Notes |
- !CENSUS:1790 Georgetown Co, SC Prince George Parish, pg 54 w/Francis FLOYD age -16 (1774/90);
!DEED:22 Oct 1804 Horry Co., SC Book A1-67 Jessie Barfield & Jane his wife [d/o Francis Floyd, decd.] vs Izabel Taylor, admx. & Hugh Floyd & Sam'l Floyd, Admrs. Writ of partition 22 Oct 1804. Commissioners: Benjamin Lewis, Samuel Foxworth, John Ford, Joseph Ford, Willis Rawls. Heirs: Izabel, widow and 7 children: Jane, Hugh, Theophilus, Johnston, Cathrine, Izabel & Francis [minors, Jane & Hugh, execs.] Division signed 20 Mar 1806. Order signed October term 1807.
!CENSUS:1810 * Horry Dist, SC pg 145 Hugh FLOYD *;
!CENSUS:1820 Horry Dist, SC pg 134 Hugh FLOYD age 26-44 (1775/94) "310010-11110";
!CENSUS:1830 * Horry Dist, SC pg 256 Hugh FLOYD *;
!CENSUS:1840 * Horry Dist, SC pg 325 Hugh FLOYD Sr *;
!TAXLIST:1845 Horry Dist, SC Hugh FLOYD Sr, 100a, 7 slaves;
!CENSUS:1850 Horry Dist, SC pg 57 # 788
Hugh FLOYD, 70 (1779/80) born SC
S. (f) 63;
!ESTATE:20 Nov 1854 Horry Dist, SC Estate of Hugh Floyd - heirs Alfred P. Floyd, Joseph Floyd, William Floyd, Frances Floyd, Frederick Floyd, Abraham Graham gdn to heirs of Hugh Floyd Jr decd;
!ESTATE: 5 Dec 1854 Horry Dist, SC Estate of Hugh Floyd - heirs: A. P. Floyd, Joseph Floyd, William Floyd, Fed Floyd, Abraham Graham and A. W. Johnson;
!NOTE:Read this by Martha Miller, it makes sense:
Posted by: Martha Miller (ID *****3899) Date: April 10, 2005 at 11:44:21
of 265
Hugh Floyd Sr (ca 1780-1853), s/o Francis Lewis Floyd and Isabella Johnson, died in Horry Co SC. According to the estate record of Hugh, his heirs (named 20 Nov 1854) were Alfred P. Floyd, Joseph Floyd, William Floyd, Frances Floyd, Frederick Floyd and Abraham Graham (guardian of heirs of Hugh Floyd Jr dec'd). The heirs (named 5 Dec 1854) were A. P. Floyd, Joseph Floyd, William Floyd, Fed Floyd, Abraham Graham and A. W. Johnson.
Most of the research that I have seen agree that Alfred P. Floyd and Joseph Floyd were the sons of Hugh Sr and that A. W. Johnson was the 2nd husband of Celia Floyd (widow/Hugh Jr). I have been told that Abraham Graham was the husband of Delilah Floyd, a daughter/o Hugh Sr. I believe that Francis D. Floyd md Anna Elizer Floyd (gd/o James who d.1828) and moved to McNairy Co TN. IF this is true, then we have accounted for 4 sons (Alfred P., Joseph, Francis and Hugh Jr) and 1 daughter (Delilah).
After looking at the census records for Hugh Floyd Sr, I find that he had 2 other daughters and I wondered why they were not mentioned in his estate. They were ages (20-25) and (15-20) in his HH in 1830. I also found that Hugh never had more than 5 sons and thus one of the named heirs is not his son. One of the sons listed, as age (0-10) in 1820 was not in the HH in 1830 so there is the possibility that he died and only 4 sons grew to adulthood.
Does anyone have any information about William Floyd, a s/o Hugh Sr? Frederick Floyd of Horry Co (b ca 1814) md Susannah (_?_) and had a large family. There are conflicting views as to whether this Frederick was a s/o of Hugh Sr or a s/o of Frederick Floyd Sr. My suggestion is that maybe both William and Frederick married daughters of Hugh Sr. In 1850 Susannah, w/o Frederick, was listed as age 34. However, the cemetery listing gives her birth as 1809 and this fits the age of one of Hugh's missing daughters. William Floyd with wife Mary A. (b ca 1815) lived in Horry Co and is the s/o Pugh Floyd. The age of Mary A. also fits the missing daughter of Hugh Sr.
Thus Hugh Sr's children were: 4 sons (Alfred P., Joseph, Francis, Hugh Jr) and 3 daughters (Delilah w/o Abraham Graham, Susannah w/o Frederick Floyd, Mary A. w/o William Floyd). Comments and information are welcome. Martha