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- !DEED:27 Nov 1838 Marion Co., SC Deed Book S, p. 173
James Lane of Marion Dist to Robt Napier of same place for $1.00, all that parcel of land in Marion Dist whereon Robert Napier now lives and will more fully appear by the annexed plat.
S: James Lane
Wit: Alex. H. David, James Moody.
p. 174 Plat 209a bounded by lands of James Lane, Mrs. Thompson, Wm T. Wilson's land.
* From "Abstracts of Marion County [SC] Deed Books S and T 1842-1846", Lucille Utley, Angela Turner, Kathy Loyd, John M. Gregg. Three Rivers Historical Society, 2003.;
!CENSUS:1840 Marion Dist, SC pg 146 Robert NAPPER age 30-39 (1800/10)
!NAMED-PROBATE ROLL # 456 Marion Co., SC 1844. James Lane of Great Pee Dee.
7 Oct 1844 Petition of J. Eli Gregg and W. T. Wilson for letters of Administration.
J. Eli Gregg, Robert Napier, James H. Lane, bondsmen
Wit: A. Carmichael, O. P. Wheeler
... no heirs named ...
* From "Marion County Probate Records" Volume 1, Lucille Utley, Danny Smith. Three Rivers Historical Society. 1985.;
!NAMED-EQUITY ROLL # 199 Marion Co., SC. 1844. Jesse H. Lide and wife vs Robert Napier and wife, Samuel A. Lane, James H. Lane and others.
Bill for Partition. Filed 25 Oct 1844.
Jesse H.Lide and Martha A. Lide his wife show that Rachel Lane late of Darlington Dist, died March 1832 with Will executed and admitted to probate 8 Mar 1832 (copy of Will missing from roll). Rachel Lane devised as follows:
To Edmond Gee and John B. Bruce certain named negroes ... to hold for my son James Lane, to hold for James Lane children to be dived among them at his death.
James Lane died 21 Aug 1844 leaving the following children:
the oratrix Martha A. Lide
Elizabeth B. Napier who as married Robert Napier
James H. Lane
Samuel A. Lane
Thomas M. Lane
Olivia A. Lane
Amelia J. Lane
Edmond B. Lane
James Lane had at the death of Rachel Lane twh other children:
Rachel Louisa Lane
Mary Eleanor Lane, both of whom have died underage without leaving issue.
Edmond Gee died before Rachel Lane.
John B. Bruce sued for letters testamentary. In 1835 Bruce abandoned trust and removed from state leaving negroes in possession of James Lane who continued to possess them until his death.
* From "Marion County South Carolina Extracts from Equity Rolls", Lucille Utley. Three Rivers Historical Society.;
!CENSUS:1850 Marion Dist., SC # 1774/1782,1783
# 1774/1782
Robert Napier 42 Farmer $3000 Marion
Elizabeth 33
William 13
Martha 10
Sarah 8
James 5
Mary 3
Cornelia 1
# 1774/1783
Martha Rogers 34
Edward Lane 14;
!CENSUS:1860 Marion Dist, SC # 397
Robert NAPIER, 53 VA
Martha, 20
Sarah, 18
James, 15
Mary, 13
Cornelia, 12
Mariah S., 8
Amelia A., 1
Percilla ROGERS, 47 VA;
!CENSUS:1870 Marion Co, SC Jeffries # 76
Robert NAPIER, 62 SC
Caroline, 42
Martha, 30
James, 24, Physician
Mary, 22
Cornelia, 21
Mariah, 19
Angie, 11
Lizzie, 2;
!CENSUS:1880 Marion Co, SC Jeffries # 54 Rev. R. NAPIER, 74 (1805/06) born VA/VA/VA;