Notes |
- !NOTE:Not proven child of Elisha GRANT;
!CENSUS:1790 * Wayne Co, NC pg 151 w/Elisha GRANT age -16 (1774/90);
!CENSUS:1800 * Wayne Co, NC pg 851 w/Elisha GRANT age 10-15 (1784/90);
!CENSUS:1810 Wayne Co, NC pg 835 Thomas GRANT age 26-44 (1765/84) "10010-30000";
!WAR OF 1812:"Muster Rolls of the Soldiers of the War of 1812..." pg 90 Thomas GRANT, Wayne County;
!CENSUS:1820 Wayne Co, NC pg 464 Thomas GRANT age 26-44 (1775/94) "210010-22010";
!COURT:Nov 1825 State of North Carolina Wayne County
Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions Nov. Term 1825
The Jurors for the State aforesaid on their oaths present and say that Samuel Lawhorn late of the
County aforesaid labourer and his wife Edith Lawhorn late of the County aforesaid Spinster,
Arthur Sasser late of the County aforesaid labourer and Mary Sasser his wife late of the County
aforesaid Spinster, Thomas Reeves late of the County aforesaid labourer, Thomas Grant late of
the County aforesaid labourer, Mathew Hayes of the County aforesaid labourer, John Grant late
of the County aforesaid labourer, Sally Turnage late of the County aforesaid Spinster, Casey
Faircloth wife of Kinchen Faircloth of the County aforesaid Spinster and Unity Faircloth late of
the County aforesaid Spinster on the fifteenth day of September in the year of our Lord one
thousand eight hundred and twenty five with force and arms at and in of Wayne aforesaid did
unlawfully riotously assemble and gather together to disturb the peace of the State of North
Carolina aforesaid and being so then and there assembled and gathered together in and upon one
Winney Mozingo in the peace of God and the State aforesaid then and there being unlawfully
riotously and reclously did make an assault on her the said Mozingo then and there unlawfully
riotously and reclously did beat, mame & ill treat and the other wrongs then and there
unlawfully, riotously and reclously did to the great of the said Mozingo and against the peace
and dignity of the State.
Jas. Farrior
County Solicitor
Source: Wayne County, NC Criminal Action Papers, 1825-1826, CR.103.326.7
!CENSUS:1830 Wayne Co, NC pg 510 Thomas GRANT age 40-49 (1780/90) "2100001-010001";