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- !NAMED-WILL:24 Sep 1757 Tinton, Monmouth Co., NJ, Robert Hunter Morris.
"I intend to take a voyage to Great Britain."
Friends David Ogden and Richard Morris.
Neice Anne Morris that lives with me.
Nephew John Morris an officer in Lasscelles Regiment
Son Robert Morris under age, lived with Richard Salter, now with Mr. Dove, Gloucester, West Jersey.
Daughter Mary Morris who lives with Rev. Samuel Cooke.
Son Robert to have shares of property when he turns 21, except a third to Richard Morris.
To Thomas Lawrence of Philadelphia (NRS).
My part of the land near the Mohawk River devised to my brother (not named) and myself by my father's Will (not named). This to my nephews Lewis and Richard Morris.
To Sarah Robinson for her care to my mother (not named)
To Elizabeth Stogdell.
Executors: Friend David Ogden and my nephew Richard Morris.
Witnesses: Anthony Dennis, Thomas Liming, Hannah Liming;