Marty and Karla Grant (TNG)



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 #   Notes   Linked to 
4101 !CENSUS:1800;



!CENSUS:1830 Marion Dist., SC pg 25
William Huggins age 20-29 (1800/10)
!CENSUS:1840 Marion Dist., SC pg 147
William Huggins age 20-29 (1810/20)

!CENSUS:1850 Marion Dist, SC pg 63 # 936/941
William D. Huggins, 50 Farmer $- Marion
Elizabeth, 45
Pitha, 22
Eliza 19
James 13
Ann 11
Mary 9
John 7;

!CENSUS:1860 x 
Huggins, William D (I37937)
4102 !CENSUS:1800;


!DEED:11 Apr 1818 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds 20-359 John Gray BLOUNT et al to William MILLER 100a Spring Cr;

!CENSUS:1820 Buncombe Co, NC pg 74 William MILLER age 18-25 (1794/1802) "000100-10100";

!DEED:31 Aug 1829 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds 19-14 Berry BURNETT to William MILLER 50a Warm Spring Cr;

!CENSUS:1830 Buncombe Co, NC pg 306 William MILLER age 30-39 (1790/1800) "010001-101001";

!DEED:28 Sep 1833 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds 19-396 William A. BLOUNT, Ex et al to William MILLER 50a Spring Cr;

!DEED:30 Sep 1833 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds 19-244 William MILLER to Andrew PLEMONS 50a Spring Cr;

!POLL:1835 Buncombe Co, NC Turkey Creek Precinct William MILLER;

!DEED:29 Aug 1835 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds 20-416 James COLTER to William MILLER 200a Shuting Cr;

!DEED: 5 Dec 1835 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds 20-471 State of NC # 3363 to William MILLER 100a Grassy Cr;

!DEED:18 Feb 1837 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds 22-11 William MILLER to James CALL 100a Spring Cr;

!CENSUS:1840 Buncombe Co, NC pg 170 William MILLER age 40-49 (1790/1800) "1002101-1010101";

!DEED:25 Mar 1840 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds 23-33 James COULTER to William MILLER 100a Shutten Cr;

!DEED:21 Dec 1840 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds 22-178 State of NC # 3913 to William MILLER 50a Grassy Cr;

!DEED:21 Dec 1840 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds 22-179 State of NC # 3914 to William MILLER --a Grassy Cr;

!CENSUS:1850 Buncombe Co, NC # 900 William MILLER, 54 (1795/96) born GA; 
Miller, William (I20458)
4103 !CENSUS:1800;


!DEED:G-138 18 Aug 1817 name heirs: Nancy Abbot; Bennet Allen, Jane Allen, Thomas Taylor, Josiah Taylor, Mary Abbot, Benjamin Arnet, Sarah Arnet;

!CENSUS:1820 Marion pg 54 *;

!CENSUS:1830 Marion pg 3 *;

!CENSUS:1840 Marion pg 142 *;

!CENSUS:1850 Marion Dist, SC pg 58B *; 
Arnett, Benjamin (I10427)
4104 !CENSUS:1800;


!MARRIAGE BOND: 1 Feb 1816 Stokes Co., NC Joshua Rights & Sally Phillips, Joshua Boner, bm

!CENSUS:1820 Stokes Co., NC pg 363 Joshua Rights age 26-44 (1775/94)

!MARRIAGE BOND: 5 Feb 1823 Stokes Co., NC Joshua Rights & Ann Elis Reich, Isaac Boner, bm;

!CENSUS:1830 Stokes Co., NC pg 246 Joshua Rights age 30-39 (1790/1800)

!CENSUS:1840 Stokes Co., NC Bethabara pg 171 Joshua Rights age 50-59 (1780/90)

!MARRIAGE BOND:15 Nov 1847 Stokes Co., NC Joshua Rights & Margaret Waterson, James Styers, bm

!CENSUS:1850 Forsyth Co., NC PHF 256-829-842 Liberty
Joshua Rights 57 M Oil Maker 200 North Carolina
Margaret 56 F Ireland
Alexander 15 M North Carolina
Margaret Morrow 20 F Ireland

!CENSUS:1860 x

!CENSUS:1870 Forsyth Co., NC PHF 466-275-306 Winston Township Salem PO
Melvina White 43 F W Keeping House 500 100 North Carolina
Joshua Rights 77 M W At Home 400 100 North Carolina 
Rights, Joshua (I82439)
4105 !CENSUS:1800;


!MARRIAGE BOND: 1 Jan 1813 Surry Co., NC John Rights & Lucy Wiles, Lewis Wiles, bm

!CENSUS:1820 Surry Co., NC pg 702 John Wrights age 26-44 (1775/94)

!CENSUS:1830 Stokes Co., NC pg 246 John Rightz age 30-39 (1790/1800)

!CENSUS:1840 Stokes Co., NC Yadkin pg 149 John Rights age 40-49 (1790/1800)

!CENSUS:1850 x 
Rights, John (I82454)
4106 !CENSUS:1800;


!MARRIAGE BOND: 5 May 1816 Johnston Co., NC From "Marriages of Johnston County, North Carolina 1762-1868," Brent H. Holcomb, 1985 (Craven County Library):
James Roberts & Nancy Bodiery, Britain Roberts, bondsman;

!CENSUS:1820 Johnston Co., NC next to Britain Roberts (father?)
pg 257 James Roberts age 16-25 (1794/1804) 300100-01100-0-0;

!DEED:--date?-- Johnston Co., NC Deed Book O2-293
Date? James Roberts to Mariah Bodery, note for $50 with interest dated 23 Aug 1823 John Hamilton, witness, and note for $37 with interested dated 2 Sep 1829 ... sundry items listed ... Wit: David Thomson. S: James X Roberts.;

!CENSUS:1830 Johnston Co., NC alphabetical
pg 116 James Roberts age 30-39 (1790/1800) 021011-210101;

!DEED:29 Jun 1830 Johnston Co., NC Deed Book P2-60
29 Jun 1830 Mariah Bodery for love for my sister Nancy Roberts wife of James Roberts and to their children. Elbert W. Roberts the older son of said James and Nancy ... all the property I have ... reserving life maintenance of herself and James and Nancy and all their children (not named). Witnesses: John S. Powell. S: Mariah (X) Bodery;

!NAMED:(Registered 1841) Johnston Co., NC Deed Book T2-308
Registered 1841 Elbert Roberts (no residence given) to Bythan Bryan of same place (sic) for $200 paid to me and my father James Roberts ... North side of Neuse River patent to John Davis 21 Oct 1782 ... Isaac Powell's corner, Kedar Powell's line ... Deal Collins' corner. Witnesses: David Thomson, John S. Powell. S: E. W. Roberts;

!CENSUS:1840 x not in Johnston; 
Roberts, James (I82594)
4107 !CENSUS:1800;


!MARRIAGE BOND: 8 Dec 1818 Rutherford Co., NC Solomon Wright & Mary Wishon, Henry Whitener, bm, Joseph Dellinger, bm.

!CENSUS:1820 * Burke Co., NC pg 109 Solomon Wright age 26-44 (1775/94)

!CENSUS:1830 Lincoln Co., NC pg 256 Solomon Wright age 30-39 (1790/1800)


!CENSUS:1850 * Lumpkin Co., GA pg 50 # 2
Solomon Wright, 60 Farmer $100 NC
Mary, 60
Jackson, 20
Elizabeth, 18 SC
Frederick, 17 GA
Jesse, 16
- Not 100% positive this is same Solomon and Mary from Lincoln Co., NC, but it fits nicely; 
Wright, Solomon (I79817)
4108 !CENSUS:1800;


!MARRIAGE BOND: 8 Feb 1820 Johnston Co., NC From "Marriages of Johnston County, North Carolina 1762-1868," Brent H. Holcomb, 1985 (Craven County Library):
Nathan Brady & Cynthia Roberts, James Roberts, bondsman;

!CENSUS:1820 Johnston Co., NC next to William Thompson (m Fereby Roberts)
pg 277 Nathan Brady age 16-25 16-18 (1794/1804, 1802/04) 001100-01000-0-0;

!CENSUS:1830 Johnston Co., NC alphabetical
pg 38 (87) Nathan Brady age 20-29 (1800/10) 00001-110001;

!CENSUS:1840 x

!CENSUS:1850 x 
Brady, Nathan (I91125)
4109 !CENSUS:1800;


!MARRIAGE BOND: 9 Jun 1812 Person Co, NC David Grant and --- Henry Dixon, bm, Alex M. Long, bm;




Grant, David (I94849)
4110 !CENSUS:1800;


!MARRIAGE BOND:11 Oct 1815 Stokes Co., NC David Hoots & Sally Right, Joseph Krouse, bm

!CENSUS:1820 Stokes Co., NC pg 346 w/David Hootes age 16-25 (1794/1804)

!CENSUS:1830 Stokes Co., NC pg 279 w/David Hootes age 30-39 (1790/1800)

!CENSUS:1840 Coles Co., IL pg xx w/David Hoots Sr. age 30-39 (1800/10)

!CENSUS:1850 Coles Co. IL Lower Okaw # 60/60 *; 
Wright, Sarah (I81532)
4111 !CENSUS:1800;


!MARRIAGE BOND:12 Dec 1817 Scott Co., VA John Hensley & James Head, bound unto James P. Preston, Governor of VA ... 12 Dec 1817 for marriage between John Hensley and Polly Head;

!TAXLIST:1818 Scott Co, VA John HENSLEY 1 male over 16 (born ca 1802 or before);

!TAXLIST:1819 Scott Co, VA John HENSLEY, 1 male over 16;

!TAXLIST:1820 Scott Co, VA John HENSLEY, 1 male over 16;

!CENSUS:1820 Scott Co, VA p 192 John HENSLEY age 16-25 (1794/1804)

!TAXLIST:1823 Scott Co, VA John HENSLEY, 1 male over 16, 2 horses;

!TAXLIST:1824 Scott Co, VA John HENSLEY, 1 male over 16, 2 horses;

!TAXLIST:1825 Scott Co, VA John HENSLEY, 1 male over 16, 2 horses;

!TAXLIST:1826 Scott Co, VA John HENSLEY Sr, 1 male over 16, 1 horse;

!TAXLIST:1827 Scott Co, VA John HENSLEY, 1 male over 16, 2 horses;

!TAXLIST:1828 Scott Co, VA John HENSLEY, 1 male over 16, 2 horses;

!CENSUS:1830 Washington Co, VA 256 John HENSLEY 30-39 (1790/1800)

!CENSUS:1840 Washington Co, VA 218 John HENSLEY 40-49 (1790/1800)

!CENSUS:1850 Washington Co, VA PHF 193B-1834-1834 67 District
John Hansley 52 M Farmer Virginia
Mary 51 F “
Betsey 25 F “
Franklin 20 M “ “
Ann 18 F “
John 18 M “ “
Mary 16 F “
Lilbourn 13 M “
Margaret 10 F “
C. Jane 11 F “
Frances 7 F “
Ann 6/12 F “ 
Hensley, John (I54590)
4112 !CENSUS:1800;


!MARRIAGE BOND:13 Aug 1811 Stokes Co., NC John Guymon & Mary Right, Lin Flynn, bm 
Wright, Mary (I81023)
4113 !CENSUS:1800;


!MARRIAGE BOND:13 Jan 1810 Cabarrus Co, NC John TANNER & Caty TRICKY, Saml D. TEMPLTON, bm;




Tanner, John (I84347)
4114 !CENSUS:1800;


!MARRIAGE BOND:18 Dec 1816 Cabarrus Co, NC Joseph S. BAKER and Peggy TANNER, Jacob GOUGER, bm;




Tanner, Peggy (I84353)
4115 !CENSUS:1800;


!MARRIAGE BOND:21 Jan 1817 Stokes Co., NC Timothy Holland & Anna Wright, Samuel Shults, bm

!CENSUS:1820 Stokes Co., NC pg 348 w/Timothy Holland age 26-44 (1775/94)

!CENSUS:1830 Stokes Co., NC pg 279 w/Timothy Holland age 30-39 (1790/1800)

!CENSUS:1840 Stokes Co., NC Bethabara Dist pg 163 w/Timothy Holland age 40-49 (1790/1800) 0110001-0112001; 
Wright, Anna (I80451)
4116 !CENSUS:1800;


!MARRIAGE BOND:27 Jul 1815 Rowan Co., NC John Wright & Sarah Richards, John Johnson, bm

!CENSUS:1820 x 
Wright, John (I80944)
4117 !CENSUS:1800;


!MARRIAGE BOND:29 Oct 1818 Bedford Co, VA Samuel WINFREE and Charlotte HOPKINS, d/o William. MIlton F. HOPKINS, Surety; 
Winfrey, Samuel (I89499)
4118 !CENSUS:1800;


!MARRIAGE BOND:29 Oct 1818 Bedford Co, VA Samuel WINFREE and Charlotte HOPKINS, d/o William. MIlton F. HOPKINS, Surety; 
Hopkins, Charlotte (I89036)
4119 !CENSUS:1800;


!MARRIAGE: 5 Dec 1814 Lincoln Co, NC William COX & Margaret STOWE, Joel STOWE, Surety, James T. ALEXANDER, Wit;

!CENSUS:1820 * Lincoln Co, NC pg 340 William COX *;

!CENSUS:1830 * Lincoln Co, NC pg 178 William COX (or pg 261) *;

!CENSUS:1840 * Not in Lincoln Co, NC;

Cox, William (I40734)
4120 !CENSUS:1800;


!MARRIAGE: 6 Aug 1819 Blount Co, TN Elijah HATCHER & Rebecca WALKER;


!CENSUS:1830 Blount Co, TN pg 312 Elijah HATCHER age 30-39 (1790/1800) "210001-12101";


!CENSUS:1850 * Blount Co, TN # 1688 Elizah HACHER, 53 (1796/97) born TN; 
Hatcher, Elijah (I34598)
4121 !CENSUS:1800;


!MARRIAGE: 6 Jan 1819 Brunswick Co, NC Calvin DAVIS & Heppy BERNARD;

!CENSUS:1820 Brunswick Co, NC pg 4 Calvin DAVIS age 18-25 (1794/1802);

Davis, Calvin (I82288)
4122 !CENSUS:1800;


!MARRIAGE: 9 Jan 1820 Rutherford Co, NC William J. SMITH & Elizabeth
MORIS, David ALLEN, Henry BURNETT, bm;




Morris, Elizabeth (I83495)
4123 !CENSUS:1800;


!MARRIAGE:10 Sep 1819 Brunswick Co, VA Marriage Bonds Hugh H.
WILLIAMS & Elizabeth F. DUGGER. James DUGGER, Sec;

Dugger, Elizabeth F (I89870)
4124 !CENSUS:1800;


!MARRIAGE:11 May 1818 Rutherford Co, NC Edward PATTERSON & Mildred LEWIS, Charles LEWIS, bm;



!NAMED:-- -- 1833 Rutherford Co, NC Will E-4 of Charles LEWIS, pr Jan 1834. Wife Elizabeth, children: George, Pitman, John, Charles, Preston, Taliaferro, William, Mary, Sarah, Mildred, Elizabeth and Nancy. Daughter Nancy WHITESIDE. Sons-in-law Moses ZIMMIONS & Edward PATTERSON my executors. Wit: Daniel McCORMICK, George BLACK, John GREER. S: Charles Lewis;

Patterson, Edward (I27452)
4125 !CENSUS:1800;


!MARRIAGE:11 May 1818 Rutherford Co, NC Edward PATTERSON & Mildred LEWIS, Charles LEWIS, bm;



!NAMED:-- -- 1833 Rutherford Co, NC Will E-4 of Charles LEWIS, pr Jan 1834. Wife Elizabeth, children: George, Pitman, John, Charles, Preston, Taliaferro, William, Mary, Sarah, Mildred, Elizabeth and Nancy. Daughter Nancy WHITESIDE. Sons-in-law Moses ZIMMIONS & Edward PATTERSON my executors. Wit: Daniel McCORMICK, George BLACK, John GREER. S: Charles Lewis;

Lewis, Mildred (I27446)
4126 !CENSUS:1800;


!MARRIAGE:11 Sep 1814 Stokes Co, NC Joseph BOLES & Polly HERROD;

!CENSUS:1820 Stokes Co, NC pg 334 Joseph BOLES age 26-44 (1775/94) "200010-30010";

!CENSUS:1830 Stokes Co, NC pg 274 Joseph BOLES age 30-39 (1790/1800) "220101-323001";

!CENSUS:1840 Stokes Co, NC pg 144 Joseph BOLES age 50-59 (1780/90) "00122001-1113101";

!CENSUS:1850 Stokes Co, NC Richmond Dist # 624 Joseph BOLES, 59 (1790/91) born NC; 
Boles, Joseph (I87797)
4127 !CENSUS:1800;


!MARRIAGE:12 May 1819 Burke Co, NC Joseph PEARSON & Sally GILBERT, John A. PEARSON, bm. Wit: J. ERWIN, Clk;

!CENSUS:1820 Burke Co, NC pg 47 w/Joseph PEARSON age 16-25 (1794/1804);



Gilbert, Sarah (I88891)
4128 !CENSUS:1800;


!MARRIAGE:13 Mar 1819 Rutherford Co, NC Joseph McGaughy to Martha
Dunlap, James McGaughy, bm;



CENSUS:1840 Macon Co, NC pg 159 age 40-49 (1790/1800);

McGaha, Joseph (I32997)
4129 !CENSUS:1800;


!MARRIAGE:13 Sep 1816 Rutherford Co, NC Jesse BRADY & Easter TANNER, Allen ROGERS, bm;





!CENSUS:1860 * Dawson Co, GA *;

!CENSUS:1870 * Lumpkin Co, GA Easter BRADY, 73 (c1796/97) *; 
Tanner, Easter (I20900)
4130 !CENSUS:1800;


!MARRIAGE:13 SEP 1817 Haywood Co, NC Martin HEFLEY adn Clerrisay MAHAFFY (d/o Joseph). No bm. John B. LOVE, wit;

!CENSUS:1820 Haywood Co, NC pg 221 w/Martin HEFLEY age 26-44 (1775/94);



Mahaffey, Clarissa (I21491)
4131 !CENSUS:1800;


!MARRIAGE:22 Jun 1818 Rutherford Co, NC William WOOD & Martha TANNER, Thomas McDANIEL, bm;


!CENSUS:1830 * Rutherford Co, NC pg 466 w/William WOOD age 30-39 (1790/1800) * OR Rutherford Co, NC pg 501 w/William WOOD age 30-39 (1790/1800);

!CENSUS:1840 * Rutherford Co, NC pg 264 w/William WOOD age 30-39 (1800/10);

Tanner, Martha (I20902)
4132 !CENSUS:1800;


!MARRIAGE:23 Aug 1815 Scott Co, VA (From Jim Brown): I hereby consent that a marriage License be Ifsue to Join in matrimony my daughter Caty with Sam'l Hensley August 23d 1815. S: Michael (X) McDavid. Teste Robert McCullah, Temple (+) Hensley;

!MARRIAGE:30 Aug 1815 Scott Co, VA Samuel HENSLEY and Catherine McDAVID by Samuel Helton;

!TAXLIST:1816 Scott Co, VA Samuel Hensley 1 white male over 21, 1 horse;


!CENSUS:1830 Greene Co, TN pg 207 Samuel HENSLEY age 40-49 (1780/90)

!CENSUS:1840 Greene Co, TN pg 57 Samuel HENSLEY age 40-49 (1790/1800)

!CENSUS:1850 x 
Hensley, Samuel (I41244)
4133 !CENSUS:1800;


!MARRIAGE:23 Oct 1819 Rutherford Co, NC Philip HUMPHREYS & Sally
MORRIS, 23 Oct 1819, Henry MORRIS, bm;




Morris, Sally (I82551)
4134 !CENSUS:1800;


!MARRIAGE:28 Sep 1811 Haywood Co, NC John EVANS & Sussanah BIRD (d/o Thomas), John WOODY, bm, Robert LOVE, Clk;

!CENSUS:1820 Haywood Co, NC pg 219 John C. EVANS age 18-25 (1794/1802);

!CENSUS:1830 Haywood Co, NC pg 361 John EVINS age 30-39 (1790/1800);

!CENSUS:1840 Haywood Co, NC pg 125 John EVANS age 40-49 (1790/1800);

!CENSUS:1850 Haywood Co, NC # 537 John C. EVANS, 55 (1794/95) born NC;

!CENSUS:1860 Haywood Co, NC # 28 John C. EVANS, 64 (1795/96) born NC;

Evans, John C (I35312)
4135 !CENSUS:1800;


!MARRIAGE:29 Aug 1817 Haywood Co, NC Marriage Bonds Zachariah EVANS & Mary WATERS, daughter of Michael WATERS, Isham EVINS, bm;

!CENSUS:1820 Haywood Co, NC pg 219 Zachariah EVANS age 16-25 (1794/1804) "000100-20100";

!CENSUS:1830 Macon Co, NC pg 18 Zachariah EVANS age 30-39 (1790/1800)

!POLL:1835 Macon Co, NC Franklin Precinct Z. EVANS;

!COURT:Jun 1838 Macon Co, NC Court Minutes 1838-1855 pg 4 Zachariah EVANS a sworn Constable appointed to attend Grand Jury;

!DEED:20 Dec 1838 Macon Co, NC Deeds B-74 State of N.C. Grant # 295 to Zachariah EVENS, 50a on Burningtown Creek in Dist 17, Granted 20 Dec 1838, reg 1 Feb 1839;

!CENSUS:1840 Macon Co, NC pg 154 Zachariah EVANS age 40-49 (1790/1800)

!COURT:Mar 1840 Macon Co, NC Court Minutes 1838-1855 pg 82 James ROBINSON & Stephen GREENWOOD vs Zachariah EVANS = casa. Michael J. WATERS surrendered in open court the body of Zachariah EVANS in discharge of himself as bail;

!COURT:Mar 1840 Macon Co, NC Court Minutes 1838-1855 pg 85 William F. PASSMORE vs Zachariah EVANS;

!COURT:Jun 1840 Macon Co, NC Court Minutes 1838-1855 pg 92 Silas McDOWELL vs Zachariah EVANS;

!DEED:13 Jul 1840 Macon Co, NC Deeds D-1644 John WILD to Samuel H. WATERS, both of Macon for $20, 50a Sec 345 Dist 17 on reservation line. S: John Wild. Wit: Z. EVINS, David BULLARD;

!COURT:Jan 1842 Macon Co, NC Court Minutes 1838-1855 pg 164 Jacob SILER vs Z. EVANS - casa;

!COURT:Jan 1842 Macon Co, NC Court Minutes 1838-1855 pg 170 Jury ... Eli COLLINS ... Z. EVANS ...;

!COURT:Mar 1843 Macon Co, NC Court Minutes 1838-1855 pg 218 Z. EVANS vs John ARNOLD, M.E. MULL, B. GUY - writ. Samuel M. BRYSON Jr called and failed, judgement acc. to sub.;

!COURT:Dec 1843 Macon Co, NC Court Minutes 1838-1855 pg 235 Z. EVANS vs John ARNOLD, William E. MULL & B. GUY - appeal;

!COURT:Sep 1846 Macon Co, NC Court Minutes 1838-1855 pg 343 Richard CLAMPETT returned his road order on oath of --- EVANS;

!CENSUS:1850 Macon Co, NC Tennessee Valley pg 340B # 344/351
Zachariah EVANS, 55 SC
Mary, 50 Mecklenburg NC
Mary, 30 Haywood
Samuel, 25 Haywood
Jackson, 21 Macon
Hannah, 16
James, 12
Michael, 8
Zachariah, 5;

CENSUS:1860 Macon Co, NC Nantahala pg 278 # 700/714
Zachariah EVANS, 66 SC
Mary, 65 Mecklenburg NC
Samuel H. 40 Laborer, Haywood
Hannah, 25
James A. 22 Macon
Zachariah, 19;
!CENSUS:1870 x 
Evans, Zachariah (I3031)
4136 !CENSUS:1800;


!NAMED-PROBATE ROLL # 630 Marion Co., SC Joseph Page 2 Mar 1818
Joseph Page, adm
Will (no date)
Dau Elizabeth Floyd, Delilah Floyd and Ann Herrin
sons Ebraham (oldest son), John and Elias Page
dau Susannah Page the youngest daughter
wit: Edmund Price, Delilah Price
proven 2 Mar 1818.
Joseph Page (Jr), adm states Joseph is his father. He is not listed in Will.;

!CENSUS:1840 Robeson Co, NC pg 204 Joseph PAGE age 50-59 (1780/90)

!REFERENCE: A History of Marion County, South Carolina From Its Earliest Times to the Present, 1901, by W. W. Sellers, Esq., of the Marion Bar. 1902. pp. 162-166
Joseph died about the first of the ninetenth century, leaving three sons and several daughters; his wife was a Miss Horn; his sons were Joseph and Abram and John W.
The son, Joseph, settled on the paternal homestead, just across the State line, in North Carolina, owning lands, however, in both States; he married a Miss Connerly, a North Carolina lady; died many years ago, quite a thrifty man, leaving two sons, Joseph, and Timothy, and four daughters; his large landed property descended to his two sons, Joseph and Timothy. Joseph is dead, leaving sons and daughters, unknown to the writer. Timothy raised a considerable family, sons and daughters, and is still living. Timothy's sisters, all older than he and his brother, Joseph, married well ; one an Elvington, one a Lewis, one a Connerly, and another, the youngest. Civil, married William H. Oliver, of North Carolina, and became the mother of two of our most respected and worthy citizens, to wit : the late Joseph R. Oliver and the late Dr. Wm. A. Oliver, both quite prominent, whose descendants, sons and daughters, married and single, are among us now, treading in the footsteps of their honored and beloved sires. ;

!REFERENCE: A History of Marion County, South Carolina From Its Earliest Times to the Present, 1901, by W. W. Sellers, Esq., of the Marion Bar. 1902. pp. 173-175
Old man Jessee Elvington lived and died on Bear Swamp; he was an old man seventy years ago ; a good manager and snug farmer he raised a considerable family, sons and daughters. Three sons, Giles, Hughey and John E. Giles Elvington married Miss Mary Ann Page, daughter of Joseph Page, just in North Carolina; Giles Elvington lived till after the war, and died an old man, after having married a second time. By his first wife he raised several children, sons and daughters, none of whom are now known to the writer. Giles Elvington owned the plantation where Dr. William A. Oliver lately died ; he, like his father, was a good manager—at least, during his first wife's lifetime, and he and family were highly respected. Hughey Elvington married one of the ten girls of John Goodyear, hereinbefore mentioned, and she is now the wife of Wilson Lewis, of Horry, and weighs 260 pounds, as she recently told the writer. Hughey Elvington was a good citizen. John E. Elvington married a Miss Deer (Elizabeth Ann), daughter of Joseph Deer ; her mother was a Page, and he inherited the old homestead of his father ; he has been dead several years ; raised a family quite respectable. A daughter of his is now the wife of William J. Williamson, who it is supposed has grown children. The several daughters of old Jesse Elvington married; one married the late Elgate Horn, who raised a large family, entirely unknown; another daughter married William B. Grantham, of North Carolina ; they are both dead and died childless. I do not know Whom the other daughter of old man Jessee married. The Elvingtons and their connections are numerous, and all sprang from the two old men, John and Jesse Elvington. 
Page, Joseph (I61483)
4137 !CENSUS:1800;


!NAMED:13 Jul 1815 Rutherford Co, NC Wills D-100 Agness MILLER, widow and relict of James MILLER. pr Jan 1829. Daughter Mary, wife of James ERWIN. Grandson Arthur ERWIN, 2nd son of James ERWIN. Granddaughter Sarah, d/o of said James ERWIN. Granddaughter Mary Matilda ERWIN d/o James ERWIN. Grandson James Miller ERWIN. Grandson Richard Lewis ERWIN s/o James ERWIN. Daughter Mary ERWIN. Executors: Jonathan HAMPTON, Esq and John MOORE, Esq. Wit: Robert WILLIAMSON, A.T. ERWIN; S: Agness (X) Miller; 
Erwin, Arthur Colonel (I9272)
4138 !CENSUS:1800;


!NAMED:13 Jul 1815 Rutherford Co, NC Wills D-100 Agness MILLER, widow and relict of James MILLER. pr Jan 1829. Daughter Mary, wife of James ERWIN. Grandson Arthur ERWIN, 2nd son of James ERWIN. Granddaughter Sarah, d/o of said James ERWIN. Granddaughter Mary Matilda ERWIN d/o James ERWIN. Grandson James Miller ERWIN. Grandson Richard Lewis ERWIN s/o James ERWIN. Daughter Mary ERWIN. Executors: Jonathan HAMPTON, Esq and John MOORE, Esq. Wit: Robert WILLIAMSON, A.T. ERWIN; S: Agness (X) Miller; 
Erwin, Richard Lewis (I9270)
4139 !CENSUS:1800;


!NAMED:13 Jul 1815 Rutherford Co, NC Wills D-100 Agness MILLER, widow and relict of James MILLER. pr Jan 1829. Daughter Mary, wife of James ERWIN. Grandson Arthur ERWIN, 2nd son of James ERWIN. Granddaughter Sarah, d/o of said James ERWIN. Granddaughter Mary Matilda ERWIN d/o James ERWIN. Grandson James Miller ERWIN. Grandson Richard Lewis ERWIN s/o James ERWIN. Daughter Mary ERWIN. Executors: Jonathan HAMPTON, Esq and John MOORE, Esq. Wit: Robert WILLIAMSON, A.T. ERWIN; S: Agness (X) Miller; 
Erwin, Sarah (I9263)
4140 !CENSUS:1800;


!NAMED:13 Jul 1815 Rutherford Co, NC Wills D-100 Agness MILLER, widow and relict of James MILLER. pr Jan 1829. Daughter Mary, wife of James ERWIN. Grandson Arthur ERWIN, 2nd son of James ERWIN. Granddaughter Sarah, d/o of said James ERWIN. Granddaughter Mary Matilda ERWIN d/o James ERWIN. Grandson James Miller ERWIN. Grandson Richard Lewis ERWIN s/o James ERWIN. Daughter Mary ERWIN. Executors: Jonathan HAMPTON, Esq and John MOORE, Esq. Wit: Robert WILLIAMSON, A.T. ERWIN; S: Agness (X) Miller; 
Erwin, James Miller (I9262)
4141 !CENSUS:1800;


!NAMED:13 Jul 1815 Rutherford Co, NC Wills D-100 Agness MILLER, widow and relict of James MILLER. pr Jan 1829. Daughter Mary, wife of James ERWIN. Grandson Arthur ERWIN, 2nd son of James ERWIN. Granddaughter Sarah, d/o of said James ERWIN. Granddaughter Mary Matilda ERWIN d/o James ERWIN. Grandson James Miller ERWIN. Grandson Richard Lewis ERWIN s/o James ERWIN. Daughter Mary ERWIN. Executors: Jonathan HAMPTON, Esq and John MOORE, Esq. Wit: Robert WILLIAMSON, A.T. ERWIN; S: Agness (X) Miller; 
Erwin, James (I9253)
4142 !CENSUS:1800;


!NAMED:20 Mar 1816 Caswell Co, NC Will of John HENSLEE as "son John";

!NAMED:20 Mar 1816 Caswell Co, NC Division of lands of John HENSLEY;

!MARRIAGE: 2 Apr 1816 Caswell Co, NC John HENSLEY Jr & Matilda KEMP;


!CENSUS:1830 * Giles Co, TN pg 182 John HENSLEY age 30-39 (1790/1800) "201001-000001" or Robertson Co, TN pg 428 John HENSLEY age 30-39 (1790/1800) "011001-113101";


!CENSUS:1850 Mercer Co, MO pg 405 John HENSLEE, 57 (1792/93) born NC;

!CENSUS:1860 Mercer Co, MO pg 148 John HENSLEY, 69 (1790/91) born SC;

!CENSUS:1870 Mercer Co, MO pg 153 John HENSLEE, 75 (1794/95) born NC;

Hensley, John (I85604)
4143 !CENSUS:1800;


!NOTE:From LS:War of 1812 Pension App of Jesse Hensley and widow whose maiden name was Susan Peters were married on 1 Sep 1813 in Sullivan Co TN.Jesse died 11 Apr 1858 in Owen Co IN.He served in 5th Regt.Va Militia in Cpt.Willie Jones'Company. Testifying for Susan were David and Celia Minnick who had been married in 1812 and lived near Jesse and Susan in 1813..

!CENSUS:1820 Scott Co, VA pg 11 w/David Minick age 16-25 (1794/1804);



!CENSUS:1850 Owen Co., IN # 728/730
David Minick, 66, VA
Cely, 56
Harrison, 12 IN
Ruth J. 12; 
Hensley, Celia (I54604)
4144 !CENSUS:1800;


!TAXLIST:1814 Marion Dist, SC Lidia CAMPBELL $0.50;

!CENSUS:1820 Marion Dist, SC pg 56 Liddy CAMPBELL age 45+ (bef 1775);


!CENSUS:1840 Marion Dist, SC pg 141 w/W.S. CAMPBELL age 50-59 (1780/90);

!CENSUS:1850 Marion Dist, SC # 1485 Lydia CAMPBELL, 65 (1784/85) born Marion;

Lydia (I17555)
4145 !CENSUS:1800;

!CENSUS:1820 Horry Dist, SC pg 135 w/Samuel HODGE age 16-25 (1794/1804);

!CENSUS:1830 Marion Dist, SC pg 25 w/Samuel HODGES age 20-29 (1800/10); 
Johnson (I29666)
4146 !CENSUS:1800;


!CENSUS:1830 Robeson Co, NC pg 240 w/Ervin JACKSON age 30-39 (1790/1800);

!CENSUS:1840 Robeson Co, NC pg 203 w/Erwin JACKSON age 40-49 (1790/1800);

!NAMED-PROBATE ROLL # 1152 1/2 Marion Co., SC Mark Watson 1856
Will 29 Jul 1845 Mark Watson
Wife Mary Watson
daus Letia Jackson wife of Ervin Jackson
Mary McDonald wife of Isham McDonald
grandson John Jackson son of Letia Jackson
Executors: My sons-in-law Isham McDonald and Ervin Jackson
S: Mark Watson
W: Neil McCormick, James Campbell, Archibald D. McCormick
Proved 2 Jun 1856 by James Campbell;

!CENSUS:1850 Robeson Co, NC Southern # 888/888
Ervin JACKSON, 50, Farmer, $ 200 SC
Malissa, 49
Quincy, 21 Laborer
Allen, 18 ";

!CENSUS:1860 Robeson Co, NC pg 1044 # 893/863
Irvin JACKSON, 70, SC
Lisia, 65 SC
Quincy, 34, Farm Laborer, NC
Allan, 32 " NC
Catherine, 20 SC
Mary J. 2 NC
Duncan E. 2/12;

!REFERENCE:"A History of Marion County, South Carolina" by W.W. Sellers, Esq.
1902. Pg 280; 
Watson, Malissa (I18211)
4147 !CENSUS:1800;




!CENSUS:1860 Marion Dist, SC # 1933
Leah, 55
William, 38
Ann 28
E. (f) 26
H. (f) 24; 
Huggins, Solomon (I49157)
4148 !CENSUS:1800;

!CENSUS:1840 Wythe Co., VA pg 58 Samuel Evans age 40-49 (1790/1800)
Evans, Samuel S S (I90075)
4149 !CENSUS:1800;

!CENSUS:1850 * Washington Co, VA;
!CENSUS:1860 * Washington Co, VA; 
Grant, James (I91393)
4150 !CENSUS:1800;

!COURT:27 Nov 1805 (From "Johnston County North Carolina Court Minutes 1805 thru 1807 Book VII," by Weynette Parks Haun, 1976.)
78 27 Nov 1805 Ordered that Adin Roberts, orphan of William Roberts, deceased, be bound out as apprentice to John Willingsworth until 21, being 8 years old now, to learn art of Blacksmith.



!MARRIAGE BOND:20 May 1824 Johnston Co., NC From "Marriages of Johnston County, North Carolina 1762-1868," Brent H. Holcomb, 1985 (Craven County Library):
Adin Roberts & Sophia Stevens, Bythan Bryan, bondsman;

!DEED:25 May 1825 Johnston Co., NC Deed Book N2-37
25 May 1825 Adin Roberts of the 1st part, David Thomson of the 2nd part and Ray Holme of the 3rd part, all of Town of Smithfield. Adin Roberts being indebted to the firm of Washington and Thomson (of which David Thomson is a member) for (various amounts listed) ... land adjoining the Town of Smithfield, late property of John Stevens, deceased to his heir Sophia the wife of said Adin Roberts ... Witness: R. Sanders. S: A. Roberts, Ray Holme, David Thomson.;

!CENSUS:1830 Johnston Co., NC alphabetical
pg 116 Aden Roberts age 30-39 (1790/1800) 110001-00001;

!CENSUS:1840 Johnston Co, NC
pg 248 Adin Roberts age 40-49 (1790/1800) 2020001-000001;

!CENSUS:1850 Sampson Co, NC North Division # 778
Adin Roberts, 52 House Carpenter, NC
Sophia, 48
Royal 20 m
Joseph 16
Needham 12
Gideon 6;

!CENSUS:1860 Sampson Co., NC Northern Divison Piney Grove District, # 742/691
Adin Roberts 62 Farmer $ 0/119 NC
Sophia 54
Needham A. 22 farm laborer
Gideon A. 15 (invalid);

!CENSUS:1870 Sampson Co., NC Clinton Township, # 13/13
John W. Roberts, 44 Post Master, $ 0/250 NC
Harriett 49
Victoria J. 16
Ardelia V. 14
Louisa P. 13
Sophia E. 8
Aden, 72; 
Roberts, Aden (I91251)

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