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(1) This person is my GGG Aunt.
(2) This person is an ancestor of my uncle Ben Franklin Meggs.
!NOTE:I haven't seen any direct proof that Elizabeth wife of Benjamin Lane, and Martha, wife of Jesse B. Perritt, are the same people as Elizabeth and Martha Johnson, though it does fit, as those two aforementioned girls ARE sisters, though I've seen nothing proving they are the same two girls
* New note, the proof is in the 1900 census, widow Martha A. Perritt is living with Telitha Johnson Rogers, listed as Aunt. That proves it;
!NAMED: 2 Apr 1832 Marion Dist, SC Ordinary's Real Estate Book 1826-1843 pg 54 Estate of Benjamin JOHNSON. Solomon TURVEVILLE and wife, vs Samuel JOHNSON, adm of Benjamin JOHNSON and others. Petition for division. Summons in Partition. In the Court of Ordinary to Daniel PLATT Esqr, Joseph BASS and B. MOODY You are hereby authroized and emporwered to go upon the lands of and belonging to the estate of Benjamin JOHNSON and there to make partition and divided the same between the heirs at law of the said Benjamin JOHNSON and that yo make return to me on oath on or berfore the 7th Inst. Given under my hand and seal this 2d of April 1832. Edwd B. WHEELER, Ordinary. We Daniel PLATT, Joseph BASS and Barfield MOODY, the commisioners appointed to divide the real estate of Benjamin JOHNSON decd have been upon the same and form the small quantity (consisting of 103 acres only) and there being many heirs among whom it is to be divided are of opinion that the same cannot be divided without injury to one or other of the parties. We therefore recommend a sale this 3rd April 1832. Barfd Moody, Danl Platt, Joseph Bass. Sworn to before me N. Carmichael, JP Solomon TURBEVILLE and wife Milly vs Samuel JOHNSON, administrator of Ben JOHNSON, and Johnson's Widow, Samuel JOHNSON, Asa JOHNSON, Elizabeth JOHNSON, Carey JOHNSON, David JOHNSON, Mary JOHNSON, Mary JOHNSON, Martha JOHNSON. Order of sale in the court of ordinary. By Edward B. WHEELER, ordinary of Marion District. On due examiniation it is ordered and decreed that the Sheriff of Marion District do advertise and sell on the first Monday in may next at the Court House all that plantation or tract of land situated lying and being in the district of Marion on the waters of Buck Swamp near the bridge at Samuel SMITH Sr containing 103 acres for a division among the heirs at law of said Benjamin JOHNSON, decd on the conditions following for all sum or sums over and above what is necessary to defray the expenses of the sale a credit will be given till the first day of Jany next with Interest from the day of sale with notes and approved security 2nd day of April 1832. Recd 21 Aug 1832 of Edward B. WHEELER, ordinary of Marion District, $33.34 in full for my third of the sales of Benjamin JOHNSON land. Mary (x) Johnson;
!CENSUS:1840 Marion Dist, SC pg 141 w/Benjamin LANE age 20-29 (1810/20);
!CENSUS:1850 Marion Dist, SC # 959/964
Benjamin Lane, 30 Farmer $0, Marion
Elizabeth 30
Hansford 10
Samuel 8
Celia 6
Hepsey 4
Martha 1/12;
!CENSUS:1860 Marion Dist, SC Marion Township, Allen's Bridge PO # 1049/1038
E. Lane, 40 F, Seamstress $0/100 SC
L. (sic) Lane, 20 M
C. Lane 14 M (sic)
M. F. Lane 11 F, Idiot;
!CENSUS:1880 * Marion Co, SC Reaves # 560 Betsy LANE, 60 (1819/20) born SC/SC/SC, "Widowed", residing with Martha PERRIT, 52, widowed, listed as "Sister";