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- !CENSUS:1830;
!NAMED:-- --- 1844 McDowell Co, NC Wills 1-7 Henry MORRIS, pr Jan 1844. Wife Catherine. Sons John MORRIS, Henry, William Bryson (Morris). To Sally GRANT, wife of John GRANT. To Nancy UPTON, wife of Thomas UPTON, to Fanny HAMPTON, then to her brothers and sisters. To Catherine McHAN, wife of Alison McHAN, my father William MORRIS (living), to Sally & Will DAVIS, or their guardian, and Henry? MOORE. Exec: William B. MORRIS. Witness: H. HARRIS, James M. RABURN;
!CENSUS:1850 McDowell Co, NC # 53 William B. MORRIS, 29 (1820/21) born NC;
!WITNESS: 9 Aug 1855 McDowell Co, NC Wills 1-64 Isaac MORRIS, pr Apr 1859. Wife Charity. Son Isaac E. MORRIS. Daughter Frances M. PATTEN, wife of John H. PATTON and her 6 children: Charity Elisabeth PATTON, Robert, Rachael, Isabella and John PATTON, minors. Exec: Son Isaac E. MORRIS, B.F. BYNUM. Witness: W.B. MORRIS, E.L. MORRIS, W.L. GRANT;