Notes |
- !NOTES:Marty Grant's 7th Great Grand father, assuming certain weak links prove to be correct.;
!NOTES:There are several Matthew Pattersons in old Pennsylvania Records (Lancaster County for example) and in Augusta Co., VA records. One of them may be this same man. Most that I've looked at have been "claimed" as other men, but i don't know that those conclusions are correct. Much research is needed.
!NOTES:B/D unknown, nor have any records been found to help narrow it down. Old enough to receive a Grant in 1762, so 21 or older then (born c 1741 or before). Probably born in 1720's at least, if he is the father of Matthew (Jr) born ca 1749 or earlier;
!NOTES:There was a Mathias Peterson in Tryon (now Lincoln) Co., NC while Matthew Patterson was there. There has been some confusion among their records I've included both, but with notes as to who is who;
!NOTES:Many years ago, Valeska Vicars shared a note about a 1762 land grant for Matthew Patterson in Craven Co., NC. I realized recently that it had to be Craven Co., *SC* instead, which once covered a huge portion of that state. I found records online at the SC Archives related to that land grant. Matthew Patterson had 150 acres in the High Hills between Wataree and Black Rivers as far back as 1758. This is modern Sumter Co., SC, which is a goodly distance from where he later lived in NC. Of course it could be the same Matthew Patterson, but at present, I have no way of knowing if it is the same man. Those records are transcribed below.
!NAMED:11 Jul 1758 Craven Co., SC Plat for land grant
Thomas Abel, Plat for 150 acres in Craven County on the High Hills between waters of Black River and Wataree River, bounded on all sides by vacant land. S: John Evans, D.S.
Ord Co 2 Feb 1762 for Mathew Patterson
From SC Archives, Colonial Plat Books (Copy Series) (S213184)
* Note: above might be some other Matthew Patterson;
!LAND GRANT:11 Feb 1762 Craven Co, SC
Matthew Patterson, 150 acres on High Hills. (No actual copy online)
From SC Archives, Colonial Plat Books (Copy Series) (S213019)
Archives ID: Series: S213019 Volume: 0010 Page: 00181 Item: 000
* Note: above might be some other Matthew Patterson;
!NAMED:28 Apr 1768 Mecklenburg Co, NC Deed ? Named as Chain Bearer, Matthew PATTERSON, John PATTERSON * Per Valeska VICARS, I haven't seen this record yet.;
!NAMED:26 May 1770 Craven Co., SC
300a Memorial (grant) for Isaac Jackson on High Hills of Santee.
Mathew Patterson and Thomas Shepherd named also (adjoining land owners?)
From SC Archives, Memorial books (Copy Series) (S111001)
Archives ID: Series: S111001 Volume: 0010 Page: 00145 Item: 005
* Note: above might be some other Matthew Patterson;
!SURVEY:Land Survey # 289. 8 May 1770 Tryon Co., NC
Grantee: Matthew Patterson, 1770, North Side of Broad R., Elliot's line, Roberson's line.
1st Chain Bearer: Matthew Patterson Jr.
2nd Chain Bearer: John Patterson.
From: "Tryon County North Carolina Index to Land Surveys", Miles S. Philbeck, 1987.;
!LAND GRANT # 280:24 Dec 1770 Tryon Co, NC
Matthew Patterson. Issued 24 Dec 1770.
Surveyed 8 May 1770 Book 20 p. 624. On N. sd Broad River. 300a.
CB: Matthew Patterson Jr., John Patterson.
Note: This is the same as Survey # 289 above;
!NAMED:Land Survey # 675 (& # 884) 1771 Tryon Co., NC
Grantee: Hugh Wilson, 1771. Broad River
1st Chain Bearer: John Kirkconnel.
2nd Chain Bearer: Mathew Patterson
From: "Tryon County North Carolina Index to Land Surveys", Miles S. Philbeck, 1987.
* This may be Matthew Jr, since Sr. might be pretty old by this time and not physically fit to be a chain bearer;
!NAMED:Land Survey # 1076 (& # 1249) 1771 Tryon Co., NC
Grantee: John Withrow. 1775. Catheys Creek. SBR.
1st Chain Bearer: Mathew Paterson
2nd Chain Bearer: Joseph Black.
From: "Tryon County North Carolina Index to Land Surveys", Miles S. Philbeck, 1987.
* This may be Matthew Jr, since Sr. might be pretty old by this time and not physically fit to be a chain bearer;
!LAND WARRANT: 6 Apr 1770 Tryon Co., NC **
Mathias Peterson, 250 acres on Tody branch of Killians Creek joining & between the lines of Phillip Earhart, Adam Sides, Jacob Link & Thomas Andersons land including his own improvement. Warrant 342. 6 Apr 1770. SS 946.3
From "Tryon County North Carolina Land Warrants 1768-1774, Miles S. Philbeck, 1987.
** Note: This is Mathias Peterson, not Matthew Patterson. Included for completeness;
!NAMED:Land Survey # 355 1770 Tryon Co., NC **
Grantee: Mathias Peterson 1771. Killians Cr
1st Chain Bearer: Phillip Earhart.
2nd Chain Bearer: Benjn. Galtney.
From: "Tryon County North Carolina Index to Land Surveys", Miles S. Philbeck, 1987.
** Note: This is Mathias Peterson, not Matthew Patterson. Included for completeness;
!NAMED:Land Survey # 425 1771 Tryon Co., NC **
Grantee: Adam Deck. 1771 Killians Cr.
1st Chain Bearer: George Deck.
2nd Chain Bearer: Mathias Peterson.
From: "Tryon County North Carolina Index to Land Surveys", Miles S. Philbeck, 1987.
** Note: This is Mathias Peterson, not Matthew Patterson. Included for completeness;
!GRANT:18 Apr 1771 as mentioned in Tryon Co, NC Deeds 1-776 26 Apr 1773 Michael ENGL and wife Barbary of Tryon to Lemuel SAUNDERS of same for L20, south side Catawba River, waters of Killions Creek adj Philip EREHORTS line, 250a conveyed by Mathew PATTERSON 25 Jun 1772, granted to said PATTERSON 18 Apr 1771. S: Michael (B) Engle, Barbara (E) Engle. Wit: John RIDISIEL, Michel RUDISILI
Note: This is Mathias Peterson, not Matthew Patterson. Included for completeness;
!NAMED:13 Jan 1772 Craven Co., SC, St. Mark's Parish
200a Memorial (grant) for Mason Greening on High Hills of Santee.
Mathew Patterson and William Cantey, Isaac Jackson and Moses Knighton named also (adjoining land owners?)
From SC Archives, Memorial books (Copy Series) (S111001)
Archives ID: Series: S111001 Volume: 0011 Page: 00108 Item: 001
* Note: above might be some other Matthew Patterson;
!DEED:25 Jun 1772 as mentioned in Tryon Co, NC Deeds 1-776 26 Apr 1773 Michael ENGL and wife Barbary of Tryon to Lemuel SAUNDERS of same for L20, south side Catawba River, waters of Killions Creek adj Philip EREHORTS line, 250a conveyed by Mathew PATTERSON 25 Jun 1772, granted to said PATTERSON 18 Apr 1771. S: Michael (B) Engle, Barbara (E) Engle. Wit: John RIDISIEL, Michel RUDISILI
Note: This is Mathias Peterson, not Matthew Patterson. Included for completeness;
!COURT:July Term 1772 Tryon Co., NC **
A Deed of Sale from Mathias Paterson to Michael Ingle Dated the 25th day of June 1772 for 250 acres acknowledged in Court. Ord'd to be Registered.
From "Tryon County North Carolina Minutes of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions 1769-1779, Brent H. Holcomb, 1994. p. 100.
** Note: This is Mathias Peterson, not Matthew Patterson. Included for completeness;
!COURT:July Term 1772 Tryon Co., NC **
A Deed of Sale from Adam Dick to George Dick Dated the 19th Day of June 1772 for 141 acres proved bY Mathias Patterson Evidence thereto. Ord'd to be Reg'd.
From "Tryon County North Carolina Minutes of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions 1769-1779, Brent H. Holcomb, 1994. p. 101.
** Note: This is Mathias Peterson, not Matthew Patterson. Included for completeness;
!MEMORIAL(LAND GRANT): 9 Dec 1772 Craven Co., SC
Matthew Patterson 300a Broad River, Craven County, Tryon County
SC Archives Series: Memorial books (Copy Series) (S111001)
Archives ID: Series: S111001 Volume: 0012 Page: 00029 Item: 003
Note: Is this the same 300a granted to him by NC 24 Dec 1770? The state lines were uncertain then.
!NAMED:26 Apr 1773 Tryon Co, NC Deeds 1-776 Michael ENGL and wife Barbary of Tryon to Lemuel SAUNDERS of same for L20, south side Catawba River, waters of Killions Creek adj Philip EREHORTS line, 250a conveyed by Mathew PATTERSON 25 Jun 1772, granted to said PATTERSON 18 Apr 1771. S: Michael (B) Engle, Barbara (E) Engle. Wit: John RIDISIEL, Michel RUDISILI
Note: This is Mathias Peterson, not Matthew Patterson. Included for completeness;
!MARRIAGE BOND:29 Sep 1779 Lincoln Co., NC **
Matthias Peterson & Ketren Rominger
GeorgeFink, bm
** Note: This is Mathias Peterson, not Matthew Patterson. Included for completeness;