Notes |
- !CENSUS:1810;
!CENSUS:1820 Marion Dist, SC pg 61 w/James JOHNSON age 0-9 (1810/20);
!NAMED:18 Mar 1836 Marion Dist, SC Inventory Book 2-150 Selah FOXWORTH Estate. Appr: .... William R. JOHNSON ...;
!NAMED:14 Dec 1836 Marion Dist, SC Ordinary's Real Estate Book 1826-1843 pg 33 Estate of James JOHNSON, minor. Joseph D. JOHNSON, vs Wiley JOHNSON and other heirs of James JOHNSON, minor, deceased. Petition. To Edward B. WHEELER, Ordy of Marion District. The petition of Joseph D. JOHNSON showeth that his brother James JOHNSON died Intestate leaving as his heirs at law your petitioner, William JOHNSON, Wiley JOHNSON, Laura DURANT (infant daughter of my deceased sister Susan B. DURANT) and Abraham JOHNSON. There are eight negroes belonging to the estate of the above said James JOHNSON, decd and your petitioner together with the rest of the heirs is desirous of having each their portion of the said estate to which they are severally entitled. He therefore prays that a writ of partition do issue (to divide the same) to the following persons as commissioners to wit Stephen GODBOL Sr, John A. CHERRY, Robert HARLEE, William G. SINGLETARY and Thomas EVANS and your petitioner will ever pray etc. 14 Dec 1836 Joseph D. JOHNSON. The same vs the same, Writ in partition to Messrs Stephen
GODBOLD Sr, William G. SINGLETARY, John A. CHERRY, Robert HARLEE and Thomas EVANS You are hereby authorized and empowered to divide amongst Joseph D. JOHNSON, William R. JOHNSON, Wiley G. JOHNSON, Abraham G. JOHNSON and Laura DURANT the following property to wit: negroes Maria, Cate, Tom, Elza, Edmund, Lucy and Harry in equal shares .... (more);
!DEED:20 Mar 1843 Marion Co., SC Deed Book S, p. 202
By virtue of Writ of Fieri Facias issued out of Court of Common Pleas held at Marion District 30 Oct 1840 at suit of Horatio McCleneghan and others to me directed to levy on lands, houses, etc. and real estate of James Lane to levy sum of $402.73 I have seized and taken lands and tenements of James Lane all that certain tract of land containing 1,631a more or less bounded on the N by Black Creek, NE by John Johnston & by Peppins land. E by Wm T. Wilson's land, S & SE by Robt Napier & Jno McCleneghan land.
Exposed at public sale 7 Mar 1843 purchased by Will R. Johnson for $50 and by him transferred to J. Eli Gregg, being the highest bid.
S: Archd. Carmichael, Shff, M.D.
Wit: C. Hunter, Jno. McMillan.
* From "Abstracts of Marion County [SC] Deed Books S and T 1842-1846", Lucille Utley, Angela Turner, Kathy Loyd, John M. Gregg. Three Rivers Historical Society, 2003.;
!DEED:13 Feb 1844 Marion Co., SC Deed Book S, p. 399
James Lane of Marion Dist, to William R. Johnson of same place, for $8000, sold all that tract of land containing 1,631a on south side of Great Pee Dee River on the Back Swamp near the Duck Ponds ... 670a agreeable to a plat attached to the deed of John Wright to Micijah Pippens dated 10 May 1809 ... Also 600a lying in the Black Creek ... plat of original grant to John Elemore 26 Jul 1774, bounded E by Robert W. Napier's land, S. by Hannah Thompson, W by estate of John McCleneghan & James H. Pearce land. N by Black Creek & Pippens land.
S: James Lane
Wit: J. Eli Gregg, Nat H. McCall
Dower renounced by Martha E. Lane, wife of Jaems Lane 11 Apr 1844 before A. L. Gregg, Magst.
* From "Abstracts of Marion County [SC] Deed Books S and T 1842-1846", Lucille Utley, Angela Turner, Kathy Loyd, John M. Gregg. Three Rivers Historical Society, 2003.;
!CENSUS:1850 Marion Dist, SC # 1706 Dr. William R. JOHNSON, 37 (1812/13) born Marion;
!NAMED-EQUITY ROLL # 55 Joseph Davis, 31 Jul 1850
James C. Thomas shows that in Jan 1822 he married Mary Davis a daughter of Joseph Davis, decd, of Marion Dist.
... lived in Marlborough 1822 ...
Joseph Davis died in 1833 leaving children:
Daniel Davis
Maria who married Hugh G. Fladger
Susan who mamrried James D. Liles
William Davis
Joseph J. Davis
Mary wife of Orator
And grandchildren, children of decd sons and daughters
Martha Hall only dau of Joseph Davis's child Martha Thomas who married Tristram Thomas
Abraham Davis, William Davis and Joseph Davis, children of decd son Abraham Davis.
William Johnson, Joseph Johnson and James Johnson, children of Wiley Johnson, decd. Laura Durant child of Susan Johnson who married W. W. Durant, Abraham Johnson, being children of Eliza Davis who married Johnson both of whom have long since departed this life.
Also Catherine Davis who married John E. Collin, Daniel Keen Davis, Susan B. Davis (who married William Davis), James Preston Davis and Benjamin Franklin Davis who are children of decd son Benjamin Davis.
Mary Thomas is advanced in years and has never had any offspring.
(heirs repeated, some differences)
Martha wife of Tristram Thomas decd leaving child married to --- Hall.
Joseph's Daughter Rachel decd married James Newsom, no children.
Susan Davis Liles in NC
William Davis in KY
Joseph J. Davis in KY
... William Collins deposition, Joseph Davis' wife died before 1810. Davis was about 80 when he died.
... Henry Davis deposition. Joseph was his brother. "If I live till 17 Oct next I will be 79 years of age. I moved from SC in Mar 1827. (Baldwin Co., AL)
!CENSUS:1860 Marion Dist, SC Marion Twp # 2024 William R. JOHNSON, 46 (1813/14) born SC, Physician;
!CENSUS:1870 Marion Co, SC Jeffrey's Twp # 35 William JOHNSON, 56 (1813/14) born SC, Physician;
!CENSUS:1880 Marion Co, SC Jeffries # 45 William JOHNSON, 66 (1813/14) born SC, father born SC, mother born SC, Retired Physician;
!REFERENCE:"A History of Marion County, South Carolina" by W.W. Sellers, Esq. 1902. Pg 538 - 543;