Notes |
- !BIRTH:27 Oct 1780 from tombstone in Miller Cemetary, Buncombe Co, NC;
!MARRIAGE:17 Dec 1802 Rutherford Co, NC James MORGAN & Peggy GRANT, Alexander GRANT, Bondsman;
!DEED:14 Nov 1808 Buncombe Co, NC F-108 James MORGAN to John RICE, 117a Little River;
!CENSUS:1810 Rutherford Co., NC p. 413
James Morgan age 26-44 (1765/84)
My analysis (who each person might be)
1m 26-44 (1765/1784).. James Morgan (1780)
2m 0-9 (1800/1810).... 1. Permenter Morgan (1806) son
...................... 2. Morris G. Morgan (c1810) son
1f 16-25 (1784/1794).. Margaret Grant Morgan (1788) wife
2f 0-9 (1800/1810).... 1. Susan T. Morgan (c1804) daughter
...................... 2. Mary Morgan (c1808) daughter;
!DEED:12 Apr 1813 Rutherford Co, NC 29/31-187 James MORGAN of Rutherford to Susannah GRANT of Rutherford, widow of Alexander GRANT, deceased for $90, 30a on Montford Cove, James Morgan being heir of Alexander Grant, deceased. Witness: John Grant, William Grant;
!CENSUS:1820 Buncombe Co.,N C p. 124
James Morgan age 26-44 (1775/1794)
My analysis (who each person might be)
1m 26-44 (1775/1794).. James Morgan (1780)
2m 10-15 (1804/1810).. 1. Permenter D. Morgan (1806) son
...................... 2. Morris G. Morgan (1806) son
3m 0-9 (1810/1820).... 1. Jones H. Morgan (1812) son
...................... 2. Lewis R. Morgan (c1817) son
...................... 3. James Morgan (1820) son
1f 26-44 (1775/1794).. Margaret Grant Morgan (1788) wife
2f 10-15 (1804/1810).. 1. Susan T. Morgan (1804) daughter
...................... 2. Mary Morgan (1808) daughter
2f 0-9 (1810/1820).... 1. Margaret Morgan (c1814) daughter
...................... 2. Martha Morgan (c1817) daughter;
!DEED:31 Jan 1826 Rutherford Co, NC 36-20 We, William GRANT for himself, and as agent of James MORGAN, in right of his wife Peggy MORGAN, who was Peggy GRANT, James GRANT for himself, Jesse MORGAN, in right of his wife Polly MORGAN, who was Polly GRANT, John GRANT, Holland BRADLEY in right of his wife Patsy BRADLEY who was Patsy GRANT, all are bound unto each other for $1000, all heirs at law of Susannah GRANT, relict of Alexander GRANT, late of Rutherford, deceased. 119a on Cove Creek. Appoint James HUMPHREYS, Harbert HARRIS to be commissioners. S: James Morgan, W. Grant, James (x) Grant for himself and for Jesse Morgan. John Grant, Holland Bradley;
!DEED: 8 Jan 1827 Buncombe Co, NC 14-215 State of North Carolina Grant # 2660 to James MORGAN, 60a Hominy Creek;
!DEED:14 Nov 1828 Buncombe Co, NC 21-425 Thomas JONES to James MORGAN 200a Hominy Creek;
!CENSUS:1830 Buncombe Co., NC p. 244
James Morgan age 40-49 (1780/1790)
My analysis (who each person might be)
1m 40-49 (1780/1790).. James Morgan (c1780)
1m 20-29 (1800/1810).. Morris G. Morgan (c1810) son
1m 15-19 (1810/1815).. Jones H. Morgan (1812) son
2 5-9 (1820/1825)..... 1. James Morgan (1820) son
...................... 2. Elijah Morgan (1824) son
1m 0-4 (1825/1830).... Stephen A. Morgan (c1828) son
1f 40-49 (1780/1790).. Margaret Grant Morgan (1788) wife
1f 20-29 (1800/1810).. Mary Morgan (1808) dau
2 15-19 (1810/1815)... 1. Margaret Morgan (c1814) dau
...................... 2. Martha Morgan (c1817) dau
1f 5-9 (1820-1825).... Millie Morgan (1822) dau;
!DEED: 5 Dec 1831 Buncombe Co, NC 20-222 State of North Carolina Grant # 2952 to James MORGAN, 30a South Fork of Hominy Creek.;
!DEED: 3 Dec 1832 Buncombe Co, NC 20-92 James MORGAN to Joseph GLAZINOR, 100a French Broad River;
!DEED: 5 Jan 1833 Buncombe Co, NC 20-221 State of North Carolina Grant # 3117 to James MORGAN, 50a Hominy Creek.;
!DEED:30 Nov 1836 Buncombe Co, NC 22-375 State of North Carolina Grant # 3395 to James H. MORGAN, 100a South Hominy Creek.;
!DEED:30 Nov 1836 Buncombe Co, NC 22-376 State of North Carolina Grant # 3397 to James MORGAN, 100a South Hominy Creek.;
!CENSUS:1840 Buncombe Co., NC p. 157
James Morgan age 50-59 (1780/1790)
My analysis (who each person might be)
1m 50-59 (1780/1790).. James Morgan (1780)
1m 20-29 (1810/1820).. James Morgan (1820) son
3m 10-14 (1825/1830).. 1. Elijah Morgan (1824) son
...................... 2. Stephen A. Morgan (c1828) son
...................... 3. John G. Morgan (c1829) son
1f 40-49 (1790/1800).. Margaret Grant Morgan (1788) wife
1f 30-39 (1800/1810).. Mary Morgan (1808) daughter
1f 20-29 (1810/1820).. Martha Morgan (1817) daughter
1f 15-19 (1820/1825).. Millie Morgan (1822) daughter;
!CENSUS:1850 Buncombe Co., NC # 444/444
James Morgan 69 Farmer $600 NC
Mary 42
Emily 37
Stephen 22 Laborer
John G. 21 Laborer
Martha 10;
!WILL:ALOB, Vol. X #7, p. 89-67 <>
"p. 165. 25 Feb. 1853.. I, James Morgan, residing on the Reedy Branch of South Hominy Creek & being of sound mind and memory & that death is certain, I do make this as my last will. I give and bequeath in the following manner. First I desire that my executor and family bury me in a plain & decent manner by the side of my wife in what is now called the Miller Grave Yard & my executor pay all my lawful debts that I may owe at my decease from the money on hand. I will & desire that my three youngest sons & one dtr. that is Elijah Morgan, Stephen Morgan & John Gane Morgan and Polly Morgan their sister all the land that I now posses or may have at my decease to be equally divided among them, that is my three sons & my daughter. Also I desire that my farming tools be divided amongst my three sons at my decease. "I desire that my little granddaughter Martha Morgan dtr. of Maris G. Morgan that I received from a child to hold an equal in the personal estate at my decease with my little property that her grandmother left her at her death." I will & desire that the rest of my personal property that has not been mentioned in this will to go to the children before mentioned, such as cattle, horses, hogs & sheep with the other property to be equally divided.
I appoint my sons Elijah & Stephens Morgan as my executors.
Wit: E. Morgan, S.D. Clark & P.D. Morgan.
Signed James Morgan...."
!DEATH:25 Oct 1854 Buncombe Co, NC from tombstone in Miller Cemetary, Buncombe
Co, NC;