Notes |
- !CENSUS:1860 Marion Dist, SC Marion Twp Pg # 24, # 352 Whitiford SMITH, 8 (1851/52) born SC;
!CENSUS:1870 Marion Co, SC Reaves Twp # 53 Whiteford SMITH, 18 (1851/52) born SC;
!CENSUS:1880 Marion Co, SC Reaves # 319 Whiteford SMITH, 28 (1851/52) born SC/SC/SC;
!REFERENCE:"A History of Marion County, South Carolina" by W.W. Sellers, Esq. 1902. Pg 263 - 267, State Representative;
!REFERENCE: A History of Marion County, South Carolina From Its Earliest Times to the Present, 1901, by W. W. Sellers, Esq., of the Marion Bar. 1902. pp. 386-395
Osborne Lane married a Miss Crawford, a sister of old James Crawford, of Spring Branch-I suppose, older than her brother. The Crawfords were quite respectable in that day and have continued to be so down to the present time. The fruits of the marriage, as known, were eight sons, John, Thomas, Alexander, James, Robert, David, Stephen and William, and two daughters, Kesiah and Elizabeth.
The other daughter, Kesiah, of old Osborne Lane, married old Samuel Smith (three junior), of Buck Swamp; the results of the marriage were two sons, John L. and Stephen Smith, born, respectively, in 1811 and 1813, when she died; and old man Samuel, Jr., married a second time, Miss Sallie Hays, daughter of old Ben Hays, of Hillsboro Township (now), and who has already been noticed herein among the Hays family. Two better citizens than John L. Smith and Stephen Smith are hard to find anywhere. John L. Smith became a Methodist traveling preacher, and after traveling three or four years, married a Miss Wannamaker, of Orangeburg County, and located, but continued to preach in a local position up to a short time before his death; he was an exemplary, pious. Christian gentleman. John L. Smith settled in the Fork, on Buck Swamp, and accumulated a good property, which he left unincumbered to his widow by a second marriage and his children ; he raised five sons and three daughters ; his sons were Daniel Asbury, Marcus L., Jacob W., John A. and Wilbur F. Smith, each and every one of whom, except, perhaps, Wilbur and Albert, who was too young, went into the war early and remained in it to the end. Marcus L. was badly wounded, and carries the evidence of it in his person every day since. Daniel Asbury came out of the war as a Captain ; married, after the war. Miss Alice Bethea, a daughter of Captain E. C. Bethea; by the marriage four sons were born and raised, of whom Dr. Maxcy Smith, the eldest, now at Page's Mill, is one and the only one in the State. The other three, with their mother, are in Birmingham, Ala., all doing well. Dr. Maxcy Smith married an Alabama lady. and has three or four children (small). Daniel Asbury Smith died some years ago. Marcus L. Smith married Miss Mary Smith, a daughter of Reddin W. Smith, east of Marion ; they have some children; don't know how many; has one or two married daughters. Jacob W. Smith, the third son, married Miss Fannie Nichols, who has already been noticed in or among the Nichols family. John Albert Smith, the fourth son, married a widow, Jennie Smith, of Mississippi; had and raised three daughters and one son, Henry Smith, now at Mullins, and has a family (small). The three daughters are married-the eldest to John Wilcox, of Marion, already mentioned among the Wayne family. Another daughter married Dennis Berry, of Marion ; they have some children, how many is unknown. The youngest daughter, Laura, married Chalmers Rogers, of Mullins, and resides there. John Albert Smith was first appointed County Auditor, which place he held with success for three or four years, when he was elected Clerk of the Court in 1880, as successor to R. K. Clark; he held that office for two years, when he died, and was succeeded by John Wilcox, as hereinbefore stated. The three daughters of John L. Smith were Anna M., Jane and Hettie. Anna M. married Philip W. Bethea; by the marriage, three sons and three daughters have been raised-George C, L. Asbury and Pickett the daughters are Bettie, Nannie and Lilian. George married Julia Wayne, the only daughter of Gabriel L Wayne; they had no offspring, and he died a few years ago. L. Asbury never married, and died two years ago. Pickett Bethea, the third son, married a daughter of Captain R. H. Rogers, of the Gaddy's Mill section ; they have, perhaps, two or three children (small) ; Pickett is a graduate of Wofford College, and has successfully followed teaching ever since his graduation -has been teaching in the same school in Darlington County for four or five years, which evidences his popularity as a teacher. Bettie, the eldest daughter, married David E. Allen, and has already been noticed among the Watson or Allen family. Nannie and Lilian recently married two Mr. Williams, brothers, saw mill men; may have a child each. The second daughter of John L. Smith, Jane, became the second wife of Dr. John J. Bethea, of Mullins; by this marriage, two sons, Lawrence and Julian, and one daughter, Minnie were born. Lawrence Bethea married a lady in Mississippi, first, and by her had three or four ohildren-a son grown, named John ; a daughter, Ruth, who married a Mr. West, from Augusta, Ga., and who is now at Mullins, merchandising;. and one daughter. Pearl, who died before maturity. The first wife died, and Lawrence married a Miss Rogers, daughter of David S. Rogers, of the "Free State" section ; he is farming. Julian M. Bethea, the second son of Dr. John J. Bethea, married a lady in Mississippi ; has only one child, a daughter ; he is merchandising at Mullins. Hettie Smith, the youngest daughter of John L. Smith, married Pinckney C. Page, who was killed in the war or died of disease, and left three children, who has already been noticed herein or among the Page family. Wilbur F. Smith, the youngest son of John L. Smith, graduated at Wofford College, in 1875, and soon afterwards emigrated to Mississippi, where he still remains ; I suppose he has a family. Minnie Bethea, the daughter of Dr. John J. Bethea, married Robert M. Daniel, son of W. H. Daniel, of Mullins ; she died in two or three years after marriage, childless. Stephen Smith, brother of John L. and a grand-son of old Osborne Lane, married Polly Huggins, a daughter of old John Huggins, of Huggins Bridge, on Little Pee Dee ; by this marriage seven sons and four daughters were born and raised; the sons were George W., Ebenezer, B. Cause, S. Elmore, S. W. Smith, J. Emory (all gallant soldiers in the war), and another killed on the railroad, near Florence, during the war; these, together with their sisters, have already been mentioned in or among the Huggins family, the Martin family and the Harrelson family. ;