Marty and Karla Grant (TNG)



Matches 82,901 to 82,950 of 83,474

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 #   Notes   Linked to 
82901 !WILL:Orange Co., NC A-125 14 Feb 1770 Joseph George, proven —. Wife Ellenor, sons Ambrose, Daniel Pegg, William, Isaac, James, Jesse. Daughters Mary Hinsford, Cathrine Riddle, Peggy George. Executors: Sons Ambrose and James and wife Ellenor. Witnesses: James Younger, John Page, Jr. George, William (I96711)
82902 !WILL:Orange Co., NC A-125 14 Feb 1770 Joseph George, proven —. Wife Ellenor, sons Ambrose, Daniel Pegg, William, Isaac, James, Jesse. Daughters Mary Hinsford, Cathrine Riddle, Peggy George. Executors: Sons Ambrose and James and wife Ellenor. Witnesses: James Younger, John Page, Jr. George, Daniel Pegg (I96710)
82903 !WILL:Orange Co., NC A-125 14 Feb 1770 Joseph George, proven —. Wife Ellenor, sons Ambrose, Daniel Pegg, William, Isaac, James, Jesse. Daughters Mary Hinsford, Cathrine Riddle, Peggy George. Executors: Sons Ambrose and James and wife Ellenor. Witnesses: James Younger, John Page, Jr. George, Ambrose (I96709)
82904 !WILL:Orange Co., NC A-125 14 Feb 1770 Joseph George, proven —. Wife Ellenor, sons Ambrose, Daniel Pegg, William, Isaac, James, Jesse. Daughters Mary Hinsford, Cathrine Riddle, Peggy George. Executors: Sons Ambrose and James and wife Ellenor. Witnesses: James Younger, John Page, Jr. Ellenor (I96708)
82905 !WILL:Orange Co., NC A-125 14 Feb 1770 Joseph George, proven —. Wife Ellenor, sons Ambrose, Daniel Pegg, William, Isaac, James, Jesse. Daughters Mary Hinsford, Cathrine Riddle, Peggy George. Executors: Sons Ambrose and James and wife Ellenor. Witnesses: James Younger, John Page, Jr. George, Joseph (I94522)
82906 !WIT:23 May 1796 Brunswick Co, VA 16-332 John DUGGER Jr and wife Fanny of Brunswick to Sally FIRTH, widow and relict of Thomas FIRTH, for L10, 9a. Wit: William LETT, Betsy CROWDER, Suckey DUGGER;

!DEED:30 Sep 1798 Brunswick Co, VA 17-536 Richmond DUGGER and wife Elizabeth to William Edward BRODNAX, all of Brunswick, for L228, 346a south side of Reedy Creek, "being the land formerly held by Mark CROWDER and by him willed to six of his children, one of which is the above named Elizabeth". Wit: John DUGGER, S. DUGGER, William RUFFIN. Elizabeth DUGGER relinq dower;

!MARRIAGE:22 Apr 1799 Brunswick Co, VA Marriage Bonds. Richmond DUGGAR and Elizabeth CROWDER, 21;


!WIT:-- --- 1801 Brunswick Co, VA 18-334 Thomas FIRTH and wife Nancy, Randolph RAWLINGS and wife Elizabeth B, Howell DUGGER and wife Mary, John RAINEY and wife Sally, Henry ABERNATHY and wife Rebeckay to William FIRTH, for L90, 125a formerly Thomas FIRTH, decd. Wit: Hubbard SAUNDERS, William FORTISCUE, Richmond DUGGER, Henry HARWELL, Elizabeth DUGGER. Recorded 27 Dec 1802;

!CENSUS:1810 Brunswick Co, VA pg 709 w/Richmond DUGGER age 26-44 (1765/84);


!DEED: 1 Jan 1820 Brunswick Co, VA 24-433 Richmond DUGGER and wife Elizabeth to William T. PENNINGTON for $1000, 90a, 2 conveyances, one from Daniel DUGGER and 1 from William KIRKLAND on Gravelly Run;

!NAMED:29 Jan 1823 Brunswick Co, VA Will 9-289 Richmond DUGGER as "wife Elizabeth";


!CENSUS:1840 * Mecklenburg Co, VA pg 406 Elizabeth DUGGER *;

!CENSUS:1850 Mecklenburg Co, VA 98th dist # 107 Elizabeth DUGGER, 70 (1779/80) born VA; 
Crowder, Elizabeth (I30117)
82907 !WIT:23 May 1796 Brunswick Co, VA 16-332 John DUGGER Jr and wife Fanny of Brunswick to Sally FIRTH, widow and relict of Thomas FIRTH, for L10, 9a. Wit: William LETT, Betsy CROWDER, Suckey DUGGER;

!MARRIAGE:14 Dec 1798 Brunswick Co, VA Marriage Bonds. Jordan RICHARDSON and Susanna DUGGER, 21. William ABERNATHY, William FORTISCUE, sec;


!NAMED: 9 Oct 1801 Brunswick Co, VA Will 6-389 John DUGGER, rec'd 25 Jan 1802. Wife: Fanny DUGGER. Son James DUGGER, daughter Susanna RICHARDSON. Son Thomas DUGGER, son Jerman DUGGER, daughters Sally MADELIN, Polly VAUGHAN, Fanny DUGGER. Exec: Burwell ABERNATHY, Daniel DUGGER, Jordan RICHARDSON. Wit: Hubbard SAUNDERS, Elizabeth BENNETT, Jeremiah MITCHELL, Benjamin BENNETT;

!CENSUS:1810 Brunswick Co., VA w/Jordan Richardson; 
Dugger, Susanna (I24778)
82908 !WITNESS*:30 Aug 1767 Mecklenburg Co, NC Will C-105 of William GRAHAM, daughter Mary, daughter Agness, son-in-law John TEMPLETON, son John, wife Jean, friend Hugh PARKS, Witness: Michael MCGERITY, John BRYSON.
* Probably not same John, as too old;



!OBITUARY:14 Oct 1805 "Abstracts of Vital Records from Raleigh N.C. Newspapers 1799-1819", Vol 1 by Lois Smathes Neal. pg 626 John BRYSON, died Charleston, 14 Oct 1805, late of Mecklenburg County. * NOTE: No way to know which John BRYSON;

"The Bryson Ancestors on the Edge of New Frontiers" by James Davis Bryson, 2011. 
Bryson, John (I78749)
82909 !WITNESS-DEED: 6 Jan 1806 Marion Co., SC Deed Book F, p. 396
Samuel Easterling of Marion Dist., to Joseph Lane of same place for $100, 50a NE side Buck Swamp granted to James Glading conveyed to William Williams, from Edward Coward to James Coward to Charles Moody to Samuel Easterling. ... binding S on Samuel Herring.
S: Samuel Easterling Sr.
Wit: Niell McEachern*, William Allin.
Proven before THos Harllee, JQ 17 Feb 1806.
Fereby (her mark) Easterling, wife of Samuel Easterling, rdr before Thos Harllee, JQ.
* From "Marion County South Carolina Abstracts of Deeds Volume Two Books F - I & K 1811-1823", Lucille Utley, Alita White Sutcliffe, 1997.;

!PROBATE Roll # 494 Vol 1 page 273; 
McEachern, Neil (I38900)
82910 !WITNESS-DEED:10 & 11 Feb 1758 Anson Co., NC C1-385-388
George Renicks and Mary his wife of Anson to Adam Meek of same ...
Wit: Saml Willson, John Price, Alexr Lewis;

!WITNESS-DEED:22 Sep 1762 Anson Co., NC 3 pp 3-4
John Frohock, Esq of Roan (Rowan) to Hugh McLain
Wit: Thomas Frohock, John Price;

!DEED:14 Apr 1761 Mecklenburg Co., NC Book 1-493/494 (shared by Kyle Wear)
John Price and Margaret his wife, James Price and Mary his wife, all of Mecklenburg
to John Black ... on Rachel Price deceased mother's line ...
S: John Price, Margaret (X) Price
James Price, Mary (X) Price
Witnesses: John Thomas, William Price; 
Price, John (I116850)
82911 !WITNESS-DEED:10 Apr 1752 Onslow Co., NC Deed Book C, p. 64
William Babcock to Solomon Grant for 7 pounds 200 acres on east side of Queens Creek, near Hollowing Point on Halls Creek which was deeded to said Babcock by Daniel Richardson, 15 Feb 1750/51. Tests: Alexander Grant, William Basely, Jemime Grant.; 
Lee, Jemima (I17405)
82912 !WITNESS-DEED:12 Feb 1814 Marion Co., SC Book O page 47
Nathaniel Miller of Marion Dist, to John Campbell, for $75, 75a Es Maiden Down Sw joining John Campbell decd ...
S: Nathaniel Miller
W: Jno D. Jones, Gadi Campbell
Famariah (X) Miller, wife of Nathaniel Miller rdr --- Jul 1814;

!REFERENCE:"A History of Marion County, South Carolina" by W.W. Sellers, Esq.
1902. Pg 241 - 246; 
Jones, John D (I18134)
82913 !WITNESS-DEED:13 Dec 1830 Marion Co., SC Deed Book N., p. 314
Osburn Lane to Kinion Watson for $50. 50a being part of a tract of 4,336 acres granted to John Sanders 6 Feb 1792 beginning on a Pine corner and ... (metes and bounds given) ... situarte on Lanes Mill Creek.
S: Osburn (his mark) Lane.
Wit: Arinton? Cain, Neal Carmichael, JP.
* From "Abstracts of Marion County [SC] Deed Books L - M - N 1824-1831", Lucille Utley, Angela Turner, Billie Eaddy Cribb. Three Rivers Historical Society, 2003.; 
Cain, Arrenton (I51206)
82914 !WITNESS-DEED:14 Apr 1752 Anson Co., NC Book B pp 266-269
Peter Ellet of Anson to George Raneck of same ...
Wit: Andw Barry, Charles Moore, William Price;

!WITNESS-DEED:10 & 11 Jul 1754 Anson Co., NC C1-35-37
William Watson of Anson to Benjamin Harden of same
land on N side Cuttawba above George Renicks line ...
W: Andrew Berry, William Price, John Thomas;

!ESTATE:-- --- 177? Anson Co., NC (no date).
Inventory of estate of William Price, returned by Elinor Price, Thomas Price; 
Price, William (I116847)
82915 !WITNESS-DEED:14 Apr 1778 Duplin Co., NC Deed Book 6, p. 339
Etheldred Gregory to Sutton Shoud (sic) both of Duplin, for £201, paid by the aforesaid Lutson Stroud. 100a Limestone Creek.
S: Etheldred Gregory
Witnesses: William (X) Stroud, Sorrel (X) Cook (or Saml Cook?); 
Stroud, William (I84302)
82916 !WITNESS-DEED:24 May 1834 Bedford Co., TN Deed Book FF-46
24 May 1834 Alexander Neill of Lawrence Co., AL to Andrew Neill of Bedford Co., TN for $200. Waters of Little Sinking Creek a south branch of Duck River. 50 acres. Being half of a 100 acres Willed by James Neill to said Alexander and Andrew Neill by his Last Will and Testament. (Quotes parts of Will including “son William Neill decd” and “son Samuel Neill.”)
S: A. J. Neill
W: Nathaniel King, John L. Neill 
Neill, John Lambert (I117750)
82917 !WITNESS-DEED:24 Oct 1839 Marion Co., SC Deed Book R., p. 168
Osborn Lane Sen to John Deer ...
John Deer has by deed bearing even date with these presents convenanted & agreed (from the property hereinafter named & by me convey to said John Deer) to pay satisfy & discharge all my exiting just debts & liabilities and whereas John Deer has also bys aid deed covenanted & agreed to support and maintain me the undersigned in decency & comfort for and during the term of my natural life in house, clothing, food & in the same style & manner as I have herteofore been in the habit of living.
I Osborne Lane Senor for in the consideration of said covenant & undertaking by John Deer as aforesaid also for and in consideration of $3.00 to me in hand paid at & before sealing & delivery of these presents the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have bargained sold released an conveyed to John Deer all that tract of land on whcih I now live being the whole body of my land situated on Buck Swamp cntaining about 800 acres more or less to have an to hold the said tract of land with all & singular the right members tenaments hereditments & appurtenances to said land belonging - to John Deer his heirs & assigns forever.
Do bargain sell and deliver unto John Deer the following Negroes to wit: Patience, Marry & her two children Jack & Enos. Also all my horses hogs & cattle.Also allmy household & kitchen furniture & plantation tools & utensils to have & to hold all & singular the above named articles of personal property to said John Deer his heirs and assigns.
S: Osborn (his mark) Lane
Wit: R. B. Platt, David Platt, Joseph Deer.
* From "Abstracts of Marion County [SC] Deed Books Q and R 1836-1842", Lucille Utley, Angela Turner, John M. Gregg. Three Rivers Historical Society, 2003.;

!REFERENCE: A History of Marion County, South Carolina From Its Earliest Times to the Present, 1901, by W. W. Sellers, Esq., of the Marion Bar. 1902. pp. 162-166
Old Captain William Page had several daughters; one married Joseph Deer (the name now extinct in Marion County) ; Deer died, and the widow married Rev. John B. Platt, of the South Carolina Conference; I think she had two sons and three daughters by the Deer marriage; Wm. P. Deer and John were the sons; Mrs. William Watson, one of the daughters, still survives; one other daughter, Ellenora, never married, and is dead ; the last daughter, Elizabeth, married John E. Elvington. By the Platt marriage, she had a son, R. B. Platt, a Magistrate, near Mullins, S. C, and two daughters, Mrs. B. Gause Smith, and the late Mrs. Dr. C. T. Ford; they all have large families. ;

!REFERENCE: A History of Marion County, South Carolina From Its Earliest Times to the Present, 1901, by W. W. Sellers, Esq., of the Marion Bar. 1902. pp. 173-175
Old man Jessee Elvington lived and died on Bear Swamp; he was an old man seventy years ago ; a good manager and snug farmer he raised a considerable family, sons and daughters. Three sons, Giles, Hughey and John E. Giles Elvington married Miss Mary Ann Page, daughter of Joseph Page, just in North Carolina; Giles Elvington lived till after the war, and died an old man, after having married a second time. By his first wife he raised several children, sons and daughters, none of whom are now known to the writer. Giles Elvington owned the plantation where Dr. William A. Oliver lately died ; he, like his father, was a good manager-at least, during his first wife's lifetime, and he and family were highly respected. Hughey Elvington married one of the ten girls of John Goodyear, hereinbefore mentioned, and she is now the wife of Wilson Lewis, of Horry, and weighs 260 pounds, as she recently told the writer. Hughey Elvington was a good citizen. John E. Elvington married a Miss Deer (Elizabeth Ann), daughter of Joseph Deer ; her mother was a Page, and he inherited the old homestead of his father ; he has been dead several years ; raised a family quite respectable. A daughter of his is now the wife of William J. Williamson, who it is supposed has grown children. The several daughters of old Jesse Elvington married; one married the late Elgate Horn, who raised a large family, entirely unknown; another daughter married William B. Grantham, of North Carolina ; they are both dead and died childless. I do not know Whom the other daughter of old man Jessee married. The Elvingtons and their connections are numerous, and all sprang from the two old men, John and Jesse Elvington.;

!REFERENCE: A History of Marion County, South Carolina From Its Earliest Times to the Present, 1901, by W. W. Sellers, Esq., of the Marion Bar. 1902. pp. 199-206
William Watson, the fifth son and youngest of old man Isham's sons, married Miss Cherry Deer, daughter of Joseph Deer ; the results of the marriage were four sons, John G., William E., Furman and D. Maxcy Watson; and three daughters, Ellen, Pauline and Norma. William Watson, the father, died some years ago. ; 
Deer, Joseph (I18046)
82918 !WITNESS-DEED:28 Sep 1799 Marion Co., SC Deed Book C, p. 350
John Sanders of Liberty Co & Elizabeth his wife, to Levi Gibson for -/35/- 75a NE side Hickory Grove Marsh, part of a tract granted to John SANDERS.
S: John Sanders, Elizabeth (X) Sanders,
Wit: John Blackmon, John Mace.
* From "Marion County South Carolina Abstracts of Deeds Volume One Books A - E 1800-1811", Lucille Utley, Alita White Sutcliffe, 1996.;

!WITNESS-DEED:28 Sep 1799 Marion Co., SC Deed Book C, p. 352
John Sanders of Liberty Co and Elizabeth his wife to Levi Gibson, 100a Nsd Pee Dee River on Brewentons Bay, p/o grant to John Sanders adjoining Mallachea Murfee, Jacob Buckholtts, Thomas Neavil, Vinson Dulany, Benjamin Blackmon.
S: John Sanders, Elizabeth (X) Sanders.
Wit: John Blackmon, John Mace.
* From "Marion County South Carolina Abstracts of Deeds Volume One Books A - E 1800-1811", Lucille Utley, Alita White Sutcliffe, 1996.;

!REFERENCE:"A History of Marion County, South Carolina" by W.W. Sellers, Esq.
1902. Pg 221 - 223; 
Mace, John (I18089)
82919 !WITNESS-DEED:28 Sep 1804 Surry Co, NC M-41 Henry Bray to John MOODY, both of Surry Co, NC;
Wit: Thomas Moody Sr, Thomas Moody Jr; 
Moody, Thomas (I112063)
82920 !WITNESS-DEED:29 May 1788 Richmond Co., NC Deed Book B, p. 300
John Speed of Richmond Co., NC to Hartwell Ayer of Anson Co., NC
NE of Pee Dee, 200a
S: John Speed
Wit: Micajah Ganey, Lewis M. Ayer; 
Ayer, Lewis M (I111137)
82921 !WITNESS-MARRIAGE: 8 Aug 1679 Quarterly Meeting of Lancashire (Quaker)
Christopher Akinston of Scotford
And Margaret Ffell, daughter of Christopher Ffell of Netwon in Cartmell
in presence of
Christopher Fell
William Atkinson
Thomas Fell
James Taylor
Richard Britton
Thomas Atkinson
Robert Barrow
James Britton
Mary Taylor
Maybell Britton
Agnes Barrow
Mary H. Moore
With others.
Source: England & Wales, Quaker Birth, Marriage, and Death Registers, 1578-1837 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2013.
Original data:General Register Office: Society of Friends' Registers, Notes and Certificates of Births, Marriages and Burials. Records of the General Register Office, Government Social Survey Department, and Office of Population Censuses and Surveys, RG 6. The National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, England.;

!DEATH: 2 Feb 1705 Lancashire, buried 4 Feb 1705
Christopher Ffell of Farnagroon
Monthly Meeting of Swarthmore (comprising Ulverston), Hawkshead, Cartmel
Fell, Christopher (I40723)
82922 !WITNESS-MARRIAGE:Cane Creek Monthly Meeting
Benjamin Sanders of Cumberland Co., NC and Leah Smith of Orange Co., NC declare intentions to marry ...
Married 19d 5m 1768 at Deep River MM, Cumberland Co., NC
S: Benjamin Sanders
Leah Sanders
Abner Smith John Jones Joel Sanders
Mary Jones Cornelius Tison Thomas Smith
Mary Barns Peter Stout Hester Smith
Ruth Dunn Daniel Smith John Sanders;

!WITNESS-MARRIAGE:Cane Creek Monthly Meeting, p 66
Whereas Daniel Smith son of Thomas and Esther Smith of Chatham County in the province of North Carolina and Pleasant Chansey daughter of Daniel and Ann Chansey of Orange County ...
having declared their intentions of marriage ...
Married 15d 2m 1776 Cane Creek in Orange County
S: Daniel Smith, Pleasant Smith
Witnesses: Ann Nelson, Esther Smith
Peter Stout, Joseph Cloud, Sarah Overman, William Nelson
John Davies, Jacob Marshill, John Pike, Samuel Stout
Margret Marshill, Samuel Piggott, Abner Smith;

!QUAKER:Cane Creek Monthly Meeting
1783, 6, 7 Abner Smith dismissed mou;

!CENSUS:1790 Chatham Co., NC p. 209
Abner Smith age 16+ (bef 1774)

!CENSUS:1800 x 
Smith, Abner (I111271)
82923 !WITNESS-WILL: 6 Dec 1831 Rutherford Co., NC William Stewart, proven Jan 1832
Wife Lurena (executor).
son William (executor).
Peggy Jones (No relationship stated).
Lurena Simons (No relationship stated).
Grand daughter Peggy Stewart.
He signed with a mark.
Witnesses were Sary Stewart (signed with a mark) and Robert Johnson. 
Stewart, Sarah (I120119)
82924 !WITNESS-WILL:-- --- 1773 Spotsylvania Co., VA Will Book E 1772-1798 p. 242
William Alsop, St. George's parish. Died 2 Jul 1773. Adm Bond dated 17 Sep 1778.
Wife Sarah for herself and children (not named).
Son Benjamin Alsop.
Exec: Wife Sarah Alsop and Thomas Colson.
Wit: James Hutcherson, Patty Estes, James Hensley.

!DEED:20 Nov 1778 Spotsylvania Co., VA Deed Book J (no page no).
Thos Estes and Catherine his wife of Spotsylvania
to James Hensley of same
L50, 64a in St. George Parish, Spotsylvania;

!TAXLIST:1782 Spotsylvania Co., VA *
* I didn't find him listed.;

!TAXLIST:1783 Spotsylvania Co., VA
White Males 21+, Slaves, Horses, Cattle
Richardson Hensley 1-2-2-12
James Hensley 1-0-2-6
Martha Hensley 0-4-1-0
George Hensley 1-2-2-8
Sarah Hensley 1-1-4-7;

!TAXLIST:1784 Spotsylvania Co., VA
To Pay Specie (?), To Pay Certs (?) Horses, Cattle
Richardson Hensley 3-3-3-10
Martha Hensley 4-4-0-0
James Hensley 1-1-2-7
George Hensley 2-1-2-5
Sarah Hensley 1-0-1-5;

!DEED: 6 Dec 1785 Spotsylvania Co., VA Deed Book L (no page no).
James Hensley and Catharine his wife of St. George Parish, Spotsylvania Co. and John Hensley and Hannah his wife of same parish and county to William Spindle of Caroline Co for L60, 105a sold by John Snell to Samuel Hensley in 1734, also 60a bought by sd James Hensley of Thos Estes in Spotsylvania.
No witnesses;

!TAXLIST:1786 Spotsylvania Co., VA
White Males 21+, Slave Tithes, Younger Slaves, Horses, Cattle
George Hensley 1-2-1-1-5
James Hensley 1-2-2-3-11;

!TAXLIST:1787 Spotsylvania Co., VA
Name of White Males 21+, Males 16-21, Blacks 16+, Blacks -16, Horses, Cattle
James Hensley 0-1-0-1-0;

!TAXLIST:1788 Spotsylvania Co., VA *
* I didn't find him listed.;

!TAXLIST:1789 Spotsylvania Co., VA *
* I didn't find him listed.;

!TAXLIST:1790 Spotsylvania Co., VA *
* I didn't find him listed.; 
Hensley, James (I97730)
82925 !WITNESS-WILL:-- --- 1773 Spotsylvania Co., VA Will Book E 1772-1798 p. 242
William Alsop, St. George's parish. Died 2 Jul 1773. Adm Bond dated 17 Sep 1778.
Wife Sarah for herself and children (not named).
Son Benjamin Alsop.
Exec: Wife Sarah Alsop and Thomas Colson.
Wit: James Hutcherson, Patty Estes, James Hensley. 
Estes, Patty (I97734)
82926 !WITNESS-WILL:11 May 1760 Anson Co., NC James Armstrong of Anson ...
Wit: Charles Moore, John Betty, James Price;

!DEED:14 Apr 1761 Mecklenburg Co., NC Book 1-493/494 (shared by Kyle Wear)
John Price and Margaret his wife, James Price and Mary his wife, all of Mecklenburg
to John Black ... on Rachel Price deceased mother's line ...
S: John Price, Margaret (X) Price
James Price, Mary (X) Price
Witnesses: John Thomas, William Price; 
Price, James (I116851)
82927 !WITNESS-WILL:23 Oct 1820 Horry Co., SC Will of William Graham Senr
beloved wife Elizabeth
son William
son Abraham
dau Susannah McQueen
dau Eliza Ann Rebecca Graham
dau Peggy Ann Graham
Wife Elizabeth and sons William and Abraham executors
S: William Graham
W: James C. Cochran
W: Isaac Hardee
W: Jane Graham; 
Conner, Jane (I61687)
82928 !WITNESS: 1 Jul 1843 Macon Co, NC Deed D-1703 Jason H. HUNTER to Jesse R. SILER;

!CENSUS:1850 Macon Co, NC Tennessee Valley # 281 John CANSLER, 28 (1821/22) born Rutherford Co, NC, residing with Joab L. MOORE family;

!COURT/BASTARDY:2nd Monday Dec 1854 Macon Co., NC Court Minutes p. 612
State & Mira Mashburn vs. John Cansler. Bastardy
Defendant comes into court & submits there for judgment against him for sixty dollars paid in annual installments of twenty dollars with all costs;

!MARRIAGE BOND:26 Jun 1856 Macon Co., NC
John Cansler & Susan D. Grant
S: John Cansler
T. P. Siler, bm (Thadeus P. Siler as stated earlier in bond)
Wit: John Hall, Clerk of Macon Co Court;

!BONDSMAN (MARRIAGE BOND):31 Jul 1858 Macon Co, NC Henry MILLER & Elizabeth MOORE, John CANSLER, bm, married 1 Aug 1858 by T. W. OWEN, JP;

!CENSUS:1860 Macon Co., NC Cowee District, Franklin PO # 499/511
John Cansler 39 Farmer $200/225 Rutherford
Susan D. 22 Macon
Caroline E. 4
William L. 1
Elizabeth Grant 61 Rutherford;

!DEED:20 Feb 1865 Macon Co, NC L-307 John CANSLER, W.C. GRANT to Alfred TOTHEROW 73a on Wesser's Creek, (Where did they get it?);

!CENSUS:1870 Macon Co, NC Welch's Twp # 90 John CANSLER, 49 (1820/1821) Born NC, 0 real property;

!CENSUS:1880 Macon Co, NC Burningtown Twp # 78 John CANSLER, 59 (1820/21) born NC, father born NC, mother born NC;

!NAMED:19 Aug 1896 Franklin Press "We regret to learn that Uncle John CANSLER was stricken with paralysis at his home on Burningtown Saturday morning. We hope he will soon recover". REFERENCE: Macon County Echoes Vol 8 # 3 Fall 1996 pg 15;


Cansler, John (I3157)
82929 !WITNESS: 1 Oct 1777 Ninety-Six Dist, SC pr 1 Oct 1782 Will of James
BRYSON. Brothers: Robert and William BRYSON. sisters Mary FLEMING,
Agnes HUNTER. My sisters in Kingdom of Ireland: Margaret and Jane.
Executor: Brother William BRYSON, sister Martha BRYSON. Wit: John
HUNTER, Matthew HUNTER, Jonathan DOWNS; 
Hunter, John (I89231)
82930 !WITNESS: 3 Apr 1771 Mecklenburg Co, NC Deed 8-77 Joseph LEE of Mecklenburg to Nathaniel IRWIN Garrisons Creek. Wit: Thomas POLK, Alexander STUART;

!DEED:12 Apr 1771 Mecklenburg Co, NC 5-358 Thomas POLK of Mecklenburg to Alexander STUART of same, for 55, 285a Sugar Creek, McMichal Creek. Wit: Robert ELLIOT, William PATTSON;

!WILL:10 Nov 1789 Mecklenburg Co., NC Will Book F, p. 182
Alexander Stewart of Mecklenburg
wife Elizabeth Stewart
to Andrew Stewart my grandson
my two sons John & David
to his (John's) son Alexander Stewart
my two daughters Sarah Stewart ... unto Frances Grier ...
Executors: John and David Stewart my two sons
S: Alexander Stewart
W: Alex. Campbell, Elias Alexander, Hez. Alexander; 
Stewart, Alexander (I91305)
82931 !WITNESS: 3 Jan 1821 Williamsburg Dist, SC Will Book A page 248 - Will of Benjamin TURNER;

!CENSUS:1830 * Williamsburg Dist, SC pg 233 Moses BENTON *;

!CENSUS:1840 * Williamsburg Dist, SC pg 239 Moses BENTON *;

!CENSUS:1850 Williamsburg Dist, SC # 270 Moses BENTON, 59 (1790/91) born NC; 
Benton, Moses (I47946)
82932 !WITNESS: 3 Jan 1821 Williamsburg Dist, SC Will Book A page 248 - Will of Benjamin TURNER; Turner, Benjamin (I48084)
82933 !WITNESS: 4 Apr 1745 Onslow Co, NC B-14 Timothy CLANCETT to Jacob MOOR, Test: Lewis JENKINS, John LAY;

!WITNESS: 3 Jan 1744 Onslow Co, NC B-15 Hope DEXTER to James THOMSON. Test: Lewis JENKINS, Severus GOOLD;

!DEED:10 Aug 1744 Onslow Co, NC B-18 Daniel MASHBURN, attorney for brother Matthew MASHBURN, to Lewis JENKINS for o380, 121a West side of New River at Reed's upper corner. Witness: Henry RODES, Edward RIVERS, Thomas RODES.;

!WITNESS: 4 Apr 1745 Onslow Co, NC B-20 Abraham MITCHELL to Henry RHODES. Wit: Lewis JENKINS, Solomon JENNINGS.;

!DEED: 2 Jul 1745 Onslow Co, NC B-21 Thomas JENKINS records birth dates of his children:
Charity JENKINS Jul 23, 1735
Agness JENKINS Oct 20, 1737
Rebecca JENKINS Aug 6, 1739
Jonathan JENKINS Mar 6, 1741
son Rees JENKINS Mar 19, 1743
Margaret JENKINS Mar 2, 1745
Rey JENKINS Aug 22, 1745
Signed Lewis JENKINS, Registrar;

!WITNESS: 4 Jul 1745 Onslow Co, NC B-20 Ordered that Court House be built at Johnston on New River Lot 148. Signed John STARKEY, Samuel JOHNSTON, Samuel JAMES, Lewis JENKINS, Thomas JENKINS, Abra.MITCHELL;

!WITNESS:30 Oct 1745 Onslow Co, NC B-34 Owen HILL to Edward RIVESS. Test: Lewis JENKINS, Izabella JENKINS.;

WITNESS: 4 Apr 1747 Onslow Co, NC B-49 William WILLIAMS to Stephen DAMPEAR. Witness: Lewis JENKINS.;

!WITNESS:-- Jan 1747 Onslow Co, NC B-58 James AIKINS to Mary SILLMAN. Wit: Lewis JENKINS, J. STARKEY.;

!WITNESS: 7 Apr 1747 Onslow Co, NC C-1 Henry RODES Sr to son Thomas RODES. Test: Lewis JENKINS, Joseph MARSHALL, Robert SIMPSON.;

WITNESS:16 Apr 1748 Onslow Co, NC C-14 Mathew HUGGINS to Humphry
HARIS. Test:

WITNESS: 8 Sep 1748 Onslow Co, NC C-16 Richard LAWSON to Joseph
Thomas HAWES, Lewis JENKINS.;

WITNESS:15 Jul 1748 Onslow Co, NC C-16 Joseph WILLIAMS to Joshua
JAMES. Test:
Sarah JAMES, Lewis JENKINS.;

!DEED:29 Jun 1748 Onslow Co, NC C-18 Lewis JENKINS to his son Lewis JENKINS 100a Morrissett's line and Jeremiah BARNE'S line. Witness Allex. GRANT, Arthur POWELL.;

WITNESS:16 Mar 1748/49 Onslow Co, NC C-24 John CRANFORD to John

WITNESS: 8 Aug 1749 Onslow Co, NC C-28 Phillip FFINSINGER to Phillip
Test: Louis JENKINS, Samuel MAYS;

WITNESS:20 Dec 1749 Onslow Co, NC C-31 John RIGGS to James MAGINNIS.
Peter PERRY, Lewis JENKINS.;

WITNESS:30 Jan 1749/50 Onslow Co, NC C-34 Humphrey HARRISON to James
Test: John AVERITT, Lewis JENKINS.;

!DEED:20 Dec 1750 Onslow Co, NC C-51 Lewis JENKINS to daughter Isabella JENKINS negro Hannah, to my sons Henry JENKINS, Lewis JENKINS.;

WITNESS: 2 Jul 1751 Onslow Co, NC C-53 Nathaniel AVERITT to son John
Test: John STARKEY, Lewis JENKINS.;

WITNESS: 3 Apr 1752 Onslow Co, NC C-58 James ALBRITON to John

WITNESS: 3 Apr 1752 Onslow Co, NC C-63 John Christian HEIDLEBERG to

WITNESS:19 Jan 1753 Onslow Co, NC D-7 John PHILLIPS to Nathaniel

WITNESS:19 Oct 1752 Onslow Co, NC D-7 Edmond EVRITT to Nathaniel
Thomas SHELTON, Joseph MOSES, Lewis JENKINS.;

WITNESS: 6 Jun 1753 Onslow Co, NC D-10 Thomas SHELTON to Philemon
Craven Co, NC. Test: Henry JENKINS, Lewis JENKINS.;

WITNESS: 1 Dec 1752 Onslow Co, NC D-11 James O'QUIRK to Timothy
"Princess Amelia Co, VA" Test: Phillemon MORRIS, Lewis

WITNESS:27 Jun 1753 Onslow Co, NC D-12 Nathaniel AVERITT to William
Test: Philemon MORRIS, Lewis JENKINS;

WITNESS: 8 Mar 1754 Onslow Co, NC D-20 Solomon WARREN of "Johns
County, SC" to
Nathaniel AVERITT of Onslow Co, NC. Test: John AVERITT,

WITNESS: 7 Nov 1753 Onslow Co, NC D-23 Andrew FULLWOOD to James
Elizabeth JENKINS, Philemon MORRIS, Lewis JENKINS;

WITNESS:17 Jun 1754 Onslow Co, NC D-24 Nathaniel AVERITT to Joseph
(BURNS). Test: Henry JENKINS, Lewis JENKINS.;

WITNESS: 6 Dec 1754 Onslow Co, NC D-30 Richard FARR the younger to
GORDON. Test: Lewis JENKINS. Re-registered Test: Richard
FARR the
elder, John CHAMBERS.;

!MILITIA:25 Oct 1754 a muster list was taken of Militia members in John Starkey's company commanded by Captain Thomas Hicks. George Jenkins, Henry Jenkins, Lewis Jenkins and William Jenkins;

WITNESS:30 Nov 1754 Onslow Co, NC D-36 Jeremiah BARNS to Philemon

WITNESS:12 Dec 1754 Onslow Co, NC D-36 Samuel HALL to John AVERITT.
Test: Henry

WITNESS:25 Mar 1756 Onslow Co, NC E-8 Phillemon MORRIS to Peter
LOWE, late of
Craven Co, NC. Test: Robert SIMPSON, Lewis JENKINS;

!DEED: 3 Feb 1756 Onslow Co, NC E-10 Lewis JENKINS Jr to Thomas ROPER for L6, 13s, 4p part of 100a given me by my father Lewis JENKINS, 50a west side of New River adjoining ROADS line, below my fathers plantation. Test: John AVERITT, John HUNT.;

!DEED:10 Jun 1756 Onslow Co, NC E-14 Lewis JENKINS Sr to my sons Lewis JENKINS Jr and Henry JENKINS, land on New River, to Henry: 120a where I know live, also two negroes. To Lewis: 2 negroes, with Henry. Lewis JENKINS Sr and Isabella JENKINS, mother and father of Henry and Lewis to live on land for their lifetimes. Test: Robert SIMPSON, Elizabeth LEE, Sarah SIMPSON.;

!DEED:10 Sep 1756 Onslow Co, NC E-17 Lewis JENKINS Sr to Elizabeth KING, wife of William KING and daughter of said Lewis JENKINS Sr, after decease of himself and his wife Isabella, father and mother of Elizabeth KING. Witness: John THOROUGOOD, Henry JENKINS Jr.;

!DEED:29 Jul 1756 Onslow Co, NC E-18 John AVERITT to Lewis JENKINS Sr for L17.10, 50a to Lewis JENKINS and Isabella JENKINS, after their
death to Lewis JENKINS Jr. Test: Francis THOROWGOOD, Henry JENKINS, John THOROWGOOD.;

WITNESS:23 Sep 1756 Onslow Co, NC E-20 Horotio JAMES to Luke BOND of
Co, NC. Test: Henry JENKINS, Lewis JENKINS Sr.;

NAMED: 2 Sep 1757 Onslow Co, NC E-29/30 Henry JENKINS to Lewis
L25, 120a whereon my fahter now lives, given to me by my
father Lewis
JENKINS Sr 10 Jun 1756. Test: Joseph LOYD, John AVERITT;

WITNESS:10 Oct 1757 Onslow Co, NC E-36 Andrew Fullwood to Thomas
Johnston Co, NC. Test: Henry JENKINS, Lewis JENKINS Jr,

DEED:17 Jul 1758 Onslow Co, NC E-42 Adam BRINSON to Henry JENKINS
for L80, 110a
North side of Southwest Branch of New River, the father and
mother of
Henry JENKINS, that is Lewis JENKINS Sr and wife Izabella to
live and
enjoy the land for their natural lives, but no longer, after
that to Henry

WITNESS:22 Feb 1759 Onslow Co, NC E-58 Mortgage to Thomas ALBRITTON
from John
EVANS. Test: Izabella JENKINS, Lewis JENKINS Sr.;

WITNESS:23 Sep 1760 Onslow Co, NC F-12 William FINSINGER to Philip
AMAN. Test:

!WILL:25 Jul 1763 Onslow Co, NC 2-89 Lewis JENKINS Sr son Lewis, daughter Elizabeth KING, son Henry, executor: son Henry. Test: Amy HUNTER, George BRINSON, John BRINSON; 
Jenkins, Lewis (I17545)
82934 !WITNESS: 4 Nov 1741 Northampton Co., NC Deeds 1-6 Rowland Williams of Northampton to Thomas Richardson of same for £5, 280a adjoining Richard Atkinson and the Mill Swamp. Wit: Knowles Giles, Thomas (T) Floyd.

!WITNESS:10 Nov 1755 Northampton Co., NC Deeds 2-234 William Cain and wife Sarah of Edgcomb to John Williams of Northampton for £13, 107a west side of Mill Swamp. Wit: Thomas Floyd, William Portiss, Robert Inman.

!DEED:18 Jan 1757 Northampton Co., NC Deeds 2-434 William Floyd and Thomas Floyd of Northampton to John Jordan of same, for £4 6sh, 100a north side of Raglands road, joining Charles Gee, James Parham. Wit: Maurice Floyd, May Floyd.

!DEED:22 Jan 1763 Northampton Co., NC Deeds 3-402 Thomas Floyd, planter of Northampton to John Jordan of same for £10, 100a, part of tract where John Floyd, deceased died, north side of Roanoke River, adjoining Jack Swamp. S: Thomas (X) Floyd. Wit: Frederick Jordan, Thomas Williams, Jonas (X) Short.

!DEED:16 Feb 1763 Northampton Co., NC Deeds 3-401 Thomas Floyd and wife Mary of Northampton to James Stanton for £40, 385a joining James Stanton, James Parham, John Jordan, Gee, Kate’s Hole, Joel Barker. S: Thomas Floyd, Mary (X) Floyd; 
Floyd, Thomas (I99714)
82935 !WITNESS: 8 Dec 1791 Greene Co, GA E-697 Matthew CLENDENING of Wilkes co. to John GEORGE of Greene Co. for L50, 287 1/2 land in Greene co. on waters of Big Creek. Surveyed 10 Mar 1784 and granted 29 Oct 1789 to Matthew CLENDENING. Bounded by OLIVER and vacant land. Wit: Frances GEORGE, William GEORGE and Holman FREEMAN;

!DEED:15 Aug 1792 Greene Co, GA E-699 John GEORGEe and Frances his wife, of Greene Co., GA, to James THOMAS of state of Virginia, for L50, 100 acres land in Greene Co., originally granted Mathew Clendening 29 Oct 1789. Wit: Alexander REED, William GEORGE, Jr; 
Freeman, Frances (I92047)
82936 !WITNESS: 8 Mar 1754 Onslow Co, NC D-20 Solomon WARREN of "Johns County, SC" to Nathaniel AVERITT of Onslow Co, NC. Test: John AVERITT, Elizabeth JENKINS, Lewis JENKINS.;

!WITNESS: 7 Nov 1753 Onslow Co, NC D-23 Andrew FULLWOOD to James TAYLOR. Test: Elizabeth JENKINS, Philemon MORRIS, Lewis JENKINS;

!DEED:10 Sep 1756 Onslow Co, NC E-17 Lewis JENKINS Sr to Elizabeth KING, wife of William KING and daughter of said Lewis JENKINS Sr, after decease of himself and his wife Isabella, father and mother of Elizabeth KING. Witness: John THOROUGOOD, Henry JENKINS Jr.;

!NAMED:25 Jul 1763 Onslow Co, NC Will 2-89 Lewis JENKINS Sr as "daugher Elizabeth KING";

Jenkins, Elizabeth (I77935)
82937 !WITNESS: 9 May 1767 Northampton Co., NC Deeds 4-729 Benjamin Bishop and wife Hannah of Northampton to Lawrence Smith of same, 150a ... Wit: Moses (X) Floyd, James (X) Channell Floyd, Moses (I99718)
82938 !WITNESS: 9 Nov 1753 Northampton Co, NC Deeds 2-131 James OSBURN of Northampton to Joseph BRADLEY of Northampton, 100a South side Quarter Swamp. Witness: William WINBORNE, James GRANT, John WILLIAMSON;

!WITNESS: 3 Jul 1758 Northampton Co, NC Deeds 2-516 William SANDERS of Northampton to Thomas WINBORN of Northampton 100a south side Quarter Swamp. Wit: James GRANT, Thomas HUSSEY;

!WITNESS: 5 May 1761 Northampton Co, NC Deeds 3-131 Robert HOUSE to Joseph ING, 136 1/2a joining Barnaba THOMAS, James GRANT. Wit: Thomas WINBORNE, James GRANT, John HOUSE;

!WITNESS: 3 Aug 1761 Northampton Co, NC Deeds 3-131 Robert HOUSE to John HOUSE, 100a joining Joseph ING, John BASS, Robert HOUSE, Barnaba THOMAS Wit: Thomas WINBORNE, James GRANT, Joseph ING;

!DEED:12 Mar 1762 Northampton Co, NC Deeds 3-190 Thomas WINBORN of Northampton to James GRANT of same, for 12, 100a south side Quarter Swamp. Wit: Luke RAWLES, Ann (X) CREECH;

!DEED:12 Aug 1766 Northampton Co, NC Deeds 3-451 Joseph ING & Ann his wife, of Edgecombe to James GRANT of Northampton, for 34, 136 1/2a joining Thomas WILSON, James GRANT. Wit: James WINBURN, John GRANT;

!WILL:18 Nov 1766 Northampton Co, NC Wills 1-147 James GRANT Proven Feb 1767. Wife Esther, to son Jesse GRANT (Hall's Pocosin Land), to wife and 3 sons: William GRANT, Absalom GRANT & Jesse GRANT. My brother John GRANT use of Bear Swamp land. Exec: William WINBORNE and my wife Esther. Witness: James WINBORNE, John GRANT;

!WITNESS: 9 Feb 1767 Northampton Co, NC Deeds 4-97 John HOUSE of Edgecombe to Daniel DREWRY of Northampton, 100a. Wit: Bryan WINBORNE, Thomas BOON, James GRANT, James WINBORN;

!PROBATE:Feb 1767 Northampton Co, NC. NC Secretary of State Papers.
Probates. James GRANT; Lewis WINBURN, Esther GRANT (Ex); 
Grant, James (I88267)
82939 !WITNESS: 9 Sep 1693 Isle of Wight Co, VA Wills & Deeds Book 1. Christopher HOLMES & Wife MARY of Lower Parish to Nicholas CASEY, 70a. Test: Daniel SANBOURNE, Thomas CLARKE, Sarah SANBOURNE;

!NAMED:16th of 12th mo, 1711 Isle of Wight Co, VA Wills & Deeds Book 2-546 Daniel SANBORNE, rec 24 Nov 1712. To Elizabeth JORDAN, all land which I bought of Thomas MUNFORD, Edward GRIFFEN, Giles LAWRENCE, Abraham BRUCE, & Christopher HOLMES, her husband Joshua JORDAN. Grandson Woodson Sanbourne WOODSON, granddaughter Sarah, the daughter of Joshua JORDAN & Wife Elizabeth. Wife Elizabeth executor. Wit: William BEST, Richard RATCLIFF, Elizabeth RATCLIFF, Humphrey MARSHALL, Benjamin CALLOWAY;

!NAMED:28 Feb 1717 Isle of Wight Co, VA Wills & Deeds Book 2-637 Joshua JORDAN to mother-in-law Sarah SANBURNE. Wife Elizabeth, daughter Sarah, Rachel, Mary, Elizabeth, Margaret, & Susanna. Son Matthew, Joshua. Provisions for unborn child. Exec: wife and brothers Robert & Matthew. Rec: ---. Wit: Thomas COPELAND, Cornelius RATCLIFF, Henry DAVIS; 
Copeland, Sarah (I8445)
82940 !WITNESS:-- --- 1755 Sampson Co, NC (Duplin Co, NC) 2-310 Michael TAYLOR to Robert ALLEN, Black River. Witness: John CRUMPLER, Thomas ROBERTS;

!DEED: 9 Feb 1762 Sampson Co, NC (Duplin Co, NC) 2-56 Robert ALLEN to Thomas ROBERTS, 100a Fork of Black River, Beaverdam Swamp. Witness: Robert BUTLER Jr, John FULGHUM;

!DEED: 7 Mar 1767 Sampson Co, NC (Duplin Co, NC) 1-233 Richard ODOM to Thomas ROBERTS, 100a West Side of Great Coheary. Witness: Abraham GILBERT, William LEE;

!DEED: 7 Mar 1767 Sampson Co, NC (Duplin Co, NC) 1-252 Thomas ROBERTS to Robert BUTLER, 100a West Side of Great Coheary, Beaverdam Swamp. Witness: Robert BUTLER Sr, Jeremiah TEIR, Charles BUTLER;

!DEED:14 Jul 1770 Sampson Co, NC (Duplin Co, NC) 4-342 Thomas ROBERTS to Cannon CASON, 100a West Side of Great Coheary. Witness: William CASON, John FULGHUM;

!DEED:24 Dec 1770 Sampson Co, NC (Duplin Co, NC) 3-357 Thomas ROBERTS to Peter BARBRAE of Edgecombe Co, NC, 100a west side of Great Coheary, both sides of Hodges Branch. Witness: William BALL, John LINDSAY, Robert RAE; 
Roberts, Thomas (I16127)
82941 !WITNESS:13 Aug 1785 Pittsylvania Co, VA Deed 7-472 of John George;

WITNESS:13 Oct 1786 Pittsylvania Co, VA Deed 7-696 of John George;

!WITNESS: 6 Jun 1787 Halifax Co, VA Deeds 14-174 Joseph GILL Jr of Halifax to John GEORGE of Halifax for 400, south side Banester near Court House. Wit: H. GOARE, D. ROBERTS, Mat BILBO, Will GEORGE;

!WITNESS:31 Mar 1789 Pittsylvania Co, VA 9-160 James George Jr “of Pittsylvania” Co, VA sold William Shelton his 122 acres on Green Rock Creek. He signed “James George Jr” and the deed was witnessed by William George (brother), John George (father), Thomas B. Jones, Matt Bilbo (brother-in-law) and Crispin Shelton Jr.

!TAXLIST:1789 * Greene Co, GA Autrey District, William GEORGE (A Travis George and John George also listed same district);

CENSUS:1790 Lost for Virginia and Georgia;

!DEED:15 Jan 1793 Greene Co, GA E-735 William GEORGE to Francis GEORGE (both of Greene Co.) for L250 sterling, negroes: Emanuel, Dinah, George, Jim, Little George, Tom and Dick and household furnitureand livestock. Wit: J. COOK and John WALLACE;

!TAXLIST:1797 * Greene Co, GA Melton District, William GEORGE ;

!CENSUS:1800 * Lost for GA;

!CENSUS:1810 * Lost for GA;
!CENSUS:1820 * Not found in GA;
!CENSUS:1830 * Not found in GA; 
George, William (I5040)
82942 !WITNESS:14 Feb 1774 Sampson Co, NC (Duplin Co, NC) Deed 3-549 Josias BENTON to Joshua BENTON, witness: Samuel ROGERS, Thomas AYERS;

!CENSUS:1790 Sampson Co., NC pg 21 Thomas Airs age 16+ (bef 1774) "1-1-1-0-0";

!MARRIAGE:21 Jul 1791 Wayne Co, NC Thomas AIRS & Prissilla SIMMS, (Bond);

!CENSUS:1800 x not found in Duplin, Sampson or Wayne;

!TAXLIST:1806 Duplin Co, NC Thomas AYERS;

!CENSUS:1810 Wayne Co, NC pg 245 Thomas AIRS age 45+ (bef 1765)

!CENSUS:1820 Wayne Co, NC pg 457 Thomas AYRES age 45+ (bef 1775)

Ayers, Thomas (I100136)
82943 !WITNESS:14 Jan 1783 Wayne Co, NC Deed 1-204 Henry NIXON to Thomas OUTLAND 1a,
east side of Peters Branch. Witness: John NIXON;

!DEED:31 Mar 1783 Wayne Co, NC 1-181 Henry NIXON to John NIXON, 200a Little Br, the Great Branch, and Peters Branch. Witness: Simon SMITH, Isaac DAWSON;

!TAXLIST:1786 Wayne Co, NC District ? John NICKSON, 200a, 1 White Poll, 1 black poll;

!CENSUS:1790 Wayne Co, NC pg 149 John NIXON age 16+ (bef 1774) "2-2-4-0-0";

!NAMED:-- --- 1792 Wayne Co, NC Loose Estates Henry NICKSON, Account by Thomas NICKSON. Named: ... Boockajah SMITH ... Sarah NIXON ... Benjamin SMITH ... John NICKSON ... Thomas NICKSON ...;

!CENSUS:1800 Wayne Co, NC pg 871 John NIXON age 26-44 (1755/74)

!WILL:27 Aug 1803 Wayne Co, NC John NIXON, proven May Court 1805. Names son Bryant, daughters Martha, Ann, Leah and Polly. Executor: William DAWSON, William OUTLAND. Witness: Benjamin NIXON, Henry JOHNSON;

!DEED:24 Nov 1804 Wayne Co, NC 8-184 John NIXON, deed of gift to son-in-law Henry ROBERTS;

!ESTATE:1806 Wayne Co, NC Loose estate papers. William DAWSON, Executor. Debtors to the estate ... Stephen GRANT ... Henry ROBERTS ... Bookajah SMITH ... Benjamin NIXON ...;

!CENSUS:1810 * Deceased;

!NAMED: 5 Oct 1811 Wayne Co, NC Deed 9-385 William DAWSON of Moore Co, NC, executor of last Will of John NIXON, late of Wayne Co, NC. to Isaac GARLAND, land that Henry NIXON conveyed to his son John NIXON, by Will or Deed, upon which said John resided and died and devised to his son Bryan NIXON, who died under age in Apr 1811; 
Nixon, John (I16865)
82944 !WITNESS:14 Sep 1751 Duplin (Sampson) Co, NC Deeds 2-113 Richard MOLPOS to Daniel HERRING. Old Branch. Witness: Abraham HERRING, John ROBERTS;

!NAMED:23 Dec 1754 Colony of North Carolina 1735- 1764 Land Patents 15-79 Crown to Michael NIXON?, 100a Duplin Co, NC adjoining John ROBERTS, Arthur DOBBS, Royal Governor;

!WITNESS: 3 Feb 1757 Duplin (Sampson) Co, NC Deeds 2-421 Moses McDANIEL to William GOODMAN east side North East Branch of Cape Fear River. Witness: Aaron DANIEL, William STEVENS, John ROBARDS;

!WITNESS:31 Jan 1761 Duplin (Sampson) Co, NC Deeds 3-140 James WARD to William STEVENS. Crain Creek. Witness: John ROBERDS, John HICKMAN;

!DEED:23 Feb 1764 Duplin (Sampson) Co, NC Deeds 1-72 John ROBERTS to Isom HATCHER for 50, 100a Rowans Marsh, granted to John ROBERTS 7 Sep 1753. Witness: Isaac NICHLOS, Howard NICHLOS;

!DEED:18 May 1764 Duplin (Sampson) Co, NC Deeds 1-84 John ROBERTS to Isom HATCHER for 5, 100a both sides Reans Marsh. Witness: Isaac NICHOLS, Richard DAVIS;

!DEED: 4 Feb 1767 Duplin (Sampson) Co, NC Deeds 3-295 Alex. CHESNUTT to John ROBERTS for 12, 100a west side of Six Runs. South side Beaver Swamp. Witness: Richard CLINTON;

!DEED:16 Feb 1767 Duplin (Sampson) Co, NC Deeds 3-298 Richard CLINTON to John ROBERTS for 12, 150a west side Six Runs, Rowan Swamp. Witness: Thomas PAGE; 
Roberts, John (I16125)
82945 !WITNESS:16 Mar 1773 Chatham Co, NC A-343 Gidion GILBERT Sr to Joseph GILBERT, Yoeman, for L30, 140a South Side Haw River, on Bloody Creek, a fork of Brush Creek and Waters of Deep River. Wit: George HENDRY, Joshua GILBERT. S: Gideon (X) Gilbert, May (X) Gilbert;

Gideon Gilbert Sr.
Gideon Gilbert Jr.
Jonathan Gilbert
Joshua Gilbert

!GRANT:29 Dec 1778 Burke Co., NC Land Grant # 1390, p. 458 to Joshua Gilbert
100a on middle fork of Johns River joining John Gilberts line, up fork ...; 
Gilbert, Joshua (I83948)
82946 !WITNESS:16 Oct 1789 Surry Co NC Deed E-174 William LAFOON to John COX. Land in the Hollow on Stony Creek. Witness: Alexander BRYSON, Thomas NORMAND, FROST & SNOW. S: William Lafoon;

!CENSUS:1790 Surry Co, NC pg 183 Alexander BRISON age 16+ (bef 1774) "1-2-1-0-0";

!DEED: 8 Nov 1793 Surry Co, NC Deed Book F-125 Thomas Adams WORD to Alexander BRYSON 80 pds, 90a middle Fork Tarrarat River, Bleckers Creek, adj Andw Bailey. Ack. S: T. A. Word;

!NAMED:15 Aug 1794 Surry Co, NC Deed Book F-133 Thomas Adams WORD to William WORD, brother of said Thomas, for love, 85a Bledsoe Creek waters, Tarrarat River, adj land Thomas Adams Word sold Alexander BRYSON. Acknowledged. S: T. A. Word;

!DEED:23 Feb 1795 Surry Co, NC F-266 Alexander BRYSON & wife Mary to Edwin HICKMAN, 100L 98 1/2a middle fork Tarrarat River. S: Alexander Bryson, Mary (X) Bryson. Wit: Thomas A. WORD, John CREED, John BRYSON Jr;


!WITNESS: 8 Sep 1804 Surry Co, NC Will 3-84 of John BRYSON. Witness: Alexander BRYSON, Mallory SMITH, Elizabeth (X) SMITH;


!DEED: 7 Feb 1815 Surry Co, NC N-433 Ann BRYSON to Alexander BRYSON a negro boy named Tom. S: Ann (X) Bryson. Wit: Arch. BRYSON;

Bryson, Alexander (I90457)
82947 !WITNESS:17 Jan 1774 Albemarle Co, VA Will 2-333 of Thomas BURCH of Albemarle
Co, VA and St. Anne Parish. Witnessed: Melch BRAME, Hannah C. BRAME,
John BRAME, Mary Pottus BRAME; 
Brame, Melchizedick (I15520)
82948 !WITNESS:18 Jan 1757 Northampton Co., NC Deeds 2-434 William Floyd and Thomas Floyd of Northampton to John Jordan of same, for £4 6sh, 100a north side of Raglands road, joining Charles Gee, James Parham. Wit: Maurice Floyd, May Floyd.

!DEED: 7 Feb 1764 Northampton Co., NC Deeds 3-473 Morris Floyd and wife Mary of Northampton to John Webb, for £20, 200a west side of Kate's Hole adjoining Long Branch. S: Morris (X) Floyd, Mary (X) Floyd. Wit: John Birdsong, James Birdsong, Charles (X) Spence.

!NAMED: 2 Oct 1791 Northampton Co., NC Wills 2-13 Morris Floyd, proven Jun 1792. Wife Mary, daughter Rosamond. All my children: Thomas Floyd, Edward Floyd, Andrew Floyd, Morris Floyd, Buckner Floyd, James Floyd, Charles Floyd, Rosamond Williams, Gronow? Floyd, Allen Floyd. Executors: Wife Mary and son Morris. Wit: John Gee, Peter (X) Melton, Allen Floyd. 
Mary (I99721)
82949 !WITNESS:18 Jan 1757 Northampton Co., NC Deeds 2-434 William Floyd and Thomas Floyd of Northampton to John Jordan of same, for £4 6sh, 100a north side of Raglands road, joining Charles Gee, James Parham. Wit: Maurice Floyd, May Floyd.

!WITNESS: 2 Apr 1757 Northampton Co., NC Deeds 2-392 James Norton and wife Martha of Northampton to Drury Jordan of Brunswick Co., VA. Wit: James Haley, John Jordan, Morris Floyd.

!DEED: 7 Feb 1764 Northampton Co., NC Deeds 3-473 Morris Floyd and wife Mary of Northampton to John Webb, for £20, 200a west side of Kate’s Hole adjoining Long Branch. S: Morris (X) Floyd, Mary (X) Floyd. Wit: John Birdsong, James Birdsong, Charles (X) Spence.

!CENSUS:1790 Northampton Co., NC pg 569 Morris Floyd Senr age 16+ (bef 1774)

!WILL: 2 Oct 1791 Northampton Co., NC Wills 2-13 Morris Floyd, proven Jun 1792. Wife Mary, daughter Rosamond. All my children: Thomas Floyd, Edward Floyd, Andrew Floyd, Morris Floyd, Buckner Floyd, James Floyd, Charles Floyd, Rosamond Williams, Gronow? Floyd, Allen Floyd. Executors: Wife Mary and son Morris. Wit: John Gee, Peter (X) Melton, Allen Floyd. 
Floyd, Morris (I99723)
82950 !WITNESS:20 Mar 1752 Northampton Co., NC Deeds 2-71 John Randall and wife Mary of Northampton to Edward Wright of Nansemond Co., VA, for £40, 100a adjoining Sandy Run, east prong of Haw Branch and Licking Root branch. Wit: William Livingston, William Eaton, Samuel Floyd, David Hancock.

!WITNESS:13 Oct 1753 Northampton Co., NC Deeds 2-130 William Livingston of Northampton to Joseph Livingston of Bladen County for £100, 363a adjoining William Gray, Sandy Run, mouth of Haw Branch, Robert Sherard and George Stevenson. Wit: William Baker, William Anderson, ---- Moore, Samuel Floyd.

!DEED:13 Nov 1756 Northampton Co., NC Deeds 2-352 Samuel Floyd and Ann his wife of Northampton to Edward Wright of Nansemond Co., VA for £13, 1 sh, 4p, 100a adjoining Sandy Run on the north, Joseph Levingston, John Eden, Lick Root Branch and Haw Branch, being the same land that Samuel Floyd purchased from said Wright as executor of Will of his father Edward Wright, deceased. Wit: John Duke, Hance —, Jonathan Walker. 
Floyd, Samuel (I99476)

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