Notes |
(1) This person is not related to me as far as I'm aware. However, I am interested in all Marion Co., SC families to some extent.
(2) This person is an aunt/uncle of my aunt-in-law Debra Rogers McIntyre.
!CENSUS:1850 Marion Dist, SC # 25/23
Vincent A. Godbold 47 Farmer $500 Marion
Sarah 37
Eli 18
Mary 14
Elizabeth 12
Treacy 10
Martha 8
Ann 6
Catherine 4
Margaret 2
Mariah 1/12;
!CENSUS:1860 Marion Dist., SC Marion, Marion PO # 2180/2148
Vincent Godbold 50 Farmer $1000/500 SC
Sarah 48
Tresa 20
Matilda 17
Catharine 15
Cornelia 12
Margaret 10
Celia 8;