Matches 4,801 to 4,850 of 83,474
# | Notes | Linked to |
4801 | !CENSUS:1810 x !CENSUS:1820 Chatham Co., NC p. 235 William C. Kelly age 26-44 (1775/94) 100010-21010-0-0; | Kelly, William (I121466)
4802 | !CENSUS:1810 x !NOTES:War of 1812 Enlistment Tunstall Chandler, Pvt, 10 US Infy Cpt Jno Brittain and Col James Wellborn 5'10" Blue Eyes, Dark Hair, dark complexion age 36, farmer, born Halifax Co., VA Enlisted 7 Oct 1813 Buncomb Co., NC for 5 years (applied for Pension ****) !CENSUS:1820 Greenville Dist., SC p. 10 Tunstall Chandler age 26-44 (1775/1794) 210010-11010-0-0; !NOTES:Had homestead land issued in Arkansas in 1820; !CENSUS:1830 Haywood Co., NC p. 360 Tunstill Chandler age 40-49 (1780/1790) 1001101-0002001; !CENSUS:1840 x !CENSUS:1850 x | Chandler, Tunstill (I44752)
4803 | !CENSUS:1810 x !CENSUS:1820 * Buncombe; !CENSUS:1830 * Buncombe; !CENSUS:1840 * Gilmer; !CENSUS:1850 Gilmer Co., GA, Subdivision No 33, PHF 367B&368-278-278 William Sumner 58 M Farmer 500 N.C. Catharine 59 F “ Dice 34 F “ Jane 26 F N.C. Solomon 22 M Farmer “ William R. 19 M “ Hanah S. Plemons 19 F “ Samuel 21 M Farmer “ Jesse Sumner 17 M “ “ John H. Plemons 1/12 M Ga !WILL: ALOB, Vol. X #5, p. 89-47: "p. 152. 11 Jan. 1851.. I, Richard Sumner, being aged & infirmed, but of sound & perfect mind & memory. First I desire that all my just debts to be paid, as I have heretofore given to all my children excepting Dempsey near the amount I allowed them to have out of my estate. So I now give to my dtr. Susannah Whitaker the sum of $20, likewise the sum of $1 to each of my other daughters, Sarah McRary, & Judy Clemmons, also one dollar to my son William, also one dollar to the heirs of my son Samuel, likewise one dollar to the heirs of my dtr. Elizabeth Jones, decd. also I give the sum of one dollar to the heirs of my son James. I now give to my son Dempsey all that tract of land I now own, it being 245 acres, with all my horses, cattle, hogs, sheep, tools also all household & kitchen furniture. I desire that my said son Dempsey shall pay to each of the aforesaid legatees one dollar each. I appoint my son Dempsey as executor. Wit: E. Reed, Jurat & John Merrell Juratt.. Signed Richard X Sumner.. Proved by the oath of E. Reed and John Merrill in open court July session 1852. R.B. Vance, clk.." | Sumner, William (I10630)
4804 | !CENSUS:1810 x !CENSUS:1820 * Duplin Co., NC pg 190 Adam Williams age 26-44 (1775/94) "210010-500010"; !CENSUS:1830 * Duplin Co., NC pg 148 Adam Williams age 40-49 (1780/90) "1102001-224201"; !CENSUS:1840 * Duplin Co., NC pg Adam Williams age 50-59 (1780/90) "02100001-0123101"; !CENSUS:1850 * Johnston Co., NC District 4 # 367/367; !DEED:28 Dec 1857 Johnston Co., NC Deed Book Z2-44 Adam Williams of Johnston County to his daughter Penny Grant, wife of Kinchen Grant, of Johnston County, for love and good will. 143 acres south side of Hannah Creek. Witnesses: David Williams, Nathan Williams. Signed: Adam Williams. !CENSUS:1860 * Johnston Co., NC Dist W. Of Neuse River, Newton Grove PO # 1061/1041; | Williams, Adam (I71022)
4805 | !CENSUS:1810 x !CENSUS:1820 Chatham Co., NC p. 228 John Powell age 26-44 (1775/94) 100010-00200-0-0; !CENSUS:1830 x | Powell, John (I121465)
4806 | !CENSUS:1810 x !CENSUS:1820 Horry Dist., SC pg 12 Elias Jurnegan age 16-25 (1794/1804) "100100-10100"; !CENSUS:1830; | Jernigan, Elias (I43737)
4807 | !CENSUS:1810 x !CENSUS:1820 Pendleton Dist., SC p. 188 Allen Powel age 26-44 (1775/94) 210010-21010-0-0 !CENSUS:1830 Pickens Dist., SC p. 268 Allen Powell age 40-49 (1780/90) 1232001-2101001 !CENSUS:1840 x * Cass Co., GA Allen Powell age 50-59 (1780/90) 00231001-01200001; | Powell, Allen (I119904)
4808 | !CENSUS:1810 x !CENSUS:1820 x !CENSUS:1830 Caroline Co, VA pg 176 Booth Brown age 40-49 (1780/90) "0000001-0" 14 slaves; !CENSUS:1840 Caroline Co, VA pg 75 Boothe Browne age 50-59 (1780/90) "00000001-0"; !CENSUS:1850 Hanover Co, VA pg 347 West District # 106/106 John D. G. Brown, 61 Farmer, $ 3500 VA Harriet, 49 John S. 24 Lavinia, 17 George G. 13 Booth Brown, 65 Farmer, $1500 VA; | Brown, Col Booth (I5347)
4809 | !CENSUS:1810 x !CENSUS:1820 x * No likely matches as Daniel Grimes. Numerous Daniel Grahams I didn't pursue; !CENSUS:1830 x * No likely matches as Daniel Grimes. Numerous Daniel Grahams I didn't pursue; !CENSUS:1840 x * No likely matches as Daniel Grimes. Numerous Daniel Grahams I didn't pursue; !CENSUS:1850 x * One in Montgomery Co., TN age 50 (c1800) NC. Too young. * One (Graham) in Dickson Co., TN ca 1789 NC. Others show him from Cumberland Co., NC, so probably not this one; | Grimes, Daniel (I121158)
4810 | !CENSUS:1810 x !CENSUS:1820 x | Floyd, Mary (I43741)
4811 | !CENSUS:1810 x !NAMED-PROBATE ROLL # 33 Marion Co., SC Jesse Bryant, 1822 ... large file ... Will 24 Feb 1818 dau Smithy wife Morning other children - Elizabeth Martin William Briant James Briant Jesse Briant Mary Finklea Sally Perritt Morning Harrel Citsey Peritt Milly Gasque Smithy Briant Execs: Son-in-law Aaron Martin and Jesse Briant S: Jesse Bryan W: James Crawford, Levi Finklea, Willis Finklea. Proven 28 Oct 1822. ... Will contested ... Willis Finklea one of the witnesses is also a legatee ... ... 27 Feb 1830 Petition of Jesse Atkinson for himself and Ebenezer Atkinson and Sarah Atkinson minors under 21, Hugh Atkinson, Jesse Atkinson, W. Bryan, James Bryan, Jesse Bryan, Willis Fincklea and Mary his wife, David Perrit and Sally his wife, Mourning Bryan wife, Needham Perrit and Kitsey his wife, Henry Gasque and Milly his wife, and Mourning Bryan. ... 2 Jan 1832 ... Solomon Huggins also named as heir ... ...; !CENSUS:1820 x !CENSUS:1830 Butler Co., AL pg 299 Needham Perritt age 40-49 (1780/90) 0100001-110001; !NAMED: 5 May 1830 Marion Dist, SC Ordinary's Real Estate Book (1826-1843) pg 103 Jesse BRYAN, decd. Jesse ATKINSON for himself and in behalf of Ebenezer & Sarah Ann ATKINSON, minors and Jesse & Hugh ATKINSON for themselves. Other heirs: Mourning BRYAN, widow. William BRYAN, James BRYAN, Jesse BRYAN, Willis FINKLEA and wife Mary, David PERRITT and wife Sally, Jonathan HARRELSON & wife Mourning, Needham PERRIT and wife Kitsey, Henry GASQUE and wife Milley; !CENSUS:1840 Butler Co., AL pg 135 Needham Perret age 40-49 (1790/1800) 1000001-0010101 ; !NAMED-PROBATE ROLL # 116 Marion Co., SC Jesse Bryant Sr. 1841 Adm Bond 6 Dec 1841 David Perritt, Asa Godbold, Neal Carmichael. ... 6 Sep 1830 Mourning Bryant from my son William Bryant, planter, 310a ... commissioners voided deed ... (no date) We, Elizabeth Martin, William Bryant, James Bryant, Jesse Bryant, David Perritt, Needham Perritt, Jonathan Harrell, Henry Gasque and Smithey Huggins wife of Solomon Huggins, legatees ... after death of Mourning Bryant ... agree that the children of decd wife of Jesse Adkinson shall have equal share, viz Hugh Adkinson, Jesse Adkinson, Ebenezer Adkinson, Sarah Ann Goldbold wife of Vincent Godbold, also the children of Mary Finklea, to wit 4 in number (not named). ... Elly Finklea named as heir in list dated 12 Nov 1845 ... ... Ann Adkinson mentioned 1845 ...; !CENSUS:1850 Butler Co., AL # 21/21 Needham Perritt 50 Farmer $150 AL Rosana 46 SC; | Perritt, Needham (I11009)
4812 | !CENSUS:1810 x !CENSUS:1820 x !CENSUS:1830 x !CENSUS:1840 x !CENSUS:1850 x | Bonham, Spencer (I12973)
4813 | !CENSUS:1810 x * Census Lost for Wake County !DEED: 5 Feb 1817 Wake Co., NC Deed Book 1, p. 155 David Grant of Wake to Joseph Hollifield (or Holderfield) of Wake, for £25, 100acres on Hearens Creek. S: David (his mark) Grant. W: Wm Hudson, Josiah Barbee. !CENSUS:1820 x * Census Lost for Wake County | Hollifield, Joseph (I109004)
4814 | !CENSUS:1810 x * Lost for 99% of Tennessee !CENSUS:1820 x * Jesse Stroud (Sr) Not found. All of 1820 census for Eastern Tennessee lost.; !CENSUS:1830 Obion Co., TN p. 164 Jesse Stroud age 60-69 (1760/1770) 111010001-0211001 Slaves=0 My analysis (who each person *might* be) 1m 60-69 (1760/1770) Jesse Stroud (1760/70) 1m 20-29 (1800/1810) Richard Stroud (c1810) son <--- 1m 10-14 (1815/1820) Howell Stroud (c1816) son 1m 5-9 (1820/1825) Silas Stroud (c1820) son 1m 0-4 (1825/1830) James Stroud (c1826) son 1f 40-49 (1780/1790) Tabitha Hicks Stroud (c1786) wife 1f 15-19 (1810/1815) Elizabeth Stroud (1810/15) daughter 1f 10-14 (1815/1820) Deniza Stroud (c1815) daughter 2f 5-9 (1820/1825) 1 Obedience Stroud (1820/25) daughter 2f 5-9 (1820/1825) 2 Margaret Stroud (c1825) daughter !NAMED-WILL:24 May 1834 Weakley Co., TN p. 139 Jesse Stroud, recorded 17 Jul 1834 Wife Tabitha and *her* six children: Elizabeth, Deniza, Obedience, Margaret, Jane, James Richard (note by Marty: That's seven children!) <--- My son Howell my son Silas Having had eleven children by my first wife Naoma, to each one dollar (viz) Echolds, Isaac, Jesse, John, Thomas, Nancy, Rebecca, Polly, Sally, William Peter. Wit: Harden S. Adams, Samuel Hall, Thornton Jones. S: Jesse (R) Stroud !CENSUS:1840 Henry Co., TN p. 61 Richard Stroud age 30-39 (1800/1810) 100001-20002; !CENSUS:1850 x !CENSUS:1860 x | Stroud, Richard (I30489)
4815 | !CENSUS:1810 x * Lost for 99% of Tennessee; !CENSUS:1820 x !NAMED-WILL:24 May 1834 Weakley Co., TN p. 139 Jesse Stroud, recorded 17 Jul 1834 Wife Tabitha and *her* six children: Elizabeth, Deniza, Obedience, Margaret, Jane, James Richard (note by Marty: That's seven children!) My son Howell my son Silas Having had eleven children by my first wife Naoma, to each one dollar (viz) Echolds, Isaac, Jesse, John, Thomas, Nancy, Rebecca, <--- Polly, Sally, William Peter. Wit: Harden S. Adams, Samuel Hall, Thornton Jones. S: Jesse (R) Stroud | Stroud, Rebecca (I30484)
4816 | !CENSUS:1810 x * Lost for 99% of Tennessee; !CENSUS:1820 x !NAMED-WILL:24 May 1834 Weakley Co., TN p. 139 Jesse Stroud, recorded 17 Jul 1834 Wife Tabitha and *her* six children: Elizabeth, Deniza, Obedience, Margaret, Jane, James Richard (note by Marty: That's seven children!) My son Howell my son Silas Having had eleven children by my first wife Naoma, to each one dollar (viz) Echolds, Isaac, Jesse, John, Thomas, Nancy, Rebecca, Polly, Sally, <--- William Peter. Wit: Harden S. Adams, Samuel Hall, Thornton Jones. S: Jesse (R) Stroud | Stroud, Sarah (I30486)
4817 | !CENSUS:1810 x * Lost for 99% of Tennessee; !CENSUS:1820; !CENSUS:1830 Obion Co., TN p. 164 William Stroud age 20-29 (1800/1810) 00001-10001; !NAMED-WILL:24 May 1834 Weakley Co., TN p. 139 Jesse Stroud, recorded 17 Jul 1834 Wife Tabitha and *her* six children: Elizabeth, Deniza, Obedience, Margaret, Jane, James Richard (note by Marty: That's seven children!) My son Howell my son Silas Having had eleven children by my first wife Naoma, to each one dollar (viz) Echolds, Isaac, Jesse, John, Thomas, Nancy, Rebecca, Polly, Sally, William <--- Peter. Wit: Harden S. Adams, Samuel Hall, Thornton Jones. S: Jesse (R) Stroud !CENSUS:1840 Carroll Co., AR p. 1 W. P. Stroud age 40-49 (1790/1800) 0001001-000001; !CENSUS:1850 Carroll Co., AR Jefferson Township # 635/635 William P. Stroud 44 Farmer $4000 NC Diana 43 SC Laban M. 22 Farmer TN Elvira 22 TN; !CENSUS:1860 Carroll Co., AR Jefferson, Mt. Pleasant PO # 55/55 Wm P. Stroud 54 Farmer $8000/31550 NC Dyinah 54 NC L. M. 32 m Atto at Law TN Elvira 32 TN William W. 8 AR Beal G. 6 m John J. 4 Missouri 10/12 f Joseph Lackey 30 Farmer Ireland; | Stroud, William P (I30488)
4818 | !CENSUS:1810 x * Lost for 99% of Tennessee; !NAMED-WILL:24 May 1834 Weakley Co., TN p. 139 Jesse Stroud, recorded 17 Jul 1834 Wife Tabitha and *her* six children: Elizabeth, Deniza, Obedience, Margaret, Jane, James Richard (note by Marty: That's seven children!) My son Howell my son Silas Having had eleven children by my first wife Naoma, to each one dollar (viz) Echolds, Isaac, Jesse, John, Thomas, Nancy, Rebecca, Polly, <--- Sally, William Peter. Wit: Harden S. Adams, Samuel Hall, Thornton Jones. S: Jesse (R) Stroud !CENSUS:1850 Wayne Co., TN 4th Civil District # 67/69 Samuel Rily 53 Miller $2300 SC Mary 47 NC Catherine 17 TN Hellen 15 James 12 William 10 Neany? 7 Mary 4; !CENSUS:1860 Wayne Co., TN District No 1, Waynesboro PO # 1140/1140 Mary Riley 50 $-/75 TN; | Stroud, Mary (I30487)
4819 | !CENSUS:1810 x * Lost for TN; !CENSUS:1820 Maury Co., TN p. 28 George Patton age 26-44 (1775/1794) 010010-40010 Slaves=6100-3010 * Next door to Robert Carruthers (bef 1775); !COURT: 1 May 1823 Wilson Co, TN Robert Neill, Complt vs. George Cathey et al (long list of heirs). William Neil, complainants father sometime in the month of Oct 1783 gave to George Cathey L65 10s, 6p to securing land in Western Country, now state of TN. Obtained 640a with William Campbell on 26 Jun 1795 grant was issued on south side of Cumberland River on Spencers Creek. William Neil gave to his son John Niel the above tract who sold it to brother Robert Neill. William Cathey and George Cathey, sons of George, and his executors, conveyed said land to John Neil. Violet Cathey on of the daughters of George Cathey, decd, and John Reed who married Esther another of the daughters, executed a deed of relinq. Alexander Neil and James Neil, brothers to the complainant dated 24 Aug 1819 relinq all their rights to the land. Another deed of relinq dated 1 aug 1821 John Neil, James Neil, Sarah Neil, John Plumley, William Plumley, Archibald Plumley, Jacob Howes, Hannah Howes, Benjamin Howes, and William Howes. "That George Cathey, Violet Cathey, Jane Adkins, Samuel Lusk and his wife Betsy, Benjamin Burgen and his wife Mary are the children & heirs of said George Cathey decd. that George Patton, John Logan and his wife Rebecca are grand children of said George Cathey Senr decd. by his daughter Margaret who intermarried with Elija Paton and who are both deceased. Also Robert Cain & Daniel Cain are grand children of said George decd by his daughter Elizabeth who intermarrired first with Robert Cain, also James Reed grand child of said George decd by his daughter Elizabeth by her second husband Robert Reed, the same Robert Cain, Robert Reed and Elizabeth being now all dead. Also Robert Patton and his wife Rebecca who is a daughter of said George decd. John Reed and his wife Esther, who is also a daughter of said George decd. Also Andrew Neil and his wife Mary the said Andrew being a son of William Neil decd. and his wife Mary a daughter of said George decd. Also Robert Gillespie and his wife Anne grnad daughter of said George decd. by his son William Cathey and George Cathey, James Cathey, and Andrew Cathey and William Mahafy and his wife Betsey grand sons and daughter of said George deceased by his son William Cathey now decd. | Patton, George (I32773)
4820 | !CENSUS:1810 x * One in Darlington Dist., SC but that's a different person, I believe; !CENSUS:1820 Buncombe Co., NC p. 116 Reuben Besley age 26-44 (1775/94) 010010-00010-0-0 * Near Samuel Patterson. * A few houses from Joseph Beasley; !CENSUS:1830 Buncombe Co., NC p. 222 Reuben Beasley age 40-49 (1780/1790) 0000001-20001 * Two houses from Joseph Beasley. Brother? * Same page as West Patterson, associated with Burt Moore.; !CENSUS:1840 Union Co., GA p. 4 Reuben Beasley age 50-59 (1780/1790) 11000001-102001; !CENSUS:1850 x !CENSUS:1860 McMinn Co., TN # 884/884 * | Beasley, Reuben (I115110)
4821 | !CENSUS:1810; !CENSUS:1820 Burke Co., NC p. 15 Ecles Stroud age 26-44 (1775/1794) 100010-42010-0-0 My analysis (who each person *might* be) 1m 26-44 (1775/1794) Ecclesiastes Stroud (c1785) 1m 0-9 (1810/1820) son 1f 26-44 (1775/1794) Mary (---) Stroud (c1786) wife 2f 10-15 (1804/1810) 1 daughter 2f 10-15 (1804/1810) 2 Naomi Stroud (c1810) dau* <--- 4f 0-9 (1810/1820) 1 daughter 4f 0-9 (1810/1820) 2 daughter 4f 0-9 (1810/1820) 3 daughter 4f 0-9 (1810/1820) 4 Susan Stroud (c1817) dau * Not proven, but 1837/38 family letter says Oma Stroud married James Stroud and moved away and Eccles went with them, suggesting he * is father of one of them. Naomi seems more likely to be his child based on her age. !CENSUS:1830 Burke Co., NC p. 177 Eccles Stroud age 20-29 (1800/1810)* 10001-1221101* Slaves=0 *Total household members = 11. However, if you add them you get 10. *The columns for males ages 40 though 100 is heavily faded. Eccles should be listed there. My analysis (who each person *might* be) 1m (no ages) Ecclesiastes Stroud (c1785)* see above. 1m 20-29 (1800/1810) son 1m 0-4 (1825/1830) Jesse G. Stroud (c1829) son* 1f 40-49 (1780/1790) Mary (---) Stroud (c1786) wife 1f 20-29 (1800/1810) Naomi Stroud (c1810) dau** <--- 1f 15-19 (1810/1815) daughter 2f 10-14 (1815/1820) 1 daughter 2f 10-14 (1815/1820) 2 Susan Stroud (c1817) dau 2f 5-9 (1820/1825) 1 daughter 2f 5-9 (1820/1825) 2 daughter 1f 0-4 (1825/1830) Elizabeth Stroud (c1826) dau*** * Jesse married in 1849 Anderson Co., TN when Eccles was only Stroud there, but complicated by the fact that Jesse married an Eliza Stroud (c1833). * however, Eliza doesn't fit in Eccles household unless age is off a bit on 1850 or 1840 census. ** Not proven, but 1837/38 family letter says Oma Stroud she married James Stroud and moved away and Eccles went with them, suggesting he ** is father of one of them. Naomi seems more likely to be his child based on her age. *** Not proven to be Eccles child, but married in 1849 Anderson Co., TN when he was only known Stroud living there. !CENSUS:1840 * Roane Co, TN w/James STROUD age 20-29 (1810/20); !CENSUS:1850 Roane Co., TN 20th Subdivision # 1707/1761 James Stroud 45 Farmer $-C Neoma 40 TN James 14 Margaret 13 Cusarilla 10 f Peter 8 Sarah 6 Mary 5 Catharine 1; | Stroud, Naomi (I30440)
4822 | !CENSUS:1810; !CENSUS:1820 Burke Co., NC p. 15 Ecles Stroud age 26-44 (1775/1794) 100010-42010-0-0 My analysis (who each person *might* be) 1m 26-44 (1775/1794) Ecclesiastes Stroud (c1785) 1m 0-9 (1810/1820) son 1f 26-44 (1775/1794) Mary (---) Stroud (c1786) wife <--- 2f 10-15 (1804/1810) 1 daughter 2f 10-15 (1804/1810) 2 Naomi Stroud (c1810) dau* 4f 0-9 (1810/1820) 1 daughter 4f 0-9 (1810/1820) 2 daughter 4f 0-9 (1810/1820) 3 daughter 4f 0-9 (1810/1820) 4 Susan Stroud (c1817) dau * Not proven, but 1837/38 family letter says Oma Stroud married James Stroud and moved away and Eccles went with them, suggesting he * is father of one of them. Naomi seems more likely to be his child based on her age. !CENSUS:1830 Burke Co., NC p. 177 Eccles Stroud age 20-29 (1800/1810)* 10001-1221101* Slaves=0 *Total household members = 11. However, if you add them you get 10. *The columns for males ages 40 though 100 is heavily faded. Eccles should be listed there. My analysis (who each person *might* be) 1m (no ages) Ecclesiastes Stroud (c1785)* see above. 1m 20-29 (1800/1810) son 1m 0-4 (1825/1830) Jesse G. Stroud (c1829) son* 1f 40-49 (1780/1790) Mary (---) Stroud (c1786) wife <--- 1f 20-29 (1800/1810) Naomi Stroud (c1810) dau** 1f 15-19 (1810/1815) daughter 2f 10-14 (1815/1820) 1 daughter 2f 10-14 (1815/1820) 2 Susan Stroud (c1817) dau 2f 5-9 (1820/1825) 1 daughter 2f 5-9 (1820/1825) 2 daughter 1f 0-4 (1825/1830) Elizabeth Stroud (c1826) dau*** * Jesse married in 1849 Anderson Co., TN when Eccles was only Stroud there, but complicated by the fact that Jesse married an Eliza Stroud (c1833). * however, Eliza doesn't fit in Eccles household unless age is off a bit on 1850 or 1840 census. ** Not proven, but 1837/38 family letter says Oma Stroud she married James Stroud and moved away and Eccles went with them, suggesting he ** is father of one of them. Naomi seems more likely to be his child based on her age. *** Not proven to be Eccles child, but married in 1849 Anderson Co., TN when he was only known Stroud living there. !CENSUS:1840 Roane Co., TN p. 7 Ecles Stroud age 50-59 (1780/1790) 00100001-10111001 Slaves=0 My analysis (who each person *might* be) 1m 50-59 (1780/1790) Ecclesiastes Stroud (c1785) 1m 10-14 (1825/1830) Jesse G. Stroud (c1829) son* 1f 50-59 (1780/1790) Mary (---) Stroud (c1786) wife <--- 1f 20-29 (1810/1820) Susan Stroud (c1817) Pdau 1f 15-19 (1820/1825) daughter 1f 10-14 (1825/1830) Elizabeth Stroud (c1826) dau** 1f 0-4 (1835/1840) daughter * Jesse married in 1849 Anderson Co., TN when Eccles was only Stroud there, but complicated by the fact that Jesse married an Eliza Stroud (c1833). * however, Eliza doesn't fit in Eccles household unless age is off a bit on 1850 or 1840 census. ** Not proven to be Eccles child, but married in 1849 Anderson Co., TN when he was only known Stroud living there. !CENSUS:1850 Anderson Co., TN The 16th Subdivision E.D. Tennessee, # 577/578 Peter Kesterson 27 Farmer $- TN Susan 27 NC Mary E. 11 TN Eclesiastes Stroud 65 Farmer $- NC Mary 64 NC; !CENSUS:1860 x | Mary (I38385)
4823 | !CENSUS:1810; !CENSUS:1820 Marion Dist., SC page 67 w/John Turner age 10-15 (1804/10) 020100-01100, FPC 0001-0000 !CENSUS:1830; !CENSUS:1840 Marion Dist., SC pg 140 John Turner Jr age 30-39 (1800/10) "000101-110001"; !COURT:21 Mar 1840 Marion Dist., SC Judgment Roll # 4346. The State vs. John Turner. "We find that the relator John Turner is a free mulatto." (from jury). Patience Turner mother of John Turner who married juda Hatchcock, a free white woman, parents of your petitioner John Turner. My father was a soldier in the American Revolution under General Marion. Patience Turner left a daughter named Patience Turner (sic) who married John Martin, they are parents of Sarah Martin; !NOTE:Not sure if Stewart Co., GA family is same, but they fit, and an Elisa Hussey 18 is just a few houses away, perhaps a relative. Members of the Powers family went to this county too; !CENSUS:1850 Stewart Co., GA Box Angle Dist, # 467/473 John Turner, 45 Farmer $600 SC Ruth 44 Catharine 17 Angeline 13 !CENSUS:1860 Webster Co., GA Southern District, Preston PO, # 470/470 Jno Turner 55 Farmer $2000/535 SC Rutha 55 SC Caroline 25 SC J. N. Bryant 19 NC; !CENSUS:1870 Webster Co., GA Preston PO, # 63/70 John Turner, 65 Farmer, $800/874 SC Mary E. 32 Keeping House GA Laura 3 GA Everett 2 Louisa 9/12 born Oct John H. Simmons 13 at School, AL Thomas C. 11 GA James B. 8 GA. !CENSUS:1880 Webster Co., GA GMD 978, # 121/121 John Turner 75, Farmer SC-SC-NC Martha G. 42 wife Keeping House GA-GA-GA Everet 12 son Laborer GA-SC-GA Laura 13 daughter At Home GA-SC-SC Louisa 10 daughter At Home GA-SC-GA Henry J. 8 son At Home John H. Simmons 23 step Son Farmer GA-VA-GA Thomas C. 21 step son Laborer Joseph B. 18 step son, Laborer. | Turner, John (I60960)
4824 | !CENSUS:1810; !CENSUS:1820 Marion Dist., SC page 67 w/John Turner age 16-25 (1794/1804) 020100-01100, FPC 0001-0000 !CENSUS:1830 Marion Dist, SC pg 48 Joseph TURNER age 20-29 (1800/10) "10001-00002"; !CENSUS:1840 Marion Dist, SC pg 140 Joseph TURNER age 30-39 (1800/10) "001001-420001"; !COURT:21 Mar 1840 Marion Dist., SC Judgment Roll # 4347 Joseph Turner vs. the State. John Turner and Juda Hathcock are parents of Joseph Turner. Penny Turner married John Martin, parents of Sarah Martin; !CENSUS:1850 Marion Dist, SC pg 64 # 946/951 Joseph Turner, 47 Laborer Marion Elizabeth 49 Catherine 18 Marinda 16 Clarisa 14 Jane 12 Mary 10 Zelia 8 Joannah 6; !CENSUS:1860 x | Turner, Joseph (I11236)
4825 | !CENSUS:1810; !CENSUS:1820 Rutherford Co, NC pg 375 w/Robert HUMPHRIES age 10-15 (1804/1810); !CENSUS:1830; !CENSUS:1840 Rutherford Co, NC pg 346 w/Thomas GRANT age 20-29 (1810/20); !CENSUS:1850 Cherokee Co., NC p 30B # 394/394 Thomas Grant 51 Farmer $- NC Catharine 41 Robert 21 Farmer Elizabeth 23 James 16 Martin 14 Dianna 9 Sarah A. 2 Dianna Humphries 52; !CENSUS:1860 Haywood Co., NC Division 37, Jonathan's Creek PO # 834-834 Thomas Grant 58 Miller $150/250 NC Catharine 44 Domestic Martin 20 Farming Diana 18 Domestic Sary 12 Diana Humphrys 57 Domestic; !CENSUS:1870 Sevier Co, TN District 1 pg 337 # 122 Thomas GRANT, 69 (1800/01) born NC Katherine, 64 NC Diner H. A. 28 Sarah J. 19 NC Elizabeth, 2 TN; | Humphries, Catherine (I4714)
4826 | !CENSUS:1810; !CENSUS:1820; !CENSUS:1830 Marion Dist., SC pg 44 Henry Rogers age 30-39 (1790/1800) 100001-21001, slaves=000000-100000; !CENSUS:1840 Marion Dist., SC pg 136 Henry Rogers age 30-39 (1800/10) 021001-211101; !CENSUS:1850 Marion Dist., SC # 876/880 Henry Rogers 48 Farmer $- Marion Ann 46 Mary 23 Thompson 20 m " Harriet 19 Ebenezer 17 " Redden 15 " Martha 13 Frances 11; !CENSUS:1860 Marion Dist, SC, Marion, Floydsville PO # 1839/1811 Henry Rogers 60 Farmer $4000/200 SC Nancy 59 Mary 33 Thomas 30 Farm Laborer $0/200 Harriet 27 Mary 2 John Rogers 19 Farm Laborer Wm 17 "" Robt Hays 17 "" Milley Rogers 13 Lou Rogers 11 f Leta 8 Evander 3 Henry 1 Alfred 1; !CENSUS:1870 Marion Co., SC Hillsboro, Nichols Depot PO # 231/232 Henry Rodgers 66 Farmer $1000/25 SC Mary 40 Keeping House Fannie 31 at home Lucy 25 at home Alfred 11 at school William 8 at school Mary 5 at school; !CENSUS:1880 Marion Co., SC Hillsboro # 386/390 Henry Rogers 83 Wd Farmer SC-NC-NC Mary 41 dau S Keeps House SC-SC-SC R. A. 21 gr-son works on farm M. A. 14 gr-dau at home; !REFERENCE: A History of Marion County, South Carolina From Its Earliest Times to the Present, 1901, by W. W. Sellers, Esq., of the Marion Bar. 1902. pp. 178-183 Captain Henry Rogers (familiarly called "Captain Tarleton"), a brother of old Dew, married a Miss Thompson, and came over from the Fork about the same time Dew Rogers came, and settled on the Lewis Thompson homestead, his wife's father, and lived and died there some years ago ; he also raised a large family of sons and daughters, and about them the writer knows but little. R. R. Hays, of Dillon, is a grand-son of "Captain Tarleton." ; !REFERENCE: A History of Marion County, South Carolina From Its Earliest Times to the Present, 1901, by W. W. Sellers, Esq., of the Marion Bar. 1902. pp. 185-189 ... Rev. David Edwards, second son of "Gold-headed Dick," a capital man, married into the extensive family of the Rogers his wife was a sister of "Captain Tarleton" and of Dew Rogers, both of them before spoken of herein ; by his marriage he had and raised fourteen children, six sons and eight daughters; the sons were Carey, Andrew, David, Richard, Robert and William; the daughters were Harriet, Elizabeth, Sallie, Martha, Nancy, Alice, Emaline and Mary. Of the sons, Andrew, Richard and Robert are dead ; of the daughters, Sallie, Martha, Alice and Emaline are dead ; the dead ones, however, all married and left families. ; | Rogers, Cpt Henry (I77802)
4827 | !CENSUS:1810; !CENSUS:1820; !CENSUS:1830; !NAMED-PROBATE:Yancey Co., NC Wills 1834-1860 James Gennings Heirs named (no date) By Agreement of D. Carter Wiliam Cochram John George Thomas Ginnings William Ray John Carter Wm R. Roberts to lay off dower for the widow ... (not named); !CENSUS:1840; !COURT:Dec 1845 Macon Co, NC Court Minutes 1838-1855 pg 317 Thomas JENNINGS died intestate, William COCKERHAM appointed administrator; !DEED:16 Dec 1846 Macon Co, NC E-147 William COCKERHAM of Macon for natural love and affection for Sarah COCKERHAM, William COCKERHAM, John C. COCKERHAM, Daniel COCKERHAM, Charity COCKERHAM, Elizabeth A. COCKERHAM, David COCKERHAM and the infant or youngest child, name not known, all children of Daniel S. and Celia COCKERHAM. Witness: E. DOWDLE; !CENSUS:1850 Macon Co., NC Deep Creek # 380/388 William Cockerham 73 Farmer $2000 Halifax VA Charity 67 Surry NC Jane Starnes 17 GA; !CENSUS:1860 Jackson Co., NC Webster PO # 360/360 Wm Cockerham 81 Farmer $4000/2000 VA C. 75 f NC; !WILL: 9 Aug 1860 Jackson Co., NC Will Book A p. 299 William COCKRAM, pr Apr 1866. Names: Wife Charity dau Elizabeth wife of William Connally son John son Alfred Newton son James. Son John appt Exec. Witnesses: H. A. Boone, John S. Gipson; | Cockerham, William (I15077)
4828 | !CENSUS:1810; !CENSUS:1820; !DEED:25 May 1828 Montgomery Co., KY (shared by Laura Schreibman) Absolem Rice & Ellenor his wife, late Ellenor Hensley, Samuel Hensley & Frederick White & Louisa his wife,late Louisa Hensley of Montg.Co.Ky. sell to Thos.Hoffman in town of Mt.Sterling. I,Frederick White,one of the heirs by marriage of Samuel Hensley,dec'd for #20.00 convey to Samuel Hensley,land in Mt.Sterling.(Signed) Frederick White,Louisiana White.; !CENSUS:1830 Montgomery Co., KY p 8 Absalom Rice age 30-39 (1790/1800) 010001-01001 My analysis (who each person *might* be) 1m 30-39 (1790/1800) Absolem Rice (1795) 1m 5-9 (1820/1825).. William S. Rice (1823) son 1f 20-29 (1800/1801) Eleanor C. Hensley Rice (1801) wife <--- 1f 5-9 (1820/1825).. Daughter? !CENSUS:1840 Callaway Co., MO p 209 Absalem Rice age 40-49 (1790/1800) 1101011-011101 My analysis (who each person *might* be) 1m 50-59 (1780/1790) Brother? 1m 40-49 (1790/1800) Absolem Rice (1795) 1m 15-19 (1820/1825) William S. Rice (1823) son 1m 5-9 (1830/1835).. Son? 1m 0-4 (1835/1840).. Son? 1f 30-39 (1800/1801) Eleanor C. Hensley Rice (1801) wife <--- 1f 15-19 (1820/1825) Daughter? 1f 10-14 (1825/1830) Daughter? *not home in 1830. 1f 5-9 (1830/1835).. Daughter?; !CENSUS:1850 Calloway Co., MO 12th District # 101/101 Absalom Rice 54 Farmer $1000 TN Eleanor 50 KY Wm 25 Farmer Susan 19 Henry 1 MO Franklin White 12 MO; !CENSUS:1860 Callaway Co., MO District No 18 # 567/586 Absolam Rice 65 Farmer $3300/3000 KY Ellen 56; !CENSUS:1870 Callaway Co., MO Fulton, Fulton PO # 161/160 William S. Rice 45 Farmer $-/- KY Susan 38 Keeping House MO Henry C. 20 Laborer in Farm Samuel M. 19 "" Eveline 16 at home Lucy H. 14 "" Willy F. 10 Anna Lee 7 Amanda H. 5 Benj. H. 5/12 Jan. Absalom Rice 74 Clergyman $-/- KY Ellena 67 Keeping House; !CENSUS:1880 Callaway Co., MO South Fulton # 123/126 Absolom Rice 85 M Minister KY-TN-TN Ellen C. 76 wife M Keeping House KY-VA-VA James Moss black, 11 Servant MO-MO-MO; !BIRTH-DEATH:Mrs. Allen C. Rice, born 24 Aug 1801 died 26 Feb 1883 Fulton Telegraph & Callaway Weekly Gazette; | Hensley, Eleanor C (I54494)
4829 | !CENSUS:1810; CENSUS:1820; CENSUS:1830; CENSUS:1840 Roane Co, TN pg 45 John GRANT age 30-39 (1800/10) "020001-100101"; CENSUS:1850 Roane Co, TN # 767 John GRANT, 44 (1805/06) born VA; CENSUS:1860 Roane Co, TN pg 143 John GRANT, 54 (1805/06) *; CENSUS:1870 * Not in TN; | Grant, John (I83146)
4830 | !CENSUS:1810; !CENSUS:1820 * Haywood Co, NC pg 225 w/B. John MORE age 10-15 (1804/1810); !CENSUS:1830 Rabun Co, GA pg 232 William MOORE age 20-29 (1800/10) "00001-10001"; !CENSUS:1840 Rabun Co, GA pg 214 William MOOR age 30-39 (1800/10) "110001-12001"; !CENSUS:1850 Rabun Co, GA # 4 William MOORE, 44 (1805/06) born SC; | Moore, William M (I47178)
4831 | !CENSUS:1810; !CENSUS:1820 * Haywood Co, NC pg 226 w/Henry MILLER age 10-15 (1804/10); !MARRIAGE: 3 May 1825 Haywood Co, NC Isaac SMATHERS Sr and Polly MILLER; !CENSUS:1830 Haywood Co, NC pg 367 w/Isaac SMATHERS age 20-29 (1800/10); !CENSUS:1840 Haywood Co, NC pg 109 Polly SMATHERS age 30-39 (1800/10) "111-010001"; !CENSUS:1850 Haywood Co, NC # 651 Mary SMATHERS, 45 (1804/05) born NC; !NAMED:26 Apr 1880 Buncombe Co, NC Wills B-236 Peter MILLER, pr 21 Apr 1881. Exec: Canada COWAN and James BUTTRICK. My deceased wife. Sister Sally SMATHERS and her daughter Mary ann. To Nelson SMATHERS. To the widow of Munson SMATHERS. To Adeline MILLER, Jeff MILLER, Joseph MILLER, Julia SMATHERS, Peggie MORGAN, Mary Ann MORGAN, Bettie MILLER, all children of my brother Henry MILLER. To George MILLER, Mary E. GREENE, James MILLER, Lewis MILLER, children of deceased brother George MILLER. To Rufus MILLER son of my deceased brother Ambrose. To Evy MILLER, wife of my deceased half-brother David MILLER and to her children, Thomas MILLER, James MILLER, John MILLER. To Gray ALEXANDER, Avaline AFLES?, Betsy BROWN, Willis ALEXANDER, Joseph WRIGHT. Wit: W.L. SMITH, Melvin E. CARTER; | Miller, Mary "Polly" (I34249)
4832 | !CENSUS:1810; !CENSUS:1820 * Haywood Co, NC pg 226 w/John MORE age 0-9 (1810/20); !CENSUS:1830 Macon Co, NC pg 26 w/John P. MOORE age 20-29 (1800/10); !WITNESS: 9 Jun 1838 Macon Co, NC Deed B-668 John P. MOORE to Abner MOORE, as "Isaac C. MOORE"; !WITNESS:15 Jun 1838 Macon Co, NC Deed A-615 Heirs of Taverner B. MOORE; !MARRIAGE:29 Jan 1839 Macon Co, NC Isaac MOORE & Rachel BRYSON, M. DOWELL, JP; !COURT:Aug 1839 Macon Co, NC Court Minutes 1838-1855 pg 34? Insolvents ... Disownings: ... Watson PICKLESIMER, 1 poll ... A. M. BRYSON, 50a, 1 Poll ... Isaac MOORE, 50a, 1 Poll ... Samuel M. BRYSON, 1 poll ... Abraham MOORE, 156a, 1 poll ...; !CENSUS:1840 Macon Co, NC pg 146 Isaac MOORE age 30-39 (1800/1810) "100001-0001"; !DEED:18 Jan 1843 Macon Co, NC D-1568 Samuel BRYSON to Isaac MOORE, both of Macon, for $200, 75a purchased from the state by Andrew BRYSON, decd, lying on Sugar Town fork of Little Tennessee River. Wit: Noah C. LEDFORD.; !DEED:20 Mar 1846 Macon Co, NC E-132 Clark GUY to Isaac MOORE, both of Macon, for $8.50, 50a Sugartown River, bordering Widow BRYSON. Wit: Isaac N. KEENER, M.N. RUSSEL.; !DEED:20 Mar 1846 Macon Co, NC E-132 Sugartown; !DEED: 8 Jan 1848 Macon Co, NC E-309 Isaac MOORE of Cherokee Co, NC to James H. BRYSON for $10, 50a Sugartown R. Wit: A.T. DAVIDSON, J.H. COLLETT; !DEED:13 Mar 1848 Macon Co, NC E-324 Samuel BRYSON, Isaac MOORE & wife Rachel and Stephen BRYSON, all of Cherokee Co, NC to James H. BRYSON of Cherokee Co, NC, for $1000, their int in 147a purchased by Andrew BRYSON, decd on Sugartown Fork of Tennessee River which descended to heirs: Samuel BRYSON, Isaac MOORE & Rachel, Stephen BRYSON and James H. BRYSON. S: Samuel Bryson, Isaac Moore, Rachel (X) Moore, Stephen Bryson Wit: S.W. DAVIDSON, John J. ROSE; !CENSUS:1850 Cherokee Co, NC # 443 Isaac MOORE, 41 (1808/09) born NC; !CENSUS:1860 Cherokee Co, NC Beaverdam # 176 Isaac MOORE, 57 (1802/03) born Buncombe Co, NC; !CENSUS:1870 Cherokee Co, NC Beaver Dam Twp # 56 Isaac MOORE, 61 (1808/09) born NC; !CENSUS:1880 Cherokee Co, NC Beaverdam # 187 pg 319C Isaac MOON Self M M W 71 NC/VA/VA Rachel MOON Wife F M W 58 NC/SC/SC Andrew J. MOON Son M S W 40 NC/NC/NC Stephen MOON Son M S W 28 NC Emma MOON Dau F S W 16 NC; | Moore, Isaac N (I14361)
4833 | !CENSUS:1810; !CENSUS:1820 * Haywood Co, NC pg 226 w/John MORE age 16-25 (1794/1804); !PETITION:1828 for new County of Macon from Southwestern part of Haywood ... Abner MOORE 1-2-3-6-0 (Males over 21, males under 21, Females, Total, Colored); !CENSUS:1830 Macon Co, NC pg 31 Abner MOORE 30-39 (1790/1800) "210001-11001"; !POLL:1835 Macon Co, NC Valley River Precinct Abner MOORE; !DEED:28 Oct 1836 Macon Co, NC C-1176; !DEED: 9 Jun 1838 Macon Co, NC B-668 from John P. MOORE of Rabun Co, GA; !DEED: 5 Jan 1839 Macon Co, NC B-944 State Grant 328 on Sugartown Creek; !DEED: 7 Feb 1839 Macon Co, NC B-965 Ellijay Creek; !COURT:Mar 1839 Macon Co, NC Court Minutes 1838-1855 pg 34 Jury ... Samuel WATERS ... Thomas J. ROANE ... Michael LONG ... Matthew MASHBURN ... John BRYSON Sr ... Abner MOORE ...; !COURT:Jun 1839 Macon Co, NC Court Minutes 1838-1855 pg 39 Jury ... John J. ROSE ... Samuel J .WATERS ... Michael LONG, Matthew MASHBURN ... John BRYSON Sr ... Watson PICKLESIMER, Abner MOORE ...; !CENSUS:1840 Macon Co, NC pg 147 Abner MOORE age 30-39 (1800/1810) "121101-2110101"; !DEED:21 Jan 1840 Macon Co, NC C-1450 witnessed by Abraham MOORE; !DEED: 9 Mar 1840 Macon Co, NC C-1190; !DEED:10 Jan 1842 Macon Co, NC D-1671; !DEED:15 Apr 1842 Macon Co, NC E-77 of Macon, from Joab L. MOORE of Cherokee Co, NC; !DEED:15 Mar 1842 Macon Co, NC E-77; !DEED:30 Nov 1844 Macon Co, NC D-1827 State Grant 673 asg of Matthew DAVIS; !DEED:18 Mar 1846 Macon Co, NC E-67 of Cherokee Co, NC, land on Shooting Creek; !CENSUS:1850 Cherokee Co, NC # 330/330 Abner S. Moore, 49 TN Ann 50 SC Isaac 21 NC Malinda 17 Nancy 16 Abner 12 Rachael 9 Leander 7 Ann 3; !CENSUS:1860 Cherokee Co, NC Shooting Creek # 1122/1122 Abner S. Moore, 58 $12000/8500 Carter Co., TN Ann 59 (birth place hard to make out, ----- TN) Abner J. 22 Cherokee Co., NC Leander T. 18 Macon Ann 13 Cherokee; !CENSUS:1870; !CENSUS:1880; | Moore, Abner Senter (I14353)
4834 | !CENSUS:1810; !CENSUS:1820 * Marion Dist, SC pg 23 w/John RICE age 16-25 (1794/1804); !CENSUS:1830 * Marion Dist, SC pg x w/Zachariah PHILLIPS age 20-29 (1800/10); !CENSUS:1840 * Marion Dist, SC pg x w/Z.L. PHILLIPS age 30-39 (1800/10); !CENSUS:1850 Marion Dist, SC pg 10B # 147/148 *; !CENSUS:1860 * Marion Dist, SC Marion # 142 *; !CENSUS:1870 * Marion Co, SC Rowell # 17 *; | Rice, Catherine Elizabeth (I29879)
4835 | !CENSUS:1810; !CENSUS:1820 * Marion Dist, SC pg 56 w/Demsey CAMPBELL age 10-15 (1804/10); !CENSUS:1830 * Marion Dist, SC pg 12 w/Dempsey CAMPBELL age 20-29 (1800/10); !CENSUS:1840 * Marion Dist, SC pg 133 w/Dempsey CAMPBELL age 30-39 (1800/10); !CENSUS:1850 Marion Dist, SC # 186 Milly CAMPBELL, 40 (1809/10) born Marion, residing alone; !CENSUS:1860 Marion Dist, SC Marion Twp # 808 Milly CAMPBELL, 40 (1819/20) born SC; !CENSUS:1870; !CENSUS:1880 * Marion Co, SC Wahee # 337 Millie CAMPBELL, 65 (1814/15) born SC; | Campbell, Milly (I50713)
4836 | !CENSUS:1810; !CENSUS:1820 * Marion Dist, SC pg 66 John SMITH age 26-44 (1775/94) "10010-00110"; !NAMED: 1 Oct 1821 Marion Dist, SC Minutes of the Ordinary 1810-1825 Cited Archibald COX, admr of Amos TURNER to make a return at instance of John SMITH, one of the heirs.; !CENSUS:1830 * Marion Dist, SC pg 45 John SMITH age 40-49 (1780/90) "0001001-0000101"; !EQUITY: 9 Jul 1831 Marion County Equity rolls (Marion County South Carolina Extracts from Equity Rolls by Lucille Utley) in Roll # 45 a case is found naming numerous heirs (this is from Ms. Utley's extract, the notes given are hers): John Smith and others vs. Archibald Cox, adm of Amos Turner. Filed 9 Jul 1831. John Smith and Franceis Smith his wife, Penny Turner, Thomas Turner, John Turner, Elizabeth Jane Turner, Benjamin W. Turner, Thomas Evant and Mary Evant his wife. Note: Mary had married first Benjamin Exum. Bill for account. Amos Turner died 1813 leaving considerable estate and heirs at law; Francis Turner, Penny Turner, Thomas Turner, John Turner, Elizabeth Jane Turner, Benjamin W. Turner, Mary Turner and Charlotte Turner, children of Amos Turner. Francis Turner has married John Smith; Mary Turner has married Thomas Evant (note: probably Avant). Separate answer of Archibald Cox shows that James Turner one of the children of intestate died intestate since since the death of Amos Turner and two of the complainants John Turner and Thomas Turner left the country about 10 years ago. 11 Oct 1823. Philip Bartel under oath 10 Feby 1832 states that he was present at sale of estate of Amos Turner and saw Benjamin Axum "who had married Mary Turner now Mary Avant one of the complainants soon after he had purchased a gun for $20.00... ." !CENSUS:1840 * Marion Dist, SC pg 168 John SMITH age 40-49 (1790/1800) "0000101-0100011"; !DEED-POWER-OF-ATTORNEY:11 Dec 1846 Marion Co., SC Deed Book T, p. 420 To all whom it may concern. Frances SMITH, executrix of last will and testament of the late John SMITH do hereby constitute and appoint my son James D. TURNER my true and lawful agent, and attorney for me and in my name to do & execute and transact all and singular the business directed by the will of the said John Smith in as full a manner as I myself could or ought to do. S: Frances (X) Smith Witnesses: William S. HANNER, Edward B. WHEELER, CCP; !CENSUS:1850; !PROBATE:Marion Co, SC Probate Roll # 733 (Vol II, page 69); | Smith, John (I64250)
4837 | !CENSUS:1810; !CENSUS:1820 * Marion Dist, SC pg 67 w/John TURNER age 10-15 (1804/10); !CENSUS:1830; !EQUITY: 9 Jul 1831 Marion County Equity rolls (Marion County South Carolina Extracts from Equity Rolls by Lucille Utley) in Roll # 45 a case is found naming numerous heirs (this is from Ms. Utley's extract, the notes given are hers): John Smith and others vs. Archibald Cox, adm of Amos Turner. Filed 9 Jul 1831. John Smith and Franceis Smith his wife, Penny Turner, Thomas Turner, John Turner, Elizabeth Jane Turner, Benjamin W. Turner, Thomas Evant and Mary Evant his wife. Note: Mary had married first Benjamin Exum. Bill for account. Amos Turner died 1813 leaving considerable estate and heirs at law; Francis Turner, Penny Turner, Thomas Turner, John Turner, Elizabeth Jane Turner, Benjamin W. Turner, Mary Turner and Charlotte Turner, children of Amos Turner. Francis Turner has married John Smith; Mary Turner has married Thomas Evant (note: probably Avant). Separate answer of Archibald Cox shows that James Turner one of the children of intestate died intestate since since the death of Amos Turner and two of the complainants John Turner and Thomas Turner left the country about 10 years ago. 11 Oct 1823. Philip Bartel under oath 10 Feby 1832 states that he was present at sale of estate of Amos Turner and saw Benjamin Axum "who had married Mary Turner now Mary Avant one of the complainants soon after he had purchased a gun for $20.00... ." | Turner, James (I64241)
4838 | !CENSUS:1810; !CENSUS:1820 * Marion Dist, SC pg 67 w/John TURNER age 10-15 (1804/10); !CENSUS:1830; !EQUITY: 9 Jul 1831 Marion County Equity rolls (Marion County South Carolina Extracts from Equity Rolls by Lucille Utley) in Roll # 45 a case is found naming numerous heirs (this is from Ms. Utley's extract, the notes given are hers): John Smith and others vs. Archibald Cox, adm of Amos Turner. Filed 9 Jul 1831. John Smith and Franceis Smith his wife, Penny Turner, Thomas Turner, John Turner, Elizabeth Jane Turner, Benjamin W. Turner, Thomas Evant and Mary Evant his wife. Note: Mary had married first Benjamin Exum. Bill for account. Amos Turner died 1813 leaving considerable estate and heirs at law; Francis Turner, Penny Turner, Thomas Turner, John Turner, Elizabeth Jane Turner, Benjamin W. Turner, Mary Turner and Charlotte Turner, children of Amos Turner. Francis Turner has married John Smith; Mary Turner has married Thomas Evant (note: probably Avant). Separate answer of Archibald Cox shows that James Turner one of the children of intestate died intestate since since the death of Amos Turner and two of the complainants John Turner and Thomas Turner left the country about 10 years ago. 11 Oct 1823. Philip Bartel under oath 10 Feby 1832 states that he was present at sale of estate of Amos Turner and saw Benjamin Axum "who had married Mary Turner now Mary Avant one of the complainants soon after he had purchased a gun for $20.00... ." !NAMED: 5 Nov 1839 Marion Dist, SC Inventory Book 1827-1836 pg 227 Herbert HINDS Estate. Appr: ... Archibald CAMPBELL ... Accounts: ... Benjamin TURNER, Barfield MOODY ...; !CENSUS:1840 Marion Dist, SC pg 169 B.W. TURNER age 30-39 (1800/10) "110001-210001"; !CENSUS:1850 Marion Dist., SC # 315/318 Benjamin W. Turner 43 Farmer $500 Marion Cecelia 44 John 20 Lewis 14 Elizabeth 13 Amanda 11 Sarah 10 Thomas 6 Robert 4 James 1; !CENSUS:1860 Marion Dist., SC Marion, Lynches Creek PO # 1003/993 Benj. W. Turner 53 Farmer $3400/1300 SC Celia 55 E. 20 f Thos 18 Robt 16 James 11 L. A. Runels 24 f; !CENSUS:1870 Marion Co., SC Cains, Forrestville PO # 33/33 B. W. Turner 64 Farmer $200/200 SC Cecelia 67 Keeping House James A. 21 Farm Labor M. Culpepper 75 f Keeping House.; !PROBATE:Marion Co, SC Probates, Vol III, Roll # 1968, Page 196; | Turner, Benjamin W (I64239)
4839 | !CENSUS:1810; !CENSUS:1820 * Orange Co, IN pg 127 Abraham STROUD *; !CENSUS:1830 * Orange Co, IN pg 41 Abraham STROUD *; !CENSUS:1840 * Orange Co, IN pg 40 Abraham STROUD *; !CENSUS:1850 Orange Co, IN Southest # 38 Abraham STROUD, 48 (1801/02) born NC; | Stroud, Abraham (I84290)
4840 | !CENSUS:1810; !CENSUS:1820 * Orange Co, VA pg 87 Achiles Rogers age 26-44 (1775/94) "100010-41010" OR !CENSUS:1820 * Washington Co, VA pg 229 Achiles Rogers age 26-44 (1775/94) "100010-00100"; CENSUS:1850 * him? Marion Co, IA Achilles Rogers, 53, Physician, born VA * | Rogers, Doctor Achilles (I40572)
4841 | !CENSUS:1810; !CENSUS:1820 * Robeson Co, NC * Neill Crawford age 26-44 (1775/94) "310010-31010"; !CENSUS:1830 * Robeson Co, NC * Neill Crawford age 40-49 (1780/90) "1102101-0110101"; !CENSUS:1840; | Crawford, Neil (I64453)
4842 | !CENSUS:1810; !CENSUS:1820 * Rutherford Co., NC pg 364 Jesse Wright age 26-44 (1775/94) 100010-10100-0-0 - Probably not same Jesse as too old, but it could be same one; !CENSUS:1830 Rutherford Co., NC pg 494 Jesse Wright age 20-29 (1800/10) 20001-10001; !BONDSMAN-MARRIAGE BOND:29 Jan 1833 Rutherford Co., NC Joseph Brooks & Catharine Cristmas, Jesse Right, bm; !CENSUS:1840 Rutherford Co., NC pg 262 Jessy Right age 30-39 (1800/10) 030001-111001; !CENSUS:1850 Rutherford Co., NC PHF 316B-1243-1274 Sandy Run Jesse Wright 46 M Laborer N.C. Arry 44 F “ Nathan 20 M “ Jacob 17 M “ Sarah 16 F “ James 5 M “ Jane 2 F “ !CENSUS:1860 x !MARRIAGE BOND: 8 Jan 1867 Rutherford Co., NC Jesse Wright & Sarah Pope, Daniel Lovelace, bm. - note that M. R. Lovelace & Unicy J. Wright, G. L. Lovelace, bm, same date; !CENSUS:1870 Rutherford Co., NC PHF 33-71-71 Colfax Township Moorsboro PO Jesse Wright 60 M W Farming N.C. Sarah 34 F W Keeping House N.C. !CENSUS:1880 Rutherford Co., NC PHF 500-58-65 Colfax Township Jessee Wright W M 70 M Farming NC-NC-NC Sarah W F 43 Wife M Keeping House NC-NC-NC | Wright, Jesse (I80542)
4843 | !CENSUS:1810; !CENSUS:1820 Anson Co, NC pg 55 w/Isaiah STEWART age 10-15 (1804/10); !CENSUS:1830 Burke Co., NC p. 203 Jackson Stewward age 20-29 (1800/10) 10001-1001; !VOTER:1835 Yancey Co, NC Howell's Precinct. Jackson STEWART. !CENSUS:1840 Yancey Co, NC pg 266 Jackson STEWART age 30-39 (1800/10) "101001-121001"; !CENSUS:1850 Yancey Co, NC # 381 Jackson STEWART, 43 (1806/07) born NC; | Stewart, Jackson (I16822)
4844 | !CENSUS:1810; !CENSUS:1820 Buncombe Co, NC pg 68 w/Archibald HENDERSON age 0-9 (1810/20); !CENSUS:1830; !CENSUS:1840; !CENSUS:1850 Cherokee Co, NC # 978 Mary A. DODGINS, 39 (1810/11) born NC; | Henderson, Mary A (I23141)
4845 | !CENSUS:1810; !CENSUS:1820 Buncombe Co, NC pg 94 w/James GININGS age 10-15 (1804/10); !CENSUS:1830; !CENSUS:1840 Buncombe Co, NC pg 261 w/William RAY age 30-39 (1800/10); !CENSUS:1850 Yancey Co, NC # 979 Jane RAY, 42 (1807/08) born NC; | Jennings, Jane (I37869)
4846 | !CENSUS:1810; !CENSUS:1820 Buncombe Co, NC pg 94 w/James GININGS age 16-25 (1794/1804); !CENSUS:1830; !CENSUS:1840; !CENSUS:1850 Yancey Co, NC # 956 Thirzah ROBERTS, 45 (1804/05) born NC; | Jennings, Thursey (I37868)
4847 | !CENSUS:1810; !CENSUS:1820 Buncombe Co, NC pg 96 w/John SAMS age 0-9 (1810/20); CENSUS:1830; CENSUS:1840; CENSUS:1850; | Sams, William H (I4403)
4848 | !CENSUS:1810; !CENSUS:1820 Buncombe Co, NC pg 96 w/John SAMS age 10-15 (1804/10); !CENSUS:1830 Macon Co, NC pg 11 John P. SAMMS age 20-29 (1800/10) "10001-200001"; !VOTER:1835 Yancey Co, NC Burnsville Precinct. John P. SAMS; !CENSUS:1840 Yancey Co, NC pg 287 John P. SAMS age 30-39 (1800/10) "211001-0200001"; !CENSUS:1850 Yancey Co, NC # 1210 John P. SAMS, 47 (1802/03) born NC; | Sams, John Price (I4401)
4849 | !CENSUS:1810; !CENSUS:1820 Buncombe Co., NC pg 110 w/Benjamin Alason age 10-15 (1804/10); !CENSUS:1830 Haywood Co, NC pg 364 w/Benjamin ALLISON age 20-29 (1800/10); !CENSUS:1830 Haywood Co, NC pg 364 w/Benjamin ALLISON age 20-29 (1800/10); !MARRIAGE:31 Dec 1833 Haywood Co, NC Marriage Bonds Andrew CATHEY & Maria ELLISON (d/o Benjamin ELLISON), William CATHEY, bm, J.L. CHAMBERS, Clk; !CENSUS:1840 Haywood Co, NC pg 127 w/Andrew CATHEY age 30-39 (1800/10); !CENSUS:1850 Union Co., GA 85th District # 242/242 A. D. Cathey 41 m Farmer $- NC Mary 41 NC William 15 Laborer Benjamin 14 James 13 Francis 11 m Sarah 10 Margarett 8 Harrison 5 John 4 Samuel 1; CENSUS:1860 Jackson Co, NC # 328 M. (f) CATHEY, 52 (1807/08) born NC; !CENSUS:1870 Jackson Co, NC Quallatown Twp # 28 Mary J. CATHY, 61 (1808/09) born NC; CENSUS:1880; | Allison, Mary Jefferson (I4061)
4850 | !CENSUS:1810; !CENSUS:1820 Buncombe Co., NC pg 110 w/Benjamin Alason age 10-15 (1804/10); !CENSUS:1830 Haywood Co, NC pg 364 w/Benjamin ALLISON age 20-29 (1800/10); !WITNESS: 1 Sep 1835 Macon Co, NC A-253 John BRYSON of Union Co, GA to William H. BRYSON of Macon, for $175, 50a on Cullowhee Creek. Wit: Thomas ROGERS, J.B. ALLISON; !WITNESS: 1 Sep 1835 Macon Co, NC A-254 John BRYSON Jr of Union Co, GA to William H. BRYSON of Macon, for $525, 83a on Cullowhee Creek. Wit: Thomas ROGERS, J.B. ALLISON; !MARRIAGE:24 Dec 1835 Macon Co, NC John ALLISON & Rebecca BRYSONn, John TATHAM, Clerk; !WITNESS:11 Oct 1838 Macon Co, NC C-1193 John CORN to William H. BRYSON both of Macon for $300, 55a Cullowhee Creek. Wit: J.B. ALLISON, Robert A. ALLISON; !CENSUS:1840 Haywood Co, NC pg 121 J.B. ELLISON age 30-39 (1800/10) "100011-031011"; !WITNESS:15 Oct 1841 Macon Co, NC E-121 John BRYSON Sr to William H. BRYSON, both of Macon, John's part of grant for 76a which they obtained together. Wit: Thomas M. ANGEL, J.B. ALLISON.; !WITNESS:10 Sep 1846 Macon Co, NC E-127 John BRYSON to William H. BRYSON for $50, 10a on Cullowhee Creek. Wit: J.B. ALLISON, Milton M. BRYSON; !DEED:19 Oct 1848 Macon Co, NC E-409 John B. ALLISON of Haywood to James H. BRYSON of Macon for $100, Cullowhee. Wit: A. BUMGARNER, Michael (X) LONG.; !CENSUS:1850 Haywood Co, NC # 1087 John B. ALLISON, 43 (1806/07) born NC, Occupation: Sheriff; !CENSUS:1860 Jackson Co, NC # 14 J.B. ALLISON, 52 (1807/08) born NC R. (f) 42 J. A. (m) 16 M. 12 f R. A. 9 f Hicks, 8 f J. B. 6 m A. B. 5 m S. W. 2 m Eli DUNKIN, 18 fem J. W. ENLOE, 25, Clerk M. F. 18 f; !CENSUS:1870 Jackson Co, NC Webster pg 302B # 34/34 J. B. ALISON, 64 NC R. M. 52 f R. A. 20 f T. B. 15 m A. B. 13 m S. W. 11 m L. R. 9 f C. B. 5 m; !CENSUS:1880 Jackson Co, NC Savanah pg 289A John B. ALLISON Self M Male W 70 NC Farmer NC NC Rebecca ALLISON Wife M Female W 62 NC Keeping House NC NC Thomas B. ALLISON Son S Male W 25 NC Farm Laborer NC NC Samuel W. ALLISON Son S Male W 21 NC Farm Laborer NC NC Lillie B. ALLISON Dau S Female W 18 NC Ass. Keeping House NC NC Colman ALLISON Son S Male W 15 NC Farm Laborer NC NC; | Allison, Sheriff John Baird (I8986)