Notes |
- !NAMED-PROBATE ROLL # 751 Marion Co., SC Enos Tart 1829
Susanna Tart and John C. Finklea, adm 20 Jan 1829
5 Oct 1829 Summons to -
Susannah Tart wife of intestate Enos Tart
Sarah Tart
Jane Tart
Susanna Tart
Enos Tart
Nathan Tart
Thomas E. Tart, children of said intestate,
Elizabeth Kirvin and
Hardy Fincklea, Aquilla Fincklea, and Mary Jane Finklea children of Polly, wife of Willis Finklea who was dau of said intestate,
1/3 to Susanna Tart
remaining 2/3rds to Telatha Avant, Elizabeth Kirvin, Sarah Tart, Jane Tart, Susannah Tart, Enos Tart, Nathan Tart, Thomas E. Tart and
Hardy Finklea, Aquilla Finklea and Mary Jane Finklea children of said Willis and Polly Finklea.
... Enos A. Finklea [appears to be same person as Aquilla]
4 Aug 1830 Summons to Eli Avant and Telatha his wife vs Susannah Tart ...
!CENSUS:1830 Marion Dist, SC pg 49 w/Susannah TART age 5-9 (1820/25);
!NAMED:25 Dec 1830 Marion Co, SC Equity Roll # 236, Page 76, 77 - Enos TART, died 15 Nov 1828. Filed 25 Dec 1830 - Heirs:
wife: Susannah Tart,
Children: Elizabeth Kirvin, wife wife of Alfred Kirvin; Enos Tart; Nathan Tart; Thomas Tart; Sarah Tart; Martha J. Tart; Susannah Tart.
Grandchildren: John H. Finklea; Enos A. Finklea; Mary J. Finklea;
!CENSUS:1840 Marion Dist, SC pg 161 w/Susannah TART age 15-19 (1820/25);
!DEED:28 Jan 1843 Marion Co., SC Book S page 352
Enos J. Tart to my mother Susannah Tart for $500, I being now 21 years old relinquish all my claim to two Negroes Phoebe & Joe ...
S: Enos J. Tart.
W: None;
!PROBATE ROLL # 751A Marion Co., SC Enos J. Tart 1847
12 Aug 1847 Susannah Tart, admx. Bondsmen: Susannah Tart, Nathan J. Tart. W: Thomas E. Tart
!REFERENCE: A History of Marion County, South Carolina From Its Earliest Times to the Present, 1901, by W. W. Sellers, Esq., of the Marion Bar. 1902. pp. 193-197
Tart ...
Old Enos Tart had three sons, Enos, Nathan and Thomas E. Tart. Enos, the oldest, died a young man, in 1844, before his mother; he was a very promising young man, a graduate of the University of Virginia, a Chesterfield in his manners and deportment; he had many of the qualities of his father ; had he lived, would, doubtless, have become prominent, and filled a large space in the public eye. Soon after Enos Tart, Jr., died, Thomas E., the youngest brother, accidentally shot himself with a pistol, from which he died in a few minutes. Three or four years after that sad event, Nathan Tart, the middle son, died. The sons of old Enos all died unmarried, so that the name, so far as old Enos was concerned, was entirely cut off. ;