Notes |
- !NOTES:Marty Grant's 2nd cousin, 4 times removed.;
!NOTES:Didn't find D/C for him in Marion or elsewhere in SC.;
!CENSUS:1860 Marion Dist., SC Marion, Marion PO # 1707/1675
H. J. Porter 18 m ~ $-/- SC
A. J. 16 f
C. C. 14 m
Wm 12
R. S. 10 f
S. G. 8 m
H. 6 f
Johanna 4
R. P. 1 m;
!CENSUS:1870 Marion Co., SC Marion, Marion PO # 106/107
James Porter 64 Farmer $900/200 SC
Hepsy 50 Keeping House
Rachael 20 at home
Stephen 18 at home
Margaret 17 at home
Johna 15 at home
Robert 11 at home
John 9 at home;
!CENSUS:1880 Marion Co., SC Marion # 290/294
Hapsey Porter 59 H.F.* Wd Farmer SC-SC-SC
Margaret 23 dau Farm Laborer
Joanna 21 dau Keeps home
Robert 19 son Farm Laborer
John 17 son Farm Laborer
* H. F. = Head of Family;
!CENSUS:1900 x
!CENSUS:1910 Marion Co., SC, Marion, Marion Town, Main St, # 220/230
Robert P. Porter head 52 M1 30 SC-SC-SC Retail Merchant - Genl Store & Lumbr?
Alice wife 54 M1 30 11-4
Marvin son 15
James son 12;
!CENSUS:1920 Marion Co., SC Marion Town # 85/90
Robert P. Porter head 65 M SC-SC-SC Salesman - Retail Furniture
Alice wife 65 M
Marvin son 24 Civil Engineer - General Practice
James son 21;
!CENSUS:1930 Marion Co., SC Marion Town, 802 N. Main St. # 341/380
Robert P. Porter head 73 M 26 SC-SC-SC
Alice C. wife 74 M 25
F. James Stubbart son-in-law 33 M 23 NE-NY-IL Teacher - Public School
Follin P. dau 43 M 33 SC-SC-SC
F. James Jr. gr-son 7 Frances-NE-SC [Came home age 2 mos];
!REFERENCE: A History of Marion County, South Carolina From Its Earliest Times to the Present, 1901, by W. W. Sellers, Esq., of the Marion Bar. 1902. pp. 142-147
Crawford. - James Crawford, the grand-father of the late Chapman Crawford, had a son named James, the father of Chapman; whether there were other sons or not, is not now known ; there were daughters - the wife of old Osborne Lane was one; the first wife of old William Bethea was another, who was the mother of the late John C. Bethea; another daughter married a man by the name of Porter ; she was the grand-mother of Robert P. Porter, now living at Marion. ;
!REFERENCE: A History of Marion County, South Carolina From Its Earliest Times to the Present, 1901, by W. W. Sellers, Esq., of the Marion Bar. 1902. pp. 386-395
Osborne Lane married a Miss Crawford, a sister of old James Crawford, of Spring Branch-I suppose, older than her brother. The Crawfords were quite respectable in that day and have continued to be so down to the present time. The fruits of the marriage, as known, were eight sons, John, Thomas, Alexander, James, Robert, David, Stephen and William, and two daughters, Kesiah and Elizabeth.
James C. Lane, I think, the youngest son of old Osborne, was a most excellent man and a good citizen ; he married a Miss Lee, daughter of old John Lee, on the north side of Buck Swamp, and settled on Catfish, just opposite Latta ; he had and raised four sons, James C, Jr., Crawford, John O. and Stephen L. Lane, and four daughters, Hapsey, Sarah Anne, Orphea and Priscilla. Of the sons, James C, Jr., married a daughter of old William Bryant, a sister of the late John M. Bryant; he had and raised one son, David, and one daughter. The son married some one to the writer unknown ; he has a large family of sons and daughters, several grown; he lives in Kirby Township. The daughter married Peter McLellan, and had several children ; Peter and she (Rebecca, I think, was her name), are both dead; don't know what has become of the children - suppose they are all grown. Crawford Lane, second son of James C, Sr., married a Miss Perritt, daughter of David Perritt, and settled down on the Maiden Down and Ten Mile Bays ; he raised a large family of sons and daughters ; the names of two sons only are known-Addison and James. Addison married a daughter of John M. Bryant, and has several sons, two of whom are married, and several daughters, some grown. James Lane, son of Crawford Lane, married a daughter of the late Samuel Campbell, and has a family, how many are not known. Stephen L. Lane, tihe youngest son of James C, Sr., married Miss Flora Campbell, a daughter of the late William S. Campbell ; he was killed in the last battle of the war, just before Johnston's surrender, after having gone through the whole war ; he left his widow. Flora, and several sons and daughters, none of them personally known to the writer ; one son is named William, and one daughter became the second wife of Merideth Watson, There are several other children. Another son of James C. Lane, Sr., was John O. Lane ; he married a Miss Sweat, daughter of old George Sweat ; they had and raised a family, none of them known to the writer -both are dead. Of the daughters of James C, Sr., Hapsey married the late James Porter ; they had and raised a large family of sons and daugliters, none of wlhom are known to the writer, except Robert P. Porter, in Marion; he married a Miss Johnson, and has a family of several children, none grown. The second daughter of old James C, St., Sarah Ann, married a Mr. Jones, who either died or left the country, leaving her one child, a daughter -what has become of the daughter is unknown ; Mrs. Jones is long since dead. The third daughter of James C. Lane, St., Orphea, married a Mr. Turbeville; they had and raised a family, and have grand-children, but none of them are known. The youngest daughter of James, Sr., Priscilla, married "Sandy" Norton, who was killed or died in the war ; they had and raised three sons, Woodberry, Houston and Holland Norton, who are now among us and good citizens- especially Houston Norton, of Latta ; there may have been daughters- if any, they are unknown to the writer.;