Notes |
- !CENSUS:1800 Marion Dist, SC pg 784 w/Peter CAMPBELL age 0-9 (1790/1800);
!CENSUS:1810 Marion Dist, SC pg 83 w/Peter CAMPBELL age 10-15 (1794/1800);
!DEED: 6 Oct 1819 Marion Dist, SC Deeds I-112 Hugh CAMPBELL of Marion Dist, to Thomas COLLINS for $35, Ss Little Peedee where sd CAMPBELL lives bounded by Daniel CAMEL, 100a. S: High (X) Campbell. Wit: Benjamin LEWIS, John COLLINS;
!CENSUS:1820 Marion Dist, SC pg 56 w/Peter CAMPBELL age 18-25 (1794/1802);
!TAXLIST:1824 Marion Dist, SC Hugh CAMPBELL $1.50;
CENSUS:1830 Marion Dist, SC pg 11 Hugh CAMPBELL age 30-39 (1790/1800);
NAMED:14 Nov 1832 Marion Dist, SC Inventory Book 2-108 Hugh CAMPBELL Estate
Appraisers: Dugal CARMICHAEL Sr, John MANNING, Malcom STAFFORD;
NAMED:15 Nov 1832 Marion Dist, SC Ordinary's Real Estate Book 1826-1843 pg 21
Order for sale - Whereas David CAMPBELL and Apsley CAMPBELL,
administrators of Estate of Hugh CAMPBELL, decd, having made known to me
the necessity of selling the perishible property of said Estate and duly
considered the same I decree as follows. You are hereby authorized after
giving 15 days notice to sell ath the late residence of the decd, all the
personal propery except the negroes on these condiitions viz. All sums of
& Under five dollars cash, all above that amt on a credit to the 1st of
October next with Int fromd ate. Notes with approved security required.
Nov 15, 1832. Edward B. WHEELER, Ordy of Marion Dist.;
NAMED: 1 Dec 1832 Marion Dist, SC Sales Book A-172 Hugh CAMPBELL Estate.
Purchasers: James CAMPBELL ... John C. BETHEA, James CAMPBELL, Apsaly
NAMED: 2 Feb 1833 Marion Dist, SC Ordinary's Real Estate Book 1826-1843 pg 21
Estate of Hugh CAMPBELL and James CAMPBELL. To the ordinary of Marion
District, In accordance with your order we have been on the land of James
CAMPBELL and on those of the Estate of Hugh CAMPBELL with John HARLEE
Suerveyor which after due examination we have divided as follows Viz. The
lands on the West side of Little Pee Dee on which the parties live
containing 361 acres. We gave to James CAMPBELL 180 by a branch running
between the residence of James and the late residence of Hugh to the road
then cornering and running to a line of division SW 54 degrees to the
back line deliniated on the Platt No 1 including the dwelling of James.
We gave to the heirs of Hugh CAMPBELL the other moiety of land 361 acres
with building occupied by said heirs excepting the gin house which he has
purchased for four years. The lands described by the plat no 2 on which
is the bridge over little Pee Dee the said bridge to be equally for the
privilege of all parties and the assigns forever. Of the lands on the
east side of little Pee Dee containing 666 acres We gave James CAMPBELL
333 acres the line of division beginning at the foot of the bridge and
running NE 64 degrees 63 chains to a corner from thence NE 52 to the back
line as described in platt No 3. To the heirs of Hugh CAMPBELL decd, we
gave all the remaining moiety of said tract desribed by platt no 4.
Believing that the lands given to the heirs of Hugh CAMPBELL could not be
advantageously divided among them, we appraised as follows the land on
the West of Pee Dee of 180 acres at $1.25 per acre. The lands on the
East side 333 acres .50 cents per acre. Sworn to before me this 2nd Feby
1833, Archd CARMICHAEL, JP. Dougal CARMICHAEL, John MANNING, Malcolm
STAFFORD, Commsisioners.;
!NOTE:See Marion Probate Records Vol I, # 151 Hugh CAMPBELL;
REFERENCE:"A History of Marion County, South Carolina" by W.W. Sellers, Esq.
1902. Pg 320 - 327;
REFERENCE:"A History of Marion County, South Carolina" by W.W. Sellers, Esq.
1902. Pg 395 - 421;
REFERENCE:Pedigree Chart of John C. EDENS, 12200 Idlewood Drive, Lakewood
Hills, Laurinburg, NC 28352 (919) 276-5172 published in Pee Dee Queue
Vol XVII No. 4, Jul/Aug 1993;