Marty and Karla Grant (TNG)



Matches 82,851 to 82,900 of 83,474

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 #   Notes   Linked to 
82851 !WILL:17 Dec 1739 Salem Co., NJ, Joseph Thompson, Alloways Creek
Wife Sarah
Wit: Benj. Holme, Martin Garrel, William Thompson.
Proven 25 Apr 1740 
Thompson, Joseph (I121438)
82852 !WILL:17 Jul 1760 Halifax Co, VA Joseph ROYALL. Executor: Nathaniel TERRY and
William WRIGHT; 
Royall, Joseph (I15624)
82853 !WILL:17 Jul 1773 Surry Co, NC WB 1-68 Will of Charles Angel.
Land on Dan River
Wife Sibbella
son Lawrence
son Charles
dau Rebecca
sons John, Josias, James
daus Mary Ozborn; Jamima Hansley; Elizabeth Cooke; Nancy Pierce; Frances Hansley; Sibelar Hutchins;
and Barbara Hansley;
Wife Sibbela and son Charles executors. Wit: Matt Warnock, william Carmichall, James Carmichall; 
Angel, Charles (I37363)
82854 !WILL:17 Nov 1778 Rowan Co., NC, see email from Larry Thomas 1997-08-12 to Graham-L List; Graham, Richard (I92751)
82855 !WILL:1710 Middlesex Co. Will Book B, 1713-1734, p. 42. Son-in-law Henry Burke when comes of age. Wife Ann Jordan. (no other children named); Jordan, James (I40782)
82856 !WILL:1772 New Hanover Co, NC; Watson, Jonathan (I88393)
82857 !WILL:1774 New Hanover Co, NC; Watson, Joseph (I88396)
82858 !WILL:18 Jul 1778 Northampton Co., NC Wills 1-214 John Floyd, proven Sep 1779. Daughter Mary Matthews daughter of Ann Matthews. Brother Jesse Floyd. Daughter Mary Matthews under 18. Wit: Thomas Sisson, Henry Vinson, William Pully. Floyd, John (I99475)
82859 !WILL:19 Feb 1804 Greene Co, TN Will of Youst GEORGE. Wife Catherine, Sons John, William, 7 children: Margaret (wife of John CRUM), Elizabeth (wife of Emanuel PARMAN), Catherine (wife of Jacob FELLOW), Julianne GEORGE, Salome GEORGE, Eva GEORGE, Michael GEORGE. Exec Balzar FLOAGE, Martin LINTZ. Witness: Ches SMITH, Michl GERDNER, John CRUM; George, Youst (I96410)
82860 !WILL:19 Nov 1802 Guilford Co., NC David Kerr
Wife Catherine Kerr
son William Kerr
son-in-law Ralph Gorrell
son-in-law John Tom
son-in-law David Wiley
son-in-law Thomas Brown
son-in-law William Wiley
son-in-law George Donnell
Executores: Wife Catherine Kerr, Ralph Gorrell and John Tom
S: David Kerr
W: George Donnell, Thomas Wiley, John Thom, William Wiley
Proven May Court 1804; 
Kerr, David (I119839)
82861 !WILL:19 Oct 1770 Tryon Co, NC William MOORE of Tryon Co, NC. Wife:
Mary, son Joseph MOORE and to son John MOORE (when of age) my
plantation on Green River. Daughter Mary MOORE. Executor my Bloved
Wife Marey, and friend William CLEGHORN. S: William (X) Moore. Wit:
Dd DICKEY, Joseph (X) HART, Samuel GRAY; 
Moore, William (I86666)
82862 !WILL:20 Oct 1756 Craven Co, SC, proven Jan 1761, names wife Mary, sons John, THomas and Michael, mentions land on Phils Creek and Naked Creek - transcribed by Winkie Robinson:
Page 74 WILL OF JOHN CRAWFORD IN THE NAME OF GOD, AMEN. I John Crawford of Craven County in the Province of South Carolina being of perfect Sense and Memory, Thanks be to Almighty God; Do make this my Last Will and Testament in manner and form following: FIRST and princi- pally I recommend my Soul into the hands of Almighty God that gave it, trusting through the merits of Christ, to receive full pardon for all my Sins, and my Body to be buried decently by the Directions of my Executors hereafter named, And what Estate it hath pleased God to bestow on Me, after my just Debts and Funer- al Charges are paid I give as followeth. ITEM I leave unto my Loving Wife Mary Crawford One third Part of my Lands during her Natural Life or Widwohood. [typo in orginal, Winkie[ t ITEM I leave to my said Wife Six Negroes, VIZ. Joe, Doll, Abra- ham Little Doll, Jenny & Mourning, during her Natural life or Widowhood, and Also One third part of my husehold Goods, and one third part of my Stock of Cattle, Hoggs and Horses, during her Natural Life or Widowhood, And after her Mariage or Decease the same to be equally divided among, such of my Children as shall be then alive. ITEM My Will and desire is, that the Tract of Land whereon my Son John Crawford lives on the lower side of Phill's Creek, to- t gether with the Stock and five Negroes, VIZ. Jack, Nanny, Ta-- mar, Abbey & Stephen for which I made him a Deed of Gift some few days past to be the proper use of him and his heirs for ever. ITEM I give to my Son Thomas Crawford, the Remainder part of the Tract of Land mentioned to John Crawford that lyes above Phill's Creek with the Appurtenances thereunto belonging, to him and his Heirs forever. ITEM I give unto my said Son Thomas Crawford, All my Land Adjoin- ing to Abraham Lundy, with the Appurtenances thereunto belong- ing. ITEM I give unto my said Son Thomas Crawford One Third part of my Stock, and my Two Large Boats and my ferry Boat. ITEM I give unto my said Son Thomas Crawford, Pompey, Moll Hannah, Sarah, Nell to him and his Heirs forever. Page 75 WILL OF JOHN CRAWFORD PAGE 2 ITEM, I give unto my Son Michael Crawford my Mannor House & Plantation, with Three hundred Acres of Land, whereon I now live with the Appurtenances thereunto belonging to him & his Heirs forever. ITEM I give unto my said Son Michael Crawford my Tract of Land on Naked Creek containing Seven hundred & fifty Acres to him & his Heirs forever. (ITEM ITEM I give unto my said Son Michael Crawford Five Negroes t VIZ. Isabell, Jemmy, George, Barbara, and Lucy, and One third Part of the Stock to him and his Heirs forever. ITEM I-give-unto-my-Son-Michael-Crawford [Note the hypens "-" run thru every letter from "I...Crawford" ; marking thru to change will to:] My Will and Desire is, that my Lands on Lynch's Creek, be sold by my Executors for the Payment of my Debts, and that my said Executors have full power to convey the same. ITEM My Will and Desire is, that Three hundred pounds which Lyes in Virginia, be equally divided between my Wife and Three Sons. ITEM And I do constitute and Appoint my well beloved Wife Mary Crawford my Executrix and my sons John & Thomas Crawford my whole and Sole Executors of this my Last Will & Testament, dis- annulling and making Void all other Wills by me heretofore made. IN WITNEFS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this Twentieth Day of October, One thousand seven hundred and fifty six. John Crawford (L.S.) Charles Thomson Durham Hills th d c Proved the 10 . January 1761. By Arch. M.Norton Virtue of a Dedimus; At the same time Qualified Mary Crawford & Thomas Crawford Exors. Before Wade Blair J.P. Recorded in Will Book 1760-1767 Recorded on Page 60 
Crawford, John (I64491)
82863 !WILL:20 Oct 1779 Mecklenburg Co, NC D-32 Joseph TANNER, wife Ann, eldest daughter Elizabeth REED, son John, son James. Witness: Thomas McQUOWN, Alexander McQUOWN; Tanner, Joseph (I84411)
82864 !WILL:20 Oct 1779 Rutherford Co, NC A-2, John LEWIS, pr Apr 1782. Wife Susana.
Daughter Mildred ROWLAND, daughter Frances Roads LEWIS, son Julius C.
LEWIS. Son David J. LEWIS. My Son Taliaffero LEWIS, Alexander MACKEY and
Jonathan HAMPTON, Esq as Executors. Wit: Thomas ROWLAND, John MILLER,
Alexander McFADIN. S: John Lewis; 
Lewis, John (I27419)
82865 !WILL:20 Sep 1766 Onslow Co, NC 1-86 David DUDLEY, planter, no probate date. To
wife Nancey, son David, child in esse. daughter Faney DUDLEY. Exrs:
Stephen LEE, Richard WARD, my wife Nancy. Test: William DUDLEY, Abslom
HEART, Elizabeth DUDLEY;
NAMED:10 May 1770 Onslow Co, NC Will 1-87 of Elizabeth DUDLEY as "to children
of son David DUDLEY"; 
Dudley, David (I18903)
82866 !WILL:21 Jul 1765 Brunswick Co., NC Deed Book A, pp. 37-38 John Davis
John Davis of Brunswick Co, NC in St. Phillips Parish, planter, being sick in body but of perfect mind and memory ...
(1) Son Thomas Davis two Negro fellows named Quaw and Tango
(2) son John Davis
(3) heirs of my daughter Ann Neal
(4) loving wife Jane Davis a Negro wench named Sassaba
(5) daughter Rebecca Quince a Negro wench named Molly
(6) wife Jane to be Executrix
(7) son Thomas Davis and beloved kinsmen John Davis Junr Executors
S: John Davis
W: Jno Corbyn, John Monath?; 
Davis, John Planter (I111486)
82867 !WILL:21 Mar 1838 Mecklenburg Co., NC Jane Black
Proven Oct 1840 court;

!CENSUS:1840 Mecklenburg Co., NC p. 263
Mrs. Jane Black age 60-69 (1770/80)
Stewart, Jane (I119606)
82868 !WILL:22 Jan 1850 Washington Co., IN Will Book A p. 424 John Fleenor
names Henry Fleenor, Abraham Fleenor, Sarah Jane & Martha Fleenor "the children of Betsy Hensley from whom I was divorced" leaving them the sum of $1.00 each. He also named his wife Rebecca and their children (but not by name). (Washington Co., IN Will Book A page 424) 
Fleenor, Abraham (I54386)
82869 !WILL:22 Jan 1850 Washington Co., IN Will Book A p. 424 John Fleenor
names Henry Fleenor, Abraham Fleenor, Sarah Jane & Martha Fleenor "the children of Betsy Hensley from whom I was divorced" leaving them the sum of $1.00 each. He also named his wife Rebecca and their children (but not by name). (Washington Co., IN Will Book A page 424) 
Fleenor, Henry (I54385)
82870 !WILL:22 Jun 1714 Crossweks, Monmouth Co., NC Daniel Robins, Yeoman, proven 18 Aug 1714
Lydia wf of Wm Therp of Woodbridge
Grandchildren Sarah and Marabe daus of deceased son Nathaniel.
Exec: Son Danile.
Wit: Samuel Dennes, Daniel Aruents Jr, Adam Hude; 
Robins, Daniel (I25765)
82871 !WILL:23 Feb 1778 Mecklenburg Co., NC John Allen
- Wife Agness Allen
- dau Mary Ozburn
- dau Hannah Orr
- dau Catherine Allen
- son John Allen
- son George Allen
- son William Sample Allen
- my four youngest daughters:
-- Mildredge Allen
-- Agness Allen
-- Margret Allen
-- Sarah Allen
- Wife Agness Allen, son John Allen and son-in-law James Ozburn Executors.
S: John Allen
W: Hugh McDowell, Wm J. Alexander, Hez. Alexander; 
Allen, John (I119630)
82872 !WILL:23 Jan 1779 Guilford Co., NC Joseph Kerr
- Graveyard of Samuel Clarke
- Brothers John Kerr, William Kerr and sister Mary Dougan and James Kerr and Nathaniel Kerr
- Deep River meeting house
- Brother Nathaniel Kerr my Executor
S: Joseph Kerr
W: Jno Collier, John Ryan (his mark)
Proven March 1784; 
Kerr, Joseph (I119867)
82873 !WILL:23 Jul 1762 Onslow Co, NC Will 4-47 of Enoch WARD. Wife Elizabeth. son Zepheniah WARD. Two daughters Zilpha and Elizabeth WARD. Exrs: brothers Benjamin and Richard WARD. Test: Edward MARCEY, Charles EDWARDS, Christian FREE;

!NAMED: 9 Nov 1765 Onslow Co, NC Will 4-43 of Edward WARD as "son Enoch";

!NAMED:28 Mar 1767 Onslow Co, NC Will 4-46 of Elizabeth WARD, as "son Enoch";

!NAMED:30 Sep 1774 Onslow Co, NC Will 4-50 Richard WARD, as "brother-in-law Enoch WARD"; 
Ward, Enoch (I17795)
82874 !WILL:23 Jul 1763 John Turbeville

IN THE NAME OR GOD AMEN. I John Turbevil Of Craven County in the province of South Carolina Planter being Sick and Weak in Body but of perfect mind and Memory and calling to mind the Mortality of This Body and that it is Appointed for all Men Once to die. do make and constitute this my Last Will and Testament and first of all I Commit my Spirit into the hand of God, who gave it and my Body to the Earth to be decently Interred at the discretion of my Executors. Nothing doubting but I shall receive the Same again at the Resurrection of the Great day and be Again Reunited by the Almighty power of God, and as for such worldly goods as it hath Pleased God to Endow me with. I do hereby dispose of in manner and form following that is to say, after my Just debts are paid funeral charges & __ which I leave Intirely to my Executors to do as they shall think Best, either by raising money from the Labour Of the Negroes or by sale of the Hogs Horses, and what of the Household Goods and Plantation Tools can be Conveniently Spared & __ ITEM I Give and bequeath unto my beloved Wife Elizabeth Turbevil the use Of All my Personal Estate during her Life. ITEM I Give and bequeath unto my Son Charles TurbeviI the Sum of Twenty shillings Currant Money of this Province as the Last part of _is Portion, ITEM I give and bequeath unto my daughter Judith Two pounds Current Money of this Province as the Last part of her portion. ITEM I give and bequeath unto my daughter Jemima Three pounds Currant Money of this Province as the Last part of her Portion. ITEM I give and bequeath unto My daughter Lucy Sweat one Negroe Wench Named Hannah and One Negroe Boy Named Peter and One Negroe Girl Named D___r, to her and her heirs forever. Item I give and bequeath unto My Grandson Morris Murphy, One Negroe Named Dell to him and to his heirs for ever provided he shall give the First Child the Girl shall bare to his Brother Matthew Murphy. ITEM I give and bequeath to My Grandson George Turbevil One Negroe Named Annakin (?) Provided he shall give the First Child the Girl shall Bare, to his Brother Solomon Turbevil and if the said George Turbevil shall die before he Arrive to the age of Twenty One then the said Negroe Girl Annakin shall be be the property of my Grandson Nathan Sweat and his heirs forever. And I do hereby Nominate and Appoint my Trusty Friend Thomas Burton and my Son in law William Sweat to be my Executors to this my Last Will and Testament denying Revoking and disannulling all other Wills and Testaments Ratifying and Confirming this and no other to be my Last Will and Testament IN WITNESS whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this Twenty Third day of July in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven hundred and Sixty three and in the third of his Majestys Reign.
John Turbevil (LS)
Signed Sealed published and
declared In presence of me
George Paul
Richard Herby

Proved before His Excellency Thomas Boone Esq 3 August 1763
at the Same time Qualified William Sweat Executor to the said Will
Recorded in Will Book 1767-71
Recorded on Page 55
Original transcriber not identified, but appears to be the work of WPA.; 
Turbeville, John (I9489)
82875 !WILL:23 Mar 1818 Columbia Co, GA Isaac WINFREY probated Aug 1, 1818 Wife Sarah Daughters Elizabeth WELBOURNE, Sarah Hampton DAVIS, Juda SEAY, Mildred Jane and Cynthis Ann WINFREY. Sons: Samuel, Reuben, Henry, and John Reuben WINFREY and son-in law Randolph DAVIS - exectors (thanks to Carolyn Wellborn Haskins for the above);

!MARRIAGE:28 Mar 1787 Bedford Co, VA Isaac WINFREY & Sarah STRATTON, d/o Henry. John STRATTON, Surety;

!CENSUS:1787 Bedford Co, VA pg 210 Isaac WINFREY "0-3-2-2-2" age 21+ (bef 1766); 
Winfrey, Isaac (I83315)
82876 !WILL:23 Oct 1841 Monroe Co., TN Will Book 1, p, 37 William C.C.C. George
Wife Javis.
Noncupative Will: Guilford Cannon, Barbery Bicknell 1 Nov 1841; 
George, William C C C (I114853)
82877 !WILL:24 Dec 1757 Rowan Co, NC Wills A-20 Samuel BAKER, Prb Apr 1758. Wife Eliza BAKER, daughter Margaret. (All Children minors), sons Robert BAKER, John BAKER, Daughter Mary, Margaret. Executor wife Eliza BAKER, friend Hugh DAVIDSON. Witness Moses WHITE, Andrew McCONNELL, George DAWSON; Baker, Samuel (I99367)
82878 !WILL:24 Sep 1698 Surry Co, VA prb 3 Jan 1698/1699; Jordan, Arthur (I87155)
82879 !WILL:25 Feb 1677/1678 Surry Co, VA prb 5 Nov 1678; Jordan, George (I87122)
82880 !WILL:25 Feb 1800 Mecklenburg Co., NC Book F, p. 191 William Smith
Wife Isabella
Two youngest daughters Mary and Jane
Sons John, Robert, & William
Daughter Sarah Watson
Son Thomas
Sons-in-law William and James Stewart <---
My daughter in law Margaret Stephenson
Daughter in law Elizabeth
Friends William Morrison & William Matthews executors.
S: William Smith.
W: McGill Matthews, Aaron Matthews, William Matthews 
Smith, William (I119689)
82881 !WILL:26 May 1775 Rowan Co, NC Wills A-228 Absolom BAKER Sr, Pr 1777. Wife (not named), sons John BAKER, Christopher BAKER, Joshua BAKER, Absolom BAKER, Benjamin BAKER, Samuel BAKER, Greenbury BAKER. Grandson BAKER, son of my daughter Margaret. Executor son Benjamin BAKER. Witness John FIFER, Martin FIFER, Jason FRISSELL; Baker, Absolom (I82049)
82882 !WILL:27 Jan 1827 Halifax Co, VA; George, James Mayo (I5086)
82883 !WILL:29 Mar 1800 York Co., SC Will Book G, pp. 195-196
Alexander Stewart
dau Mary
son James
daughters Rosannah and Elizabeth
daugher Catherine
friend William Love, Esq and Thomas Wallace, Executors.
S: Alexander Stewart
W: William Love, Michael Stewart (his mark) and Thomas Wallace; 
Stewart, Alexander (I120445)
82884 !WILL:29 May 1803 Iredell Co., NC Wills I-149 29 May 1803 Andrew Mitchell, proven 19 Nov 1805. Wife Sarah ... daughters Lillis; *Sally Wright* ... Martha ... Mary ... Cinthey ... Sons Andrew ... Samuel ... James .... Executors Wife and sons *William Wright* and Samuel Mitchell. Witnesses: William Tharpe and P. Houston. Mitchell, Andrew (I82376)
82885 !WILL:30 Jul 1799 Laurens Dist, SC Wills A-231 James KIRK, pr 3 Mar
1800 ... unto my James and William BRISON my two grandsons. Son in
law William BRYSON and his five children: Robert, Sarah, John, James
and Jane ...; 
Kirk, James (I85812)
82886 !WILL:30 Mar 1770 Carteret Co, NC Wills Keziah SHACKLEFORD proven Jun 1770 of Carteret Co, NC. To Freeman ELLIS, husband of my daughter Anne. Daughter Sarah SHACKLEFORD, youngest daughters Susannah and Lydia. Child Peleg. Exec: Freeman ELLIS & Gayer CHADWICK. Wit: Sam LEFFERS, Thomas CHADWICK, Rachel CHADWICK. S: Kezia (X) Shackleford; Shackleford, Lydia (I38786)
82887 !WILL:30 Mar 1770 Carteret Co, NC Wills Keziah SHACKLEFORD proven Jun 1770 of Carteret Co, NC. To Freeman ELLIS, husband of my daughter Anne. Daughter Sarah SHACKLEFORD, youngest daughters Susannah and Lydia. Child Peleg. Exec: Freeman ELLIS & Gayer CHADWICK. Wit: Sam LEFFERS, Thomas CHADWICK, Rachel CHADWICK. S: Kezia (X) Shackleford; Shackleford, Susanna (I38785)
82888 !WILL:30 Mar 1770 Carteret Co, NC Wills Keziah SHACKLEFORD proven Jun 1770 of Carteret Co, NC. To Freeman ELLIS, husband of my daughter Anne. Daughter Sarah SHACKLEFORD, youngest daughters Susannah and Lydia. Child Peleg. Exec: Freeman ELLIS & Gayer CHADWICK. Wit: Sam LEFFERS, Thomas CHADWICK, Rachel CHADWICK. S: Kezia (X) Shackleford; Shackleford, Sarah (I38784)
82889 !WILL:30 Sep 1767 Chester Co., PA Francis Routh, Chichester, proven 30 Jan 1768.
Grandson Isaac Carter
granddaughters Lydia Carter and Mary Palmer
son Francis
son John Routh
daughter Ann Dutton
son Francis executor
*From abstract; 
Routh, Francis (I9054)
82890 !WILL:
ALOB, Vol. X #5, p. 89-47:
"p. 152. 11 Jan. 1851.. I, Richard Sumner, being aged & infirmed, but of sound & perfect mind & memory. First I desire that all my just debts to be paid, as I have heretofore given to all my children excepting Dempsey near the amount I allowed them to have out of my estate. So I now give to my dtr. Susannah Whitaker the sum of $20, likewise the sum of $1 to each of my other daughters, Sarah McRary, & Judy Clemmons, also one dollar to my son William, also one dollar to the heirs of my son Samuel, likewise one dollar to the heirs of my dtr. Elizabeth Jones, decd. also I give the sum of one dollar to the heirs of my son James. I now give to my son Dempsey all that tract of land I now own, it being 245 acres, with all my horses, cattle, hogs, sheep, tools also all household & kitchen furniture. I desire that my said son Dempsey shall pay to each of the aforesaid legatees one dollar each.
I appoint my son Dempsey as executor.
Wit: E. Reed, Jurat & John Merrell Juratt..
Signed Richard X Sumner..
Proved by the oath of E. Reed and John Merrill in open court July session 1852. R.B. Vance, clk.."

!CENSUS:1850 Buncombe Co., NC # 325/325
Wm Whitaker 2nd Senr 70 Farmer $500 NC
Noah 18
Susanna 61
Jane 29
Dicia 27
Miram 26
Susanna 24
Sarah A. 22; 
Sumner, Susanna (I78818)
82891 !WILL:
ALOB, Vol. X #5, p. 89-47:
"p. 152. 11 Jan. 1851.. I, Richard Sumner, being aged & infirmed, but of sound & perfect mind & memory. First I desire that all my just debts to be paid, as I have heretofore given to all my children excepting Dempsey near the amount I allowed them to have out of my estate. So I now give to my dtr. Susannah Whitaker the sum of $20, likewise the sum of $1 to each of my other daughters, Sarah McRary, & Judy Clemmons, also one dollar to my son William, also one dollar to the heirs of my son Samuel, likewise one dollar to the heirs of my dtr. Elizabeth Jones, decd. also I give the sum of one dollar to the heirs of my son James. I now give to my son Dempsey all that tract of land I now own, it being 245 acres, with all my horses, cattle, hogs, sheep, tools also all household & kitchen furniture. I desire that my said son Dempsey shall pay to each of the aforesaid legatees one dollar each.
I appoint my son Dempsey as executor.
Wit: E. Reed, Jurat & John Merrell Juratt..
Signed Richard X Sumner..
Proved by the oath of E. Reed and John Merrill in open court July session 1852. R.B. Vance, clk.." 
Sumner, Judy (I75133)
82892 !WILL:
ALOB, Vol. X #5, p. 89-47:
"p. 152. 11 Jan. 1851.. I, Richard Sumner, being aged & infirmed, but of sound & perfect mind & memory. First I desire that all my just debts to be paid, as I have heretofore given to all my children excepting Dempsey near the amount I allowed them to have out of my estate. So I now give to my dtr. Susannah Whitaker the sum of $20, likewise the sum of $1 to each of my other daughters, Sarah McRary, & Judy Clemmons, also one dollar to my son William, also one dollar to the heirs of my son Samuel, likewise one dollar to the heirs of my dtr. Elizabeth Jones, decd. also I give the sum of one dollar to the heirs of my son James. I now give to my son Dempsey all that tract of land I now own, it being 245 acres, with all my horses, cattle, hogs, sheep, tools also all household & kitchen furniture. I desire that my said son Dempsey shall pay to each of the aforesaid legatees one dollar each.
I appoint my son Dempsey as executor.
Wit: E. Reed, Jurat & John Merrell Juratt..
Signed Richard X Sumner..
Proved by the oath of E. Reed and John Merrill in open court July session 1852. R.B. Vance, clk.." 
Sumner, Sarah (I75131)
82893 !WILL:From
Will of Doodes Minor
In the name of God. Amen. I Doodes Minor of the County of Middlesex being of sound and Perfect mind and Memory Do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following and first and chiefly I bequeath my soul to God who gave it hoping through the merit of my Blessed Lord and Saviour Christ Jesus to obtain perfect forgiveness and Remission of all my sins and as touching such worldly goods as God of his great goodness hath bestowed upon me I do Dispose of the same as followeth, and do commit my body to ye earth from whence it was taken to be Decently buried at ye Discretion of my Exra hereafter named.
Imp I give and bequeath to my loving son Minor Minor my seal gold ring.
Item I give and bequeath to my loving grand Daughter Elizabeth Mickleburrough one Silver Mugg to be Delivered to her immediately after my now wife's disease or if she should marry then this to be delivered as aforesd.
Item I lend unto my loving wife Elizabeth Minor During her widdowhood all and singular my goods and chattels of what nature of quality soever the same be together with all Debts whatsoever and it is my will that ye same Do Remain upon my now dwelling plantation to be managed as she shall think convenient During her widdowhood as aforesd and when she shall Intermarry (or at her death) then I give the same as is aforesd to my fower sons, that is to say, Minor Minor Wm Minor Garat Minor & Peter Minor to be equally Divided Between them.
Item It is my will that my loving wife Elizabeth Minor Do Remain upon and be peaceably possessed wth my dwelling plantation During her widdowhood and also that she have liberty to fell and make use of any timber upon any part of my land for ye good and Benefit of ye sd plantation.
Item I give and bequeath to my loving sons Minor Minor, Wm Minor Garat Minor & Peter Minor all and every part and parsill of Land wch I die possessed of in the upper part of this County of Middlesex to be equally divided Between them to them and to their Lawfull heirs forever and if any of them shall dy without such heirs then and in such a case it is my will that their part of my land Be equally Divided among my surviving Children.
Item I do Constitute and appoint my loving wife Elizabeth Minor and my loving sons Minor Minor and Wm Minor to be my Lawfull Exrs. of this my last will and testament and I doe request my loving friends Mr Maurice Cock Mr Tobias Mickleburrough Mr Wm Montague and Jno Smith to make an equall Division of my land and other estate at the time appointed Between my then surviving sons having regard to the quality and after Division it is my will yt my eldest sons when he shall come of age to have his first choyce and so successively as they shall come of age to be Possessed with their part or share of land and I do deliver this to the world as my last will and testament making Voyd all former wills by me made.
In testimony whereof I do hereunto sett my hand and fix my seal this 13th day of November Anno 1694.
These words Interlined before signing (upon their part of: of Land).

Doodes Minor [Seal]

Signed and Sealed in Presence of Maurice Cock Nicolas Curtis Arthur Hancock John Smith

Att a Court held for the County of Middlesex &c ye 27th day of May 1695 Mr. Maurice Cock Mr. Jno Smith and Arthur Hancock made oath that they see the above named Doodes Minor sign seal and publish the above written will to be his last will and testament and that he was then in perfect mine and memory.
Teste Edwin Thacker, Clerk
Minor, Doodes (I55889)
82894 !WILL:Mar 1786 Surry Co., NC Will Book 2 page 68 Robert WALKER of Surry, Town of Richmond. Wife Mary WALKER, son Robert WALKER, friend Col. Martin ARMSTRONG, son James WALKER, David WALKER, daughter Polly WRIGHT, "daughter by the last wife", daughter Betsey MILLER, "daughter by the last wife". Son of my son John WALKER, Robert WALKER, Grandson Robert WRIGHT, son of Polly WRIGHT, Mary MILLER daughter of Betsey MILLER, grandson William WALKER, Hannah WALKER (n.r.s) Executors are Wife Mary WALKER, son Robert WALKER and friend Col. Martin ARMSTRONG. Walker, Robert (I71728)
82895 !WILL:Orange Co., NC A-125 14 Feb 1770 Joseph George, proven —. Wife Ellenor, sons Ambrose, Daniel Pegg, William, Isaac, James, Jesse. Daughters Mary Hinsford, Cathrine Riddle, Peggy George. Executors: Sons Ambrose and James and wife Ellenor. Witnesses: James Younger, John Page, Jr. George, Margaret (I96717)
82896 !WILL:Orange Co., NC A-125 14 Feb 1770 Joseph George, proven —. Wife Ellenor, sons Ambrose, Daniel Pegg, William, Isaac, James, Jesse. Daughters Mary Hinsford, Cathrine Riddle, Peggy George. Executors: Sons Ambrose and James and wife Ellenor. Witnesses: James Younger, John Page, Jr. George, Catherine (I96716)
82897 !WILL:Orange Co., NC A-125 14 Feb 1770 Joseph George, proven —. Wife Ellenor, sons Ambrose, Daniel Pegg, William, Isaac, James, Jesse. Daughters Mary Hinsford, Cathrine Riddle, Peggy George. Executors: Sons Ambrose and James and wife Ellenor. Witnesses: James Younger, John Page, Jr. George, Mary (I96715)
82898 !WILL:Orange Co., NC A-125 14 Feb 1770 Joseph George, proven —. Wife Ellenor, sons Ambrose, Daniel Pegg, William, Isaac, James, Jesse. Daughters Mary Hinsford, Cathrine Riddle, Peggy George. Executors: Sons Ambrose and James and wife Ellenor. Witnesses: James Younger, John Page, Jr. George, Jesse (I96714)
82899 !WILL:Orange Co., NC A-125 14 Feb 1770 Joseph George, proven —. Wife Ellenor, sons Ambrose, Daniel Pegg, William, Isaac, James, Jesse. Daughters Mary Hinsford, Cathrine Riddle, Peggy George. Executors: Sons Ambrose and James and wife Ellenor. Witnesses: James Younger, John Page, Jr. George, James (I96713)
82900 !WILL:Orange Co., NC A-125 14 Feb 1770 Joseph George, proven —. Wife Ellenor, sons Ambrose, Daniel Pegg, William, Isaac, James, Jesse. Daughters Mary Hinsford, Cathrine Riddle, Peggy George. Executors: Sons Ambrose and James and wife Ellenor. Witnesses: James Younger, John Page, Jr. George, Isaac (I96712)

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