Notes |
- !CENSUS:1850 Lewis Co, TN pg 781 # 30 William L. HENSLEY, 1 (1848/49) born TN;
!CENSUS:1860 Lewis Co, TN 30-516 William C. HENSLEY, 13 (1846/47) *;
!CENSUS:1880 Effingham Co, IL Summit pg 318B
William L. HENSLEY Self M M W 32 TN/TN/TN
Mattie M. HENSLEY Dau F S W 7 IL
Hattie E. HENSLEY Dau F S W 4 IL
Nettie HENSLEY Dau F S W 1 IL;
!NOTE:Obit from Melody Carter:
William Hensley was born in Hick-man County Tennessee, July 5th 1848and departed this life after a lingeringillness April 13, 1934, being 85 years 9 months and 8 days of age.He was the oldest son of John F.and Ella Hensley. At the age of six-teen he came to Illinois with his par-ents and settled in Summit township,where he has since resided.He was united in marriage to MaryCarroll, Aug. 29, 1869, who passed a-way April 21st, 1879. To this union were born five children, four of whompreceeded him to the great beyond.One daughter Mrs. Hattie Hooten ofPaxton survives.May 5th 1881 he was married to Elizabeth Doyle who passed away onSept. 24th 1906. To this union wereborn two children, Walter of Summittownship and Ella of Central Point,Oregon.March 19th 1908 he was married toLola L. Langford who so patiently hascared for him during his long illness.He also leaves the following step-children: T.D. Doyle of Williamsville,Ill., Mary Britton of Springfield, Ill.,Vesta Beeks of Harrison, N.Y., Cleda Tarrant Of Summit township, and ma-mie Lenon of Alexandria, Ind.He also leaves two brothers, John,of Greenville and Eli of Keyesport,Ill., twenty four grandchildren and ahost of friends to mourn their loss.In 1923 he united with the M. at Ebenezer where he wor-shipped until his health failed andthen he became a daily reader of theBible until his eyesight failed him andduring his illness he has often ex-pressed his desire to meet his Savior.Funeral services were conducted onSunday morning at 10:30 o'clock bythe pastor, Rev. R. V. Henry and bur-ial followed in the Rentfro cemetery.Pall bearers were grandsons as fol-lows: Orville Hooten, Paul Hager,Guy Phillips, Burl Hooten, OscarRentfro and Everett Hensley.Flower girls were grand-daughters, as follows: Dorothy Klepzig, FlossieBriscoe, Bessie Ready, Nellie Phillips,Laura Sparks and Vesta Hensley.