Marty and Karla Grant (TNG)



Matches 5,251 to 5,300 of 83,474

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 #   Notes   Linked to 
5251 !CENSUS:1810;


MARRIAGE:19 Dec 1826 Rutherford NC Hampton W. PATTERSON & Elizabeth MOORE, John PATTERSON, bm;


!CENSUS:1840 Rutherford Co, NC pg 342 w/Hamp PATTERSON age 30-39

CENSUS:1850 McDowell Co, NC # 350 Elizabeth PATTERSON, 41 (1808/09)
born NC;
Moore, Elizabeth (I56674)
5252 !CENSUS:1810;


MARRIAGE:20 Sep 1828 Wilkes Co, NC King SCOTT & Charity GILBERT;



!CENSUS:1850 Caldwell County, North Carolina
Township Yadkin District
Page / House / Family Number 36B / 539 / 540
Name Age Sex Race Occupation Real $ Birth Place
King Scott 35 M Laborer NCarolina
Lotty 40 F NCarolina
Sarah 20 F NCarolina
William 14 M NCarolina
John 13 M NCarolina
Larkin 11 M NCarolina
James 9 M NCarolina
Leander 6 M NCarolina
Elizabeth 9/12 F NCarolina

!CENSUS:1860 Caldwell County, North Carolina
Township / Post Office Lenoir District / Lenoir PO
Page / House / Family Number 143 / 715 / 644
Name Age Sex Race Occupation Real $ Pers $ Birth Place
King Scott 50 M Farmer 125 No Ca
Lotty 49 F “ “
Louisa 24 F “ “
William 23 M “ “
John 21 M “ “
Larkin 18 M “ “
James 16 M “ “
Leander 15 M “ “
Elizabeth 12 F “
Suticha? 8 F M “
Thomas 4 M M “

!CENSUS:1870 Caldwell County, North Carolina
Township / Post Office Buffalo Township / Patterson PO
Page / House / Family Number 593 / 55 / 57 & 58 (two families in same house)
Name Age Sex Race Occupation Real $ Pers $ Birth Place
Family # 57
Alexander Scott 54 M W Farm Laborer & Cooper North Carolina
Charity 65 F W Keeping House North Carolina
Family # 58
Leander Scott 24 M W Farm laborer North Carolina
Elizabeth 20 F W At Home North Carolina
James 3 M W At Home North Carolina
Sarah Jane 1 F W At Home North Carolina
Ellen Gilbert 22 F W Domt Servant North Carolina

!CENSUS:1880 Alleghany County, North Carolina
Township Gap Civil Township
Page / House / Family Number 270 / 230 / 230
Name Age S R Rel Ms Occupation Birth Places
Larkin Scott 36 M W M Farmer NC-NC-NC
Phebe 30 F W Wf M House Keeping NC-NC-NC
William 11 M W S S Laborer NC-NC-NC
James 9 M W S S NC-NC-NC
Robert 7 M W S S NC-NC-NC
Charity 70 F W Mother W at home NC-NC-NC 
Gilbert, Charity (I87591)
5253 !CENSUS:1810;


MARRIAGE:25 Oct 1824 Brunswick Co, NC Bryan MORSE & Mary A. DAVIS;



Davis, Mary A (I82318)
5254 !CENSUS:1810;


NAMED:29 Jan 1823 Brunswick Co, VA Will 9-289 Richmond DUGGER as "son Calvin" under age (born 1802/1823);


!CENSUS:1840 * Mecklenburg Co, VA pg 394 A.C. DUGGER *;

Dugger, Allison Calvin (I30565)
5255 !CENSUS:1810;


NAMED:29 Jan 1823 Brunswick Co, VA Will 9-289 Richmond DUGGER as "son Daniel" under age (born 1802/1823);


!CENSUS:1840 Nash Co., NC pg 73 Daniel A. Dugger age 30-39 (1800/10) "000001-0"

!CENSUS:1850 * Nash Co., NC Daniel Dugger, 40 VA; 
Dugger, Daniel A (I30562)
5256 !CENSUS:1810;

Sams, Orra S (I4402)
5257 !CENSUS:1810;

Sams, Delitha S (I4399)
5258 !CENSUS:1810;

COURT: 8 Sep 181_ Scott Co, VA James GODSEY, heir of Gilbert GODSEY, decd,
not a resident of Virginia vs. Heirs of Larkin HENSLEY, decd;
COURT:Feb T, 1819 Scott Co, VA Court 1-385, In Chancery.
HENSLEY, Sarah, Abednego CASTEEL and Agness, his wife, Daniel CASTEEL and
Rhoda, his wife, Susannah HENSLEY, Polly HENSLEY, Catherine HENSLEY,
Samuel HENSLEY, Nancy HENSLEY, Ichabod C. HENSLEY, and Thomas HENSLEY,
Complts. vs.
Polly BENHAM, widow of William BENHAM, deceased. John, Samuel, Catherine,
Joel, Sampson, Isaac BENHAM, heirs of said William BENHAM, deceased. &
Elizabeth GODSEY, widow of Gilbert GODSEY, deceased, Abraham, Jane, Sarah
& Elizabeth, heirs of said Gilbert GODSEY, deceased. Catherine JOHNSTON,
widow of Thomas JOHNSTON, deceased and Jane JOHNSTON, his heir at law.
Rule awarded against said defts to give security and as to nature of said


!CENSUS:1830 * Scott Co, VA pg 13 James GODSEY *;


Godsey, James (I19509)
5259 !CENSUS:1810;

DEED: 3 Jun 1816 St Louis Co, MO F-117 Settling estate of Davis
heirs naming widow Lydia HENSLEY, John HENSLEY and wife Fanny
William HENSLEY and wife Nancy HENSLEY, George THOMPSON and
wife Sally
THOMPSON, all of St Louis Co, MO, heirs of David HENSLEY,
deceased to
Peter & Green PRYOR;
CENSUS:1830 Cole MO p 187 w/John HENSLEY 40-49 (1780/90);

!DEED: 6 Aug 1836 St Louis Co, MO B2-158 Heirs of Davis Hensley, deceased.
Francis HENSLEY, Nancy his wife, John HENSLEY and wife Fanny, Willis HENSLEY and wife Susan, William and his wife Nancy, Henry Johns and wife Mary, George THOMPSON and wife Sarah, David CALDWELL and wife Jane, Rebecca SULLINS and Richard her husband, Sarah SHOOKMAN and husband William SHOOKMAN, Jane LANE and husband Martin LANE, Elisabeth CALDWELL, Preston CALDWELL, Nelson CALDWELL, Nancy Ann CALDWELL, Ellen BEACHAN, to William DOWING of St Louis Co, MO.

Fanny (I88998)
5260 !CENSUS:1810;
!CENSUS:1820 * Horry Dist, SC pg 135 Samuel HODGE age 26-44 (1775/94) "200010-00100";

!CENSUS:1830 * Marion Dist, SC pg 25 Samuel HODGES age 40-49 (1780/90) "0110001-11001";

!CENSUS:1840 Marion Dist, SC pg 182 Samuel HODGES age 50-59 (1780/90) "00001001-0011001";

!REFERENCE: A History of Marion County, South Carolina From Its Earliest Times to the Present, 1901, by W. W. Sellers, Esq., of the Marion Bar. 1902. pp. 206-208
Reaves.-Another family to be here noticed is the Reaves family. The first known of this family was Solomon Reaves, a Baptist preacher. The writer heard him preach when a boy, about 1829, at an association at Porter Swamp Church, in Columbus County, N. C, about five miles from Fair Bluff, N. C. he was then an old man, white hair and red face ; he had a son, named Charles- he may have had other sons, but Charles is the only one that concerns Marion County ; he married a Miss Hodge, sister of the late Dr. Samuel Hodge, in the Gapway neighborhood ; by her he had two sons, George W. and Robert H. Reaves; he may have had other sons and daughters. His first wife dying, he married Miss Mary Griffin, of North Carolina, near Fair Bluff; no offspring by this second marriage. Charles Reaves died in 1861 or 1862, leaving his widow and a large estate of lands and negroes ; he died intestate, his property, real and personal, descended under the law to his widow and two sons, one-third each, the widow getting the old homestead. Some years after that, the widow married the late Colonel John T. Harrington, who died some years back, and left Mrs. Harrington a widow for the second time; no child or children; she still survives and is still a widow on the old Reaves homestead, now in her eighty-seventh year-somewhat a remarkable woman for her age. ...; 
Hodges, Dr Samuel (I29667)
5261 !CENSUS:1810;
!CENSUS:1820 Buncombe Co., NC pg 110 Benjamin Alason age 45+ (bef 1775) "210101-11110";

!CENSUS:1830 Haywood Co, NC pg 364 Benjamin ALLISON age 50-59 (1770/80)

CENSUS:1840 Haywood Co, NC pg 122 Benjamin ELLISON age 50-59 (1780/90); 
Allison, Benjamin (I6422)
5262 !CENSUS:1810;



!CENSUS:1850 Carter Co, TN 1st Civil Dist pg 161B # 39/39
Allen GOODWIN, 44, Farmer, 2000 TN, m 1832
Catherine, 32
Lawson H. 14
Robert, 12
Eliza J. 10
David 8
Mary E. 6
William F. 4
John F. 10/12; 
Goodwin, Allen (I49059)
5263 !CENSUS:1810;


!CENSUS:1850 Marion Dist, SC pg 61B # 909/914
James HUGGINS, 45 Farmer, 100 Marion
Basheba 46
Henry, 10; 
Huggins, James (I49091)
5264 !CENSUS:1810;

!MARRIAGE:19 Jun 1825 Caswell Co, NC Robert PARKS & Lucinda HENSLEE;

!CENSUS:1830 X Not in Caswell Co, NC or in neighboring counties; 
Hensley, Lucinda (I94314)
5265 !CENSUS:1810;

!MARRIAGE:21 Aug 1821 Habersham Co., GA James Henderson and Cynthia Haney;
!CENSUS:1830 Habersham Co., GA pg 48 James Henderson age 20-29 (1800/10) "10001-210001";

!CENSUS:1840 Habersham Co., GA pg 148 James Henderson age 30-39 (1800/10) "030101-1120001";

!CENSUS:1850 Cherokee Co., GA
Township The 15th Division
Page / House / Family Number 478B / 1058 / 1064
Name Age Sex Race Occupation Real $ Birth Place
James Henderson 49 M Farmer S.C.
Cynthia 52 F “
Jane L. 21 F Geo
Nancy M. 19 F “
James E. 18 M “
Jackson 13 M “
Marion 13 M “
Cynthia 11 F “ 
Henderson, James (I96090)
5266 !CENSUS:1810;

!MARRIAGE:23 Dec 1824 Burke Co, NC Jonathan GILBERT & Sally SMITH, Davis (x) NORTHARD, bm, Joseph (x) RADER, bm. Wit: J. ERWIN, Clk;

!CENSUS:1830 Burke Co, NC pg 146 Jonathan GILBERT age 20-29 (1800/10) "00001-30001";

!CENSUS:1840 Burke Co, NC pg 321 Jonathan Gilbert age 30-39 (1800/10) "000001-002101";
!CENSUS:1850 Caldwell Co, NC Summers # 237/237
Johnathan Gilbert, 44 Laborer, Burke
Sarah, 48 Burke
Elvira, 20 Burke
George, 1 Caldwell;

!CENSUS:1860 Caldwell County, North Carolina
Township / Post Office Summers District / Lovelady PO
Page / House / Family Number 113 / 239 / 228
Name Age Sex Race Occupation Real $ Pers $ Birth Place
Jonathan Gilbert 53 M W Farmer 150 50 NC
Sarah 58 F W “
Elvira 30 F W “

!CENSUS:1870 Caldwell County, North Carolina
Township / Post Office Summers / Lovelady PO
Page / House / Family Number 94B / 185 / 193
Name Age Sex Race Occupation Real $ Pers $ Birth Place
Johnathan Gilbert 63 M W Farmer 150 125 North Carolina
Sarah 65 F W Keeping House North Carolina

!CENSUS:1880 Caldwell County, North Carolina
Township Lovelady
Page / House / Family Number 568 / 60 / 63
Name Age S R Rel Ms Occupation Birth Places
Johnathan Gilbert 73 M W M Farmer NC-NC-NC
Sarah 77 F W Wf M House Keeping NC-PA-NC

!MARRIAGE:27 Nov 1887 Mitchell Co., NC
Johnston Gilbert 71 & Rachael Davis 30
by N. H. Ollis
at Toe River;

!CENSUS:1900 x; 
Gilbert, Jonathan (I15330)
5267 !CENSUS:1810;

!NAMED-PROBATE ROLL # 751 Marion Co., SC Enos Tart 1829
Susanna Tart and John C. Finklea, adm 20 Jan 1829
5 Oct 1829 Summons to -
Susannah Tart wife of intestate Enos Tart
Sarah Tart
Jane Tart
Susanna Tart
Enos Tart
Nathan Tart
Thomas E. Tart, children of said intestate,
Elizabeth Kirvin and
Hardy Fincklea, Aquilla Fincklea, and Mary Jane Finklea children of Polly, wife of Willis Finklea who was dau of said intestate,
1/3 to Susanna Tart
remaining 2/3rds to Telatha Avant, Elizabeth Kirvin, Sarah Tart, Jane Tart, Susannah Tart, Enos Tart, Nathan Tart, Thomas E. Tart and
Hardy Finklea, Aquilla Finklea and Mary Jane Finklea children of said Willis and Polly Finklea.
... Enos A. Finklea [appears to be same person as Aquilla]
4 Aug 1830 Summons to Eli Avant and Telatha his wife vs Susannah Tart ...


!PROBATE:Marion Co, SC Probates Vol I, Roll # 17, Page 9, 10, Eli and Thomas AVANT, 31 Mar 1830; 
Avant, Eli (I44822)
5268 !CENSUS:1810;

!NAMED-PROBATE ROLL # 751 Marion Co., SC Enos Tart 1829
Susanna Tart and John C. Finklea, adm 20 Jan 1829
5 Oct 1829 Summons to -
Susannah Tart wife of intestate Enos Tart
Sarah Tart
Jane Tart
Susanna Tart
Enos Tart
Nathan Tart
Thomas E. Tart, children of said intestate,
Elizabeth Kirvin and
Hardy Fincklea, Aquilla Fincklea, and Mary Jane Finklea children of Polly, wife of Willis Finklea who was dau of said intestate,
1/3 to Susanna Tart
remaining 2/3rds to Telatha Avant, Elizabeth Kirvin, Sarah Tart, Jane Tart, Susannah Tart, Enos Tart, Nathan Tart, Thomas E. Tart and
Hardy Finklea, Aquilla Finklea and Mary Jane Finklea children of said Willis and Polly Finklea.
... Enos A. Finklea [appears to be same person as Aquilla]
4 Aug 1830 Summons to Eli Avant and Telatha his wife vs Susannah Tart ...


!NAMED:Marion Co, SC Probate Roll # 751 (Vol II, page 92-94) - Enos Tart, deceased.
Heirs mentioned in document dated 4 Aug 1830
Children: Telatha Avant, wife of Eli Avant, Elizabeth Kirvin, Sarah Tart, Jane Tart, Susannah Tart, Enos Tart, Nathan Tart, Thomas E. Tart,
Grandchildren: Hardy Fincklea, Mary Jane Finklea, children of Polly, wife of Willis Finklea, daughter of intestate.


Tart, Telatha (I44821)
5269 !CENSUS:1810;
!CENSUS:1830 Habersham Co., GA pg 21 Allen Henderson age 20-29 (1800/10) "00001-00001";

!CENSUS:1840 x
!CENSUS:1850 x 
Henderson, Allen (I95599)
5270 !CENSUS:1810;
!CENSUS:1830 McMinn Co., TN pg 140 Allen Henderson age 20-29 (1800/10) "10001-00001";

!CENSUS:1840 * Miller Co., MO;

!CENSUS:1850 * Miller Co., MO; 
Henderson, Allen (I95284)
5271 !CENSUS:1810;
!CENSUS:1830 McMinn Co., TN pg 140 John Henderson age 70-79 (1750/60) "3210010001-000001"; 
Henderson, John (I95687)
5272 !CENSUS:1810;
!CENSUS:1830 McMinn Co., TN pg 140 Peggy Henderson age 20-29 (1800/10) "101-01001"; 
Margaret "Peggy" (I95280)
5273 !CENSUS:1810;
!CENSUS:1830 McMinn Co., TN pg 141 Polly Henderson age 40-49 (1780/90) "0111-1000101"; 
Mary "Polly" (I95278)
5274 !CENSUS:1810;
!CENSUS:1840 Gilmer Co, GA pg 14 Jane BRYSON age 50-59 (1780/90)
!CENSUS:1850 Gilmer Co, GA pg 400B # 739/739
George B. LINDSEY, 27 NC
Martha, 32
Jane BRYSON, 60;
!CENSUS:1860 Fannin Co, GA pg 1041 # 525/525
George B LINDSEY, 38 NC
Martha E. 40
John, 9 GA
Martha J. 7
William J. 5
James, 3
Wallis, 6/12
Jane BRYSON, 73 Infirm NC
Filitus M. 16 GA; 
Jane (I83338)
5275 !CENSUS:1810;


!CENSUS:1860 Marion Dist, SC # 1598
Charles HUGGINS, 58 Overseer NC
Molsy 40 NC
McQueen BRITT, 21 SC; 
Huggins, Charles (I49136)
5276 !CENSUS:1810;
!MARRIAGE 3 Dec 1826 Washington Co., VA William Hansley and Elizabeth Robeck;
Robeck, Elizabeth (I95033)
5277 !CENSUS:1810;
!NAMED-PROBATE ROLL # 627 Marion Co., SC Davide Page 7 Apr 1823
... William Hill, adm
Share of Sarah Page ...
Share of Return Page ...
no other heirs mentioned, no relationship stated for above

!CENSUS:1840 Marion Dist, SC pg 152 Return PAGE age 30-39 (1800/10)
!CENSUS:1850 Horry Dist, SC pg 54B # 764/760
Return PAGE, 40 SC
Sarah, 38
Nancy, 14
Patience, 13
Elizabeth, 11
Abraham, 9
Samuel, 7
William, 5
Return, 5
Hughey, 3; 
Page, Return (I48788)
5278 !CENSUS:1810;
Pemberton, Nancy (I47590)
5279 !CENSUS:1810;
!NAMED-PROBATE ROLL # 630 Marion Co., SC Joseph Page 2 Mar 1818
Joseph Page, adm
Will (no date)
Dau Elizabeth Floyd, Delilah Floyd and Ann Herrin
sons Ebraham (oldest son), John and Elias Page
dau Susannah Page the youngest daughter
wit: Edmund Price, Delilah Price
proven 2 Mar 1818.
Joseph Page (Jr), adm states Joseph is his father. He is not listed in Will.;

!CENSUS:1840 Robeson Co, NC pg 205 John W. PAGE age 30-39 (1800/10)

!REFERENCE: A History of Marion County, South Carolina From Its Earliest Times to the Present, 1901, by W. W. Sellers, Esq., of the Marion Bar. 1902. pp. 162-166
Joseph died about the first of the ninetenth century, leaving three sons and several daughters; his wife was a Miss Horn; his sons were Joseph and Abram and John W.
John W. Page died in middle life, and left two children, a son, Augustus Page, and a daughter. who married the late Aaron Oliver. Augustus Page married a Miss Page ; he died childless. ; 
Page, John W (I61485)
5280 !CENSUS:1810;
!WITNESS:18 Feb 1816 Marion Co., SC Book F page 327
Charles Moody of Marion Dist, bound to Enos Tart for $1286.48 ... mortgage ...
S: Charles Moody
W: Johnson Tirbeville, John (X) Tirbeville, Cherry Tart;

!WITNESS-DEED: 9 Jan 1818 Marion Co., SC Book M page 95
Sarah Tart, widow of Marion Dist., to Enos Tart for $300 ... 750a Es Catfish Cr
... John Smith decd by LW&T to Sarah Tart ... also 600a two other tracts granted to John Smith ...
S: Sarah (X) Tart
W: Cherry Tart, Mary Tart, Ann Finklea
Proven by Cherry Finklea (formerly Cherry Tart) and Ann Finklea 12 Feb 1828 before Elly Gasque, JP;

!WITNESS-DEED: 1 Mar 1818 Marion Co., SC Book M page 93
John Deer of Marion Dist., to Enos Tart of same, for $260 ...
S: John Deer
W: A. Porter, Jesse Bryan, Cherry Tart;



!CENSUS:1840 * Marion Dist, SC w/J. C. Finklea age 30-39 (1800/10);

!CENSUS:1850 x

!NAMED-PROBATE ROLL # 1142 Marion Co., SC Susannah Tart 1853
Petition of Mrs. E. Kirven and Dr. Willis Fore sheweth that Mrs. Susannah Tart lately died intestate ... letters of adm. ... 11 Aug 1853
13 Aug 1853 Evander J. Moody and Martha Jane Moody, she being child of intestate request being appointed adms.
1 Aug 1840 Susannah Tart and Edward B. Wheeler for $1 and love and affection to my daughter Cherry Finklea and her daughter Sarah J. F. Finklea and any other children she may hereafter have ... [Cherry] wife of J. C. Finklea, their dauthter Sarah Jane Finklea

!REFERENCE: A History of Marion County, South Carolina From Its Earliest Times to the Present, 1901, by W. W. Sellers, Esq., of the Marion Bar. 1902. pp. 193-197

Tart ...
One of his daughters married Jack Finklea ; 
Tart, Cherry (I17887)
5281 !CENSUS:1810;

!CENSUS:1830 Columbus Co., NC p. 6
Christopher Stroud age 20-29 (1800/1810)

!CENSUS:1840 Pike Co., AL p. 374
Christopher Stroud age 30-39 (1800/1810)

!CENSUS:1850 Pike Co., AL # 173/173
Christopher Stroud 48 Farmer $- NC
Charity 45 NC
Edward 14 AL
David 11
Nancy 9
William 7; 
Stroud, Christopher (I88133)
5282 !CENSUS:1810;

!CENSUS:1830 Iredell Co., NC p. 7
Arthur Stroud age 20-29 (1800/1810)

!CENSUS:1840 Greene Co., TN p. 79
Arthur Stroud age 15-19 (1820/1825)
* Next to Thomas Stroud (1800/10);

!CENSUS:1850 Greene Co., TN The 10th Subdivision # ---/558
Arthur Stroud 40 Farmer $285 NC
Nancy 43 NC
William 15 TN
Mary 14
James 10
Caroline Hunt 11; 
Stroud, Arthur (I86419)
5283 !CENSUS:1810;

!CENSUS:1830 x

!CENSUS:1840 Iredell Co., NC p. 214
Andrew Stoud* age 30-39 (1800/1810)
* (Sic), clearly spelled "Stoud";

!CENSUS:1850 Iredell Co., NC # 810/820
Andr. Stroud* 46 Farmer $200 NC
Nancy 46 TN
David F. 20 Farmer NC
Sarah M. 17
Pinkney 16 Farmer
Richard 14
Mary E. 12
Giles 9
John B. 7
Caroline 4
Calvin 1
* (Sic) clearly spelled "Shoud"

!CENSUS:1860 Iredell Co., NC District on South Yadkin River, County Line PO # 328/314
And. Stroud 56 (no occupation listed) $-/- NC
Nancy 56 $264/500 TN
Burgess 16 NC
Calvin 10; 
Stroud, Andrew (I108100)
5284 !CENSUS:1810;

!CENSUS:1830 x
* Two in Jackson Co., AL, don't really match.
* None found in MS.


!CENSUS:1850 x
* Apparently decased as Ann is listed as apparent widow; 
Reed, George (I118044)
5285 !CENSUS:1810;

!NAMED-WILL:10 Jul 1827 Dickson Co., TN Will Book B p. 100 John R. Cathey
beloved wife Peggy Cathey
my son Archy Cathey
son Joshua Cathey
my four younger sons, viz. Daniel, Samuel, Martin and John Cathey
daughters Jane and Dolly
son George
daughter May wife of William G. Austin
Munsford Smith and my wife Peggy my sole executors
S: John (X) R. Cathey
W: John Forsythe
July Term 1828 proven in court by John Forsythe;

!CENSUS:1830 Dickson Co., TN pg 343 Archibald Cathy age 20-29 (1800/10)

!CENSUS:1840 Dickson Co., TN pg 197 Archibald Cathey age 30-39 (1800/10)

!CENSUS:1850 Dickson Co., TN The Middle District # 426/426
Archibald Cathey 47 Farmer $75 TN
Elizabeth 47 GA
Sarah 20 TN
Mary J. 18
Saml A. 15 none
Susan 13
Mary C. 10
Lucinda E.; 
Cathey, Archibald (I66397)
5286 !CENSUS:1810;

!CENSUS:1840 Ashe Co., NC p. 9
Pleasant Eastridge age 30-39 (1800/1810)
Eastridge, Pleasant (I121143)
5287 !CENSUS:1810;

!CENSUS:1840 Duplin Co., NC p. 146
William Stroud age 20-29 (1810/1820)
My analysis (who each person *might* be)
1m 20-29 (1810/1820) . William Stroud (c1814)
2m 0-4 (1835/1840) ... 1. Richard Stroud (c1837) son
...................... 2. Everett Stroud (c1840) son
1f 40-49 (1790/1800) . Gatsy (or Betsy) Stroud (c1791) mother
1f 20-29 (1810/1820) . Elizabeth Jane Goodman Stroud (c1823) wife
1f 0-4 (1835/1840) ... Winifred Stroud (c1839) daughter;

!CENSUS:1850 Lenoir Co., NC # 398/398
William Stroud 36 Farmer $250 NC
Elizabeth 27
Gatsey 60
Richard 13
Winifred 11
Everett 9
Mary 6;

!NOTES:T/S lists "Betsy" Stroud.; 
Gatsy (I82972)
5288 !CENSUS:1810;

!CENSUS:1840 Marlboro Dist., SC p. 197
Isham Turner age 30-39 (1800/1810)

!CENSUS:1850 Marlboro Dist, SC pg 170B # 727/727
Isham Turner, 45 M, W, Laborer. $- SC
Elizabeth, 30
Sara A. 12
James, 11
Martha, 8
Robeson, 1;

!CENSUS:1860 Marlboro Dist., SC Bennettsville PO # 962/962
Isham Turner 55 Laborer $-/171 SC
Elizabeth 37
Martha J. 15
Robeson 10; 
Turner, Isham (I65109)
5289 !CENSUS:1810;

!CENSUS:1840 Marlboro Dist., SC p. 197
Silas Turner age 30-39 (1800/1810)

!CENSUS:1850 Marlboro Dist., SC # 768/768
Silas Turner 45 Farmer $300 SC
Jane 35
Wm 15;

!CENSUS:1860 Marlboro Dist., SC Bennettsville PO # 273/273
Silas Turner 53 Farmer $-/50 SC
Jincy 45; 
Turner, Silas (I65258)
5290 !CENSUS:1810;

!CENSUS:1840 Rutherford Co., NC p. 329
Jere Pack age 40-49 (1800/10)

!CENSUS:1850 x 
Pack, Jeremiah (I96583)
5291 !CENSUS:1810;

!CENSUS:1840 Union Dist., SC p. 207
Elizabeth Morris age 30-39 (1800/1810)
My analysis (who each person *might* be)
1m 15-19 (1820/1825) Thomas Morris (c1824)
1m 5-9 (1830/1835).. James Morris (c1831)
1f 70-79 (1760/1770) Rachel Davis Morris McKissick (c1770)
1f 30-39 (1800/1810) Elizabeth Morris (c1805)

!CENSUS:1850 Union Dist., SC # 315/315
Thomas Morris 26 Planter $200 SC
Louisa 21
Elizabeth 45
James Morris 19
Rachael McKisic 90 Pauper;

!STATEMENT:15 Jul 1853 in John Morris Rev. War Pension
Elizabeth Morris "daughter of Rachel McChisick of Union Dist., SC" power of attorney ...
S: Elizabeth (X) Morris
Wit: James Bailey Senr;

!CENSUS:1860 Union Dist., SC Unionville PO
# 596/523
James Morris 29 Farmer $300/200 SC
Mary 28
Elizabeth 3
Maryan (or Mazyan) 1
# 597/524
Elizabeth Morris 50 SC
# 598/525
Thomas Morris 37 Farmer $300/200 SC
Louisa 30
Mary 10
William 8
Harriet 6
Sarah 4
Infant 2 f

!CENSUS:1870 Union Co., SC Pinkney Township, Unionville PO # 324/394
Elizabeth Morris 70 $-/- SC; 
Morris, Elizabeth (I118173)
5292 !CENSUS:1810;

!DEED:18 Jun 1833 Buncombe Co., NC Deed Book 19, p 246
John Pack and Polly Pack his wife of Buncombe to Charles Greer (no residence listed), for $50, land in Buncombe on the North Side of Little Mud Creek between said Greer and Edward Shipman and the south side of Shoal Creek ... 50 acres.
S: John (his mark) Pack
S: Polly (her mark) Pack
Witnesses: Lincoln Fullam, Jordan Holcombe;

!CENSUS:1840 Rutherford Co., NC p. 329
Jno Pack age 20-29 (1810/20)
* If this is the same John, why isn't he with his wife? Were they separated? Who is the older woman with him on this census? Sister? Mother?
* Since John wasn't named as Mary/Polly's husband on an 1834 deed among the Fletcher heirs, it would seem they were separated by then.

!CENSUS:1850 x

!DEED:12 Apr 1852 Henderson Co., NC, Estate Records - Polly Pack 1852
Also Deed Book 5, p. 76.
John Pack and his son Henry W. Pack, the legal heirs of Polly Pack deceased, both of Henderson Co., NC, to John Brown of same place.
$195 waters of Little Mud Creek being the whole of tract or parcel of land conveyed in the year 1820 by Reubin Fletcher to his daughter Polly Fletcher, bounded by lands of Col. M. R. Singleton, James Drake and others ... 100a.
S: John (his mark) Pack, H. W. Pack.
Wit: Henry J. Farmer;

!CENSUS:1860 Henderson Co., NC Hendersonville PO # 1057/1057
John Pack 50 Day Labor $50/30 NC
Henry 27 Day Labor NC; 
Pack, John (I96581)
5293 !CENSUS:1810;

!MARRIAGE BOND:20 May 1834 Haywood Co., NC
Joseph Deaver & Mary Mehaffy d/o Wm.
E(benezer) McCleod, bm;

!CENSUS:1840 Cherokee Co, NC pg 236 w/Joseph DEAVER age 40-49 (1790/1800);

!CENSUS:1850 x

!CENSUS:1860 x 
Mahaffey, Mary (I33821)
5294 !CENSUS:1810;

!PROBATE:Marion Co, SC Probate Roll # 973 Martha Ann Turner, Susannah Turner.
Petition of James W. Bass sheweth that Philip Turner died leaving two children Martha Ann and Susannah Turner we are now of the as follows: Susannah is 19 years old and Martha Ann is 17 years old-both minors. Prays to be appointed guardian of their persons 17 Apr 1854.
Philip Turner died Dec 1839, the wife Eliza Turner was married in May 2d 1833, by Moses Mace, Magistrate, name before marriage Eliza Cook.
James W. Bass apppointed guardian 17 Apr 1854; 
Turner, Phillip (I65167)
5295 !CENSUS:1810;
CENSUS:1820 * Mecklenburg Co, NC pg 165 David HENDERSON *;
MARRIAGE: 3 May 1820 Mecklenburg Co, NC David R. HENDERSON & Peggy
CENSUS:1830 * Mecklenburg Co, NC pg 366 D.R. HENDERSON *;
CENSUS:1840 * Mecklenburg Co, NC pg 295 David HENDERSON *;
CENSUS:1850 * Mecklenburg Co, NC pg 45 David HENDERSON *; 
Henderson, David R (I96865)
5296 !CENSUS:1810;
CENSUS:1820 * Not in NC Index;
CENSUS:1850 Wilkes Co, NC # 1709 Payton COLVARD, 58 (1791/92) b
Wilkes Co, NC;
Colvard, Peyton Farrow (I99278)
5297 !CENSUS:1810;
CENSUS:1820 Craven Co, NC pg 758 w/Solomon E. GRANT age 0-9 (1810/20);
MARRAIGE:24 Mar 1825 Jones Co, NC Richard FONVIELLE Jr of Craven to Ann GRANT
of Jones County. Raleigh Register 12 Apr 1825;
Grant, Ann (I17423)
5298 !CENSUS:1810;
CENSUS:1820 Haywood Co, NC pg 225 w/James MORE age 10-15 (1804/10);
CENSUS:1860 Cherokee Co, NC Shooting Creek # 1094 Clarissa CELLARS, 50
(1809/10) born Haywood Co, NC; 
Moore, Clarissa Ann (I19965)
5299 !CENSUS:1810;
CENSUS:1820 Haywood Co, NC pg 225 w/John MINGOUS age 26-44 (1775/94);
CENSUS:1830 Haywood Co, NC pg 379 Hannah MINGUS age 40-49 (1780/90)
CENSUS:1840 Haywood Co, NC pg 114 Hannah MINGAS age 40-49 (1790/1800)
CENSUS:1850 Haywood Co, NC # 458 Hannah MINGUS, 57 (1792/93) born
NC, Real
Value = $1500; 
Collinger, Hannah (I88027)
5300 !CENSUS:1810;
CENSUS:1820 Maury Co, TN pg x w/Thomas GRANT age 26-44 (1775/94);
CENSUS:1830 Maury Co, TN pg 353 w/Thomas GRANT age 40-49 (1780/90);
Glover, Sarah (I95550)

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