Notes |
(1) This person is my GGGG Uncle.
(2) This person is an ancestor of my uncle Ben Franklin Meggs.
!NOTES:Thomas is a proven son of Osborne Lane as named in Osborne's 1840 estate records. Sellers also listed him as a son.
!CENSUS:1790 Georgetown Dist., SC, Prince George Parish, p. 507
Osborn Lane age 16+ (bef 1774) 3-4-3-0-0
My analysis (who each person *might* be)
3 males 16+ (bef 1774) = 1. Osborne Lane (1750/55)
" males 16+ (bef 1774) = 2. Joseph (c1770) son
" males 16+ (bef 1774) = 3. Thomas (c1770/74) son
4 males 0-15 (1774/1790) = 1. Robert Lane (c1780/84) son
" males 0-15 (1774/1790) = 2. Osborne Lane (1789) son
" males 0-15 (1774/1790) = 3. James Lane (c1784) son
" males 0-15 (1774/1790) = 4. Alexander Lane (1787) son
3 females (no ages) = 1. Hepsabeth Crawford Lane (1752) wife
" females (no ages) = 2. Elizabeth Lane (1755/74) dau
" females (no ages) = 3. Keziah Lane (c1784/90) dau;
!WITNESS-DEED:21 Sep 1794 Marion Co., SC Deed Book D., p. 181
John Sanders of Liberty Co., SC to James Crawford Junr of same place, for L40 sterling, 50a granted to Joseph Black 3 Dec 1787 conveyed to John Sanders.
S: John Sanders
Wit: Thomas Lane, Sarahann Crawford
Pr before James Crawford, JP 23 Sep 1794
Elizabeth (her mark) Sanders, wife of John Sanders rdr 7 Apr 1804 before Robert Moody, JQ.
* From "Marion County South Carolina Abstracts of Deeds Volume One Books A - E 1800-1811", Lucille Utley, Alita White Sutcliffe, 1996.;
!CENSUS:1800 Georgetown Dist., SC Winyaw County P. 369/755
Thomas Lane age 26-44 (1755/74) 00010-00000-0-0
My analysis (who each person *might* be)
1 male 26-44 (1755/1774) = Thomas Lane (c1770/74);
!CENSUS:1810 Marion Dist., SC p. 37/86
Thos Lane age 26-44 (1765/84) 20010-40010-0-0
My analysis (who each person *might* be)
1 male 26-44 (1765/1784) = Thomas Lane (c1770/74)
2 males 0-9 (1800/1810) = 1. Bryant Lane (1801) son
" males 0-9 (1800/1810) = 2. Son?
1 female 26-44 (1765/1784) = Mary Jones Lane (c1775/80) wife
4 females 0-9 (1800/1810) = 1. Daughter?
" females 0-9 (1800/1810) = 2. Daughter?
" females 0-9 (1800/1810) = 3. Daughter?
" females 0-9 (1800/1810) = 4. Frances Lane (c1810) daughter;
!TAX LIST:1811 Marion Dist., SC
The format is: Name, and Taxes owed (in dollars and cents).
James Lane, 0.82
Osborne Lane, 2.29
Thomas Lane, 0.70
From: "Some South Carolina County Records", Vol. 2 by The Reverend Silas Emmett Lucas, Jr. Editor. 1989.
!DEED:16 Jan 1812 Marion Co., SC Deed Book G., p. 134
Noel Taylor of Marion Dist., to Thomas Lean of same place for $60, 100a West side Catfish Swamp on Kelly Branch being part of a grant to John Sanders 30 Dec 1789 conveyed to John Student (sic) and from said Studevident (sic) to John Blackmon & from Blackmon to Noel Taylor bounded by lands belonging to George Green, John Deer, Barnabas Watson, John Smith Senr decd, & Frederick Jones.
S: Noel (his mark) Taylor.
Wit: Isham Watson, Benjamin Harrelson, Enos Tart, QU.
* From "Marion County South Carolina Abstracts of Deeds Volume Two Books F - I & K 1811-1823", Lucille Utley, Alita White Sutcliffe, 1997.;
!TAX LIST:1814 Marion Dist., SC
The format is: Name, and Taxes owed (in dollars and cents).
James Lane, 3.69
Osborne Lane, 12.81
Thomas Lane, 0.30
From: "Some South Carolina County Records", Vol. 2 by The Reverend Silas Emmett Lucas, Jr. Editor. 1989.
!DEED:13 Nov 1819 Marion Co., SC Deed Book I, p. 141
John Blue and wife Mary to Thomas Lain for $24, all our rights & claim as lawful heirs of John McDonald, to 100a p/o grant to John Sanders 13 Dec 1789 deeded to John McDonald. Bounded by John Blackman on the N, Barnaby Watson having water oak Branch as a dividing line btw it and sd Barnaby Watson & Frederick Jones on the S, resurvey lately crossing the road leading by Esquire James Crawfords.
S: John Blue, Mary (her mark) Blue.
Wit: James (his mark) Robinson, William Blue.
* From "Marion County South Carolina Abstracts of Deeds Volume Two Books F - I & K 1811-1823", Lucille Utley, Alita White Sutcliffe, 1997.;
!CENSUS:1820 Marion Dist., SC p. 16/61(B)
Thomas Lane age 45+ (bef 1775) 100201-13110-0-0
My analysis (who each person *might* be)
1 male 45+ (bef 1775) = Thomas Lane (c1770/74)
2 males 16-25 (1794/1804) = 1. Bryant Lane (1801) son
" males 16-25 (1794/1804) = 2. Son?
1 male 0-9 (1810/1820) = Frederick Lane (c1813) son
1 female 26-44 (1775/1794) = Mary Jones Lane (c1775/80) wife
1 female 16-25 (1794/1804) = Daughter?
3 females 10-15 (1804/1810) = 1. Daughter?
" females 10-15 (1804/1810) = 2. Daughter?
" females 10-15 (1804/1810) = 3. Frances Lane (c1810) daughter
1 female 0-9 (1810/1820) = Daughter?;
!TAX LIST:1824 Marion Dist., SC
The format is: Name, and Taxes owed (in dollars and cents).
Ausburn Lain, 5.11
James Lain, 1.80
James Lain, 33.45
Thomas Lain, 0.99
From: "Some South Carolina County Records", Vol. 2 by The Reverend Silas Emmett Lucas, Jr. Editor. 1989.;
!NAMED-EQUITY ROLL # 138 Marion Co,. SC Robert C. Jones vs Thomas U. Jones, 1826
5 Dec 1826 Robert C. Jones shows that Frederick Jones died --- testate naming Bryant Jones, Thomas U. Jones and James C. Crawford Exors. Only Thomas U. Jones qualified. Frederick bequethed property ... to Robert C. Jones. Thomas U. Jones refuses to admit claim of orator.
In his Will Frederick Jones left property to Mary Lane (wife fo Thomas Lane) who sold their interest to Robert C. Jones; to Stephen Jones, who also sold his interest to Robert C. Jones, and to Frederick Jones.
* From "Marion County South Carolina Extracts from Equity Rolls", Lucille Utley. Three Rivers Historical Society.;
!CENSUS:1830 Marion Dist., SC p. 31
Thomas Lane age 50-59 (1770/80) 00010001-00102001-0, Slaves=000000-010000
My analysis (who each person *might* be)
1 male 50-59 (1770/80) = Thomas Lane (c1770/74)
1 male 15-19 (1810/15) = Frederick Lane (c1813) son
1 female 50-59 (1770/80) = Mary Jones Lane (c1775/80) wife
2 females 20-29 (1800/10) = 1. Daughter?
" females 20-29 (1800/10) = 2. Frances Lane (c1810) daughter
1 female 10-14 (1815/20) = Daughter?
1 female 10-23 (1805/20) = Hannah (c1814)*
* See 1844 deed;
!DEED:13 Sep 1835 Marion Co., SC Deed Book U., p. 238
Thomas Lane to Bryant Lane for $130, 100a p/o tract granted to John Sanders 30 Dec 1789 and from Sanders to John McDonald and from him to John Blue, to Mary Blue, the heirs at law of John McDonald with Thomas Lane... bounded by Bryant Lane on the NW, all other sides by Isham Watsons land the water oak branch now known as the Kelly Branch.
S: Thomas Lane
Wit: John C. Hays, Leonad J. C. Davis.
* From "Abstracts of Marion County [SC] Deed Books U and V 1846-1853", Lucille Utley, Kathy Loyd, John M. Gregg. Three Rivers Historical Society, 2003.;
!CENSUS:1840 Marion Dist., SC p. 137
Thomas Lean* age 60-69 (1770/80) 000000001-000000001-0, Slaves=000000-401000
My analysis (who each person *might* be)
1 male 60-69 (1770/80) = Thomas Lane (c1770/74)
1 female 60-69 (1770/80) = Mary Jones Lane (c1775/80) wife
1 female 24-35 (1803/15) = Hannah (c1814)**
4 females 0-9 (1830/40) = 1. ?
" females 0-9 (1830/40) = 2. ?
" females 0-9 (1830/40) = 3. ?
" females 0-9 (1830/40) = 4. Margaret (c1839)**
* Next to Charity Jones.
** See 1844 deed;
!NAMED-PROBATE ROLL # 426 Osburn Land (sic) 22 Jun 1840. James Lane.
10 Heirs $313.93 each up to Feb 1842.
In court of Ordinary James Lane, applicant, vs.
Jno Lane
Thos Lane
John Blackman
Joseph Lane
Robert Lane
Osborne Lane
Saml Smith
Alexd Lane
Stephen Lane
Saml Smith (sic)
Alexd Lane (sic).
Joseph Lane, Robert Lane, Osborne Lane, and Stephen Lane reside without the state.
* From "Marion County Probate Records" Volume 1, Lucille Utley, Danny Smith. Three Rivers Historical Society. 1985.
!NAMED:30 Jun 1840 Marion Dist, SC Ordinary's Real Estate Book 1826-1843 pg 119 Osborne LANE's Real Estate. Valuation: Joseph BASS, John BRYAN and Woodward MANNING recommend sale of land and value it at less than $1000. 30 Jun 1840. Summons: James LANE, applicant. Summons to John LANE, Robert LANE, Osborne LANE, Samuel SMITH, Alexander LANE, Stephen LANE, legal heirs and representatives, to appear in Court for division of land in Marion District on Buck Swamp, bounded by lands of estate of Daniel PLATT, John MANNING, John LEE, Barney WATSON, John TURBEVILLE and Joseph BASS, etc. James LANE Sr, John BLACKMAN andn Joseph LANE also in second list of heirs. Notice to absent defendants: Joseph, Robert, Osborne and Stephen LANE. 6 Jul 1840. John LANE Sr, Thomas LANE, John BLACKMAN, S. SMITH Jr and Alexander LANE consent to sale. 7 Jul 1840. Order of Sale Tract of 800 acres on Buck Swamp as previously described. 5 Nov 1840 sold to Samuel SMITH Jr for $2006. Decr 7 1840.;
!DEED: 3 Nov 1840 Marion Co., SC Deed Book S., p. 299
Thomas Lane of Marion District SC to Bryant Lane of same place,f or $50, 122a being part of land containing 308a which was granted to John Sanders 10 Dec --- by his Exlcy Thomas Pinkney 1788. From John Sanders to German Crosby and from him to Ludis Crosby & from her to William Whitefield and from him to Thomas Lane.
S: Tom Lane
Wit: Archd Kerby, Enos Tart Senr
* From "Abstracts of Marion County [SC] Deed Books S and T 1842-1846", Lucille Utley, Angela Turner, Kathy Loyd, John M. Gregg. Three Rivers Historical Society, 2003.;
!DEED:24 Jan 1843 Marion Co., SC Deed Book U., p. 237
Thomas Lane of Marion Dist., SC to Frederick J. Lane for $50, all that tract of land I now reside containing 100a bounded on the north by Stephen and John Blackman's land, on the south by Isham Watsons. East by Thomas Lanes land, and west by John Smiths land, originally granted to John Sanders 30 Dec 1789. Saving and reserving my life rights.
S: Thomas Lane
Wit: James Mace, Hugh G. Finklea
* From "Abstracts of Marion County [SC] Deed Books U and V 1846-1853", Lucille Utley, Kathy Loyd, John M. Gregg. Three Rivers Historical Society, 2003.;
!DEED: 5 Apr 1844 Marion Co., SC Deed Book T., p. 35
Thos Lane of Marion District to John Smith for $100, two Negroes, one about 30 years of age (Hannah) and Margaret, about 5 years.
S: Thomas Lane before J. R. Bass, Magst., S. Blackman.
* From "Abstracts of Marion County [SC] Deed Books S and T 1842-1846", Lucille Utley, Angela Turner, Kathy Loyd, John M. Gregg. Three Rivers Historical Society, 2003.;
!NAMED-PROBATE ROLL # 430 Charity Jones 1845
Miss Nicey Jones, adm of her mother Charity Jones, 6 Nov 1845.
Service accepted by all of the heirs except Robert C. Jones, Stephen Jones and Frederick Lane who are out of state.
11 heirs:
Robert C. Jones
Stephen Jones
Frederick Lane
Bryant Jones
Christopher Dew and wife
Jno Blackman
Thos U. Jones
John Smith and wife
Bryant Lane and wife
Jesse Lee and wife
and children of Thos Lane.
"B. Jones, C. Dew and Jno Blackman moved to New Jersey."
* From "Marion County Probate Records" Volume 1, Lucille Utley, Danny Smith. Three Rivers Historical Society. 1985.;
!CENSUS:1850 x
x Probably deceased, not found in Marion or elsewhere. No Probate, Estate, Will, etc. found.
* Thos Lane, 80, Merchant, $- SC, in Mobile, AL this year, living by himself. Probably not the same man, for a Thos. H. Lane 60-69 was in Mobile in 1840 with some of the same neighbors as the man in 1850. Our Thomas was still in Marion in 1840, so probably not the same one.;
!REFERENCE: A History of Marion County, South Carolina From Its Earliest Times to the Present, 1901, by W. W. Sellers, Esq., of the Marion Bar. 1902. pp. 386-395
Osborne Lane married a Miss Crawford, a sister of old James Crawford, of Spring Branch-I suppose, older than her brother. The Crawfords were quite respectable in that day and have continued to be so down to the present time. The fruits of the marriage, as known, were eight sons, John, Thomas, Alexander, James, Robert, David, Stephen and William, and two daughters, Kesiah and Elizabeth.
The next son of old Osborne, Thomas, and whom the writer never saw, married and settled, lived and died on a place near Sellers Depot, on the "Short Cut" Railroad, now owned by B. B. Sellers and Mrs. Lucy B. Watson. Thomas Lane had and raised one son only, Bryant Lane, who married, in 1827, Miss Henrietta Dew ; when his father died is not known. Since writing the above, the writer has learned that Thomas Lane had another son, named Frederic, who married and settled within 100 feet of where the depot at Sellers now stands that he afterwards emigrated to Alabama ; that his descendants are there now ; that some of Frederic's family came out here a few years ago, to visit their relatives, and that subsequently the late Captain Stephen D. Lane went to Alabama to see his relatives in that State; that Frederic's family and descendants are doing well. Thomas Lane may have had a daughter or daughters— if so, where she or they are is unknown. Bryant Lane's family have already been noticed in or among the Dew families, to which the reader is referred. ;