Marty and Karla Grant (TNG)



Matches 82,601 to 82,650 of 83,474

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 #   Notes   Linked to 
82601 !TAXLIST:1782 Goochland Co, VA William George, 1 taxable, 6 non taxables;

!CENSUS:1787 Goochland Co, VA Captain William George 0-3-6-1-3;

!CENSUS:1790 * Lost for VA;

!COURT:-- 1799 Caroline Co, VA Reuben GEORGE, decd, "all my children, namely Reuben, Molly, William, Byrd, Lucy, Oliver, John, Ann and Molly ROGERS";

!CENSUS:1800 * Lost for VA;

!CENSUS:1810 Goochland Co, VA pg 694 William GEORGE age 45+ (bef 1765) "21101-02010";

!CENSUS:1820 Goochland Co, VA pg 8 William GEORGE age 45+ (bef 1775) "011201-00101"; 
George, Captain William (I5057)
82602 !TAXLIST:1782 Halifax Co., VA
Burwell Grant 7 whites, 0 blacks;

p. 8 Burwell Grant 1-0-3-0-11
p. 10 Jasper Grant 2-0-3-0-6
(Free Males, Slaves, Horses, Mules, Cattle)

p. 8 Isaac Grant 1-0-0-2-0-5
p. 14 Burwell Grant 1-0-0-3-0-20
p. 26 William Grant 1-0-0-0-0-1
(Free Males 21+, Slaves 16+, Slaves -16, Horses, Covering Horses, Cattle)

-Edmund King's List
p. 11 Jasper Grant 1-0-0-0-2-4
p. 11 Isaac Grant 1-0-0-0-1-3 * next to Jasper
-Marmaduke Stanfield's List
p. 30 Burwell Grant 1-0-0-0-3-4
(Free Males 21+, Slaves 16+, Slaves -16, Horses, Covering Horses, Cattle)

!TAXLIST:1785 Halifax Co., VA (published)
- M. Stanfield's list
Burwell Grant 7 whites, 1 dwelling, 5 other buildings;

p. 3 Burwell Grant 1-0-0-4-13
p. 25 Isaac Grant 1-0-0-1-3
p. 25 Jasper Grant 1-0-0-2-3
p. 25 John Grant 1-0-0-2-3
(Free Males 21+, Slaves 16+, Slaves -16, Horses, Cattle)

p. 2 Jasper Grant 1-0-0-2-2
p. 2 Isaac Grant 1-0-0-1-2
p. 26 Burwell Grant 1-0-0-4-18
(Free Males 21+, Slaves 16+, Slaves -16, Horses, Cattle)

-Thomas H. Wooding, Northern District, List A
p. 9, May 23, Isaac Grant, Isaac Grant 1-0-0-1-3-0
p. 9, May 26, Jasper Grant, Jasper Grant 1-0-0-0-1-3
p. 22 May 26, Eusebius Stone, --- 0-1-0-0-4-7
-William Roberts, List B
p. 9, Apr 21 Burwell Grant, Burwell Grant 1-1-0-0-5-16
p. 10, Jun 13 James Grant, James Grant 1-0-0-0-0-0
(White Males 21+, WM 16-20, B16+, B-16, Horses, Cattle)

!NOTES:See Montgomery Co., TN Will Book D, p. 400 Burwell Grant 1824; 
Grant, Burwell (I85240)
82603 !TAXLIST:1782 Henry Co, VA;
CENSUS:1787 Greenbriar Co, VA;
CENSUS:1790 Greenbriar Co, VA; 
George, William Francis (I96235)
82604 !TAXLIST:1782 Henry Co., VA
White Tithes, Black Tithes, Horses, Cattle
John Hensley 1-0-3-5;

!TAXLIST:1783 Henry Co., VA
White Tithes, Whites 21+, Slaves 16+, Slaves 12-16, Horses, Cattle
Robert Hensley 1-1-0-0-3-6
John Hensley 1-1-0-0-2-5
William Hensley 1-1-0-0-0
Henry Hensley 1-1-0-0-2-0
Benjamin Hensley 1-1-0-0-4-4
John Hensely (sic) 1-1-0-0-1-0;

!TAXLIST:1784 Henry Co., VA
White Tithes, Whites 21+, Whites 16+, Slaves 16+, Slaves 12-16, Horses, Cattle
Robert Hensley 1-1-0-0-0-1-4
William Hensley 1-1-0-0-2-2
John Hensley 1-1-0-0-0-1-3
Harry Hensley 1-1-0-0-0-3-2;

!TAXLIST:1785 Henry Co., VA
White Tithes, Whites 21+, Whites 16+, Slaves 16+, Slaves -16, Horses, Cattle
Robert Hensley 1-1-0-0-0-1-1
John Hensley 1-1-0-0-0-1-3
William Hensley 1-1-0-0-0-2-1;

!TAXLIST:1786 Henry Co., VA
White Tithes, Whites 21+, Whites 16+, Slaves 16+, Slaves 12-16, Horses, Cattle
John Hensley 1-1-0-0-0-1-6
William Hensley 1-1-0-0-0-1-2;

!TAXLIST:1787 Henry Co., VA
John Cox's District
Name of Free Male Tithes 21+, Free Male Tithes 16-21, Slaves 16+, Slaves -16, Horses, Cattle
May 21, Robert Hensley 1-0-0-1-0
Jun 7, John Henslee 0-0-0-2-12
Jun 7, William Henslee 0-0-0-1-3;

!TAXLIST:1788 Henry Co., VA
Edward Tatum's
Free Tithes 16+, Blacks 16+, Blacks 12-16, Horses
Apr 10, John Henslee 1-0-0-2
Apr 10, William Henslee 0-0-0-1;

!TAXLIST:1789 Henry Co., VA
Edward Tatum's
Free Tithes 16+, Blacks 16+, Blacks 12-16, Horses
May 22, William Henslee 0-0-0-2
May 22, John Henslee 1-0-0-2;

!CENSUS:1790 x
* Lost for Virginia;

!TAXLIST:1790 Henry Co., VA
Edward Tatum's
Free Tithes 16+, Blacks 16+, Blacks 12-16, Horses
Apr 2, John Henslee 1-0-0-2
Apr 2, William Henslee 0-0-0-2

!NOTES:Patrick County was created in 1790, effective 1791, from western Henry County, taking the Hensleys with it;

!TAXLIST:1791 Patrick Co., VA
White Tithes 16+, Blacks 16+, Blacks 12-16, Horses
Apr 7, John Henslee 1-0-0-2
Apr 7, William Henslee (Constable) 0-0-0-3;

!TAXLIST:1792 Patrick Co., VA
White Tithes 16+, Blacks 16+, Blacks 12-16, Horses
Mar 31, John Henslee 1-0-0-1
Mar 31, William Henslee 1-0-0-4;

!TAXLIST:1793 Patrick Co., VA
White Tithes 16+, Blacks 16+, Blacks 12-16, Horses
May 13, William Henslee 1-0-0-3
May 28, John Hensley 1-0-0-1;

!TAXLIST:1794 Patrick Co., VA
White Tithes 16+, Blacks 16+, Blacks 12-16, Horses
Apr 5, William Hensley 2-0-0-3
Jul 12, John Hensley 1-0-0-2;

!TAXLIST:1795 Patrick Co., VA
Free Tithes, Blacks 16+, Blacks 12-16, Horses
May 13, William Henslee 2-0-0-3
Jul 28, John Henslee 1-0-0-2;

!TAXLIST:1796 Patrick Co., VA
White Tithes 16+, Blacks 16+, Blacks 12-16, Horses
May 19, William Hensley 1-0-0-5
Jun 23, John Hensley 1-0-0-3;

!TAXLIST:1797 Patrick Co., VA
White Tithes 16+, Blacks 16+, Blacks 12-16, Horses
William Hensley 1-0-0-1
John Hensley 1-0-0-4;

!TAXLIST:1798 Patrick Co., VA
Free Tithes, Blacks 16+, Blacks 12-16, Horses
May 19, William Hensley 1-0-0-1
May 19, John Henslee 1-0-0-4;

!TAXLIST:1799 Patrick Co., VA
Free Tithes, Blacks 16+, Blacks 12-16, Horses
William Hensley 1-0-0-2
John Hensley 1-0-0-3;

!TAXLIST:1800 Patrick Co., VA
* I didn't find John Hensley listed;

!TAXLIST:1801 Patrick Co., VA
Free Tithes, Blacks 12+, Blacks 16+ Horses
Eden Hensley 1-0-0-0
John Hensley 1-0-0-3
William Hensley 1-1-0-3;

!TAXLIST:1802 Patrick Co., VA
* I didn't find John Hensley listed;

!TAXLIST:1803 Patrick Co., VA
* I didn't find John Hensley listed;

!TAXLIST:1804 Patrick Co., VA
Free Tithes, Blacks 12-16, Blacks 16+ Horses
John Hensley 1-0-0-3;

!TAXLIST:1805 Patrick Co., VA
Free Tithes, Blacks 12-16, Blacks 16+ Horses
Francis Hensley 1-0-0-0
John Hensley 1-0-0-4;

!TAXLIST:1806 Patrick Co., VA
Free Tithes, Blacks 12-16, Blacks 16+ Horses
John Hensley 1-0-0-3;

!TAXLIST:1807 Patrick Co., VA
Free Tithes, Blacks 12-16, Blacks 16+ Horses
John Hensley 1-0-0-3;

!TAXLIST:1809 Patrick Co., VA
Free Tithes, Blacks 12-16, Blacks 16+ Horses
John Hensley 0-0-0-3;

!CENSUS:1810 x
* Lost for Patrick Co., VA;

!TAXLIST:1810 Patrick Co., VA
Free Tithes, Blacks 12-16, Blacks 16+ Horses
John Hensley 0-0-0-3;

!TAXLIST:1811 Patrick Co., VA
Free Tithes, Blacks 12-16, Blacks 16+ Horses
John Hensley 0-0-0-3;

!TAXLIST:1812 Patrick Co., VA
Free Tithes, Blacks 12-16, Blacks 16+ Horses
John Hensley 1-0-0-4;

!TAXLIST:1813 Patrick Co., VA
Free Tithes, Blacks 12-16, Blacks 16+ Horses
John Hensley 0-0-0-3;

!TAXLIST:1814 Patrick Co., VA
Free Tithes, Blacks 12-16, Blacks 16+ Horses
John Hensley 0-0-0-3;

!TAXLIST:1815 Patrick Co., VA
Free Males 16+, Blacks 9-12, Blacks 12+, Horses
Apr 4, John Hensley 0-0-0-4;

!TAXLIST:1816 Patrick Co., VA
Free Males 16+, Blacks 12+, Horses
Mar 27, John Hensley 0-0-0-3;

!TAXLIST:1817 Patrick Co., VA *
* I didn't find him listed.;

!TAXLIST:1818 Patrick Co., VA *
* I didn't find him listed.;

!TAXLIST:1819 Patrick Co., VA
White Males 16+, Blacks 12+, Horses
Mar 11, John Hensley 0-0-0-1;

!TAXLIST:1820 Patrick Co., VA *
* I didn't find him listed.;

!TAXLIST:1767 Pittsylvania Co., VA
John Dixon's List
John Hensley 1 tithe, no slaves no land
Hugh Innes' List
John Hensley 1 tithe, no slaves no land; 
Hensley, John (I98531)
82605 !TAXLIST:1782 Montgomery Co., VA
Tithes, Slaves, Horses, Cattle
Benjamin Hansley 1-0-1-1*
Charles Hansley 1-0-1-1*
Chrisley Hansley 1-0-6-6**
* Benjamin and Charles have three names between them. List isn't alphabetical
** Chrisley is several pages from Benjamin and Charles;

!TAXLIST:1783 Washington Co., VA
Cpt. James Fulkerson's
Tithes, Slaves, Horses, Cattle
Joseph Hensley 1-1-2-6
Samuel Hensly 1-0-6-9
Benjamin Hensley 1-0-1-1-;

!TAXLIST:1784 x
* Not found in Washington. Missing for Montgomery;

!TAXLIST:1785 x
* Not found in Washington. Missing for Montgomery;

!TAXLIST:1786 x
* Not found in Washington. Missing for Montgomery;

!TAXLIST:1787 x
* Not found in Washington or Montgomery;

!TAXLIST:1788 Montgomery Co., VA
Bird Smith's District
Name of White Males 21+, # White Males 16-21, Blacks 12+, Horses
Jun 25, Benjamin Hensley 0-0-1
David McGavock's District
Name of White Males 21+, # White Males 16-21, Blacks 12+, Horses
May 4, Geo. Hansley 1-0-1;

!TAXLIST:1789 Montgomery Co., VA
Bird Smith's District
Name of White Males 21+, # White Males 16-21, Blacks 12+, Horses
Feb 6, Benjamin Hensley 0-0-1

!TAXLIST:1790 x
* Not found in Montgomery nor anywhere else I've searched thus far.

!TAXLIST:1791-1795 x
* Not found in Montgomery nor anywhere else I've searched thus far. 
Hensley, Benjamin (I100362)
82606 !TAXLIST:1782 Pittsylvania Co, VA pg 41 William PEMBERTON, 6 whites 0 blacks;

!TAXLIST:1785 Pittsylvania Co, VA pg 99 William PEMBERTON, 4 whites;

!CENSUS:1787 Pittsylvania Co., VA pg 459
John Pemberton, Sr, 1-0-0-2-5
Joseph Pemberton, 0-0-0-1-2
William Pemberton, 0-0-0-1-1;

!CENSUS:1790 * Lost for VA;

!CENSUS:1800 * Lost for VA; 
Pemberton, William (I84060)
82607 !TAXLIST:1782 Spotsylvania Co., VA *
* I didn't find her listed.;

!TAXLIST:1783 Spotsylvania Co., VA
White Males 21+, Slaves, Horses, Cattle
Richardson Hensley 1-2-2-12
James Hensley 1-0-2-6
Martha Hensley 0-4-1-0 <--- maybe? Or perhaps another Martha.
George Hensley 1-2-2-8
Sarah Hensley 1-1-4-7;

!TAXLIST:1784 Spotsylvania Co., VA
To Pay Specie (?), To Pay Certs (?) Horses, Cattle
Richardson Hensley 3-3-3-10
Martha Hensley 4-4-0-0 <--- maybe same Martha?
James Hensley 1-1-2-7
George Hensley 2-1-2-5
Sarah Hensley 1-0-1-5;

!TAXLIST:1785 Spotsylvania Co., VA *
* I didn't find her listed.;

!TAXLIST:1786 Spotsylvania Co., VA *
* I didn't find her listed.; 
Snell, Martha (I97729)
82608 !TAXLIST:1782 Washington Co., VA Humberton Lyon, 400a;
!TAXLIST:1786 Washington Co., VA Land Tax - Not listed; 
Lyon, Humberson (I55358)
82609 !TAXLIST:1782;


!CENSUS:1787 Pittsylvania Co, VA;

!WITNESS:10 Dec 1788 Pittsylvania Co, VA Deed 8-412 Jonadab George;

!CENSUS:1790 Lost for Virginia;

!NAMED: 8 Nov 1794 Pittsylvania Co, VA Marriage Bonds. Hugh GEORGE & Celia McHENRY daughter of Cornelius McHENRY who consents. Sur: John TURNER.

!CENSUS:1800 Lost for Virginia;

McHaney, Cornelius (I1257)
82610 !TAXLIST:1782;

!CENSUS:1787 Caroline Co, VA pg 733 Beverley Graves, self, 0-1-0-2-2; 
Graves, Beverly (I5286)
82611 !TAXLIST:1782;
Beasley, Robert Easley (I93026)
82612 !TAXLIST:1782;
Winfrey, Isaac (I87649)
82613 !TAXLIST:1782;
Graves, Mary (I87648)
82614 !TAXLIST:1782;
Winfrey, Drury Boswell (I87647)
82615 !TAXLIST:1782;
Meredith, Mary (I87646)
82616 !TAXLIST:1783 Greene Co., TN Hugh Bryson;

!TAXLIST:1787 Washington Co., VA Hugh Brison, 160a;
!TAXLIST:1787 Washington Co., VA Hugh Brison, 31 Apr 1787 1 horse, 8 cattle;

!TAXLIST:1788 Washington Co., VA Hugh Brison, 22 Sep 1788 1 horse;

!TAXLIST:1789 Washington Co., VA Hugh Brison, 160a;

!TAXLIST:1790 Washington Co., VA Hugh Brison, 160a;
!TAXLIST:1790 Washington Co., VA Walter Preston's District
Hugh Bryson 0-0-0-2;

!TAXLIST:1791 Washington Co., VA Hugh Brison, 160a;
!TAXLIST:1791 Washington Co., VA Walter Preston's District
Blackburn Brison 0-0-0-3
Hugh Brison 0-0-0-2;

!TAXLIST:1792 Washington Co., VA Hugh Brison, 160a;
!TAXLIST:1792 Washington Co., VA Walter Preston's District
Hugh Brison 0-0-0-2;

!TAXLIST:1793 Washington Co., VA Hugh Brison, 312a;
!TAXLIST:1793 Washington Co., VA Walter Preston's District
Hugh Brison 0-0-0-2;

!TAXLIST:1794 Washington Co., VA Hugh Bryson, 160a;
!TAXLIST:1794 Washington Co., VA Walter Preston's District
Hugh Bryson 0-0-0-3;

!TAXLIST:1795 Washington Co., VA Hugh Brison, 160a;
!TAXLIST:1795 Washington Co., VA Matthew Willoughby's District
Hugh Bryson 1-0-0-3;

!TAXLIST:1796 Washington Co., VA Hugh Brison, 160a;
!TAXLIST:1796 Washington Co., VA Matthew Willoughby's District
Hugh Bryson 1-0-0-2;

!TAXLIST:1797 Washington Co., VA Hugh Brison, 160a;
!TAXLIST:1797 Washington Co., VA Matthew Willoughby's District
Hugh Bryson 1-0-0-2;

!TAXLIST:1798 Washington Co., VA Hugh Brison, 160a;
!TAXLIST:1798 Washington Co., VA Matthew Willoughby's District
Hugh Bryson 1-0-0;

!TAXLIST:1799 Washington Co., VA Hugh Brison, 160a entry and grant, 160a;
!TAXLIST:1799 Washington Co., VA Matthew Willoughby's District
Hugh Bryson 2-0-0-2;

!TAXLIST:1800 Washington Co., VA Hugh Brison, 160a;
!TAXLIST:1800 Washington Co., VA Matthew Willoughby's Lower District
Hugh Brison 2-0-0-2;

!TAXLIST:1801 Washington Co., VA Matthew Willoughby's Lower District
Hugh Brison 2-0-0-3;

!TAXLIST:1802 Washington Co., VA Hugh Brison, 160a;
!TAXLIST:1802 Washington Co., VA Matthew Willoughby's Lower District
John Brison 1-0-0-0
Hugh Brison 1-0-0-2;

!TAXLIST:1803 Washington Co., VA Hugh Brison, 160a;
!TAXLIST:1803 Washington Co., VA Frederick Hamilton's District
John Brison 1-0-0-1
Hugh Brison 2-0-0-3;

!TAXLIST:1804 Washington Co., VA Hugh Bryson, 160a;
!TAXLIST:1804 Washington Co., VA Frederick Hamilton's District
John Brison 1-0-0-1
Hugh Brison 2-0-0-3;

!TAXLIST:1805 Washington Co., VA Hugh Bryson, 160a;
!TAXLIST:1805 Washington Co., VA Frederick Hamilton's District
James Brison 1-0-0-1

!TAXLIST:1806 Washington Co., VA Hugh Brison, 160a;
!TAXLIST:1806 Washington Co., VA Matthew Willoughby's Lower District
John Brison 1-0-0-0
James Brison 1-0-0-1
Hugh Brison 2-0-0-3;

!TAXLIST:1807 Washington Co., VA Hugh Bryson, 160a; 
Bryson, Hugh (I97164)
82617 !TAXLIST:1783 Middlesex Co., VA John George Jr 3-8;

!CENSUS:1787 Middlesex Co., VA pg 1246 John George Jr 0-3-2-4-4 Ordinary License;

CENSUS:1790 Middlesex Co, VA;

!NOTE:This may be the John George Jr in Caroline Co, VA in the late 1700's, and there in 1800; 
George, John (I55330)
82618 !TAXLIST:1783 Middlesex Co., VA John George Sr 5-11;
!CENSUS:1787 Middlesex Co., VA pg 1246 John George Sr 0-3-6-3-5; 
George, Colonel John (I42188)
82619 !TAXLIST:1783 Middlesex Co., VA Meacham George 6-1;
!CENSUS:1787 Middlesex Co, VA pg 1246 Meacham George 1-1-0-2-12; 
George, Meacham (I42206)
82620 !TAXLIST:1783 Middlesex Co., VA William George 3-0;
!CENSUS:1787 Middlesex Co., VA pg 1246 William George 0-3-1-2-4;

!CENSUS:1787 Middlesex Co, VA;
George, Captain William (I55298)
82621 !TAXLIST:1784 Bladen Co., NC Capt Barnes District
Luke Watson, 100a, 1 white, 0 blacks
Solomon Watson, 1 white, 0 blacks;

!CENSUS:1790 Georgetown Dist., SC Prince Georges Parish pg 56
Solomon Watson 2-2-6-0-0;

Watson, Solomon (I64936)
82622 !TAXLIST:1784 Caswell Co, NC William HENSLEE;

!TAXLIST:1786 Caswell Co, NC William HENSLEE;

!CENSUS:1786 Caswell Co, NC pg 24 William HENSLEE age 21-60 (1725/65) "1-0-0-0-0";

!CENSUS:1790 Caswell Co, NC pg 82 William HENSELY no data;

!WILL:11 Oct 1793 Caswell Co, NC, William Hensley, names brothers John, David, sisters Elizabeth MALLORY, Susannah WEST;

!NAMED:31 Dec 1794 Caswell Co, NC Will of Macksfield HENSLEY as "William HENSLEE"; 
Hensley, William (I85578)
82623 !TAXLIST:1784 Orange Co, NC Caswell District, Mark STROUD;
WITNESS:26 Aug 1785 Orange Co, NC 2-172 John STROUD of Orange to William STROUD
of same, for 50, 250a east side Collins Creek. Witness: Mark STROUD,
Angie PRICE, Isaac STROUD;

REFERENCE:"The Strouds A Colonial Family of English Descent" by A.B. STROUD,
Stroud, Mark (I12992)
82624 !TAXLIST:1784 Rockingham Co, VA pg 76 Andrew HUDLOW, 8 whites;


!CENSUS:1800 Rutherford Co, NC pg 117 Andrew HUDLOW age 26-44 (1755/74) "01110-00010";

!CENSUS:1810 * Rutherford Co, NC pg 105 Andrew HUDLOW Jr *;


!CENSUS:1830 Rutherford Co, NC pg 454 Andrew HUDLOW age 50-59 (1770/80) "00100001-000000001";

!NAMED:-- Oct 1834 Rutherford Co, NC Estates A-193 Inventory of Jacob MICHAL, decd, accounts ... James GRAHAM ... Daniel TANNER ... Thomas MORRIS ... James TANNER ... Michael HUDLOW ... William TANNER ... Michael PAINTEr, Michael TANNER ... Robert HUMPHREYS ... Thomas GRANT, Dinah HUMPHREYS .... Good but out of date and doubtful: ... Andrew HUDLOW ... James MORIS son of Thomas ... Henry MORRIS ... John MORRIS .... Doubtful: John HEAD ... Phillip HEAD ...;

!CENSUS:1840 Rutherford Co, NC pg 264 Andrew HUDLOW age 60-69 (1770/80) "000100001-0000000001";

!CENSUS:1850 Rutherford Co, NC Cathies Creek # 1126 Andrew HUDLOW, 84 (1765/66)
born VA;
WILL:16 Mar 1852 Rutherford Co, NC E-322, Recorded Fall Court 1856. Andrew
HUDLOW Sr, son Michael HUDLOW & grnadchildren, if alive: Andrew HUDLOW Jr,
Joseph HUDLOW, William HUDLOW, Thomas HUDLOW, Martha HILL, wife of Assph
HILL, Barbara GOODE, wife of Abraham GOODE, Elizabeth TANNER, wife of
James TANNER, Sarah BABER, wife of James BANER, Nathan HUDLOW, Mary
HUDLOW. Grandson Andrew HUDLOW & A.H. LOGAN my executors. Wit: PHilip H.
GROSE, Thomas I. HARLEN, S: Andrew (X) Hudlow; 
Hudlough, Andrew (I20611)
82625 !TAXLIST:1784 Washington Co., VA
-Mr. Alexander Barnett's return
Joseph Castle, 1 tithe, no horses, slaves or cattle
Jacob Castle, 1 tithe, 1 horse, 5 cattle;

!TAXLIST:1786 Washington Co., VA
- Alexander Barnett’s district
Joseph Castle 1-0-0-1-1

Castle, Joseph (I83823)
82626 !TAXLIST:1785 Amelia Co, VA pg 82 Ann WINFREE, 5 whites, 2
dwellings, 2 other buildings;

!CENSUS:1787 Amelia Co, VA pg 363 Ann WINFREE "1-4-4-4-13" not

!CENSUS:1790 * Lost for VA; 
Ann (I89497)
82627 !TAXLIST:1785 Bedford Co., VA
Whites 21+, Blacks 16+, -16, Total, Horses, Cattle
Samuel Hensley (& two sons Jas & Benj.) 3 tithes, 1-0-0-0-7-12;

!TAXLIST:1786 Bedford Co., VA
Whites 21+, Blacks 16+, -16, Total, Horses, Cattle
Samuel Hensley (Benja & Saml) 3 tithes, 2-0-0-0-7-16;

!TAXLIST:1787 Bedford Co., VA
* I didn't find him listed.

!TAXLIST:1788 Bedford Co., VA
* I didn't find him listed.

!TAXLIST:1789 Bedford Co., VA
* I didn't find him listed.

!CENSUS:1790 x
* Lost for Virginia;

!TAXLIST:1790 Bedford Co., VA
* I didn't find him listed.

!TAXLIST:1791 Bedford Co., VA
* I didn't find him listed.

!TAXLIST:1792 Bedford Co., VA
* I didn't find him listed.

!TAXLIST:1793 Bedford Co., VA
List B - Thos Logwood's
Tithes, Blacks 12+, Horses
Apr 22, John Hensley 1-0-1
Jul 4, Lelan Hensley 0-0-3
Jul 4, James Hensley 1-0-2
Jul 4, Benjamin Hensley 1-0-1
Jul 4, Samuel Hensley 1-0-10;

!TAXLIST:1794 Bedford Co., VA
List B - Thos Logwood's
Tithes, Blacks 12+, Horses
James Hinsley 1-0-1
John Hensley 1-0-3
Benjamin Hensley 1-0-1
Lilian Hensley 0-0-3
James Hensley 1-0-1
Samuel Hensley 1-0-2;

!TAXLIST:1795 Bedford Co., VA
* I didn't find him listed.

!TAXLIST:1796 Bedford Co., VA
* I didn't find him listed.

!TAXLIST:1797 Bedford Co., VA
* I didn't find him listed.

!TAXLIST:1798 Bedford Co., VA
* I didn't find him listed.

!TAXLIST:1799 Bedford Co., VA
* I didn't find him listed.

!CENSUS:1800 x
* Lost for Virginia;

!TAXLIST:1800 Bedford Co., VA
List B - The Northern District, John Leftwich's
White Tithes, Blacks Tithes, Blacks 12+, Horses
Benjamin Hensley 1-0-0-3
William Hensley 1-0-0-1
James Hensley 1-0-1-1
Samuel Hensley 1-0-0-1
John Hensley 1-0-0-1;

!TAXLIST:1801 Bedford Co., VA
List B - The Northern District, John Leftwich's
White Tithes, Blacks Tithes, Blacks 12+, Horses
James Hensley 1-1-2-1
Samuel Hensley 1-0-0-2
Benjamin Hensley 1-0-0-2
John Hensley 1-0-0-1
Lilean Hensley 0-0-0-2;

!TAXLIST:1802 Bedford Co., VA
List B - The Northern District, John Leftwich's
White Tithes, Blacks Tithes, Blacks 12+, Horses
Benjn Hensley 1-0-0-2
Samuel Hensley 1-0-0-2
James Hensley 1-1-1-1
William Hensley 1-0-0-1
John Hensley 1-0-0-0;

!BONDSMAN:25 Oct 1802 Bedford Co, VA Marriage Bonds. Gilliam KING & Nancy HENSLEY, dt Lilley Ann. Benjn. HENSLEY, Surety; Married by Jeremiah HATCHER, Nov. 15, 1802;

!TAXLIST:1803 Bedford Co., VA
List B - The Northern District, William Quarles'
White Tithes 16+, Blacks 12+, Blacks 16+, Horses
Mar 28, Benjamin Hensley 1-0-0-1
May 2, Samuel Hensley 1-0-0-1
Aug 18, James Hensley 1-2-2-2
Aug 18, William Hensley 1-0-0-1
Aug 25, John Hensley 1-0-0-0;

!TAXLIST:1804 Bedford Co., VA
List B - The Northern District, William Quarles'
White Tithes 16+, Blacks 12+, Blacks 16+, Horses
May 1, Benjamin Hensley 1-0-0-1
May 1, John Hensley 1-0-0-0
Jun 9, James Hensley 1-1-1-1
Jul 30, William Hensley 1-0-0-1;

!TAXLIST:1805 Bedford Co., VA
List B - The Northern District, William Quarles'
White Tithes 16+, Blacks 12+, Blacks 16+, Horses
Mar 11, James Hensley 1-1-1-2
Mar 13, Benjamin Hensley 1-0-0-0
Apr 22, John Hensley 1-0-0-0
May 11, William Hensley 1-0-0-1;

!TAXLIST:1806 Bedford Co., VA
List B - The Northern District, William Quarles'
White Tithes 16+, Blacks 12+, Blacks 16+, Horses
Mar 24, Benjamin Hensley 1-0-0-0
May 6, William Hensley 1-0-0-1
Jun 11, James Hensley 1-1-1-2;

!TAXLIST:1807 Bedford Co., VA
List B - The Northern District, William Quarles'
White Tithes 16+, Blacks 12+, Blacks 16+, Horses
Benjamin Hensley 1-0-0-0
James Husley (sic) 1-1-1-1
William Hensley 1-0-0-1;

!MARRIAGE BOND:7 May 1807 Bedford Co, VA Marriage Bonds. Benjamin HENSLEY & Carriline CREWS, dt Joseph; Charles BRIGHT, Surety;

!CENSUS:1810 Bedford Co, VA pg 465 Benjamin HENSLY age 26-44 (1765/84)

!TAXLIST:1810 Bedford Co., VA
List B - James Wharton's
White Tithes, Blacks 12+, Blacks 16+, Horses
May 7, James Hensley 1-1-0-2
May 10, Benjamin Hensley 1-0-0-1
May 17, William Hensley 1-0-0-0
May 17, Lilley Hensley 0-0-0-2;

!TAXLIST:1811 Bedford Co., VA
List B - John Wharton's
White Tithes, Blacks 16+, Blacks 12-16, Horses
Apr 22, Benjamin Hensley 1-1-0-1
Apr 29, James Hensley 1-1-1-3
May 11, William Hensley 1-0-0-0;

!TAXLIST:1812 Bedford Co., VA
List B - John J. Jennings, Northern District
White Tithes, Blacks 16+, Blacks 12-16, Horses
William Hensley 1-0-0-1
James Hensley 1-2-1-3
Ben Hensley 1-0-0-1;

!TAXLIST:1813 Bedford Co., VA
List B - John Wharton's
White Tithes, Blacks 16+, Blacks 12-16, Horses
Mar 2, James Hensley 1-2-0-3
Mar 2, William Hensley 1-0-0-2
Mar 20, Benjamin Hensley 1-0-0-1;

!TAXLIST:1814 x
* I didn't find him in Bedford Co., VA;

!TAXLIST:1815 x
* I didn't find him in Bedford Co., VA;

!CENSUS:1820 Bedford Co, VA pg 40 Benjamin HENSLEY age 45+ (bef 1775) "010001-00001";

!BONDSMAN:20 May 1829 Bedford Co, VA Marriage Bonds. Ulysses HATCHER & Kitty F. HENSLEY, dt William; Benjn. HENSLEY, Surety;

!CENSUS:1830 Bedford Co., VA pg 143 Benjamin Hensley age 60-69 (1760/70)

!CENSUS:1840 Bedford Co, VA pg 281 Benjamin HENSLEY age 70-79 (1760/70) "0000000001-000000001";

Hensley, Benjamin (I98270)
82628 !TAXLIST:1785 Bedford Co., VA
Whites 21+, Blacks 16+, -16, Total, Horses, Cattle
Samuel Hensley (& two sons Jas & Benj.) 3 tithes, 1-0-0-0-7-12;

!TAXLIST:1787 Bedford Co., VA
List B - Thos Logwood's
Whites 16-21, Blacks 16+, Blacks -16, Horses, Cattle
Apr 6, Samuel Hensley 2-0-0-7-14
Apr 6, James Hensley 0-0-0-1-0;

!TAXLIST:1788 Bedford Co., VA
* I didn't find him listed.

!TAXLIST:1789 Bedford Co., VA
* I didn't find him listed.

!CENSUS:1790 x
* Lost for Virginia;

!TAXLIST:1790 Bedford Co., VA
* I didn't find him listed.

!TAXLIST:1791 Bedford Co., VA
List B - Thos Logwood's
Whites Tithese, Blacks Tithes, Blacks 12-16, Horses
Apr 29, James Hensley 3-0-0-18;

!BONDSMAN:9 Jul 1791 Bedford Co, VA John SLED & Milley HENSLEY. James HENSLEY, Surety; Consent of Lillay (or Sillay HENSLEY). Married by William DAMERON, Aug. 11, 1791;

!TAXLIST:1792 Bedford Co., VA
List B - Thos Logwood's
Whites Tithes, Blacks 16+, Blacks 12-16, Horses
Mar 17, James Hensley & John 2-0-0-6
Mar 17, Samuel Hensley 1-0-0-1;

!TAXLIST:1793 Bedford Co., VA
List B - Thos Logwood's
Tithes, Blacks 12+, Horses
Apr 22, John Hensley 1-0-1
Jul 4, Lelan Hensley 0-0-3
Jul 4, James Hensley 1-0-2
Jul 4, Benjamin Hensley 1-0-1
Jul 4, Samuel Hensley 1-0-10;

!TAXLIST:1794 Bedford Co., VA
List B - Thos Logwood's
Tithes, Blacks 12+, Horses
James Hinsley 1-0-1
John Hensley 1-0-3
Benjamin Hensley 1-0-1
Lilian Hensley 0-0-3
James Hensley 1-0-1
Samuel Hensley 1-0-2;

!TAXLIST:1795 Bedford Co., VA
List A - The Northern District
Whites Tithes, Blacks Tithes, Blacks 12+, Horses
James Hensley 1-0-0-4
William Hensley 1-0-0-0;

!BONDSMAN:23 Nov 1795 Bedford Co, VA Marriage Bonds. Samuel HENSLEY & Salley OWEN, dt James and Elizabeth. James HENSLEY, Surety. Married by Jeremiah HATCHER, Nov. 29, 1795;

!TAXLIST:1796 Bedford Co., VA
List B - The Northern District, John Leftwich's
Tithes, Blacks 12+, Total Blacks, Horses
James Hensley 1-0-0-1
Saml Hensley 1-0-0-1
William Hensley 1-0-0-1
Lilean Hensley 0-0-0-2;

!MARRIAGE BOND: 5 Dec 1796 Bedford Co, VA Marriage Bonds. James HENSLEY & Salley HATCHER, dt Henry and Ann. Jeremiah HATCHER, Surety. Married by Jeremiah HATCHER, Dec. 15, 1796;

!TAXLIST:1797 Bedford Co., VA
List B - The Northern District, John Leftwich's
Tithes, Blacks 12+, Total Blacks, Horses
Samuel Hensley 1-0-0-3
James Hensley 1-0-0-1
John Hensley 1-0-0-1
William Hensley 1-0-0-1;

!TAXLIST:1798 Bedford Co., VA
List B - The Northern District, John Leftwich's
White Tithes, Blacks Tithes, Blacks 12+, Horses
James Hensley 1-0-0-1
Lelean Hensley 0-0-0-2
John Hensley 1-0-0-2
Samuel Hensley 1-0-0-1;

!TAXLIST:1799 Bedford Co., VA
List B - The Northern District, John Leftwich's
White Tithes, Blacks Tithes, Blacks 12+, Horses
James Hensley 1-0-0-1
Samuel Hensley 1-0-1-1
John Hensley 1-0-02
William Hensley 1-0-0-0
Lelean Hensley 0-0-0-2;

!CENSUS:1800 x
* Lost for Virginia;

!TAXLIST:1800 Bedford Co., VA
List B - The Northern District, John Leftwich's
White Tithes, Blacks Tithes, Blacks 12+, Horses
Benjamin Hensley 1-0-0-3
William Hensley 1-0-0-1
James Hensley 1-0-1-1
Samuel Hensley 1-0-0-1
John Hensley 1-0-0-1;

!TAXLIST:1801 Bedford Co., VA
List B - The Northern District, John Leftwich's
White Tithes, Blacks Tithes, Blacks 12+, Horses
James Hensley 1-1-2-1
Samuel Hensley 1-0-0-2
Benjamin Hensley 1-0-0-2
John Hensley 1-0-0-1
Lilean Hensley 0-0-0-2;

!TAXLIST:1802 Bedford Co., VA
List B - The Northern District, John Leftwich's
White Tithes, Blacks Tithes, Blacks 12+, Horses
Benjn Hensley 1-0-0-2
Samuel Hensley 1-0-0-2
James Hensley 1-1-1-1
William Hensley 1-0-0-1
John Hensley 1-0-0-0;

!TAXLIST:1803 Bedford Co., VA
List B - The Northern District, William Quarles'
White Tithes 16+, Blacks 12+, Blacks 16+, Horses
Mar 28, Benjamin Hensley 1-0-0-1
May 2, Samuel Hensley 1-0-0-1
Aug 18, James Hensley 1-2-2-2
Aug 18, William Hensley 1-0-0-1
Aug 25, John Hensley 1-0-0-0;

!TAXLIST:1804 Bedford Co., VA
List B - The Northern District, William Quarles'
White Tithes 16+, Blacks 12+, Blacks 16+, Horses
May 1, Benjamin Hensley 1-0-0-1
May 1, John Hensley 1-0-0-0
Jun 9, James Hensley 1-1-1-1
Jul 30, William Hensley 1-0-0-1;

!TAXLIST:1805 Bedford Co., VA
List B - The Northern District, William Quarles'
White Tithes 16+, Blacks 12+, Blacks 16+, Horses
Mar 11, James Hensley 1-1-1-2
Mar 13, Benjamin Hensley 1-0-0-0
Apr 22, John Hensley 1-0-0-0
May 11, William Hensley 1-0-0-1;

!TAXLIST:1806 Bedford Co., VA
List B - The Northern District, William Quarles'
White Tithes 16+, Blacks 12+, Blacks 16+, Horses
Mar 24, Benjamin Hensley 1-0-0-0
May 6, William Hensley 1-0-0-1
Jun 11, James Hensley 1-1-1-2;

!TAXLIST:1807 Bedford Co., VA
List B - The Northern District, William Quarles'
White Tithes 16+, Blacks 12+, Blacks 16+, Horses
Benjamin Hensley 1-0-0-0
James Husley (sic) 1-1-1-1
William Hensley 1-0-0-1;

!TAXLIST:1809 Bedford Co., VA
List B - James Wharton's
Free Tithes, Blacks 12+, Blacks 16+, Horses
James Hensley 1-1-1-2
William Hensley 1-0-0-2;

!CENSUS:1810 Bedford Co., VA pg 466 James Hensley age 26-44 (1765/84)

!TAXLIST:1810 Bedford Co., VA
List B - James Wharton's
White Tithes, Blacks 12+, Blacks 16+, Horses
May 7, James Hensley 1-1-0-2
May 10, Benjamin Hensley 1-0-0-1
May 17, William Hensley 1-0-0-0
May 17, Lilley Hensley 0-0-0-2;

!TAXLIST:1811 Bedford Co., VA
List B - John Wharton's
White Tithes, Blacks 16+, Blacks 12-16, Horses
Apr 22, Benjamin Hensley 1-1-0-1
Apr 29, James Hensley 1-1-1-3
May 11, William Hensley 1-0-0-0;

!TAXLIST:1812 Bedford Co., VA
List B - John J. Jennings, Northern District
White Tithes, Blacks 16+, Blacks 12-16, Horses
William Hensley 1-0-0-1
James Hensley 1-2-1-3
Ben Hensley 1-0-0-1;

!TAXLIST:1813 Bedford Co., VA
List B - John Wharton's
White Tithes, Blacks 16+, Blacks 12-16, Horses
Mar 2, James Hensley 1-2-0-3
Mar 2, William Hensley 1-0-0-2
Mar 20, Benjamin Hensley 1-0-0-1;

!TAXLIST:1814 Bedford Co., VA
List B - John Wharton's
White Tithes, Blacks 16+, Blacks 12-16, Horses
James Hensley 1-3-0-2
William Hensley 1-0-0-2;

!TAXLIST:1815 Bedford Co., VA
List B - John Wharton's
White Tithes, Blacks 9-12, Blacks 12+, Horses
William Hensley 1-0-0-2
James Hensley 1-0-2-2;

!BONDSMAN:12 Aug 1816 Bedford Co, VA Marriage Bonds. Christopher TOLLEY & Polly HENSLEY; James HENSLEY, Surety; Married by Enoch W. TERRY, Aug. 14, 1816;

!CENSUS:1820 Botetourt Co, VA pg 59 James HENSLEY age 45+ (bef 1775)

!CENSUS:1830 Botetourt Co, VA pg 287 James HENSLEY age 60-69 (1760/70)

!CENSUS:1840 Botetourt Co, VA pg 258 James HENCELY age 60-69 (1770/80)

!CENSUS:1850 Botetourt Co., VA Schedule 3 - Mortality, James Henceley, 86, died Dec, Rupture, 3 days; 
Hensley, James (I98196)
82629 !TAXLIST:1785 Culpeper Co., VA
James Pendleton's District
White Males 21+, -21, Slave Tithes, Young Slaves, Total Slaves, Horses, Cattle
Enoch Hensley, Enoch Hensley Jur 21, 2-0-0-0-2-3-4
Henry Hill's District
Tithes 21+, -21, Slaves 16+, Slaves -16, Horses, Cattle
William Hensley 1-0-1-1-2-5;

!TAXLIST:1786 Culpeper Co., VA
* I didn't find Enoch Jr listed;

!TAXLIST:1787 Culpeper Co., VA
List A - Daniel Brown's District
Name of White Males 21+, Tithes -21, Slaves 16+, Slaves -16, Horses, Cattle
May 1, William Hensley 0-1-1-2-3
List B - Aaron Lane's District
Apr 11, Luicy Green, Enock Hensley, 0-4-5-3-5
May 8, Enoch Henslee 1-0-0-2-6
May 8, Samuel Henslee 0-0-0-1-0;

!TAXLIST:1788 Culpeper Co., VA
* I didn't find any Hensleys in Culpeper;

!TAXLIST:1789 Culpeper Co., VA
List A - no Hensleys
List B - no Hensleys
List C - Aaron Lane's. White Tithes, Blacks 16+/12-16, Horses
May 21, Enoch Henslee Junr 1-0-0-1
May 22, Enoch Henslee Senr 1-0-0-2
May 22, William Hensley 1-0-0-1 ;

!CENSUS:1790 x
* Lost for Virginia;

!TAXLIST:1790 Culpeper Co., VA
List A - no Hensleys
List C - no Hensleys
List B - Aaron Lane's. White Tithes, Blacks 16+/12-16, Horses
Jun 17, Enoch Henslee Junr 2-0-0-2
Jun 17, Enoch Henslee Senr 1-0-0-2;

!TAXLIST:1791 Culpeper Co., VA *
List A - no Hensleys
List B - no Hensleys
List C - Aaron Lane's. White Tithes, Blacks 16+/12-16, Horses
Apr 6, Enoch Henslee 2-0-0-2
* Only one Enoch listed. Is it Jr or Sr? Enumerations match Jr exactly from prior year.;

!TAXLIST:1792 Culpeper Co., VA *
List A - no Hensleys
List B - no Hensleys
List C - Aaron Lane's. White Tithes, Blacks 16+/12-16, Horses
May 1, Enoch Henslee 1-0-0-2
* Only one Enoch listed. Is it Jr or Sr?;

!TAXLIST:1793 Culpeper Co., VA *
List A - Daniel Brown's. White Tithes, Blacks 16+/12-16, Horses
May 31, Enoch Hensley 1-0-0-2
List B - Aaron Lane's. White Tithes, Blacks 16+/12-16, Horses
May 28, Enoch Henslee 1-0-0-2
* I don't know which was Sr and which was Jr.;

!TAXLIST:1794 Culpeper Co., VA *
List A - Daniel Brown's. Whites 16+, Blacks 16+/12-16, Horses
Apr 17, Enoch Hensley 1-0-0-1
List B - Aaron Lane's. White Tithes, Blacks 16+/12-16, Horses
Jun 25, Enoch Henslee 1-0-0-2
Jun 25, William Henslee 1-0-0-0
* I don't know which was Enoch Sr and which was Jr.;

!TAXLIST:1795 Culpeper Co., VA *
List A - Daniel Brown's. Whites 16+, Blacks 16+/12-16, Horses
No Hensleys listed.
List B - Aaron Lane's. White Tithes, Blacks 16+/12-16, Horses
Mar 16, William Henslee 1-0-0-1
Mar 16, Enoch Henslee 1-0-0-1
* I don't know whether this was Enoch Sr or Jr.;

!TAXLIST:1796 Culpeper Co., VA *
List A - Daniel Brown's. Whites 16+, Blacks 16+/12-16, Horses
No Hensleys listed.
List B - Aaron Lane's. White Tithes, Blacks 16+/12-16, Horses
Apr 6, Enoch Henslee 1-0-0-1
* I don't know whether this was Enoch Sr or Jr.;

!TAXLIST:1797 Culpeper Co., VA *
List A - Daniel Brown's. Whites 16+, Blacks 16+/12-16, Horses
No Hensleys listed.
List B - Aaron Lane's. White Tithes, Blacks 16+/12-16, Horses
Mar 15, Enoch Henslee 1-0-0-1
* I don't know whether this was Enoch Sr or Jr.;

!TAXLIST:1798 Culpeper Co., VA *
List A - Daniel Brown's. Whites 16+, Blacks 16+/12-16, Horses
Apr 7, Enoch Hensley 1-0-0-1
Mar 5, Enoch Hensley 1-0-0-1
* I don't know which was Enoch Sr and which was Jr.
List B - No Hensleys;

!TAXLIST:1799 Fauquier Co., VA
List B Thornton Buckner's
White Tithes, Blacks 16+, Blacks 12-16, Horses
William Hensley 1-0-0-0
Enoch Hensley 1-0-0-0;

!CENSUS:1800 x
* Lost for Virginia;

!TAXLIST:1800 Culpeper Co., VA *
List A - Daniel Brown's. Whites 16+, Blacks 16+/12-16, Horses
No Hensleys.
List B - Aaron Lane's. Whites Tithes, Blacks 16+/12-16, Horses
Enoch Hensley 1-0-0-1 *
William Hensley 1-0-0-0
* Don't know if this is Enoch Sr. or Jr.;

!TAXLIST:1801 Culpeper Co., VA *
List A - Daniel Brown's. Whites 16+, Blacks 16+/12-16, Horses
No Hensleys.
List B - Aaron Lane's. Whites Tithes, Blacks 16+/12-16, Horses
Enoch Hensley 1-0-0-0 *
* Don't know if this is Enoch Sr. or Jr.;

!TAXLIST:1802 Culpeper Co., VA *
List A - Daniel Brown's. Whites 16+, Blacks 16+/12-16, Horses
No Hensleys.
List B - William Burt's. Whites Tithes, Blacks 16+/12-16, Horses
Enoch Hensley 1-0-0-1 *
William Hensley 1-0-0-0
* Don't know if this is Enoch Sr. or Jr.;

!TAXLIST:1803 Culpeper Co., VA
List A - William Burt's. Whites Tithes, Blacks 16+/12-16, Horses
Enoch Hensley 1-0-0-1
List B - Daniel Brown's. Whites 16+, Blacks 16+/12-16, Horses
May 28, Enoch Hensley 1-0-0-1;

!TAXLIST:1804 Culpeper Co., VA *
List A - Daniel Brown's. Whites 16+, Blacks 16+/12-16, Horses
May 20, Enoch Hensley 1-0-0-0 *
List B - William Burt's.
No Hensleys.
* Don't know if this is Enoch Sr. or Jr.;

!TAXLIST:1805, 1806, 1807, 1809, 1810 Culpeper Co., VA x
* These tax lists are missing;

!CENSUS:1810 Culpeper Co., VA p. 21/42
Enoch Hensley age 45+ (bef 1765)
Hensley, Enoch (I112639)
82630 !TAXLIST:1786 Bedford Co., VA
Whites 21+, Blacks 16+, -16, Total, Horses, Cattle
Samuel Hensley (Benja & Saml) 3 tithes, 2-0-0-0-7-16;

!TAXLIST:1787 Bedford Co., VA
* I didn't find him listed.

!TAXLIST:1788 Bedford Co., VA
* I didn't find him listed.

!TAXLIST:1789 Bedford Co., VA
* I didn't find him listed.

!CENSUS:1790 x
* Lost for Virginia;

!TAXLIST:1790 Bedford Co., VA
* I didn't find him listed.

!TAXLIST:1791 Bedford Co., VA
* I didn't find him listed.

!TAXLIST:1792 Bedford Co., VA
List B - Thos Logwood's
Whites Tithes, Blacks 16+, Blacks 12-16, Horses
Mar 17, James Hensley & John 2-0-0-6
Mar 17, Samuel Hensley 1-0-0-1;

!BONDSMAN:24 Dec 1792 Bedford Co, VA Marriage Bonds. John HENSLEY & Mary WADE. Samuel HENSLEY, Surety. Consent of David and Frances WADE. Married by Jeremiah HATCHER, Jan. 1, 1793;

!TAXLIST:1793 Bedford Co., VA
List B - Thos Logwood's
Tithes, Blacks 12+, Horses
Apr 22, John Hensley 1-0-1
Jul 4, Lelan Hensley 0-0-3
Jul 4, James Hensley 1-0-2
Jul 4, Benjamin Hensley 1-0-1
Jul 4, Samuel Hensley 1-0-10;

!TAXLIST:1794 Bedford Co., VA
List B - Thos Logwood's
Tithes, Blacks 12+, Horses
James Hinsley 1-0-1
John Hensley 1-0-3
Benjamin Hensley 1-0-1
Lilian Hensley 0-0-3
James Hensley 1-0-1
Samuel Hensley 1-0-2;

!TAXLIST:1795 Bedford Co., VA
* I didn't find him listed.

!MARRIAGE BOND:23 Nov 1795 Bedford Co, VA Marriage Bonds. Samuel HENSLEY & Salley OWEN, dt James and Elizabeth. James HENSLEY, Surety. Married by Jeremiah HATCHER, Nov. 29, 1795;

!TAXLIST:1796 Bedford Co., VA
List B - The Northern District, John Leftwich's
Tithes, Blacks 12+, Total Blacks, Horses
James Hensley 1-0-0-1
Saml Hensley 1-0-0-1
William Hensley 1-0-0-1
Lilean Hensley 0-0-0-2;

!TAXLIST:1797 Bedford Co., VA
List B - The Northern District, John Leftwich's
Tithes, Blacks 12+, Total Blacks, Horses
Samuel Hensley 1-0-0-3
James Hensley 1-0-0-1
John Hensley 1-0-0-1
William Hensley 1-0-0-1;

!TAXLIST:1798 Bedford Co., VA
List B - The Northern District, John Leftwich's
White Tithes, Blacks Tithes, Blacks 12+, Horses
James Hensley 1-0-0-1
Lelean Hensley 0-0-0-2
John Hensley 1-0-0-2
Samuel Hensley 1-0-0-1;

!TAXLIST:1799 Bedford Co., VA
List B - The Northern District, John Leftwich's
White Tithes, Blacks Tithes, Blacks 12+, Horses
James Hensley 1-0-0-1
Samuel Hensley 1-0-1-1
John Hensley 1-0-02
William Hensley 1-0-0-0
Lelean Hensley 0-0-0-2;

!CENSUS:1800 x
* Lost for Virginia;

!TAXLIST:1800 Bedford Co., VA
List B - The Northern District, John Leftwich's
White Tithes, Blacks Tithes, Blacks 12+, Horses
Benjamin Hensley 1-0-0-3
William Hensley 1-0-0-1
James Hensley 1-0-1-1
Samuel Hensley 1-0-0-1
John Hensley 1-0-0-1;

!TAXLIST:1801 Bedford Co., VA
List B - The Northern District, John Leftwich's
White Tithes, Blacks Tithes, Blacks 12+, Horses
James Hensley 1-1-2-1
Samuel Hensley 1-0-0-2
Benjamin Hensley 1-0-0-2
John Hensley 1-0-0-1
Lilean Hensley 0-0-0-2;

!TAXLIST:1802 Bedford Co., VA
List B - The Northern District, John Leftwich's
White Tithes, Blacks Tithes, Blacks 12+, Horses
Benjn Hensley 1-0-0-2
Samuel Hensley 1-0-0-2
James Hensley 1-1-1-1
William Hensley 1-0-0-1
John Hensley 1-0-0-0;

!TAXLIST:1803 Bedford Co., VA
List B - The Northern District, William Quantes'
White Tithes 16+, Blacks 12+, Blacks 16+, Horses
Mar 28, Benjamin Hensley 1-0-0-1
May 2, Samuel Hensley 1-0-0-1
Aug 18, James Hensley 1-2-2-2
Aug 18, William Hensley 1-0-0-1
Aug 25, John Hensley 1-0-0-0;

!TAXLIST:1804 Bedford Co., VA
* I didn't find him listed;

!TAXLIST:1805 Bedford Co., VA
* I didn't find him listed; 
Hensley, Samuel (I98218)
82631 !TAXLIST:1786 Caswell Co, NC David HENSLEE;

!CENSUS:1786 Caswell Co, NC David HENSLEE age 21-60 (1725/65) "1-1-0-0-0";

!CENSUS:1790 Caswell Co, NC pg 82 David HENSELY * No data;

!NAMED:11 Oct 1793 Caswell Co, NC, Will of William HENSLEE, as "brother David";

!NAMED:31 Dec 1794 Caswell Co, NC, Will of Macksfield HENSLEE, as "Son David";

!CENSUS:1800 Caswell Co, NC pg 123 David HENSLE age 26-44 (1755/74)
!CENSUS:1800 Caswell Co, NC pg 141 David HENCELY age 26-44 (1755/74)

!CENSUS:1810 Rockingham Co, NC pg 211 David HINSLEY age 45+ (bef 1765) "01201-12101";

!TAXLIST:1818 Franklin Co, GA;

!TAXLIST:1819 Franklin Co, GA;

!TAXLIST:1820 Franklin Co, GA;

!CENSUS:1820 * Lost for Franklin Co, GA;

Hensley, David (I85580)
82632 !TAXLIST:1786 Culpeper Co., VA
Whites 21+, 16-21, Slaves, Young Slaves, Horses, cattle
Benjamin Lillard 1-0-4-1-3-0;

!CENSUS:1810 Culpeper Co., VA p. 394
Benjamin Lillard age 45+ (bef 1765)

!CENSUS:1820 Culpeper Co., VA p. 555
Benjamin Lillard (Cpt) age 45+ (bef 1775)
Lillard, Cpt Benjamin (I112705)
82633 !TAXLIST:1786 Duplin Co, NC Mathew EDWARDS, 480a;

!TAXLIST:1787 Duplin Co, NC Mathew EDWARDS, 480a;

!TAXLIST:1788 Duplin Co, NC Mathew EDWARDS, 400a;

!GRANT:11 Jul 1788 Duplin Co, NC B-112, 15a Limestone Branch;

!CENSUS:1790 Duplin Co, NC pg 192 Matthew EDWARDS age 16+ (bef 1774);

!DEED:21 Oct 1794 Duplin Co, NC 3A-81 to John WALLER Jr;

!CENSUS:1800 Duplin Co, NC pg 411 Mathew EDWARDS age 45+ (bef 1755);

!COURT:1801 Duplin Co., NC Matthew Edwards, 76 January past, requests freedom for mulatto servant Peter, age 47, to be named Peter Edwards. Court approved it.;

!DEED: 8 Mar 1805 Duplin Co, NC P-117 to John PADGETT, Limestone, land purchased by EDWARDS 1765;

!DEED: 8 Mar 1809 Duplin Co, NC 4A-21 from Jesse WILLIAMS, on Limestone;

!CENSUS:1810 Duplin Co, NC pg 32 Matthew EDWARDS age 45+ (bef 1765);

!WILL:29 May 1816 Duplin Co, NC 1-154 proven Oct 1817; 
Edwards, Matthew (I83064)
82634 !TAXLIST:1786 Georgetown District, South Carolina
Prince George Parish, Capt. Stephen Godbold's Company
... (Name, Land, Negroes)
Nathan Evins, 500, 1;

!CENSUS:1790 Georgetown Dist., SC Prince George Parish pg 507
Nathan Evans age 16+ (bef 1774)

!CENSUS:1800 Marion Dist., SC pg 436/780
Nathan Evans age 26-44 (1755/74)

!DEED:21 Apr 1806 Marion Co., SC Deed Book C page 236
Nathan Evins of Marion Dist, planter to Abner Legett of same,planter for $185 ... 300a SW s Catfish Cr ...
Betsey (X) Evins relinq dower 8 May 1806;

!DEED: 2 Apr 1808 Marion Co., SC Deed Book D page 161
Thomas Evans of Marion Dist to Nathan Evans for $900 "track of land I now live on" 130a east side of Catfish ...
Witness: Thomas Godbold, Richard Powell, Samuel Cooper.
Media (X) Evans relinq dower rights 2 Apr 1808;

!VOTER LIST:1809 Marion Dist. SC
Nathan Evans;

!CENSUS:1810 x

!PROBATE ROLL # 245 Nathan Evans Marion Co., SC
Will dated -- --- 1810
son Thomas Evans
daus Edey and Zilphey
wife Elizabeth Evans
brother Thomas Evans
sons John Gamewell Evans, William Evans and Nathan Evans
dau Elizabeth Ann Evans
... Inventory 21 Jul 1810

!REFERENCE:From: A History of Marion County, South Carolina From Its Earliest Times to the Present, 1901, by W. W. Sellers, Esq., of the Marion Bar. 1902. pp. 125-135.

- His son, Nathan, was the only one to perpetuate the name. The writer thinks he married twice (the second Nathan). His first wife was a Godbold, by whom he had a son, the late Thomas Evans, and two daughters, Mrs. R. J. Gregg and Mrs. Colonel Levi Legette, there may have been other children of the first marriage. Nathan Evans' second wife was a Miss Rogers (first name not known), a daughter of old Lot Rogers, of upper Marion. By his second wife he had three sons and a daughter. The sons were the late General William Evans, Nathan Evans and Gamewell Evans; the daughter, Elizabeth A., married Alexander Murdock, of Marlborough County. ;

!REFERENCE: A History of Marion County, South Carolina From Its Earliest Times to the Present, 1901, by W. W. Sellers, Esq., of the Marion Bar. 1902. pp. 178-183
Of the Dothan family, one Lot Rogers, from Virginia, came to South Carolina about the close of the Revolutionary War; he married a sister of old Buck Swamp John Bethea, named Nannie, whether before his arrival in South Carolina or after, is not now known; he settled and lived and died just above Dothan Church, on the road leading from Dothan to Little Rock, formerly called Harlleesville ; he raised a large family-think, mostly sons ; of these, only Timothy and William were known to the writer ; others of them went West ; one daughter only known to the writer; she became the wife of Nathan Evans, and the mother of the late General William and Nathan Evans, as hereinbefore mentioned. ; 
Evans, Nathan (I76780)
82635 !TAXLIST:1786 Monongalia Co., VA (now WV) *;

!TAXLIST:1787 Monongalia Co., VA (now WV)
Names of White Tithes 21+, # 16-20, Blacks, Horses, Cattle;
Jonas Sams, 0-0-0-1-0;

!TAXLIST:1788 Monongalia Co., VA (now WV)
Names of White Tithes 21+, # 16-20, Blacks, Horses.
Jonas Sams, 0-0-0-1;

!TAXLIST:1789 Monongalia Co., VA (now WV)
Names of White Tithes 21+, # 16-20, Blacks 12+, Horses
Jonas Sams, 0-0-1

!TAXLIST:1790 Monongalia Co., VA (now WV)
Names of White Tithes 21+, # 16-20, Blacks, Horses
Jonas Sams 0-0-1; 
Sams, Jonas (I85088)
82636 !TAXLIST:1786 Prince George Parish, SC Cpt Odom's Co. James BARNES, 150a, 0 blacks;

!PETITION:1788 Inhabitants of Little Pee Dee - James BARNS;

!CENSUS:1790 Georgetown Dist, SC Prince George Parish pg 53 James BARNS age 16+ (bef 1774) "1-2-1-0-0";


I (Marty Grant) don't know how (or if) I'm related to the James Barnes family. I am very interested in him though.

James Barnes was probably born before 1755. I have no real solid idea on when he was born, but "before 1755" seems to cover it fairly accurately, I think.

James Barnes married Nancy Ann --- prior to ca 1780, presumably in the part of Georgetown District that later became Marion District. I have not seen any direct proof that James was Nancy's husband, but he is the only one who fits.

James Barnes was listed on the 1786 Tax list for Prince George Parish in Captain Odom's company. He was listed with 150 acres.

He was listed on a 1788 Petition as a resident of Little Pee Dee.

James Barnes was listed on the 1790 census in Georgetown District, Prince George Parish, SC. Unfortunately, this census was alphabetical, so we can't determine where he lived exactly, nor who his neighbors were. The only other Barnes in Prince George at that time was Charles Barnes, whom I suspect was James' brother.

!CENSUS:1790 Georgetown Dist, SC Prince George Parish, SC pg 53 James Barns 1-2-1-0-0
1 Male(s) 16 and Up (before 1774) James BARNES (bef 1755)
2 Male(s) under 16 (1774/1790) Elias BARNES
1 Female(s) any age (before 1790) Nancy Ann ___ Barnes (bef 1755)

James Barnes died sometime prior to 1796.

On 1 Dec 1796 Charles Moody Sr sold Ann Barnes 125 acres on Pyhorn Branch for 10 pounds. Witnesses were Sherwood Johnston and Elias Barnes. Elias is a son of Nancy and James. (Marion Co, SC Deed Book B page 30 from Marion County Abstracts of Deeds Volume One Books A-E 1800-1811 abstracted from the Deed Books by Lucille Utley, Edited, Indexed and Published by Alita White Sutcluffe).

Marion District was created in 1798 from Georgetown District.

Nancy Ann Barnes was listed on the 1800 census in Marion District, SC. She was just a few houses from Charles Moody Sr, and Sherrod Johnson, both mentioned in the 1796 deed. She was also just a few houses from my ancestor John Campbell, this puts her in or near the Maiden Down Swamp area.

!CENSUS:1800 Marion District, SC pg 448/792 Ann Barns 00200-00201
2 Male(s) 16-25 (1774-1784) Elias BARNES (1774/84) son
Thomas BARNES (1774/80) son
1 Female(s) 45 & up (before 1755) Ann ___ Barnes (bef 1755), wd/o James
2 Female(s) 16-25 (1774-1784) Christian BARNES (1774/84) daughter
Daughter? (1774/84)

On 19 Aug 1801 Ann Barnes sold the 125 acres purchased from Charles Moody Sr, to Arthur Herring, for $150. Witnesses were her son Thomas Barnes and also Roger Roberts. Arthur Herring and Roger Roberts were listed nearby on the 1800 census. (Marion Co, SC Deed Book B page 28 from Marion County Abstracts of Deeds Volume One Books A-E 1800-1811 abstracted from the Deed Books by Lucille Utley, Edited, Indexed and Published by Alita White Sutcluffe)

I didn't find Nancy Ann Barnes on the 1810 census. I suspect she may have been residing with a son or daughter. I didn't find anyone her age with either of her known sons Elias or Thomas Barnes.

On 17 Mar 1815 Joshua Brown sold Ann Barnes 170 acres on Sister Bay and Reedy Creek Bay, and also another 8 acres. (Marion Co, SC Deed Book F page 250 from Marion County Abstracts of Deeds Volume Two Books F-I & K 1811-1823 abstracted from the Deed Books by Lucille Utley, Edited, Indexed and Published by Alita White Sutcluffe).

Nancy Ann --- Barnes died before 3 Jun 1816 in Marion Dist, SC, for on that date, Christiana Barnes (aka Chrissy Barnes) was granted letters of administration. (Marion Co, SC Administrations Book A page 172)

Nancy Barnes had a Probate Roll as well. Christina Barnes was listed as Aministratrix of the estate. These records show her estate was distributed in three parts, to Elias Barnes, to John Coleman for Tom Barnes and to Crissy Barnes. (Marion County Probate Records Volume I, # 83 by Lucille Utley, Danny Smith, Indexed by Ferrell and Nancy Prosser, 1985).

I don't know why Thomas Barnes part was given to John Coleman, but he may have been out of the county and Coleman was acting on his behalf. 
Barnes, James (I64718)
82637 !TAXLIST:1786 Prince George Parish, SC Cpt Odom's Co. Peter CAMPBELL, 100a, 0 blacks;

!PETITION:1788 Inhabitants of Little Pee Dee - Peter CAMPBELL;

!CENSUS:1790 Georgetown Dist, SC Prince George Parish pg 53 Peter CAMPBELL age 16+ (bef 1774) "1-3-2-0-0";

!CENSUS:1800 Marion Dist, SC pg 784 Peter CAMPBELL age 45+ (bef 1755) "50201-01001";

!DEED:20 Aug 1804 Marion Dist, SC Deeds D-142 John LEE Sr of Marion Dist, to Peter CAMPBELL for $700, 300a bounded by lands surveyed for Ezekel COWARD now the property of William PRICE granted to Nathan COWARD 1 Mar 1787. Also 160a being part of 288a runing from the corner of surveyed for William WILLIAMS to tract surveyed for Nathan COWARD now property of Peter CAMPBELL adj Volentine ROWELL. Also 100a surv for Jacob WILLIAMS southwest side of Little Pee Dee River, another 100a between Peter CAMPBELL and Neal CARMICHAEL. Total 708a. S: John (X) Lee. Wit: William PRICE, Archibald CAMPBELL;

!TAXLIST:1809 Marion Dist, SC Peter CAMPBELL;

!NAMED: 9 Sep 1809 Marion Dist, SC Administrations A-145 Neill CARMICHAEL, decd. Christian CARMICHAEL, Duncan CARMICHAEL, adms. Securities for adm were Dugal CARMICHAEL, and Donald McCOLL for $5500. Letters of appraisement to Peter CAMPBELL, Dugal CARMICHAEL and Preserve FORD;

!NAMED: 14 Sep 1809 Marion Dist, SC Inventory Book I-128 Estate of Neill CARMICHAEL. Certified by Peter CAMPBELL ...;

!CENSUS:1810 Marion Dist, SC pg 83 Peter CAMPBELL age 45+ (bef 1765) "12201-00201";

!TAXLIST:1811 Marion Dist, SC Peter CAMPBELL $3.00;

!TAXLIST:1812 Marion Dist, SC Peter CAMPBELL $3.03;

!WITNESS:30 Mar 1812 Marion Dist, SC Deeds F-45 Malcom CAMPBELL of Cumberland Co, NC to Elias ALLEN for $120, 400a North Side Little Peedee River. Marsh Down, belown Spring Branch, Bellswamp. S: Malcom Campbell. Wit: Bennet ALLEN, Peter CAMPBELL;

!TAXLIST:1814 Marion Dist, SC Peter CAMPBELL $14.95;

!CENSUS:1820 Marion Dist, SC pg 56 Peter CAMPBELL age 45+ (bef 1775) "000301-00001";

!TAXLIST:1824 Marion Dist, SC Peter CAMPBELL $4.43;

!NAMED:29 Oct 1827 Marion Dist, SC Inventory Book 2-113 Peter CAMPBELL Estate. Appraisers: Dugal CARMICHAEL, John MANNING, Archibald CARMICHAEL;

!NOTE:See Marion Probate Records Vol I, # 133 Peter CAMPBELL;

!WILL: (online at Marion Genweb pages).

!REFERENCE:"A History of Marion County, South Carolina" by W.W. Sellers, Esq. 1902. Pg 320 - 327;

!REFERENCE:Pedigree Chart of John C. EDENS, 12200 Idlewood Drive, Lakewood Hills, Laurinburg, NC 28352 (919) 276-5172 published in Pee Dee Queue Vol XVII No. 4, Jul/Aug 1993;


State of South Carolina ) In the name of God Amen I Peter Campbell of the District and State
Marion District ) aforesaid being in perfect health of body and of sound disposing mind
thanks be to God calling to mind the mortality of my body and Knowing that it
is appointed for all men once to die do make and ordain this my last will and
testament that is to say first of all I give and recommend my soul into the
hands of Almighty God who gave it and my body I recommend to the earth to be
buried in decent christian burial at the discretion of my Executors nothing
doubting but at the general resurrection I shall receive the same again by the
mighty power of God and touching such worldly Estate as it has pleased God to
blefs me with I give devise and dispose of the same in the following manner and

First I give to my beloved son Archd Campbell five Shillings Current money to be
paid by my sons James & Hugh Campbell. I also give to Duncan Campbill my beloved
ten dollars to be paid by my sons James & Hugh Campbell I also give to my beloved
daughter Mary McInnis five shillings current money to be paid by James and
Hugh Campbell I also give to my beloved son Alexr Campbell five shillings current
money to be pd by my sons James and Hugh I also give to my beloved son David
Campbell five shillings current money to be paid by James & Hugh Campbell I also
give to my beloved wife my present flock of Sheep. during her natural life & and
after her death to be equally divided between my sons James and Hugh Campbell
I give to my son Hugh my still and to my son James my blacksmith tools I also
give to my beloved sons James and Hugh all my stock of cattle hogs horses Goats
with all my household and Kitchen furniture and plantation tools to be equally
divided between them forever and out of said property that I have given to James
and Hugh Campbell I request and desire that my wife should be decently maintained

I also appoint and ordain my trusty friends William Bethea Senr & Daniel Platt
Executors of this my last will and testament

In Witnefs whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this 31st day of
July 1826 Signed Sealed published pronounced and declared by the said
Peter Campbell Senr as his last Will and testament in the presence of us who
in his presence and at his request have hereunto subscribed our names

Wm Bethea Peter Campbell (SEAL)
Daniel Platt
John G Bethea

Recorded in Will Book 1, Page 205
Original Will Missing
Recorded June 15 1829
Edwd B Wheeler Ordy
Roll No. 132
Transcribed by Betty Jo Stewart , 21 May 2001 from "South Carolina Will Transcripts, 1782-1868, (WPA 1934-1936)" South Carolina Archives Microfilm No. M/9-17: Wills of Marion County, Vol. 1 (1796-1855).

!PROBATE:Marion Co, SC Probates Vol I # 132 page 112; 
Campbell, Peter (I18220)
82638 !TAXLIST:1786 x
* Not listed in Rockingham;

!TAXLIST:1787 Rockingham Co., VA
Names of 21+ Whites 16-21 Slaves 16+ Slaves -16 Horses Cattle
John Cathey 0 5 12 9 22
John Cathey Junr 0 0 1 6 0

!TAXLIST:1788 Rockingham Co., VA
Names of 21+ Whites 16-21 Slaves 16+ Slaves -16 Horses
George Huston’s Co.
John Catharea 1 7
John Catharea Senr 5 4 9

!CENSUS:1820 Rockingham Co., VA p. 127/242
John Carthrae age 45+ (bef 1775)
!CENSUS:1820 Rockingham Co., VA p. 177/343
John Carthrae age 45+ (bef 1775)

!CENSUS:1830 Rockingham Co., VA p. 205
John Carthrae age 50-59 (1770/80)

!CENSUS:1840 Rockingham Co., VA p. 72
John Carthrae age 60-69 (1770/80)

!CENSUS:1850 x 
Carthrae, John (I117347)
82639 !TAXLIST:1787 Bedford Co., VA
* I didn't find him listed.

!TAXLIST:1788 Bedford Co., VA
* I didn't find him listed.

!TAXLIST:1789 Bedford Co., VA
* I didn't find him listed.

!CENSUS:1790 x
* Lost for Virginia;

!TAXLIST:1790 Bedford Co., VA
* I didn't find him listed.

!TAXLIST:1791 Bedford Co., VA
* I didn't find him listed.

!TAXLIST:1792 Bedford Co., VA
List B - Thos Logwood's
Whites Tithes, Blacks 16+, Blacks 12-16, Horses
Mar 17, James Hensley & John 2-0-0-6
Mar 17, Samuel Hensley 1-0-0-1;

!MARRIAGE BOND:24 Dec 1792 Bedford Co, VA Marriage Bonds. John HENSLEY & Mary WADE. Samuel HENSLEY, Surety. Consent of David and Frances WADE. Married by Jeremiah HATCHER, Jan. 1, 1793;

!TAXLIST:1793 Bedford Co., VA
List B - Thos Logwood's
Tithes, Blacks 12+, Horses
Apr 22, John Hensley 1-0-1
Jul 4, Lelan Hensley 0-0-3
Jul 4, James Hensley 1-0-2
Jul 4, Benjamin Hensley 1-0-1
Jul 4, Samuel Hensley 1-0-10;

!TAXLIST:1794 Bedford Co., VA
List B - Thos Logwood's
Tithes, Blacks 12+, Horses
James Hinsley 1-0-1
John Hensley 1-0-3
Benjamin Hensley 1-0-1
Lilian Hensley 0-0-3
James Hensley 1-0-1
Samuel Hensley 1-0-2;

!TAXLIST:1795 Bedford Co., VA
* I didn't find him listed.

!TAXLIST:1796 Bedford Co., VA
* I didn't find him listed.

!TAXLIST:1797 Bedford Co., VA
List B - The Northern District, John Leftwich's
Tithes, Blacks 12+, Total Blacks, Horses
Samuel Hensley 1-0-0-3
James Hensley 1-0-0-1
John Hensley 1-0-0-1
William Hensley 1-0-0-1;

!TAXLIST:1798 Bedford Co., VA
List B - The Northern District, John Leftwich's
White Tithes, Blacks Tithes, Blacks 12+, Horses
James Hensley 1-0-0-1
Lelean Hensley 0-0-0-2
John Hensley 1-0-0-2
Samuel Hensley 1-0-0-1;

!TAXLIST:1799 Bedford Co., VA
List B - The Northern District, John Leftwich's
White Tithes, Blacks Tithes, Blacks 12+, Horses
James Hensley 1-0-0-1
Samuel Hensley 1-0-1-1
John Hensley 1-0-02
William Hensley 1-0-0-0
Lelean Hensley 0-0-0-2;

!CENSUS:1800 x
* Lost for Virginia;

!TAXLIST:1800 Bedford Co., VA
List B - The Northern District, John Leftwich's
White Tithes, Blacks Tithes, Blacks 12+, Horses
Benjamin Hensley 1-0-0-3
William Hensley 1-0-0-1
James Hensley 1-0-1-1
Samuel Hensley 1-0-0-1
John Hensley 1-0-0-1;

!TAXLIST:1801 Bedford Co., VA
List B - The Northern District, John Leftwich's
White Tithes, Blacks Tithes, Blacks 12+, Horses
James Hensley 1-1-2-1
Samuel Hensley 1-0-0-2
Benjamin Hensley 1-0-0-2
John Hensley 1-0-0-1
Lilean Hensley 0-0-0-2;

!TAXLIST:1802 Bedford Co., VA
List B - The Northern District, John Leftwich's
White Tithes, Blacks Tithes, Blacks 12+, Horses
Benjn Hensley 1-0-0-2
Samuel Hensley 1-0-0-2
James Hensley 1-1-1-1
William Hensley 1-0-0-1
John Hensley 1-0-0-0;

!TAXLIST:1803 Bedford Co., VA
List B - The Northern District, William Quantes'
White Tithes 16+, Blacks 12+, Blacks 16+, Horses
Mar 28, Benjamin Hensley 1-0-0-1
May 2, Samuel Hensley 1-0-0-1
Aug 18, James Hensley 1-2-2-2
Aug 18, William Hensley 1-0-0-1
Aug 25, John Hensley 1-0-0-0;

!TAXLIST:1804 Bedford Co., VA
List B - The Northern District, William Quantes'
White Tithes 16+, Blacks 12+, Blacks 16+, Horses
May 1, Benjamin Hensley 1-0-0-1
May 1, John Hensley 1-0-0-0
Jun 9, James Hensley 1-1-1-1
Jul 30, William Hensley 1-0-0-1;

!TAXLIST:1805 Bedford Co., VA
List B - The Northern District, William Quantes'
White Tithes 16+, Blacks 12+, Blacks 16+, Horses
Mar 11, James Hensley 1-1-1-2
Mar 13, Benjamin Hensley 1-0-0-0
Apr 22, John Hensley 1-0-0-0
May 11, William Hensley 1-0-0-1; 
Hensley, John (I98216)
82640 !TAXLIST:1787 Bedford Co., VA
* I didn't find him listed.

!TAXLIST:1788 Bedford Co., VA
* I didn't find him listed.

!TAXLIST:1789 Bedford Co., VA
* I didn't find him listed.

!CENSUS:1790 x
* Lost for Virginia;

!TAXLIST:1790 Bedford Co., VA
* I didn't find him listed.

!TAXLIST:1791 Bedford Co., VA
* I didn't find him listed.

!TAXLIST:1792 Bedford Co., VA
* I didn't find him listed.

!TAXLIST:1793 Bedford Co., VA
* I didn't find him listed.

!TAXLIST:1794 Bedford Co., VA
* I didn't find him listed.

!TAXLIST:1795 Bedford Co., VA
List A - The Northern District
Whites Tithes, Blacks Tithes, Blacks 12+, Horses
James Hensley 1-0-0-4
William Hensley 1-0-0-0;

!TAXLIST:1796 Bedford Co., VA
List B - The Northern District, John Leftwich's
Tithes, Blacks 12+, Total Blacks, Horses
James Hensley 1-0-0-1
Saml Hensley 1-0-0-1
William Hensley 1-0-0-1
Lilean Hensley 0-0-0-2;

!TAXLIST:1797 Bedford Co., VA
List B - The Northern District, John Leftwich's
Tithes, Blacks 12+, Total Blacks, Horses
Samuel Hensley 1-0-0-3
James Hensley 1-0-0-1
John Hensley 1-0-0-1
William Hensley 1-0-0-1;

!TAXLIST:1798 Bedford Co., VA
* I didn't find him listed.

!TAXLIST:1799 Bedford Co., VA
List B - The Northern District, John Leftwich's
White Tithes, Blacks Tithes, Blacks 12+, Horses
James Hensley 1-0-0-1
Samuel Hensley 1-0-1-1
John Hensley 1-0-02
William Hensley 1-0-0-0
Lelean Hensley 0-0-0-2;

!CENSUS:1800 x
* Lost for Virginia;

!MARRIAGE BOND:17 Jul 1800 Bedford Co, VA Marriage Bonds. William HENSLEY & Sally EUBANK, dt Ambrose. John KING, Surety; Married by Jeremiah HATCHER, July 21, 1802;

!TAXLIST:1800 Bedford Co., VA
List B - The Northern District, John Leftwich's
White Tithes, Blacks Tithes, Blacks 12+, Horses
Benjamin Hensley 1-0-0-3
William Hensley 1-0-0-1
James Hensley 1-0-1-1
Samuel Hensley 1-0-0-1
John Hensley 1-0-0-1;

!TAXLIST:1801 Bedford Co., VA
List B - The Northern District, John Leftwich's
White Tithes, Blacks Tithes, Blacks 12+, Horses
James Hensley 1-1-2-1
Samuel Hensley 1-0-0-2
Benjamin Hensley 1-0-0-2
John Hensley 1-0-0-1
Lilean Hensley 0-0-0-2;

!TAXLIST:1801 Bedford Co., VA
* I didn't find him listed.

!TAXLIST:1802 Bedford Co., VA
List B - The Northern District, John Leftwich's
White Tithes, Blacks Tithes, Blacks 12+, Horses
Benjn Hensley 1-0-0-2
Samuel Hensley 1-0-0-2
James Hensley 1-1-1-1
William Hensley 1-0-0-1
John Hensley 1-0-0-0;

!TAXLIST:1803 Bedford Co., VA
List B - The Northern District, William Quarles'
White Tithes 16+, Blacks 12+, Blacks 16+, Horses
Mar 28, Benjamin Hensley 1-0-0-1
May 2, Samuel Hensley 1-0-0-1
Aug 18, James Hensley 1-2-2-2
Aug 18, William Hensley 1-0-0-1
Aug 25, John Hensley 1-0-0-0;

!TAXLIST:1804 Bedford Co., VA
List B - The Northern District, William Quarles'
White Tithes 16+, Blacks 12+, Blacks 16+, Horses
May 1, Benjamin Hensley 1-0-0-1
May 1, John Hensley 1-0-0-0
Jun 9, James Hensley 1-1-1-1
Jul 30, William Hensley 1-0-0-1;

!TAXLIST:1805 Bedford Co., VA
List B - The Northern District, William Quarles'
White Tithes 16+, Blacks 12+, Blacks 16+, Horses
Mar 11, James Hensley 1-1-1-2
Mar 13, Benjamin Hensley 1-0-0-0
Apr 22, John Hensley 1-0-0-0
May 11, William Hensley 1-0-0-1;

!TAXLIST:1806 Bedford Co., VA
List B - The Northern District, William Quarles'
White Tithes 16+, Blacks 12+, Blacks 16+, Horses
Mar 24, Benjamin Hensley 1-0-0-0
May 6, William Hensley 1-0-0-1
Jun 11, James Hensley 1-1-1-2;

!TAXLIST:1807 Bedford Co., VA
List B - The Northern District, William Quarles'
White Tithes 16+, Blacks 12+, Blacks 16+, Horses
Benjamin Hensley 1-0-0-0
James Husley (sic) 1-1-1-1
William Hensley 1-0-0-1;

!TAXLIST:1809 Bedford Co., VA
List B - James Wharton's
Free Tithes, Blacks 12+, Blacks 16+, Horses
James Hensley 1-1-1-2
William Hensley 1-0-0-2;

!CENSUS:1810 Bedford Co, VA pg 467 William Hensley age 26-44 (1765/84)

!TAXLIST:1810 Bedford Co., VA
List B - James Wharton's
White Tithes, Blacks 12+, Blacks 16+, Horses
May 7, James Hensley 1-1-0-2
May 10, Benjamin Hensley 1-0-0-1
May 17, William Hensley 1-0-0-0
May 17, Lilley Hensley 0-0-0-2;

!TAXLIST:1811 Bedford Co., VA
List B - John Wharton's
White Tithes, Blacks 16+, Blacks 12-16, Horses
Apr 22, Benjamin Hensley 1-1-0-1
Apr 29, James Hensley 1-1-1-3
May 11, William Hensley 1-0-0-0;

!TAXLIST:1812 Bedford Co., VA
List B - John J. Jennings, Northern District
White Tithes, Blacks 16+, Blacks 12-16, Horses
William Hensley 1-0-0-1
James Hensley 1-2-1-3
Ben Hensley 1-0-0-1;

!TAXLIST:1813 Bedford Co., VA
List B - John Wharton's
White Tithes, Blacks 16+, Blacks 12-16, Horses
Mar 2, James Hensley 1-2-0-3
Mar 2, William Hensley 1-0-0-2
Mar 20, Benjamin Hensley 1-0-0-1;

!TAXLIST:1814 Bedford Co., VA
List B - John Wharton's
White Tithes, Blacks 16+, Blacks 12-16, Horses
James Hensley 1-3-0-2
William Hensley 1-0-0-2;

!TAXLIST:1815 Bedford Co., VA
List B - John Wharton's
White Tithes, Blacks 9-12, Blacks 12+, Horses
William Hensley 1-0-0-2
James Hensley 1-0-2-2;

!CENSUS:1820 x

!CENSUS:1830 Bedford Co, VA pg 154 William HENSLEY age 50-59 (1770/80)

!CENSUS:1840 Bedford Co, VA pg 281 William HENSLEY age 60-69 (1770/80)

!CENSUS:1850 Bedford Co, VA PHF 168-426-406 Northern Division
Wm Hensley 75 M Farmer Va
Sarah 60 F Va
Frances 20 F Va 
Hensley, William (I98184)
82641 !TAXLIST:1787 Orange Co, NC Caswell District, John STROUD;
WITNESS: 5 Sep 1787 Orange Co, NC 4-294 Henry MORRIS of Orange to James WILLIS
of same, 200a Collings Creek. Wit: William STROUD, John STROUD;
REFERENCE:"The Strouds A Colonial Family of English Descent" by A.B. STROUD,
Stroud, John (I12993)
82642 !TAXLIST:1787 Shenandoah Co., VA
White Tithes over 21 (named)-Whites 16-21-Slaves 16+-Slaves -16-Horses-Cattle
William Cathey Jr & Jno Collins 1-5-4-10-12
William Cathey Sr 0-4-0-5-22
Mary Holdman & John Hoiman 0-2-2-7-32;

!MARRIAGE BOND: 3 Aug 1787 Shenandoah Co., VA
John Hamen & Mary Holeman
Peter Lang, bm; 
Hamen, John (I117267)
82643 !TAXLIST:1788 Culpeper Co., VA
* I didn't find any Hensleys in Culpeper;

!TAXLIST:1789 Culpeper Co., VA
List A - no Hensleys
List B - no Hensleys
List C - Aaron Lane's. White Tithes, Blacks 16+/12-16, Horses
May 21, Enoch Henslee Junr 1-0-0-1
May 22, Enoch Henslee Senr 1-0-0-2
May 22, William Hensley 1-0-0-1 ;

!CENSUS:1790 x
* Lost for Virginia;

!TAXLIST:1794 Culpeper Co., VA *
List A - Daniel Brown's. Whites 16+, Blacks 16+/12-16, Horses
Apr 17, Enoch Hensley 1-0-0-1
List B - Aaron Lane's. White Tithes, Blacks 16+/12-16, Horses
Jun 25, Enoch Henslee 1-0-0-2
Jun 25, William Henslee 1-0-0-0
* I don't know which was Enoch Sr and which was Jr.;

!TAXLIST:1795 Culpeper Co., VA *
List A - Daniel Brown's. Whites 16+, Blacks 16+/12-16, Horses
No Hensleys listed.
List B - Aaron Lane's. White Tithes, Blacks 16+/12-16, Horses
Mar 16, William Henslee 1-0-0-1
Mar 16, Enoch Henslee 1-0-0-1
* I don't know whether this was Enoch Sr or Jr.;

!TAXLIST:1796 Fauquier Co., VA
List B Edward Humston's
White Tithes, Blacks 16+, Blacks 12-16, Horses
Apr 7, Samuel Hensley 1-0-0-1
Apr 7, William Hensley 1-0-0-1;

!TAXLIST:1797 Fauquier Co., VA
List B Joseph Withers'
White Tithes, Blacks 16+, Blacks 12-16, Horses
Jul 25, William Hensley 1-1-0-2
Aug 7, Saml Hensley 1-0-0-2;

!TAXLIST:1798 Fauquier Co., VA
List B Joseph Withers'
White Tithes, Blacks 16+, Blacks 12-16, Horses
Apr 12, Wm Hensley 1-3-0-5;

!TAXLIST:1799 Fauquier Co., VA
List B Thornton Buckner's
White Tithes, Blacks 16+, Blacks 12-16, Horses
William Hensley 1-0-0-0
Enoch Hensley 1-0-0-0;

!CENSUS:1800 x
* Lost for Virginia;

!TAXLIST:1800 Culpeper Co., VA *
List A - Daniel Brown's. Whites 16+, Blacks 16+/12-16, Horses
No Hensleys.
List B - Aaron Lane's. Whites Tithes, Blacks 16+/12-16, Horses
Enoch Hensley 1-0-0-1
William Hensley 1-0-0-0;

!TAXLIST:1801 Culpeper Co., VA *
* I didn't find William listed.;

!TAXLIST:1802 Culpeper Co., VA
List A - Daniel Brown's. Whites 16+, Blacks 16+/12-16, Horses
No Hensleys.
List B - William Burt's. Whites Tithes, Blacks 16+/12-16, Horses
Enoch Hensley 1-0-0-1
William Hensley 1-0-0-0;

* Not in Culpeper; 
Hensley, William (I89127)
82644 !TAXLIST:1788 Washington Co., VA (White Levies; B12+; B16+; Horses)
16 Apr 1788 William Pemberton 1-0-0-3
23 Jun 1788 George Pemberton 1-0-3-8
23 Jun 1788 Thomas Pemberton 1-0-0-3
20 Jan 1789 James Pemberton 1-0-0-4

!TAXLIST:1789 Washington Co., VA (White Levies; B12+; Horses)
-David Carson’s District
9 Jun 1789 George Pemberton 1-4-10
4 Sep 1789 Thomas Pemberton 1-0-3
27 Jan 1790 Richard Pemberton 1-0-3

!TAXLIST:1790 Washington Co., VA Personal Property (White Levies; B12+; Horses)
No Pembertons


!TAXLIST:1792 Clark Co., KY (thanks to Sandy Mendez for sharing this)
George Pemberton
John Pemberton
Thomas Pemberton

!CENSUS:1800 X Lost for KY;

!TAXLIST:1800 Green Co, KY Thomas PEMBERTON, (George and William also listed);

!CENSUS:1810 Adair Co, KY pg 11 Thom. PEMBERTON age 45+ (bef 1765) "30101-42010";

!CENSUS:1820 Adair Co, KY pg 3 Thomas PEMBERTON age 45+ (bef 1775) "210001-21010";

!CENSUS:1830 Adair Co, KY pg 34 Thomas PEMBERTON age 60-69 (1760/70)
Pemberton, Thomas (I10767)
82645 !TAXLIST:1788 Washington Co., VA John Lathin's District Roland Childs 0 blacks, 0 horses;
!TAXLIST:1789 Washington Co., VA Walter Preston's District Henry Chiles 1 black, 0 horses;
!TAXLIST:1790 Washington Co., VA Walter Preston's District Henry Chiles 1 black, 1 horse;
!TAXLIST:1791 Washington Co., VA Walter Preston's District Henry Chiles 1 black, 1 horse;
!TAXLIST:1792 Washington Co., VA Walter Preston's District Henry Chiles 1 black, 1 horse;
!TAXLIST:1793 Washington Co., VA Walter Preston's District Henry Chiles 0 blacks, 2 horses;
!TAXLIST:1794 Washington Co., VA Walter Preston's District Henry Chiles 0 blacks, 2 horses; 
Chiles, Henry (I94887)
82646 !TAXLIST:1788 Washington Co., VA John Lathin's District Roland Childs 2 blacks, 7 horses;
!TAXLIST:1789 Washington Co., VA Rowland Chiles - 230a;
!TAXLIST:1789 Washington Co., VA Walter Preston's District Rowland Chiles 2 blacks, 1 horse;
!TAXLIST:1790 Washington Co., VA Rowland Chiles - 230a;
!TAXLIST:1790 Washington Co., VA Walter Preston's District Rowland Chiles 1 blacks, 4 horse;
!TAXLIST:1791 Washington Co., VA Rowland Chiles - 230a;
!TAXLIST:1791 Washington Co., VA Walter Preston's District Rowland Chiles 1 black, 6 horses;
!TAXLIST:1792 Washington Co., VA Rowland Chiles - 230a;
!TAXLIST:1792 Washington Co., VA Walter Preston's District Rowland Chiles 1 black, 4 horses;
!TAXLIST:1793 Washington Co., VA Rowland Chiles - 230a;
!TAXLIST:1793 Washington Co., VA Walter Preston's District Rowland Chiles 1 black, 4 horses;
!TAXLIST:1794 Washington Co., VA Rowland Chiles - 230a;
!TAXLIST:1794 Washington Co., VA Walter Preston's District Rowland Chiles 0 blacks, 2 horses; 
Chiles, Rowland (I94888)
82647 !TAXLIST:1788 Washington Co., VA Patterson Childors, 1 white levy, 0 blacks, 0 horses; Childers, Patterson (I92466)
82648 !TAXLIST:1788 Washington Co., VA Personal Property Tax List (none listed on land list)
7 Jun 1788 Nathaniel Cornat 0-0-1
7 Jun 1788 Samuel Cornet 0-0-1
20 Oct 1788 William Cornet 0-0-0
20 Oct 1788 Rodger Cornet 0-0-0
20 Oct 1788 The Old Man Cornet 0-0-1;

!TAXLIST:1808 Clay Co., KY
Robert Cornett
Roger Cornett
William Cornett
Nathaniel Cornett;

!CENSUS:1810 Clay Co., KY p. 675
Roger Cornett age 26-44 (1765/84)

!TAXLIST:1813 Clay Co., KY
Archibald Cornett
Nathl Cornet
William Cornett Sr
William Cornett Jr
Saml Cornett
Roger Cornet;

!TAXLIST:1814 Clay Co., KY
Saml Cornet
Nathl Cornet
William Cornet
William Cornet Jr
Archibald Cornet
Roger Cornet
Robt Cornet;

!TAXLIST:1815 Clay Co., KY
William Cornet
Nathen Cornet
William Cornet Jr
Archibald Cornet
Samuel Cornet
Roger Cornet
Robert Cornet;

!TAXLIST:1816 Clay Co., KY
Robert Cornet
Roger Cornet
Archabald Cornet
William Cornet Jr
William Cornet Sr
Jesse Cornet
John Cornet
Samuel Cornet
Nathaniel Cornet;

!TAXLIST:1817 Clay Co., KY
Roger Cornet
Robert Cornet
Samuel Cornet
William Cornet Sen
Nathaniel Cornet
William Cornet Jr
John Cornet
Archibald Cornet
Jesse Cornet;

!TAXLIST:1818 Clay Co., KY
Robert Cornett
Rodger Cornett
Archibald Cornet
Samuel Cornet
William Cornet Sr
William Cornet Jr
John Cornet
Nathaniel Cornet
Joshua Cornet
William Cornet? Might say something else.;

!TAXLIST:1819 Clay Co., KY
Nathl Cornet
Archabld Cornet
Jesse Cornet
William Cornet
Saml Cornet
William Cornet
Roger Cornet
Robert Cornet;

!TAXLIST:1820 Clay Co., KY
William Cornet Sr
William Cornet Jr
Robert Cornet
Roger Cornet
Nathaniel Cornet
Jesse Cornet
Archibald Cornet
Samuel Cornet;

!CENSUS:1820 Clay Co., KY p. 125
Roger Cornet age 45+ (bef 1775)
312301-00101-0-2 slaves;

!TAXLIST:1821 Clay Co., KY x
* Pages badly damaged. Couldn't find any Cornet listings;

!TAXLIST:1822 Clay Co., KY
Roger Cornet
William Cornet
Robt Cornet
Isaac Cornet?

!TAXLIST:1823 Clay Co., KY
Robt Cornet
William Cornet
Isaac Cornet
Roger Cornet
Samuel Cornet;

!TAXLIST:1824 Clay Co., KY
Robert Cornet
William Cornet
Isaac Cornet
Samuel Cornet
Roger Cornet;

!TAXLIST:1825 Clay Co., KY
Samuel Cornet
Isaac Cornet
William Cornet
Roger Cornet
Henry Cornet;

!TAXLIST:1826 Clay Co., KY
Roger Cornet
Robbin Cornet
Samuel Cornet
William Cornet
Isaac Cornet
Henry Cornet;

!TAXLIST:1828 Clay Co., KY
William Cornett
Robert Cornett
Henry Cornet
William Cornet Jr
Roger Cornett
Isaac Cornett
Saml Cornett;

!TAXLIST:1829 Clay Co., KY
Samuel Cornet
Robert Cornet
Henry Cornet
Isaac Cornet
William Cornet
Roger Cornet;

!TAXLIST:1830 Clay Co., KY
William Cornet
Henry Cornet
Samuel Cornet
Robert Cornet
Roger Cornet;

!CENSUS:1830 Clay Co., KY p. 167
Roger Cornet age 60-69 (1760/70)
Cornett, Roger (I54580)
82649 !TAXLIST:1788 Washington Co., VA Personal Property Tax List (none listed on land list)
7 Jun 1788 Nathaniel Cornat 0-0-1
7 Jun 1788 Samuel Cornet 0-0-1
20 Oct 1788 William Cornet 0-0-0
20 Oct 1788 Rodger Cornet 0-0-0
20 Oct 1788 The Old Man Cornet 0-0-1;

!CENSUS:1810 Clay Co., KY p. 670
Saml Cornett age 26-44 (1765/84)

!TAXLIST:1811 Clay Co., KY
Archibald Cornitt (sic)
Nathaniel Cornitt (sic)
Samuel Cornett
William Cornett
Robert Cornett;

!TAXLIST:1812 Clay Co., KY
Archibald Cornet
William Cornet
William Cornet
Nathl Cornet
Saml Cornet;

!TAXLIST:1813 Clay Co., KY
Archibald Cornett
Nathl Cornet
William Cornett Sr
William Cornett Jr
Saml Cornett
Roger Cornet;

!TAXLIST:1814 Clay Co., KY
Saml Cornet
Nathl Cornet
William Cornet
William Cornet Jr
Archibald Cornet
Roger Cornet
Robt Cornet;

!TAXLIST:1815 Clay Co., KY
William Cornet
Nathen Cornet
William Cornet Jr
Archibald Cornet
Samuel Cornet
Roger Cornet
Robert Cornet;

!TAXLIST:1816 Clay Co., KY
Robert Cornet
Roger Cornet
Archabald Cornet
William Cornet Jr
William Cornet Sr
Jesse Cornet
John Cornet
Samuel Cornet
Nathaniel Cornet;

!TAXLIST:1817 Clay Co., KY
Roger Cornet
Robert Cornet
Samuel Cornet
William Cornet Sen
Nathaniel Cornet
William Cornet Jr
John Cornet
Archibald Cornet
Jesse Cornet;

!TAXLIST:1818 Clay Co., KY
Robert Cornett
Rodger Cornett
Archibald Cornet
Samuel Cornet
William Cornet Sr
William Cornet Jr
John Cornet
Nathaniel Cornet
Joshua Cornet
William Cornet? Might say something else.;

!TAXLIST:1819 Clay Co., KY
Nathl Cornet
Archabld Cornet
Jesse Cornet
William Cornet
Saml Cornet
William Cornet
Roger Cornet
Robert Cornet;

!TAXLIST:1820 Clay Co., KY
William Cornet Sr
William Cornet Jr
Robert Cornet
Roger Cornet
Nathaniel Cornet
Jesse Cornet
Archibald Cornet
Samuel Cornet;

!CENSUS:1820 Clay Co., KY p. 122
Samuel Cornet age 45+ bef 1775)
320101-22301-3 slaves;

!TAXLIST:1821 Clay Co., KY x
* Pages badly damaged. Couldn't find any Cornet listings;

!TAXLIST:1823 Clay Co., KY
Robt Cornet
William Cornet
Isaac Cornet
Roger Cornet
Samuel Cornet;

!TAXLIST:1824 Clay Co., KY
Robert Cornet
William Cornet
Isaac Cornet
Samuel Cornet
Roger Cornet;

!TAXLIST:1825 Clay Co., KY
Samuel Cornet
Isaac Cornet
William Cornet
Roger Cornet
Henry Cornet;

!TAXLIST:1826 Clay Co., KY
Roger Cornet
Robbin Cornet
Samuel Cornet
William Cornet
Isaac Cornet
Henry Cornet;

!TAXLIST:1828 Clay Co., KY
William Cornett
Robert Cornett
Henry Cornet
William Cornet Jr
Roger Cornett
Isaac Cornett
Saml Cornett;

!TAXLIST:1829 Clay Co., KY
Samuel Cornet
Robert Cornet
Henry Cornet
Isaac Cornet
William Cornet
Roger Cornet;

!TAXLIST:1830 Clay Co., KY
William Cornet
Henry Cornet
Samuel Cornet
Robert Cornet
Roger Cornet;

!CENSUS:1830 x
* There is a Samuel in Clay Co., KY but he is 20-29 (1800/10) so not the same man from 1820 census.
* Only one Samuel is on 1830 tax list, so I would assume the older Samuel had died before then. 
Cornett, Samuel (I54579)
82650 !TAXLIST:1788 Washington Co., VA Personal Property Tax List (none listed on land list)
7 Jun 1788 Nathaniel Cornat 0-0-1
7 Jun 1788 Samuel Cornet 0-0-1
20 Oct 1788 William Cornet 0-0-0
20 Oct 1788 Rodger Cornet 0-0-0
20 Oct 1788 The Old Man Cornet 0-0-1;

!CENSUS:1790 x
* Lost for VA and KY;

!CENSUS:1800 x
* Lost for VA and KY;

!TAXLIST:1807 Clay Co., KY
Nathaniel Cornet
William Cornet
Robt Cornett;

!TAXLIST:1808 Clay Co., KY
Robert Cornett
Roger Cornett
William Cornett
Nathaniel Cornett;

!TAXLIST:1809 Clay Co., KY
Robert Cornet
Wm Cornet
Nathaniel Cornet;

!CENSUS:1810 Clay Co., KY p. 670
Nathaniel Cornett age 45+ (bef 1765)

!TAXLIST:1811 Clay Co., KY
Archibald Cornitt (sic)
Nathaniel Cornitt (sic)
Samuel Cornett
William Cornett
Robert Cornett;

!TAXLIST:1812 Clay Co., KY
Archibald Cornet
William Cornet
William Cornet
Nathl Cornet
Saml Cornet;

!TAXLIST:1813 Clay Co., KY
Archibald Cornett
Nathl Cornet
William Cornett Sr
William Cornett Jr
Saml Cornett
Roger Cornet;

!TAXLIST:1814 Clay Co., KY
Saml Cornet
Nathl Cornet
William Cornet
William Cornet Jr
Archibald Cornet
Roger Cornet
Robt Cornet;

!TAXLIST:1815 Clay Co., KY
William Cornet
Nathen Cornet
William Cornet Jr
Archibald Cornet
Samuel Cornet
Roger Cornet
Robert Cornet;

!TAXLIST:1816 Clay Co., KY
Robert Cornet
Roger Cornet
Archabald Cornet
William Cornet Jr
William Cornet Sr
Jesse Cornet
John Cornet
Samuel Cornet
Nathaniel Cornet;

!TAXLIST:1817 Clay Co., KY
Roger Cornet
Robert Cornet
Samuel Cornet
William Cornet Sen
Nathaniel Cornet
William Cornet Jr
John Cornet
Archibald Cornet
Jesse Cornet;

!TAXLIST:1818 Clay Co., KY
Robert Cornett
Rodger Cornett
Archibald Cornet
Samuel Cornet
William Cornet Sr
William Cornet Jr
John Cornet
Nathaniel Cornet
Joshua Cornet
William Cornet? Might say something else.;

!TAXLIST:1819 Clay Co., KY
Nathl Cornet
Archabld Cornet
Jesse Cornet
William Cornet
Saml Cornet
William Cornet
Roger Cornet
Robert Cornet;

!TAXLIST:1820 Clay Co., KY
William Cornet Sr
William Cornet Jr
Robert Cornet
Roger Cornet
Nathaniel Cornet
Jesse Cornet
Archibald Cornet
Samuel Cornet;

!CENSUS:1820 Clay Co., KY p. 113
Nathl Cornet age 45+ (bef 1775)

!TAXLIST:1821 Clay Co., KY x
* Pages badly damaged. Couldn't find any Cornet listings;

!TAXLIST:1822 Clay Co., KY x
* I didn't find Nathaniel listed; 
Cornett, Nathaniel (I54577)

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