Notes |
- !CENSUS:1790 Georgetown Dist, SC Prince George Parish pg 56 w/Enos TART age -16 (1774/90);
!CENSUS:1800 Marion Dist, SC pg 796 w/Enos TART age 16-25 (1774/84);
!NAMED-PROBATE ROLL # 767 Marion Co., SC Enos Tart Senr. 1801
Will Dated 18 Jan 1801
Wife Sarah Tart
son John Tart
son Nathan Tart
daus Mary Crawford and Martha Maloye
son Jonathan Tart
son Enos Tart Jr
gr-dau Nancy Tart
W: Archibald Kerby, James Grantham, Andrew Berry Sr.
Execs: Oldest sons John, Jonathan and Enos.
Proved 1 May 1801
!WITNESS: 1 Jan 1802 Marion Dist, SC Deeds B-121 Jacob BUCKHOLTS Jr of Darlington Dist, SC to Thomas T. WICKHAM of Marion Dist, for $1200 six tracts containing 150a each Catfish Swamp. S: Jacob Buckholts Junr. Wit: Enos TART, James (X) CRAWFORD, Mary (X) CRAWFORD;
!WITNESS: 7 Jan 1804 Marion Dist, SC Deeds D-192 Jonathan TART of Marion Dist, planter to Mary CRAWFORD widow of Marion for $300, 400a toward Catfish Swamp, part of 4726a grant to John SANDERS conv to Christopher DEW to Jonathan TART. S: Jonathan Tart. Wit: Enos TART, John MACE, Charles STEWART;
!NAMED:16 Mar 1804 Marion Dist, SC A-54 James CRAWFORD, decd. Mary CRAWFORD, Enos TART, adm;
!NAMED: 4 May 1804 Marion Dist, SC Administrations A-59 Dr. Thomas T. WICKHAM, decd. Ann WICKHAM, Stephen SHACKELFORD, Jams McREE, adms. Letters of appraisment to: Enos TART, James CRAWFORD, Levi GIBSON, John GIBSON, John BETHEA Sr;
!WITNESS:24 Nov 1804 Marion Dist, SC Deeds C-256 Mortgage. Charles MELOY of Marion Dist, SC to Sarah TART of same place for 20, 150a granted to John SMITH Sr NE side Catfish bound by Enos TART. S: Charles Meloy. Wit: Enos TART, James CRAWFORD Sr. Proven by James CRAWFORD Jr bef Samuel COOPER 19 May 1806. If Charles MELOY pays $100 to Sarah TART by 1 Jan 1806, deed to be void. Wit: James CRAWFORD Sr, probated by James CRAWFORD Jr. James CRAWFORD Sr appeared before Sam COOPER rec 19 May 1806;
!CENSUS:1810 Marion Dist., SC pg 26
Enos Tart age 26-44 (1765/84)
!TAXLIST:1811 Marion Dist, SC Enos TART $4.11;
!WITNESS-DEED: 5 Feb 1811 Marion Co., SC Deed Book V., p. 210
John Deer of Marion Dist, planter to James Deer planter of same place, for $100., 161 1/2 acres being upper half of a tract granted to Samuel Johnson Sr. 1 Oct 1789 the other half of said grant now belonging to Lazarus Lee Sr.
S: John Deer.
Wit: William Bucholz, Osburne Lane, Enos Tart, QU.
* From "Abstracts of Marion County [SC] Deed Books U and V 1846-1853", Lucille Utley, Kathy Loyd, John M. Gregg. Three Rivers Historical Society, 2003.;
!NAMED: 8 Sep 1812 Marion Dist, SC Sales Book A-129 Sylvester ROCKWELL Estate. Purchasers: ... James CRAWFORD ... Enos TART ... James CRAWFORD Jr, James CRAWFORD Sr ...;
!DEED:17 Jul 1813 Marion Dist, SC F-271 Mary JOHNSON, Sherid JOHNSON, Benjamin JOHNSON, John TURBEVILLE, William TURBEVILLE, Unity WOODS, Robert MOODY, Jessey BRYAN and Enos TART to Samuel JOHNSON for $305, 172a part of 200a grant to Samuel JOHNSON Sr, decd on 14 Sep 1789 and other grant to John OWENS 1 Sep 1770 for 100a. Wit: Thomas MOODY, Roger MOODY. Signed: Mary (x) Johnson, Sherid (x) Johnson, Benjamin (B) Johnson, John (x) Turbeville, William (x) Turbeville, Unity (x) Woods, Jesse Bryan, Enos Tart;
!TAXLIST:1814 Marion Dist, SC Enos TART $23.50;
!NAMED:11 Nov 1817 Marion Dist, SC Administrations A-228 Elias JOHNSON, decd. Enos TART, adm;
!NAMED:11 Nov 1817 Marion Dist, SC Minutes of the Ordinary 1810-1825 Letters of admin to Enos TART, admr of est of Elias JOHNSON;
!DEED:18 Feb 1816 Marion Co., SC Book F page 327
Charles Moody of Marion Dist, bound to Enos Tart for $1286.48 ... mortgage ...
S: Charles Moody
W: Johnson Tirbeville, John (X) Tirbeville, Cherry Tart;
!DEED: 9 Jan 1818 Marion Co., SC Book M page 95
Sarah Tart, widow of Marion Dist., to Enos Tart for $300 ... 750a Es Catfish Cr
... John Smith decd by LW&T to Sarah Tart ... also 600a two other tracts granted to John Smith ...
S: Sarah (X) Tart
W: Cherry Tart, Mary Tart, Ann Finklea
Proven by Cherry Finklea (formerly Cherry Tart) and Ann Finklea 12 Feb 1828 before Elly Gasque, JP;
!DEED: 1 Mar 1818 Marion Co., SC Book M page 93
John Deer of Marion Dist., to Enos Tart of same, for $260 ...
S: John Deer
W: A. Porter, Jesse Bryan, Cherry Tart;
!WITNESS-DEED:19 Mar 1819 Marion Co., SC Deed Book L, p. 297
John Blackman of Marion District to John Manning for $200, of same place, planter, 100a on Buck Swamp Marsh bounded by land formerly belonging to Osborne Lane one side & on the upper side by land formerly belonging to James Blackman being p/o tract granted to John Sanders 1 Jul 1793 & conveyed by Sanders to to Solomon Blackman & from him to John Blackman & now to John Manning.
S: John Blackman.
Wit: Enos Tart, Newet Drew.
Elizabeth (her mark) Blackman, wife of John Blackman relinquishes dower.
* From "Abstracts of Marion County [SC] Deed Books L - M - N 1824-1831", Lucille Utley, Angela Turner, Billie Eaddy Cribb. Three Rivers Historical Society, 2003.;
!CENSUS:1820 Marion Dist., SC pg 67
Enos Tart age 26-44 (1775/94)
000210-42110-0, slaves=4300-3120;
!WITNESS-DEED:16 Feb 1820 Marion Co., SC Deed Book I, p. 213
David Blackman, planter, of Marion, in consideration of affection towards my daughter Mahalah Blackman, give at my death, 100a near Little Pee Dee River bounded by Lewis Mares, James Blackman, Hugh Harrell & Lazarus Lee, Junr, all my horses, cattle, hogs, sheep, furniture, tools & all other property.
S: David (his mark) Blackman.
Wit: Taply Moody, Levi (his mark) Huggins, Enos Tart.
* From "Marion County South Carolina Abstracts of Deeds Volume Two Books F - I & K 1811-1823", Lucille Utley, Alita White Sutcliffe, 1997.;
!NAMED: 7 Nov 1822 Marion Dist, SC Inventory Book 1827-1836 pg 12 Jesse BRYANT Estate. Appraisers: James CRAWFORD, Enos TART, John DEER, John JONES;
!TAXLIST:1824 Marion Dist, SC Enos TART $23.84;
!NAMED:17 Feb 1829 Marion Dist, SC Inventory Book 1827-1836 pg 34 Enos TART Estate. Notes: ... R. CAMPBELL & John GIBSON ... Samuel JOHNSON ... M. CRAWFORD ... B. MOODY ... R. TURNER ... John & W. CRAWFORD ... Lewis JOHNSON ... Sam & Ben JOHNSON ... T. G. CRAWFORD ... James G. CRAWFORD ...;
!NAMED:13 Mar 1829 Marion Dist, SC Sales Book A-208 Enos TART Estate. Purchasers: S. JOHNSON ... B. MOODY ... W. CRAWFORD ... Willis CRAWFORD ... Samuel JOHNSON .... Mrs. Susannah TART ...;
!REFERENCE:"A History of Marion County, South Carolina" by W.W. Sellers, Esq. 1902. Pg 193 - 197, State Representative;
!REFERENCE:"A History of Marion County, South Carolina" by W.W. Sellers, Esq. 1902. Pg 492 - 502;
!REFERENCE:"A History of Marion County, South Carolina" by W.W. Sellers, Esq. 1902. Pg 538 - 543;
!EQUITY:Marion Co, SC Equity Roll # 236, Page 76, 77 - Enos TART, died 15 Nov 1828. Filed 25 Dec 1830 - Heirs:
wife: Susannah Tart,
Children: Elizabeth Kirvin, wife wife of Alfred Kirvin; Enos Tart; Nathan Tart; Thomas Tart; Sarah Tart; Martha J. Tart; Susannah Tart.
Grandchildren: John H. Finklea; Enos A. Finklea; Mary J. Finklea;
!PROBATE ROLL # 751 Marion Co., SC Enos Tart 1829
Susanna Tart and John C. Finklea, adm 20 Jan 1829
5 Oct 1829 Summons to -
Susannah Tart wife of intestate Enos Tart
Sarah Tart
Jane Tart
Susanna Tart
Enos Tart
Nathan Tart
Thomas E. Tart, children of said intestate,
Elizabeth Kirvin and
Hardy Fincklea, Aquilla Fincklea, and Mary Jane Finklea children of Polly, wife of Willis Finklea who was dau of said intestate,
1/3 to Susanna Tart
remaining 2/3rds to Telatha Avant, Elizabeth Kirvin, Sarah Tart, Jane Tart, Susannah Tart, Enos Tart, Nathan Tart, Thomas E. Tart and
Hardy Finklea, Aquilla Finklea and Mary Jane Finklea children of said Willis and Polly Finklea.
... Enos A. Finklea [appears to be same person as Aquilla]
4 Aug 1830 Summons to Eli Avant and Telatha his wife vs Susannah Tart ...
!REFERENCE: A History of Marion County, South Carolina From Its Earliest Times to the Present, 1901, by W. W. Sellers, Esq., of the Marion Bar. 1902. pp. 183-185
Of the three brothers of old David Perritt, Joseph never married; he has been dead many years. Jesse married Mary Dew, daughter of old Christopher Dew ; they had no children ; she died, and he married a second wife, the widow of Elias Townsend; she had been the widow of Alfred Kirven, and was originally Elizabeth Tart, daughter of old Enos Tart, a notable man in his day, and of whom something may be said hereinafter ; by her he had no child or children ; both have been dead for some years. John Perritt, the youngest brother of old David Perritt, died in 1840 or 1841, a young single man, from the bite of a rattlesnake ; he was with a surveying party about the Marlborough line, and in toward the Great Pee Dee River, when the snake bit him; there was no house near them and no doctor near; he was carried two miles to the nearest house and a doctor was finally procured, but too late; he died that same night; a young man of fine character and good habits, and was spoken well of by all who knew him. ;
!NOTES:Above, Sellers mistakenly refers to the children of Joseph Perritt (Sr) as brothers to David Perritt. They would have been David's nephews instead, assuming he and Joseph (Sr) were brothers, as seems to be the case (but isn't proven).;
!REFERENCE: A History of Marion County, South Carolina From Its Earliest Times to the Present, 1901, by W. W. Sellers, Esq., of the Marion Bar. 1902. pp. 193-197
TART.-The Tart family was formerly a very noted family at least, in the person of old Enos Tart. There were three brothers of them as known to the writer, Enos, John and Nathan. Of these, Enos was the most prominent ; he lived on, and owned the plantation and mill latterly known as E. J. Moody's. Who the father of these three brothers were, is not known to the writer. When that mill was built, and by whom, is not known. In Gregg's History it is spoken of as "Tart's Mill, about six miles above Marion Court House." It is reasonable to presume it was among the first mills in the county, except, perhaps, "Hulins," on Catfish, afterwards Bass' Mill. (Gregg, p359) The mill was, before the Revolution, the property of John Smith, whose daughter, tradition informs us, was the mother of Enos Tart and brothers. This John Smith was the progenitor of most of the Smiths (numerous) now and since that time in the county. Enos Tart was a most remarkable man, a giant in strength and size, weighing about three hundred pounds and not over corpulent. It is related of him that he could interfere between two men fighting, and take one combatant with one hand in the collar and with the other hand the other combatant, and hold them apart ; they could not break his hold, and he would hold them apart, until each promised him that they would desist, and each go his way and quit the fight. He was a man of such remarkable equanimity of temper, that a man might curse and abuse him for everything he could think of, and call him all sorts of contemptuous names, and he would not resent it, but laugh at his would-be adversary. It is related of him that on one occasion old man Cade Bethea so cursed and abused him at Marion Court House, calling him by every contemptuous name in the catalogue, and daring Tart to resent it, which Tart did not do, and as usual laughed at old Cade. On that night, as Tart was going home, he came up with old man Cade by the side of the road, down dead drunk. Tart alighted, went to him and took him home with him, and stripped him and put him to bed, old man Cade being unconscious all the while. Next morning, the sleeping Cade; so furious the day before, awoke and found out where he was; he got up and manfully acknowledged his error; that he was whipped by Tart's kindness, and was ever afterwards a close and constant friend of Tart's. Enos Tart, according to tradition, was never known to strike any man, and the reason given for it was, that he was afraid to strike a man for fear he might kill him; Tart knew his physical power. He was a kindhearted and generous man, and befriended all as far as he could; he was a very popular man, and could not be beaten before the people. He was more than once a Representative of his district in the State Legislature; was Sheriff of the county, and Clerk of the Court when he died, in 1828. Enos Tart married a Miss Susanna Johnson, of the county; the results of the marriage were four or five daughters and three sons. One of his daughters married Jack Finklea ; one married Willis Finklea; one, Elizabeth, married, first, Alfred Kirvin, and had two children for him, two daughters, when they separated, and years afterwards, after Kirvin died, she married Elias Townsend; some years afterward, Townsend died, and she married Jessee Perritt ; by neither of the last marriages had she any offspring ; they lived together for some years, and they both died in a week of each other. Of her Kirvin children, the oldest, Lucinda, died just as she was budding into womanhood. The other daughter, whose name is not remembered, married James Fore, and had four children, three daughters and a son; of these, two of the daughters married Berrys— Stephen Berry and William Berry ; the other daughter married Powers, a son of Mitchel Powers. The son, Thomas E. Fore, is now one of our good citizens, and has a family. Susan Tart, the fourth daughter, married a Mr. Brown, of Brownsville, in Marlborough; after having two children, a son and a daughter, the father and mother both died ; the children grew up and emigrated West. Jane Tart, the youngest daughter of old Enos Tart, married another Brown, of the same family; he soon after died, leaving no offspring; the widow again married Humphrey Lester; the results of this marriage were two children—a daughter, Mary, now the wife of M. Stackhouse, and a son, Robert H. Lester, now among us, with an increasing family; he married a Miss Proctor, of Little Rock. Soon after the birth of these two children, Humphrey Lester died, and Jane became a widow the second time; she again married our esteemed fellow-citizen, E. J. Moody ; the fruits of this latter marriage were two sons, Thomas E. and Neill C. Moody, and two daughters. Thomas E. married a Miss Little, daughter of the Rev. L. M. Little ; he soon died childless. Neill C. Moody never married, died three or four years ago. The daughters, Virginia and Maggie, both married. Virginia married Douglas Mclntyre, of Marion— noble woman she was ; she died some years ago, leaving three or four children, the oldest of whom, Janie, married Robert Proctor ; they have left the State. Mclntyre married again, a Miss Fore, and has his first children with him now, except Janie. Maggie Moody married Dr. D. I. Watson; they removed to Southport, N. C, have several children, and are said to be doing well. It may be truthfully said of Mrs. Jane Moody, who died some years ago, that she was the excellent of the earth ; high-toned, and above all had a good and kind heart, beloved by all who knew her ; and if any of her children or grand-children should turn out badly, it will not be the fault or failings of the mother; she left an influence that will tell upon her offspring sooner or later. Old Enos Tart had three sons, Enos, Nathan and Thomas E. Tart. Enos, the oldest, died a young man, in 1844, before his mother; he was a very promising young man, a graduate of the University of Virginia, a Chesterfield in his manners and deportment; he had many of the qualities of his father ; had he lived, would, doubtless, have become prominent, and filled a large space in the public eye. Soon after Enos Tart, Jr., died, Thomas E., the youngest brother, accidentally shot himself with a pistol, from which he died in a few minutes. Three or four years after that sad event, Nathan Tart, the middle son, died. The sons of old Enos all died unmarried, so that the name, so far as old Enos was concerned, was entirely cut off. Enos Tart was not a very old man when he died ; he was a man of business, accumulated a large property and left his family in good condition he was the contractor for and built the old brick court house in Marion, in 1823, which was torn down and removed, in , 1864, during the war. That court house stood about the spot where the new building lately erected for the Clerk and Probate Judge's offices now stands. There are many now living who remember the old brick court house ; it was constructed on the "Mills" plan of court houses for that day and time. ;