Notes |
- !NOTES:Based on DNA testing, it's very likely that Jasper's father is one of the Lovingoods, a son of either George W. Lovingood or Harmon Lovingood;
!CENSUS:1870 Cherokee Co., NC Murphy, Murphy PO # 83/83
Elizabeth Grant 39 Keeping House $-/- GA
Mary 18 No Occupation NC
Thomas 15 Attending School
Jasper 5 at home
Rachel 11 at home
Catherine 9 at home;
!CENSUS:1880 x
!NAMED-MARRIAGE LICENSE:30 Jul 1881 Cherokee Co., NC
Jasper Young, of Hanging Dog, 21, white, son of "not known" dead, and Ellie Young, living of Hanging Dog
Catharine Grant, of Hanging Dog, 18, white, dau of Bob Grant, dead, and Elizabeth Grant, living of Hanging Dog.
Married 31 Jul 1881
by H. Lovingood, JP
at the dwelling of Elizabeth Grant in Murphy Township
Wit: Thomas Grant, Jasper Grant and John Dick, all of Cherokee Co., NC;
!MARRIAGE:29 Jul 1888 Gilmer Co., GA
Jasper Grant & Elizabeth Griggs
by A. J. Dooley, JP
!CENSUS:1900 Marion Co., AR De Soto PHF 20-73-73
Jasper M. Grant Hd W M Mar 1865 35 M 7 NC-NC-NC Farmer
Rena J. Wf W F Oct 1874 25 M 7 3-2 AR-LA-AR
Vera R. Dau W F Oct 1894 5 S AR-NC-AR
Mary J. Dau W F Sep 1897 2 S AR-NC-AR
!CENSUS:1910 Searcy County, Arkansas
Township Campbell
Page / House / Family # 60B / 89 / 89
Name Rel R S Age Ms Ch Birth Places Occupation
Jasper M. Grant Hd W M 45 M1 17 NC-US-US Farmer
Rena Wf W F 35 M1 17 6-5 AR-AL-AR None
Vera Dau W F 15 S AR-NC-AR Farm Laborer
Mary Dau W F 12 S AR-NC-AR Farm Laborer
Luther Son W M 9 S AR-NC-AR None
James Son W M 7 S AR-NC-AR None
Arthur Son W M 3 S AR-NC-AR None
!CENSUS:1920 Searcy County, Arkansas
Township Campbell
Page / House / Family Number 203 / 53 / 53
Name Rel S R Age Ms Birth Places Occupation Industry
Jasper Grant Hd M W 54 M NC-SC-SC Farmer General Farm
Reana Wf F W 45 M AR-AL-AR None
Luther Son M W 18 S AR-NC-AR Labor Home Farm
Arthur Son M W 16 S AR-NC-AR None
Arta Dau F W 12 S AR-NC-AR None
!CENSUS:1930 Van Buren County, Arkansas
Township Griggs
Page / House / Family Number 84 / 279 / 283
Name Rel S R Age Ms Birth Places Occupation Industry
Arthur W. Grant Head M W 22 M 21 AR-NC-AR Farmer General Farm
Vida J. Wife F W 17 M 16 AR-AR-AR None
Winnie O. Dau F W 2/12 S AR-AR-AR None
Jasper M. Grant Father M W 65 M 26 NC-SC-SC Laborer Farm
Rena J. Grant Mother F W 55 M 18 AR-AL-AR None