Notes |
- !CENSUS:1860 Marion Dist, SC # 1192 H. (m) COLLINS, 8 (1851/52) born SC;
!NAMED-EQUITY ROLL # 325 Marion Co., SC Richard Brown 4 Jan 1869
... Richard Brown died Jan 1864 intestate ...
... heirs: Mary since married Willis Turbeville, and the following children: Caroline Flowers wife of William Flowers, Catherine Miller wife of William E. Miller, Julian Rogers wife of Thomas J. Rogers, children of Elizabeth Collins a decd daughter: Hamilton Collins, Chloe Collins, John Collins, Esther Biggs wife of Moses Biggs ... the distributees of Asa Brown a pre-decd son, viz his widow Chloe Hodges wife of Barnabas Hodges and sons Richard and Thomas Brown. William W. Brown, John Brown, Runsoom Brown who since died intestate and unmarried, Chloe Smith wife of John Smith, Celia Anderson wife fo Samuel Anderson, Edward Brown, Joseph Brown, Asbury Brown, Harriet Brown and Juila Brown, the last five minors;