;




!CENSUS:1840 Marion Dist., SC pg 164
Aggy Ayres age 50-59 (1780/90)

!NAMED-PROBATE ROLL # 20 Marion Co., SC Darius Ayers 4 May 1840
Will 4 May 1840, recorded 24 May 1840
Wife Agness Ayers
eldest son Thomas Ayers
son William Ayers
son John Ayers
Sons Thomas and William Executors
Witnesses: Michael Watson, Darius Ayres, Nancy Ayres; 
Agness (I77241)
4049 !CENSUS:1800;




!CENSUS:1840 Rabun Co, GA pg 213 w/Eli RICHE age 40-49 (1790/1800);

!CENSUS:1850 Rabun Co, GA # 218 Rebeca RITCHIE, 58 (1791/92) born SC; 
Moore, Rebecca (I47180)
4050 !CENSUS:1800;




!CENSUS:1840 Rutherford Co., NC pg 268 J. Rite age 40-49 (1790/1800)

!CENSUS:1850 x 
Wright, J (I80890)

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