Marty and Karla Grant (TNG)



Matches 651 to 700 of 83,474

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 #   Notes   Linked to 
651 !1786-2-4 Jacob & Fam granted cert from Cane Creek MM to Deep River MM; Armfield, Mary (I8941)
652 !28 Feb 1739 Orange Co., VA Court (Importation record for headright)
Samuel Givins, Sarah his wife; John, Samuel, James, Martha, Elizabeth, William, Margaret, Sarah & Jane Givens, his ch. 
Givens, Samuel (I116913)
653 !28 Feb 1739 Orange Co., VA Court (Importation record for headright)
Samuel Givins, Sarah his wife; John, Samuel, James, Martha, Elizabeth, William, Margaret, Sarah & Jane Givens, his ch. 
Cathey, Sarah (I116912)
654 !Abandoned wife and left state, presumed dead by time of Drury Mashburn estate; Williams, John (I36845)
655 !ADDRESS:Raleigh, NC (2011-2012)
(919) 841-4471; 
Roberts, Wayne Bryant (I16038)
656 !ADMINISTRATION BOND:21 Nov 1825 Guilford Co., NC Samuel Stuart
Isaac Stuart, William W. Stuart, Andrew Law & Edward Gullett
Administration bond for estate of Samuel Stuart, deceased; 
Stewart, Samuel (I119806)
657 !ARTICLE:Heritage of Wilkes Co, NC # 699 Thomas & Susannah HOLEMAN
by Dan
MARRIAGE:12 Apr 1768 Rowan Co, NC Joseph HOLEMAN & Elizabeth WILSON;
CENSUS:1787 Wilkes Co, NC pg 180 Joseph HOLIMAN age 21-60 (1726/66)
Holeman, Joseph (I71598)
658 !ARTICLE:Heritage of Wilkes Co, NC # 699 Thomas & Susannah HOLEMAN by Dan

CENSUS:1790 Wilkes Co, NC pg 122 w/Thomas HOLMAN Jr no ages (bef
CENSUS:1800 Wilkes Co, NC pg 46 w/Thomas HOLMAN age 10-15 (1784/90);
MOVED:1817 to Wayne Co, IN;
MOVED:1825 to Whitley & Laurel Co, KY;

!NAMED-WILL:7 Feb 1832 Wilkes Co., NC Will Book 4 page 161. 7 Feb 1832 Thomas Holman proven Apr 1833. Wife Elsa. Son Joseph, Nancy Sincler, Molley Hall, William Holman, Daniel Holman, Rachal Stasberry, Margret Wadkins, Dianah Triplett, Rebecca Kindall, Thomas Holman, James Holman, Didemama Wright, Betty Prophet, my wife and Josephet must pay Milly $25 and to Lurana Davice 50c and to Vienna $25. My children. Executor William Tugman and wife Else. Witness James G. Thompson, William B. Brown. 
Holeman, Rachel (I71621)
659 !ARTICLE:Heritage of Wilkes Co, NC # 699 Thomas & Susannah HOLEMAN by Dan STANBERRY;

!MARRIAGE:16 May 1778 Rowan Co, NC Thomas HOLEMAN & Margaret SUTHERLAND;

!CENSUS:1787 Wilkes Co, NC pg 174 Thomas HOLEMAN Jr age 21-60 (1726/66)

!CENSUS:1790 Wilkes Co., NC 9th Company, p. 159
Thos Holeman Jr age 16+ (bef 1774)

!MARRIAGE:21 Mar 1791 Wilkes Co, NC Thomas HOLEMAN & Ailsey TUGMAN;

!CENSUS:1800 Wilkes Co, NC pg 46 Thomas HOLMAN age 26-44 (1755/74)




!WILL:7 Feb 1832 Wilkes Co., NC Will Book 4 page 161. 7 Feb 1832 Thomas Holman proven Apr 1833. Wife Elsa. Son Joseph, Nancy Sincler, Molley Hall, William Holman, Daniel Holman, Rachal Stasberry, Margret Wadkins, Dianah Triplett, Rebecca Kindall, Thomas Holman, James Holman, Didemama Wright, Betty Prophet, my wife and Josephet must pay Milly $25 and to Lurana Davice 50c and to Vienna $25. My children. Executor William Tugman and wife Else. Witness James G. Thompson, William B. Brown. 
Holeman, Thomas (I71592)
660 !ARTICLE:Heritage of Wilkes Co, NC # 699 Thomas & Susannah HOLEMAN by Dan STANBERRY;

!MARRIAGE:20 Dec 1772 Rowan Co, NC Daniel HOLEMAN & Anne SANDERS;

!CENSUS:1787 Wilkes Co, NC pg 180 Daniel HOLEMAN age 21-60 (1726/66) "1-4-4-0-0";

!CENSUS:1790 Wilkes Co., NC 2nd Company, p. 150
Danl Holeman Esq age 16+ (bef 1774)
Holeman, Daniel (I71596)
661 !B/D & D/D from D/C;

!CENSUS:1840 Buncombe Co, NC pg 163 w/Joseph MILLER age 0-4 (1835/40);

CENSUS:1850 Buncombe Co, NC # 31 Frances M. (m) MILLER, 14 (1835/36) born NC; 
Miller, Frank M (I34292)
662 !B/D 24 Dec 1855 - 1 May 1937 Green Mountain Cem, McDowell Co, NC what source?
Wife: Mary M. B/D 1 Jul 1856 - 26 May 1943 Green Mountain Cem, McDowell Co, NC What source?;

!CENSUS:1860 McDowell Co, NC pg 342 Turkey Cove PO # 281/281
Lavina, 38
Missouri, 18
Julia, 16
Tina, 14
Marion, 13
Susan, 10
Amos, 8
John, 6
Louisa, 2;

!CENSUS:1880 McDowell Co, NC Marion pg 369A
John W. HENSLEE Self M M W 24 NC/NC/NC
---- HENSLEE Son M S W 1M NC/NC/NC; 
Hensley, John W (I27143)
663 !B/D from Isham Watson family Bible (her brothers and sisters also named with birth dates);

!CENSUS:1820 * Marion Dist, SC pg 67 w/Isham WATSON age 26-44 (1775/94);
CHURCH:Sep 1829 Catfish Church Marion Dist, SC (now Dillon) ... Dismissed by
letter to build up Antioch Church ... Mary WATSON ...;

!CENSUS:1850 Marion Dist., SC # 1150/1155
Isam Watson 62 Farmer $15,000 Marion
Mary 58
William 20
Virzilla 19
Fama 18
Jane 16;

!CENSUS:1860 Marion Dist., SC Marion, Catfish PO # 1371/1358
Isham Watson 72 Farmer $41,000/14,000 SC
Mary 68
Zillah 29
Fanny Berry 27;


!REFERENCE: A History of Marion County, South Carolina From Its Earliest Times to the Present, 1901, by W. W. Sellers, Esq., of the Marion Bar. 1902. pp. 199-206
Old man Isham Watson was the founder, it may be said, of the family on Catfish, in name and fortune. Barny Watson, his father, was married twice ; whether he had a child or children other than Isham, by his first wife, is not known. Isham Watson married and settled on Catfish, near where Antioch Church now stands, in the first part of the nineteenth century, a poor man; his wife was Miss Mary Hays, a sister of the late John C. Hays ; the results of the marriage were five sons, Matthew, James, Isham H., Samuel and William; and seven daughters, Nellie, Nancy, Elizabeth, Mary, Verzella, Fama and Jane ; all raised to be grown and all married, and all now dead, except the daughters, Mary and Jane. ; 
Hayes, Mary (I13467)
664 !B/D from WW II Draft card;

!MARRIAGE: 9 Apr 1908 Graham Co, NC James HEAD, 22 (1885/86) of Cherokee Co, NC to Tessie GRANT, 20 (1887/88) of Graham Co, NC at James GRANT's;

Head, James Henry (I46627)
665 !B/D of 10 Jan 1815 what source?;

!MARRIAGE:20 Jan 1842 Caswell Co, NC Aquilla BARTON & Sally HENSLE;

!CENSUS:1850 Greene Co, MO Dallas pg 369 # 1823/1823
Aquilla BARTON, 35 NC
Sarah, 24 NC
William T. 9 NC
Mary 8
Francis (f) 6
James 4 MO
Sarah 2
Martha, 7/12; 
Barton, Aquilla (I85614)
666 !B/D of 15 Oct 1818, what source?, also daughter of Thomas Henslee and Lois Bush of Caswell, but what proof?;

!CENSUS:1820 Caswell Co, NC pg 61 w/Thomas HENSLEE age 0-9 (1810/1820);

!CENSUS:1830 Caswell Co, NC pg 299 w/Thomas HENSLEE age 10-14 (1815/20);


!MARRIAGE:20 Jan 1842 Caswell Co, NC Aquilla BARTON & Sally HENSLE;

!CENSUS:1850 Greene MO # 1823/1823
* Next to Calvalo Hensley 23 NC and a few houses from widow Lois Bush Hensley; 
Hensley, Sarah "Sally" (I85659)
667 !B/D, D/D 19 Jun 1842 - 20 Jul 1914 Monroe Co, TN. What source?;

!CENSUS:1850 Cherokee Co, NC pg 63B # 819/819
Ralzimore HENSLEY, 36 NC
Sarah, 33 GA
Elizabeth, 8 GA
Hampton, 7
James, 5
John, 4
Benjamin, 3/12 NC;

!CENSUS:1860 Cherokee Co, NC Valleytown pg 469 # 899/899
R.M. HENSLEY, 46 (1813/14) born Burke Co, NC
Sarah, 40, born Mamal? NC (may say "Monroe")
Elizabeth J. 16 Union GA
Fielden H. 14
James, 13
Benjamin 12 Union GA
Mary C 10 Cherokee NC
Margaret A 7
William 4
Laura, 7/12;

!CENSUS:1870 Cherokee NC Valleytown # 76

!CENSUS:1880 Cherokee Co, NC Valleytown # 40 pg 325A
Ann HENSLEY Wife F M W 21 NC
Margaret HENSLEY Dau F S W 1 NC;


Hensley, Fielden Hampton (I9192)
668 !B=16 Jun 1869, D=6 Oct 1935, middle init = "M", what source?;

!CENSUS:1880 Anderson Co, TN District 8 pg 79A
Jacob HENSLEY Self M M W 44 TN/TN/TN
Catherine HENSLEY Wife F M W 45 TN/TN/TN
John HENSLEY Son M S W 18 TN
James HENSLEY Son M S W 14 TN
William HENSLEY Son M S W 8 TN
Henry C. HENSLEY Son M S W 6 TN
Charles S. HENSLEY Son M S W 3 TN; 
Hensley, William (I54756)
669 !BAPTISED: 8 Jun 1879 The Diary of Rev. Simeon Campbell page 111;

!CENSUS:1880 Marion Co, SC Reaves Twp # 505 Mary E. CAMPBELL, 2 (1877/78) born SC, father born SC, mother born SC;

!DEATH:23 Oct 1880The Diary of Rev. Simeon Campbell page 40;

Campbell, Mary Estella (I18864)
670 !BAPTISM: 1 Dec 1753 Prince Frederick Parish, SC
"Turner Lucy daughter of Drury Turner and Margaret his wife Baptized Decemr ye 1st 1753 Being then 4 Months Old"; 
Turner, Lucy (I65089)
671 !BAPTISM:30 Dec 1744 Augusta Co., VA
John Cathey, a child baptized named Jean;

!NAMED-WILL:29 Jan 1764 Rowan Co., NC Will Book A, p. 51 John Cathey
29 Jan 1764 John Cathey of Rowan, planter, being sick & weak in body but of perfect mind and memory ...
My well beloved wife [not named here] one third part of her land ...
My eldest son James one half of my land whereon I now live ...
My third son John when he arrives at the age of 14 ...
My second son Hugh the other half of my plantation
My fourth son William when he arrives at the age of 14 ...
To Anguish my eldest daughter ...
My second daughter Jean ...
To Ann my third daughter ...
My beloved wife Jean and my brother, George Cathey executors, and Samuel Young overseer over them ...
S: John Cathey
Witnesses: John Todd, John Nesbett, Jo. Bell

!CENSUS:1790 x

!CENSUS:1800 x 
Cathey, Jean (I117060)
672 !BASTARDY BOND:-- Nov 1871 Buncombe Co., NC
L. J. Graham
Bondsmen: L. J. Grayham (sic), J. N. Crook; 
Graham, Lucinda Jane (I92731)
673 !BASTARDY BOND:27 Nov 1867 Brunwick Co., NC
Elizabeth Ann Watson's illegitimate child, Ann Eliza
Bondsmen: Elizabeth Ann (X) Watson, Alfred D. Ward, Harry Williams.;

!CENSUS:1870 x

!CENSUS:1880 Brunswick Co., NC Northwest #
Ann E. Watson 45 mul (marital status blank) NC-NC-NC
George W. 16 son, mul
Anna E. 13 dau, mul
Amos? Sellers black, 66 boarder S
Champ Artis, black, 35 boarder S;


!CENSUS:1910 Brunswick Co., NC Northwest # 122/130
George W. Watson head 45 S NC-NC-NC Laborer - Rail Road Track
Annie E. mother 76 wd 2-2
Robert R. Lee nephew mul. 16
Andrew J. Sellers nephew mul. 25 S Laborer
Annie E. Beaty sister Mul. 42 M1 8 3-3;

!CENSUS:1920 x 
Watson, Ann Eliza (I85746)
674 !BD & DD & wife name from D/C Crisp, Booth (I51431)
Samuel Robesons wife Sarah Departed this life May 24th 1827.
Samuel Robeson wife Nancy Departed this life December the 29 in he year of our lord 1852
Samuel Robinson (sic) departed this life July 20 in the year of the lord 1872 in good faith and hope of a better eternity.
Andrew Robinson departed this life August 24th 1850.
Samuel Roberson (sic) Departed this life the 20 Jul 1872 in good faith and hope of a better eternity.
Note by Marty. Three differson spellings on the same bible page!

!NOTE:Some source gave me this list of kids for Samuel and Sarah, but what is the proof? Andrew and Rebecca are proven, but not the other two. I failed to note who shared this with me.

1. Washington Roberson c1818 <--- Can't be right. Only one son w/Samuel in 1820,30,40,50
2. Andrew c1820. Proven.
3. Barbara Ann c 1822. married Thomas Browning 5 Jul 1846. <--- Can't find anything on them.
4. Rebecca 28 Dec 1824 - 29 Oct 1909. Married Reuben E. Medford ca 1845. Proven.

!CENSUS:1820 *
* Haywood Co., NC p. 224A Samuel Roberson age 26-44 (1775/1794) 100010-00100-0-0
* Haywood Co., NC p. 225 Samuel Roberson age 26-44 (1775/1794) 100010-00010-0-0

!MARRIAGE BOND:12 Apr 1828 Haywood Co., NC
Samuel Robison & Nancy Kilbay
Thomas Cathey, bm;

!CENSUS:1830 Haywood Co., NC p. 386
Samuel Robertson age 30-39 (1790/1800)
* Next to Jesse Robertson (1790/1800)
* and Polly Dever (1780/1790);

!CENSUS:1840 Haywood Co., NC p. 110
Samuel Robinston (sic) age 50-59 (1780/1790)

!CENSUS:1850 Haywood Co., NC # 93/96
Samuel Robberson 51 Farmer $1000 NC
Nancy 58
Andrew 30 Farmer;

!CENSUS:1860 Haywood Co., NC Division 37, Waynesville PO # 228/228
R. E. Medford 40 Farmer $4000/2200 NC
Rebecca 35 domestic
Andrew L. 13
Adalin 12
Hassletine 10
Orina 7 f
Clementine 4
Avery B. 3 m
Selena 1/12
Samuel Robeson 65 Retired
Andrew Holders 42 Mill Right
Morning Magee 18 domestic;

!CENSUS:1870 Haywood Co., NC Waynesville Township, Waynesville PO # 19/19
R. E. Medford 48 Farmer $2000/954 NC
Rebecca 45 Keeping House
Arena 17 at home
Sarah 14 at home
Bazil 12 works on farm
Virgil 10
Hester 7
Sewell 5 m
Angel 1 f
Joseph McClure 20 works on farm
Saml Robinson 78; 
Robinson, Samuel (I7294)
676 !BIBLE:
Whitaker Family Bible Record
Joshua Whitaker, Senior was born 22 Jan. A.D. 1735
Mary, his wife was born Oct. 31, 1748
John, eldest son was born 15, Sep. 1765
Sarah (Lanning) was born Munday 7th Dec. 1767
Joshua was born 1769
William was born 22 Nov. 1772
Mary was born Jan. 3, 1775
James was born Apr. 3, 1779

Hannah Trantham born 1764 was long friend and witness. Azice Reed born 1766 knew him for 70 years in Rowan County. In 1832 he was living in Buncombe County age 77 years.
Births James Whitaker April 3rd 1779
Polly Whitaker Jan 26 1779
Sallie Whitaker Sept. 25th 1809
William Whitaker Feb. 23rd 1803
James Whitaker Aug 15th 1804
Elisabeth Whitaker May 8th, 1806
Jessie Whitaker Feb 26th, 1808
Joshua Whitaker Oct 4th, 1809
Mary Whitaker March 8th, 1812
Stephen Whitaker Feb. 9th, 1814
Lottie Whitaker Jan 10th, 1816
John Whitaker Feb. 9th, 1818
Silas Whitaker July 20th, 1821
Adaline Whitaker Aug 18th, 1822
Caroline Whitaker Jan 1st, 1825. 
Whitaker, Hannah (I67475)
677 !BIBLE:
Whitaker Family Bible Record
Joshua Whitaker, Senior was born 22 Jan. A.D. 1735
Mary, his wife was born Oct. 31, 1748
John, eldest son was born 15, Sep. 1765
Sarah (Lanning) was born Munday 7th Dec. 1767
Joshua was born 1769
William was born 22 Nov. 1772
Mary was born Jan. 3, 1775
James was born Apr. 3, 1779

Hannah Trantham born 1764 was long friend and witness. Azice Reed born 1766 knew him for 70 years in Rowan County. In 1832 he was living in Buncombe County age 77 years.
Births James Whitaker April 3rd 1779
Polly Whitaker Jan 26 1779
Sallie Whitaker Sept. 25th 1809
William Whitaker Feb. 23rd 1803
James Whitaker Aug 15th 1804
Elisabeth Whitaker May 8th, 1806
Jessie Whitaker Feb 26th, 1808
Joshua Whitaker Oct 4th, 1809
Mary Whitaker March 8th, 1812
Stephen Whitaker Feb. 9th, 1814
Lottie Whitaker Jan 10th, 1816
John Whitaker Feb. 9th, 1818
Silas Whitaker July 20th, 1821
Adaline Whitaker Aug 18th, 1822
Caroline Whitaker Jan 1st, 1825. 
Whitaker, James (I67474)
678 !BIBLE:
Whitaker Family Bible Record
Joshua Whitaker, Senior was born 22 Jan. A.D. 1735
Mary, his wife was born Oct. 31, 1748
John, eldest son was born 15, Sep. 1765
Sarah (Lanning) was born Munday 7th Dec. 1767
Joshua was born 1769
William was born 22 Nov. 1772
Mary was born Jan. 3, 1775
James was born Apr. 3, 1779

Hannah Trantham born 1764 was long friend and witness. Azice Reed born 1766 knew him for 70 years in Rowan County. In 1832 he was living in Buncombe County age 77 years.
Births James Whitaker April 3rd 1779
Polly Whitaker Jan 26 1779
Sallie Whitaker Sept. 25th 1809
William Whitaker Feb. 23rd 1803
James Whitaker Aug 15th 1804
Elisabeth Whitaker May 8th, 1806
Jessie Whitaker Feb 26th, 1808
Joshua Whitaker Oct 4th, 1809
Mary Whitaker March 8th, 1812
Stephen Whitaker Feb. 9th, 1814
Lottie Whitaker Jan 10th, 1816
John Whitaker Feb. 9th, 1818
Silas Whitaker July 20th, 1821
Adaline Whitaker Aug 18th, 1822
Caroline Whitaker Jan 1st, 1825. 
Whitaker, Mary (I67473)
679 !BIBLE:
Whitaker Family Bible Record
Joshua Whitaker, Senior was born 22 Jan. A.D. 1735
Mary, his wife was born Oct. 31, 1748
John, eldest son was born 15, Sep. 1765
Sarah (Lanning) was born Munday 7th Dec. 1767
Joshua was born 1769
William was born 22 Nov. 1772
Mary was born Jan. 3, 1775
James was born Apr. 3, 1779

Hannah Trantham born 1764 was long friend and witness. Azice Reed born 1766 knew him for 70 years in Rowan County. In 1832 he was living in Buncombe County age 77 years.
Births James Whitaker April 3rd 1779
Polly Whitaker Jan 26 1779
Sallie Whitaker Sept. 25th 1809
William Whitaker Feb. 23rd 1803
James Whitaker Aug 15th 1804
Elisabeth Whitaker May 8th, 1806
Jessie Whitaker Feb 26th, 1808
Joshua Whitaker Oct 4th, 1809
Mary Whitaker March 8th, 1812
Stephen Whitaker Feb. 9th, 1814
Lottie Whitaker Jan 10th, 1816
John Whitaker Feb. 9th, 1818
Silas Whitaker July 20th, 1821
Adaline Whitaker Aug 18th, 1822
Caroline Whitaker Jan 1st, 1825. 
Whitaker, William (I67472)
680 !BIBLE:
Whitaker Family Bible Record
Joshua Whitaker, Senior was born 22 Jan. A.D. 1735
Mary, his wife was born Oct. 31, 1748
John, eldest son was born 15, Sep. 1765
Sarah (Lanning) was born Munday 7th Dec. 1767
Joshua was born 1769
William was born 22 Nov. 1772
Mary was born Jan. 3, 1775
James was born Apr. 3, 1779

Hannah Trantham born 1764 was long friend and witness. Azice Reed born 1766 knew him for 70 years in Rowan County. In 1832 he was living in Buncombe County age 77 years.
Births James Whitaker April 3rd 1779
Polly Whitaker Jan 26 1779
Sallie Whitaker Sept. 25th 1809
William Whitaker Feb. 23rd 1803
James Whitaker Aug 15th 1804
Elisabeth Whitaker May 8th, 1806
Jessie Whitaker Feb 26th, 1808
Joshua Whitaker Oct 4th, 1809
Mary Whitaker March 8th, 1812
Stephen Whitaker Feb. 9th, 1814
Lottie Whitaker Jan 10th, 1816
John Whitaker Feb. 9th, 1818
Silas Whitaker July 20th, 1821
Adaline Whitaker Aug 18th, 1822
Caroline Whitaker Jan 1st, 1825. 
Whitaker, Sarah (I67471)
681 !BIBLE:
Whitaker Family Bible Record
Joshua Whitaker, Senior was born 22 Jan. A.D. 1735
Mary, his wife was born Oct. 31, 1748
John, eldest son was born 15, Sep. 1765
Sarah (Lanning) was born Munday 7th Dec. 1767
Joshua was born 1769
William was born 22 Nov. 1772
Mary was born Jan. 3, 1775
James was born Apr. 3, 1779

Hannah Trantham born 1764 was long friend and witness. Azice Reed born 1766 knew him for 70 years in Rowan County. In 1832 he was living in Buncombe County age 77 years.
Births James Whitaker April 3rd 1779
Polly Whitaker Jan 26 1779
Sallie Whitaker Sept. 25th 1809
William Whitaker Feb. 23rd 1803
James Whitaker Aug 15th 1804
Elisabeth Whitaker May 8th, 1806
Jessie Whitaker Feb 26th, 1808
Joshua Whitaker Oct 4th, 1809
Mary Whitaker March 8th, 1812
Stephen Whitaker Feb. 9th, 1814
Lottie Whitaker Jan 10th, 1816
John Whitaker Feb. 9th, 1818
Silas Whitaker July 20th, 1821
Adaline Whitaker Aug 18th, 1822
Caroline Whitaker Jan 1st, 1825.

!MARRIAGE BOND:12 Aug 1791 Rowan Co., NC
Joshua Parke (sic) & Nancy Childers
Joshua Whitaker (sic), bondsman;

!CENSUS:1800 Rowan Co., NC p. 395
Joshua Whitaker age 26-44 (1755/74)

!CENSUS:1810 Buncombe Co., NC p. 281
Joshua Whitaker age 26-44 (1765/84)
Whitaker, Joshua (I27818)
682 !BIBLE:
Whitaker Family Bible Record
Joshua Whitaker, Senior was born 22 Jan. A.D. 1735
Mary, his wife was born Oct. 31, 1748
John, eldest son was born 15, Sep. 1765
Sarah (Lanning) was born Munday 7th Dec. 1767
Joshua was born 1769
William was born 22 Nov. 1772
Mary was born Jan. 3, 1775
James was born Apr. 3, 1779

Hannah Trantham born 1764 was long friend and witness. Azice Reed born 1766 knew him for 70 years in Rowan County. In 1832 he was living in Buncombe County age 77 years.
Births James Whitaker April 3rd 1779
Polly Whitaker Jan 26 1779
Sallie Whitaker Sept. 25th 1809
William Whitaker Feb. 23rd 1803
James Whitaker Aug 15th 1804
Elisabeth Whitaker May 8th, 1806
Jessie Whitaker Feb 26th, 1808
Joshua Whitaker Oct 4th, 1809
Mary Whitaker March 8th, 1812
Stephen Whitaker Feb. 9th, 1814
Lottie Whitaker Jan 10th, 1816
John Whitaker Feb. 9th, 1818
Silas Whitaker July 20th, 1821
Adaline Whitaker Aug 18th, 1822
Caroline Whitaker Jan 1st, 1825.

!CENSUS:1790 * Rowan; 
Whitaker, Joshua (I12690)
683 !BIBLE:
Whitaker Family Bible Record
Joshua Whitaker, Senior was born 22 Jan. A.D. 1735
Mary, his wife was born Oct. 31, 1748
John, eldest son was born 15, Sep. 1765
Sarah (Lanning) was born Munday 7th Dec. 1767
Joshua was born 1769
William was born 22 Nov. 1772
Mary was born Jan. 3, 1775
James was born Apr. 3, 1779

Hannah Trantham born 1764 was long friend and witness. Azice Reed born 1766 knew him for 70 years in Rowan County. In 1832 he was living in Buncombe County age 77 years.
Births James Whitaker April 3rd 1779
Polly Whitaker Jan 26 1779
Sallie Whitaker Sept. 25th 1809
William Whitaker Feb. 23rd 1803
James Whitaker Aug 15th 1804
Elisabeth Whitaker May 8th, 1806
Jessie Whitaker Feb 26th, 1808
Joshua Whitaker Oct 4th, 1809
Mary Whitaker March 8th, 1812
Stephen Whitaker Feb. 9th, 1814
Lottie Whitaker Jan 10th, 1816
John Whitaker Feb. 9th, 1818
Silas Whitaker July 20th, 1821
Adaline Whitaker Aug 18th, 1822
Caroline Whitaker Jan 1st, 1825.


!CENSUS:1800 Rowan Co., NC p. 395
Mary Whitaker age 45+ (bef 1755)
Reed, Mary (I12676)
684 !BIRTH & DEATH:From "The Pee Dee Index" - "Genealogical Abstracts from Marion, South Carolina Newspapers 1858-1886" Abstracted by Gloria Calhoun, Pee Dee Chapter SCGS, Marion, SC 1999;

!REFERENCE:"A History of Marion County, South Carolina" by W.W. Sellers, Esq.
1902. Pg 395 - 421; 
Bethea, Capt Elisha C (I18456)
685 !BIRTH / DEATH: 1 Sep 1838 - 6 Apr 1922 per Michael Hugh Bryant;

!CENSUS:1840 Marion Dist, SC pg 141 w/Emanuel JOHNSON age 0-4 (1835/40);

!CENSUS:1850 Marion Dist, SC # 1274 Charlotte JOHNSON, 8 (1841/42) born Marion;

!MARRIAGE:27 Aug 1857 Marion Star, Pinckney BRYANT & Charlotte JOHNSON;

!CENSUS:1860 Marion Dist, SC # 1244
Pinkney BRYANT, 25
Charlotte, 20
Ellen, 2
M. J. (f) 1/12;

!CENSUS:1870 Marion Co, SC Moody # 134
Pinkney BRYANT, 34 SC
Charlotte, 34
Ellen, 12
Margaret, 10
Taletha, 7
Mary, 2;

!CENSUS:1880 Marion Co, SC Moody # 149
Pinkney BRYANT, 45 (1834/35) born SC/SC/SC
Charlot, 35 wife
Ellen, 21 dau
Telatha, 17 dau
Mary F., 15 dau
Mandy, 13 dau
Hellen, 7 dau
Pinkney, 3 son;

!REFERENCE:Lineage Chart of Michael Hugh Bryant, 1648 Suffolk Drive, Clearwater, FL 34616 (813) 586-4779 dated Oct 24, 1990 published in Pee Dee Queue Vol XV, No 2; 
Johnson, Charlotte (I18869)
686 !BIRTH / DEATH: 12 Mar 1835 - 26 May 1898 per Michael Hugh Bryant;

!CENSUS:1850 Marion Dist., SC # 1054/1059
John Bryant 45 Farmer $2000 Marion
Jane 42
# 1055/1060
Solomon Bryant 21 Labourer $- "
Mary 17
Pinkney 14
Telatha 12
Cherry 9
David 7
Hugh 6;

!MARRIAGE:27 Aug 1857 Marion Star, Pinckney BRYANT & Charlotte JOHNSON;

!CENSUS:1860 Marion Dist, SC # 1244
Pinkney BRYANT, 25
Charlotte, 20
Ellen, 2
M. J. (f) 1/12;

!CENSUS:1870 Marion Co, SC Moody # 134
Pinkney BRYANT, 34 SC
Charlotte, 34
Ellen, 12
Margaret, 10
Taletha, 7
Mary, 2;

!CENSUS:1880 Marion Co, SC Moody # 149
Pinkney BRYANT, 45 (1834/35) born SC/SC/SC
Charlot, 35 wife
Ellen, 21 dau
Telatha, 17 dau
Mary F., 15 dau
Mandy, 13 dau
Hellen, 7 dau
Pinkney, 3 son;

!REFERENCE: A History of Marion County, South Carolina From Its Earliest Times to the Present, 1901, by W. W. Sellers, Esq., of the Marion Bar. 1902. pp. 197-198
Of the sons, John M. Bryant was the oldest ; he died some years ago, at the age of eightythree; he married a Miss Drew, below Marion, and raised a large family-sons, Eli, Solomon, David, Pinckney and Hugh Bryant ; and daughters, Mrs. David Johnson, Mrs. Hardy Johnson and Mrs. Addison Lane. Eli Bryant went West. Solomon Bryant married a daughter of Rev. David Edwards, first, and then a Miss McDonald. I do not know who David married; he has a son, named Curtis Bryant. Pinckney Bryant married, had a large family and is dead ; I don't know who his wife was. Hugh Bryant married a daughter of the late Rev. David Edwards, and has a family; these are now our fellow- citizens, and are contributing their share towards populating and improving the conditions of the county. John M. Bryant was a solid, number one man, honest, truthful and reliable. ; 
Bryant, Pinkney (I17999)
687 !BIRTH / DEATH: 15 Apr 1876 - 22 nov 1954 per Michael Hugh Bryant;

!CENSUS:1880 Marion Co, SC Moody # 149
Pinkney BRYANT, 45 (1834/35) born SC/SC/SC
Charlot, 35 wife
Ellen, 21 dau
Telatha, 17 dau
Mary F., 15 dau
Mandy, 13 dau
Hellen, 7 dau
Pinkney, 3 son; 
Bryant, Pinckney W (I32318)
688 !BIRTH / DEATH: 18 Nov 1862 - 21 Jan 1930 per Michael Hugh Bryant;

!CENSUS:1870 Marion Co, SC Moody # 134
Pinkney BRYANT, 34 SC
Charlotte, 34
Ellen, 12
Margaret, 10
Taletha, 7
Mary, 2;

!CENSUS:1880 Marion Co, SC Moody # 149
Pinkney BRYANT, 45 (1834/35) born SC/SC/SC
Charlot, 35 wife
Ellen, 21 dau
Telatha, 17 dau
Mary F., 15 dau
Mandy, 13 dau
Hellen, 7 dau
Pinkney, 3 son; 
Bryant, Telatha (I32313)
689 !BIRTH / DEATH: 2 Jul 1870 - 21 Jul 1950 per Michael Hugh Bryant;


!CENSUS:1880 Marion Co, SC Moody # 149
Pinkney BRYANT, 45 (1834/35) born SC/SC/SC
Charlot, 35 wife
Ellen, 21 dau
Telatha, 17 dau
Mary F., 15 dau
Mandy, 13 dau
Hellen, 7 dau
Pinkney, 3 son; 
Bryant, Amanda (I32316)
690 !BIRTH / DEATH: 22 Jul 1858 - 19 Jul 1934 per Michael Hugh Bryant;

!CENSUS:1860 Marion Dist, SC # 1244
Pinkney BRYANT, 25
Charlotte, 20
Ellen, 2
M. J. (f) 1/12;

!CENSUS:1870 Marion Co, SC Moody # 134
Pinkney BRYANT, 34 SC
Charlotte, 34
Ellen, 12
Margaret, 10
Taletha, 7
Mary, 2;

!CENSUS:1880 Marion Co, SC Moody # 149
Pinkney BRYANT, 45 (1834/35) born SC/SC/SC
Charlot, 35 wife
Ellen, 21 dau
Telatha, 17 dau
Mary F., 15 dau
Mandy, 13 dau
Hellen, 7 dau
Pinkney, 3 son; 
Bryant, Ellen (I32312)
691 !BIRTH / DEATH: 26 Feb 1868 - 28 Dec 1954 per Michael Hugh Bryant;

!CENSUS:1870 Marion Co, SC Moody # 134
Pinkney BRYANT, 34 SC
Charlotte, 34
Ellen, 12
Margaret, 10
Taletha, 7
Mary, 2;

!CENSUS:1880 Marion Co, SC Moody # 149
Pinkney BRYANT, 45 (1834/35) born SC/SC/SC
Charlot, 35 wife
Ellen, 21 dau
Telatha, 17 dau
Mary F., 15 dau
Mandy, 13 dau
Hellen, 7 dau
Pinkney, 3 son;

!CENSUS:1900 Marion Co, SC Moody pg 287B # 298/298
Mastain C. LANE, Dec 1862, 37, M 10
Francis, wife, Mar 1868, 31, M 10 2/0;

!CENSUS:1910 Marion Co, SC Moody pg 210A # 162/162
Mastin C. LANE, 48, M 18 SC/SC/SC
Francis, wife, 40, M 18 2/0; 
Bryant, Mary Frances (I32314)
692 !BIRTH / DEATH: 27 May 1860 - 23 Feb 1940 per Michael Hugh Bryant, and married to Franklin Johnson (s/o David);

!CENSUS:1860 Marion Dist, SC # 1244
Pinkney BRYANT, 25
Charlotte, 20
Ellen, 2
M. J. (f) 1/12;

!CENSUS:1870 Marion Co, SC Moody # 134
Pinkney BRYANT, 34 SC
Charlotte, 34
Ellen, 12
Margaret, 10
Taletha, 7
Mary, 2;


!REFERENCE:Lineage Chart of Michael Hugh Bryant, 1648 Suffolk Drive, Clearwater, FL 34616 (813) 586-4779 dated Oct 24, 1990 published in Pee Dee Queue Vol XV, No 2; 
Bryant, Margaret Jane (I44815)
693 !BIRTH / DEATH: 29 Sep 1873 - 17 Feb 1940 per Michael Hugh Bryant;

!CENSUS:1880 Marion Co, SC Moody # 149
Pinkney BRYANT, 45 (1834/35) born SC/SC/SC
Charlot, 35 wife
Ellen, 21 dau
Telatha, 17 dau
Mary F., 15 dau
Mandy, 13 dau
Hellen, 7 dau
Pinkney, 3 son; 
Bryant, Helen (I32317)
694 !BIRTH and DEATH: 10 Jun 1850 - 16 apr 1928 what source?; Nanney, Pinkney D (I36904)
695 !BIRTH and DEATH: 27 Jun 1850 - 10 Dec 1927 what source?;


!CENSUS:1860 Rutherford Co, NC pg 647 Demerrus HENSLEY, 9 (1850/51) born NC; 
Hensley, Demaris (I36893)
696 !BIRTH and DEATH:10 Oct 1802 - 2 Feb 1888 what source?;

!CENSUS:1830 Buncombe Co, NC pg 282 w/James A. HENSELY, age 20-29 (1800/10);

!CENSUS:1840 Rutherford Co, NC pg 341 w/James HENSLEY, age 30-39 (1800/10);

!CENSUS:1850 Rutherford Co, NC Cathies Creek # 616 Sarah HENSELEY, 42 (1807/08) born NC;

!CENSUS:1860 Rutherford Co, NC pg 647 Sarah HENSLEY, 56 (1803/04) born NC; 
Morgan, Sarah (I36880)
697 !BIRTH and DEATH:16 May 1801 - 11 Nov 1886 per tombstone Round Hill Baptist Church (shared by Charmaine Ernst);



!CENSUS:1830 Buncombe Co, NC pg 282 James A. HENSELY, age 20-29 (1800/10) "00001-10001";

!MARRIAGE:12 Apr 1831 Rutherford Co, NC James A. HENSLEY, Sarah MORGAN, John MORGAN, bm;

!CENSUS:1840 Rutherford Co, NC pg 341 James HENSLEY, age 30-39 (1800/10) "300001-121001";

!CENSUS:1850 Rutherford Co, NC Cathies Creek # 616 James HENSELEY, 45 (1804/05) born NC;

!CENSUS:1860 Rutherford Co, NC pg 647 James HENSLEY, 56 (1803/04) born NC; 
Hensley, James A (I36881)
698 !BIRTH and DEATH:From Rogers family bible;


!CENSUS:1800 Marion Dist., SC pg 438-782
William Rogers Junr age 16-25 (1774/84)

!DEED:22 Aug 1803 Marion Co., SC Book C page 171
John Rogers Senr of Marion Dist, planter to my sons Joseph, William, Jesse, Jonah & Silas Rogers, twelve slaves ... all my horses, cattle ...
Witness: Stephen Britton, Obidiah M. Feay;

!DEED:21 Sep 1804 Marion Co., SC Book E page 322
William S. Rogers of SC, Yeoman to John Rogers Jr for $191, 181a ad Big Marsh ...
granted to John Rogers of Brittons Neck 5 Jun 1786 ...
S: W. S. Rogers
W: Willm Davis, Richard G. Williams
Elizabeth Rogers wf of William S. Rogers rdr 2 Nov 1804;

!WITNESS-DEED:28 Jul 1809 Marion Co., SC Book E page 109
Jonah Rogers of Marion Dist., planter, to wife Caroline Alston Rogers all my right to 1 cow & calf, 1 shotgun ...
S: Jonah Rogers
W: Wm Rogers, James S. Rogers.;

!CENSUS:1810 x
x not in Marion;

!CENSUS:1820 x
x not in Marion;

!NAMED-PROBATE ROLL # 676 Marion Co., SC Patience Rogers 1820
Will dated 5 Jan 1820
sister Sarah Waters
John Thos. Tyler son of Francis Tyler
to Jesse R. Rogers
my sons Joseph R., John, William S., and Silas Rogers
witnesses: John C. Davis, John G. Tyler
proven 4 Feb 1820

!CENSUS:1830 Marion Dist., SC pg 42
Wm Rogers Senr age 50-59 (1770/80)
00100001-00010001, slaves=000000-101000;

!Probate: Roll # 667 (Vol II p 28);

!EQUITY ROLL (no number, page 16 in published Rolls)
Jan 1839 Henry L. Williams et al vs. Silas Rogers et al
Wm S. Rogers Sr decd ... married and had two legitimate children, separated from wife in 1807, and about 1810 began to live with Elizabeth Cook. Three children born Frances C. M., Nancy S. E. and Wm S. Cook alias Rogers whom he acknowledged as his children.
... in 1819 by the death of his father in Alabama, Wm S. Rogers Senr inherited two slaves Diomede and PEter. Wm S. Rogers was a Cooper ...
... On 27 May 1829 the decd deeded his oldest lawful child Eliza M. (now Mrs. Darnell), the slave Peter. S: Eliza M. Rogers. W: Silas Rogers, Thomas Davis, G. D. Williams.
... other lawful child Mary Rogers ...; 
Rogers, William S (I56055)
699 !BIRTH DATE: 4 Dec 1786 from William Wallace DUGGER family Bible;

!BIRTH:If David was 21 when his first record (1805) was made, then he was born 1784 or before;



!MARRIAGE:11 Jul 1804 Greene Co, TN David DUGGER and Cath. BAILEY. Shadrack DUGGER, bm;

!TAXLIST:1805 Greene Co, TN David DUGGER;

!CENSUS:1810 Barren Co, KY pg 27 David DUGGER age 26-44 (1765/84) "1101-20110";

CENSUS:1820 Maury Co, TN pg x David DUGGER age 26-44 (1775/94) "310010-02010";

!CENSUS:1830 * Maury Co, TN pg 326 David DUGGER *; 
Dugger, David (I7318)
700 !BIRTH DATE:24 Dec 1805 from William Wallace DUGGER family Bible;

!CENSUS:1810 Barren Co, KY pg 27 w/David DUGGER age 0-9 (1800/10);

!CENSUS:1820 Maury Co, TN pg x w/David DUGGER age 10-15 (1804/10);

!CENSUS:1830 * Maury Co, TN pg 319 William DUGGER *;

!CENSUS:1840 Maury Co, TN pg 384 William W. DUGGER age 30-39 (1800/10) "112001-110001";

!CENSUS:1850 Maury Co, TN # 182 W.W. DUGGER, 44 (1805/06) born TN;

!CENSUS:1860 Graves Co, KY # 622 William DUGGER, 55 (1804/05) born TN; 
Dugger, William Wallace (I31591)

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