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- !BIRTH: 3 Oct 1758 from his Revolutionary Pension application (S1755) where he said he "has seen a record of his birth kept by hus Uncle William GRANT but which was destroyed or carried off by the Indians who killed two of GRANT's family & plundered his house in North Carolina about the year 1782";
!TAXLIST:1785 Rutherford Co, NC John DALTON, 0a, 1 poll;
1. He entered the service at Albemarle Co., VA in the year of 1778 under the following officers: Capt. Wm. Sims, Lieutenant Wm. Flint and Wm. McDowell, Ensign. He was a Pvt.
2. He again entered the service in June 1781, Albemarle Co., VA under Capt. Wm. Sims. He was a Sgt.
3. He served 4 months as a Pvt and 6 monts as a Sgt.
4. He states he was born Oct. 3, 1758, Albemarle Co., VA. That he has no record of his age but that the account was given by his parents, he has seen a record of his age kept by his Uncle Wm. Grant but which he understands was distroyed or carried off by Indians who killed two of Grants family and plundered his home in North Carolina about the year 1782.
5. He entered the service in Albemarle Co., VA and resided there during the whole war. From there moved to Rutherford Co., NC sometime after the war, where he lived twenty years, from Rutherford Co., NC he moved to Tennessee and has resided there over sixteen years. The date he told the above was Feb. 11, 1833.
6. He was a ordained Baptist Minister and preached at Billís Creek Bapt. Church in Rutherford Co., NC.
7. Rutherford Co., NC Deeds Book 20-21, page 248, filed 23 Nov. 1803, No. 184: Indenture made 1794 John Dalton of one part to James Cares both of Rutherford, land on head of Nix Creek from North side of Nix Creek to Millers line then Millers line, bearing date 4 Jan. 1792. Signed John Dalton, 7 March 1794. Wit. John McCann, Lucy Dolton, Anna Dolton.
8. Rutherford Co., NC Deed book 20-21, Recorded 6 March 1805, No. 232: Indenture made 6 June 1804, John Dalton, Thomas Dalton Executors of Decíd David Dalton of the County of Rutherford, to John Ledbetter, $425, for 70 acres land more or less in Rutherford County on both sides of the North Fork of Main Broad River beginning at White Oak in east side of the said fork near the path running east then to a conditional line to a White Oak on the bank os said river down said fork of river to the beginning. (this land granted by patent to Michael Muckleworth , 2 March 1775, No. 1085). Signed: John Dalton, Thomas Dalton. Wit: Charles Stice, Eli Naras?, Wm. Searcy.
9. Rutherford Co., NC Deeds, Books 24-26, page 278, filed 2 Sept. 1808, No. 295: Indenture made 20 Sept. 1805 between John Dalton of the County of Rutherford and State of NC of the one part and William Searcy of the County and State aforesaid of the other part. In consideration of one pound lawful money of NC in hand paid by Searcy. John Dalton granted, bargained and sold a certain piece or parcel of land lying and being in the county aforesaid bounds as follows: beginning at a cluster of Red Oaks on the North side of the river then South 20 poles to White Oak then wast 60 poles to a poplar on the river bank then north 68 poles to a stake then west 120 poles to a stake then south 68 poles to the beginning by estimation 100 acres with all houses, buildings, water courses, ect.... Signed John Dalton. Wit: Wm. Sims Dalton, Thomas Ballard.
10. Rutherford Co., NC Deeds book 25, page 20, filed 15 Feb. 1809: Indenture made 24 Sept. 1804, John Dalton to Wm. Kelly both of Rutherford County. 10 pds to the said Dalton by Wm. Kelly, parcel of land in Co. of Rutherford on south side of Broad River containing 50 acres on the south bank of Broad River, Kellyís white Oak corner, west to Robins old line to the beginning. Signed John Dalton, Wit: Joseph Reavis, George Russell.
11. Rutherford Co., NC Deeds Book 25, page 210, file 7 Oct. 1810: Indenture made 27 April 1810, John Dalton to John whiteside, both of Rutherford, for $1325, land lying on main Broad River beginning in middle of said river on the originol line on the tract of land granted to Martin Fifer by a state patent hence to a dividing line between said John Dalton and
James Bar, hence to said Daltons 100 acre tract... to said Dalton and Wm. Kellyís corner to a maple on south bank of river by a big rock up the meanders of the said river to the beginning. Property containing 300 acres.