Notes |
- !DEED:1746-1750 Dobbs Co, NC Deed Book 1 page 110 (1746-1750) John JONES to John GRANT;
!DEED:1754-1755 Dobbs Co, NC Deed Book 3 page 6 (1754-1755) John GRANT to Robert HINES;
!DEED:1754-1755 Dobbs Co, NC Deed Book 3 page 65 (or 69) (1754-1755) Robert HINES to John GRANT;
!NAMED: 5 Dec 1757 Colony of North Carolina Land Patents 1735-1764 Book 2 page 173. Crown to Elisha UZZELL, 150a Johnston Co, NC east side of Walnut Creek adjoining John GRANT, and Piney Woods. Arthur DOBBS, Royal Governor;
!TAXLIST:1769 Dobbs Co, NC John GRANT, 1 taxable;
!DEED:1769-1771 Dobbs Co, NC Deed Book 8 page 135 (1769-1771) John GRANT to William GRANT;
!NAMED:20 Nov 1771 Dobbs Co, NC Militia Muster Roll - John GRANT, # 14;
!DEATH: 6 Aug 1773 Dobbs Co, NC John GRANT murdered by James WILSON. John's wife Mary and son John GRANT Jr are mentioned in the court records:
Dobbs County, NC - Court Records
File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by
Grace Williamson Turner
Retyped and posted by
Annette Roebuck
Source: Secretary of State Records, Court Records, Oyer & Terminer, 1773,
Box 314.
North Carolina }
Dobbs County }
This day John Grant appeared before me one of His Majestys
Justices of the Peace for said County, and made Oath on the Holy Evangelists of
Almighty God. That his Father John Grant departed this Life on Friday Night the
Sixth Instant, and that he has reason to believe the death of the said deceased
was caused by Several Blows & bruises he received from a certain James Wilson on
the Monday precedeing.
These are therefore in His Majestys name to command you that you take the
Body of the said James Wilson if to be found in your Bailwick, and him safely
keep untill you bring him before me or some other of his Majestys Justices of
the peace for said County to be dealt with as the Law directs. Herein fail not
as you shall answer the Contrary at your Peril.
Given under my hand & seal this 9th day of August 1773 & in the Thirtienth
year of his Majestys Reign--------------
Maj'r Croom (Seal)
To the Sherif. Deputy Sherif, }
Or any Constable of the County of }
Dobbs County to Execute & return }
Summons Elisha Uzzel, James Daniel, Sarah Daniel, John Daniel
On reverse: and Nathanal Dannel, Mary Grant Evidences
Benj'a Griffen
Depos of Jno Grant
Panel of the Petit Jury Summoned to attend Court of Oyer &c 7 Sept 1773
1. William Hooker 4. John Dillahunty 7. John Linton 10. John Collier
2. John Shino 5. Jesse Jones 8. Moses Fields 11. John Cox
3. William Speight 6. Moses Westbrook 9. Isaac hill 12. Joseph Tilman
Dobbs County August 10 Day 1773
The Exammmation of James Wilson on his Tryal By a Warrant obtained by John Grant
that on Monday the Second Day of August him sd Wilson and John Grant had Some
Deferance and that John Grant Struck him first and that he Shruck the sd Grant
Several Stroks Which occationed Som Blood to be Drawn from the Sd Grant and that
James Daniell took him of Sd Grant and that Sd Grant got up and Went of To go home.
August 10 Day of 1773
The Deposition of James Danniell Taken on the Tryal of James Wilson that James
Wilson Came to his house the Second Day of August and Some Time after Came John
Grant and that John Grant Began to Quarrill With Sd Wilson first and that Sd
Wilson Seemed to Want to Beat Sd Grant and that Sd Danniell held Sd Wilson and
that his Wife forewarned them from fighting on the plantation Several times and
that John Grant Went of and told Wilson to Com after him and that he Sd Danniell
had hold of Wilson By the arm and Would Not Let him go Til he Tore his Shirt and
then Wilson Told him that he Wanted to make Water and he Let him go and that the
Next News he hard Was The Children Came Screaming to the Door and Sd Wilson
Would Kil Grant and that he Sd Danniell Ran To Them and he heard Grant Cry out
Enough/Murder two or three Times annd Sd Daniell That he Se Wilson Strike Grant
in the face Two or Three Times With his Left hand and That he Sd Daniell puld
Wilson from Grant as Quick as he Could and Led Wilson to the house and that Grant
followed him to the house and abusd him and Went of To go home and that he Sd
Daniell Went to Grants house the 4 Day of Sd month and Seed Grant Naked Except
his private parts and that he Could Se No hurt But What Was In his face But Grant
Told him The Worst hurt he had Was on his Left Side Near the Rim of his Belly
Next Avedince Sarah Daniell Wife of James Daniell that She Did Not hear the
Beginning of the Quarill But that She Come in to his house Second Day August and
that John Grant and James Wilson Was Quarreling and that She forwarnd them of
from his plantation if they would fight and that Grant Went of and Wilson Deplored
hir husband James Daniell that was holding Wilson to Let him go and make Water and
that he let him go and the Next News she heard Was one of hir Children Cry out
Lord mamma they are fighting and Wilson Will Kill Grant and hir husband Run and
That She heard Grant Cry out Enough murder and that Wilson Was upon him and She
Seed him Strike Grant With his Left hand In the face and that hir husband Sd Wilson
Dont Strike him again and after that as Wilson Rose up he Kickt Grant on the Side
of the face and that Grant follow'd Wilson up Near the house and Dard him to Com out
and he Would fight him again But Grant Went of and that She Went to Se Grant the 4
Day of the month and that he told hir The Gratess of his injurrey Was Near the Rim
of his Belley and Range'd into the Small of his Back
The Avedence of Nathanell Dannelll in the Tryal of James Wilson that on Wensday or
Thursday the 4th or 5 of August he Was at John Grants and that Sd Grant Was Beten
very much and that Grant Told him that Wilson and he had had a fight and that he
Was Kickt In the Belley and that he allow'd it Would Be his End
The avidence of John Daniell on the Tryal of James Wilson that on fryday the Six
Day of August he Was at John Grants and Saw John Grant Ly Speechless and Seed him
Expire and Die.
The Avedence of Elisha Uzzill on The Tryal of James Wilson that on the Sixth Day
of August 1773 James Wilson Came to his house and Told him that he and John Grant
had had a fight at James Daniells that Wilson follow'd Grant and Told him to Lay
Down his pipe or he Would Beat it Down his throat and that he gave him as good a
Whiping as Ever he had In his Life and that he told him that his Thums Was So Sore
a Beating of Grant that he could hardly work
The Avidence of Mary Grant Wife of John Grant on the Tryal of James Wilson that
She heard Hir husband John Grant Say that on Monday the Second Day of August he
and James Wilson had a fight and that James Wilson Kicked him In The Side and that
it Would Be his End and that She asked him the Day Before he Dide Whather he Would
Lay his Death to James Wilson Not and he Told hir he absolutely Did Lay his Deat
to him and that She Realy Beleiv'd that that Wound Was the cause of his Death
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