Marty and Karla Grant (TNG)



Matches 5,001 to 5,050 of 83,474

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 #   Notes   Linked to 
5001 !CENSUS:1810;



!CENSUS:1840 Cannon Co, TN pg 113 John BRYSON Jr age 20-29 (1810/20) "10001-10101";

Bryson, John (I23898)
5002 !CENSUS:1810;



!CENSUS:1840 Cannon Co, TN pg 115 Joseph BRYSON Jr age 30-39 (1800/10) "120001-00101";

Bryson, Joseph (I24746)
5003 !CENSUS:1810;



!CENSUS:1840 Cannon Co, TN pg 115 w/John BRYSON Sr age 50-59 (1780/90);

? (I38906)
5004 !CENSUS:1810;



!CENSUS:1840 Cannon Co, TN pg 116 w/Joseph BRYSON Sr age 40-49 (1790/1800);

Bogle, Sarah (I7744)
5005 !CENSUS:1810;



!CENSUS:1840 Carter Co, TN pg 198 w/Nicholas SMITH age 20-29 (1810/20);

!CENSUS:1850 Carter Co, TN pg 167 2nd Civil Dist # 54/54
Nicholas SMITH, 40 (1809/10) TN
Sarah, 40
George W. 11
Louisa, 10
Mary Ann 9
Elijah C. 7
Nathaniel, 4
Alpha? C. 2
Charlotte R. 11/12; 
Smith, Sarah (I269)
5006 !CENSUS:1810;



!CENSUS:1840 Carteret Co, NC pg 100 Joseph ROBERTS age 20-29 (1810/20);

!CENSUS:1850 Carteret Co, NC Portsmouth # 56 Joseph ROBERTS, 40 (1809/10) born NC; 
Roberts, Joseph (I17485)
5007 !CENSUS:1810;



!CENSUS:1840 Cherokee Co, NC pg 235 w/Samuel NORRIS age 30-39 (1800/10);

!CENSUS:1850 Cherokee Co, NC # 195 Melissa NORRIS, 43 (1806/07) born NC;


!CENSUS:1870 * Polk Co, TN 8th Civil Dist pg 28 Melissa NORRIS, 64 (1805/06) born TN;

!CENSUS:1880 Union Co, GA Ivy Log Dist # 144 Mallisa NORRIS, 65 (1814/15) born NC, Father born NC, Mother born NC; 
Curtis, Malissa (I23166)
5008 !CENSUS:1810;



!CENSUS:1840 Cherokee Co, NC pg 239 w/Frances CARPENTER age 50-59 (1780/90);

!CENSUS:1850 Cherokee Co, NC # 288 Mildred CARPENTER age 65 (1784/85) born NC;

!CENSUS:1860 Union Co, GA # 452 Mildred CARPENTER age 70 (1789/90) born NC;

Mildred (I83483)
5009 !CENSUS:1810;



!CENSUS:1840 Greene Co, TN pg 43 w/John DUGGER age 50-59 (1780/90); 
Gass, Jean (I31588)
5010 !CENSUS:1810;



!CENSUS:1840 Haywood Co, NC pg 109 w/Henry HENDERSON age 50-59 (1780/90);

!CENSUS:1850 Haywood Co, NC # 658 Susan HENDERSON, 68 (1781/82) born NC; 
Susan (I97271)
5011 !CENSUS:1810;



!CENSUS:1840 Henrico Co, VA pg 250 William O. George age 20-29 (1810/20)

!CENSUS:1850 City of Richmond, VA pg 386 # 726/835
William O. GEORGE, 37, M, None, $30,000 VA;

!CENSUS:1860 Henrico Co, VA Richmond Ward 3 # 354/389
William O. George, 35, M, Gentleman, 85000/ 5000 VA; 
George, William Orville (I40592)
5012 !CENSUS:1810;



!CENSUS:1840 Henrico Co, VA pg 269 Miles GEORGE no white or free colored listings. 14 slaves;
!CENSUS:1840 Richmond, Henrico Co, VA pg 195 Miles GEORGE age 30-39 (1800/10)

!CENSUS:1850 City of Richmond, VA # 667/774 *; Listed twice,families slightly different;
!CENSUS:1850 City of Richmond, VA # 690/811 *; 
George, Doctor Miles (I40590)
5013 !CENSUS:1810;



!CENSUS:1840 Horry Dist., SC pg 326 w/James E. Newsom age 30-39 (1800/10);

!CENSUS:1850 * Horry; 
Floyd, Mary (I61373)
5014 !CENSUS:1810;



!CENSUS:1840 Lincoln Co., TN pg 79 Alexander Cathy age 30-39 (1800/10)

!CENSUS:1850 Lincoln Co, TN P-H-F 146-561-561
Cathey Alexander 40 M W 4000 NC
Cathey Siltha 33 F W NC
Cathey Delina 12 F W TN
Cathey Nancy 10 F W TN
Cathey William 8 M W TN
Cathey Fanny 6 F W TN
Cathey John A 4 M W TN
Cathey Cyrus 3 M W TN
Cathey George D 1 M W TN

!CENSUS:1840 Lincoln Co., TN p 78
Alex. Cathy age 30-39 (1800/10)
Cathey, Alexander (I66258)
5015 !CENSUS:1810;



!CENSUS:1840 Macon Co, NC pg 159 John WILD age 40-49 (1790/1800)

!CENSUS:1850 Macon Co, NC Tennessee Valley pg 333B # 251/257
John WILD, 57 Buncombe
Matilda, 24 Macon
Margaret, 53 Buncombe
Elizabeth, 23 Macon
Alexander, 18
Mary, 14
Posey, 13
Manning, 11;

!CENSUS:1860 Macon Co., NC Burningtown # 888/905
John Wilds 69 Farmer $2000/2540 Burke
Margaret 59 Buncombe
Posey C. 26 Laborer Macon
Joseph M. 21 "
Elizabeth 29;

!TOMBSTONE:Burningtown Cem, Macon Co, NC "John Wild Jan 16 1792 - Mar 17 1863" next to "Margaret Wild Aug 14 1793 - Mar 16 1886"; 
Wild, John J (I9333)
5016 !CENSUS:1810;



!CENSUS:1840 Marion Dist, SC pg x w/William RICHARDSON age 30-39 (1800/10);

!CENSUS:1850 Marion Dist, SC # 57 Ann RICHARDSON, 48 (1801/02) born Horry;

!REFERENCE:"A History of Marion County, South Carolina" by W.W. Sellers, Esq. 1902. Pg 457 - 462; 
Roberts, Nancy Ann (I18597)
5017 !CENSUS:1810;



!CENSUS:1840 Marion Dist., SC pg 183
Jonah C. Rogers age 30-39 (1800/10)

!PROBATE ROLL # 672 Marion Co., SC Jonah C. Rogers 1841
Ann Jane Rogers, Admx of Jonah C. Rogers, 16 Nov 1841
... minor children of Jonah C. Rogers pray that Daniel Stevenson be appointed our gdn 24 May 1847, S: John B. Rogers, Thomas G. Rogers.
... Petition of Abraham (sic) Gasque shows that Jonah C. Rogers died intestate leaving widow Ann G. Rogers, Martha Rogers, Thomas Rogers and Benjamin Rogers, his children. Petioner has married the widow ... 8 Jan 1844. S: Absalom Gasque

!NAMED-PROBATE ROLL # 1850 Marion Co., SC Griffin C. Rogers 1855
25 Oct 1855 Richard W. Rogers shows that Griffin C. Rogers died intestate on 6 May last ... heirs are his father John Rogers,
your petitioner his brother,
two sisters Martha A. Rogers and Rebecca M. wife of Jesse R. Marlow,
children of deceased brother Jonah C. Rogers: Martha D. wife of Daniel Stevenson, Thomas J. Rogers and John B. Rogers.
children of deceased sister Anne W. Cook: Elizaebth R. Cook, Demaris wife of Lewis Williams, Josiah E. Cook.
Demaris Williams dead by 1860
Rebecca M. Marlow married to Leonard D. Avant by 1860.
Father John Rogers dead by 1861.
Rogers, Jonah C (I56400)
5018 !CENSUS:1810;



!CENSUS:1840 Marshall Co., MS pg 45 J. G. Cathy age 30-39 (1800/10)
"010001-110001" slaves=010000-110000

!CENSUS:1850 Marshall Co, MS P-H-F 232-347-347 Southern Division
Cathey Josiah G 43 M W Farmer 10000 TN
Cathey Mary 39 F W TN
Cathey Elizabeth 20 F W TN
Cathey James C 17 M W TN 
Cathey, Josiah G (I65968)
5019 !CENSUS:1810;



!CENSUS:1840 Marshall Co., TN pg 191 James H. Cathey age 20-29 (1810/20)

!CENSUS:1850 Marshall Co, TN P-H-F 45-283-283 District No 9
Cathey J H 41 M W Farmer 1000 TN
Cathey Martha 34 F W TN
Cathey William 16 M W Farmer TN
Cathey Martin 14 M W TN
Cathey Gustavus 11 M W TN
Cathey Thomas 9 M W TN
Cathey John 7 M W TN 
Cathey, James H (I66304)
5020 !CENSUS:1810;



!CENSUS:1840 Maury Co., TN pg 347 William Cathey age 30-39 (1800/10)

!CENSUS:1850 Lewis Co, TN P-H-F 410-285-285 Civil District No 1
Cathey William G 42 M W Farmer TN
Cathey Emily A 32 F W TN
Cathey Jethu? B 11 M W TN
Cathey Griffith R 9 M W TN
Cathey James A 7 M W TN
Cathey Josephine O 5 F W TN
Cathey Sarah J 2 F W TN 
Cathey, William G (I66234)
5021 !CENSUS:1810;



!CENSUS:1840 Mecklenburg Co., NC pg 268 John Cathey age 30-39 (1800/10)

!CENSUS:1850 Mecklenburg Co, NC P-H-F 22b-363-366 Paw Creek
Cathey John 45 M W Blacksmith NC
Cathey Ann 36 F W NC
Cathey Alfred 16 M W Farmer NC
Cathey Cynthia 14 F W NC
Cathey William 11 M W NC
Cathey Mary 9 F W NC
Cathey Ann 10/12 F W NC 
Cathey, John (I66087)
5022 !CENSUS:1810;



!CENSUS:1840 Rabun Co, GA pg 213 Eli RICHE age 40-49 (1790/1800) "0202001-0212101";

!CENSUS:1850 Rabun Co, GA # 218 Eli RITCHIE, 62 (1787/88) born SC; 
Ritchie, Eli (I47184)
5023 !CENSUS:1810;



!CENSUS:1840 Rutherford Co., NC pg 278 William Right age 30-39 (1800/10)
021001-0002001, Slaves=010000-000000

!CENSUS:1850 x 
Wright, William (I81303)
5024 !CENSUS:1810;



!CENSUS:1840 Stewart Co., TN p. 334
George Cathey age 30-39 (1800/1810)
111001-01102, Slaves=010000-000000;

!CENSUS:1850 Stewart Co, TN P-H-F 404b-313-313
Cathy George 47 M W Farmer 500 NC
Cathy Elisa 37 F W NC
Cathy Wily 21 M W Farmer NC
Cathy Archibald 28 M W NC
Cathy William 14 M W NC
Warford Emily 9 F W NC 
Cathey, George (I66349)
5025 !CENSUS:1810;



!CENSUS:1840 Sullivan Co., TN *

Godsey, Henry Howard (I19478)
5026 !CENSUS:1810;



!CENSUS:1840 Tishomingo Co., MS pg 242 George Catha age 30-39 (1800/10)

!CENSUS:1850 Tishomingo Co, MS P-H-F 19-254-254 4 Dist Northern Div
Cathy George 44 M W Farmer 1200 TN
Cathy Ann 44 F W TN
Cathy Margaret 20 F W TN
Cathy Catharine 16 F W TN
Cathy George 15 M W Farmer TN
Cathy Robert 12 M W TN
Cathy Larkin 12 M W TN
Cathy Andrew 7 M W MS
Cathy James 4 M W MS 
Cathey, George (I65980)
5027 !CENSUS:1810;



!CENSUS:1840 Union Co, GA pg 8 Adam DANER age 30-39 (1800/10) "001021-00101";

!CENSUS:1850 Union Co, GA # 770 Adam TANNER, 44 (1805/06) born NC;

!CENSUS:1860 Fannin Co, GA # 796 Adam TANNER, 56 (1803/04) born NC;

!CENSUS:1870 Fannin Co, GA HotHouse # 215 Adam TANNER, 63 (1806/07) born NC; 
Tanner, Adam (I20854)
5028 !CENSUS:1810;



!CENSUS:1840 Washington Co, TN pg 231 w/Lodocia STROUD age 20-29 (1810/20);

!CENSUS:1850 Washington Co., TN The 4 Subivision E. Dist, # 1334/1363
John Stroud 45 Farmer $300 NC
Dicy 70
Polly* Ragle 40
Emeline 9;

!MARRIAGE LICENSE:26 Dec 1854 Washington Co., TN
John Higgins to Mary Ragle
Married 31 Dec 1854 by H. W. Gilbert, MG;

!CENSUS:1860 Washington Co., TN District No 18, Clear Branch PO # 1012/1012
John Higgins 47 Farmer $500/500 NC
Mary 50
Malinda 23 TN
Barbara J. 19
William C. 21
Ellender 16
James H. 15
Sarah 12
Louisa 11
John W. 9
Unice Justus 15;

!CENSUS:1870 Washington Co., TN 18th District, Flag Pond PO # 85/85
Mary Higgins 64 Keeping House $100/--- NC
Emaline Stroud 27 Domestic Servant NC
Mary A. 7 at home TN
* Next door to Thurman Briggs and Naomi (Stroud) Briggs.;

!CENSUS:1880 * Unicoi; 
Stroud, Mary (I50100)
5029 !CENSUS:1810;



!CENSUS:1840 Washington Co, TN pg 231 w/Lodocia STROUD age 30-39 (1800/10);

!CENSUS:1850 Washington Co., TN The 4 Subivision E. Dist, # 1334/1363
John Stroud 45 Farmer $300 NC
Dicy 70
Polly* Ragle 40
Emeline 9
* Might say Patsy instead of Polly.;

!CENSUS:1860 Washington Co., TN District No 18, Flag Pond PO # 1087/1087
John Stroud 53 Farmer $700/400 NC
Disa 80 NC;

!CENSUS:1870 x 
Stroud, John (I50099)
5030 !CENSUS:1810;



!CENSUS:1840 Washington Co, TN pg 240 Elizabeth HENSLY age 50-59 (1780/90) "0001-00011001";

!CENSUS:1850 Washington Co, TN # 1535 Elizabeth HENSLY, 67 (1782/83) born VA, residing with John MIDCALF, 30 and Mahala, 24 (her daughter); 
Elizabeth (I92328)
5031 !CENSUS:1810;



!CENSUS:1840 Wilkes Co., NC pg 54/8 William Wright age 30-39 (1800/10)

!CENSUS:1850 x 
Wright, William (I81405)
5032 !CENSUS:1810;



!CENSUS:1840 Wilkes Co., NC pg 76/30 Wm B. Wright age 30-39 (1800/10)

!CENSUS:1850 x 
Wright, William B (I81406)
5033 !CENSUS:1810;



!CENSUS:1840 x

!CENSUS:1850 Blount Co., AL P-H-F 147-354-353 Subdivision No 17
Cathey Samuel 44 M W Farmer NC
Cathey Susan 35 F W NC
Cathey Dorcus 14 F W AL 
Cathey, Samuel (I65727)
5034 !CENSUS:1810;



!CENSUS:1840 x

!CENSUS:1850 x

!CENSUS:1860 Buncombe Co., NC PHF 248-30-30 Fairview PO
David Right 55 M Farmer 100 N Carolina
Mirah 45 F M Domestic do
Narcissa 20 F M do do
Harris 19 M M Farm Laborer do
William 16 M M do do
Henry 15 M M do do
John 12 M M do
Laurah 3 F M do
Milly 22 F Domestic do
Haly 1 F M do

!CENSUS:1870 Buncombe Co., NC PHF 161B-26-26 Fair View Township No 7 Asheville PO
David Right 70 M W Laborer North Carolina
Mira 70 F M Keeping House North Carolina
John 19 M M Farm Laborer North Carolina
Laura 7 F M North Carolina

!CENSUS:1880 Cocke Co., TN 10th Civil Dist # 152/154 *; 
Wright, David (I80368)
5035 !CENSUS:1810;



!CENSUS:1840 x; 
Stewart (I90501)
5036 !CENSUS:1810;



!CENSUS:1840 Yancey Co, NC pg 257 D.P. BAKER age 30-29 (1800/10) "000001-20001";

!CENSUS:1850 Yancey Co, NC # 303/315 (two houses from David Baker-1805)
Davenport Baker, 41 Farmer $100 NC
Jesse 9
Thomas 7
Rachel 33
Leah A. 13 NC
Susannah 11
Emelia 3;

!CENSUS:1860 x (wife listed as widow in 1860); 
Baker, Davenport (I50047)
5037 !CENSUS:1810;



!CENSUS:1840 Yancey Co, NC pg 266 Thomas MILLER age 30-39 (1800/10) "1100011-01";

!CENSUS:1850 Yancey Co, NC # 714 Thomas MILLER, 49 (1800/01) born TN; 
Miller, Thomas (I83097)
5038 !CENSUS:1810;



!CENSUS:1840 Yancey Co, NC pg 282 Andrew MILLER age 30-39 (1800/10) "122001-110001";

!CENSUS:1850 Yancey Co, NC # 305 Andrew MILLER, 45 (1804/05) born TN; 
Miller, Andrew (I85127)
5039 !CENSUS:1810;




!CENSUS:1850 BLADEN CO., NC Page 129 House/Family # 433/ 433 - S.W. CAPE FEAR Twp
BENSON ANNA 32 F W NC 1817/1818
BENSON ANDREW J 12 M W NC 1837/1838
BENSON MARY 11 F W NC 1838/1839
BENSON ANN E 7 F W NC 1842/1843
BENSON SUSAN 3 F W NC 1846/1847
WATTSON MARY 75 F W NC 1774/1775

!CENSUS:1860 BLADEN CO., NC Page 257 House/Family # 709/ 709 -- Twp WHITE CREEK P.O.
BENSON DAVID 54 M W FARMER 2000 666 NC 1805/1806
BENSON MARTHA 9 F W NC 1850/1851
BENSON SARAH J 6 F W NC 1853/1854
BENSON WILLIAM F 11 M W NC 1848/1849
Mary (I85759)
5040 !CENSUS:1810;




!CENSUS:1850 Bradley Co, AR P-H-F 105-245-245 Pennington
Cathey Archibald P 46 M W Farmer NC
Cathey Mary 42 F W NC
Cathey Henry A 18 M W Farm Hand NC
Cathey Mary R C 12 F W NC
Cathey Barnabas C 15 M W NC
Cathey Nancy C 9 F W NC
Cathey William 5 M W NC
Cathey Margaret C 2 F W MI

GIVEN NAMES: Also shown as Archibald P 
Cathey, Archibald Pinkney (I116978)
5041 !CENSUS:1810;




!CENSUS:1850 Buncombe Co, NC # 860 David HENDERSON, 40 (1809/10) born NC; 
Henderson, David (I9258)
5042 !CENSUS:1810;




!CENSUS:1850 Buncombe Co, NC # 881 S.R. (m) MILLER, 47 (1802/03)
born NC;

!REFERENCE:"A Lot of Buncombe" February 1997 page 7; 
Miller, Samuel R (I92443)
5043 !CENSUS:1810;




!CENSUS:1850 Cannon Co, TN # 159 Francis STROUD, 70 (1779/80) born NC; 
Petty, Francis (I33665)
5044 !CENSUS:1810;




!CENSUS:1850 Carter Co, TN pg 197 7th Civil District # 113/113
David HESS, 42 Farmer, 1100 VA m 1842
Celia, 40 TN
James A. CAMPBELL, 15
Reuben PEAKE, 14; 
Smith, Celia (I48927)
5045 !CENSUS:1810;




!CENSUS:1850 Carteret Co, NC Portsmouth # 19 Holland GASKILL, 40 (1809/10) born NC; 
Roberts, Holland (I38999)
5046 !CENSUS:1810;




!CENSUS:1850 Cherokee Co., NC # 258/258
Census Date:12 Jun 1850
David Cross 47 Laborer $- NC
Polly 40 TN
Omy 21
Martha 19
Elija 16 Dumb
Jordan 14
David 14
Elizabeth 2;
!CENSUS:1850 Polk Co, TN the 25th Subdivision Second Civil District # 275/279
Census Date: 8 Oct 1850.
David Cross, 54, Farmer $-, NC
Mary, 45 NC
Oma, 20 TN deaf & d
Malinda, 19
Elijah, 18 Farmer deaf & d
Jordan, 15 Farmer
David, 15 Farmer
Mahaly Prince? 23;

!CENSUS:1860 x 
Cross, David (I26120)
5047 !CENSUS:1810;




!CENSUS:1850 City of Richmond, VA pg 318 # 1348/1480 *; 
George, John (I40588)
5048 !CENSUS:1810;




!CENSUS:1850 Coffee Co, TN # 486 Bethel STROUD, 40 (1809/10) born NC; 
Stroud, Bethel (I40898)
5049 !CENSUS:1810;




!CENSUS:1850 Covington Co., AL # 299/299
Archibald Turbevill 43 Meth. Pastor $150 SC
Martha 33 GA
Emily 12 AL
Sarahan 10
Nancy 8
Martha 6
Mary 4
Talatha 2
Theophilus Moody 15
John Turbervill 45 Farmer SC;

!CENSUS:1860 x

!CENSUS:1870 x 
Turbeville, John (I76980)
5050 !CENSUS:1810;




!CENSUS:1850 Floyd Co, IN Greenville # 1031 Field STROUD, 39 (1810/11) born IN; 
Stroud, Field (I84297)

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