Marty and Karla Grant (TNG)



Matches 4,151 to 4,200 of 83,474

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 #   Notes   Linked to 
4151 !CENSUS:1800;

!DEED:19 Sep 1801 Marion Co., SC Deed Book A page 184
Zadock Yelventon of Marion Dist., to my children after my death
son Gedion Yelventon
son Zadock Yelventon
son Asia Yelventon
dau Martha Yelventon
dau Sarah Yelventon
son Nathan Yelventon
appoint son Jesse Yelventon guardian if children are minors.
s: Zadock (X) Yelventon
Wit: Jesse (X) Yelventon, Thomas (X) Davis;


!CENSUS:1820 Robeson Co., NC pg 309
Asa Elvington age 26-44 (1775/94)

!CENSUS:1830 Robeson Co., NC pg 239
Asa Yelvington age 30-39 (1790/1800)

!CENSUS:1840 Choctaw Co., MS pg 2
Asa Yelvington age 40-49 (1790/1800)

!CENSUS:1850 Choctaw Co., MS Western Division # 310/311
Asa Yelvington 58 Farmer $600 SC
Sarah 59 NC
Mitchel 22 Farmer NC
Sarah J. Thomas 21
Rosa A. Yelvington 19
James M. Thomas 22 Farming AL
John Mitchell 60 Shoemaker NC; 
Yelvington, Asa (I77544)
4152 !CENSUS:1800;

!DEED:20 Feb 1811 Marion Co., SC Book E page 274
Elizabeth Pouncey to
dau Rachel Booth & husband Shelly Booth ...
to dau Anise Tart ...
gr-ch, ch of Rachel Booth, Tobias, Francis, Clarkey and John ...
my gr-ch ch of Anis Tart, Elizabeth, Thomas, Sarah & Jonathan ...
S: Elizabeth (X) Pouncey
W: Thomas Perkins, William Taylor, John Gibson;


!CENSUS:1830 * Hinds Co., MS pg
John Boothe age 30-39 (1790/1800)

!CENSUS:1840 Warren Co., MS pg 274
Jno Booth age 30-39 (1800/10)

!CENSUS:1850 Hinds Co., MS # 515/515
John Booth 43 Planter $1200 MS
Nancy 37
James 18
Thomas 15
Tobias 14
William 13
Rachael 11
Sehlly 8
Frances 5 f
David 3
Winfield S. 1; 
Booth, John (I78104)
4153 !CENSUS:1800;

!DEED:21 Jun 1807 Marion Co., SC Deed Book C page 381
Joseph Perritt of Marion Dist., Planter to my children:
Elizabeth Perritt, Jesse Perritt, Sarah Perritt, William Perritt & Joseph Perritt, ... furniture, negroes, etc.
... to my wife Sarah ...
John Ford gdn for afsd children.
S: Joseph Perritt.
W: Washn. Cade, George Ford.;



!CENSUS:1830 * Marion Dist, SC pg 38 w/William Perritt age 50-59 (1770/80);

!NAMED-EQUITY ROLL # 207 Gideon Powers et ux vs. William Perritt et all 1839
2 Jan 1839 Gideon Powers and wife Elizabeth Powers show that on 14 Jan 1826 orator purchased from Sarah Perritt several negroes. ...
William Daniels married Mary Perritt dau of Sarah Perritt. Oratrix also dau of Sarah Perritt.
... deed from father Joseph Perritt 21 Jun 1807. Joseph is still living in Marion has not lived with his wife for a number of years. Sarah Perritt still living. Following children:
Elizabeth wife of Gideon Powers
Jesse Perritt
William Perritt
Mary wife of William Daniels
John Perritt;

!CENSUS:1840 Marion Dist, SC pg 176 w/Joseph Perrit age 60-69 (1770/80);

!NAMED-PROBATE ROLL # 654 John Perrit Marion Co., SC 1843
Adm. Bond 22 Nov 1843 ...
18 Nov 1843 heirs:
mother Sarah Perritt
Jesse Perritt
William Perritt
Sarah Daniel
Boswell Daniel
Gamewell Daniel
Martha Jane Daniel
Perry Daniel
and your petitioner (Gideon Powers) who married sister of decd.

!CENSUS:1850 Marion Dist., SC # 1169/1174
Jesse Perrit 50 Farmer $2500 Marion
Mary, 50
Ann, 5
Sarah, 75; 
Sarah (I42615)
4154 !CENSUS:1800;

!DEED:21 Jun 1807 Marion Co., SC Deed Book C page 381
Joseph Perritt of Marion Dist., Planter to my children:
Elizabeth Perritt, Jesse Perritt, Sarah Perritt, William Perritt & Joseph Perritt, ... furniture, negroes, etc.
... to my wife Sarah ...
John Ford gdn for afsd children.
S: Joseph Perritt.
W: Washn. Cade, George Ford.;



!MARRIAGE:From "The Pee Dee Index" - "Genealogical Abstracts from Marion, South Carolina Newspapers 1858-1886" Abstracted by Gloria Calhoun, Pee Dee Chapter SCGS, Marion, SC 1999;

!CENSUS:1830 Marion Dist., SC pg 40
Jesse Perritt age 30-39 (1790/1800)
000001-000001, slaves=000000-000000;

!NAMED-EQUITY ROLL # 207 Gideon Powers et ux vs. William Perritt et all 1839
2 Jan 1839 Gideon Powers and wife Elizabeth Powers show that on 14 Jan 1826 orator purchased from Sarah Perritt several negroes. ...
William Daniels married Mary Perritt dau of Sarah Perritt. Oratrix also dau of Sarah Perritt.
... deed from father Joseph Perritt 21 Jun 1807. Joseph is still living in Marion has not lived with his wife for a number of years. Sarah Perritt still living. Following children:
Elizabeth wife of Gideon Powers
Jesse Perritt
William Perritt
Mary wife of William Daniels
John Perritt;

!CENSUS:1840 Marion Dist., SC pg 176
Jesse Perret age 40-49 (1790/1800)
0000001-0000001, slaves=000000-000000;

!NAMED-PROBATE ROLL # 635 Joseph Perrit Marion Co., SC 1841
Will dated 12 Feb 1841
son John Perrit
sons Jesse and William
to William Daniel (NRS)
to Gedion Powers
Executors Jesse and John Perrit.
W: Archd Kirby, Stephen Grice, Wm Hale
Proved 19 Feb 1841

!NAMED-PROBATE ROLL # 654 John Perrit Marion Co., SC 1843
Adm. Bond 22 Nov 1843 ...
18 Nov 1843 heirs:
mother Sarah Perritt
Jesse Perritt
William Perritt
Sarah Daniel
Boswell Daniel
Gamewell Daniel
Martha Jane Daniel
Perry Daniel
and your petitioner (Gideon Powers) who married sister of decd.

!CENSUS:1850 Marion Dist., SC # 1169/1174
Jesse Perrit 50 Farmer $2500 Marion
Mary, 50
Ann, 5
Sarah, 75;


!MARRIAGE:From the Marion Star - "Genealogical Abstracts from Marion, South Carolina Newspapers 1858-1886" Abstracted by Gloria Calhoun, Pee Dee Chapter SCGS, Marion, SC 1999;

!CENSUS:1870 Marion Co, SC Kirby # 161
Jessie PERRIT, 70, SC
Elizabeth, 55, SC;

!CENSUS:1880 Marion Co, SC Kirby # 124 Jessie PERRITT, 80 (1799/1800) born SC/SC/SC;

!DEATH:From the Marion Star - "Genealogical Abstracts from Marion, South Carolina Newspapers 1858-1886" Abstracted by Gloria Calhoun, Pee Dee Chapter SCGS, Marion, SC 1999;

!DEATH:From "The Pee Dee Index" - "Genealogical Abstracts from Marion, South Carolina Newspapers 1858-1886" Abstracted by Gloria Calhoun, Pee Dee Chapter SCGS, Marion, SC 1999;

!REFERENCE: A History of Marion County, South Carolina From Its Earliest Times to the Present, 1901, by W. W. Sellers, Esq., of the Marion Bar. 1902. pp. 183-185
Of the three brothers of old David Perritt, Joseph never married; he has been dead many years. Jesse married Mary Dew, daughter of old Christopher Dew ; they had no children ; she died, and he married a second wife, the widow of Elias Townsend; she had been the widow of Alfred Kirven, and was originally Elizabeth Tart, daughter of old Enos Tart, a notable man in his day, and of whom something may be said hereinafter ; by her he had no child or children ; both have been dead for some years. John Perritt, the youngest brother of old David Perritt, died in 1840 or 1841, a young single man, from the bite of a rattlesnake ; he was with a surveying party about the Marlborough line, and in toward the Great Pee Dee River, when the snake bit him; there was no house near them and no doctor near; he was carried two miles to the nearest house and a doctor was finally procured, but too late; he died that same night; a young man of fine character and good habits, and was spoken well of by all who knew him. ;

!NOTES:Above, Sellers mistakenly refers to the children of Joseph Perritt (Sr) as brothers to David Perritt. They would have been David's nephews instead, assuming he and Joseph (Sr) were brothers, as seems to be the case (but isn't proven).;

!REFERENCE: A History of Marion County, South Carolina From Its Earliest Times to the Present, 1901, by W. W. Sellers, Esq., of the Marion Bar. 1902. pp. 193-197

Tart ...
one, Elizabeth, married, first, Alfred Kirvin, and had two children for him, two daughters, when they separated, and years afterwards, after Kirvin died, she married Elias Townsend; some years afterward, Townsend died, and she married Jessee Perritt ; by neither of the last marriages had she any offspring ; they lived together for some years, and they both died in a week of each other. Of her Kirvin children, the oldest, Lucinda, died just as she was budding into womanhood. The other daughter, whose name is not remembered, married James Fore, and had four children, three daughters and a son; of these, two of the daughters married Berrys— Stephen Berry and William Berry ; the other daughter married Powers, a son of Mitchel Powers. The son, Thomas E. Fore, is now one of our good citizens, and has a family. 
Perritt, Jesse B (I39767)
4155 !CENSUS:1800;

!DEED:22 Oct 1804 Horry Co., SC Book A1-67 Jessie Barfield & Jane his wife [d/o Francis Floyd, decd.] vs Izabel Taylor, admx. & Hugh Floyd & Sam'l Floyd, Admrs. Writ of partition 22 Oct 1804. Commissioners: Benjamin Lewis, Samuel Foxworth, John Ford, Joseph Ford, Willis Rawls. Heirs: Izabel, widow and 7 children: Jane, Hugh, Theophilus, Johnston, Cathrine, Izabel & Francis [minors, Jane & Hugh, execs.] Division signed 20 Mar 1806. Order signed October term 1807. 
Floyd, Isabell (I61573)
4156 !CENSUS:1800;

!DEED:22 Oct 1804 Horry Co., SC Book A1-67 Jessie Barfield & Jane his wife [d/o Francis Floyd, decd.] vs Izabel Taylor, admx. & Hugh Floyd & Sam'l Floyd, Admrs. Writ of partition 22 Oct 1804. Commissioners: Benjamin Lewis, Samuel Foxworth, John Ford, Joseph Ford, Willis Rawls. Heirs: Izabel, widow and 7 children: Jane, Hugh, Theophilus, Johnston, Cathrine, Izabel & Francis [minors, Jane & Hugh, execs.] Division signed 20 Mar 1806. Order signed October term 1807.


!CENSUS:1820 Robeson Co., NC pg 304 Johnston Floyd age 26-44 (1775/94)

!CENSUS:1830 x

!CENSUS:1840 Robeson Co., NC Johnston Floyd age 50-59 (1780/90)

!CENSUS:1850 Robeson Co., NC # 670/670
Johnson Floyd, 60 SC
Josephine, 31 Robeson Co., NC
Henrietta, 17
Bud M. 15; 
Floyd, Johnston (I43730)
4157 !CENSUS:1800;

!DEED:22 Oct 1804 Horry Co., SC Book A1-67 Jessie Barfield & Jane his wife [d/o Francis Floyd, decd.] vs Izabel Taylor, admx. & Hugh Floyd & Sam'l Floyd, Admrs. Writ of partition 22 Oct 1804. Commissioners: Benjamin Lewis, Samuel Foxworth, John Ford, Joseph Ford, Willis Rawls. Heirs: Izabel, widow and 7 children: Jane, Hugh, Theophilus, Johnston, Cathrine, Izabel & Francis [minors, Jane & Hugh, execs.] Division signed 20 Mar 1806. Order signed October term 1807. 
Floyd, Catherine (I43728)
4158 !CENSUS:1800;

!NAMED: 7 Jun 1807 Lincoln Co, NC Will of Conrad GILBERT, as "daughter Anney";


MARRIAGE: 9 Aug 1813 Lincoln Co, NC James RHONAY & Ann GILBERT;

!CENSUS:1820 Lincoln Co., NC pg 378 w/James Ronay age 16-25 (1794/1804);

!CENSUS:1830 Lincoln Co., NC pg 237 w/James Ronay age 30-39 (1790/1800);

!CENSUS:1840 Lincoln Co., NC pg 77 w/James Ronay age 40-49 (1790/1800);

Gilbert, Ann (I87447)
4159 !CENSUS:1800;

!NAMED: 7 Jun 1807 Lincoln Co, NC Will of Conrad GILBERT, as "daughter Polley";



!MARRIAGE:27 Jul 1821 Lincoln Co, NC Jacob FLANIGAN & Polley GILBERT;

!CENSUS:1830 Lincoln Co., NC pg 155 w/Jacob Flanigan age 30-39 (1790/1800);

!CENSUS:1840 Lincoln Co., NC pg 85 w/Jacob Flanigan age 40-49 (1790/1800);
!CENSUS:1850 Catawba *; 
Gilbert, Mary (I96695)
4160 !CENSUS:1800;

!NAMED: 7 Jun 1807 Lincoln Co, NC Will of Conrad GILBERT, as "daughter Susannah";


!MARRIAGE:10 Aug 1815 Lincoln Co, NC George STREET & Susana GILBERT;

!CENSUS:1820 Lincoln Co., NC pg 380 w/George Street age 26-44 (1775/94);
Gilbert, Susanna (I87443)
4161 !CENSUS:1800;

!NAMED:27 Apr 1807 Rutherford Co, NC Wills B-196 John MILLER, pr Jul 1807. Wife Susannah MILLER plantation she lives on. my two sons David & William. To my son David MILLER 140a and 350a in Buncombe. To son William MILLER 200a on "Patterson Place" on French Broad River, another tract on Little River in Buncombe County. Daughter Sucky. Daughter Betsy. Wish children to stay with mother till they come of age. Robert McAFEE is not to have any sare of the notes or bonds. Executors: Friends John LEWIS, Jonathan HAMPTON, David DICKY, Robert McAFEE and my wife Susannah. Wit: A. FERGUSON, Andrew ERWIN, Daniel MATHEWS. S: John Miller;

!CENSUS:1810 Rutherford Co, NC pg 409 w/Susanna MILLER age 10-15 (1794/1800);

!CENSUS:1820 Rutherford Co, NC pg 396 w/Susan MILLER age 16-25 (1794/1804) * age 16-17 (1802/1804);

!MARRIAGE:18 Nov 1824 Rutherford Co, NC David MILLER & Mary K. MILLER, Isaac CRATON, bm;

!NAMED:26 Mar 1825 Rutherford Co, NC Wills D-37 Susanna MILLER, pr Apr 1825. Widow of John MILLER, decd. son-in-law Robert McAFEE be content with what he has received. To John Twitty MILLER 90a secured by me. To my son David MILLER. Remained to be equally divided: David MILLER, John Twitty MILLER, Susanna LOURY, & Betsy CRATON. To Polly McAFEE and her daughter Susannah Miria. Executor: My son-in-law Isaac CRATON and Theodorick BIRCHETT. I allow Miller McAFEE $20. Wit: T. BRICHETT, D. DICKEY. S: Susanna Miller;

!NAMED: 2 Dec 1828 Yadkin & Catawba Journal (from Bulletin of the Genealogical Society of Old Tryon County Feb 1996 pg 4) - Rutherford Co Superior Court of Law, October 1828: John BRADLEY vs Reuben SEARSEY tenant, Isaac CRATON and wife Elizabeth, Samuel LOWRIE and wife Susanah, David MILLER, John T. MILLER, the heirs of John MILLER, decd; Andrew MILLER, Ester BRIGSS, Allen TWITTY and wife Martha, David BOYSE, Kerr BOYSE, John BOYSE, Robert BOYSE and Polly BOYSE, the heirs at law of David MILLER, decd; that Allen TWITTY and wife Martha, David, John and Kerr BOYSE reside without the limits of this state;

!CENSUS:1830 Rutherford Co, NC pg 515 David MILLER age 20-29 (1800/10) "10001-20001";

!POLL:1835 Rutherford Co, NC Court House Precinct, David MILLER;

!CENSUS:1840 * Rutherford Co, NC pg 320 David MILLER *; 
Miller, David (I33082)
4162 !CENSUS:1800;

!NOTE:Richmond Compiler 28 Oct 1806 p 3 "Married on Thursday last (Oct 23) by Rev. John Linsay, Mr. Alexander Geroge to Miss Polley Garthright, both of Henrico County" - from Marriage and Deaths from Richmond, Virginia Newspapers 1780-1820. The Virginia Genealogical Society, 1983. p. 203

!NOTE:Richmond Argus 9 Sep 1807 p 3 - "Died, Mr. Alexander George, age 22, on Sunday last (Sep 6) at his father's seat a few miles from Richmond" - from Marriage and Deaths from Richmond, Virginia Newspapers 1780-1820. The Virginia Genealogical Society, 1983. p. 58; 
George, Alexander (I40577)
4163 !CENSUS:1800;

!WITNESS-DEED: 5 Nov 1808 Marion Co., SC Deed Book F page 188
Edmon Herrin of Marion Dist, SC to Joseph Thomas of same ... Back Swamp ...
Wit: Stephen (X) Turbevil, Milly (X) Turbevil, Henry C. Legett;

!CENSUS:1810 Marion Dist., SC pg 36
Stephen Troublefield age 26-44 (1765/1784)
Analysis (who each person might be)
1m 26-44 (1765/1784) Stephen Turbeville (1775/80)
1m 0-9 (1800/1810).. Willis Turbeville (c1804) son?
1f 26-44 (1765/1784) Milly (---) Turbeville (c1775) wife
1f 0-9 (1800/1810).. Daughter?;

!CENSUS:1820 Marion Dist., SC pg 66
Stephen Troublefield age 26-44 (1775/94)
Analysis (who each person might be)
1m 26-44 (1775/1794) Stephen Turbeville (1775/80)
1m 10-15 (1804/1810) Willis Turbeville (c1804) son?
3m 0-9 (1810/1820).. Robert Turbeville (c1815) son
.................... William Turbeville (c1818)son
.................... Bethel Turbeville (c1820) son
1f 26-44 (1775/1794) Milly (---) Turbeville (c1775) wife
1f 0-9 (1810/1820).. Daughter?;

!CENSUS:1830 Marion Dist., SC pg 49
Stephen Turbeville age 50-59 (1770/80)
Analysis (who each person might be)
1m 50-59 (1770/1780) Stephen Turbeville (1775/80)
1m 15-19 (1810/1815) Robert Turbeville (c1815) son
2m 10-14 (1815/1820) William Turbeville (c1818) son
.................... Bethel Turbeville (c1820) son
1f 40-49 (1780/1790) Milly (---) Turbeville (c1775) wife;

!CENSUS:1840 Marion Dist., SC pg 173
Stephen Turbeville age 60-69 (1770/80)
Analysis (who each person might be)
1m 60-69 (1770/1780) Stephen Turbeville (1775/80)
1m 20-29 (1810/1820) William Turbeville (c1818) son
1m 0-4 (1835/1840).. Robert Turbeville (c1839) William's son
1f 50-59 (1780/1790) Milly (---) Turbeville (c1775) wife
1f 20-29 (1810/1820) Mary (---) Turbeville (c1803) William's wife;

!CENSUS:1850 Marion Dist, SC # 222/223
Robert Turbeville 35 Farmer $- Marion
Milly 75
Sarah 19; 
Milly (I76948)
4164 !CENSUS:1800;

CENSUS:1810 Ashe Co, NC pg 72 w/J. RAY age 10-15 (1794/1800);


Ray, Larkin (I99267)
4165 !CENSUS:1800;


!COURT:Nov 1811 Brunswick Co, VA OB 24-357 Elizabeth STAINBACK. William M. DUGGER. Benjamin L. MORRIS and wife Nancy late Nancy DUGGER. Daniel DUGGER. Andrew, Amos, Ashley, Polly, Absolem and Sally RAINEY, infants of Jesse RAINEY by Frances his wife late Frances DUGGER, by Jesse RAINEY their next friend. Sally DUGGER, John DUGGER and Henry DUGGER, infants of Daniel DUGGER by William DUGGER their next friend vs Mary DUGGER, Widow of Daniel DUGGER and James DUGGER, adm of Daniel DUGGER, decd;

!COURT:Jan 1812 Brunswick Co, VA OB 24-386 Elizabeth STAINBACK. William M. DUGGER. Benjamin L. MORRIS and wife Nancy late Nancy DUGGER. Daniel DUGGER. Andrew, Amos, Ashley, Polly, Absolem and Sally RAINEY, infants of Jesse RAINEY by Frances his wife late Frances DUGGER, by Jesse RAINEY their next friend. Sally DUGGER, John DUGGER and Henry DUGGER, infants of Daniel DUGGER by William DUGGER their next friend vs Mary DUGGER, Widow of Daniel DUGGER and James DUGGER, adm of Daniel DUGGER, decd. Sale of Estate;




!DEED:19 Jul 1844 Brunswick Co, VA 33-547 Andrew RAINEY of Bibb Co, GA, Nathaniel EDWARDS and wife Sarah of Ashe Co, NC and Frances M. RAINEY of Brunswick Co, VA to James DUGGER of Crawford Co, GA, 28a Brunswick Co, VA, bordering: James DUGGER, south estate of Mary DUGGER ... for $42;

Rainey, Andrew (I30110)
4166 !CENSUS:1800;


!MARRIAGE BOND:14 Sep 1819 Surry Co, NC Thomas NORMON & Mary BAKER, John Marshall, bm;

CENSUS:1820 Surry Co, NC pg 722 w/Thomas NORMAN age 26-44 (1775/94);

Baker, Mary (I99347)
4167 !CENSUS:1800;


!MARRIAGE: 4 Apr 1816 Burke Co, NC Jesse GILBERT & Patcy PENNELL;

!CENSUS:1820 Wilkes Co, NC pg 517 Jesse GILBERT age 16-25 (1794/1804);



Gilbert, Jesse (I91512)
4168 !CENSUS:1800;


!MARRIAGE:10 Jul 1816 Sumner Co, TN Wesley DUGGER & Charlotte DUGGER, John DUGGER, bm, Leonard DUGGER, bm;





!DEED:31 Jan 1816 Brunswick Co, VA 23-137 Hubbard SAUNDERS, agent for Charlotte DUGGER, widow and Admx of Thomas DUGGER, decd of Sumner Co, TN to Nathaniel MORRIS of Brunswick, for $477.50, 191a Gravelly Run, subject to life estate of Frances BROWN, formerly Frances DUGGER, widow of John DUGGER, decd who has possession of the premises, it being land willed by John DUGGER to Thomas DUGGER subject to Frances DUGGER, now Frances BROWN's life estate in said land. Wit: J.B. RICE, Richmond DUGGER, R. BROWN, Thomas KIRKLAND;

!COURT:Jan 1816 Brunswick Co, VA OB 26-444 Charlotte DUGGER, admx of Thomas DUGGER vs Richmond DUGGER in his own right and as admr of Daniel DUGGER - commissioners appt'd to sell slaves which John DUGGER Sr bequethed to Fanny DUGGER on credit and divide proceeds. To Charlotte DUGGER adm'x of Thomas DUGGER 1/3. to Richmond DUGGER, 1/3 part in right of his purchase from James DUGGER and 1/3 to Richmond DUGGER admr of Daniel DUGGER, decd;

!COURT:Feb 1816 Brunswick Co, VA OB 26-454 Littleberry RAWLINGS vs Charlotte DUGGER, admx of Thomas DUGGER, Nathaniel MORRIS, Henry ROSE and Richmond DUGGER - in chancery - Charlotte not resident of Brunswick - ordered to appear;

!COURT:Mar 1816 Brunswick Co, VA OB 26-36 Charlotte DUGGER, admx of Thomas DUGGER vs Richmond DUGGER in his own right and as admr of Daniel DUGGER. Account of sales of Negroes of estate of John DUGGER, decd. TO Mary DUGGER - Hannah and child. TO Henry ROSE - Alfred. TO Richmond DUGGER - Love. TO Elizabeth STAINBACK - Benjamin;

Young, Charlotte "Lotty" (I27382)
4169 !CENSUS:1800;


!MARRIAGE:26 Mar 1815 Caswell Co, NC Lewis KIDD & Frances GRANT, David GRANT, bm;

Grant, Frances (I85569)
4170 !CENSUS:1800;


CENSUS:1820 * Habersham Co, GA;

CENSUS:1830 * Dekalb Co, GA;

CENSUS:1840 * Cass Co, GA; 
Grant, William B Cpt (I86884)
4171 !CENSUS:1800;


CENSUS:1820 * Haywood Co, NC pg 226 w/John MORE age 16-25 (1794/1804);



Moore, Mary (I14358)
4172 !CENSUS:1800;


CENSUS:1820 Buncombe Co, NC pg 100 w/Moses EVANS, age 26-44 (1775/94);

CENSUS:1830 Buncombe Co, NC pg 281 w/Moses EVANS, age 30-39 (1790/1800);

!CENSUS:1840 Yancey Co, NC pg 265 w/Moses EVANS age 40-49 (1790/1800);

!CENSUS:1850 Yancey Co, NC # 173 Frances EVANS, 51 (1798/99) born NC; 
Frances (I90002)
4173 !CENSUS:1800;



CENSUS:1830 Haywood Co, NC pg 373 w/Peter PATTERSON age 15-19 (1810/15);


CENSUS:1850 Cherokee Co, NC # 859 Lavina PATTERSON, 40 (1809/10) b NC;

CENSUS:1860 Cherokee Co, NC Beaver Dam Twp # 219 Melvina PATTERSON, 44 (1815/16) born Rutherford Co, NC;

CENSUS:1870 Cherokee Co, NC Beaver Dam Twp # 131 Melvina PATTERSON, 53 (1816/17) born NC;

Melvina (I73517)
4174 !CENSUS:1800;



CENSUS:1830 Monroe Co, TN pg 102 w/John McCROSKEY age 20-29 (1800/10); 
Grant, Lucinda Ann (I27988)
4175 !CENSUS:1800;
!CENSUS:1810 Adair Co, KY pg 11 w/Thom. PEMBERTON age 0-9 (1800/10);


!CENSUS:1830 Adair Co, KY pg 7 w/Levi HENDRICKSON age 20-29 (1800/10);
!CENSUS:1840 x; 
Pemberton, Sarah (I10782)
4176 !CENSUS:1800;
!CENSUS:1810 Adair Co, KY pg 11 w/Thom. PEMBERTON age 10-15 (1794/1800);

!CENSUS:1820 Adair Co, KY pg 60 w/Joel WATSON age 16-25 (1794/1804);

!CENSUS:1830 Adair Co, KY pg 7 w/Joel WATSON age 30-39 (1790/1800);
!CENSUS:1840 x; 
Pemberton, Mildred (I10779)
4177 !CENSUS:1800;

!CENSUS:1820 Marion Dist, SC pg x w/John LANDIN age 16-25 (1794/1804);
Legette, Martha (I24416)
4178 !CENSUS:1800;


!CENSUS:1830 Adair Co, KY pg 7 Levi HENDRICKSON age 20-29 (1800/10)
!CENSUS:1840 x;
!CENSUS:1850 Adair Co, KY pg 69 # 169/169
Elizabeth, 46
Thomas, 22
James, 20
Stephen, 17
Benj 16
John 14
Sarah 11
Manda? 9
George? 6
Miller? 4; 
Hendrickson, Levi (I10786)
4179 !CENSUS:1800;




!CENSUS:1850 Marion Dist, SC pg 103 # 1553/1559
Lewis HUGGINS, 50 Farmer, 0 Marion
Flora, 30
Ann, 6
Louisa, 4
Caroline, 1;

!CENSUS:1860 Marion Dist, SC # 1478
Lewis HUGGINS, 60
FLora, 40
Kitsey, 15
Louisa, 13
Arline, 11
Jane, 9
Enos, 7
Minor, 5 (f)
Nancy 3
Andrew 1; 
Huggins, Lewis (I49125)
4180 !CENSUS:1800;

!MARRIAGE BOND:29 Nov 1819 Haywood Co, NC James CHASTEEN and Jane CARSON (d/o David). Elijah DENTON, bm;

!CENSUS:1820 Haywood Co, NC pg 217 w/James CHASTEEN age 16-25 (1794/1804);

!CENSUS:1830 Haywood Co, NC pg 364 w/James CHASTAIN age 30-39 (1790/1800);
!CENSUS:1840 Union Co, GA pg 17 w/James CHASTAIN age 40-49 (1790/1800);
Carson, Jane (I7984)
4181 !CENSUS:1800;
!CENSUS:1820 Marion Dist, SC pg 68 Green WATSON age 16-25 (1794/1804)
!CENSUS:1830 Marion Dist, SC pg 53 Green M. WATSON age 40-49 (1780/90) or 20-29 (1800/10)
Watson, Green (I48662)
4182 !CENSUS:1800;
!NAMED-PROBATE ROLL # 630 Marion Co., SC Joseph Page 2 Mar 1818
Joseph Page, adm
Will (no date)
Dau Elizabeth Floyd, Delilah Floyd and Ann Herrin
sons Ebraham (oldest son), John and Elias Page
dau Susannah Page the youngest daughter
wit: Edmund Price, Delilah Price
proven 2 Mar 1818.
Joseph Page (Jr), adm states Joseph is his father. He is not listed in Will.;

!CENSUS:1820 Marion Dist, SC pg 64 Abraham PAGE age 16-25 (1794/1804)

!CENSUS:1830 Marion Dist, SC pg 42 Abraham PAGE age 30-39 (1790/1800)
!CENSUS:1840 Marion Dist, SC pg 142 Abraham PAGE age 40-49 (1790/1800)

!PROBATE ROLL # 662 Marion Co., SC Abram Page 20 Mar 1844
... died intestate ... Avorett Nichols, adm
widow Alice/Allis Page
she is guardian to Averit Page, Nancy Page, Abram Page, Hartwell Page, Orpey Page, Joseph Page and Dr. P. Page

!PROBATE:1846 Marion Co, SC Probates Vol III Roll # 1797 pg 159 mentions widow and 9 children, but no names given;

!REFERENCE: A History of Marion County, South Carolina From Its Earliest Times to the Present, 1901, by W. W. Sellers, Esq., of the Marion Bar. 1902. pp. 162-166
Joseph died about the first of the ninetenth century, leaving three sons and several daughters; his wife was a Miss Horn; his sons were Joseph and Abram and John W.
Abram Page, the second son of the first old Joseph, married Miss Alice Nichols, of Columbus County, N. C, and sister to our late respected fellow-citizen, Averett Nichols, of Nichols, S. C. He settled on Ashpole, below the mouth of Bear Swamp, on the place now owned by the Widow T. B. Braddy, and where she resides. Abram Page raised five sons and one daughter; the sons were David N., Averett, Abram B., Joseph N. and Dock, as he was called, and one daughter, Ava. David N. died in early manhood; I do not think he married ; Averett moved into North Carolina ; I do not know whom he married, nor of his family; Abram B. Page, well known by his contemporaries, settled and merchandised for many years at Nichols, S. C, and apparently did well for years, but finally failed, lost his mind, was carried to the Asylum at Columbia, S. C, and after staying there for a while, returned home and soon thereafter died; he never married; his fine property in and about Nichols was all sold and has gone into other hands. Joseph N. Page, of Page's Mill, settled there many years ago; he married a daughter of the late Elias B. Ford, by whom he had and raised only one child, a daughter, who in recent years married a Mr. L. W. Temple, of Raleigh, N. C, who has a family of several children. Joseph N. Page was a very safe man, accumulated a considerable property, which was all clear at his death, a few years ago. Dock Page, the youngest brother, and who inherited the old homestead, married Miss Addie Ayres, daughter of Thos. W. Ayres, and lived on the old homestead until a year or two ago, when he sold it to Mrs. Braddy, as herein stated, who now occupies it. Dock Page has a considerable family, unknown to the writer. Ava Page, the only daughter of Abram Page, married James D. Oliver, many years ago ; they removed to Texas ; nothing further is known of them. ; 
Page, Abraham (I61489)
4183 !CENSUS:1800;

!CENSUS:1820 Edgefield Dist., SC p. 87
Benjamin Tutt age 26-44 (1775/1794)

!CENSUS:1830 Edgefield Dist., SC p. 143A
Benj. Tutt age 30-39 (1790/1800)

!CENSUS:1840 Lincoln Co., GA p. 217
Benjamin Tutt Sr age 40-49 (1790/1800)

!CENSUS:1850 Lincoln Co., GA District No 52 # 280/280
Benjamin Tutt 57 Planter $6750 SC
Mary A. 39 GA
Julia A. 16
William B. 12
John Glaze 23 Overseer GA;

!SLAVE-CENSUS:1850 Lincoln Co., GA District No 52
Benjamin Tutt, age, gender and race of slaves (no names listed)
65 M B
42 F B
22 F B
16 M B
24 F B
45 F B
50 M B
14 M B
45 M B
31 F B
22 F B
12 M B
14 F B
7 (9?) F B
3 M B
40 M B
25 F B
3 M B
2 F M
27 F B
45 F B
25 M B
27 F B
20 M B
18 M B
16 M B
12 M B
11 M B
6 F B
23 F B
3 F B
2 F B
20 F B
4 M B
35 M B
33 M B
2 F B
40 F B
Total 38;

!WILL: 3 Apr 1867 Lincoln Co., GA Benjamn Tutt. Proven Oct 1874
my children:
Henry W. Tutt
William D. Tutt
Julia A. Freeman
my grandchildren:
Mariah Bond
Lucy A. Tutt
Laura Tutt
children of my deceased son Benjamin M. Tutt
Benjamin J. Tutt
Frederick Tutt
children of my deceased son George M. Tutt
Mary E. Bussey
Benjamin T. Bussey
Mariah H. Bussey
Lula Bussey
Julia E. Bussey
children of my deceased daughter Elizabeth F. Bussey
my beloved wife Mary A. Tutt
Executors my wife Mary A. Tutt and son William D. Tutt 
Tutt, Benjamin (I116002)
4184 !CENSUS:1800;

!CENSUS:1820 Warren Co., TN p.
Allen Hensley age 16-17 (sic) 1802/1803

!CENSUS:1830 x 
Hensley, Allen (I112602)
4185 !CENSUS:1800;

!CENSUS:1820 Williamsburg Dist., SC p. 306
Reuben Turner age 16-25 (1794/1804)

!NAMED: 3 Jan 1821 Williamsburg Dist, SC Will Book A page 248 - Will of Benjamin TURNER "son Reuben TURNER";

!CENSUS:1830 x
* Russell Co., KY p. 122 Reuben Turner age 30-39 (1790/1800) 001001-310001
* Warren Co., KY p. 97 Reuben Turner age 30-39 (1790/1800) 011001-311001
* Others that matches *him* agewise, but not his children from 1820;

!CENSUS:1840 x
* Warren Co, KY is a good match, but not him.
* Meriwether Co., GA potentially.

!CENSUS:1850 x
* Warren Co., KY is a good age match, but born KY.
* Meriwether Co., GA b. ca 1799 SC. Could be? 
Turner, Reuben (I48083)
4186 !CENSUS:1800;

!CENSUS:1820 x
* Robertson Co., TN p. 15
Bartemius Pack age 45+ (bef 1775)
* This is the older Bartimus Pack;

!CENSUS:1830 Warren Co., TN p. 305*
Bartemus Pack age 30-39 (1790/1800)
* Same page with Thomas Pack, William Pack, Isaac Pack.

!TAXLIST:1836 Cannon Co., TN
Bartimeous Pack
Isaac Pack
Thomas Pack;

!TAXLIST:1839 Dekalb Co., TN
John Pack
Bartimus Pack;

!CENSUS:1840 Dekalb Co., TN p. 255
Bartamus Pack age 40-49 (1790/1800)

!CENSUS:1850 Dekalb Co., TN Civil District No 9 # 968/968*
Bartimus Pack 55 Farmer $600 NC
Mary 54 VA
Nancy 28 TN
Margaret 22
Matilda 15
Hannah 11
Nancy 3
James N. 2
* 966 = Bartemus Pack 27 TN
* 967 = John Pack 34 TN
* 968 = This Bartimus.
* 969 = Thomas Pack 45 TN
* 970 = Thomas Pack 25 TN; 
Pack, Bartimus (I115920)
4187 !CENSUS:1800;

!CENSUS:1830 Brunswick Co. NC p. 249
Random Stroud age 30-39 (1790/1800)

!CENSUS:1840 Granville Co., NC p. 146
Ransom Strowd age 40-49 (1790/1800)
My Analysis (who each person *might* be)
1m 40-49 (1790/1800) Ransom Stroud (c1798)
2m 0-4 (1835/1840) . 1. John Stroud (c1836) son
.................... 2. William Stroud (c1840) son
1f 30-39 (1800/1810) Wife
1f 10-14 (1825/1830) Jane Stroud (c1829) daughter
3f 5-9 (1830/1835) . 1. Betsy Stroud (c1830) daughter
.................... 2. Adeline Stroud (c1833) daughter
.................... 3. Daughter?;

!CENSUS:1850 Granville Co., NC Oxford District # 9/9
Ramson Stroud 52 Overseer $- VA
Jane 21 VA
Betsy 20 VA
Adaline 17 VA
John 14 NC
William 10 NC;

!CENSUS:1860 Granville Co., NC Oxford District, Oxford PO # 593/591
Ransom Strowd 67 Farmer $-/500 VA
Martha 51 NC; 
Stroud, Ransom (I87079)
4188 !CENSUS:1800;

!CENSUS:1830 Darlington Dist., SC p. 232
George Turner age 30-39 (1790/1800)

!CENSUS:1840 x

!CENSUS:1850 x 
Turner, George (I111925)
4189 !CENSUS:1800;

!CENSUS:1830 Greene Co., TN p. 162
Henry Pack age 30-39 (1790/1800)

!CENSUS:1840 Greene Co., TN p. 18
Henry Pack age 40-49 (1790/1800)

!CENSUS:1850 x

!CENSUS:1860 Greene Co., TN 5th District, Timber Ridge PO # 921/921
Henry Pack 50 Farmer $-/150 TN
Matsy 48
Emma 13
Matilda 10
Allason W. 8
Samuel 5
Nancy J 3; 
Pack, Henry (I115586)
4190 !CENSUS:1800;

!CENSUS:1830 Haywood Co., NC p. 366
Joseph Mahaffy age 30-39 (1790/1800)

!CENSUS:1840 Haywood Co., NC p. 105
Joseph Mahaffy age 40-49 (1790/1800)

!TOMBSTONE:Green Hill Cemetery
Modern stone
"Joseph Mehaffey Lived About 1788 - 1840" 
Mahaffey, Joseph (I32019)
4191 !CENSUS:1800;

!CENSUS:1830 Rutherford Co., NC p. 524
Isaac Henderson age 20-29 (1800/10)

!CENSUS:1840 Rutherford Co., NC p. 336
Isaac Henderson age 40-49 (1790/1800)

!CENSUS:1850 Henderson Co., NC p. 241 # 353/353
Isaac Henderson 50 Farmer $- NC
Susan 45 NC
Wm 10
!CENSUS:1850 Henderson Co., NC p. 273 # 765/765 (374/374 marked out)
Isaac Henderson 45 Laborer $- (BP blank for everyone on page)
Susanah 39
W. H. 11
Jasper 6;

!CENSUS:1860 Polk Co., NC Tryon Division, Tryon PO # 262/246
Isaac Henderson, 60 Farmer $1000/1128 SC
Susan 55 NC
Wm 20 NC
Jasper 15 NC;

!CENSUS:1870 Polk Co., NC Township No 4, Columbus PO # 93/93
Isaac Henderson 70 Farmer $2100/800 NC
Susan 65 Keeping House NC;

!CENSUS:1880 Polk Co., NC Tryon Township # 112/112
Isaac Henderson 80 M Farmer SC-SC-SC
Susan C. 75 wife M Keeps House NC-NC-NC
*J. E. Bishop Sr 56 M Farmer SC-SC-SC
Selia 52 wife M Keeps House NC-NC-NC
Susan P. 30 dau S at home
Jasper 21 son S at home
Jesse 19 son S at home
William 16 son S at home
* This looks like it should be a new family/house, but it isn't listed that way;

!WILL:10 Apr 1886 Polk Co., NC Isaac Henderson
to J. E. Bishop and Seally Biship, NRS
S: Isaac Henderson
W: A. W. Garren, M. C. Fowlar, L. M. Johnson; 
Henderson, Isaac (I58486)
4192 !CENSUS:1800;

!NAMED-WILL:23 Oct 1825 Tuscaloosa Co., AL Moses Turner, proven 12 Feb 1835 Tuscaloosa Co., AL
Moses Turner Sr of Jefferson Co., AL
Son Moses Turner Jr
son Thomas Turner
son Isham Turner
Winny Tedder
Sally Quick
Elizabeth Lochleir
Polly Quick
Anne Driggers
Son Moses Jr Executor.
S: Moses (M) Turner
Wit: George Morrow, Curtis Ivy, Matthew Morrow;

!CENSUS:1830 Jefferson Co., AL p. 167 *
Moses Turner age 30-39 (1790/1800) or 80-89 (1740/1750)

!CENSUS:1840 Tuscaloosa Co., AL p. 238 *
Moses Turner age 30-39 (1800/1810)
* Might be same one from 1850 Pontotoc;

!CENSUS:1850 Pontotoc Co., MS # 236/236
Moses Turner 51 Farmer $800 SC
Flora 53 SC
Peter 11 AL;

!CENSUS:1860 Pontotoc Co., MS Tallibenela PO # 1280/1280
Moses Turner 60 Farmer $5300/5000 SC
Minerva T. 38 AL; 
Turner, Moses (I111676)
4193 !CENSUS:1800;
CENSUS:1810 * Lost for Greene Co, NC;
CENSUS:1820 Greene Co, NC pg 264 w/Lewis GRANT age 26-44 (1775/94);
CENSUS:1830 Greene Co, NC pg 229 w/Lewis GRANT age 40-49 (1780/90);
? (I34153)
4194 !CENSUS:1800;
CENSUS:1810 Duplin Co, NC pg 32 w/Peter EDWARDS age 10-15
(1794/1800) "White";
CENSUS:1820 Duplin Co, NC pg 166 w/Peter EDWARDS age 18-25
(1794/1802) "White";
CENSUS:1830 Duplin Co, NC pg 177 William EDWARDS age 24-35
(1794/1806) "Free Colored";
DEED:11 Jan 1833 Duplin Co, NC 15-439 from James EDWARDS;
DEED: 6 Dec 1833 Duplin Co, NC 15-472 from Gregory THOMAS;
TAXLIST:1834 Duplin Co, NC William EDWARDS, 800a, 1 White Poll;
CENSUS:1840 Duplin Co, NC pg 148 William EDWARDS "Free Colored";
DEED:14 Jan 1845 Duplin Co, NC 18-68 from Felix EDWARDS;

!CENSUS:1850 Duplin Co., NC The North Division # 555/555
William Edwards 50 M M* Farmer $500 NC
Nancy 40 F M*
Betsey 37 F M*
Henry 15 M M* Laborer
Amos 20 M M* Turpentine Hand
Lavina Boan 27 F W
Henry 3 M W
Hesekiah 5/12 M W
*M = "Mulatto" for race; 
Edwards, William (I90203)
4195 !CENSUS:1800;
CENSUS:1810 Duplin Co, NC pg 32 w/Peter EDWARDS age 10-15
(1794/1800) "White";
CENSUS:1820 Duplin Co, NC pg 166 w/Peter EDWARDS age 18-25
(1794/1802) "White";
DEED:24 Dec 1821 Duplin Co, NC 7A-439;
CENSUS:1830 Duplin Co, NC pg 176 Daniel EDWARDS "Free Colored";
TAXLIST:1834 Duplin Co, NC Daniel EDWARDS, 380a, 1 White Poll;
CENSUS:1840 Duplin Co, NC pg 148 Daniel EDWARDS "Free Colored";
CENSUS:1850 Duplin Co, NC # 551 Daniel EDWARDS, 53 (1796/97) born NC
Edwards, Daniel (I90204)
4196 !CENSUS:1800;
CENSUS:1810 Haywood Co, NC pg 64 w/Sarah HICKEY age 0-9 (1800/10);
MARRIAGE:31 Jan 1815 Haywood Co, NC John WATSON & Peggy HICKEY;
CENSUS:1820 Haywood Co, NC pg 219 w/John WATSON age 26-44 (1775/94);
CENSUS:1830 Macon Co, NC pg 28 w/John WATSON age 30-39 (1790/1800);
CENSUS:1850 Macon Co, NC Cullowhee # 808 Margaret WATSON, 55 (1794/95) born
Hickey, Margaret (I20229)
4197 !CENSUS:1800;
CENSUS:1810 Lincoln Co, NC pg 334 w/Elijah COX age 16-25 (1784/94);
Huggin, Jane (I10505)
4198 !CENSUS:1800;
CENSUS:1820 Buncombe Co, NC pg 125 David PEEKE age 26-44 (1775/94)
Peek, David (I14222)
4199 !CENSUS:1800;
CENSUS:1820 Buncombe Co, NC pg 125 w/Zachariah PEEKE age 16-25 (1794/1804);
CENSUS:1830 Macon Co, NC pg 25 w/Zachariah PEEK age 30-39 (1790/1800);
CENSUS:1850 * Deceased; 
Moore, Sarah Ann (I14359)
4200 !CENSUS:1800;
CENSUS:1820 Buncombe Co, NC pg 27 w/Malichi REAVES age 18-25 (1794/1802);
CENSUS:1830 Buncombe Co, NC pg 264 w/Mallachiah REAVES age 30-39 (1790/1800);
CENSUS:1840 * Buncombe Co, NC pg 189 Barbary REAVES *;
CENSUS:1850 Buncombe Co, NC pg 243 Barbara REAVES, 56 (1793/94) born NC; 
Glance, Barbara (I20470)

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