Matches 5,501 to 5,550 of 83,474
# | Notes | Linked to |
5501 | !CENSUS:1810; CENSUS:1820; | Hall, Mary (I85930)
5502 | !CENSUS:1810; CENSUS:1820; | Hall, Joseph (I85929)
5503 | !CENSUS:1810; CENSUS:1820; | Wilson, Isaac (I83743)
5504 | !CENSUS:1810; DEED: 3 Jun 1816 St Louis Co, MO F-117 Settling estate of Davis HENSLEY among heirs naming widow Lydia HENSLEY, John HENSLEY and wife Fanny HENSLEY, William HENSLEY and wife Nancy HENSLEY, George THOMPSON and wife Sally THOMPSON, all of St Louis Co, MO, heirs of David HENSLEY, deceased to Peter & Green PRYOR; CENSUS:1820; CENSUS:1830 Franklin MO p 141 w/William HENSLEY 30-39 (1790/1800); !DEED: 6 Aug 1836 St Louis Co, MO B2-158 Heirs of Davis Hensley, deceased. Francis HENSLEY, Nancy his wife, John HENSLEY and wife Fanny, Willis HENSLEY and wife Susan, William and his wife Nancy, Henry Johns and wife Mary, George THOMPSON and wife Sarah, David CALDWELL and wife Jane, Rebecca SULLINS and Richard her husband, Sarah SHOOKMAN and husband William SHOOKMAN, Jane LANE and husband Martin LANE, Elisabeth CALDWELL, Preston CALDWELL, Nelson CALDWELL, Nancy Ann CALDWELL, Ellen BEACHAN, to William DOWING of St Louis Co, MO. CENSUS:1840 Franklin MO p 209 w/William HENSLEY 40-49 (1790/1800); CENSUS:1850 Franklin MO p 71 Nancy HENSLEY, 55 (1794/95) b KY; CENSUS:1860; | Nancy (I88999)
5505 | !CENSUS:1810; MARRIAGE: 1 Jan 1811 Haywood Co, NC Standford RHODES & Celia EVINS; CENSUS:1820; CENSUS:1830; CENSUS:1840; CENSUS:1850; | Rhodes, Stanford (I86077)
5506 | !CENSUS:1810; MARRIAGE:12 Feb 1818 Albemarle Co, VA John TATE & Susanna BOWLES; CENSUS:1820; CENSUS:1830; | Bowles, Susanna (I87808)
5507 | !CENSUS:1810; MARRIAGE:23 Jul 1812 Mecklenburg Co, NC John EVANS & Nancy CLARK; CENSUS:1820; CENSUS:1830; CENSUS:1840; CENSUS:1850; | Evans, John (I89621)
5508 | !CENSUS:1810; QUAKER:28 Nov 1818 Spring MM (Orange Co, NC) Granted Certificate to Marlborough MM pg 444; CENSUS:1820; | Jackson, Catherine (I83669)
5509 | !CENSUS:1810; QUAKER:29 May 1811 Center MM (Guilford), son of William and Jane Carter of Orange, marriage to Mary Wilson pg 675; NAMED:1827 Randolph Co, NC Will of William CARTER; CENSUS:1830; CENSUS:1840; CENSUS:1850; | Carter, Stephen (I83734)
5510 | !CENSUS:1820 * * Hall Co., GA p. 150 Daniel Garrett age 16-25 (1794/1804) 300100-20100 * Next to Thos B. Garrett 45+ (bef 1775) * 11 houses from Joseph Stewart 26-44 (1775/94). !CENSUS:1830 Hall Co., GA p. 83 Daniel Garrett age 30-39 (1790/1800) 112001-100101; !CENSUS:1840 Forsyth Co., GA p. 280 Daniel A. Garrett age 50-59 (1780/90) 00111001-0010101; !NOTES:In his Will he leaves something to Jasper Green and Mary Powell dau of Allen Powell, thus proving this is the same Daniel Garrett SIL of John Stewart; | Garrett, Daniel (I119903)
5511 | !CENSUS:1820 * * Hall Co., GA p. 150 Joseph Stewart age 26-44 (1775/94) 110010-20010 * 11 houses from Daniel Garrett age 16-25 (1794/1804) 300100-20100; | Stewart, Joseph (I119896)
5512 | !CENSUS:1820 * Bullitt Co, KY pg 172 Andrew FERGUSON *; !CENSUS:1830 * Greene Co, IN pg 165 Andrew FURGUSON *; !CENSUS:1840 * Greene Co, IN pg 118 Andrew FURGUSON *; !CENSUS:1850 Greene Co, IN # 29 Andrew FERGUSON, 57 (1792/93) born VA; | Ferguson, Andrew (I10439)
5513 | !CENSUS:1820 * Bulloch; !CENSUS:1830 * Thomas; !CENSUS:1840 * Thomas; | Milton, Robertson (I89815)
5514 | !CENSUS:1820 * Buncombe Co, NC pg 100 w/Berry HENSLEY age 0-9 (1810/20); !CENSUS:1830 * Buncombe Co, NC pg 288 w/Berry HENSLEY age 5-9 (1820/25) or 10-14 (1815/20); !CENSUS:1840 Yancey Co, NC pg 257 w/Sibbe HENSLEY age 20-29 (1810/20); !CENSUS:1850 Yancey Co, NC # 28 Huldah HENSLEY, 25 (1824/25) born NC; !CENSUS:1860 Yancey Co, NC pg 772 Hulda HENSLEY, 31 (1818/19) born NC; !CENSUS:1870; !CENSUS:1880 Madison Co, NC Upper Laurel pg 129A Wiley BOON Self M M W 32 NC/NC/NC Mary A. BOON Wife F M W 28 TN/NC/NC Silvous BOON Son M S W 10 NC/NC/TN Mc Daniel BOON Son M S W 7 NC Margret BOON Dau F S W 5 NC Thos. W. BOON Son M S W 3 NC Diah C. BOON Son M S W 1 NC Hulda HENSLEY Aunt F W 52 NC/NC/NC; | Hensley, Huldah (I37421)
5515 | !CENSUS:1820 * Buncombe Co, NC pg 76 w/Elisha HENSLEY age 16-25 (1794/1804); !CENSUS:1830 Buncombe Co, NC pg 220 w/Abisah HENSLEY age 30-39 (1790/1800); !CENSUS:1840 Calloway Co, KY pg 97 w/Abisha HENSLEY age 40-49 (1790/1800); !CENSUS:1850 Calloway Co., KY District No 2 # 119/121 Abishai Hensley 61 Farmer $400 VA Mary 58 SC B. F. 22 m Farmer NC Joab 20 NC; | Mary (I91005)
5516 | !CENSUS:1820 * Buncombe Co., NC; !CENSUS:1830 * Buncombe Co., NC; !CENSUS:1840 * Cocke Co., TN; !CENSUS:1850 * Cocke Co., TN; | Penland, Abraham D (I67445)
5517 | !CENSUS:1820 * Burke Co, NC pg 95 w/John MOORE age 16-25 (1794/1804); !CENSUS:1830 Burke Co, NC pg 135 w/John MOORE (Globe) age 30-39 (1790/1800); !CENSUS:1840 Burke Co, NC pg 309 w/John MOORE age 50-59 (1780/90); | Dowell, Jane (I92904)
5518 | !CENSUS:1820 * Granville Co., NC pg 34 Wm Taborn 000000-00000 fpc 01000-41000 *; !CENSUS:1830; !CENSUS:1840 * Rutherford Co., NC pg 329 Wm Tabor age 40-49 (1790/1800) "2210001-010001 fpc 000100-000000 * Not same man for her was still here in 1850, age 52, wife Mirah, 50, several kids; !CENSUS:1850 X Not found; !CENSUS:1860 Cherokee Co, NC Cheoah # 794/794 Marshall TABOR, 39, M, Mul. Farmer, born Guilford Mary TABOR, 38, F, Mul, born Buncombe # 795/795 William H. TABOR, 60, M, Mul. born Guilford Mary J. 17, F, Mul. Macon Jesse W. 12, Mul. Buncombe Lucinda E., 9, Mul Hamilton, 7, Mul, Thomas, 5, Mul; !DEATH:APr 1864 proven by Miles H. Tabor's Guion-Miller Roll 24 Aug 1907; | Tabor, William Harrison (I16951)
5519 | !CENSUS:1820 * Haywood Co, NC pg 225 w/B. John MORE age 0-9 (1810/20); !CENSUS:1830 Rabun Co, GA pg 231 w/John B. MORE age 15-19 (1810/15) or age 10-14 (1815/20); !CENSUS:1840 Gilmer Co, GA pg 3 John MOORE age 20-29 (1810/20) "11001-11001"; !CENSUS:1850 Gilmer Co, GA pg 352 # 56/56 John N. MOORE, 33 SC Clarissa, 35 SC Martin B. 12 GA John H. 11 Mary J. 9 Sarah A. 8 Rebecca J. 6 Milly E. 2 Martha E. 1 Joseph A. 3; | Moore, John N (I47179)
5520 | !CENSUS:1820 * Haywood Co, NC pg 225 w/Henry MILLER age 0-9 (1810/20); !CENSUS:1830; !CENSUS:1840 * Haywood Co, NC pg 109 w/David MILLER age 20-29 (1810/20); !MARRIAGE:21 Nov 1844 * Haywood Co, NC Jacob MILLER and Matilda JUSTICE; !CENSUS:1850 Haywood Co, NC # 107 Jacob MILLER, 31 (1818/19) born NC; | Miller, Jacob (I36342)
5521 | !CENSUS:1820 * Haywood Co, NC pg 226 w/Henry MILLER age 10-15 (1804/10); !CENSUS:1830 * Haywood Co, NC pg 367 w/Henry MILLER age 20-29 (1800/10); !MARRIAGE:12 Jul 1831 Haywood Co, NC Jacob A. MILLER & Vianah A. EVINS; !POLL:1835 Haywood Co, NC Beaverdam Precinct Ambrose MILLER; !CENSUS:1840 Haywood Co, NC pg 121 Ambros MILLER age 20-29 (1810/20) "31001-01001"; !CENSUS:1850; | Miller, Jacob Ambrose (I34250)
5522 | !CENSUS:1820 * Haywood Co, NC pg 226 w/John MORE age 0-9 (1810/20); CENSUS:1830; CENSUS:1840; CENSUS:1850; | Moore, Jacob (I14362)
5523 | !CENSUS:1820 * Haywood Co., NC pg 219 w/Jesey Wright age 0-9 (1810/20) 500001-20010-0-0 ^ !CENSUS:1830 * Haywood Co., NC pg 377 w/Jesse Wright age 15-19 (1810/15) 312100001-211101 ^ !MARRIAGE:19 Jun 1836 Gilmer Co., GA Thomas Wright & Nancy L. Durham; !CENSUS:1840 Gilmer Co., GA pg 2 Thomas Wright age 20-29 (1810/20) 00001-01001; !CENSUS:1850 | Wright, Thomas (I8357)
5524 | !CENSUS:1820 * Lost for Carter Co, TN; !CENSUS:1830 Carter Co, TN pg 3 w/Daniel SMITH age 10-14 (1815/20); !CENSUS:1840 Carter Co, TN pg 171 w/Daniel SMITH age 20-29 (1810/20); !CENSUS:1850 Carter Co, TN pg 160 # 17/17 1st Civil District Edward J. SMITH, 33 TN m 1843 Mary, 28 Robert L. 6 Sonia C. 4 David D. 2; !CENSUS:1860 Carter Co, TN 2nd Division # 591/594 E. J. SMITH, 42, Farmer, 5000/3600 TN Mary, 38 Robert, 16 Louisa 14 David 12 Alice, 8 Mitchell 2; | Smith, Edward Jones (I274)
5525 | !CENSUS:1820 * Lost for Carter Co, TN; !CENSUS:1830 Carter Co, TN pg 3 w/Daniel SMITH age 15-19 (1810/15); !CENSUS:1840 Carter Co, TN pg 171 w/Daniel SMITH age 20-29 (1810/20); !CENSUS:1850 Carter Co, TN pg 160 # 22/22 1st Civil District John H. SMITH, 34 TN m 1843 Ellen, 26 Sarah E. 5 Mary C. 4 James L. 1; !CENSUS:1860 Carter Co, TN 2nd Division # 652/598 J. H. SMITH, 44 Farmer, 1000/1000 TN Ellen, 35 Sarah A. E. 16 Mary C 13 James L. 11 Louisa 9 Andrew F. 6 John A. H. 4 Not named 2/12; | Smith, John Henderson (I273)
5526 | !CENSUS:1820 * Lost for Carter Co, TN; !CENSUS:1830 Carter Co, TN pg 3 w/Daniel SMITH age 15-19 (1810/15); !CENSUS:1840 Carter Co, TN pg 197 w/Benjamin DYER age 20-29 (1810/20); CENSUS:1850 Carter Co, TN 3rd Civil District # 15 Matilda DYER, 36 (1813/14) born TN, married 1838; | Smith, Matilda (I276)
5527 | !CENSUS:1820 * Lost for Carter Co, TN; !CENSUS:1830 Carter Co, TN pg 3 w/Ezekiel SMITH age 10-14 (1815/20); !CENSUS:1840 Johnson Co, TN pg 277 w/Ezekiel SMITH age 20-29 (1810/20); !CENSUS:1850 Johnson Co, TN pg 29 5th Civil Dist # 16/16 Ezekiel SMITH, 59 TN Nancy G. 62 VA Mary Ann E. 35 TN William L. 17 # 16/17 Andrew T. SMITH, 22 TN Susan, 16; !CENSUS:1860 Johnson Co, TN District 5 pg 37 # 453/32 Ezekiel SMITH, 69 Farmer, 9000/3400 TN Nancy G. 72 housekeeper VA Mary A. E. 43 TN Mary J. BOWMAN, 10 James, 6 Pinkney S. 23 William S. COFFEE, 21 Merchant, 400/2700 NC Thomas J. 32; !CENSUS:1870 Johnson Co, TN District no 5 pg 43 # 3/3 Andrew T. Smith, 44, M, W, Farmer, 4000/1500 TN Susan, 36 Nancy J. 17 Jacob A. 15 Ezekial, 80 Wagon Maker, 700/300 TN Elizabeth, 47 Nancy C 5/12 Feb Mary A. E. 54; | Smith, Mary Ann E (I41464)
5528 | !CENSUS:1820 * Lost for Carter Co, TN; !CENSUS:1830 Carter Co, TN pg 3 w/Ezekiel SMITH age 40-49 (1780/90); !CENSUS:1840 Johnson Co, TN pg 277 w/Ezekiel SMITH age 50-59 (1780/90); !CENSUS:1850 Johnson Co, TN pg 29 5th Civil Dist # 16/16 Ezekiel SMITH, 59 TN Nancy G. 62 VA Mary Ann E. 35 TN William L. 17 # 16/17 Andrew T. SMITH, 22 TN Susan, 16; !CENSUS:1860 Johnson Co, TN District 5 pg 37 # 453/32 Ezekiel SMITH, 69 Farmer, 9000/3400 TN Nancy G. 72 housekeeper VA Mary A. E. 43 TN Mary J. BOWMAN, 10 James, 6 Pinkney S. 23 William S. COFFEE, 21 Merchant, 400/2700 NC Thomas J. 32; | Doran, Nancy Gordan (I280)
5529 | !CENSUS:1820 * Lost for Carter Co, TN; !CENSUS:1830 Carter Co, TN pg 3 w/Isaac CAMPBELL age 15-19 (1810/15); !CENSUS:1840 Carter Co, TN pg 171 w/Susanah CAMPBELL age 20-29 (1810/20); !CENSUS:1850 Carter Co, TN pg 159B # 13/13 1st Civil District Susannah CAMPBELL, 79 (1770/71) NC Hila, 45 TN Matilda, 40 Eliza, 37; !CENSUS:1860 Carter Co, TN Division Second pg 430 # 645/592 Matilda CAMPBELL, 50, 20/50 TN Eliza, 48 20/50 TN; | Campbell, Eliza (I256)
5530 | !CENSUS:1820 * Lost for East TN; !CENSUS:1830 Knox Co, TN pg 316 w/Anthony Hensley 10-14 (1815/20); !MARRIAGE LICENSE:16 Nov 1833 Knox Co., TN James Poe and Malinda Hensley Married 20 Nov 1833 by Samuel White, JP; !CENSUS:1840; !MARRIAGE BOND: 1 Oct 1841 Knox Co., TN Henry Bean to Malinda Poe alias Hensly Nicholas (X) Barger, bm; !CENSUS:1850 Knox Co, TN 15th Subdivision pg 234 # 1991/2003 Henry A. BEAN, 30, Farmer TN Sarah A. M., 30 Mary J. J., 9 John A., 7 Sarah A. M. 4 George W., 3 Mary HENSLEY, 52 Jacob L., 11; !CENSUS:1860; | Hensley, Sarah A Malinda (I54748)
5531 | !CENSUS:1820 * Lost for Eastern TN; !CENSUS:1830 Carter Co, TN pg 20 w/John DUGGER age 10-14 (1815/20); !CENSUS:1840 Johnson Co, TN pg 277 Peter E. DUGGER age 20-29 (1810/20) "00001-10001"; !CENSUS:1850 Johnson Co, TN # 68 Peter E. DUGGER, 34 (1815/16) born TN; !CENSUS:1860 Johnson Co, TN # 179 Peter E. DUGGER, 42 (1817/18) born *; !CENSUS:1870 * JOhnson; !NAMED: 5 Oct 1872 Johnson Co, TN. Will of William DUGGER of Johnson County, TN. All property bequethed to: Heirs of John DUGGER, decd - to John DUGGER Sr, Benjamin DUGGER, Jacob F. DUGGER, Hiram DUGGER, Joseph DUGGER Sr, Peter E. DUGGER, Solomon Q. DUGGER and William B. DUGGER, Samuel DUGGER, Charlotte CABLE, Mary WHITEHEAD, Emanuel BUNTON, Nancy ANDERSON. To my neice Nancy J. COWAN, daughter of Charlotte ANDERSON and wife of Thomas COWAN. to Mary C. BOGLE, daughter of Charlotte ANDERSON, decd. To my sister Mary PIERCE. Heirs of brother Abel DUGGER, decd. To the heirs of my sister Nancy GEORGE, decd, and wife of James J. GEORGE, decd. To heirs of my sister Elizabeth RAINBOLT, decd, wife of Elisha RAINBOLT, decd. I give all claim and interest in estate of my father Julius DUGGER, decd, to my sister Margaret DUGGER. I request that my niece Nancy J. COWAN to let my colored woman Anna GEORGE or alias Anna DUGGER to have a room or house to put her property in and place to have a garden spot on, lifetime maintenance. to Nancy RAINBOLT, $10 for waiting on me when I had smallpox. Executors: My nephew Julius D. PIERCE and my brother-in-law Thomas ANDERSON. Test: S.P. SORRELLS, I.F. McQUEEN; | Dugger, Peter Engle (I1825)
5532 | !CENSUS:1820 * Lost for Eastern TN; !CENSUS:1830 Carter Co, TN pg 20 w/John DUGGER age 15-19 (1810/15); !CENSUS:1840 Johnson Co, TN pg 277 Jacob F. DUGGER age 20-29 (1810/20) "00001-20001"; !CENSUS:1850 Johnson Co, TN # 31 Jacob F. DUGGER, 38 (1811/12) born TN; !CENSUS:1860 Johnson Co, TN # 107 Jacob F. DUGGER, 49 (1810/11) born *; !NAMED: 5 Oct 1872 Johnson Co, TN. Will of William DUGGER of Johnson County, TN. All property bequethed to: Heirs of John DUGGER, decd - to John DUGGER Sr, Benjamin DUGGER, Jacob F. DUGGER, Hiram DUGGER, Joseph DUGGER Sr, Peter E. DUGGER, Solomon Q. DUGGER and William B. DUGGER, Samuel DUGGER, Charlotte CABLE, Mary WHITEHEAD, Emanuel BUNTON, Nancy ANDERSON. To my neice Nancy J. COWAN, daughter of Charlotte ANDERSON and wife of Thomas COWAN. to Mary C. BOGLE, daughter of Charlotte ANDERSON, decd. To my sister Mary PIERCE. Heirs of brother Abel DUGGER, decd. To the heirs of my sister Nancy GEORGE, decd, and wife of James J. GEORGE, decd. To heirs of my sister Elizabeth RAINBOLT, decd, wife of Elisha RAINBOLT, decd. I give all claim and interest in estate of my father Julius DUGGER, decd, to my sister Margaret DUGGER. I request that my niece Nancy J. COWAN to let my colored woman Anna GEORGE or alias Anna DUGGER to have a room or house to put her property in and place to have a garden spot on, lifetime maintenance. to Nancy RAINBOLT, $10 for waiting on me when I had smallpox. Executors: My nephew Julius D. PIERCE and my brother-in-law Thomas ANDERSON. Test: S.P. SORRELLS, I.F. McQUEEN; | Dugger, Jacob F (I1822)
5533 | !CENSUS:1820 * Lost for Eastern TN; !CENSUS:1830 Carter Co, TN pg 20 w/John DUGGER age 15-19 (1810/15); !CENSUS:1840 Johnson Co, TN pg 278 w/John DUGGER Sr age 20-29 (1810/20); !CENSUS:1850 Polk Co, TN # 872 Benjamin C. DUGGER, 45 (1804/05) born TN; !CENSUS:1860 Fannin Co, GA # 541 Benjamin C. DUGGER, 47 (1812/13) born TN; !CENSUS:1870 Fannin Co, GA Colwell # 494 Benjimin DUGER, 57 (1812/13) born TN; !NAMED: 5 Oct 1872 Johnson Co, TN. Will of William DUGGER of Johnson County, TN. All property bequethed to: Heirs of John DUGGER, decd - to John DUGGER Sr, Benjamin DUGGER, Jacob F. DUGGER, Hiram DUGGER, Joseph DUGGER Sr, Peter E. DUGGER, Solomon Q. DUGGER and William B. DUGGER, Samuel DUGGER, Charlotte CABLE, Mary WHITEHEAD, Emanuel BUNTON, Nancy ANDERSON. To my neice Nancy J. COWAN, daughter of Charlotte ANDERSON and wife of Thomas COWAN. to Mary C. BOGLE, daughter of Charlotte ANDERSON, decd. To my sister Mary PIERCE. Heirs of brother Abel DUGGER, decd. To the heirs of my sister Nancy GEORGE, decd, and wife of James J. GEORGE, decd. To heirs of my sister Elizabeth RAINBOLT, decd, wife of Elisha RAINBOLT, decd. I give all claim and interest in estate of my father Julius DUGGER, decd, to my sister Margaret DUGGER. I request that my niece Nancy J. COWAN to let my colored woman Anna GEORGE or alias Anna DUGGER to have a room or house to put her property in and place to have a garden spot on, lifetime maintenance. to Nancy RAINBOLT, $10 for waiting on me when I had smallpox. Executors: My nephew Julius D. PIERCE and my brother-in-law Thomas ANDERSON. Test: S.P. SORRELLS, I.F. McQUEEN; | Dugger, Benjamin Carter (I1823)
5534 | !CENSUS:1820 * Lost for Eastern TN; !CENSUS:1830 Carter Co, TN pg 20 w/John DUGGER age 15-19 (1810/15); !MARRIAGE:11 Nov 1838 Johnson Co, TN Claibourne CABLE & Charlotte DUGGER; !CENSUS:1840 * Ashe Co., NC; !CENSUS:1850 Watauga Co, NC; !CENSUS:1860 Watauga Co, NC; !CENSUS:1870; !NAMED: 5 Oct 1872 Johnson Co, TN. Will of William DUGGER of Johnson County, TN. All property bequethed to: Heirs of John DUGGER, decd - to John DUGGER Sr, Benjamin DUGGER, Jacob F. DUGGER, Hiram DUGGER, Joseph DUGGER Sr, Peter E. DUGGER, Solomon Q. DUGGER and William B. DUGGER, Samuel DUGGER, Charlotte CABLE, Mary WHITEHEAD, Emanuel BUNTON, Nancy ANDERSON. To my neice Nancy J. COWAN, daughter of Charlotte ANDERSON and wife of Thomas COWAN. to Mary C. BOGLE, daughter of Charlotte ANDERSON, decd. To my sister Mary PIERCE. Heirs of brother Abel DUGGER, decd. To the heirs of my sister Nancy GEORGE, decd, and wife of James J. GEORGE, decd. To heirs of my sister Elizabeth RAINBOLT, decd, wife of Elisha RAINBOLT, decd. I give all claim and interest in estate of my father Julius DUGGER, decd, to my sister Margaret DUGGER. I request that my niece Nancy J. COWAN to let my colored woman Anna GEORGE or alias Anna DUGGER to have a room or house to put her property in and place to have a garden spot on, lifetime maintenance. to Nancy RAINBOLT, $10 for waiting on me when I had smallpox. Executors: My nephew Julius D. PIERCE and my brother-in-law Thomas ANDERSON. Test: S.P. SORRELLS, I.F. McQUEEN; | Dugger, Charlotte (I1824)
5535 | !CENSUS:1820 * Lost for Eastern TN; !CENSUS:1830 Carter Co, TN pg 24 w/Joseph VAUGHT age 10-14 (1815/20); !CENSUS:1840 Johnson Co, TN pg 274 w/Nancy VAUGHT age 20-29 (1810/20); !CENSUS:1850 Johnson Co, TN pg 22 # 12/12 Nancy VAUGHT (widow), 69 (1780/81) born TN Joseph G. 31; !CENSUS:1860; | Vaught, Joseph Goodwin (I41461)
5536 | !CENSUS:1820 * Lost for Eastern TN; !CENSUS:1830 Jefferson Co, TN pg 291 w/Samuel HOSKINS age 10-15 (1815/20); !CENSUS:1840; !CENSUS:1850 * Hickman Co, KY pg 39 *; | Hoskins, Andrew D (I52046)
5537 | !CENSUS:1820 * Lost for Eastern TN; !CENSUS:1830 Monroe TN 132 w/Benjamin JOHNSON 20-29 (1800/10); !CENSUS:1840 Monroe Co, TN pg 152 w/Benjamin JOHNSTON age 40-49 (1790/1800); !CENSUS:1850; | Edington, Jemima (I40821)
5538 | !CENSUS:1820 * Marion Dist, SC pg 56 w/Demsey CAMPBELL age 0-9 (1810/20); !CENSUS:1830 * Marion Dist, SC pg 12 w/Dempsey CAMPBELL age 15-19 (1810/15); !CENSUS:1840 * Marion Dist, SC pg 133 w/Dempsey CAMPBELL age 20-29 (1810/20); !CENSUS:1850 Marion Dist, SC # 259 Martha CAMPBELL, 38 (1811/12) born Marion, residing with apparent sister Mary CAMPBELL, 35; !CENSUS:1860 Marion Dist, SC Marion Twp # 808 Manthy CAMPBELL, 35 (1824/25) born SC, living with Milly CAMPBELL, 40; !CENSUS:1870; | Campbell, Aramantha (I50714)
5539 | !CENSUS:1820 * Marion Dist, SC pg 56 w/Thomas COLLINS age 0-9 (1810/20); !CENSUS:1830; !CENSUS:1840; !CENSUS:1850; !NOTE: The following from the Equity Rolls (sent to me by Helon Cutler): DEFTS. Mary Collins, Stephen D. Collins, Thomas Collins, Mary Thompson wife of John Thompson, Robert Burgess and Rebecca his wife, James Wright and Elizabeth his wife, and Mariah, which said Rebecca Burgess, Elizabeth Wright and Mariah are children of Elizabeth Cribb deceased, wife of Thomas Cribb, granddaughters of Thomas Collins not having answers on notice. BILL FOR PARTITION, ACCOUNT, SALE OF REAL ESTATE: FILED 12 July 1841. The orator John Collins of Marion Dist. shows that Thomas Collins of Marion Dist. died August 1840, his estate consisting of about 3000 acres of land, 16 negroes and other property. He died intestate leaving surviving him his widow and relict Mary Collins; Stephen D. Collins; Mary Thompson wife of John Thompson; Olif Rogers, wife of A. Rogers; Solomon Collins; Beedy Collins; Jane Collins; and grandchildren: Rebecca wife of Robert Burgess; Elizabeth Wright wife of James Wright; and Mariah, Children of Elizabeth Cribb (daughter of Thomas Collins). BILL OF PARTITION GRANTED BY COURT OF EQUITY: 11 Jan 1842. Divide between Mary Collins, widow of Thomas Collins, 1/3; 2/3 among children of Thomas Collins: Solomon, Olif Rogers, Beedy Smith (late Collins) and Jane Collins. BILL OF REVISION FILED: 3 Jan 1842 Orators John Thompson and Mary Thompson and Thomas Cribb and Catharine Cribb & their children were barred by receipts given said Thomas Collins in his lifetime and others of said children has also received advancements by said intestate. Mary Thomspon wife of John Thompson died Nov 1841 leaving the following children: John C. Thompson, Elizabeth Richardson wife of G. W. Richardson, Stephen Thompson, William Thompson, Jesse Thompson, James Thompson and Infant. | Cribb, Rebecca (I9260)
5540 | !CENSUS:1820 * Marion Dist, SC pg 56 w/Thomas COLLINS age 0-9 (1810/20); !NOTE: The following from the Equity Rolls (sent to me by Helon Cutler): DEFTS. Mary Collins, Stephen D. Collins, Thomas Collins, Mary Thompson wife of John Thompson, Robert Burgess and Rebecca his wife, James Wright and Elizabeth his wife, and Mariah, which said Rebecca Burgess, Elizabeth Wright and Mariah are children of Elizabeth Cribb deceased, wife of Thomas Cribb, granddaughters of Thomas Collins not having answers on notice. BILL FOR PARTITION, ACCOUNT, SALE OF REAL ESTATE: FILED 12 July 1841. The orator John Collins of Marion Dist. shows that Thomas Collins of Marion Dist. died August 1840, his estate consisting of about 3000 acres of land, 16 negroes and other property. He died intestate leaving surviving him his widow and relict Mary Collins; Stephen D. Collins; Mary Thompson wife of John Thompson; Olif Rogers, wife of A. Rogers; Solomon Collins; Beedy Collins; Jane Collins; and grandchildren: Rebecca wife of Robert Burgess; Elizabeth Wright wife of James Wright; and Mariah, Children of Elizabeth Cribb (daughter of Thomas Collins). BILL OF PARTITION GRANTED BY COURT OF EQUITY: 11 Jan 1842. Divide between Mary Collins, widow of Thomas Collins, 1/3; 2/3 among children of Thomas Collins: Solomon, Olif Rogers, Beedy Smith (late Collins) and Jane Collins. BILL OF REVISION FILED: 3 Jan 1842 Orators John Thompson and Mary Thompson and Thomas Cribb and Catharine Cribb & their children were barred by receipts given said Thomas Collins in his lifetime and others of said children has also received advancements by said intestate. Mary Thomspon wife of John Thompson died Nov 1841 leaving the following children: John C. Thompson, Elizabeth Richardson wife of G. W. Richardson, Stephen Thompson, William Thompson, Jesse Thompson, James Thompson and Infant. | Cribb, Mariah (I8318)
5541 | !CENSUS:1820 * Marion Dist, SC pg 56 w/Thomas COLLINS age 0-9 (1810/20); !NOTE:Birth and death per Jim Nobles; !NOTE: The following from the Equity Rolls (sent to me by Helon Cutler): DEFTS. Mary Collins, Stephen D. Collins, Thomas Collins, Mary Thompson wife of John Thompson, Robert Burgess and Rebecca his wife, James Wright and Elizabeth his wife, and Mariah, which said Rebecca Burgess, Elizabeth Wright and Mariah are children of Elizabeth Cribb deceased, wife of Thomas Cribb, granddaughters of Thomas Collins not having answers on notice. BILL FOR PARTITION, ACCOUNT, SALE OF REAL ESTATE: FILED 12 July 1841. The orator John Collins of Marion Dist. shows that Thomas Collins of Marion Dist. died August 1840, his estate consisting of about 3000 acres of land, 16 negroes and other property. He died intestate leaving surviving him his widow and relict Mary Collins; Stephen D. Collins; Mary Thompson wife of John Thompson; Olif Rogers, wife of A. Rogers; Solomon Collins; Beedy Collins; Jane Collins; and grandchildren: Rebecca wife of Robert Burgess; Elizabeth Wright wife of James Wright; and Mariah, Children of Elizabeth Cribb (daughter of Thomas Collins). BILL OF PARTITION GRANTED BY COURT OF EQUITY: 11 Jan 1842. Divide between Mary Collins, widow of Thomas Collins, 1/3; 2/3 among children of Thomas Collins: Solomon, Olif Rogers, Beedy Smith (late Collins) and Jane Collins. BILL OF REVISION FILED: 3 Jan 1842 Orators John Thompson and Mary Thompson and Thomas Cribb and Catharine Cribb & their children were barred by receipts given said Thomas Collins in his lifetime and others of said children has also received advancements by said intestate. Mary Thomspon wife of John Thompson died Nov 1841 leaving the following children: John C. Thompson, Elizabeth Richardson wife of G. W. Richardson, Stephen Thompson, William Thompson, Jesse Thompson, James Thompson and Infant. !CENSUS:1850 * Dooly Co, GA # 624/624 (from internet) James WRIGHT, 40, Farmer, $1000, SC Elizabeth, 34, SC Reuben, 16, GA Rebecca, 16 GA John, 12, GA Elisa, 10 GA Washington, 8 GA William D., 6 GA Mary, 4 GA Samantha J., 2 GA; | Cribb, Elizabeth (I8316)
5542 | !CENSUS:1820 * Marion Dist, SC pg 66 w/John SMITH age 0-9 (1810/20); !CENSUS:1830 * Marion Dist, SC pg 45 w/John SMITH age 15-19 (1810/15); !CENSUS:1840; !DEED-POWER-OF-ATTORNEY:11 Dec 1846 Marion Co., SC Deed Book T, p. 420 To all whom it may concern. Frances SMITH, executrix of last will and testament of the late John SMITH do hereby constitute and appoint my son James D. TURNER my true and lawful agent, and attorney for me and in my name to do & execute and transact all and singular the business directed by the will of the said John Smith in as full a manner as I myself could or ought to do. S: Frances (X) Smith Witnesses: William S. HANNER, Edward B. WHEELER, CCP; !CENSUS:1850 Marion Dist, SC Page 22B House/Family # 334/ 337 - Twp TURNER JAMES D 35 M W FARMER 1000 MARION DIST, SC 1814/1815 TURNER CHARLOTTE 37 F W MARION DIST, SC 1812/1813 TURNER ALICE 2 F W MARION DIST, SC 1847/1848 TURNER JOSEPH 1 M W MARION DIST, SC 1848/1849 SMITH FRANCIS 60 F W MARION DIST, SC 1789/1790 !CENSUS:1860 Marion Dist, SC Page 58 House/Family # 912/ 917 -- MARION Twp TURNER J D 45 M W FARMER 5000 1000 SC 1814/1815 TURNER M 35 F W SC 1824/1825 TURNER J F 11 M W SC 1848/1849 TURNER E O 9 F W SC 1850/1851 TURNER F M 8 F W SC 1851/1852 TURNER A L 3 M W SC 1856/1857 TURNER --- 1 F W SC 1858/1859 DERAKIN M W 15 F W SC 1844/1845 COX R 16 F W SC 1843/1844 !CENSUS:1870 Marion Co, SC Page 250 House/Family # 193/ 196--PEE DEE Twp TURNER JAMES D 55 M W FARMER 500 200 SC 1814/1815 TURNER MARY 50 F W KEEPING HOUSE SC 1819/1820 TURNER JOSEPH P 21 M W AT HOME SC 1848/1849 TURNER ELIZABETH C 17 F W AT HOME SC 1852/1853 TURNER ADGER L 13 M W AT HOME SC 1856/1857 TURNER EMALINE 11 F W AT HOME SC 1858/1859 TURNER ROBERT F 8 M W SC 1861/1862 !CENSUS:1880 Marion Co, SC Page 277B House/Family # 52/ 56 -- PEE DEE Twp TURNER J D W M 65 M FARMER SC SC VA 1814/1815 TURNER ADGER L W M 23 S M SC SC SC 1856/1857 TURNER IDA E W F 18 DL M SC SC SC 1861/1862 TURNER ROBERT F W M 18 S S SC SC SC 1861/1862 | Turner, James Dura (I64263)
5543 | !CENSUS:1820 * Moore Co, NC pg 300 Frederick SILOR *; | Silar, Frederick (I11569)
5544 | !CENSUS:1820 * Not found in NC; CENSUS:1830 * McMinn Co, TN pg 180 Joseph LUSK * may be him; CENSUS:1840; CENSUS:1850; | Lusk, Joseph (I20463)
5545 | !CENSUS:1820 * Not in Lincoln Co, NC; CENSUS:1830 * Not in Lincoln Co, NC; CENSUS:1840 * Not in Lincoln Co, NC; CENSUS:1850 * Not in Lincoln Co, NC; | Smith, Jesse (I25234)
5546 | !CENSUS:1820 * Onslow Co, NC pg 321 w/James JENKINS age 10-15 (1804/10); !CENSUS:1830 Onslow Co, NC pg 227 w/James JENKINS age 15-19 (1810/15); !CENSUS:1840 Onslow Co, NC pg 150 w/James GINKINS age 20-29 (1810/20); !CENSUS:1850 Onslow Co., NC Stump Sound # 387/387 James Jenkins 70 Farmer $175 NC Nancy 70 Sena 35 f Isabella 32 Edward 20 Farmer; !NAMED-WILL:17 Feb 1851 Onslow Co., NC Wills, James Jenkins beloved wife Nancy my two daughters Luceny and Ezebel my son Edward to my five children George, John, Ancrum, Elizabeth Milley My son Ancrum to be executor S: James (x) Jenkins Wit: Daniel Hansley, B. Hansley; !CENSUS:1860 Onslow Co., NC Stump Sound # 52/53 Nancy Jenkins 76 Farmeress $300/700 NC Sena 40 f Domestic Tibby 38 " Kitty Deale 19 " Edward Jenkins 30 Farm Laborer; | Jenkins, Lucenia (I77961)
5547 | !CENSUS:1820 * Robeson Co, NC * Peter Crawford age 26-44 (1775/94) "000010-00000"; !CENSUS:1830 * Robeson Co, NC * Peter Crawford age 30-39 (1790/1800) "000011-210001"; !CENSUS:1840; !CENSUS:1850 * Robeson - Upper Division with Mary Crawford (widow?); !CENSUS:1860 * Robeson - North *; | Crawford, Peter (I64446)
5548 | !CENSUS:1820 * Rutherford Co, NC pg 349 James GUFFEE * or pg 350 James GUFFEE *; !CENSUS:1830 * Rutherford Co, NC pg 452 James GUFFEY Jr * or pg 452 James S. GUFFEY *; !CENSUS:1840 * Rutherford Co, NC pg 268 James GUFFY * or pg 344 James GUFFY *; | Guffey, James (I32568)
5549 | !CENSUS:1820 * Rutherford Co, NC pg 361 George CARSON Jr *; CENSUS:1830 Macon Co, NC pg 15 George CARSON age 30-39 (1790/1800) "120001-21101"l CENSUS:1840 * Macon Co, NC pg 156 George W. CARSON *; CENSUS:1850 Macon Co, NC Tennessee Valley # 129 George W. CARSON, 53 (1796/97) born Rutherford Co, NC; CENSUS:1860 Macon Co, NC Tennessee Valley # 407 George W. CARSON, 63 (1796/97) born Rutherford Co, NC; | Carson, George W (I26011)
5550 | !CENSUS:1820 * Rutherford Co, NC pg 368 w/James MOORE age 16-25 (1794/1804) ***OR*** !CENSUS:1820 * Rutherford Co, NC pg 398 w/James MOORE age 16-25 (1794/1804); | Blankenship, Elizabeth (I25856)