Notes |
- !NOTES:Marty Grant's 2nd Great Grandfather;
"A History of the Grant Family of Western North Carolina" (2 vol), by Marvin A. Grant, Jr.
Available at:
!NOTES:B/D -- Feb 1880 per 1880 census, which is probably accurate since info was given by parents (most likely). His D/C gives his age at death (9 Feb 1922) as 45y, 11m, 3d which calculates to 6 Mar 1876 which is way off from the 1880 census. However, it also exactly matches what he put on his World War II Draft Registration card. Therefore, that's two for 1876 only one for 1880. His tombtone has no dates at all;
!CENSUS:1880 Swain Co, NC Charleston # 3/3
C. M. Patterson, Farmer, NC-NC-NC
Lavina, 36 wife GA-GA-GA
Julius D. 17 son NC-NC-GA
Nancy A. 14 dau
William H. 12 son
Rebecca M. 9 dau
Julie L. 7 dau
Lavina M. 2 dau
Carrel A. 4/12 (Feb) son;
!CENSUS:1900 x
x Not found after numerous searches.;
!MARRIAGE:15 Jun 1907 Swain Co., NC
Lon Patterson, 25 of Swain
& Nora Cambey 19 of Swain
at Chris Cambey's;
!CENSUS:1910 Swain Co, NC Forneys Creek pg 230b # 422/428
John R. L. Cole, Head, 31 married once 8 years, NC-NC-NC, Merchant / Dry Goods
Margartt, wife 30, 3 children born 2 living
Ransom R. son 6
Oliver P. son, 3
John Smith, boarder 45 widowed
James E. Coward (or Connard), boarder, 47, single TN-TN-TN
James R. Teague, boarder, 37 single, NC-NC-NC
James L. Cooper, boarder 28
Alonzo Patterson, boarder, 32 widowed, NC-NC-NC. <---
* Is this him? The name is right, the age is very close. Being listed as widowed raises some questions, but his wife Nora was alive then, just not listed with him, or elsewhere in 1910 as far as could be found. Perhaps they were separated, or, more likely since he was a boarder in this home, whomever provided the information to the census taker was just wrong about it.;
!CENSUS:1920 Swain Co, NC Forney Creek pg 182B # 198/202 (marked out) 200/202
Alonzo PATTERSON, Head, M, W, 43, (1876/77), Marr, NC/NC/NC
Nora, Wife, F, W, 31 (1888/89), Marr, NC/NC/NC
Willie Belle, Dau, F, W, 11 (1908/09), Single, NC/NC/NC;
!DEATH: 9 Feb 1922 Swain Co, NC Death Records 6-1 Carroll Alonzo PATTERSON, 45y, 11m, F: Carroll PATTERSON, M: Lavenia CATHEY;
!DEATH: 9 Feb 1922 Swain Co, NC Death Certificate 87-2630 Carol Alonzo PATTERSON, died Feb 9, 1922 Bryson City, Swain Co, NC, Male, White, Married, aged 45 years, 11 months, 3 days, Occupation: Merchant, Born Swain Co, NC, Father: Carol PATTERSON, born NC, Mother: Lavina CATHEY, born NC. Cause of Death: Calea Cistntion & Mitsul Regnsgibation. Informant: W.H. PATTERSON. Burial: 10 Feb 1922 Sawyers Cemetery;