Notes |
- !NOTES:Marty Grant's 4th Great Grand Uncle, by marriage (1st to Elizabeth Lane).
I am probably also related to him by blood, though I have not discovered his connection to my ancestor Lucinda Blackman, wife of Alexander Lane (his brother-in-law).;
!NOTES:B/D of Jan 1777 based on 17 Sep 1860 deposition where John Blackman Sr stated he would be 84 years old next January.
* From "Marion County Court Records, Court of Common Pleas 1788 to June 1861" Extracted by Lucille Utley and Transcribed by Teri Dalrymple. Three Rivers Historical Society.
!NOTES:B/P listed as "Marion District" on 1850 census, but in 1777 there was no Marion District, the entire region being part of Georgetown District then, so, if accurate, he was born in the same area before it became Marion.;
!NOTES:Parents unknown, but Mr. Sellers stated John was a son of the old Tory John Blackman. This could be correct, but I don't have any primary evidence backing this up or showing anyone else as a more likely suspect. It seems pretty clear that all the Blackmans of Marion were related to one another, but their exact connections to one another haven't been determined. We know that David Blackman came to the region from Granville Co., NC, so perhaps the rest of them did as well.;
!NOTES:This may be the same person as John J. Blackman listed on certain records in the 1820's and 1830's, but it is never clear to me if John J. is this John or one of the younger Johns.;
!NOTES:T/S at Antioch "John Blackman age 87";
!CENSUS:1790 x
* Five Blackman families listed in Georgetown District, Prince George Parish: Benjamin, David, James, Solomon Jr and Solomon Sr. All of them, except Solomon Sr. had at least one male son in the under 16 age group (born ca 1774/1790) which is where John (1777) ought to be listed. This means any of those four could be John's parents, or then again, perhaps none of them were. This isn't enough to go on.;
!WITNESS-DEED:20 Sep 1793 Marion Co., SC Deed Book C, p. 260
Benjamin Blackmon of parish of Prince George in Georgetown District, SC planter to John Turner Jr of same place, planter. On 6 Feb last past Benjamin Blackmon was granted 1186a on Catfish Swamp bounded by John Sanders, Thomas Hulin, John Sanders, Hugh Giles, Harrison Lucas. For L11 BLACKMON conv 195a south side Catfish.
S: Benjamin Blackmon, Anne (X) Blackmon.
Wit: John Sanders, John Blackmon.
* From "Marion County South Carolina Abstracts of Deeds Volume One Books A - E 1800-1811", Lucille Utley, Alita White Sutcliffe, 1996.;
!WITNESS-DEED:28 Sep 1799 Marion Co., SC Deed Book C, p. 350
John Sanders of Liberty Co & Elizabeth his wife, to Levi Gibson for -/35/- 75a NE side Hickory Grove Marsh, part of a tract granted to John SANDERS.
S: John Sanders, Elizabeth (X) Sanders,
Wit: John Blackmon, John Mace.
* From "Marion County South Carolina Abstracts of Deeds Volume One Books A - E 1800-1811", Lucille Utley, Alita White Sutcliffe, 1996.;
!WITNESS-DEED:28 Sep 1799 Marion Co., SC Deed Book C, p. 352
John Sanders of Liberty Co and Elizabeth his wife to Levi Gibson, 100a Nsd Pee Dee River on Brewentons Bay, p/o grant to John Sanders adjoining Mallachea Murfee, Jacob Buckholtts, Thomas Neavil, Vinson Dulany, Benjamin Blackmon.
S: John Sanders, Elizabeth (X) Sanders.
Wit: John Blackmon, John Mace.
* From "Marion County South Carolina Abstracts of Deeds Volume One Books A - E 1800-1811", Lucille Utley, Alita White Sutcliffe, 1996.;
!CENSUS:1800 Marion Dist., SC Liberty County, p. 446-790
John Blackman age 26-44 (1755/74) 01010-00010-0-0
My analysis (who each person *might* be)
1 male 26-44 (1755/1774) = John Blackman (1777)
1 male 10-15 (1784/1794) = Son? Brother? Brother-in-law? Nephew?
1 female 26-44 (1755/1774) = Elizabeth Lane Blackman (1755/74) wife
* Next to Benjamin Blackman (bef 1755);
!NAMED-DEED:11 Oct 1805 Marion Co., SC Deed Book C, p. 162
John & Elizabeth Sanders his wife, to John McDonald for $48, 100a p/o grant to John Sanders dated 13 Dec 1789 bounded by John Blackman on the N, Barnabas Watson having the water oak branch as dividing line.. and by Frederick Jones on the S. ... crossing the road by Esquire James Crawford.
S: John Sanders, Elizabeth(her mark) Sanders.
Wit: George (his mark) Sanders, Hugh Sanders.
* From "Marion County South Carolina Abstracts of Deeds Volume One Books A - E 1800-1811", Lucille Utley, Alita White Sutcliffe, 1996.;
!WITNESS-DEED:26 Jun 1807 Marion Co., SC Deed Book D, p. 134
Sarah Herren to grandchildren Samuel & Nancy Herren for $50, 14 head Cattle (etc).
S: Sarah (X) Herren.
Wit: Solomon Blackmon, John (his mark) Blackmon*
* John signed in 1799, so why a mark 8 years later? Unless this is a different John Blackman, perhaps a younger man, a son of Solomon?
** From "Marion County South Carolina Abstracts of Deeds Volume One Books A - E 1800-1811", Lucille Utley, Alita White Sutcliffe, 1996.;
!WITNESS-DEED: 3 May 1809 Marion Co., SC Deed Book H, p. 21
John Sanders to Solomon Blackman for L30, 250a Ssd Pigeon Bay bounded by John Mace, John Finklea, George Greaves, Noel Taylor and Barnaby Watson ... p/o three tracts granted to John Sanders, 1st 1 Dec 1788, next 30 Dec 1789, last 7 May 1772. Conveyed by John Sanders to Solomon Blackman Senr.
S: John Sanders, Elizabeth (her mark) Sanders.
Wit: Levi Blackman, John Blackman.
* From "Marion County South Carolina Abstracts of Deeds Volume Two Books F - I & K 1811-1823", Lucille Utley, Alita White Sutcliffe, 1997.;
!CENSUS:1810 x
x Not found in Marion. Four others in SC this year:
* Lancaster Dist., SC p. 382 John Blackman 20100-10010-0-1
* Lancaster Dist., SC p. 384 Jno Blackman Senr 02001-00201-0-0
* Lancaster Dist., SC p. 397 Jno Blackman 10010-10100-0-1
* Orangeburg Dist., SC p. 189 Jn. Blackman 00010-00001-0-1
* I don't think any of the above are our John Blackman. He was probably still in Marion in 1810, but missed by the census taker for some reason. Or perhaps he temporarily left the state, but returned.;
!TAX LIST:1811 Marion Dist., SC
Name, and Taxes owed (in dollars and cents).
David Blackman 0.80
John Blackman 0.80
Solomon Blackman 0.80
* From: Some South Carolina County Records, Vol. 2 by The Reverend Silas Emmett Lucas, Jr. Editor. 1989.;
!WITNESS-DEED:26 Jul 1811 Marion Co., SC Deed Book K, p. 44
Arthur Herring of Marion Dist to Joseph Bass of same, planter, for $150, 75a p/o 300a grant to John Bethea Senr 10 Jan 1785 & transferred 150a of sd tract to Samuel Herring to Abraham Herring to Arthur Herring, being the lower part of sd tract. S sd Buck Swamp bounded S by Thomas Majors land, E by Jonas Baleys land, N by Abram Herrings land, W on John Betheas land.
S: Arthur (his mark) Herring.
Wit: Daniel Platt, John Blackman.
Rachel (her mark) Herring, wife of Arthur Herring relinq dower bef Enos Tart, QU 8 Jan 1812.
* From "Marion County South Carolina Abstracts of Deeds Volume Two Books F - I & K 1811-1823", Lucille Utley, Alita White Sutcliffe, 1997.;
!NAMED-DEED:16 Jan 1812 Marion Co., SC Deed Book G., p. 134
Noel Taylor of Marion Dist., to Thomas Lean of same place for $60, 100a West side Catfish Swamp on Kelly Branch being part of a grant to John Sanders 30 Dec 1789 conveyed to John Student (sic) and from said Studevident (sic) to John Blackmon & from Blackmon to Noel Taylor bounded by lands belonging to George Green, John Deer, Barnabas Watson, John Smith Senr decd, & Frederick Jones.
S: Noel (his mark) Taylor.
Wit: Isham Watson, Benjamin Harrelson, Enos Tart, QU.
* From "Marion County South Carolina Abstracts of Deeds Volume Two Books F - I & K 1811-1823", Lucille Utley, Alita White Sutcliffe, 1997.;
!TAX LIST:1814 Marion Dist., SC
Name, and Taxes owed (in dollars and cents).
David Blackman 0.34
John Blackman 0.14
Solomon Blackman 0.34
* From: Some South Carolina County Records, Vol. 2 by The Reverend Silas Emmett Lucas, Jr. Editor. 1989.;
!WITNESS-DEED:30 Oct 1814 Marion Co., SC Deed Book F, p. 231
Ruebin Turner to Robert Turner his son, both of Marion District. Rueben Turner in his proper health doth freely give his son Robert Turner a mare called Ribl, a horse Liberty, one deer cow ... (and various other livestock, furniture, etc.)
S: Reubin (his mark) Turner, Dorothy (her mark) Turner.
Wit: John (his mark) Martin, Martha Meloy, John Blackman.
Proven by *Joshua* Blackman & John Martin before Jas Boyle, QU 19 Oct 1814.
* From "Marion County South Carolina Abstracts of Deeds Volume Two Books F - I & K 1811-1823", Lucille Utley, Alita White Sutcliffe, 1997.;
!DEED:19 Mar 1819 Marion Co., SC Deed Book L, p. 297
John Blackman of Marion District to John Manning for $200, of same place, planter, 100a on Buck Swamp Marsh bounded by land formerly belonging to Osborne Lane one side & on the upper side by land formerly belonging to James Blackman being p/o tract granted to John Sanders 1 Jul 1793 & conveyed by Sanders to to Solomon Blackman & from him to John Blackman & now to John Manning.
S: John Blackman.
Wit: Enos Tart, Newet Drew.
Elizabeth (her mark) Blackman, wife of John Blackman relinquishes dower.
* From "Abstracts of Marion County [SC] Deed Books L - M - N 1824-1831", Lucille Utley, Angela Turner, Billie Eaddy Cribb. Three Rivers Historical Society, 2003.;
!CENSUS:1820 Marion Dist., SC three in Marion:
p. 52(B)/2 John Blackman age 26-44 (1775/94) 200010-00200-0-0
p. 53(B)/4 John Blackman age 16-25 (1794/1804) 000100-20100-0-0
p. 53(B)/4 John Blackman age 45+ (bef 1775) 210001-10001-0-0 *ours*
* Of the above, I'm not certain which is our John Blackman. The third one fits best for the known children, but it has John and wife a little too old. However, I don't know who the other ones might be.
My analysis (who each person *might* be)
1 male 45+ (before 1775) = John Blackman (1777)
1 male 10-15 (1804/1810) = Stephen Blackman (1809) son
2 males 0-9 (1810/1820) = 1. John A. Blackman (1814) son
" males 0-9 (1810/1820) = 2. Son?
1 female 45+ (bef 1775) = Elizabeth Lane Blackman (1755/74) wife
2 females 0-9 (1810/1820) = 1. Daughter?
" females 0-9 (1810/1820) = 2. Elizabeth Blackman (c1818) daughter;
!WITNESS-DEED:18 Aug 1820 Marion Co., SC Deed Book M, p. 105
Joseph Bass of Marion District, planter to Daniel Platt of same place, for $490, 200a on Buck Swamp bounded n the upper side by my mill branch ... Caulder line ... corner James Blackman land ... all other sides by land belonging to John Manning, p/o 3 tracts granted to James Blackman 21 Jan 1785, also p/o another tract granted to William Cone 5 Jun 1770, and p/o tract granted to Peter Caulder Apr 1788.
S: Joseph Bass
Wit: John Blackman, Daniel (his mark) Turner.
Dower ren. by Mercy (Massey) Bass wife of Joseph Bass before Levi Odom, JQ 24 Oct 1820.
Probated by John Blackman before Francis A. Wayne 26 Oct 1820.
* From "Abstracts of Marion County [SC] Deed Books L - M - N 1824-1831", Lucille Utley, Angela Turner, Billie Eaddy Cribb. Three Rivers Historical Society, 2003.;
!NAMED:20 Nov 1821 Marion Dist, SC Inventory Book 1827-1836 pg 14 John HENRY Estate. Merchant. Notes & Accounts: ... Benjamin JOHNSON Sr ... Roger ROBERTS ... Richard JOHNSON son of Sam, ... Francis JOHNSON, James CAMPBELL ... Duncan CAMPBELL ... James JAMES ... Theophilus CAMPBELL ... Alexander LANE ... Carey JOHNSON, son of Lewis, ... Levy BLACKMAN ... Norton ROBERTS ... Elizabeth CRIB ... Lewis JOHNSON ... John BLACKMAN ... John TURNER, Samuel JOHNSON, Mrs. Kezia ROBERTS ... Cresse BARNES ... Scarce Book WATSON Jr ... James CRAWFORD ... Readon ROBERTS ... Jeremiah CAMPBELL ... Anthony CRIB ... James CRAWFORD ... David BLACKMAN ... Gadi CRAWFORD & James G. CRAWFORD ... Willis HUGGINS ... David EDWARDS ... Dempsy CRIBB ... Col. James JOHNSON ... Willis & James G. CRAWFORD ...;
!TAX LIST:1824 Marion Dist., SC
Name, and Taxes owed (in dollars and cents).
David Blackman 0.03
John Blackman 0.03
* From: Some South Carolina County Records, Vol. 2 by The Reverend Silas Emmett Lucas, Jr. Editor. 1989.;
!NAMED-PROBATE ROLL # 204 Christopher Dew 1828
18 Jan 1828 John Blackman was one of the purchasers at an estate sale Also in the same estate file, dated 14 Feb 1829 was a John J. Blackman. Perhaps the same person, or perhaps not.
* From: Marion County Probate Records Volume I, # 204 by Lucille Utley, Danny Smith, Indexed by Ferrell and Nancy Prosser, 1985.;
!CHURCH:Sep 1829 Catfish Church Marion Dist, SC (now Dillon)
... Dismissed by letter to build up Antioch Church ... John Blackmon ...
* Thanks to Bill Snipes for sharing this record.;
!CENSUS:1830 Marion Dist., SC p. 6
John Blackman age 50-59 (1770/80) 00010001-0000001-0, slaves=010000-000000
My analysis (who each person *might* be)
1 male 50-59 (1770/1780) = John Blackman (1777)
1 male 15-19 (1810/1815) = Son? *
1 female 40-49 (1780/1790) = Martha Jones Blackman (c1785) wife
1 male 10-23 (1815/1830) = ?
* Son could be Stephen (c1810) or John A. (1814) as both fit, and neither married yet.;
!DEED:16 Jul 1834 Marion Co., SC Deed Book P, p. 53
John Blackman and wife Martha in consideration of $200 paid by Allen Jones, sold unto Jones all that tract of land on the NE side Great Pee Dee River containing 50a ... north sd Cudd Swamp, same land we purchased from John Mace ...
S: John Blackman, Martha (her mark) Blackman
Wit: Levi Jones, Elly Finklea.
* From "Abstracts of Marion County [SC] Deed Books O and P 1831-1835", Lucille Utley, Kathy Loyd, John M. Gregg. Three Rivers Historical Society, 2003.;
!NAMED:27 Nov 1837 Marion Dist, SC Inventory Book 1827-1836 pg 130 Gadi CRAWFORD Estate. Hugh GODBOLD, adm. Appr: John BLACKMAN, James HASELDEN, John C. GIBSON, William M. CANNON;
!CENSUS:1840 Marion Dist., SC p. 161
John Blackman Sen age 60-69 (1770/80) 000000001-0000001-0-0.
My analysis (who each person *might* be)
1 male 60-69 (1770/1780) = John Blackman (1777)
1 female 40-49 (1790/1800) = Martha Jones Blackman (c1785) wife;
!NAMED-PROBATE ROLL # 426 Osburn Land (sic) 22 Jun 1840. James Lane.
10 Heirs $313.93 each up to Feb 1842.
In court of Ordinary James Lane, applicant, vs.
Jno Lane
Thos Lane
John Blackman
Joseph Lane
Robert Lane
Osborne Lane
Saml Smith
Alexd Lane
Stephen Lane
Saml Smith (sic)
Alexd Lane (sic).
Joseph Lane, Robert Lane, Osborne Lane, and Stephen Lane reside without the state.
* From "Marion County Probate Records" Volume 1, Lucille Utley, Danny Smith. Three Rivers Historical Society. 1985.
!NAMED:30 Jun 1840 Marion Dist, SC Ordinary's Real Estate Book 1826-1843 pg 119 Osborne LANE's Real Estate. Valuation: Joseph BASS, John BRYAN and Woodward MANNING recommend sale of land and value it at less than $1000. 30 Jun 1840. Summons: James LANE, applicant. Summons to John LANE, Robert LANE, Osborne LANE, Samuel SMITH, Alexander LANE, Stephen LANE, legal heirs and representatives, to appear in Court for division of land in Marion District on Buck Swamp, bounded by lands of estate of Daniel PLATT, John MANNING, John LEE, Barney WATSON, John TURBEVILLE and Joseph BASS, etc. James LANE Sr, John BLACKMAN andn Joseph LANE also in second list of heirs. Notice to absent defendants: Joseph, Robert, Osborne and Stephen LANE. 6 Jul 1840. John LANE Sr, Thomas LANE, John BLACKMAN, S. SMITH Jr and Alexander LANE consent to sale. 7 Jul 1840. Order of Sale Tract of 800 acres on Buck Swamp as previously described. 5 Nov 1840 sold to Samuel SMITH Jr for $2006. Decr 7 1840.;
!EQUITY ROLL # 135:On 17 Oct 1845 John Blackman filed a Bill for Injunction and Relief against William R. Johnston. He showed that on 2 May 1842 he purchased a negro woman and child for $800 at a Sheriff's sale from Elly Godbold.
* From: Marion County, South Carolina Extracts from Equity Rolls by Lucile Utley.;
!NAMED-PROBATE ROLL # 430 Charity Jones 1845
Miss Nicey Jones, adm of her mother Charity Jones, 6 Nov 1845.
Service accepted by all of the heirs except Robert C. Jones, Stephen Jones and Frederick Lane who are out of state.
11 heirs:
Robert C. Jones
Stephen Jones
Frederick Lane
Bryant Jones
Christopher Dew and wife
Jno Blackman
Thos U. Jones
John Smith and wife
Bryant Lane and wife
Jesse Lee and wife
and children of Thos Lane.
"B. Jones, C. Dew and Jno Blackman moved to New Jersey."
* From "Marion County Probate Records" Volume 1, Lucille Utley, Danny Smith. Three Rivers Historical Society. 1985.;
!DEED:14 Jan 1847 Marion Co., SC Deed Book V, p. 12
John Blackmon Sr of Marion Dist., SC by note of hand and promissory note, became indebted to John Mace Jr in sum of $100 to be paid 1 January next and dated 13 Jan 1847 given for value received ... tract of land whereon I now live, purchased by me of Levi Jones and being all the land which I own where I live containing 50 acres bounded by John Mace and Estate of J. G. Crawford. If not paid, deed to remain in full force ...
S: John Blackman Sr.
Wit: A. Q. McDuffie, A. J. Spears
* From "Abstracts of Marion County [SC] Deed Books U and V 1846-1853", Lucille Utley, Kathy Loyd, John M. Gregg. Three Rivers Historical Society, 2003.;
!CENSUS:1850 Marion Dist., SC # 1129/1134
John Blackman 74 Farmer $4000 Marion
Martha 65;
!SLAVE-CENSUS:1850 Marion Dist., SC 9 Aug 1850
John Blackman
45 M B
35 F B
16 M B
14 F B
12 F B
10 M B
8 M B
!CENSUS:1860 Marion Dist., SC Marion, Catfish PO # 1368/1355
John Blackman 83 Farmer $0/50 SC
Martha 74
Moses Mallay* 50 ~
* Perhaps Malloy or Molloy instead?;
!COURT: 9 Aug 1860 in the case of Martin W. Turner (c1820) vs. N. C. McDuffie, Sheriff of Marion District. Declaration in Prohibition. A statement filed by John Blackman Sr and James Lane Sr said this about Martin:
"Before me George M. Fairlee, Magst - come John Blackman Sr and James Lane Sr and upon being sworn says they knew John Turner alias Jack Turner and he was a free man so treated and received that he was a mulatto one half white and one half colored, that Patience Turner his wife passed and was received as a free white woman not having more than one fourth negro blood. That Reuben Turner was one of their children and passed and was received as a free white man, that Reuben Turner married Dolly Martin a free white woman without the least mixture of African blood, that Martha Turner alias Patty Turner was one of their children, who lived passed and was received as a free white woman that Martin Turner who is her son is the reported son of Needham Watson who was a white man without any mixture. That they deponents know that Martin Turner attended school with the children of the neighborhood, mustered and performed road duty ever since he was old enough. That he has always behaved himself in a respectable and orderly manner and that they have always received him as a white man at their house and so treated and dealt with him, and that he bears in his neighborhood (in which we live) a good character, is quiet, peaceable, sober and industrious." Signed John Blackman, James (x) Lane. Sworn before George M. Fairlee, Magst 9 Aug 1860
* From "Marion County Court Records, Court of Common Pleas 1788 to June 1861" Extracted by Lucille Utley and Transcribed by Teri Dalrymple. Three Rivers Historical Society.;
!COURT:On 17 Sep 1860, in Marion Court, the case of Martin W. Turner vs. R. J. Gregg, Tax Collector was brought. In the case this statement was made:
John Blackman Sen. In re Martin W. Turner 17 Sep 1860.
The State of South Carolina, Marion District, Personally came John Blackman Senr and under oath saith that he knew John Turner the grandfather of Martin W. Turner as a free person of color and also Patience Turner the grandmother of said Martin W., that the said John Turner was half white and half African, that the said Patience was judging from her color and from reputation one fourth African blood. This deponent further states that he knew the father of said Martin W. the offspring of said John and Patience, his name was William, that he intermarried with one Catharine Martin a white woman and by her had several children and among them the said Martin W., and deponent believes that the said Martin W. is only one eighth African blood and very probably less that his character is and always has been good and his reception in Society has always been that of a free white man. Deponent further states that he will be 84 years of age next January. Sworn before me Sept. 17th 1860. W. W. Sellers, Not. Pub. Signed John Blackman Sr.
* From "Marion County Court Records, Court of Common Pleas 1788 to June 1861" Extracted by Lucille Utley and Transcribed by Teri Dalrymple. Three Rivers Historical Society.;
!DEATH: 2 Oct 1862 per Antioch Baptist Church Minutes
... John Blackman died Oct 2, 1862 ...
* From: Pee Dee Queue Vol XXIII, No 3, May - Jun 1999.;
!REFERENCE:"A History of Marion County, South Carolina" by W.W. Sellers, Esq. 1902. Pg 245;
!REFERENCE: A History of Marion County, South Carolina From Its Earliest Times to the Present, 1901, by W. W. Sellers, Esq., of the Marion Bar. 1902. pp. 386-395
Osborne Lane married a Miss Crawford, a sister of old James Crawford, of Spring Branch-I suppose, older than her brother. The Crawfords were quite respectable in that day and have continued to be so down to the present time. The fruits of the marriage, as known, were eight sons, John, Thomas, Alexander, James, Robert, David, Stephen and William, and two daughters, Kesiah and Elizabeth.
Of the daughters, one, Elizabeth, married old John Blackman, a son of the old Tory John, that Colonel Murphy tied and whipped ; by this marriage were three children born and raised, as known to the writer- Stephen Blackman and John, called Jack ; the name of the daughter was Elizabeth, or Betsey; when an old maid, she became the second wife of Rev. John D. Coleman, below Marion ; both are dead ; don't know whether she left any children or not. Stephen Blackman married some one, to the writer not known ; he died many years ago, and left a son, William, called Billy Blackman, and is now a middle-aged man and lives somewhere in the Latta neighborhood ; married, and has a family. John (Jack) Blackman married a Miss Bird, a sister of the late Hugh and Joe Bird, of the Toby's Creek section ; by her he raised two sons, Joseph A. and Hamilton, who, like their father, were good soldiers in the war. Hamilton was killed about Charleston, S. C. Joe died since the war, leaving several children; his widow married again, Robert C. Rogers, of Wahee Township ; know nothing of Joseph A. Blackman's children, suppose some or all of them are grown. John (Jack) Blackman was married a second time, late in life, to Caroline Mears, and by her had and raised one or two sons- one, named John, is as much like old John as it- is possible for a young man to favor an old man ; these sons are in the Mullins section. Old John (Jack) died in 1895, in June, and was ninety years of age in December before he died, as brave and patriotic as any man that ever lived in the county, and as honest as the days were long. ;