Notes |
- !NOTES:I (Marty Grant) am not related to this person as far as I'm aware.
(1) I am interested in all Marion Co., SC families to some extent.
(2) This person is an uncle/aunt of my aunt-in-law Debra Rogers McIntyre.
!NAMED-PROBATE ROLL # 374 Marion Co., SC Benjamin Hays 1835
Will dated 1 Jan 1835 pr 26 Jan 1835
dau Sealy Allin and her two youngest daus Elizabeth and Nancy Ann.
sons James, Joseph, William, Levy and Jesse Hays.
To John Martin his wife Elizabeth Martin, her sons Alexander, Jehu and Stephen Wilson.
Wife Elizabeth
dau Sally wife of Samuel Smith.
Guardian Bond 14 Feb 1845 John Martin gdn to -
A. H. Martin, Stephen Wilson, Taltha A. Martin, Jamse Martina nd Elizabeth Martin, grandchildren of Benjamin Hays.
!CENSUS:1850 Marion Dist., SC # 886/890
Joseph B. Hays 50 Farmer $2500 Marion
Ann 48
Alexander 22 "
Sarah 16
Trestram 13
Mary 10
Jane 8
Ann 6;
!DEATH & MARRIAGE:From "The Pee Dee Index" - "Genealogical Abstracts from Marion, South Carolina Newspapers 1858-1886" Abstracted by Gloria Calhoun, Pee Dee Chapter SCGS, Marion, SC 1999;
!REFERENCE: A History of Marion County, South Carolina From Its Earliest Times to the Present, 1901, by W. W. Sellers, Esq., of the Marion Bar. 1902. pp. 170-173
Hays.—Another family of note in Hillsboro Township is the Hays family. The common ancestor of that family was Benjamin Hays; I do not know who his wife was; he raised a considerable family of sons and daughters; the sons, as remembered, were James, Jessee, William H., Joseph B. and Levi H. Hays ; the daughters, as remembered, were Mrs. Elias Allen, the mother of the late Rev. Joel Allen, and Thompson Allen, of Marlborough County; Mrs. Samuel Smith, of Buck Swamp, who died in 1857, and Mrs. John Martin, of Buck Swamp and Maiden Down; there may have been other daughters. These sons and daughters are all dead, some of them for many years, but were the stock of a numerous progeny —down to a second and third and even to a fourth generation ; many of them unknown to the writer, and, therefore, can say but little about them.
Joseph B. Hays, the father of our much respected and substantial fellow-citizen, T. B. Hays, married a Miss Gaddy, daughter of old Ithamer Gaddy, near Gaddy's Mills ; the fruits of this marriage were three sons, as now remebered, E. Wilson Hays, Aleck and T. B. Hays; E. Wilson Hays is now dead ; he married, first. Miss Elizabeth Ann Rogers, a sister of our fellow-citizen. Lot B. Rogers ; he had several children by this marriage ; one of them is Gamewell Hays, who has removed to the West, and another is O. C. Hays, who lives near Little Rock; he married a daughter of Owen Jackson, in the Judson section of the county, and he has a large family ; Wilson Hays married, a second time, a daughter of the late Matthew Martin; she bore some children to him, how many is unknown. E. Wilson Hays was a very respectable man and excellent citizen ; he died a few years ago of a cancer on his face. T. B. Hays married Sarah Nance, daughter of Everet Nance, of Robeson County, N. C, and by her had four children, Orilla, now the wife of Olin Edwards, Ina Rembert and Tristam. Rembert recently graduated at Wofford College, and is now engaged in farming; the first wife dying, T. B. Hays married, a second time, his cousin. Miss Walker Hays, daughter of Wm. B. Hays, by whom he has one child. Aleck Hays married Elizabeth, daughter of the late Colonel John Roberts, and lives at the forks of the road just below the residence of Captain Wm. J. Page; he raised a large family, all of whom are grown ; one of his sons (name not remembered), married a daughter of Hiram Lee; another, Murray, married a daughter of Mrs. Zilpha Floyd ; Mattie married a D. V. Coleman, of Columbus County, N. C, and removed to Georgia several years ago; Annie and Fanny are unmarried. Joseph B. Hays had some daughters; I do not know how many; one married the late T. B. Rogers, in the Fork, and is still living; they raised a considerable family; of the sons, J. Marion Rogers is a preacher of the South Carolina Conference, Methodist Church, South ; he graduated with distinction at Wofford College some years past; another son, Herbert, graduated in the Citadel Academy last year, 1899. Another daughter of J. B. Hays married a Mr. Booth ; think she is a widow. Another daughter of Joseph B. Hays became the wife of Solomon Edwards, in the Fork ; she has an only daughter, who is now the wife of that excellent citizen, Kirkland Fort, with whom Mrs. Edwards lives, her husband having died many years ago. Another daughter, rather late in life, married Archie Thompson, and resides in Robeson County, N. C. Joseph B. Hays was a useful man in his day in his community; he was a Magistrate for many years. ;
!REFERENCE: A History of Marion County, South Carolina From Its Earliest Times to the Present, 1901, by W. W. Sellers, Esq., of the Marion Bar. 1902. pp. 209-213
Norton Roberts resided on the first settled place south of Buck Swamp Bridge ; don't know to whom he married-think, however, his wife was a Miss Johnson ; he, with all his family, except his oldest son. Colonel John M. Roberts, went to Louisiana a way back, perhaps, in the forties, and it is said, don't know with how much truth, that one of his sons became Governor of Louisiana. I have learned from the Hon. James Norton, that Norton Roberts' mother was a Miss Norton, sister of James Norton's grand-father, hence his name, Norton Roberts. Norton Roberts married Martha Norton, who was the mother of Colonel John M. Colonel John M. Roberts, his oldest son, married Miss Franky Mace; by her he had seven daughters and no son. One of his daughters died unmarried. His oldest daughter, Elizabeth, married Alexander Hays, son of Joseph B. Hays, and brother to our T. B. Hays ; they have raised a large family of sons and daughters, unknown to the writer. Another daughter, Joanna, married Thomas Finklea, a son of old "Corn-making Willis Finklea." Finklea is dead suppose they raised a family. Another daughter married Roger Roberts, already mentioned herein. Another daughter married Charles B. Gaddy, who died a few weeks ago, suddenly, hereinbefore mentioned. Another daughter, Louisa, married John M. McColl, now one of our best and most reliable citizens ; they have only one child, a daughter, Fannie ; married to a Mr. McNeill, of North CaroUna. One other daughter, named Emelia or Mille, has never married, and still living. Colonel Roberts was eminently a good citizen, a successful man every way, with only an ordinary common school educa- tion. In the late unpleasantness, he volunteered early, raised a company and went into the war as a Captain, and upon the reorganization of the regiment was promoted to Major, and then to Lieutenant Colonel. In the battle. Seven Days Fight around Richmond, or at Second Manassas, or at Sharpsburg, in 1862, was wounded in the thigh by a Minie ball or piece of shell. He came home, the wound became gangrenous, and he died, to the regret of all who knew him, both in and out of the army ; he was a good soldier, a good officer, beloved by his company and regiment, a growing, rising man at home and in the army ; and though comparatively a young man, had accumulated a good property, and left it unencumbered and his family in good condition. Had he lived, there was no public position within the gift of the people that he might have aspired to, that he could not have obtained ; he was exceedingly popular. ;