Notes |
- !NOTES:Marty Grant's 6th Great Grand Parent.;
!COURT:Jun 1758 Orange Co, NC 1-303 A Deed of Gift from William STROUD to Peter STROUD for 158a was acknowledged.;
!SURVEY:17 Jun 1761 Orange Co, NC From "Orange County Records, Vol. I Granville Proprietary Land Office: Abstracts of Loose Papers" is : "John King -- Survey -- 17 June 1761-- 640 acres on Robinson's Cr. waters of Haw R(iver); Peter Stroud, Robt. Marsh: CC." page 45 of book;
!TAXLIST:1779 Orange Co, NC Peter STROUD;
!GRANT:21 Sep 1785 Orange Co, NC 59-40 # 844 Entry 4 Aug 1779 issued 21 Sep 1785 entry # 791 Peter STROUD, 640a Tyrels Creek of Haw River bounded East and North and West by his own land;
!DEED:11 Dec 1789 Orange Co, NC 4-299 Peter STROUD of Burk (sic) to Peter WILLIS of Brunswick County, Virginia, five hundred pounds, 800 acres, on Terrils Cr. waters of Haw R., begin at a white oak on bank of creek, E 98 ch. to a chestnut oak, N 15 ch. to a white oak S60E 44 ch. to a post oak, N 55 ch. to a black jack, W 129 ch. to an ash on the creek, down creek 41 ch. to a
white oak, E45 ch. to a red oak, S to branch of creek, down branch to creek, down creek to beginning; signed: Peter STROUD, Rebekah (X) STROUD; Witness: Isham THRIFT, Anderson STROUD; proved February 1790 Term by Thrift;
!CENSUS:1790 Burke Co., NC p. 88
Peter Stroud age 16+ (bef 1774)
My analysis (who each person *might* be)
1m 16+ (bef 1774) Peter Stroud (c1737)
5m -16 (1774/1790) William Stroud (c1775/1790) son
5m -16 (1774/1790) David Stroud (c1777) son
5m -16 (1774/1790) Jordan Stroud (c1774/1784) son
5m -16 (1774/1790) John Stroud (1784/1790) son
5m -16 (1774/1790) Son?
2f no ages (bef 1790) Rebecca (---) Stroud, wife
2f no ages (bef 1790) Rebecca Stroud (1780/1790) daughter
!ENTRY:19 Dec 1792 Burke Co, NC Land Entries # 230 Peter STROUD, 100a on South Fork of Muddy Creek joining the line of his tract bought of William BRANDON. Ent 19 Dec 1792. Warrent Issued 8 Aug 1792. Transferred to Jesse STROUD;
!TAXLIST:1793 Burke Co, NC Captain John CARSON's Company ... Jesse STROUD, 321a, 1 poll, Peter STROUD Jr, 275a 1 poll, Peter STROUD Sr, 535a ...;
!CENSUS:1800 Burke Co., NC p. 795
Peter Stroud Sr age 45+ (bef 1755)
My analysis (who each person *might* be)
1m 45+ (bef 1755) Peter Stroud (c1737)
2m 16-25 (1775/1784) 1 William Stroud (c1775/1790) son
2m 16-25 (1775/1784) 2 David Stroud (c1777) son
1m 10-15 (1784/1790) John Stroud (1784/1790) son
1f 26-44 (1755/1774) Wife?
1f 10-15 (1784/1790) Rebecca Stroud (1780/1790) daughter
1f 0-9 (1790/1800) Fanny Stroud (1790/1800) daughter
!TAXLIST:1805 Burke Co, NC Captain Armstrong's Co. Peter STROUD Sr;
!DEED REGISTERED:12 Mar 1808 Burke Co, NC ("Burke Co, NC Deeds Registered 1804-1813" by Kathy Gunter Sullivan, 1995) Peter STROUD Sr to Peter STROUD Jr, 60 acres, proven by Thomas GREEN, Jul 1809;
!DEED REGISTERED:3 Sep 1809 Burke Co, NC ("Burke Co, NC Deeds Registered 1804-1813" by Kathy Gunter Sullivan, 1995) Peter STROUD Sr to Joseph RUBY, 10 acres, proven by Drury MASHBURN;
!CENSUS:1810 Burke Co., NC p. 328
Peter Stroud age 45+ (bef 1765)
My analysis (who each person *might* be)
1m 45+ (bef 1765) Peter Stroud (c1737)
1f 26-44 (1765/1784) Wife?
1f 10-15 (1794/1800) Fanny Stroud (1790/1800) daughter
3f 0-9 (1800/1810) 1 Mary E. Stroud (c1800) daughter
3f 0-9 (1800/1810) 2 Sarah Stroud (c1800/1810) daughter
3f 0-9 (1800/1810) 3 Nancy Stroud (c1802) daughter
!COURT:Jan 1810 Burke Co, NC "Ordered by the court that the following perons be a Jury to View and alter the road if expindent from the corner of Peter
STROUD Junr Field to the upper end of Peter STROUD Senr Plantation on the road from Rutherford to the mouth of Buck creak to wit, Thomas GREEN, William GREEN, Wilkliam GREEN Junr, John MITCHELL, John KELLER, Peter STROUD Jr, Peter STROUD Senr, James PATTON, Joseph RICHY, Mathew MASHBURN, William CARSON, Robert HOODG [or possibly Moody or Woody], James ARMSTRONG, Joseph WILSON, Thomas MORRISON, James HIX, William MASHBURN and report thereof." This area is now McDowell County. On April 14, the jury reported that it had "met and found a road past Peter STROUDs field.";
!TAXLIST:1815 Burke Co, NC Captain Hemphill's Company - Peter STROUDE Sr, Muddy Creek, 6 polls, 332a, $1000;
!CENSUS:1820 Burke Co., NC p. 89
Peter Stroud Senr age 45+ (bef 1775)
My analysis (who each person *might* be)
1m 45+ (bef 1775) Peter Stroud (c1737)
1f 45+ (bef 1775) Elizabeth (---) Stroud (bef 1775) wife
1f 16-25 (1794/1804) Fanny Stroud (1790/1800) daughter
1f 10-15 (1804/1810) Nancy Stroud (c1802) daughter
!WILL:13 Feb 1821 Burke Co., NC Peter Stroud Snr (Thanks to Mary Fern Souder for finding this)
Peter Stroud Junr
Nancy Stroud
John Porter - Sally Porter
Elizabeth Stroud my wife
Mathew Mashburn - Susannah Mashburn
Peggy Harris
John Stroud
William Stroud
David Stroud
William Green - Kiziah Green
Fanny Stroud
Jorden Stroud
Robert Trassler - Obedience Trasher
Hodg Raburn
Thos Raburn - Polly Raburn
Rebecker Smith;
!WILL:Jul 1827 Burke Co, NC Peter STROUD, proven by Thomas RABURN and wife;