Notes |
- !NOTES:Marty Grant's 5th Great Grand Uncle.;
!NOTES:B/D must be in 1753 or 1754. His next oldest sibling was born April 1752, and their father James died in May 1753, therefore Hardy had to have been born within 9 months of his father's death, so early 1753 to early 1754. His 1759 baptism record doesn't give his age.;
!NOTES:Bapt/D and Parents:
Hardy Crawford On the 2nd day of April 1759 Hardy son of James & Kesiah Crawford was privately baptized by the Reverend Mr. Robert Smith.
* From "Register of St. Philip's Parish, Charles Town, or Charleston, S. C. 1754-1810" edited by D. E. Huger Smith and A. S. Salley, Jr. reprinted in 1971 by the University of South Carolina Press in Columbia, S. C. p. 38 (thanks to Jane Grace for sharing this record);
!REFERENCE: A History of Marion County, South Carolina From Its Earliest Times to the Present, 1901, by W. W. Sellers, Esq., of the Marion Bar. 1902. pp. 142-147
- Bishop Gregg, p. 71, says : "Of the settlers at Sandy Bluff, the Murfees, Sanders, Gibsons and Crawfords accumulated the largest properties, and became most prominent. John Crawford, the first of that name, had three sons -James, John and Hardy. James, the eldest of them, amassed a large fortune for that day, and maintained through life a high character for integrity. He was a Captain in the Revolution, and a valiant soldier in the cause of liberty." In a note, the Bishop says : "He was the grand-father of the late Chapman J. Crawford, of Marion." Thus we have the origin of the once extensive family of Crawfords, so far as Marion County is concerned -to whom they married and what children they had, we are pretty much in the dark. Bishop Gregg says, on p. 75 "About the same time, two families of James and Lucas, came down the river, and settled on Catfish. With the latter of these, the Crawfords and Evans intermarried." Who of the Crawfords intermarried with the Lucas family, and whether they were males or females, is now unknown, and perhaps past finding out, and the same may be said of the Evans and James.
We have traced one branch of the family of old John Crawford, who was one of the first settlers at Sandy Bluff (afterwards called Solomon's Landing, and perhaps later called Bird's Landing) . Old John Crawford had three sons, James, John and Hardy. We have traced it through James, the eldest; of John and Hardy's posterity we know not how they ran. There have been other Crawfords here, but whether from John or Hardy, or both, we can't say ; for instance, James, called Cype, lived upon and owned the grove lands, now owned by the estates of Governor Ellerbe and James G. Haselden ; Cype Crawford died there, back in the '40's ; never married. He had a brother, Willis Crawford, who married Sallie Bethea, and raised a large family, and died in 185 1, in what is now Bethea Township; his sons were James, Hardy B., Thomas C, Willis G., William and Gibson G. Crawford; his daughters were Rhoda and Margaret. Of Willis Crawford's sons, James died before he was grown; Hardy B. married a Miss Piatt, and went to Mississippi years ago, and is yet living, and is said to be doing well ; Thomas C, well known and now living in Florence County, and one of the best of her citizens, married, first, a Miss Morgan, of Charleston, who died a year or two after marriage, childless ; he married again, 16th May, 1866, Miss Carrie R. McPherson, in West Marion (now Florence), where Thomas C. Crawford has ever since resided, and where he now resides.1 His wife died suddenly about a month ago, childless. Willis G. Crawford was a doctor ; married a Miss Morgan, of Charleston, a sister of his brother Thomas' wife. Not long after his marriage he was on a fox chase, and galloping his horse through the woods, his horse bogged down and threw the doctor, whose gun was lying across his front, and in the fall of his horse and himself, the gun was discharged and he was killed ; he left no child. William Crawford died unmarried, some years after the war. Gibson G. Crawford married a daughter of the late Colonel James R. Bethea ; the fruits of the marriage were two sons, James G. and Samuel B., and two daughters, Jessie and Mary; the sons are now young men. James G. married, a week or two ago, a Miss Evans, of Society Hill; the daughter, Jessie, married W. Ellis Bethea, who lives at Latta ; Samuel B. and Mary are yet single, and live at Latta with their father, G. G. Crawford. Of the two daughters of Willis Crawford, Rhoda married Henry Easterling, about 1850, and he was killed in the war; the widow, Rhoda, is also dead ; she left three sons, Willis C, Thomas and Frank; and two daughters, Ella and Florence. The three sons are married-Willis C. to a Miss Legette ; they have a family, some of them grown and married. J. Frank Easterling married a Miss Watson, daughter of the late Samuel Watson. Thomas Easterling went to Florida, where he married, has children, and is Sheriff of the county in which he lives. The Easterling boys are men of character and doing fairly well. Of the two daughters of Henry Easterling and his wife, Rhoda, Ella married Iveroy Bethea, a son of Captain D. W. Bethea ; they live in Marlborough, and are doing well I know not of their family. Florence Easterling, the other daughter, married Robert McPherson, in West Marion; she is dead ; left one child, a son. Margaret Crawford, the youngest daughter of Willis Crawford, nevfer married; she died a few years ago. "Cype" and Willis Crawford had another brother-think he was a brother-named Gadi. The writer never saw him ; he died unmarried. ;
!CENSUS:1790 * Georgetown Dist, SC, Prince George Parish pg 54 Hardy CRAWFORD age 16+ (bef 1774) "2-3-2-0-8";
!DEED: 3 Jan 1798 Marion Dist, SC Deeds E-230 Henry MIDDLETON to Hardy CRAWFORD both of Liberty County, SC Georgetown District, for 120 part of grant to Champineau HINCLLEY in Craven Co bounding Daniel LAROCHE, Stephen MIDDLETON, heirs of Gideon GIBSON, 300a. S: Henry Middleton. Wit: Thomas KNIGHT, John MACE;
!WITNESS:18 Nov 1799 Marion Dist, SC Deeds A-151 Richard HOWARD of Georgetown Dist, Liberty Co, SC to William WHITEFIELD of same place for 122 for 312a. Tobys Creek Swamp at upper end of Rossfield. S: Richard Howard. Wit: Hardy CRAWFORD, William LEWIS;
!CENSUS:1800 Marion Dist, SC pg 788 Hardy CRAWFORD age 26-44 (1755/74) "22010-20010-0-12";
!WITNESS:25 Feb 1801 Marion Dist, SC Deeds B-118 Willis FINKLEA & John FINKLEA of Liberty Co, Marion Dist, to Thomas T. WICKHAM of same place for $320 tract where John FINKLEA resides west side Catfish Creek, one tract 150a taken out of 350a tract Abraham DUE purchased of William ATKENSON which DUE conv to Reese JONES to James JOHNSTON to Samuel COX to Willis FINKLEA on Catfish Swamp, bounded by John SMITH, Frederick JONES. Other tract of 7a taken out of 200a tract that Reubin DUE purch of John SMITH on Catfish Swamp, bounded by Reubin DUE and FINKLEA. S: Willis (X) Finklea, John Finklea. Wit: Hardy CRAWFORD, Barbaby (X) WATSON, Willis FINKLEA. Mercy (x) FINKLEA, wife of John FINKLEA relinq dowere 31 Jul 1802. Pro bef Richard CRAWFORD, JQ, saw Willis FINKLEA Jr wit signature;
!DEED:11 Feb 1804 Marion Dist, SC Deeds C-51 Hardy CRAWFORD of Marion Dist to Jesse JONES of same place for $200, 200a NE side Pedee River. S: Hardy Crawford. Wit: William TAYLOR, Stephen OWEN, JP;
!NAMED:15 Apr 1807 Marion Dist, SC Inventory Book I-114 Estate of Benjamin Port BARROW. Appraisers: ... Hardy CRAWFORD ...;
!INVENTORY:-- --- 1807 Marion Dist, SC Inventory Book I-112 Estate of Hardy CRAWFORD. Appraisers: Jesse JONES, William COX, Thomas GODBOLD Jr. Slaves: Tom, Amy, Jude, Syd, Alu?, Bet. Soaf, Shade, Molbro, Jane, Fame, Hanner, Ned, Pat, Julian;
!COURT:Oct 1808 Marion County Court of Common Pleas. James CRAWFORD vs John MACE and Gadi CRAWFORD, Admr of Hardy CRAWFORD, deceased. Hardy died on or about 22 Aug 1807, died intestate leaving following children: James CRAWFORD, Gadi CRAWFORD, and three others Stephen ---, ----, --- and Rhoda CRAWFORD, minors;
!TAXLIST:1811 Marion Dist, SC Hardy CRAWFORD, Estate, $1.75;
!TAXLIST:1814 Marion Dist, SC Hardy CRAWFORD, Estate, $9.46;
!NAMED:29 Jun 1837 Marion Dist, SC Inventory Book 1827-1836 pg 83 Benjamin P. BARROW Estate. Appraisers: ... Hardy CRAWFORD .... Shown to us by Rachel BALLARD one of the exec. 15 Apr 1811;
!NOTE:See Marion Probate Records Vol I, # 146 Hardy CRAWORD;