Notes |
(1) This person is my 6x Great Grandfather.
(2) This person is an ancestor of my aunt-in-law Debra Rogers McIntyre.
(3) This person is an ancestor of my Aunt Harriette Richardson Nack.
(4) This person is an ancestor of my uncle Ben Franklin Meggs.
!NOTES:B/D unknown, but I estimate ca 1718, assuming he was 21 when married in 1739. Of course, he could have been much older, though probably not much younger.;
!NOTES:B/P and parents unknown. There was a Thomas Crawford (RIN 8697) who was a contemporary of his in Prince Frederick Parish, but it isn't known if the two are related, or if so, how. They seem to be of compatible age to be brothers, but who knows if they were brothers, or cousins, or even related at all?
!NOTES:Regarding James Crawford's D/D of 28 May 1753, I thought that came from the Register Book of Prince Frederick ..., but I can not find the reference to his death in that book. Did it come from somewhere else? Anyone know the source?;
!GRANT:1738 - The South Carolina Magazine of Ancestral Research
Royal Grants, Volume 41, 1734-1738
SCMAR, Vol. II, Fall 1974, No. 4, p.216
213. to Mr James Crawford a Tract of land containing Four hundred & fifty acres, situate lying and being in Craven County within the Township of Williamsburg, butting and bounding to the South East, South West, North West, and North East on Lands not yet laid out. 16 Sept. 1738. (19 Sept. 1735).;
!MARRIAGE:15 Sep 1739 (Craven Co., SC)
James Crawford and Keziah Saunders Marryd Septr 15th 1739.
* From "The Register Book for the Parish Prince Frederick Winyaw. Ann: Dom: 1713", Elizabeth W. A. Pringle, 1916. The National Society of the Colonial Dames of America. p. 52.;
!NAMED: Charity Crawford Daughter of James Crawford and Cassia his wife Born June 4th 1742 Baptised 15th Day of April, 1743.
* From "The Register Book for the Parish Prince Frederick Winyaw. Ann: Dom: 1713", Elizabeth W. A. Pringle, 1916. The National Society of the Colonial Dames of America. p. 14.;
!NAMED: Mercy Crawford Daughter of James Crawford and Cassia his wife Born March th 27th 1745 Baptised 30th Octr 1745.
* From "The Register Book for the Parish Prince Frederick Winyaw. Ann: Dom: 1713", Elizabeth W. A. Pringle, 1916. The National Society of the Colonial Dames of America. p. 22.;
!NAMED: 5 Oct 1749 John Crawford Son of James Crawford and Cassiah his wife Born Febry 16th 1746/7.
* From "The Register Book for the Parish Prince Frederick Winyaw. Ann: Dom: 1713", Elizabeth W. A. Pringle, 1916. The National Society of the Colonial Dames of America. p. 27.;
!NAMED: 5 Oct 1749 James Crawford Son of Ditto Parents (James Crawford and Cassiah his wife) Born Janry 1st 1748/9.
* From "The Register Book for the Parish Prince Frederick Winyaw. Ann: Dom: 1713", Elizabeth W. A. Pringle, 1916. The National Society of the Colonial Dames of America. p. 27.;
!NAMED: Hepsabeth Crawford Daughter of James Crawford and Kessiah his wife born Aprill 1st 1752. Baptized May 29th 1753.
* From "The Register Book for the Parish Prince Frederick Winyaw. Ann: Dom: 1713", Elizabeth W. A. Pringle, 1916. The National Society of the Colonial Dames of America. p. 31.;
!NAMED: Hardy Crawford On the 2nd day of April 1759 Hardy son of James & Kesiah Crawford was privately baptized by the Reverend Mr. Robert Smith.
* From "Register of St. Philip's Parish, Charles Town, or Charleston, S. C. 1754-1810" edited by D. E. Huger Smith and A. S. Salley, Jr. reprinted in 1971 by the University of South Carolina Press in Columbia, S. C. p. 38 (thanks to Jane Grace for sharing this record);
!REFERENCE: A History of Marion County, South Carolina From Its Earliest Times to the Present, 1901, by W. W. Sellers, Esq., of the Marion Bar. 1902. pp. 142-147 (Note that Sellers refers to the first James as John, and there is a little bit of generational confusion re John/James and James (Jr).)
- Bishop Gregg, p. 71, says : "Of the settlers at Sandy Bluff, the Murfees, Sanders, Gibsons and Crawfords accumulated the largest properties, and became most prominent. John Crawford, the first of that name, had three sons —James, John and Hardy. James, the eldest of them, amassed a large fortune for that day, and maintained through life a high character for integrity. He was a Captain in the Revolution, and a valiant soldier in the cause of liberty." In a note, the Bishop says : "He was the grand-father of the late Chapman J. Crawford, of Marion." Thus we have the origin of the once extensive family of Crawfords, so far as Marion County is concerned —to whom they married and what children they had, we are pretty much in the dark. Bishop Gregg says, on p. 75 "About the same time, two families of James and Lucas, came down the river, and settled on Catfish. With the latter of these, the Crawfords and Evans intermarried." Who of the Crawfords intermarried with the Lucas family, and whether they were males or females, is now unknown, and perhaps past finding out, and the same may be said of the Evans and James.
Crawford. James Crawford, the grand-father of the late Chapman Crawford, had a son named James, the father of Chapman; whether there were other sons or not, is not now known ; there were daughters — the wife of old Osborne Lane was one; the first wife of old William Bethea was another, who was the mother of the late John C. Bethea; another daughter married a man by the name of Porter ; §he was the grand-mother of Robert P. Porter, now living at Marion. James Crawford, the father of Chapman J. Crawford, married Miss Rachel Nevils, and by her bad two sons, Chapman J. and William H., and three or four daughters ; one married Peter P. Johnson, of Fayetteville, N. C. ; one married D. C. Milling, of Darlington, and one married D. J. McDonald, long a merchant at Marion, and Representative from Marion in the State Legislature in 1850, and finally failing in his business, removed to Arkansas. James Crawford, the second, was a very prosperous man, left a large estate, and died in the prime of life. His widow, Rachel, married Dr. Cherry, and by him had several daughters; one of them married, first. Dr. Richard Scarborough, of Marion; he soon died childless, and his widow then married Major O. P. Wheeler, and after some years he died, and she remained his widow for several years, when she died. Another daughter of Mrs. Cherry became the wife of the late C. Graham, of Marion ; she died before he did, and left an only child, a son, Herbert C. Graham, now residing in Marion. Another daughter, Sarah Jane, became the wife of Dr. J. Hamilton Wheeler, who died and left her a widow with two children, Ed. B. Wheeler and Tiston C. Wheeler, now residing in Marion ; their mother, Sarah Jane, still lives. Dr. Cherry, a most excellent and upright man, died away back in the '40's ; he was a well-to-do man. The sons of James Crawford, the second, were Chapman J. and William H. Crawford. Chapman was an ambitious, energetic and enterprising man; married, first, a Miss Jolly, an only child of Joseph Jolly, a very wealthy man in West Marion ; she died, leaving an only child; he married again, and the second wife died, and he married a third time. I think he had two or three children in all. Dr. Ross married the daughter by the Jolly wife; Junius H. Law, of Darlington, married a daughter by one of his other wives. By his energy and push and by his marriages, he made property and left a large estate at his death, which occurred in November, 1852, when only in the prime of life; he lived fast (not in the sense of a dissipated life) and went through life in a hurry. His younger brother, Wm. H. Crawford, grew up and married a Miss Durant, sister of Rev. H. H. Durant, of the South Carolina Conference of the Southern Methodist Church; he married, loth February, 1840, the same day of Queen Victoria's marriage to Prince Albert. Captain Crawford started out in life with fine prospects; he went into a large mercantile business at Marion, in partnership with his brother-in-law, D. J. McDonald, who had had some training for such business—a man of push and enterprise, but lacking in business judgment. The firm seemed to do well for a few years and then began to go down, and finally failed altogether, and Captain Crawford's whole property was swept out, and he with his family were left penniless. McDonald emigrated, to Arkansas, and was said to have built up again; but Captain Crawford remained poor to the day of his death ; he lived in Marion until three or four years ago, when he moved to Georgia, and died there about two years ago, eighty years of age. Captain Crawford was a good man, but the reverses to which he had been subjected soured his disposition, and he became apathetic as to all mankind; he left two sons, George and William, who are the only hope of perpetuating the name in that branch of the Crawford family. George Crawford is married and has children, whether sons or daughters, is unknown to the writer ; William is yet single. The connexion is yet large, but the name, like many others, may become extinct at least in that branch of the family, in another generation or two. What changes are wrought in one hundred and sixty years! The first James Crawford married a second time, and had a daughter, Sallie, who became the wife of the late Barfield Moody, a prominent man in his day in Marion, of whom more may be said hereinafter. Recurring to the late Chapman J. Crawford, it is proper to say that he was elected to the lower House of the Legislature in 1844, as hereinbefore stated, and again in 1846, and served two terms. In 1852, he was a candidate for the Senate against Dr. Robert Harllee, and after a very heated campaign, he was beaten by 171 majority, and, like Horace Greeley in 1872, did not survive the campaign more than a month. It was thought and said by some that his defeat killed him or contributed to his death ; he was a very ambitious man.
We have traced one branch of the family pf old John Crawford, who was one of the first settlers at Sandy Bluff (afterwards called Solomon's Landing, and perhaps later called Bird's Landing) . Old John Crawford had three sons, James, John and Hardy. We have traced it through James, the eldest; of John and Hardy's posterity we know not how they ran. There have been other Crawfords here, but whether from John or Hardy, or both, we can't say ; for instance, James, called Cype, lived upon and owned the grove lands, now owned by the estates of Governor Ellerbe and James G. Haselden ; Cype Crawford died there, back in the '40's ; never married. He had a brother, Willis Crawford, who married Sallie Bethea, and raised a large family, and died in 185 1, in what is now Bethea Township; his sons were James, Hardy B., Thomas C, Willis G., William and Gibson G. Crawford; his daughters were Rhoda and Margaret. Of Willis Crawford's sons, James died before he was grown; Hardy B. married a Miss Piatt, and went to Mississippi years ago, and is yet living, and is said to be doing well ; Thomas C, well known and now living in Florence County, and one of the best of her citizens, married, first, a Miss Morgan, of Charleston, who died a year or two after marriage, childless ; he married again, 16th May, 1866, Miss Carrie R. McPherson, in West Marion (now Florence), where Thomas C. Crawford has ever since resided, and where he now resides.1 His wife died suddenly about a month ago, childless. Willis G. Crawford was a doctor ; married a Miss Morgan, of Charleston, a sister of his brother Thomas' wife. Not long after his marriage he was on a fox chase, and galloping his horse through the woods, his horse bogged down and threw the doctor, whose gun was lying across his front, and in the fall of his horse and himself, the gun was discharged and he was killed ; he left no child. William Crawford died unmarried, some years after the war. Gibson G. Crawford married a daughter of the late Colonel James R. Bethea ; the fruits of the marriage were two sons, James G. and Samuel B., and two daughters, Jessie and Mary; the sons are now young men. James G. married, a week or two ago, a Miss Evans, of Society Hill; the daughter, Jessie, married W. Ellis Bethea, who lives at Latta ; Samuel B. and Mary are yet single, and live at Latta with their father, G. G. Crawford. Of the two daughters of Willis Crawford, Rhoda married Henry Easterling, about 1850, and he was killed in the war; the widow, Rhoda, is also dead ; she left three sons, Willis C, Thomas and Frank; and two daughters, Ella and Florence. The three sons are married���Willis C. to a Miss Legette ; they have a family, some of them grown and married. J. Frank Easterling married a Miss Watson, daughter of the late Samuel Watson. Thomas Easterling went to Florida, where he married, has children, and is Sheriff of the county in which he lives. The Easterling boys are men of character and doing fairly well. Of the two daughters of Henry Easterling and his wife, Rhoda, Ella married Iveroy Bethea, a son of Captain D. W. Bethea ; they live in Marlborough, and are doing well I know not of their family. Florence Easterling, the other daughter, married Robert McPherson, in West Marion; she is dead ; left one child, a son. Margaret Crawford, the youngest daughter of Willis Crawford, nevfer married; she died a few years ago. "Cype" and Willis Crawford had another brother—think he was a brother—named Gadi. The writer never saw him ; he died unmarried. There was another family of Crawfords, dtescendants of old John, but in a different branch of the family���Hal Crawford and a brother, named John, and two sisters, the wife of Cross Roads Henry Berry, and Mercy Bass, wife of Joseph Bass (senior). Berry's wife was named Charity. Hal Crawford married and went West; John Crawford never did marry. I suppose they are both dead. "Cype" and Willis Crawford had a sister, named Rhoda, who became the wife of the late Hugh Godbold ; she has been dead some years, and left no «hildTen. There were two Crawford brothers from Alabama of the same family, named John H. Crawford and Dr. James Crawford; they were here during the '40's. John H. married a Sarah Ann Moody, oldest daughter of the late Barfield Moody. They went back to Alabama. The wife of John H. died, leaving a son, named Albert, but was called Dock Crawford; he came back to this State and lived here for years ; was a merchant at Marion, and was County Auditor for a while, but resigned the office. It was said he went crazy or became a lunatic, and in a lucid interval went or started back to Georgia, and dlied, it was said, crazy in the woods. He was the nephew of our fellow-citizen, E. J. Moody. ;