Matches 5,851 to 5,900 of 83,474
# | Notes | Linked to |
5851 | !CENSUS:1820 Lincoln Co., NC pg 378 James Ronay age 26-44 (1775/94) "300010-11100"; !CENSUS:1830 Lincoln Co., NC pg 237 James Ronay age 30-39 (1790/1800) "102101-111001"; !CENSUS:1840 Lincoln Co., NC pg 77 James Ronay age 40-49 (1790/1800) "0010301-0102101" !CENSUS:1850; | Rhonay, James (I87448)
5852 | !CENSUS:1820 Lincoln Co., NC pg 380 George Street age 26-44 (1775/94) "000010-20010"; !CENSUS:1830; !CENSUS:1840; !CENSUS:1850; | Street, George (I87444)
5853 | !CENSUS:1820 Lost for Tennessee; !CENSUS:1830 Sullivan Co, TN p 310 w/Peter Hunt age 5-9 (1820/25); !CENSUS:1840 Sullivan Co, TN pg 102 w/Peter Hunt age 20-29 (1810/20); !CENSUS:1850 Sullivan Co, TN # 951 Lucinda BOOHER, 31 (1818/19), born TN; | Hunt, Lucinda Elizabeth (I7586)
5854 | !CENSUS:1820 Lost; !CENSUS:1830 Carter Co, TN pg 18 w/Abel DUGGER age 15-19 (1810/15); !CENSUS:1840 Walker Co, GA pg 62 J.L. DUGGER age 20-29 (1810/20) "00001-20001"; !CENSUS:1850 Walker Co, GA # 1553 - Julius DUGGER, 35 (1814/15) born TN Prucy, 34 (1815/16) born TN, Sarah J. 12 (1837/38) GA July A, 10 (f) (1839/40) GA Christopher C. 8 (1841/42) GA Biddy L, 5 (1844/45) GA Jeremiah, 3 (1846/47) GA Frances C. (f) 1, (1848/49) GA; !CENSUS:1860 Jackson Co, AL - Division Number 1 Page 475b, House 931, Family 932 - Lany Island PO Dugger Julius 45 M W Laborer 100 TN Dugger Pricie 44 F W TN Dugger Christopher 17 M W Laborer GA Dugger Biddie L 14 F W GA Dugger Jeremiah 12 M W GA Dugger Francis 10 F W GA Dugger Thomas A 8 M W GA Dugger John 6 M W TN Dugger William W 4 M W GA Dugger Martha M 1 F W AL Jones John 22 M W Laborer TN Jones Julia A 26 F W GA | Dugger, Julius L (I38075)
5855 | !CENSUS:1820 Lost; !CENSUS:1830 Sullivan Co, TN p 310 w/Peter Hunt age 5-9 (1820/25); !CENSUS:1840 Sullivan Co, TN pg 102 w/Peter Hunt age 20-29 (1810/20); !CENSUS:1850 Sullivan Co, TN # 1455 Peter HUNT, 53 (1796/97), Farmer, 3600, born VA Nancy HUNT, 53 (1796/97) born TN Barbary HUNT, 31 (1818/19) born TN Thomas HUNT, 20 (1829/30) born TN George HUNT, 18 (1831/32) born TN Sarah HUNT, 15 (1834/35) born TN Frances (f) HUNT, 14 (1835/36) born TN Andw HUNT, 12 (1837/38) born TN Peter HUNT, 7 (1842/43) born TN; !CENSUS:1860 Sullivan Co, TN District 2 # 331/328 Peter HUNT, 63, VA Nancy, 62 VA Malinda, 39 Thomas S. 27 Peter A. 18; !CENSUS:1870 Sullivan Co, TN Civil District No. 2 / Bristol pg 388 / 47 / 47 Hunt Peter 74 M W Farmer 3000. 858. VA Hunt Nancy 72 F W Keeping House TN Hunt Barbry M 51 F W TN !CENSUS:1880 Sullivan Co, TN District 2 pg 337C Malinda HUNT Self F S W 61 TN/TN/TN; !TOMBSTONE:Sullivan Co, TN Beeler Cem (usgenweb) Malinda B. Hunt d 3-11-1898 age 38y (sic) 11m 14d; | Hunt, Malinda Barbary (I7244)
5856 | !CENSUS:1820 Lost; CENSUS:1830; CENSUS:1840; CENSUS:1850; | Dugger, Anna (I7022)
5857 | !CENSUS:1820 Marion Dist, SC pg * w/David PERRIT age 0-9 (1810/20); !CENSUS:1830 Marion Dist, SC pg * w/David PERRITT age 10-14 (1815/20); !CENSUS:1840 Marion Dist, SC pg 140 w/Crawford LANE age 20-29 (1810/20); !CENSUS:1850 Marion Dist., SC # 956/962 Crawford Lane 39 Farmer $- Marion Ann 32 Sarah 12 Daniel 10 George 8 Adison 6 Elizabeth 4; !CENSUS:1860 Marion Dist, SC Marion Twp # 1084 A. (f) LANE, 42 (1817/18) born SC; !CENSUS:1870 Marion Co, SC Reaves Twp # 17 Ann LANE, 50 (1819/20) born SC; !NAMED-PROBATE ROLL # 1834 Marion Co., SC David Perritt 1872 Will 28 Dec 1866 proven 21 Aug 1872 Wife Martha Ann Perritt ... John E. Perritt shows that David Perritt Sr died 24 Jul 1872 intestate, he son of decd ... heirs: Martha Perritt wife John E. and David Perritt, Elizabeth Moody wife of Gadi Moody in Wayne Co., MS, Needham Perritt, Anna Lane wife of Crawford Lane, Jesse B. Perritt, Miranda Cribb wife of Leonard Cribb a dau of predecd dau Celia who married Theophilus Campbell (both dead) and grandsons by said dau Celia, Wilson and Enos Campbell and ... her son John Campbell decd ... in Shelby Co., TX, ... George Campbell decd ... gr-ch (ch of dau Chloe, decd): Eustacia Rogers wife of Johnson Rogers, David Rogers, Sarah Watson wife of Barna Watson, Robert Rogers and gr-gr-ch by sai dau Chloe and gr-dau Elizabeth Rogers who married James C. Campbell by whom she had Franklin Campbell, a minor. the children of William Perritt, a decd son: Louisa Edwards wife of Franklin Edwards, Sarah ROgers wife of Levin Rogers who has since died leaving one child William Robert a minor, Martha Perritt, William Morgan Perritt and Henrieta Perritt, last three minors, and Asa Perritt son of decd intestate in Wayne Co., MS. ...; !CENSUS:1880 * Marion Co, SC Reaves # 263 Annie LANE, 61 (1818/19) born SC/SC/SC; !REFERENCE: A History of Marion County, South Carolina From Its Earliest Times to the Present, 1901, by W. W. Sellers, Esq., of the Marion Bar. 1902. pp. 386-395 ... Osborne Lane married a Miss Crawford, a sister of old James Crawford, of Spring Branch-I suppose, older than her brother. The Crawfords were quite respectable in that day and have continued to be so down to the present time. The fruits of the marriage, as known, were eight sons, John, Thomas, Alexander, James, Robert, David, Stephen and William, and two daughters, Kesiah and Elizabeth. ... James C. Lane, I think, the youngest son of old Osborne, was a most excellent man and a good citizen ; he married a Miss Lee, daughter of old John Lee, on the north side of Buck Swamp, and settled on Catfish, just opposite Latta ; he had and raised four sons, James C, Jr., Crawford, John O. and Stephen L. Lane, and four daughters, Hapsey, Sarah Anne, Orphea and Priscilla. Of the sons, James C, Jr., married a daughter of old William Bryant, a sister of the late John M. Bryant; he had and raised one son, David, and one daughter. The son married some one to the writer unknown ; he has a large family of sons and daughters, several grown; he lives in Kirby Township. The daughter married Peter McLellan, and had several children ; Peter and she (Rebecca, I think, was her name), are both dead; don't know what has become of the children - suppose they are all grown. Crawford Lane, second son of James C, Sr., married a Miss Perritt, daughter of David Perritt, and settled down on the Maiden Down and Ten Mile Bays ; he raised a large family of sons and daughters ; the names of two sons only are known-Addison and James. Addison married a daughter of John M. Bryant, and has several sons, two of whom are married, and several daughters, some grown. James Lane, son of Crawford Lane, married a daughter of the late Samuel Campbell, and has a family, how many are not known. Stephen L. Lane, tihe youngest son of James C, Sr., married Miss Flora Campbell, a daughter of the late William S. Campbell ; he was killed in the last battle of the war, just before Johnston's surrender, after having gone through the whole war ; he left his widow. Flora, and several sons and daughters, none of them personally known to the writer ; one son is named William, and one daughter became the second wife of Merideth Watson, There are several other children. Another son of James C. Lane, Sr., was John O. Lane ; he married a Miss Sweat, daughter of old George Sweat ; they had and raised a family, none of them known to the writer -both are dead. Of the daughters of James C, Sr., Hapsey married the late James Porter ; they had and raised a large family of sons and daugliters, none of wlhom are known to the writer, except Robert P. Porter, in Marion; he married a Miss Johnson, and has a family of several children, none grown. The second daughter of old James C, St., Sarah Ann, married a Mr. Jones, who either died or left the country, leaving her one child, a daughter -what has become of the daughter is unknown ; Mrs. Jones is long since dead. The third daughter of James C. Lane, St., Orphea, married a Mr. Turbeville; they had and raised a family, and have grand-children, but none of them are known. The youngest daughter of James, Sr., Priscilla, married "Sandy" Norton, who was killed or died in the war ; they had and raised three sons, Woodberry, Houston and Holland Norton, who are now among us and good citizens- especially Houston Norton, of Latta ; there may have been daughters- if any, they are unknown to the writer.; | Perritt, Ann (I1541)
5858 | !CENSUS:1820 Marion Dist, SC pg * w/David PERRIT age 0-9 (1810/20); !CENSUS:1830 Marion Dist, SC pg * w/David PERRITT age 10-14 (1815/20); !CENSUS:1840 Marion Dist., SC pg 135 Needham Perrit age 20-29 (1810/20) 00001-20001, slaves=000000-000000; !CENSUS:1850 Marion Dist., SC # 1037/1042 Needham Perrit 37 Farming $- Marion Sarah 35 Lucinda 13 Elizabeth 10 Rebecca 8; !CENSUS:1860 * Marion Dist, SC # 1109 Needham PERRIT, 46 (1813/14) born SC; !NAMED-PROBATE ROLL # 1834 Marion Co., SC David Perritt 1872 Will 28 Dec 1866 proven 21 Aug 1872 Wife Martha Ann Perritt ... John E. Perritt shows that David Perritt Sr died 24 Jul 1872 intestate, he son of decd ... heirs: Martha Perritt wife John E. and David Perritt, Elizabeth Moody wife of Gadi Moody in Wayne Co., MS, Needham Perritt, Anna Lane wife of Crawford Lane, Jesse B. Perritt, Miranda Cribb wife of Leonard Cribb a dau of predecd dau Celia who married Theophilus Campbell (both dead) and grandsons by said dau Celia, Wilson and Enos Campbell and ... her son John Campbell decd ... in Shelby Co., TX, ... George Campbell decd ... gr-ch (ch of dau Chloe, decd): Eustacia Rogers wife of Johnson Rogers, David Rogers, Sarah Watson wife of Barna Watson, Robert Rogers and gr-gr-ch by sai dau Chloe and gr-dau Elizabeth Rogers who married James C. Campbell by whom she had Franklin Campbell, a minor. the children of William Perritt, a decd son: Louisa Edwards wife of Franklin Edwards, Sarah ROgers wife of Levin Rogers who has since died leaving one child William Robert a minor, Martha Perritt, William Morgan Perritt and Henrieta Perritt, last three minors, and Asa Perritt son of decd intestate in Wayne Co., MS. ...; !REFERENCE: A History of Marion County, South Carolina From Its Earliest Times to the Present, 1901, by W. W. Sellers, Esq., of the Marion Bar. 1902. pp. 183-185 ... The old man Perritt raised a family, mostly sons, David B., Needham, William, Bennett, Jesse, John E. and Asa, and one daughter, if no more. ... Needham Perritt married a Miss Moody, sister of the late Joshua W. Moody, a man highly esteemed for his many good qualities and noble traits of character. Needham Perritt is dead ; he left a considerable family, sons and daughters, and they (the children) have become fathers and mothers, and extending down to another generation or more. ; | Perritt, Needham (I17875)
5859 | !CENSUS:1820 Marion Dist, SC pg 21 w/L. Zacheriah PHILLIPS age 0-9 (1810/20); !CENSUS:1830 * Marion Dist, SC pg x w/Elizabeth PHILLIPS age 15-19 (1810/15); !CENSUS:1840 Marion Dist, SC pg 180 w/A.W. JAMES age 20-29 (1810/20); !NAMED: 5 Jan 1843 Marion Dist, SC Ordinary's Real Estate Book 1826-43 pg 115 Lands of the Estate of Addin W. JAMES. Petition for Guardianship/Division of estate: Celia Jane JAMES, widow, petitions for Guardian Ad Litem of two minor children: Anna Maria & Mary Jane JAMES, and sale of tract of 354 acres in Marion District, situate on Wolf branches, waters of Great and Little Peedee, originally granted to Nimrod DAVIS 22d Jany 1842. Summons: Court summons to three heirs above. Asa GODBOLD consents to act as Guardian Ad Litem of Maria JAMES and Mary Jane JAMES. 20 Mar 1842. E. LEGETT, A. McINTYRE, & Elly GODBOLD recommended sale of premises. 4 Apr 1842. Order of Sale: Order of sale of above lands given 4 apr 1842. Land sold to E. LEGETT for $200. May 2, 1842. Ordered sale of house and lot on south end of Marion village on road "from Marion Court House to Godfrey's Ferry". Lateley the residence of A.W. JAMES. 21 Sep 1846. Court summons to heirs abvoe to show why proceeds of sale should not be paid to Asa GODBOLD, Administrator, for payment of debts. Celia JAMES accepts the summons, accepts guardianship of the children and consents to application of funds to debts. 5 Jan 1843.; !CENSUS:1850 * Darlington Dist, SC pg 341 Jane JAMES *; !CENSUS:1860 Marion Dist, SC Marion Twp # 143 Celia JAMES, 45 (1814/15) born SC; !CENSUS:1870; !CENSUS:1880 Marion Co, SC Rowell # 4 Celia J. JAMES, 69 (1810/11) born SC/SC/SC; !REFERENCE:"A History of Marion County, South Carolina" by W.W. Sellers, Esq. 1902. Pg 465 - 466; | Phillips, Celia Jane (I29856)
5860 | !CENSUS:1820 Marion Dist, SC pg 23 w/William RICHARDSON Sr age 45+ (Bef 1775); | ? (I18598)
5861 | !CENSUS:1820 Marion Dist, SC pg 56 w/Archibald CAMPBELL age 0-9 (1810/20); !CENSUS:1830 Marion Dist, SC pg 11 w/Archibald CAMPBELL age 10-14 (1815/20); !CENSUS:1840 Marion Dist, SC pg 154 w/Martha CAMPBELL age 20-29 (1810/20); !CENSUS:1850 Marion Dist, SC # 1518 Alexander CAMPBELL, 30 (1819/20) born Marion; !CENSUS:1860 Marion Dist, SC Marion Twp # 1682 Alexander CAMPBELL, 39 (1820/21) born SC; !CENSUS:1870; !REFERENCE:"A History of Marion County, South Carolina" by W.W. Sellers, Esq. 1902. Pg 320 - 327; | Campbell, Alexander (I18236)
5862 | !CENSUS:1820 Marion Dist, SC pg 56 w/Archibald CAMPBELL age 0-9 (1810/20); !CENSUS:1830 Marion Dist, SC pg 11 w/Archibald CAMPBELL age 10-14 (1815/20); !CENSUS:1840 Marion Dist, SC pg 154 w/Martha CAMPBELL age 20-29 (1810/20); !CENSUS:1850 Marion Dist, SC # 1520 Sarah CAMPBELL, 32 (1817/18) born Marion; !CENSUS:1860 Marion Dist, SC Marion Twp # 1694 Sarah A. CAMPBELL, 35 (1824/25) born SC; !CENSUS:1870 * Marion Co, SC Manning Twp, # 76 Sarah A. CAMPBELL, 45 (1824/25) born SC; !CENSUS:1880 Marion Co, SC Manning # 1 Sarah A. CAMPBELL, 63 (1816/17) born SC, father born SC, mother born NC; !PROBATE Roll # 2342 (Vol 3 page 252); !REFERENCE:"A History of Marion County, South Carolina" by W.W. Sellers, Esq. 1902. Pg 320 - 327, never married; | Campbell, Sarah Ann (I18261)
5863 | !CENSUS:1820 Marion Dist, SC pg 56 w/Archibald CAMPBELL age 0-9 (1810/20); CENSUS:1830 Marion Dist, SC pg 11 w/Archibald CAMPBELL age 15-19 (1810/15); !NAMED:13 Jan 1835 Marion Dist, SC Inventory Book 2-67 John BENSON Estate. William P. CAMPBELL ...; !NAMED: 4 Apr 1837 Marion Dist, SC Inventory Book 1827-1836 pg 96 James C. BELLUNE. Notes: Joel BARNES & E.B. WHEELER ... William CAMPBELL (Bare Swamp) ... Levi CAMPBELL ... John D. COLEMAN ...Anthony CRIBBS, Peter DOVE .... Book Accounts: Jamima BLACKMAN, Duncan CAMPBELL, James CAMPBELL Jr ... Gadi CRAWFORD, ... James G. CRAWFORD, David CAMPBELL ... William P. CAMPBELL, John COLEMAN Jr ... CRAWFORD & ERVIN, Chapman CRAWFORD ...Enos T. HUGGINS ... Evan HUGGINS ... Adwin W. JAMES ... William JOHNSON (Catfish) ... Archabald JOHNSON, Malichi JAMES ... Alexander LANE ... James LANE Jr, Osburn LANE ... Reddin ROBERTS ... John ROBERTS ... John L. SMITH ... Mrs. Susannah TART ... Isam WATSON ...; CENSUS:1840 Marion Dist, SC pg 154 W.P. CAMPBELL age 20-29 (1810/20); !CENSUS:1860 Marion Dist., SC Marion, Marion CH PO # 199/196 Moses Coleman 48 ~ $1000/5000 SC Elizabeth 46 # 199/197 W. P. Campbell 50 Mail Agent $-/500 SC Rebecca 50; CENSUS:1860 Marion Dist, SC Marion Twp # 199 W.P. (m) CAMPBELL, 50 (1809/10) born SC; !Death:17 Nov 1864 William P. Campbell killed near Duncan Campbell's Mill - Diary of John S. Murphy "Pee Dee Queue" Vol XXXI. No 1, Jan-Feb 2007; REFERENCE:"A History of Marion County, South Carolina" by W.W. Sellers, Esq. 1902. Pg 320 - 327, Deputy Sheriff; | Campbell, William P Sheriff (I18235)
5864 | !CENSUS:1820 Marion Dist, SC pg 56 w/Duncan CAMPBELL age 0-9 (1810/20); !CENSUS:1830 Marion Dist, SC pg 12 w/Duncan CAMPBELL age 10-14 (1815/20); CENSUS:1840 Marion Dist, SC pg 153 w/Margaret CAMPBELL age 15-19 (1820/25); NAMED:21 Sep 1841 Marion Dist, SC Sales Book A-273 Neill CAMPBELL Estate. Purchasers: Edward CAMPBELL, Margaret CAMPBELL, Nancy CAMPBELL ... Accounts against: ... Neill CAMPBELL's share of Duncan CAMPBELL Estate perishable. Share from Mrs. Margaret CAMPBELL of Real Estate with interest. ... M. STAFFORD, adm. Money paid out of Estate N. CAMPBELL paid on note due estate of D. CAMPBELL, To Edward CAMPBELL ... To Christian CAMPBELL ... to Nancy CAMPBELL ...; REFERENCE:"A History of Marion County, South Carolina" by W.W. Sellers, Esq. 1902. Pg 320 - 327, never married, died "before war"; !PROBATE:Roll # 166 (Vol 1 page 126); | Campbell, Neil (I18509)
5865 | !CENSUS:1820 Marion Dist, SC pg 56 w/Duncan CAMPBELL age 0-9 (1810/20); !CENSUS:1830 Marion Dist, SC pg 12 w/Duncan CAMPBELL age 10-14 (1815/20); CENSUS:1840 Marion Dist, SC pg 153 w/Margaret CAMPBELL age 20-29 (1810/20); NAMED:21 Sep 1841 Marion Dist, SC Sales Book A-273 Neill CAMPBELL Estate. Purchasers: Edward CAMPBELL, Margaret CAMPBELL, Nancy CAMPBELL ... Accounts against: ... Neill CAMPBELL's share of Duncan CAMPBELL Estate perishable. Share from Mrs. Margaret CAMPBELL of Real Estate with interest. ... M. STAFFORD, adm. Money paid out of Estate N. CAMPBELL paid on note due estate of D. CAMPBELL, To Edward CAMPBELL ... To Christian CAMPBELL ... to Nancy CAMPBELL ...; CENSUS:1850 Marion Dist, SC Pg 108, # 1634 Christian BUIE, 31 (1818/19) born Marion Dist, SC; CENSUS:1860; REFERENCE:"A History of Marion County, South Carolina" by W.W. Sellers, Esq. 1902. Pg 320 - 327; | Campbell, Christian (I18513)
5866 | !CENSUS:1820 Marion Dist, SC pg 56 w/Duncan CAMPBELL age 0-9 (1810/20); !CENSUS:1830 Marion Dist, SC pg 12 w/Duncan CAMPBELL age 10-14 (1815/20); CENSUS:1840 Marion Dist, SC pg 153 w/Margaret CAMPBELL age 20-29 (1810/20); NAMED:21 Sep 1841 Marion Dist, SC Sales Book A-273 Neill CAMPBELL Estate. Purchasers: Edward CAMPBELL, Margaret CAMPBELL, Nancy CAMPBELL ... Accounts against: ... Neill CAMPBELL's share of Duncan CAMPBELL Estate perishable. Share from Mrs. Margaret CAMPBELL of Real Estate with interest. ... M. STAFFORD, adm. Money paid out of Estate N. CAMPBELL paid on note due estate of D. CAMPBELL, To Edward CAMPBELL ... To Christian CAMPBELL ... to Nancy CAMPBELL ...; !CENSUS:1850 * Mortality * Marion Dist, SC Edward CAMPBELL, 35, died Jan (1850), born SC, Apoplexy, Farmer, married; !Death:10 Jan 1850 Edward Campbell - Diary of John S. Murphy "Pee Dee Queue" Vol XXXI. No 1, Jan-Feb 2007; REFERENCE:"A History of Marion County, South Carolina" by W.W. Sellers, Esq. 1902. Pg 320 - 327; | Campbell, Edward (I18508)
5867 | !CENSUS:1820 Marion Dist, SC pg 56 w/Duncan CAMPBELL age 0-9 (1810/20); !CENSUS:1830 Marion Dist, SC pg 12 w/Duncan CAMPBELL age 10-14 (1815/20); CENSUS:1840 Marion Dist, SC pg 154 w/Duncan CAMPBELL age 20-29 (1810/20); CENSUS:1850 Marion Dist, SC # 1532 Mary DOVE, 34 (1815/16) born Marion; CENSUS:1860 Marion Dist, SC Marion Twp # 723 M.A. (f) DOVE, 43 (1816/17) born SC; !CENSUS:1870 Marion Co, SC Manning pg 163B # 95/99 DOVE MARY A 58 F W FARMING 500 200 SC 1811/1812 DOVE JOHN B 21 M W FARMING SC 1848/1849 DOVE C A 18 F W FARMING SC 1851/1852 DOVE POLLY 20 F W FARMING SC 1849/1850 !CENSUS:1880 Marion Co, SC Manning pg 192A C. Berry LEE Self M Male W 30 SC Farmer SC SC Christian LEE Wife M Female W 30 SC Keeping House SC SC Katy B. LEE Dau S Female W 9 SC SC SC Monroe LEE Son S Male W 2 SC SC SC Mary Ann DOVE MotherL W Female W 61 SC SC SC; REFERENCE:"A History of Marion County, South Carolina" by W.W. Sellers, Esq. 1902. Pg 320 - 327; | Campbell, Mary Ann (I18244)
5868 | !CENSUS:1820 Marion Dist, SC pg 56 w/Duncan CAMPBELL age 0-9 (1810/20); !CENSUS:1830 Marion Dist, SC pg 12 w/Duncan CAMPBELL age 15-19 (1810/15); CENSUS:1840; CENSUS:1850 Montgomery Co, AL The Second District pg 164 # 188/188 WATERS MOORE L 46 M W FARMER 5000 SC 1803/1804 WATERS MARY 36 F W SC 1813/1814 WATERS JOHN C 17 M W FARMER SC 1832/1833 WATERS EVANDER K 15 M W NC 1834/1835 WATERS WILLIAM E 12 M W NC 1837/1838 WATERS DUNCAN C 10 M W AL 1839/1840 WATERS LORENZO D 8 M W AL 1841/1842 WATERS TRISTRAM 5 M W AL 1844/1845 WATERS ELIZABETH 1 F W AL 1848/1849; !CENSUS:1860 Montgomery Co, AL District 2 pg 25 # 190/171 WALTER M L 57 M W FARMER 30000 43375 SC 1802/1803 WALTER MARY 47 F W SC 1812/1813 WALTER E V 26 M W NC 1833/1834 WALTER DUNCAN 21 M W AL 1838/1839 WALTER LORENZO DOW 18 M W AL 1841/1842 WALTER TRISTUM 15 M W AL 1844/1845 WALTER JESSEE 5 M W AL 1854/1855 !REFERENCE:"A History of Marion County, South Carolina" by W.W. Sellers, Esq. 1902. Pg 320 - 327; | Campbell, Mary (I18512)
5869 | !CENSUS:1820 Marion Dist, SC pg 56 w/Duncan CAMPBELL age 0-9 (1810/20); !CENSUS:1830; !CENSUS:1840; !CENSUS:1850 Marion Dist, SC # 1524 Charlott DOVE, age 38 (1811/12) born Marion; !CENSUS:1860; | Campbell, Charlotte (I18265)
5870 | !CENSUS:1820 Marion Dist, SC pg 56 w/Duncan CAMPBELL age 0-9 (1810/20); !CENSUS:1830; | Campbell, John (I40668)
5871 | !CENSUS:1820 Marion Dist, SC pg 56 w/Duncan CAMPBELL age 26-44 (1775/94); !CENSUS:1830 Marion Dist, SC pg 12 w/Duncan CAMPBELL age 30-39 (1790/1800); !CENSUS:1840 Marion Dist, SC pg 154 w/Duncan CAMPBELL age 40-49 (1790/1800); CENSUS:1850 Marion Dist, SC # 1524 Martha CAMPBELL, 50 (1799/1800) born Marion; CENSUS:1860 Marion Dist, SC Marion Twp # 1960 Patty CAMPBELL, 65 (1794/95) born SC. residing with D-L Basheba ___ Campbell, wife of Hugh CAMPBELL; CENSUS:1870; | Martha (I18242)
5872 | !CENSUS:1820 Marion Dist, SC pg 56 w/James CRAWFORD age 0-9 (1810/20); !CENSUS:1830 Marion Dist, SC pg 11 w/John A. CHERRY age 10-14 (1815/20); !CENSUS:1840; !CENSUS:1850; | Crawford, Amanda (I40671)
5873 | !CENSUS:1820 Marion Dist, SC pg 56 w/John COLLINS age 0-9 (1810/20); !CENSUS:1830 Marion Dist, SC pg 10 w/John COLLINS age 10-14 (1815/20); !CENSUS:1840 Marion Dist, SC pg 156 W. R. COLLINS age 20-29 (1810/20) "00001-000001"; !CENSUS:1850 Marion Dist, SC # 265 Richard COLLINS, 30 (1819/20) born Marion; !CENSUS:1860 Marion Dist, SC # 459 W.R. COLLINS, 40 (1819/20) born SC; !PROBATE:Marion Co, SC Roll # 1279 Vol II page 205; | Collins, W Richard (I29849)
5874 | !CENSUS:1820 Marion Dist, SC pg 56 w/John COLLINS age 0-9 (1810/20); !CENSUS:1830 Marion Dist, SC pg 10 w/John COLLINS age 10-14 (1815/20); !CENSUS:1840; !CENSUS:1850 Marion Dist, SC # 676 Sofia McRAY, 30 (1819/20) born Marion; !CENSUS:1860; !CENSUS:1870; !CENSUS:1880 Marion Co, SC Rowell # 193 Macon D. McRAE, 27 SC/NC/SC Mary A. 49 sister Rebecca, 16 sister GA/NC/SC Mattie C. 14 sister Sophia J. 60 mother wd SC/SC/SC; | Collins, Sophia J (I44952)
5875 | !CENSUS:1820 Marion Dist, SC pg 56 w/Liddy CAMPBELL age 0-9 (1810/20); !CENSUS:1830; !CENSUS:1840 Marion Dist, SC pg 154 w/William P. CAMPBELL age 20-29 (1810/20); !CENSUS:1850 Marion Dist, SC # 1485 Rebecca CAMPBELL, 38 (1811/12) born Marion; !CENSUS:1860 Marion Dist., SC Marion, Marion CH PO # 199/196 Moses Coleman 48 ~ $1000/5000 SC Elizabeth 46 # 199/197 W. P. Campbell 50 Mail Agent $-/500 SC Rebecca 50; !CENSUS:1870; !CENSUS:1880 * Marion Co, SC Moody # 12 Rebecca CAMPBELL, 64 (1815/16) born SC/SC/SC, widowed, residing with Flora LANE, 64, listed as "Aunt"; !DEATH:Diary of Rev.Simeon Campbell pg 44; !PROBATE:Marion Co, SC Probates Vol III, Roll # 2248, pg 242; !REFERENCE:"A History of Marion County, South Carolina" by W.W. Sellers, Esq. 1902. Pg 320 - 327, "sister of William S. Campbell"; | Campbell, Rebecca (I18237)
5876 | !CENSUS:1820 Marion Dist, SC pg 57 w/William COLLINS age 0-9 (1810/20); !CENSUS:1830 Marion Dist, SC pg 10 w/William COLLINS age 15-19 (1810/15) *or* 10-14 (1815/20); !CENSUS:1840 Marion Dist, SC pg 146 Joseph W. COLLINS age 20-29 (1800/10) "00001-10001"; !CENSUS:1850 Darlington Dist, SC # 834/834 Joseph COLLINS, 40 SC Isabella, 36 NC Jane, 11 SC Joseph, 8; !On 2 Jan 1854, his half brothers Franklin A. Collins, Andrew M. Collins, and Council E. Collins, all under 21, by their next friend William S. Collins (either their father or older brother), made an Equity case regarding a Negro named Jacob, deeded to them by their brother Joseph Collins, a son of William Collins by a former marriage, who moved to North Carolina. This record shows that Joseph was in North Carolina by this time. (Equity Roll # 180, "Marion County South Carolina Extracts from Equity Rolls", by Lucille Utley) !CENSUS:1860 Darlington Dist, SC pg 324 # 29/31 * | Collins, Joseph W (I29834)
5877 | !CENSUS:1820 Marion Dist, SC pg 59 w/John HUGGINS age 0-9 (1810/20); !CENSUS:1830 Marion Dist, SC pg 24 w/John HUGGINS age 10-14 (1815/20); !NAMED: 4 Apr 1837 Marion Dist, SC Inventory Book 1827-1836 pg 96 James C. BELLUNE. Notes: Joel BARNES & E.B. WHEELER ... William CAMPBELL (Bare Swamp) ... Levi CAMPBELL ... John D. COLEMAN ...Anthony CRIBBS, Peter DOVE .... Book Accounts: Jamima BLACKMAN, Duncan CAMPBELL, James CAMPBELL Jr ... Gadi CRAWFORD, ... James G. CRAWFORD, David CAMPBELL ... William P. CAMPBELL, John COLEMAN Jr ... CRAWFORD & ERVIN, Chapman CRAWFORD ...Enos T. HUGGINS ... Evan HUGGINS ... Adwin W. JAMES ... William JOHNSON (Catfish) ... Archabald JOHNSON, Malichi JAMES ... Alexander LANE ... James LANE Jr, Osburn LANE ... Reddin ROBERTS ... John ROBERTS ... John L. SMITH ... Mrs. Susannah TART ... Isam WATSON ...; !CENSUS:1840 Marion Dist, SC pg 147 w/John HUGGINS age 20-29 (1810/20); !DEATH:-- --- 1843 from Diary of Rev. Simeon Campbell: pg 29 Enos T. HUGGINS died in 1843; !REFERENCE:"A History of Marion County, South Carolina" by W.W. Sellers, Esq. 1902. Pg 263 - 267; | Huggins, Enos T (I783)
5878 | !CENSUS:1820 Marion Dist, SC pg 59 w/John HUGGINS age 0-9 (1810/20); !CENSUS:1830 Marion Dist, SC pg 24 w/John HUGGINS age 10-14 (1815/20); !NAMED: 4 Apr 1837 Marion Dist, SC Inventory Book 1827-1836 pg 96 James C. BELLUNE. Notes: Joel BARNES & E.B. WHEELER ... William CAMPBELL (Bare Swamp) ... Levi CAMPBELL ... John D. COLEMAN ...Anthony CRIBBS, Peter DOVE .... Book Accounts: Jamima BLACKMAN, Duncan CAMPBELL, James CAMPBELL Jr ... Gadi CRAWFORD, ... James G. CRAWFORD, David CAMPBELL ... William P. CAMPBELL, John COLEMAN Jr ... CRAWFORD & ERVIN, Chapman CRAWFORD ...Enos T. HUGGINS ... Evan HUGGINS ... Adwin W. JAMES ... William JOHNSON (Catfish) ... Archabald JOHNSON, Malichi JAMES ... Alexander LANE ... James LANE Jr, Osburn LANE ... Reddin ROBERTS ... John ROBERTS ... John L. SMITH ... Mrs. Susannah TART ... Isam WATSON ...; !CENSUS:1840 Marion Dist, SC pg 147 w/John HUGGINS age 20-29 (1810/20); !MARRIAGE: 6 Oct 1846 from Diary of Rev. Simeon Campbell: pg 56 Evan HUGGINS married to Miss Elizabeth POWELL; !CENSUS:1850 Marion Dist, SC pg 62, # 912 Evan HUGGINS, 31 (1818/19) born Marion Dist, SC; !CENSUS:1860 Horry Dist, SC # 595 E. HUGGINS, 42 (1817/18) born SC; !CENSUS:1870 Horry Co, SC Gallivants Ferry pg 90B # 555/556 Evan HUGGINS, 51, SC Susan E. 40 SC Marshal O. 23 SC Laura J. 21 SC Susan A. 19 SC Postell E. 17 SC Lucy A. 15 Nancy Cora 13 John A. 11 George M. 9 Charles L. 7 Mary Ellen 5 Elizabeth 3 Evan, 1; !DEATH:19 Jul 1879 from Diary of Rev. Simeon Campbell: pg 29 Evan died July the 19th 1879; !DEATH:From the Marion Star - "Genealogical Abstracts from Marion, South Carolina Newspapers 1858-1886" Abstracted by Gloria Calhoun, Pee Dee Chapter SCGS, Marion, SC 1999; !TOMBSTONE:Horry Co, SC Zion Cem "Evan Huggins Born in Marion Co, SC Nov 25, 1817 died in Horry Co, SC Jul 19 1879"; !REFERENCE:"A History of Marion County, South Carolina" by W.W. Sellers, Esq. 1902. Pg 263 - 267; | Huggins, Dr Evan (I781)
5879 | !CENSUS:1820 Marion Dist, SC pg 59 w/John HUGGINS age 0-9 (1810/20); !CENSUS:1830 Marion Dist, SC pg 24 w/John HUGGINS age 15-19 (1810/15); !CENSUS:1840 Marion Dist, SC pg 164 w/Stephen SMITH age 20-29 (1810/20); !CENSUS:1850 Marion Dist, SC pg 67, # 992 Mary SMITH, 36 (1813/14) born Marion Dist, SC; !CENSUS:1860 Marion Dist, SC Marion Twp Pg # 24, # 352 Mary SMITH, 47 (1812/13) born SC; !CENSUS:1870 Marion Co, SC Reaves Twp # 53 Mary SMITH, 57 (1812/13) born SC; !CENSUS:1880 Marion Co, SC Reaves # 302 Mary H. SMITH, 67 (1812/13) born SC/SC/SC; !DEATH: 9 Mar 1881 from Diary of Rev. Simeon Campbell: pg 29 Mary died March the 9th 1881, Stephen SMITH her husband died Nov the 25th 1888 age 75; !REFERENCE:"A History of Marion County, South Carolina" by W.W. Sellers, Esq. 1902. Pg 263 - 267; !REFERENCE: A History of Marion County, South Carolina From Its Earliest Times to the Present, 1901, by W. W. Sellers, Esq., of the Marion Bar. 1902. pp. 386-395 ... Osborne Lane married a Miss Crawford, a sister of old James Crawford, of Spring Branch-I suppose, older than her brother. The Crawfords were quite respectable in that day and have continued to be so down to the present time. The fruits of the marriage, as known, were eight sons, John, Thomas, Alexander, James, Robert, David, Stephen and William, and two daughters, Kesiah and Elizabeth. ... The other daughter, Kesiah, of old Osborne Lane, married old Samuel Smith (three junior), of Buck Swamp; the results of the marriage were two sons, John L. and Stephen Smith, born, respectively, in 1811 and 1813, when she died; and old man Samuel, Jr., married a second time, Miss Sallie Hays, daughter of old Ben Hays, of Hillsboro Township (now), and who has already been noticed herein among the Hays family. Two better citizens than John L. Smith and Stephen Smith are hard to find anywhere. John L. Smith became a Methodist traveling preacher, and after traveling three or four years, married a Miss Wannamaker, of Orangeburg County, and located, but continued to preach in a local position up to a short time before his death; he was an exemplary, pious. Christian gentleman. John L. Smith settled in the Fork, on Buck Swamp, and accumulated a good property, which he left unincumbered to his widow by a second marriage and his children ; he raised five sons and three daughters ; his sons were Daniel Asbury, Marcus L., Jacob W., John A. and Wilbur F. Smith, each and every one of whom, except, perhaps, Wilbur and Albert, who was too young, went into the war early and remained in it to the end. Marcus L. was badly wounded, and carries the evidence of it in his person every day since. Daniel Asbury came out of the war as a Captain ; married, after the war. Miss Alice Bethea, a daughter of Captain E. C. Bethea; by the marriage four sons were born and raised, of whom Dr. Maxcy Smith, the eldest, now at Page's Mill, is one and the only one in the State. The other three, with their mother, are in Birmingham, Ala., all doing well. Dr. Maxcy Smith married an Alabama lady. and has three or four children (small). Daniel Asbury Smith died some years ago. Marcus L. Smith married Miss Mary Smith, a daughter of Reddin W. Smith, east of Marion ; they have some children; don't know how many; has one or two married daughters. Jacob W. Smith, the third son, married Miss Fannie Nichols, who has already been noticed in or among the Nichols family. John Albert Smith, the fourth son, married a widow, Jennie Smith, of Mississippi; had and raised three daughters and one son, Henry Smith, now at Mullins, and has a family (small). The three daughters are married-the eldest to John Wilcox, of Marion, already mentioned among the Wayne family. Another daughter married Dennis Berry, of Marion ; they have some children, how many is unknown. The youngest daughter, Laura, married Chalmers Rogers, of Mullins, and resides there. John Albert Smith was first appointed County Auditor, which place he held with success for three or four years, when he was elected Clerk of the Court in 1880, as successor to R. K. Clark; he held that office for two years, when he died, and was succeeded by John Wilcox, as hereinbefore stated. The three daughters of John L. Smith were Anna M., Jane and Hettie. Anna M. married Philip W. Bethea; by the marriage, three sons and three daughters have been raised-George C, L. Asbury and Pickett the daughters are Bettie, Nannie and Lilian. George married Julia Wayne, the only daughter of Gabriel L Wayne; they had no offspring, and he died a few years ago. L. Asbury never married, and died two years ago. Pickett Bethea, the third son, married a daughter of Captain R. H. Rogers, of the Gaddy's Mill section ; they have, perhaps, two or three children (small) ; Pickett is a graduate of Wofford College, and has successfully followed teaching ever since his graduation -has been teaching in the same school in Darlington County for four or five years, which evidences his popularity as a teacher. Bettie, the eldest daughter, married David E. Allen, and has already been noticed among the Watson or Allen family. Nannie and Lilian recently married two Mr. Williams, brothers, saw mill men; may have a child each. The second daughter of John L. Smith, Jane, became the second wife of Dr. John J. Bethea, of Mullins; by this marriage, two sons, Lawrence and Julian, and one daughter, Minnie were born. Lawrence Bethea married a lady in Mississippi, first, and by her had three or four ohildren-a son grown, named John ; a daughter, Ruth, who married a Mr. West, from Augusta, Ga., and who is now at Mullins, merchandising;. and one daughter. Pearl, who died before maturity. The first wife died, and Lawrence married a Miss Rogers, daughter of David S. Rogers, of the "Free State" section ; he is farming. Julian M. Bethea, the second son of Dr. John J. Bethea, married a lady in Mississippi ; has only one child, a daughter ; he is merchandising at Mullins. Hettie Smith, the youngest daughter of John L. Smith, married Pinckney C. Page, who was killed in the war or died of disease, and left three children, who has already been noticed herein or among the Page family. Wilbur F. Smith, the youngest son of John L. Smith, graduated at Wofford College, in 1875, and soon afterwards emigrated to Mississippi, where he still remains ; I suppose he has a family. Minnie Bethea, the daughter of Dr. John J. Bethea, married Robert M. Daniel, son of W. H. Daniel, of Mullins ; she died in two or three years after marriage, childless. Stephen Smith, brother of John L. and a grand-son of old Osborne Lane, married Polly Huggins, a daughter of old John Huggins, of Huggins Bridge, on Little Pee Dee ; by this marriage seven sons and four daughters were born and raised; the sons were George W., Ebenezer, B. Cause, S. Elmore, S. W. Smith, J. Emory (all gallant soldiers in the war), and another killed on the railroad, near Florence, during the war; these, together with their sisters, have already been mentioned in or among the Huggins family, the Martin family and the Harrelson family. ; | Huggins, Mary (I782)
5880 | !CENSUS:1820 Marion Dist, SC pg 59 w/Willis HUGGINS age 0-9 (1810/20); !CENSUS:1830 Marion Dist, SC pg 20 w/Willis HUGGINS age 10-14 (1815/20); !CENSUS:1840 Marion Dist, SC pg 174 w/Willis HUGGINS age 15-19 (1820/25); !CENSUS:1850 Marion Dist, SC pg 67, # 996 Mary HUGGINS, 30 (1819/20) born Marion Dist, SC; !CENSUS:1860 Marion Dist, SC Marion Twp # 1179 M. (f) HUGGINS, 43 (1816/17) born SC; !CENSUS:1870 Marion Co, SC Reaves Twp # 88 Mary HUGGINS, 51 (1818/19) born SC, Residing with Theophilus CAMPBELL, 31 and Henrietta CAMPBELL, 26 (her daughter); !DEATH:24 Jul 1873 from Diary of Rev. Simeon Campbell: pg 30 Mary died July 24th 1873 (may say 1875); !REFERENCE:"A History of Marion County, South Carolina" by W.W. Sellers, Esq. 1902. Pg 263 - 267, never married; | Huggins, Mary (I11245)
5881 | !CENSUS:1820 Marion Dist, SC pg 59 w/Willis HUGGINS age 0-9 (1810/20); !CENSUS:1830 Marion Dist, SC pg 20 w/Willis HUGGINS age 10-14 (1815/20); !WITNESS:17 Nov 1832 Marion Dist, SC W-188 Demcey CRIBB to Willis HUGGINS my part of the original grant to Demcey CAMPBELL. Witness: Theophilus CAMPBELL, Elizabeth HUGGINS. Recorded 7 Oct 1854, proven by Elizabeth HILL; !CENSUS:1840 Marion Dist, SC pg 174 w/Willis HUGGINS age 20-29 (1810/20); !CENSUS:1850 Marion Dist, SC pg 67, # 996 Elizabeth HUGGINS, 32 (1817/18) born Marion Dist, SC; !MARRIAGE:-- May 1853 from Diary of Rev. Simeon Campbell: pg 56 John HILL married to Mrs Elizabeth LUPO; !CENSUS:1860 Robeson Co, NC pg 505 # 639/626 John A. HILL, 45 NC Elizabeth, 45 SC William, 21 Smith, 17 J. Wilson, 14 Pinkney B. 10 Martha, 22 Russell, 8 Adaline, 4 Charles P. 1; !CENSUS:1870 Robeson Co, NC White House pg 202 # 79/79 John HILL, 54, NC Elizabeth, 55 Pinkney, 22 Russel, 19 Adeline, 14 Charles, 12; !DEATH:19 Jun 1879 from Diary of Rev. Simeon Campbell: pg 30 Elizabeth died June the 19th 1879; !REFERENCE:"A History of Marion County, South Carolina" by W.W. Sellers, Esq. 1902. Pg 263 - 267; | Huggins, Elizabeth (I790)
5882 | !CENSUS:1820 Marion Dist, SC pg 60 w/John HUSSAY age 16-25 (1794/1804); !CENSUS:1830 Marion Dist, SC pg 24 w/John HUSSY age 30-39 (1790/1800); !CENSUS:1840 Marion Dist, SC pg 37 w/John HUZZA age 40-49 (1790/1800); !CENSUS:1850 * Montgomery Co, NC # 536/538 John HUSSEY, 63, M, Mul. Farmer, $1000, SC Eleanor, 53, F, Wh. SC Elizabeth, 20, F, Mul. SC Martha, 16 Linny, M, 14 Sarah, 13 Christian, 12 John, 10; !CENSUS:1860 * Montgomery Co., NC; !CENSUS:1870 * Montgomery Co., NC; | Eleanor (I61012)
5883 | !CENSUS:1820 Marion Dist, SC pg 61 w/Allen JOHNSON age 0-9 (1810/20); CENSUS:1830 Marion Dist, SC pg 29 w/Allen JOHNSON age 15-19 (1810/15); CENSUS:1840 Marion Dist, SC pg 152 Alexander JOHNSON age 20-29 (1810/20); CENSUS:1850 Marion Dist, SC # 807 Alexander JOHNSON, 35 (1814/15) born Marion; CENSUS:1860; REFERENCE:"A History of Marion County, South Carolina" by W.W. Sellers, Esq. 1902. Pg 538 - 543; | Johnson, Alexander (I64013)
5884 | !CENSUS:1820 Marion Dist, SC pg 61 w/Allen JOHNSON age 16-25 (1794/1804); CENSUS:1830 Marion Dist, SC pg 29 w/Allen JOHNSON age 30-39 (1790/1800); CENSUS:1840 Marion Dist, SC pg 152 w/Allen JOHNSON age 40-49 (1790/1800); REFERENCE:"A History of Marion County, South Carolina" by W.W. Sellers, Esq. 1902. Pg 538 - 543; | Elvington (I64035)
5885 | !CENSUS:1820 Marion Dist, SC pg 61 w/James JOHNSON age 0-9 (1810/20); !CENSUS:1830; NAMED:14 Dec 1836 Marion Dist, SC Ordinary's Real Estate Book 1826-1843 pg 33 Estate of James JOHNSON, minor. Joseph D. JOHNSON, vs Wiley JOHNSON and other heirs of James JOHNSON, minor, deceased. Petition. To Edward B. WHEELER, Ordy of Marion District. The petition of Joseph D. JOHNSON showeth that his brother James JOHNSON died Intestate leaving as his heirs at law your petitioner, William JOHNSON, Wiley JOHNSON, Laura DURANT (infant daughter of my deceased sister Susan B. DURANT) and Abraham JOHNSON. There are eight negroes belonging to the estate of the above said James JOHNSON, decd and your petitioner together with the rest of the heirs is desirous of having each their portion of the said estate to which they are severally entitled. He therefore prays that a writ of partition do issue (to divide the same) to the following persons as commissioners to wit Stephen GODBOL Sr, John A. CHERRY, Robert HARLEE, William G. SINGLETARY and Thomas EVANS and your petitioner will ever pray etc. 14 Dec 1836 Joseph D. JOHNSON. The same vs the same, Writ in partition to Messrs Stephen GODBOLD Sr, William G. SINGLETARY, John A. CHERRY, Robert HARLEE and Thomas EVANS You are hereby authorized and empowered to divide amongst Joseph D. JOHNSON, William R. JOHNSON, Wiley G. JOHNSON, Abraham G. JOHNSON and Laura DURANT the following property to wit: negroes Maria, Cate, Tom, Elza, Edmund, Lucy and Harry in equal shares .... (more); !NAMED-EQUITY ROLL # 55 Joseph Davis, 31 Jul 1850 James C. Thomas shows that in Jan 1822 he married Mary Davis a daughter of Joseph Davis, decd, of Marion Dist. ... lived in Marlborough 1822 ... Joseph Davis died in 1833 leaving children: Daniel Davis Maria who married Hugh G. Fladger Susan who mamrried James D. Liles William Davis Joseph J. Davis Mary wife of Orator And grandchildren, children of decd sons and daughters Martha Hall only dau of Joseph Davis's child Martha Thomas who married Tristram Thomas Abraham Davis, William Davis and Joseph Davis, children of decd son Abraham Davis. William Johnson, Joseph Johnson and James Johnson, children of Wiley Johnson, decd. Laura Durant child of Susan Johnson who married W. W. Durant, Abraham Johnson, being children of Eliza Davis who married Johnson both of whom have long since departed this life. Also Catherine Davis who married John E. Collin, Daniel Keen Davis, Susan B. Davis (who married William Davis), James Preston Davis and Benjamin Franklin Davis who are children of decd son Benjamin Davis. Mary Thomas is advanced in years and has never had any offspring. ... (heirs repeated, some differences) Martha wife of Tristram Thomas decd leaving child married to --- Hall. Joseph's Daughter Rachel decd married James Newsom, no children. Susan Davis Liles in NC William Davis in KY Joseph J. Davis in KY ... William Collins deposition, Joseph Davis' wife died before 1810. Davis was about 80 when he died. ... Henry Davis deposition. Joseph was his brother. "If I live till 17 Oct next I will be 79 years of age. I moved from SC in Mar 1827. (Baldwin Co., AL) | Johnson, James (I44878)
5886 | !CENSUS:1820 Marion Dist, SC pg 62 Isham McDANIEL age 26-44 (1775/94) "100010-00101"; !CENSUS:1830 Marion Dist, SC pg 16 Isham DANIEL age 30-39 (1790/1800) "100001-120001"; !CENSUS:1840 Marion Dist, SC pg 145 Isham DANIEL age 40-49 (1790/1800) "1210001-0011001"; !NAMED-PROBATE ROLL # 1152 1/2 Marion Co., SC Mark Watson 1856 Will 29 Jul 1845 Mark Watson Wife Mary Watson daus Letia Jackson wife of Ervin Jackson Mary McDonald wife of Isham McDonald grandson John Jackson son of Letia Jackson Executors: My sons-in-law Isham McDonald and Ervin Jackson S: Mark Watson W: Neil McCormick, James Campbell, Archibald D. McCormick Proved 2 Jun 1856 by James Campbell; !CENSUS:1850 Marion DIst, SC pg 108B # 1639/1645 Isham McDANIEL, 54, Farmer, $400 Marion Mary, 50 Randel, 21 Isam, 18 Mark, 15 Neal, 12 Catherine, 10; | McDaniel, Isham (I39538)
5887 | !CENSUS:1820 Marion Dist, SC pg 62 w/Barfield MOODY age 0-9 (1810/20); !CENSUS:1830 Marion Dist, SC pg 34 w/Barfield MOODY age 10-14 (1815/20); !CENSUS:1840 Marion Dist, SC pg 161 w/B. MOODY age 20-29 (1810/20); !CENSUS:1850 X not found in Marion *; !CENSUS:1860 Marion Dist, SC # 1876 William H. MOODY, 40 Maria M., 36 Sarah L., 14 Susan E., 12 Alex L. 10 Rhett, 8 William C., 6 James C., 4 Louisa M., 2; !CENSUS:1870 Marion Co, SC Marion # 67 William H. MOODY, 50, SC Sandy, 21 Susan E., 23 Rheet, 19 Clarence, 16 James, 13 Lucy, 11 Bartow, 8 Theodore, 11/12; !CENSUS:1880 Marion Co, SC Marion # 198 William H. MOODY, 59 (1820/21) born SC/SC/SC Mariah M., 53, wife Alexander S., 28 son Henry R., 26, son Louiza M., 14 dau Theodore, 11 son; !REFERENCE:"A History of Marion County, South Carolina" by W.W. Sellers, Esq. 1902. Pg 330 - 342; | Moody, Maj William H (I13609)
5888 | !CENSUS:1820 Marion Dist, SC pg 64 w/William PAGE age 0-9 (1810/20); !CENSUS:1830 Marion Dist, SC pg 41 w/William PAGE age 10-14 (1815/20); !CENSUS:1840 Marion Dist, SC pg 135 w/William PAGE age 20-29 (1810/20); !CENSUS:1850 Marion Dist, SC pg 97B # 1455/1451 Samuel T. PAGE, 32 Farmer, $1500 Marion Elizabeth, 22 Mary, 2 Martha, 3/12; !CENSUS:1860 Marion Dist, SC # 1062 Samuel T. PAGE, 41 Elizabeth 31 M .F. (f) 9 M. J. 9 (f) J. K. 8 (m) J. L. N. L. 6 (f) A. S. 5 (m) P. P. 3 (m) S. V. 1 (f); !REFERENCE: A History of Marion County, South Carolina From Its Earliest Times to the Present, 1901, by W. W. Sellers, Esq., of the Marion Bar. 1902. pp. 162-166 ... Captain William Page was an excellent citizen and a very successful farmer, and accumulated a large property ; he died in 1859 ; he left four sons, Samuel T., John S., William J. and Pinckney Page; ... The oldest son of Captain William Page, Samuel T., got into some trouble, in 1865, with the military authorities then stationed in Marion; he sold out his plantation, now owned by J. Robert Reaves; eluding the "Yankees," he went West, and for years it was not . generally known where he was — he was in Mississippi ; he remained there for twenty years or more, when he returned to Marion with his wife ; she soon died, and he has been with his son, John K. Page, and still lives with him ; he is in his eighty third year. John K. Page, with whom the old gentleman lives. is a very trustworthy man, a good manager and very prosperous. ; | Page, Samuel T (I48686)
5889 | !CENSUS:1820 Marion Dist, SC pg 64 w/William PAGE age 0-9 (1810/20); !CENSUS:1830 Marion Dist, SC pg 41 w/William PAGE age 5-9 (1820/25); !CENSUS:1840 Marion Dist, SC pg 135 w/William PAGE age 15-19 (1820/25); !CENSUS:1850 Marion Dist, SC pg 70B # 1051/1056 John S. PAGE, 30 Farmer, $1500 Marion Louisa, 20 William, 2 William BASS, 18 Labourer; !CENSUS:1860 Marion Dist, SC # 1240 John S. PAGE, 40 L. A. (f) 30 W. B. (m) 12 F. J. (f) 10 Joanna, 4 Mary J. 1; !PROBATE:1861 Marion Co, SC Probates Vol III Roll # 1813 pg 160; !REFERENCE: A History of Marion County, South Carolina From Its Earliest Times to the Present, 1901, by W. W. Sellers, Esq., of the Marion Bar. 1902. pp. 162-166 ... Captain William Page was an excellent citizen and a very successful farmer, and accumulated a large property ; he died in 1859 ; he left four sons, Samuel T., John S., William J. and Pinckney Page; ... John S. Page married Miss Louisa Bass, and died about the beginning of the war, and left four or five children. William, a son of John S., was killed in 1873 or '4, in a posse of Sheriff Berry's, in trying to make an arrest. One of the daughters is now the wife of C. J. McColl, a cotton buyer at Mullins, S. C. ; | Page, John S (I48687)
5890 | !CENSUS:1820 Marion Dist, SC pg 64 w/William PAGE age 0-9 (1810/20); !CENSUS:1830; !CENSUS:1840; !CENSUS:1850 Marion Dist., SC # 893/897 Levi H. Hays 45 Farmer $2000 Marion Elizabeth 36 Samuel 18 " William 16 " Mary 14 David 12 Elizabeth 10 Irene 7 John 5 George 3; !REFERENCE: A History of Marion County, South Carolina From Its Earliest Times to the Present, 1901, by W. W. Sellers, Esq., of the Marion Bar. 1902. pp. 162-166 ... Another daughter of old Captain William Page married Levi H. Hays, and was the mother of our very worthy fellow-citizen, W. B. Hays, in Hillsboro Township. ; !REFERENCE: A History of Marion County, South Carolina From Its Earliest Times to the Present, 1901, by W. W. Sellers, Esq., of the Marion Bar. 1902. pp. 170-173 ... Levi H. Hays, the youngest son of old Benjamin, married a daughter of Captain William Page, near Buck Swamp Bridge; he raised a family, how many is not known ; our respected and highly esteemed fellow-citizen, William B. Hays, is a son of Levi H. Levi H. Hays was a most excellent man and useful citizen in his neighborhood in his day; he served as a Magistrate for several years, and gave general satisfaction in that responsible and indispensable position ; he preceded some of his older brothers to the grave.; | Page, Elizabeth (I40316)
5891 | !CENSUS:1820 Marion Dist, SC pg 64 w/William PAGE age 0-9 (1810/20); !CENSUS:1830; !CENSUS:1840; !CENSUS:1850; !REFERENCE: A History of Marion County, South Carolina From Its Earliest Times to the Present, 1901, by W. W. Sellers, Esq., of the Marion Bar. 1902. pp. 162-166 ... Old Captain William Page had several daughters; one married Joseph Deer (the name now extinct in Marion County) ; Deer died, and the widow married Rev. John B. Platt, of the South Carolina Conference; I think she had two sons and three daughters by the Deer marriage; Wm. P. Deer and John were the sons; Mrs. William Watson, one of the daughters, still survives; one other daughter, Ellenora, never married, and is dead ; the last daughter, Elizabeth, married John E. Elvington. By the Platt marriage, she had a son, R. B. Platt, a Magistrate, near Mullins, S. C, and two daughters, Mrs. B. Gause Smith, and the late Mrs. Dr. C. T. Ford; they all have large families. ; | Page, Mary Catherine (I32258)
5892 | !CENSUS:1820 Marion Dist, SC pg 67 w/Enos TART age 0-9 (1810/20); !NAMED-PROBATE ROLL # 751 Marion Co., SC Enos Tart 1829 Susanna Tart and John C. Finklea, adm 20 Jan 1829 ... 5 Oct 1829 Summons to - Susannah Tart wife of intestate Enos Tart Sarah Tart Jane Tart Susanna Tart Enos Tart Nathan Tart Thomas E. Tart, children of said intestate, Elizabeth Kirvin and Hardy Fincklea, Aquilla Fincklea, and Mary Jane Finklea children of Polly, wife of Willis Finklea who was dau of said intestate, ... 1/3 to Susanna Tart remaining 2/3rds to Telatha Avant, Elizabeth Kirvin, Sarah Tart, Jane Tart, Susannah Tart, Enos Tart, Nathan Tart, Thomas E. Tart and Hardy Finklea, Aquilla Finklea and Mary Jane Finklea children of said Willis and Polly Finklea. ... Enos A. Finklea [appears to be same person as Aquilla] ... 4 Aug 1830 Summons to Eli Avant and Telatha his wife vs Susannah Tart ... ...; !CENSUS:1830 Marion Dist, SC pg 49 w/Susannah TART age 15-19 (1810/15); !NAMED:25 Dec 1830 Marion Co, SC Equity Roll # 236, Page 76, 77 - Enos TART, died 15 Nov 1828. Filed 25 Dec 1830 - Heirs: wife: Susannah Tart, Children: Elizabeth Kirvin, wife wife of Alfred Kirvin; Enos Tart; Nathan Tart; Thomas Tart; Sarah Tart; Martha J. Tart; Susannah Tart. Grandchildren: John H. Finklea; Enos A. Finklea; Mary J. Finklea; !CENSUS:1840 Marion Dist, SC pg 161 w/Susannah TART age 20-29 (1810/20); !CENSUS:1850 Marion Dist, SC # 1109 Martha J. LESTER, 28 (1811/12) born Marion;! !NAMED-PROBATE ROLL # 1142 Marion Co., SC Susannah Tart 1853 Petition of Mrs. E. Kirven and Dr. Willis Fore sheweth that Mrs. Susannah Tart lately died intestate ... letters of adm. ... 11 Aug 1853 ... 13 Aug 1853 Evander J. Moody and Martha Jane Moody, she being child of intestate request being appointed adms. ... 1 Aug 1840 Susannah Tart and Edward B. Wheeler for $1 and love and affection to my daughter Cherry Finklea and her daughter Sarah J. F. Finklea and any other children she may hereafter have ... [Cherry] wife of J. C. Finklea, their dauthter Sarah Jane Finklea ...; !NAMED:27 Sep 1855 Marion Co, SC Equity Roll # 247, page 81, Susanna Tart. Heirs: Children: Martha J. Tart wife of Evander J. Moody; Susannah Brown, deceased; Mary Tart, deceased, wife of Willis Finklea; Sarah Tart, deceased, wife of --- Inman; Elizabeth Tart, wife of Alfred Kirven and later Elias Townsend. Nathan J. Tart, deceased; Grandchildren: Mary E. Brown wife of Samuel S. Lamb, William Henry Brown Jr, children of Susannah Tart who married William Henry Brown Sr; Aquilla Finklea, John H. Finklea and --- Finklea wife of Joseph Packer, children of Mary Tart, and Willis Finklea; William Inman, son of Sarah Inman, deceased; !CENSUS:1860 Marion Dist, SC # 1670 E. J. (m) MOODY, 35 M. J. (f), 41 S. F. (f), 11 V. (f) 7 M. (m) 5 Thomas E., 3 E. C. (m) 1 Robert LESTER, 16 Mary, 18; !EQUITY: 5 Jan 1864 Marion Co, SC Equity Roll # 374 - Mrs. Susannah Tart, deceased, widow of Enos Tart, deceased. Heirs named: Son Nathan J. Tart, daughters Martha J. Lyster (as of 27 Jun 1851), and Elizabeth Kirven (as of 27 Jun 1851). Nathan J. Tart died 185-, Susannah died 185-, Martha J. Lyster since married Evander J. Moody. Grandchildren: William Inman, minor, out of state, son of Sarah, a deceased daughter; Mary E. Lamb, wife of Samuel T. Lamb and ddaughter of Susan Lamb deceased daughter, and William Lamb, minor, residents of Mississippi; Aquilla Finkilea, Hardy Finklea, Mary Jane Paker, wife of Joseph Packer, children of Mary Finklea; !CENSUS:1870 Marion Co, SC Moody # 48 Evander MOODY, 45 SC Martha, 52 Florence, 18 Frances, 14 Margaret, 13 Thomas, 11 Edgar, 7 Mary LESTER, 25 Ben WILLIAMS, Clerk; !CENSUS:1880 Marion Co, SC Moody # 183 Evander J. MOODY, 55 (1824/25) born SC/SC/SC Martha J., 60 wife SC/VA/SC Margret, 22 dau Egar C., 20 son Janie E. McINTYRE, 5, gra-dau; !DEATH:From "The Pee Dee Index" - "Genealogical Abstracts from Marion, South Carolina Newspapers 1858-1886" Abstracted by Gloria Calhoun, Pee Dee Chapter SCGS, Marion, SC 1999; !REFERENCE: A History of Marion County, South Carolina From Its Earliest Times to the Present, 1901, by W. W. Sellers, Esq., of the Marion Bar. 1902. pp. 193-197 Tart ... Jane Tart, the youngest daughter of old Enos Tart, married another Brown, of the same family; he soon after died, leaving no offspring; the widow again married Humphrey Lester; the results of this marriage were two children—a daughter, Mary, now the wife of M. Stackhouse, and a son, Robert H. Lester, now among us, with an increasing family; he married a Miss Proctor, of Little Rock. Soon after the birth of these two children, Humphrey Lester died, and Jane became a widow the second time; she again married our esteemed fellow-citizen, E. J. Moody ; the fruits of this latter marriage were two sons, Thomas E. and Neill C. Moody, and two daughters. Thomas E. married a Miss Little, daughter of the Rev. L. M. Little ; he soon died childless. Neill C. Moody never married, died three or four years ago. The daughters, Virginia and Maggie, both married. Virginia married Douglas Mclntyre, of Marion— noble woman she was ; she died some years ago, leaving three or four children, the oldest of whom, Janie, married Robert Proctor ; they have left the State. Mclntyre married again, a Miss Fore, and has his first children with him now, except Janie. Maggie Moody married Dr. D. I. Watson; they removed to Southport, N. C, have several children, and are said to be doing well. It may be truthfully said of Mrs. Jane Moody, who died some years ago, that she was the excellent of the earth ; high-toned, and above all had a good and kind heart, beloved by all who knew her ; and if any of her children or grand-children should turn out badly, it will not be the fault or failings of the mother; she left an influence that will tell upon her offspring sooner or later. ; | Tart, Martha Jane (I17906)
5893 | !CENSUS:1820 Marion Dist, SC pg 67 w/Enos TART age 0-9 (1810/20); !NAMED-PROBATE ROLL # 751 Marion Co., SC Enos Tart 1829 Susanna Tart and John C. Finklea, adm 20 Jan 1829 ... 5 Oct 1829 Summons to - Susannah Tart wife of intestate Enos Tart Sarah Tart Jane Tart Susanna Tart Enos Tart Nathan Tart Thomas E. Tart, children of said intestate, Elizabeth Kirvin and Hardy Fincklea, Aquilla Fincklea, and Mary Jane Finklea children of Polly, wife of Willis Finklea who was dau of said intestate, ... 1/3 to Susanna Tart remaining 2/3rds to Telatha Avant, Elizabeth Kirvin, Sarah Tart, Jane Tart, Susannah Tart, Enos Tart, Nathan Tart, Thomas E. Tart and Hardy Finklea, Aquilla Finklea and Mary Jane Finklea children of said Willis and Polly Finklea. ... Enos A. Finklea [appears to be same person as Aquilla] ... 4 Aug 1830 Summons to Eli Avant and Telatha his wife vs Susannah Tart ... ...; !CENSUS:1830 Marion Dist, SC pg 49 w/Susannah TART age 10-14 (1815/20); !NAMED:25 Dec 1830 Marion Co, SC Equity Roll # 236, Page 76, 77 - Enos TART, died 15 Nov 1828. Filed 25 Dec 1830 - Heirs: wife: Susannah Tart, Children: Elizabeth Kirvin, wife wife of Alfred Kirvin; Enos Tart; Nathan Tart; Thomas Tart; Sarah Tart; Martha J. Tart; Susannah Tart. Grandchildren: John H. Finklea; Enos A. Finklea; Mary J. Finklea; !CENSUS:1840 Marion Dist, SC pg 161 w/Susannah TART age 20-29 (1810/20); !CENSUS:1850 Marion Dist., SC pg 74B # 1107/1182 Susan Tart, 63 ~ $8400 Marion Elizabeth, 33 Nathan, 23 Farmer Thomas, 21 Farmer Ann, 20 Lucinda, 17 Mary, 12 William, 11; !NAMED-PROBATE ROLL # 1142 Marion Co., SC Susannah Tart 1853 Petition of Mrs. E. Kirven and Dr. Willis Fore sheweth that Mrs. Susannah Tart lately died intestate ... letters of adm. ... 11 Aug 1853 ... 13 Aug 1853 Evander J. Moody and Martha Jane Moody, she being child of intestate request being appointed adms. ... 1 Aug 1840 Susannah Tart and Edward B. Wheeler for $1 and love and affection to my daughter Cherry Finklea and her daughter Sarah J. F. Finklea and any other children she may hereafter have ... [Cherry] wife of J. C. Finklea, their dauthter Sarah Jane Finklea ...; !NAMED:27 Sep 1855 Marion Co, SC Equity Roll # 247, page 81, Susanna Tart. Heirs: Children: Martha J. Tart wife of Evander J. Moody; Susannah Brown, deceased; Mary Tart, deceased, wife of Willis Finklea; Sarah Tart, deceased, wife of --- Inman; Elizabeth Tart, wife of Alfred Kirven and later Elias Townsend. Nathan J. Tart, deceased; Grandchildren: Mary E. Brown wife of Samuel S. Lamb, William Henry Brown Jr, children of Susannah Tart who married William Henry Brown Sr; Aquilla Finklea, John H. Finklea and --- Finklea wife of Joseph Packer, children of Mary Tart, and Willis Finklea; William Inman, son of Sarah Inman, deceased; !CENSUS:1860 Marion Dist, SC # 2103 Elias TOWNSEND, 54 Elizabeth, 46 Francis M. 16 (m) Altha J., 12 Amand, 10 Susannah, 7; !EQUITY: 5 Jan 1864 Marion Co, SC Equity Roll # 374 - Mrs. Susannah Tart, deceased, widow of Enos Tart, deceased. Heirs named: Son Nathan J. Tart, daughters Martha J. Lyster (as of 27 Jun 1851), and Elizabeth Kirven (as of 27 Jun 1851). Nathan J. Tart died 185-, Susannah died 185-, Martha J. Lyster since married Evander J. Moody. Grandchildren: William Inman, minor, out of state, son of Sarah, a deceased daughter; Mary E. Lamb, wife of Samuel T. Lamb and ddaughter of Susan Lamb deceased daughter, and William Lamb, minor, residents of Mississippi; Aquilla Finkilea, Hardy Finklea, Mary Jane Paker, wife of Joseph Packer, children of Mary Finklea; !NAMED:18 Jan 1866 Marion Co, SC Equity Roll # 310 - Elizabeth Townsend, wife of Elias Townsend, naming marriage settlement, she daughter of Susannah Tart, brother Thomas E. Tart; !MARRIAGE:From the Marion Star - "Genealogical Abstracts from Marion, South Carolina Newspapers 1858-1886" Abstracted by Gloria Calhoun, Pee Dee Chapter SCGS, Marion, SC 1999; !MARRIAGE:From "The Pee Dee Index" - "Genealogical Abstracts from Marion, South Carolina Newspapers 1858-1886" Abstracted by Gloria Calhoun, Pee Dee Chapter SCGS, Marion, SC 1999; !CENSUS:1870 Marion Co, SC Kirby # 161 Jessie PERRIT, 70, SC Elizabeth, 55, SC; !CENSUS:1880 Marion Co, SC Kirby # 124 Elizabeth PERRITT, 65 (1814/15) born SC/SC/SC; !DEATH:From the Marion Star - "Genealogical Abstracts from Marion, South Carolina Newspapers 1858-1886" Abstracted by Gloria Calhoun, Pee Dee Chapter SCGS, Marion, SC 1999; !PROBATE:Marion Co, SC Probates, Vol III, Roll # 1828, Page 164 - gives date of death, heirs.; !REFERENCE: A History of Marion County, South Carolina From Its Earliest Times to the Present, 1901, by W. W. Sellers, Esq., of the Marion Bar. 1902. pp. 183-185 ... Of the three brothers of old David Perritt, Joseph never married; he has been dead many years. Jesse married Mary Dew, daughter of old Christopher Dew ; they had no children ; she died, and he married a second wife, the widow of Elias Townsend; she had been the widow of Alfred Kirven, and was originally Elizabeth Tart, daughter of old Enos Tart, a notable man in his day, and of whom something may be said hereinafter ; by her he had no child or children ; both have been dead for some years. John Perritt, the youngest brother of old David Perritt, died in 1840 or 1841, a young single man, from the bite of a rattlesnake ; he was with a surveying party about the Marlborough line, and in toward the Great Pee Dee River, when the snake bit him; there was no house near them and no doctor near; he was carried two miles to the nearest house and a doctor was finally procured, but too late; he died that same night; a young man of fine character and good habits, and was spoken well of by all who knew him. ; !NOTES:Above, Sellers mistakenly refers to the children of Joseph Perritt (Sr) as brothers to David Perritt. They would have been David's nephews instead, assuming he and Joseph (Sr) were brothers, as seems to be the case (but isn't proven).; !REFERENCE: A History of Marion County, South Carolina From Its Earliest Times to the Present, 1901, by W. W. Sellers, Esq., of the Marion Bar. 1902. pp. 193-197 Tart ... one, Elizabeth, married, first, Alfred Kirvin, and had two children for him, two daughters, when they separated, and years afterwards, after Kirvin died, she married Elias Townsend; some years afterward, Townsend died, and she married Jessee Perritt ; by neither of the last marriages had she any offspring ; they lived together for some years, and they both died in a week of each other. Of her Kirvin children, the oldest, Lucinda, died just as she was budding into womanhood. The other daughter, whose name is not remembered, married James Fore, and had four children, three daughters and a son; of these, two of the daughters married Berrys— Stephen Berry and William Berry ; the other daughter married Powers, a son of Mitchel Powers. The son, Thomas E. Fore, is now one of our good citizens, and has a family. | Tart, Elizabeth (I17891)
5894 | !CENSUS:1820 Marion Dist, SC pg 67 w/Martha TURNER age 0-9 (1810/20); !CENSUS:1830 Marion Dist, SC pg 48 w/Reubin TURNER age 10-15 (1815/20); !CENSUS:1840 Marion Dist., SC p. 141 Martin Turner age 20-29 (1810/1820) 00001-10001; !CENSUS:1850 Marion Dist, SC # 1188/1193 Martin Turner 30 white, Labourer born Marion Eliza 30 Rebecca 11 Mary 8 Kinian 4 John 1/12; !CENSUS:1860 Marion Dist, SC Gum Swamp PO, # 780/780 Martin Turner, 45 white, Farmer Laborer, $0/600 SC Eliza 34 M. T. Turner 14 female K. Turner 10 male Martha 14 A. C. Turner 1/12 female; !COURT:31 Oct 1860 Marion County Court of Common Pleas. Martin W. TURNER, Relator vs N.C McDUFFIE, Shff, declaration in Prohibition. John BLACKMAN Sr and James LANE Sr say they knew John TURNER alias Jack TURNER and he was a free man, a mulatto, one half white and half colored, that Patience TURNER his wife passed and was received as white not having more than one fourth Negro blood. That Reuben TURNER was one of their children, and passed and received as white man, married Dolly MARTIN a free white woman with no negro blood, that Martha TURNER alias Patty TURNER was one of their children and passed and received as free white woman, that Martin TURNER who is her so is reported son of Needham WATSON a white man of no mixture. (much more); !CIVIL WAR:Martin TURNER, Pvt, Company D, 25th Regiment Infantry (per Sellers page 632-635), "died since war"; !CENSUS:1870 Marion Co, SC Kerby's Township, Cat Fish PO, # 202/227 Martin Turner 54 white Farm Labor, $0/0 SC Eliza 45 farm labor Martha 14 Farm Labor Elsy 8 farm labor; !CENSUS:1880 Marion Co., SC Kirby # 250/250 Martin M. Turner mu 65 M Laborer on farm SC-SC-SC Eliza mu 54 wife M Laborer on farm Katherin 16 dau S laborer on farm; !TOMBSTONE:Dillon Co, SC Hulon Cem, Martin M. Turner 1812 - 4 Jan 1890; | Turner, Martin M (I39023)
5895 | !CENSUS:1820 Marion Dist, SC pg 67 w/Richard Walsh age 26-44 (1775/94); !CENSUS:1830 Marion Dist., SC pg 51 w/Richard Welch age 40-49 (1780/90); !CENSUS:1840 Marion Dist., SC pg 175 w/Richard Welch age 50-59 (1780/90); | ? (I61241)
5896 | !CENSUS:1820 Marion Dist, SC pg 67 w/Rubin TURNER age 26-44 (1775/94); !CENSUS:1830 Marion Dist, SC pg 47 w/Reuben TURNER age 40-49 (1780/90); !CENSUS:1840 Marion Dist, SC pg 169 w/Reuben TURNER age 40-49 (1790/1800); !CENSUS:1850 Marion Dist, SC Page 33B House/Family # 497/ 500 - Twp TURNER REUBEN 65 M W FARMER 1000 MARION DIST, SC 1784/1785 TURNER CATHERINE 55 F W MARION DIST, SC 1794/1795 TURNER GEORGE 26 M W FARMER MARION DIST, SC 1823/1824 TURNER MARY 23 F W MARION DIST, SC 1826/1827 TURNER REUBEN 21 M W FARMER MARION DIST, SC 1828/1829 TURNER MOSES 17 M W MARION DIST, SC 1832/1833 TURNER PHOEBIA 17 F W MARION DIST, SC 1832/1833 !CENSUS:1860 Marion Dist, SC Page 57 House/Family # 898/ 893 -- MARION Twp TURNER R 70 M W FARMER 300 SC 1789/1790 TURNER C 65 F W SC 1794/1795 TURNER G W 30 M W SC 1829/1830 TURNER R H 28 M W SC 1831/1832 TURNER M D 25 M W SC 1834/1835 | Cox, Catherine (I65201)
5897 | !CENSUS:1820 Marion Dist, SC pg 67 w/William TURBEVILLE age 0-9 (1810/20); !CENSUS:1830 Marion Dist, SC pg x w/Edmund PRICE age 15-19 (1810/15); !CENSUS:1840; !CENSUS:1850; | Turbeville (I11153)
5898 | !CENSUS:1820 Marion Dist, SC pg 67 w/William TURNER age 0-9 (1810/20) "210001-12100-0-0"; !CENSUS:1830 Marion Dist, SC pg 48 William TURNER age 10-14 (1815/20) "01100001-0001"; !CENSUS:1840 Marion Dist, SC pg 141 Theophilus TURNER age 20-29 (1810/20) "10001-10001"; !DEED:13 Mar 1849 V-10; !CENSUS:1850 Marion Dist., SC # 1264/1269 Theopholus Turner 36 Farmer $- born Marion Martha 36 Mary 13 David 9; !CENSUS:1860 Webster Co., GA Southern District, Preston PO, # 353/353 T. Turner 45 male, Farmer $1400/1000 SC Martha 45 NC David 18 Farm Labor SC Stephen Lane 18 Farm Labor SC John Parker 18 SC. !CENSUS:1870 Webster Co., GA No Township, Preston PO, # 918/1173 Theoffiles Turner 55 mulatto, Farm Laborer $0/700 SC # 918/1174 Sarah Barrentine (or Barrister) 27 white, keeping house GA; !CENSUS:1880 Webster Co., GA 1092 Dist G.M. Vil. of Weston, # 25/25 Theophilus Turner, mulatto, 66 Laborer, SC-SC-SC Francis, white, 35 wife, Keeping House GA-GA-GA Howard mulatto 8 son GA-SC-GA William H. mulatto 4 son. | Turner, Theophilus (I6825)
5899 | !CENSUS:1820 Marion Dist, SC pg 7 w/Archabald COX age 0-9 (1810/20); !CENSUS:1830 Marion Dist, SC pg 9 w/Archibald COX age 10-14 (1815/20); !CENSUS:1840 Marion Dist, SC pg 143 w/Archibald COX age 15-19 (1820/25); !CENSUS:1850 * Not found in Marion Dist, SC; !CENSUS:1860 Marion Dist, SC # 1886 Archibald COX, 40 (1819/20) born SC; !CENSUS:1870 Marion Co, SC Pee Dee # 50 Archibald COX, 55 (1814/15) born SC; !CENSUS:1880 Marion Co, SC Pee Dee # 163 Archibald COX, 65 (1814/15) born SC/SC/SC; | Cox, Archibald (I64229)
5900 | !CENSUS:1820 Marion Dist, SC pg 7 w/Archabald COX age 0-9 (1810/20); !CENSUS:1830 Marion Dist, SC pg 9 w/Archibald COX age 15-19 (1810/15); !CENSUS:1840 Marion Dist, SC pg 143 w/Archibald COX age 20-29 (1810/20); !CENSUS:1850 Marion Dist, SC Page 22B House/Family # 334/ 337 - Twp TURNER JAMES D 35 M W FARMER 1000 MARION DIST, SC 1814/1815 TURNER CHARLOTTE 37 F W MARION DIST, SC 1812/1813 TURNER ALICE 2 F W MARION DIST, SC 1847/1848 TURNER JOSEPH 1 M W MARION DIST, SC 1848/1849 SMITH FRANCIS 60 F W MARION DIST, SC 1789/1790 | Cox, Charlotte (I64262)