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- !NOTES:T/S has no dates;
!CENSUS:1850 Marion Dist., SC # 1171/1176
Ebben Hays 51 Farmer $2000 Marion
Ann 44
Avarilla 24
Jesse 20 "
Ebban 19 "
Wilson 15
Joseph 13
Mary 11
Nicholas 9
William 7
John 3;
June 30, 1921 issue of the Southern Christian Advocate Vol 85 # 30 pg 13 col 1 from the Sandor Teszler Library of Wofford College:
Rev Wilson Hayes-The subject of this sketch was born near Kirby's Crossroads in upper Marion County (now Dillon), on April 19, 1835, and died at the home of his son, Mr Thomas R Hayes, February 11, 1920.
On Dec 1, 1858, Mr Hayes was married to Miss Nancy E. Tart. Of this union, several sons and daughters were born.
In early life, Mr Hayes joined Bethesda Methodist Church of which he was a faithful and loyal member continuously till his death. He was superintendent of the Sunday School of this church for a number of years and was for many years perhaps the most faithful steward the church ever had. In this particular field he had but few equals in faithfulness and efficiency. Until advancing years prevented him from doing so, he rarely ever missed a quarterly conference.
He was always a friend to the Methodist preacher, especially did he extend words of cheer and welcome to the newly arrived pastor of his church.
Many years ago, "Uncle" Wilson, as he was affectionately known, was licensed to exhort and continued work in this capacity in Bethlehem and Bethesda churches till a few months before his death. At these churches, he usually preached once a month and always had a message for both young and old which carried conviction because of its humble simplicity and because of the sincerity of the man.
In the death of our brother, Methodism in these parts has suffered a distinct loss.
The writer has missed him because of his friendliness and interest in us, but he has left a record of noble deeds of which his friends and relatives need not be ashamed.
J S Fair, Mallory, SC
Submitted by Carolyn Klear, 5 Aug 2002.;
!REFERENCE: A History of Marion County, South Carolina From Its Earliest Times to the Present, 1901, by W. W. Sellers, Esq., of the Marion Bar. 1902. pp. 148-157
Fama Berry, who married Nathan Tart, born in 1791, and died in 1884, was a most remarkable woman, physically and mentally. The writer went to see her a year or so before she died ; she was very large and corpulent, suppose she weighed 250 or more ; she said she had never in her life been sick but little, and had never taken any medicine, except what she prescribed for and could procure for herself; her mental powers were unimpaired and her memory of persons, families and events excelled anything of the kind I ever met with. I wrote her obituary and published it in the "Marion Star" newspaper, soon after her death. She was not sick when she died, as it was told the writer by her son-in-law, Wilson Hays -who called in a physician to see her, who said the fat had overgrown the heart so as to prevent its action, and no relief was possible. Fama Tart raised several sons, Enos, James H., H. Tart, Thomas E. and Gadie, and several daughters. The sons are, perhaps, all dead; also the daughters, except Jane, who married Willis Waters, who lives in Florence County; and Wilson Hays' wife. H. H. Tart, who was an excellent and energetic man of high character in his sphere of life, died last year, about seventy-eight years of age. Fama Tart's children and great-grand-children, and even another generation of them, are numerous. ;