Notes |
- !NOTES:Marty Grant's 6th Great Grandfather;
!NOTES:Levi Stancil (c1778) and wife Rebecca (c1776). Is she Burt's daughter? Levi Stancil was named in the accounts section of Burt Moore's estate right after the names of his heirs. (See below).
Levi Stancil was a neighbor in 1830-1850 (Pickens), married before 1800, in Greenville 1800, 1810 and 1820.
Asel Reeves was also named with Levi Stancil. He was neighbor also. Wife Clarinda/Clara ca 1802. Could be same person as Rutha Moore (1802)? Maybe not.;
!DNA RESULTS:R1b1b2a1b. See attached document (via Scrapbook)
!REVOLUTION:Pension File W2155 Burt MOORE, born Halifax Co, VA, married Mary GLENN 1 Feb 1797. Volunteered, while residing on Pacolet River as spy against Indians and was placed under Capt. James Hamilton and Co.. James WOODS. He later served under Capt. Major Pason and Co. Roebuck. When Ferguson overran the upcountry, he crossed the mts and joied Cols. Siever and Shelby. He was at battle of Kings Mt. Afterwards, he served w/Capt. parson again and then joined Capt. Samuel Earle. He was in numerous skirmishes w/Tories while under Earle. At sometime he was under Capt. Edward Hampton;
!CENSUS:1790 Pendleton Dist., SC p. 11
Burt Moore age 16+ (bef 1774)
My analysis (who each person *might* be)
1m 16+ (bef 1774).. Burt Moore (c1756)
3m -16 (1774/1790). 1. John Moore (1784/90) son
................... 2. Joseph Moore (c1787) son
................... 3. James Moore (c1789) son
3f (before 1790)... 1. Mrs. Moore, wife
................... 2. Daughter?
................... 3. Elizabeth Moore (c1778) dau
* A few houses from William Moore 2-2-2-0-0
* Burt is between Charles Sincler (Sinclair?) and James Gilaspy (Gillespie)
* James Bruce and John Glen not too far away;
!CENSUS:1800 Pendleton Dist., SC p. 113
Burt Moore age 16-25 (sic) (1774/1784)
My analysis (who each person *might* be)
1m 16-25 (1774/1784) Burt Moore (c1756)*
3m 10-15 (1784/1790) 1. John Moore (1784/90) son
.................... 2. Joseph Moore (c1787) son
.................... 3. James Moore (c1789) son
1m 0-9 (1790/1800).. Daniel Moore (c1790) son
1f 45+ (before 1755) Mother? Mother-in-law?
1f 26-44 (1755/1774) Mary Glenn Moore (1780) wife
1f 16-25 (1774/1784) Elizabeth Moore (c1778) dau
2f 10-15 (1784/1790) 1. Daughter?
.................... 2. Daughter?
2f 0-9 (1790/1800).. 1. Daughter?
.................... 2. Sarah Moore (1798) dau
* No one in the household old enough to be Burt himself.
* Listed between Mary Murphree and William Riggins;
!CENSUS:1810 Pendleton Dist., SC p. 283/146
Burt Moore age 45+ (bef 1765)
My analysis (who each person *might* be)
1m 45+ (before 1765) Burt Moore (c1756)
1m 16-25 (1784/1794) Daniel Moore (c1790) son
2m 0-9 (1800/1810).. 1. William Moore (1800) son
.................... 2. Presley T. Moore (1805) son
1f 45+ (before 1765) Mother? Mother-in-law?
2f 26-44 (1765/1784) 1. Mary Glen Moore (1780) wife
.................... 2. Daughter?
1f 16-25 (1784/1794) Daughter?
1f 10-15 (1794/1800) Sarah Moore (1798) dau
1f 0-9 (1800/1810).. Ruth Moore (1802) dau
* Listed between Chas Smith and Wm Oliver, two houses from son Joseph Moore, John Bruce;
!CENSUS:1820 Pendleton Dist., SC p. 175
Burt Moore age 45+ (before 1775)
010101-10101-0, slaves=0200-0001
My analysis (who each person *might* be)
1m 45+ (before 1775) Burt Moore (c1756)
1m 16-25 (1794/1804) William Moore (1800) son
1m 10-15 (1804/1810) Presley T. Moore (1805) son
1f 45+ (before 1775) Mary Glen Moore (1780) wife
1f 16-25 (1794/1804) Ruth Moore (1802) dau
1f 0-9 (1810/1820).. Edy Moore (1810) dau
* Listed between James Lay and John McKinney. William Bruce nearby;
!CENSUS:1830 Pickens Dist., SC p. 309/59
Birt Moore age 60-69 (1760/70)
010000001-0000001. Slaves=000000-010000
My analysis (who each person *might* be)
1m 60-69 (1760/1770) Burt Moore (c1756)
1m 5-9 (1820/1825).. Hugh Moore (1822) son
1f 40-49 (1780/1790) Mary Glen Moore (1780) wife
* Listed between Lewis Eaten and John Fields;
!NAMED-ESTATE:From Old Pendleton District Newsletter Vol 13, No 3, Mar 1999:
Personally appeared Horatio Bruce and saith that the tract of land containing 201 acres
belonging to the estate of James Bruce dec'd lying on Wolf Creek is not worth $1000 and it would be in his
opinion for the legatees to sellthe same. Dated 3 June 1833 Heirs: Stephen Adams in right of his wife Patience,
Nancy Bruce, heirs of: Wm Bruce dec'd, heirs of Burt Moore in right of his wife, heirs of James Bruce and wife
Priscilla, Henry Wolf in right of his wif'e Rebecca. John Bruce, George Bruce, Daniel Bruce and Sarah Bruce.
Pickens Co SC Probate Bk I pg 9
!ESTATE:Burt Moore Pickens Co., SC Box 6, No 78 1836
Many papers
- 2 May 1836 Will of Burt Moore proven by oath of Wiley Reaves
Bailey Barlow Esqr, Exec of same.
- 3 Apr 1835 Will of Burt Moore, Pickens Dist, SC
advanced in years ...
to my wife Mary ...
my youngest son Hugh ... (also listed as "Hughy")
... land where Daniel Moore now lives ...
Friend Bailey Barton to be Executor ...
Witnesses: Phillip Young, Isaac (his mark) Anderson, Wiley (his mark) Reaves
Signed: Burt (his mark) More
- 6 May 1836 Inventory of Estate (6 pages)
one section of Inventory lists what appears to be the other heirs but does not explicitly name them as such, but it does seem to be the heirs excluding Mary and Hugh were given specific items in the Will. This is important as no other list of heirs has been found to date.
One A/C charged against -
John Moore 10
James Bruce 50
William Moore 25
James Moore 65
Moses Anderson 300
Presly T. Moore 230
Joseph Moore 75
Daniel Moore 100
"An unsettled a.c. on Adel Reaves and Levi Stancil not known for what."
(Are they also sons-in-laws? listed immediately after above list).
- 23 and 24 May 1836 Sale of Inventory of Estate of Burt Moore
many names, I didn't abstract what they purchased. Many were listed multiple times, I only transcribed them once. Being listed does not imply they are related, only that the probably lived nearby and attended the sale. Some are obviously related though.
* Three slaves listed:
One negro boy Frank
one " Caleb
one old woman Jenny
David Alcar?
William Morgan
Danl Moore
John Winters
William Duckworth
John McKinny
William Newmons
Wiley Reavis
Mary Moore
Tillmon Cox
Daniel Moody
Richard Holdin
A. Stewart
Bailey Barto
Isaac Anderson
Davis Cox?
Joseph Moore
Abraham Stuart
Bright Gilstrap
Joseph Buckannon
James Stephens
Joseph Dodgins
John Reid
Jermiah Field
Thornton Moore
Samuel Moore
West Patterson
Saul Elberson
Abraham Moore
James McKinney
William Alcar
Bynum Barton
Henry Whitmire
Jas Cantrell
Micajah Alcar
John Ellingbury
William Galloway;