Notes |
- !TAXLIST:1779 Carteret Co, NC Jerry WATSON Jr, 100 acres, 3 negros, 15 cattle, 3 horses, 0 lots, 0 pounds;
!WITNESS:25 Sep 1782 Jones Co, NC C-104 Jeremiah WATSON to his son Moses WATSON, 110a which I purchased from Richard ROBERTS of Carteret Co, NC, being part of land granted to John ROBERTS by John, Lord Carteret Paletine 31 Jul 1730. In Jones Co, NC, north side of Whiteoak River, near Great Branch, now called Horn Branch. Witness: Micajah FRAZER, Jeremiah WATSON.;
!DEED:18 Sep 1784 Onslow Co, NC N-39 Jeremiah WATSON in right of his wife, Mary, late the widow of William WANTLAND, deceased, who owns 1/3 of 640a whereon Onslow County Court House now stands, since James WANTLAND bought of Richard FARR, the elder, at death of James WANTLAND, fell to William WANTLAND, and at his death intestate to wife Mary and only child Sarah WANTLAND. Mary sells to George BRINSON, administrator of William WANTLAND for L100. Test: Alexander WILLEY, Samuel WALKER.;
!GUARDIAN ACCOUNTS:15 Jan 1789 Onslow Co, NC Jeremiah WATSON Jr, guardian of Sarah WANTLAND;
!CENSUS:1790 Jones Co, NC pg 143 Jeremiah WATSON age 16+ (bef 1774) "1-4-4-0-9";
!NAMED:17 Jan 1790 Jones Co, NC Will A-109 of David WILLIAMSON as Executor: James WATSON, Jeremiah WATSON;
!DEED:13 Apr 1790 Jones Co, NC Deeds F-242 George BRINSON, Sr., of Onslow Co., N.C., gave to his daughter, Mary, wife of Jeremiah WATSON, of Jones Co., N.C., three negroes. To his grandson, George Brinson WATSON, one negro. To granddaughter, Sharlot WATSON, a slave. To grandson, James WATSON, a slave. To granddaughter, Apsila WATSON, a slave. To granddaughter, Sarah WANTLAND, daughter of Mary WATSON, a slave which she already has in her possession. Witnesses: B. GRANT, A. DUDLEY;
!NAMED:18 Jan 1791 Jones Co, NC Will A-100 Jeremiah WATSON, as "son Jeremiah";
!WITNESS:13 Jul 1792 Onslow Co, NC R-45 John BENDER of Jones Co, NC to Martin BENDER, my son. 100a. Test: John BENDER, Jeremiah WATSON;
!WITNESS:25 Jul 1792 Jones Co, NC Will A-178 of Micajah FRAZAR. Witness to Codicil 8 Aug 1792. Richard JONES, Jeremiah WATSON;
!NAMED:24 Feb 1793 Jones Co, NC Will A-157 James WATSON as "brother Jeremiah WATSON";
!WITNESS:15 Nov 1798 Onslow Co, NC U-53 James WATSON and Sarah, his wife of Sumner County, TN to William DENNIS Jr of Carteret Co, NC for L1000, 640a in Onslow on North east side of New River which was granted to Richard FARR in 1736 and became property of William WANTLAND, father of Sarah WATSON, who was his only child and heir. Sarah also gave up her right to patent of James WANTLAND granted 1743 and sold their 50a of the 150a. Also rights in property of Sarah's grandmother Mary POUNDS, decd. Test: Susannah WATSON, Alexander JOHNSTON, Jeremiah WATSON;
!DEED:-- --- 1798 Onslow Co, NC U-54 Alexander JOHNSTON of Sumner Co, TN and Samuel SCOTT and Jeremiah WATSON of same place make depositions;
!CENSUS:1820 * Claiborne Co., MS p. 8A
Jeremiah Watson age 45+ (bef 1775)
!CENSUS:1830 * Claiborne Co., MS p. 80;